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How far will the pendulum swing? - Printable Version

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How far will the pendulum swing? - All or Nothing - 03-13-2012

We live in an era where things have swung in a very interesting direction. To the point where opinions that differ from the mainstream view are immediately silenced. A point where if someone were to speak the ugly truths of the world, others seek to silence them (aka destroy their career to the point where they can never have their voice heard again).

Like the recent Rush Limbaugh scandal. All Limbaugh did was call a woman, one woman, a slut and that was enough to warrant the complete destruction of his career.

I guess what I'm asking is, how far is the pendulum going to swing in this Politically Correct direction? It feels like it's starting to get ridiculous.

How far will the pendulum swing? - teh_skeeze - 03-13-2012

As long as money controls the public sphere. So basically, until the complete collapse of the economy.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Goldin Boy - 03-13-2012

Quote: (03-13-2012 11:10 PM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

As long as money controls the public sphere. So basically, until the complete collapse of the economy.

This. US gov't has been in bed with corporate interests since the late 19th century.

We live in a increasingly feminized society. The elites(whoever they are) like this b/c if everyone thinks and acts like women(docile, conformist, conspicuous consumers, etcetera) people are just easier to control and lead.

How far will the pendulum swing? - germanico - 03-14-2012

Quote: (03-13-2012 10:51 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Like the recent Rush Limbaugh scandal. All Limbaugh did was call a woman, one woman, a slut and that was enough to warrant the complete destruction of his career.

“since we all came from a women, got our name from a women, and our game from a women. I wonder why we take from women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think its time we killed for our women, be real to our women, try to heal our women, cus if we dont we'll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, who make the babies. And since a man can't make one he has no right to tell a women when and where to create one”
- Tupac Shakur

How far will the pendulum swing? - basil - 03-14-2012

Great quote germanico.

Do you guys honestly think any man can call a woman a slut in public and have a good popularity vote? How would you react if someone called your sister or mother a slut? Personally, even in the event it may be true, I'd still be punching the guy in the face and certainly not voting for him.

I do agree to an extent though with political correctness gone mad. Apparently the new term is sexually liberated individual.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Roosh - 03-14-2012


How would you react if someone called your sister or mother a slut?

[Image: monkey.gif]

So we can't say mean things to each other because if someone happened to say a mean thing to our sister, whether it was based on fact or not, she would be hurt? So we should ruin the reputation of those who make fun of people? Should we put them in jail too? How about we just outlaw certain types of speech? Would that please your sister and mother?

How far will the pendulum swing? - teh_skeeze - 03-14-2012

The issue I've had with the advent of the 24 hour news cycle is the lack of actual debate. Now a days if you have a show and you disagree with someone you just shout them down and throw an ad homenim at them (e.g. pinhead, looney, moonbat, slut, etc.). Last time I checked Rush is not a comedian, he shouldn't be making disparaging remarks about those he disagrees with (I understand that's most of what made him popular).

I remember seeing a video of William F. Buckley debating Noam Chomsky. They went after each other, but never made a comment about the other person. It seems like now it's more about the person giving the message than the actual message itself. This goes both ways.

How far will the pendulum swing? - babelfish669 - 03-14-2012

Quote: (03-13-2012 10:51 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Like the recent Rush Limbaugh scandal. All Limbaugh did was call a woman, one woman, a slut and that was enough to warrant the complete destruction of his career.

That may be a stretch.. Don Imus called the Rutgers women's basketball team a bunch of nappy headed hos (arguably sexist and racist), got fired and in the end ended up with a $40 million wrongful termination settlement.

This was just another manufactured controversy by butch lesbians and politically correct feminists that doesn't reflect what the rest of the world thinks. Just watch a comedy central roast.

How far will the pendulum swing? - DjembaDjemba - 03-14-2012

Societies that have not had feminization through legislation or women's right movements are more or less even more docile and politically correct in one way or another than the west has become. Case in point, Japan. One of the most beta societies on the globe. China is not too far behind.

