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McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Distant Light - 03-21-2014

This "thread" is abit unrealistic since it focuses on extremes...DO BOTH (Like OP stated)

The PROBLEM is the community's massive emphasis on "game" which has resulted in lots of community dogma and over-complication.

Game should be a TOOL to help build your ideal lifestyle. Being comfortable and competent at socializing is all that is needed.

I've seen all combinations and I find guys who are "lifestyle over pickup" have a much more enjoyable life with more or less the same amount of women as the average aspiring "cold approach mastery" guy.

Who bangs 9s and 10s?
This is my biggest pet peeves with the "community", these women are not unicorns. The whole theory behind 9s and 10s is soooo off...

It isn't the CELEBs who are getting these women, it is the guys BEHIND THE SCENES who are simply cool social/fun guys...
- 3 different women on 3 different occasion have randomly mentioned how lame mr beiber was.
- Big name DJ (we all know him) used to fuck one of my female friends who is attractive BUT nowhere near the hottest in the clubs we frequent. (He's even gone as far as hitting a hiphop club with her which his level of fame, they started playing edm music)

Most community guys rarely see gorgeous women whether it be models, plastic bimbos, curvy latinas, video vixens, hipster hotties, etc because THEY LACK THE LIFESTYLE of an actual social dude. As a result, they must take action on the rare occasion that they see them going into some clothing store or pregaming with friends at joe's pub.

As a guy who's reached a point where a model now has to have a certain "look" for me to be attractive...

The greatest times of my life weren't specifically with women BUT with my overall lifestyle. Yes I built my lifestyle through cold approach BUT I don't think I'm "all that" in terms of technical cold approach. I'm just a social dude who REALLY LIKES LIVING A FUN LIFE.

When I look at "cold approach mastery" I laugh because beyond "competence" it is a huge waste of time. While the cold approacher is doing daygame in soho at 4pm I don't care if he is THE BEST, I'm at brunch on stage, partying hard with 8-15 above average women. (then hit another day party right after)

The Party

My Personal Video Below Same Party (No I'm not talking through my ass hahaahah)

WARNING: I make lots of noise

No matter how you look at it, I will have more "consistency" and "quality" just due to being one of a handful of actual cool/fun/social guys in such a high quality environment.

Put us in vegas, while he's hitting up marquee or xs solo. I'm...
- Messaging my stripper friends that I'm coming
- Messaging my female friends who are escorts
- Messaging my pornstar friend for a reunion

I don't even have to chat anyone if I don't like, my escort friend is bringing along all her russian friends, she rolls deep, 8-12 chicks. She's connected, I'm a cool/fun/social dude.

This was all possible due to focusing on living a sick lifestyle and leveraging it with COLD APPROACH

Funny @westcoast mentioned me, focusing on my lifestyle was the best decision ever!!! I too agree 100+ lays a year isn't profitable AND simply having a baseline is enough. Many of my friends get laid way more than I do just due to logistics in their favor...I live 2hrs away and one week I left the club with a chick EVERY NIGHT but we had nowhere to fuck. Adapted and started having lots of public sex.

MEANWHILE, my good friend lived 1 block away from all the venues BUT lacked access. (quality all over the place) He was financially free and spent his days banging chicks after day2s back to back to back.

I spent a weekend in a hotel with my good friend for his birthday.(Was actually me, my boy and 2 chicks) It was a PERFECT EXAMPLE of "lifestyle". Every night we had an after party, one chick "locked-in" for us to have sex the next day because she wanted to be "clean shaven". We did the usual craziness then went back to the hotel. After that weekend, if I had the MONEY I would've rented an apartment ASAP.

Kieran while I can only speak for NY "high end" spots in terms of ratio and quality is like a fantasy land. (it is one fabricated illusion) It's to the point that when I'm out in the daytime I'm SHOCKED at the amount of unattractive women AND in the venues I fail to realize how hot all these women are until someone who's never been before is there...I've had people roll with me to mid-level clubs and they mentioned "great" quality, if I could show people the venue where it is ONLY MODELS...

