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The Bill Cosby thread - Dusty - 12-15-2014

Quote: (12-09-2014 09:51 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I submitted my article to RoK but they are not sure if they are going to publish it or not because someone submitted a Cosby article before me.

These are the pics of Cosby accusers I wanted in my article:

Janice Dickinson

[Image: Janice-Dickinson-after.jpg]

Linda Traitz

[Image: Linda-J-Traitz_mugshot.400x800.jpg]

Joan Tarshis

[Image: joan-tarshis.jpg?w=780&h=440]

Louisa Moritz

[Image: Louisa-Moritz.jpg]

It doesn't seem like my article will be published by RoK (someone beat me to it!). Here's my article:

Bill Cosby’s Accusers Are a Ragtag Group of Degenerate Women Out for Profit and Attention

Bill Cosby’s career is in the process of being destroyed based on accusations of sexual assault; but his accusers have sordid pasts and cannot be believed. It’s a travesty that Bill Cosby is losing his livelihood based on the overactive imaginations of extremely dysfunctional and damaged women out for money or attention. Among his accusers are: an admitted drug addict, an admitted alcoholic, a criminal who spent five recent years in prison, a former pornography worker, and two attorneys who lost their law licenses due to their unethical behavior.

Furthermore, only one of Cosby’s accusers notified the police of their alleged assault, and that case was thrown out due to a lack of evidence. Many of these women went back to Cosby again and again after they were allegedly raped only to be supposedly raped again. Thought experiment, if you were sexually assaulted by a man, would you come back to him again and again, and want to spend time with him?

When Bill Clinton was accused by Paula Jones of sexual assault, Clinton advisor James Carville famously quipped “drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find.” Like the other Bill, Cosby’s mistake was associating with low class women who would try to exploit him for money or fame. There’s a lesson here for men of means: Do not associate with or try to help low class women. They’ll simply view you as a walking ATM machine and it is only a matter of time before they turn on you and try to exploit you.

Let’s take a closer look as some of Cosby’s accusers:

Linda Traitz accused Cosby of sexual assault in 1969. According to the Washington Post, she’s a drug addict. She also has a criminal record with multiple convictions, and was in prison from 2008-2012 for among other things, committing fraud.

Joan Tashis similarly accused Cosby of sexual assault some 45 years ago. Tashis is an alcoholic according to a Washington Post article.

Victoria Valentino accused Cosby of sexual assault 44 years ago. She posed naked in pornographic magazines. A quick perusal of the 71-year-old Valentino’s Facebook page shows just how thrilled she is to be back in the limelight again being interviewed on national TV about her allegations.

Tamara Green accused Cosby of assault that allegedly took place in 1970. She’s a lawyer, but was disciplined and had her law license suspended by the California Bar for two years in 2006. In an article by the San Diego Reader we learn that Green was disciplined by the California Bar and put in a program for attorneys with substance abuse or mental health problems. According to the Reader article, the California Bar said Green "has a mental health problem."

Janice Dickinson accused Cosby of assaulting her in 1982. She has admitted to sleeping with over 1,000 men. She is an alcoholic and drug addict and her face is severely disfigured from multiple plastic surgeries. She allegedly filed for bankruptcy last year and has $1 million in debts and needs money.

Louisa Moritz’s accusation dates back to 1971. She was an actress but later became a lawyer and was disbarred following an investigation of unethical behavior.

There are other accusers too, but little is known about them. For example, one of the accusers will only identify herself as “Jena T.” In other cases the accusations are downright laughably lame. For example, Carla Ferrigno (wife of Lou Ferrigno) accuses Cosby of trying to kiss her at a party in 1967. Let it go ladies!

We keep hearing that Cosby must be guilty of sexual assault due to the quantity of accusations against him. But what about the quality of these accusers? Any reasonable person who looks into the details of these ladies lives would conclude they have no credibility. Other than the quantity of accusers, what evidence is there that Cosby committed any assaults? None. We are then just left with unsupported allegations from women who are mentally ill, or have substance abuse problems, or have documented histories of fraud and other unethical behaviors. Fair-minded people need to consider the source and be very skeptical of these claims and give Cosby the benefit of the doubt.