On the opposite end of the 'pendulum' is the Middle East and India. By no means heavens on earth.

Pussification of the male is a necessity in a world dominated by industries driven by brains not brawn. Attempting to change that will only stifle technological progress.

Pick your poison...

Mine is to enjoy life for what it's worth. Trying to force some kind of societal change to turn things back to as they were in the 1700s and 1800s would be counterproductive. Especially to this movement.

I enjoy the life of the PUA's don't you? You can't do this shit in India/Pakistan/Middle East. You can more or less get away with it in any industrialized societies.

To answer the OP's question, the pendulum will swing back when the world looks like something out of Mad Max. Think of post war Libya.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Master Of My Own Kingdom - 03-14-2012

Don't worry, we have at least 25-30 years of good life left before the shit hits the fan.

How far will the pendulum swing? - basil - 03-14-2012

Quote: (03-14-2012 09:52 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


How would you react if someone called your sister or mother a slut?

[Image: monkey.gif]

So we can't say mean things to each other because if someone happened to say a mean thing to our sister, whether it was based on fact or not, she would be hurt? So we should ruin the reputation of those who make fun of people? Should we put them in jail too? How about we just outlaw certain types of speech? Would that please your sister and mother?

No I'm just saying if you call my sister a slut I will punch you in the face. No reputation destroying, just a reminder not to insult my sister again. Tell me you wouldn't do the same if someone insulted your sister like that?

People in the public limelight sadly are held to a different standard than mere mortals and judged to an insane degree. In Australia (and a few other places around the world) we call it the tall poppy syndrome, those who stand up and stand out will eventually get cut down. I don't agree but it is what it is.

Limbaugh should have engaged freedom of thought before freedom of speech. But he is a shock jock it seems (I was previouslly under the impression he was and outside runner for nomination forgive me), his job is to be inflammatory and polarize opinions. Calling someone a slut will do that, some people will agree and others will defend the person you insulted and hate you for it. That is what has happend. To call her a slut on air was always going to get people riled up, particularly in the context of a contraception debate/panel where no women were included, from what I have read. That context makes what he said more inflammatory to women I believe and he has said more than just calling her a slut. Suggesting if tax payers where to in effect fund her sex life then they should have access to her home movies. Just as Limbaugh has gone after Sandra Fluke for her opinion so to has majority of the media gone after Limbaugh.

He ruined his own reputation, sure the media has certainlly sunk the boots in and blown things way out of proportion by draging the story out for two weeks (completely blowing it out of proportion). If he felt so strongly the need to call her a slut, do it in private where it is her word against your regarding what is said.

My knowledge of American politics is not great so please forgive me if my take on things is way off the mark. I don't expect Americans to know about Australian politics - all you need to know is we have a redheaded woman as leader who backstabed our former prime minster and assumed leadership with only a few backroom party power brokers voting for her. Imagine waking up tomorrow to find out Obama is now a senator and Hilary Clinton was President, that is almost exactly what went down. A few skimed headlines a couple of minutes on wikepedia and this video is about all I have to go on.

What are your thought on the contraception debate that sparked this? Here in Australia we already subsidise many forms of the contraception pill for women, RU86 (morning after pill) I think will join it soon.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Roosh - 03-14-2012


Tell me you wouldn't do the same if someone insulted your sister like that?

What does defending my sister have to do with Rush Limbaugh calling a feminist shriek a slut? Are we playing a "Do unto others" bible game? This isn't a religious forum.

Only if Fluke's brother punched Limbaugh in the face would your argument be relevant. Your logic is unsound.

How far will the pendulum swing? - basil - 03-14-2012

I think its a relative response, someone insulting my sister to her face in private and me punching them in the face is a relative response, just as Limbaugh insulting Fluke and destroying her reputation to an audience of millions with the bulk of the media then punching back attacking Limbaugh initially.