With the exception of maybe south of france, there is no venue like it in terms of quality. I've met piddy here BY HIMSELF (he bought our table so I assume he had people meeting him later) and they don't even play hip hop.

That said, it is very rare to find community guys in these environments because of "pickup" dogma that kind of has them out of tune with actually being a social/cool/fun guy.

Quote: (03-20-2014 09:35 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

40-50 hours of real career work per week only on weekdays. I never do career work weekends.

Yet I don't have time to meet chicks for more than a few hours a week. Hint hint guys. You need to have other things to do where you're improving your life and meeting chicks at the same time.


3 of my friends got their "money" issues handled and are decent at game. One in particular said "game" fucked him up big time AND now he's traveling and really living it up hooking up with locals, taken out by different women to the non-tourist restaurants and best of all doing extreme sports.

He is an inspiration because despite me having a sick lifestyle here in this city I have hit a "plateau" in the sense that I can't just fly to iceland with them and do it up... (which is what my crew is most likely going to do in the comign months)

Quote: (03-20-2014 10:36 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

hahaha if I was on a desktop I would send you a verbatim text I sent to a girl just now as well.

"I am going to be in X city, you can meet me and we'll hang out for the weekend. Otherwise I'll catch you another time"

Basically I told her straight up, I can't adjust my schedule for her. She has to adjust her schedule for me

That's how you want your life to look. They are just along for the ride and that is not a joke, literally I am going to be in city X, you come I will entertain and we can party + have a great time etc. If not? Oh well.

This is another perfect example of the "ceiling"...

There are certain cities I want to visit and their are women DYING for me to show up there.

Quote: (03-20-2014 11:48 AM)Pacific Wrote:  

Some very interesting discussions from everyone. Now, can someone actually define Game? It would be pointless to argue over Game if the parties involved don't have the same definition of Game.

I define game as the ability to socialize and express yourself in a manner that YOU PERSONALLY ENJOY that happens to also attract women in general.

Reason I always say I'm "competent" and not all that is because technically I'm basic. HOWEVER, internally I know any woman coming into my life is going to have a fucking great time having met me.

Community takes "game" too far wanting to know how to defeat the odds, alienate other men and simply have no focus other than "getting the girl" anywhere at anytime. I on the other hand am competent at simply socializing and meeting women anywhere at anytime. I MYSELF being how I am know I'm a sexual being and sex is possible if I so choose because women in general like me.

To put in perspective, when I was hardcore cold approaching I REFUSED to bang a chicks through a friends of friends because I considered it cheating.

Time & Game
I don't think GAME has any set time, it's more based on the persons ability to comprehend the concepts through experience, awareness and lessons. HOWEVER, I do recommend people to have an active social life atleast 1-2x a week...

Although I recommend WAY MORE 5-7x a week being with friends, family, women. See for me I don't text nor go on dates so any new women coming into my life is simply coming along to whatever I'm already socially doing. My schedule last year was...
Wed = Dinner/Pregame 1030, party party
Thurs = Dinner w/Personal Social Circle 1030, Pregame 12, 2am party!!
Fri = Dinner w/Personal Social Circle 1030, Pregame 12, 2am party
Sat = Brunch 4pm, Day Party 7pm, Dinner 9pm, Party 12
Sun = Brunch 4pm, Day Party 7pm, Dinner 1030, Hookah 12, Party 2am

It was clockwork, cold approach and my life overalpped because I was simply going out to spend time with friends and people I enjoyed being around...I KNEW HOW TO COLD APPROACH so it was easy bringing new people into my life who peaked my interest

Quote: (03-20-2014 06:29 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

The irony is no one is arguing to ignore building a lifestyle and just game 24/7, but the arguments are leaning in that direction.

My point from the beginning was Lifestyle ALONE will not replace Game.

Never has and never will.

Quote: (03-20-2014 06:29 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

Game is having the ability to pull hot girls with no money, no status and no social circle.

My point is No Shit! Lifestyle can HELP enhance your game, but lifestyle alone will never replace Game.