In today’s environment of rape hysteria, the easiest way to bring down a powerful man is to accuse him of sexual assault – facts and evidence be damned. All you need to do is convince a bunch of dysfunctional women that attention, sympathy, and possibly money will come their way if they can follow a certain narrative, and by God that narrative you will get. Drag a hundred-dollar bill and the opportunity to be on CNN through the trailer parks of attention starved show biz “has beens” and “never beens,” and you never know what you will find.

Since these accusations started getting publicity about a month ago, NBC pull the plug on a new Cosby series in development and TV Land pulled reruns of “The Cosby Show.” Someone set out to destroy Cosby’s career, and unfortunately they succeeded.

This whole Cosby sexual assault kerfuffle appears to be an orchestrated campaign to bring down this man. It has the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) fingerprints all over it. An obscure C-list comedian by the name of Hannibal Buress called Cosby a rapist in his comedy routine and it magically went viral, and suddenly all these bat shit crazy women came out of the woodwork to cry rape.

In 2004, Bill Cosby gave his famous “Pound Cake” speech at a NAACP awards ceremony. In it, Cosby admonished black parents for not being more involved in their children’s lives, and said black kids should pull up their pants and speak proper English. Cosby as a black man preaching personal responsibility crossed a line that SJW will not tolerate. So the SJWs do what they do best: they set out to destroy a talented man.

It’s really not what Cosby allegedly did with these women that rankles the progressives. It’s Cosby’s rejection of black victimhood. The very people and institutions that are calling for Cosby’s head now, endorsed and supported Bill Clinton and the Kennedy’s who had similar allegations of sexual assault levied against them. What differs is Clinton and the Kennedy’s always toed the line on the SJW black victim narrative.

We’re being played by our SJW betters. Because of the Pound Cake Speech, and with a new Cosby show in development in NBC, the SJWs decided Cosby must be destroyed. They have the support of the news and entertainment media in destroying Cosby’s career; the same media that excused Clinton and Kennedy sexual shenanigans. Let’s not let the SJWs play us any more. Demand facts and evidence before we condemn Cosby. Right now, all we have are the unsubstantiated claims of a ragtag group of degenerate women out for profit and attention.

The Bill Cosby thread - michelin - 01-06-2015

Just watched these hags spitting their lies about Cosby forcing them to take pills and then proceeding to "rape" etc. Incredible how they are given a large amount of space in the mainstream media to make thei false rape accusations. Watching the whole video almost made me [Image: puke.gif]

The Bill Cosby thread - Arkady Rossovich - 01-06-2015

If they can do this to The Cos, anybody is fair game.

His career is over. He's just got to live out the rest of his life with his hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Bill Cosby thread - vinman - 02-06-2015

Terrence Popp takes on the Bill Cosby controversy. Enjoy!

The Bill Cosby thread - ChazKGB - 02-07-2015

Bill Cosby was one of first and loudest proponents of view that black people need to stop being ghetto and they need to change and be better.

woohoo, that did not jive with everyone turkey.

And yeah, you bet that all rape allegations are tied to killing Cosby's message completely - black people, do not change.

Cosby wanted his people to stop being part of bad stuff. He wanted to be proud of his people. But someone out there wanted to make sure lowest common denomination stays static.

The Bill Cosby thread - speakeasy - 02-08-2015

A brand new accusation has just come out.

Earlier on, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but given the sheer number of stories at this point, and what others have said of how he behaved behind set, my hunch is that some of these stories at least are likely true. I also don't think Cosby acts like a man that is innocent and trying to clear his name.

The dude is worth hundreds of millions. I don't know why he's still trying to do the comedy circuit. He should just move to another country where he isn't well known or nobody gives a damn about the accusations. He's 77, he probably won't live for another decade anyway. That's what I would do.

The Bill Cosby thread - MdWanderer - 02-08-2015

Quote: (02-07-2015 03:24 PM)ChazKGB Wrote:  

Bill Cosby was one of first and loudest proponents of view that black people need to stop being ghetto and they need to change and be better.

woohoo, that did not jive with everyone turkey.