The fact that the attacks on Limbaugh have apparently continued for 2 weeks is the media jumping on the opportunity to attack Limbaugh for his views via an easily digestible proxy. It's far simple for the media to convey to the masses 'this man is an evil misognyst/woman hater/whatever' than it is to say 'this man is evil because his political beliefs A through Z differ from the political beliefs we believe you should have'. It is an easier sell.

I'm still curious on your thoughts regarding the contraception debate that sparked this?

How far will the pendulum swing? - Brian - 03-14-2012

That lying feminist whore said that she needed $3000 a year for birth control. The only possible way you can spend 3000 a year on birth control is to buy 3000 condoms. If you need 3000 condoms in a year, thats approximately 9 a day, which makes you a slut or a prostitute.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Kona - 03-14-2012

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:18 PM)Brian Wrote:  

That lying feminist whore said that she needed $3000 a year for birth control. The only possible way you can spend 3000 a year on birth control is to buy 3000 condoms. If you need 3000 condoms in a year, thats approximately 9 a day, which makes you a slut or a prostitute.


I was thinking she bought 2 of those Plan B pills once a week, also making her a slut or a prostitute.


How far will the pendulum swing? - Blackhawk - 03-14-2012

>We live in a increasingly feminized society.

This comes and goes in waves. Historically during wars women tend to dominate a country's laws and politics because that's who's left behind.

If you watch Ken Burn's documentary Prohibition you'll see a much more heavily feminized society in the United States during the time leading up to and during World War I. Likewise the Vietnam War coincides with the Women's Rights movement of the 1960s-1970s. Neither of these wars required any sacrifice on the part of the citizenry, leaving women free to push through poorly thought out agendas.

Feminine control of society is a mixed bag. Frances Willard genuinely helped the poor, built orphanages, hospitals. But she also took over the public school system and forced them to teach lurid junk science to support her political causes (link to page with video). Whole generations of children in the US were indoctrinated with her bullshit propaganda, and never questioned it once after they grew up. After all, it was taught in school, it must be right.

When will this end? If we follow previous patterns, when the US recalls its troops back home and they enter back into the domestic political discussion.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Anon-A-Moose - 03-16-2012

Quote: (03-14-2012 12:24 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

Pussification of the male is a necessity in a world dominated by industries driven by brains not brawn. Attempting to change that will only stifle technological progress.

[Image: nuclear_bomb.jpe][Image: stealth_2D00_fighter.jpg][Image: SaturnV.jpg][Image: image.jpg]

You know what these have in common? They were all made by men. Hans Ledwinka, Walter Christie, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Carroll Shelby, Ferdinand Porsche...all male. And men still dominate engineering, even in this pussified world.

These are the most prolific female inventions: the washing machine, ironing board, windshield wiper, white-out, kevlar. The washing machine does not compare in terms of engineering mastery to the Saturn V rocket. The idea that women will somehow be beneficial in any way to engineering, is totally absurd. Women make babies. Men make everything else.

Sorry for the tangent. I think peak feminism in America has nearly hit. Video games and internet porn won't satisfy men forever. If it continues, or if not, I just say "dont get married, get a vasectomy, use a condom, and take advantage of the shortage of masculine men". They're already all whining about "wanting a real man". The voices will just get louder.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Anon-A-Moose - 03-16-2012

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:40 PM)Blackhawk Wrote:  

>We live in a increasingly feminized society.

This comes and goes in waves. Historically during wars women tend to dominate a country's laws and politics because that's who's left behind.

If you watch Ken Burn's documentary Prohibition you'll see a much more heavily feminized society in the United States during the time leading up to and during World War I. Likewise the Vietnam War coincides with the Women's Rights movement of the 1960s-1970s. Neither of these wars required any sacrifice on the part of the citizenry, leaving women free to push through poorly thought out agendas.