Build both simultaneously to build a great life that allows you to enjoy women and money.

Agreed, had I not become "competent" at cold approaching I would not have been able to build my lifestyle at such a rate.

I didn't just "get lucky' and stumble into this lifestyle like a handful of model friends, trust fund hipsters and successful businessmen who actually are good with women. (I systematically built this lifestyle, I knew of one of the biggest club owners in U.S two years before I even began building this lifestyle.)

Their limitation is the ability to cold approach although their lifestyle is WAYYYYY BETTER than the average person.

In Closing...
I've had people who were interns and clients of big pickup companies who state that none of them comes close to the lifestyle that I live despite possibly having much more cold approach experience than me.

Sadly, one guy has stated that many of these guys can't do the "high end" scene due to the cliquish atmosphere which I've already known because traditional gaming has alot of dogma revolving around socializing.

I've NEVER consistently seen any community guys within the venues that I frequent with the exception of one guy who is a promoter. This SHOCKS ME because the quality in these venues blows anything else within NY out of the water.

Beyond that, NO ONE CAN TELL I'm a "community" dude, there was a security dude at one venue for 6 months he seen me almost 4-5x a week. During that time period he was thinking "wtf!?!?" because...
- Every night I was with different girls
- I knew all the staff and doorman always took care of me
- I spent $0 and was always at different tables

This wasn't NORMAL to him despite being at such a venue. When he realized, it made all made sense. All my guy friends are non-community guys who do it up in their own form so I easily blended in.

P.S...One guy who I used to party with before he got big, while he's generally always had a girlfriend throughout his rise, there was a few months where he was single and was simply WHORING IT UP, the whole group was solid dudes who were non-community but real good with women. (He's become one of my fav photographers, you'll notice he's also in my personal video above) What did he post a few days back

[Image: Kiril.jpg]

P.S.S...As time goes on, more and more people will realize the greatest moments in "game" is when your with a mixed group of good guy friends and lots of women!! This social circle and I used to literally just invite chicks and bugout every thursday until we finally got dismantled due to partying too hard. We had a reunion last year...

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - bacan - 03-21-2014

What is that Kirrill was here guy's story?

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Krauser - 03-21-2014

I usually don't care to get involved in the many flavour-of-the-month gossip fests of the manosphere, but I shall in this one.

CMQ is a creator. He is creating something out of nothing, putting new value into the world. Although I haven't met him personally, I've read him, heard his podcast and know two people who have been out with him. I believe he is who he presents himself as.

Most guys on RVF recognise this and appreciate the value he's putting out. Alot of it is free. He chooses to monetize his best content. And that's great. It keeps him motivated to OFFER MORE VALUE.

People need to stop bitching and soak up the value.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - CJ_W - 03-21-2014

Quote: (03-19-2014 11:14 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

"yes you need "game" but really do you need it? My experience is not at all."

^That's a bold statement.

Let's talk about the average cat on here, not a guy making $300k+ a year working as an investment banker.

I'm not advocating to abandon building Lifestyle for Game, but instead developing BOTH simultaneously.

It's VERY possible to do both, but any guy who thinks he can JUST build a lifestyle and not develop Game and still be great with women is sadly mistaken.

You still need enough game to not have have that money eaten up by women though. . .

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Brosemite - 03-21-2014

^^^ I would need to call it a night after one hour of hanging out with Distant Light's crew....

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Gringuito - 03-21-2014

My perspective is that game beats money where it counts the most. Sure, as a rule if you have a great deal of wealth you can get laid easily. But you'll run into a couple of problems. First, many girls will try to act like a virgin and shit test the hell out of you for beta bucks. If you fail these tests, the girl will NOT bang you hoping to rope you in for the big payday. Anyone with basic game can get around these but not all wealthy guys know how. Second, many of the girls will not be into you at all but will give you tons of IOIs. When you get the bang the girl will be lackluster at best. Filtering these girls out and finding the ones with real chemistry can be a large waste of time.