And yeah, you bet that all rape allegations are tied to killing Cosby's message completely - black people, do not change.

Cosby wanted his people to stop being part of bad stuff. He wanted to be proud of his people. But someone out there wanted to make sure lowest common denomination stays static.

Even more important to note is that Black America listens to Bill Cosby, that's what makes him so dangerous. Had that been Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas saying that they would've been labeled "Uncle Toms".

The Bill Cosby thread - Benoit - 02-09-2015

Quote: (02-08-2015 08:29 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

A brand new accusation has just come out.

Earlier on, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but given the sheer number of stories at this point, and what others have said of how he behaved behind set, my hunch is that some of these stories at least are likely true. I also don't think Cosby acts like a man that is innocent and trying to clear his name.

The dude is worth hundreds of millions. I don't know why he's still trying to do the comedy circuit. He should just move to another country where he isn't well known or nobody gives a damn about the accusations. He's 77, he probably won't live for another decade anyway. That's what I would do.

Knowing the female herd mentality, I can easily believe that more and more claims are added.

Here in the UK it seems like every woman alive between 1970 and 2000 was a 'victim' of Jimmy Saville, who was so prolific that he apparently attacked women at events that didn't happen in places he wasn't in.

So what if he wasn't nice and enjoyed several mini relationships with women who he then dumped? Many of his accusers willingly saw him again after the 'assault'.

He does not have to clear his name, they have to prove their accusations, which at the moment appear baseless.

The guy loves comedy and obviously enjoys doing it, why should he be forced out of the public eye?

The Bill Cosby thread - speakeasy - 02-09-2015

Quote: (02-09-2015 04:44 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

Quote: (02-08-2015 08:29 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

A brand new accusation has just come out.

Earlier on, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but given the sheer number of stories at this point, and what others have said of how he behaved behind set, my hunch is that some of these stories at least are likely true. I also don't think Cosby acts like a man that is innocent and trying to clear his name.

The dude is worth hundreds of millions. I don't know why he's still trying to do the comedy circuit. He should just move to another country where he isn't well known or nobody gives a damn about the accusations. He's 77, he probably won't live for another decade anyway. That's what I would do.

Knowing the female herd mentality, I can easily believe that more and more claims are added.

Here in the UK it seems like every woman alive between 1970 and 2000 was a 'victim' of Jimmy Saville, who was so prolific that he apparently attacked women at events that didn't happen in places he wasn't in.

So what if he wasn't nice and enjoyed several mini relationships with women who he then dumped? Many of his accusers willingly saw him again after the 'assault'.

He does not have to clear his name, they have to prove their accusations, which at the moment appear baseless.

The guy loves comedy and obviously enjoys doing it, why should he be forced out of the public eye?

I dunno man, the way Cosby has handled this thing, he acts like a guy that's got something to hide. I know he can't possibly be charged because these things happened so long ago and there is no longer any proof, but putting all the pieces together, my hunch tells me that Cosby is hiding something. If you looked at some of my early responses higher up in the thread, I'm not one that wants to believe he's the type of guy that hands out roofies. I always considered him a class act. But now you look back at his comedy routines from that era and the dude was making jokes about putting shit in women's drinks. I know that's not legal evidence that he did it, but it damn sure makes you suspect.

Women had been making these kind of claims against Bill Clinton forever. But it only was taken seriously once the Monica Lewinsky thing happened. Sometimes where there's smoke there's fire. I know everyone is claiming these women are just trying to cash in and they are all liars, but when you read into the story, you find out that many where making these claims going back many decades but nobody was listening. Then one day it happened to go viral and now it's back in the public consciousness.

The Bill Cosby thread - Zep - 07-06-2015

I new it was quaaludes.