Feminine control of society is a mixed bag. Frances Willard genuinely helped the poor, built orphanages, hospitals. But she also took over the public school system and forced them to teach lurid junk science to support her political causes (link to page with video). Whole generations of children in the US were indoctrinated with her bullshit propaganda, and never questioned it once after they grew up. After all, it was taught in school, it must be right.

When will this end? If we follow previous patterns, when the US recalls its troops back home and they enter back into the domestic political discussion.
I never made that correlation. Good point. Also, I think a US economic recovery, especially a return of male-dominated fields, will help somewhat. Construction, finance, engineering, automotive, steel, etc. Higher oil prices
will lead to more local production, one can hope.

How far will the pendulum swing? - UgSlayer - 03-16-2012

Quote: (03-14-2012 12:43 AM)germanico Wrote:  

Quote: (03-13-2012 10:51 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Like the recent Rush Limbaugh scandal. All Limbaugh did was call a woman, one woman, a slut and that was enough to warrant the complete destruction of his career.

“since we all came from a women, got our name from a women, and our game from a women. I wonder why we take from women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think its time we killed for our women, be real to our women, try to heal our women, cus if we dont we'll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, who make the babies. And since a man can't make one he has no right to tell a women when and where to create one”
- Tupac Shakur

How far will the pendulum swing? - DonovanVC - 03-17-2012

Quote: (03-16-2012 09:47 AM)UgSlayer Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2012 12:43 AM)germanico Wrote:  

Quote: (03-13-2012 10:51 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Like the recent Rush Limbaugh scandal. All Limbaugh did was call a woman, one woman, a slut and that was enough to warrant the complete destruction of his career.

“since we all came from a women, got our name from a women, and our game from a women. I wonder why we take from women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think its time we killed for our women, be real to our women, try to heal our women, cus if we dont we'll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, who make the babies. And since a man can't make one he has no right to tell a women when and where to create one”
- Tupac Shakur

pac came off extremely gay here. and not due to the content of his words.

How far will the pendulum swing? - porscheguy - 03-17-2012

Quote: (03-16-2012 02:42 AM)Anon-A-Moose Wrote:  

These are the most prolific female inventions: the washing machine, ironing board, windshield wiper, white-out, kevlar. The washing machine does not compare in terms of engineering mastery to the Saturn V rocket. The idea that women will somehow be beneficial in any way to engineering, is totally absurd. Women make babies. Men make everything else.
Did women actually invent/make those things? Because the last time I checked the only things women were adept at making are dinner/sammiches, and babies. And as the babies go, once the man squirts his baby batter in the oven, it's an automated process.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Deluge - 03-17-2012

Quote: (03-17-2012 02:17 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

And as the babies go, once the man squirts his baby batter in the oven, it's an automated process.

Fuck that's funny.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Blackhawk - 03-23-2012


Did women actually invent/make those things?

The clothes washer has no recorded provenience involving women.

It's often cited that "the first practical" dishwasher was invented by Josephine Chochran., a rich woman tired of her servants breaking her china when washing it. But it was kinda ignored. And earlier versions of dishwashers did exist before hers.

As to whiteout, yes, Bettie Nesmith Graham is the inventor. More people are familiar with her son, Michael Nesmith, who used the money to become an actor, starring in The Monkeys in the 1970s and playing in reruns all the time.

How far will the pendulum swing? - Cincinnatus - 03-23-2012

Quote: (03-16-2012 02:48 AM)Anon-A-Moose Wrote:  

Also, I think a US economic recovery, especially a return of male-dominated fields, will help somewhat. Construction, finance, engineering, automotive, steel, etc.

Maybe it'd also help to get women out of the workplace, and back into the kitchen. Just a thought. Wage stagnation seems to have been commonplace at least since women entered the workplace en masse.

Quote: (03-17-2012 02:17 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

And as the babies go, once the man squirts his baby batter in the oven, it's an automated process.

[Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]