Edit: After thinking about it a few more minutes I really agree more with the OP. I was assuming that to be wealthy you need a certain level of charisma, people skills, and social savvy. How else can you be a business leader without these basic skills? But I've know a few guys that are successful and are hard to be around. For lack of a better description they are just "weird". No amount of lifestyle/wealth is going to help them attract non-golddigger women.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - svenski7 - 03-22-2014

Let me get this straight:

-High-repped and vouched for poster starts quality thread on pertinent issue in the manosphere.
-Thread is high-jacked by members unhappy with OP's lifestyle despite proof of his success.
-OP answers questions but after a seven page pissing match, decides to take a break from forum seeing as he is the one giving and not receiving.
-Threadjackers and armchair playboys return to lurking instead of creating threads and adding value to this forum.

Christian McQueen is one of the few expert forum members who goes out out of his way to kick some knowledge at the newbies both in posts and PMs. He knows his shit. I've PMed some of the naysayers on this thread about their Game niche and received horseshit responses.

Leave Britney alone. Leave Lindsey alone. Leave CMQ alone.

[Image: fuckthat.gif]
[Image: gtfo.gif]

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - anonymous123 - 03-22-2014

Alright, fuck it. One key take-away from watching those videos is that I'm going to Vegas week after next to XS on a solo mission.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - worldwidetraveler - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-22-2014 02:41 AM)svenski7 Wrote:  

Let me get this straight:

-High-repped and vouched for poster starts quality thread on pertinent issue in the manosphere.
-Thread is high-jacked by members unhappy with OP's lifestyle despite proof of his success.
-OP answers questions but after a seven page pissing match, decides to take a break from forum seeing as he is the one giving and not receiving.
-Threadjackers and armchair playboys return to lurking instead of creating threads and adding value to this forum.

Christian McQueen is one of the few expert forum members who goes out out of his way to kick some knowledge at the newbies both in posts and PMs. He knows his shit. I've PMed some of the naysayers on this thread about their Game niche and received horseshit responses.

Leave Britney alone. Leave Lindsey alone. Leave CMQ alone.

I have never seen someone get something so wrong in my life.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - scorpion - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-21-2014 10:00 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

My schedule last year was...
Wed = Dinner/Pregame 1030, party party
Thurs = Dinner w/Personal Social Circle 1030, Pregame 12, 2am party!!
Fri = Dinner w/Personal Social Circle 1030, Pregame 12, 2am party
Sat = Brunch 4pm, Day Party 7pm, Dinner 9pm, Party 12
Sun = Brunch 4pm, Day Party 7pm, Dinner 1030, Hookah 12, Party 2am

Do you or any of the people you hang out with have jobs, or are you running with a trust fund crowd? Not trolling you, genuinely curious, because that's a pretty intense partying schedule. I have no idea how anyone who had to wake up in the morning could sustain something like that for more than a couple of weeks. Shit, I didn't even party that much in college. That schedule would fucking murder me today.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Vaun - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-19-2014 11:03 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

5) Lets play a game. Gun to your head you must bang a 7/10 within a year or you have to put $100K in the bank. Everyone on here with half a brain is going to choose the 7/10. Give me 3 weeks and its done. Give me 3 weeks I'll struggle to put real money in the bank.

The trend is not "game doesn't matter" the trend is what should come first the answer is obviously lifestyle. I haven't seen a single post saying "you don't need any game" anywhere on this forum or in the manosphere. The *correct answer* is we are saying the following:

"Build your life first (big blocks) then game on the side until your lifestyle is where you want it to be"

Pretty much,TL-DR is this.

If you're choosing to build your game first (sex life) at the expense of your lifestyle... I'll see you in ten years and you'll see me singing a song "you were wrong, you were wrong, god help you young man, you were dead fucking wrong".

I would agree with this. In todays day and age, men are not taking care of themselves as well as they should be. Obesity, giving their money away to women in LTR's and marriage, being focused on friends and their social groups more than they are for themselves, not loving themselves more than anything else.