History of Quaaludes

Quaaludes were first synthesized in India in 1950's. It was introduced into America in the 1960's and by the late 1960's it became a popular recreational drug. The abuse potential of Quaaludes soon became apparent and in 1973 methaqualone was placed in Schedule II, making it difficult to prescribe and illegal to possess without a prescription. In 1984 it was moved to Federal Schedule I, so Quaaludes are no longer legally available in the United States.

Fuck him.

I never liked him, thought he was a cheeseball.

Fuck him.

The Bill Cosby thread - Clemmo - 07-06-2015

Looks like Cosby is a guilty man. He admitted in 2005 he used Qaaludes for drugging women he wanted to have sex with. I wanted to believe the women accusing him were full of shit. But there might be more coming out of this case.


Janice Dickinson [Image: Janice-Dickinson-after.jpg]

I saw this woman a week ago in person at a film premiere. She's a disgusting looking and acting woman with a annoying entitled attitude. A very far cry from her prime when she alleged Cosby tried to rape her..

[Image: Janice-Dickinson-janice-dickinson-43072_500_698.jpg]

The Bill Cosby thread - Zep - 07-06-2015


The Bill Cosby thread - Samseau - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 07:02 PM)Zep Wrote:

I new it was quaaludes.


History of Quaaludes

Quaaludes were first synthesized in India in 1950's. It was introduced into America in the 1960's and by the late 1960's it became a popular recreational drug. The abuse potential of Quaaludes soon became apparent and in 1973 methaqualone was placed in Schedule II, making it difficult to prescribe and illegal to possess without a prescription. In 1984 it was moved to Federal Schedule I, so Quaaludes are no longer legally available in the United States.

Fuck him.

I never liked him, thought he was a cheeseball.

Fuck him.

Damn, he admitted it? The manosphere was wrong on this one. Cosby was a true predator.

The Bill Cosby thread - Libertas - 07-06-2015

He was trying to claim (or rather his attorney was) that he didn't understand the question, but it was fairly straightforward. Given his confession under oath, it does appear that we were incorrect. Given ROK's public take on the issue before, it might be wise to admit so with a statement from the editor.

But I do recall that at least one case was proven to be a fake (the allegation regarding the Tonight Show). So this doesn't necessarily mean that all of these stories are true either. It's gotten messier now though.

The Bill Cosby thread - Quintus Curtius - 07-06-2015

Yeah, I have to admit that once so many other women accused him of it, my doubts grew.

Now it's a certainty.

The most angelic public persona can sometimes mask a demon.

The Bill Cosby thread - Slim Shady - 07-06-2015

The article posted above states:

"When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" the lawyer asked.

"Yes," Cosby said, according to the document, which was released after a request by The Associated Press.


I see nothing exciting in this.

"Hey Slim, when you get this illegal [cocaine/molly/popular drug of the time period] are you going to give it to girls you are thinking of sleeping with?"

"Yes ofcourse. And I will probably do it with them. Man some of these girls want some hardcore drugs though, they're crazy. I could never do that [harsher] drug."


He still denies it. They are trying to mislead the reader into thinking he admitted his guilt.

The Bill Cosby thread - EuphoricWizard - 07-06-2015

Saying you gave woman drugs to have sex with them isn't admission that you raped them. Alcohol is given to women all the time with the intent to make it easier to have sex. Probably every man here would be a rapist by that logic. Also looking at that claim it states he "tricked" her into taking drugs. How exactly does someone do that?

"Snort this white powder and you'll become rich. Lol jk it's just cocaine, gotcha bitch."

He also "sexually assaulted" her and as the infamous 1 in 5 stat showed, sexually assault encompasses receiving unwanted attention by a male.

The Bill Cosby thread - YossariansRight - 07-06-2015

There's a way out of this for Bill and he'll be more popular than ever:

Dress like a woman, say "her" name is now "Helen" and whatever "she" did back then was just "her" seeing where the boundaries of "her" "trans" "transformation" started.

"She" might even get an award from ESPN.

