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Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Roosh - 04-01-2012

I went to the coffee shop today with my Kindle to do for some Sunday reading. I sat down next to a---believe it or not---Indian couple. There was a bouquet of flowers and it seemed like a date.

Before ordering, I couldn't help but overhear the Indian guy talking in English.

"...I don't deserve you.."

".. Whatever your friends, or your boyfriend says..."

There's no way I could read with that guy pouring his heart out, so I got up and walked to the other side of the coffee shop and ordered my drink.

I've NEVER been a fan of cringe humor, and listening to betas in public is as cringe as you can get.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - soup - 04-01-2012

Yes. Ever since I've found out about game, I've become an elitist. I look down on the beta thing.

That might not be the best attitude, but I feel like they are helping a system that makes it all harder for us to deal with women.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Screwston - 04-01-2012

Not really disgusted. I just laugh and shake my head.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - DareP - 04-01-2012

I was out a couple weeks ago and approached this girl who was standing in a group, with a few other guys. It was a blowout; but the guys immediately turned to me and asked: "HAVE YOU READ THE GAME?" I shrugged, said yes. They said "Wow ... I wish I could have the balls to do that. I just couldn't do that."

By "that," he was referring to walking up to a woman he doesn't know.

I wanted to smack him in the face. What a pussy. Even seeing it done right in front of him, even knowing what he wants, he just acknowledges it's hard and backs down to his little corner. Good god. Yeah, it makes me cringe too.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - UrbanNerd - 04-01-2012

You don't even have to know game....just have some FRIGGIN' SELF RESPECT for yourself. Chick is probably on the phone right now with her girlfriend clowning on 'ole boy.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Timoteo - 04-01-2012

I think I feel more pity than disgust, with a tinge of disappointment. For a man to be so beaten down that he'd allow a woman to not only disrespect him in private, but in public too is a sad thing. To tell some broad that he's undeserving of her tells her right from the beginning that he isn't worthy of respect. Now granted, I've seen married guys I know on both sides of this. I know guys that laid down a strong frame from the beginning of the process, and continued after marriage. I know other guys that bit-by-bit had their souls drained. There's nothing that can be done for them. You hope the miserable experience, if they choose to free themselves from it, helps them to see the light and never allow themselves to end up under a bitch's heel again.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Perseus - 04-01-2012

I was having a smoke break yesterday, when i saw a couple walk by me arguing,

The girl: walking confidently, head held up high, look straight ahead without a flinch.

The guy: begging and pleading, body facing her as he was walking, bent posture, arms moving in every direction, stupid look on his face

Couple of meters down the road, he caves and hugs her, then they walked back, passing me again.

Me: solid eye contact with the girl, smirk, winked at her.

Her: solid eye contact with me, smiled.

Me*in my head*: should i approach?.....YES!!

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - our guile - 04-01-2012

Quote: (04-01-2012 07:27 PM)soup Wrote:  

but I feel like they are helping a system that makes it all harder for us to deal with women.

I Agree. PDB reinforces the shitty attitude many women have.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - soup - 04-01-2012

Quote: (04-01-2012 07:56 PM)DareP Wrote:  

I was out a couple weeks ago and approached this girl who was standing in a group, with a few other guys. It was a blowout; but the guys immediately turned to me and asked: "HAVE YOU READ THE GAME?" I shrugged, said yes. They said "Wow ... I wish I could have the balls to do that. I just couldn't do that."

By "that," he was referring to walking up to a woman he doesn't know.

I wanted to smack him in the face. What a pussy. Even seeing it done right in front of him, even knowing what he wants, he just acknowledges it's hard and backs down to his little corner. Good god. Yeah, it makes me cringe too.

Just wanted to point out that if you approach a group of people, don't single out the target from the get-go. You have to work the entire group first. That's why they pinned you as a PUA.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - DareP - 04-01-2012

Quote: (04-01-2012 09:53 PM)soup Wrote:  

Just wanted to point out that if you approach a group of people, don't single out the target from the get-go. You have to work the entire group first. That's why they pinned you as a PUA.

I don't think there's a hard and fast rule either way. I've made it work both ways. Last night I opened a group, did brief (less than 15 seconds) hellos to the two friends, made eye contact with the girl I was into then her friends more or less got out of the way and a few minutes later we were making out.

In this case though, it was a very spontaneous open with a very random opener that really made no sense. Self-amusement. I wasn't approaching the target, but the girl who happened to be closest to me.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - speakeasy - 04-01-2012

Extreme betaism like that Indian guy described above actually angers me. It doesn't make me feel merely pity or bemusement. If I overhead something like that I'd probably turn around and give him a look of outright disgust.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Parlay44 - 04-01-2012

I shivered when I heard my boy say in front of everyone how much he sweated his girl back in the day and how happy he was that he finally landed her. She's 34 now and fat. Back in high school she was the cute skinny blonde everyone wanted to fuck.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Deluge - 04-01-2012

Quote: (04-01-2012 07:56 PM)DareP Wrote:  

I was out a couple weeks ago and approached this girl who was standing in a group, with a few other guys. It was a blowout; but the guys immediately turned to me and asked: "HAVE YOU READ THE GAME?"

It happens when you used canned lines straight from the book. I got called out for it on OKCupid when I asked a girl what her 3 best qualities were besides her looks. The Game is still fairly well known. I was in a major chain bookstore and I noticed a shelf piled with The Game and The Rules of the Game. 7 years later and it's still there. Hell, my cousin even got a copy of it as a birthday present last year. In the end, most guys don't put anything from it into practice (why might be a good thing?). And if they do, they do it badly and quit too early. Then way too many of the guys who succeed 6 months later end up in relationships with a 6 or maybe a 7, and never improve their ability beyond that. Not too long later and they're just another dude who couldn't approach a girl if you put a gun to his head.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - MikeCF - 04-01-2012

I value aesthetics, and scenes like that are ugly.

I'd have moved away, too.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Hencredible Casanova - 04-01-2012

Yeah. Those kind of comments would make me cringe.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - assman - 04-02-2012

Don't walk away in disgust - be crouching tiger hidden dragon!

I got a girl's number after some serious PDB by her date. I'm at Starbucks working on my laptop, and the couple sitting next to me is obviously on a first date as their communication is mostly get-to-know-you talk. Dude is painfully beta, abasing himself with every question. When he gets up to go to the bathroom, I lean over and say "I couldn't help but overhear. Sounds like a terrible first date.". She acknowledges this and laughs. Betaboy comes back and date is over soon after that with awkward hug and kiss on the cheek. He leaves, she stays and is reading a book. A little while later, I get up to leave and stop by her table and ask her to hang out sometime, saying something along the lines of I can't possibly be as boring as betaboy. Hand her my phone, digits procured.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Chad Daring - 04-02-2012

I usually fight back the urge to say something. I've come real close to pulling guys I don't know aside to school them a little but I know it wouldn't do any good so I stop myself

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Gmac - 04-02-2012

I probably would have laughed my ass off more than feel disgusted, personally.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - DonovanVC - 04-02-2012

you actually hear/see it a lot nowadays.

i think its a good thing.

shows how much of an advantage you have in the game, over these people.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Caligula - 04-02-2012

I feel pity more than anything.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Moma - 04-02-2012

I no longer care. If anything, it's all valuable data (beta character development) for the grand erotica masterpiece I am in the process of writing.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Timoteo - 04-02-2012

Quote: (04-02-2012 12:16 AM)assman Wrote:  

Don't walk away in disgust - be crouching tiger hidden dragon!

I got a girl's number after some serious PDB by her date. I'm at Starbucks working on my laptop, and the couple sitting next to me is obviously on a first date as their communication is mostly get-to-know-you talk. Dude is painfully beta, abasing himself with every question. When he gets up to go to the bathroom, I lean over and say "I couldn't help but overhear. Sounds like a terrible first date.". She acknowledges this and laughs. Betaboy comes back and date is over soon after that with awkward hug and kiss on the cheek. He leaves, she stays and is reading a book. A little while later, I get up to leave and stop by her table and ask her to hang out sometime, saying something along the lines of I can't possibly be as boring as betaboy. Hand her my phone, digits procured.

That's gangster. You showed her an immediate contrast between what she was dealing with, and what a real man is. The fact that you had balls and stepped up DURING her date with another dude has her thinking, and possibly tingling. You tapped into that impulse that they have to upgrade. NICE.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - porcupine - 04-02-2012

I don't see it in public all that often, but I see it all the time on Facebook.

Fifty males liking some grainy Dutch-angle shot of some 5'1'' girl with showing a minor amount of cleavage.

That's twice as many likes I got when I posted about my acceptance into grad school. (FEMALE PRIVILEGE????)

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - dk902 - 04-03-2012

Yup I hate it and I see it all the time, some guy fondling over his girl, putting his head in her lap fawning her like a new born baby deer, come on man.

Are you disgusted by public displays of beta? - Nonpareil - 04-03-2012

Saw a beauty today in the city...Having a smoke in front of a building, there's a guy and a girl standing nearby. Guy was a normal looking dude (you know the type, not too tall, not too muscular, not too strong features, good looking in a harmless way), girl was pretty good I guess (skinny and of pleasant face, but her body looked very 'straight', no hips, ass or tits), guy beside the girl, body angled toward her, she's on the phone, no doubt with the pussy posse or 'her boss at work', and he taps her shoulder...not once, not twice, but THREE times before he gets a reaction out of her, in which her eyes were filled with scorn and derision, she chirped something for a second and went back to her phone call.

I also saw three guys in suits on a smoke break and their younger female co-worker in a pantsuit, and she was attractive, and she had these guys hanging on her every word like the elixir and even busting out a few chuckles. Was what she was saying really that funny or interesting? Come on, be honest...

Am I disgusted? No, but there is a sort of...I don't know, sadness, that I feel when I witness such betaness? Like 'Dude, first of all this girl ain't shit, and second of all, read and learn from this website and in a year you'll be juggling three girls better looking than she is who worship you.', and I felt like going to the off-the-rack warriors and saying 'Come on feed the pretty girl's ego any more and her head'll get so big she'll float away.', but I didn't; I am not in the business of creating more competition and doing favors for strangers.