The Bill Cosby thread - samsamsam - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 08:43 PM)YossariansRight Wrote:  


Janice Dickinson [Image: Janice-Dickinson-after.jpg]

[Image: 385_grouper.jpg]

The Bill Cosby thread - Aquiles_Baesta_Parada - 07-06-2015

Quote: (12-15-2014 10:02 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2014 09:51 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Louisa Moritz

[Image: Louisa-Moritz.jpg]

At at first quick glance I thought that was Charro gone bad hahahaha

[Image: article-2511606-1992424600000578-706_634x828.jpg]

The Bill Cosby thread - Samseau - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 08:12 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

The article posted above states:

"When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" the lawyer asked.

"Yes," Cosby said, according to the document, which was released after a request by The Associated Press.


I see nothing exciting in this.

"Hey Slim, when you get this illegal [cocaine/molly/popular drug of the time period] are you going to give it to girls you are thinking of sleeping with?"

"Yes ofcourse. And I will probably do it with them. Man some of these girls want some hardcore drugs though, they're crazy. I could never do that [harsher] drug."


He still denies it. They are trying to mislead the reader into thinking he admitted his guilt.

True, but there is still a difference between a sleeping pill and alcohol. Also there is the question if he slipped these pills into their drinks without their knowledge. This is rape territory.

The Bill Cosby thread - Geomann180 - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 09:29 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

True, but there is still a difference between a sleeping pill and alcohol. Also there is the question if he slipped these pills into their drinks without their knowledge. This is rape territory.

Have you seen the Wolf of Wallstreet?


The Bill Cosby thread - Slim Shady - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 09:29 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2015 08:12 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

The article posted above states:

"When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" the lawyer asked.

"Yes," Cosby said, according to the document, which was released after a request by The Associated Press.


I see nothing exciting in this.

"Hey Slim, when you get this illegal [cocaine/molly/popular drug of the time period] are you going to give it to girls you are thinking of sleeping with?"

"Yes ofcourse. And I will probably do it with them. Man some of these girls want some hardcore drugs though, they're crazy. I could never do that [harsher] drug."


He still denies it. They are trying to mislead the reader into thinking he admitted his guilt.

True, but there is still a difference between a sleeping pill and alcohol. Also there is the question if he slipped these pills into their drinks without their knowledge. This is rape territory.

Oh absolutely mate. If he did this to non drug taking girls without their knowledge to take advantage of them, it is certainly criminal date rape.

My point is that this article is not providing any new information. It is rehashing something old as something new to create something sensational.

I am still on the side that either Cosby was partying with girls who took ludes and had sex with them [not rape], or he gave ludes to girls who had not ever taken ludes [but knew that they were being given some drug] and then had sex with them. Again not rape.

If someone gave me LSD or ludes, and I knew that I was being given LSD or ludes, I would still probably deal very poorly with those drugs, especially since even a small amount of weed is enough to knock me out. If I had sex while on those drugs, especially knowing that sex could take place before I took those drugs, I would not say that I were raped.

I would probably regret it, but it would not be rape.

Cosby's behavior here is certainly "sketchy" and "amoral". It is not rape.

I actually want to call out the guys who posted these links for terrible fact checking. This is not a throwaway issue.

Again if in the end Cosby does admit to raping these girls [which I still doubt] it will not change the fact that this particular piece of "evidence" does nothing to brand him truly guilty.

The Bill Cosby thread - Libertas - 07-06-2015

Some of you guys are starting to sound like those feminists that still defended so-called "rape victims" even when the full bullshit of their stories was revealed.

Let's not go into that territory. This isn't that hard to figure out.

The Bill Cosby thread - Slim Shady - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 09:50 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Some of you guys are starting to sound like those feminists that still defended so-called "rape victims" even when the full bullshit of their stories was revealed.

Let's not go into that territory. This isn't that hard to figure out.

Tell me where it says that he used drugs to take advantage of unwilling and unknowing girls.

Point to only the words of Cosby and his lawyer. Not the words someone else has said.

Remember the shit people said about Paul Nungesser. If he did all those things then he's a real monster too.

Cosby is innocent till facts come out or he admits his guilt. Neither of those things has happened. Suddenly the press got some quote from 2005 and sensationalized it because the Cosby story was dying. The courts have had this information the whole time.