The message of lifestyle first is a bold one in todays day and age. Young men are feminized by television and media to the degree that they completely buy into the consumerism and spending that drives it. Media is focused on women for one reason, because they spend more money. Human nature. If you buy into this, you spend more money, thats easy. I dont believe its easy for a man to be solely focused on his own lifestyle and desires, in todays society.

Too many young men come out of college with so much college loan debt they completely inhibit their chances to truly live and take risks in life, to travel, start businesses, be more mobile. Guess where colleges focus their marketing? Guess who gets more student loans? Its not in mans nature to bury his potential in crushing debt at such a young age, but young men are lining up by the millions to do so every year. I view early marriage, having children young and student loans as one in the same, significant almost insurmountable challenges to lifestyle.

I see lifestyle being more about man going his own way, than just 'pay your bills, have a six pack, have a good job". I see it as a man truly carving out his niche in this world, through desire, earning and focus. Lifestyle is such a foreign concept to young Americans. All millionaires I have ever known or worked for were extremely focused, lifestyle driven folks who created their own reality. Thats not to say game and pussy automatically flows to a man with more money, but its easy with more time on your hands, less anxiety, more options to travel, sleep in, tell good stories, dress better, etc.

Game is absolutely necessary to be successful with women. Its required reading, period. And man shouldn't have to wait to get the pleasure of women, but find ways to achieve both simultaneously, while knowing one, Lifestyle, is the ultimate goal. When faced with choosing one or the other? How to game cheaply, not waste money, work, save and build your empire, but also game and satisfy needs, therein lies the challenge.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Gringuito - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-22-2014 02:42 AM)anonymous123 Wrote:  

Alright, fuck it. One key take-away from watching those videos is that I'm going to Vegas week after next to XS on a solo mission.

There's a great thread about Vegas but I have a few tips that may help. If you don't already have one, get a personal concierge/host for your trip. I believe Christian does this but I don't have any experience with him personally. My guys take care of everything while I'm in Vegas. If your time is flexible ask them to pair you up with a group of girls they are also hosting for a birthday/bachelorette/sorority party. They should be able to get a local celeb or sports personality to come to your table to hang with you. Your job is to game all the girls that end up at your table. Watch out for the professional cockblockers that will always show up. Use your host aggressively to kick people out as needed to keep your group fun.

Tons of props to Distant Light for building a lifestyle that most guys dream of.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Distant Light - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-21-2014 10:11 AM)bacan Wrote:  

What is that Kirrill was here guy's story?

Few years back (around the time I was first building this lifestyle) there was a high end hipster haven that had a sunday party that many people in one of my social circles used to go to. It was sort of a "family" night with this well known local DJ spinning and all the connectors amongst that social circle. Back then he used to just party and one day brought his camera along got drunk and took pictures.

Eventually he started getting known when he started doing champagne facials

[Image: tumblr_mdr4k5Lymn1rxv3b5o1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_m9xrz2I6Vy1rxv3b5o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_m9u89afd9t1rxv3b5o1_1280.jpg]

He started shooting at all the different high end venues then started going with lil jon and did a tour with tiesto. However, this tour with a local DJ is what was the tipping point...

Skip to 1:45

Overall he has a gf and generally always has one BUT the whole social circle is a bunch of hipster-like dudes who are all connected

Quote: (03-22-2014 02:53 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (03-21-2014 10:00 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

My schedule last year was...
Wed = Dinner/Pregame 1030, party party
Thurs = Dinner w/Personal Social Circle 1030, Pregame 12, 2am party!!
Fri = Dinner w/Personal Social Circle 1030, Pregame 12, 2am party
Sat = Brunch 4pm, Day Party 7pm, Dinner 9pm, Party 12
Sun = Brunch 4pm, Day Party 7pm, Dinner 1030, Hookah 12, Party 2am

Do you or any of the people you hang out with have jobs, or are you running with a trust fund crowd? Not trolling you, genuinely curious, because that's a pretty intense partying schedule. I have no idea how anyone who had to wake up in the morning could sustain something like that for more than a couple of weeks. Shit, I didn't even party that much in college. That schedule would fucking murder me today.

HAahahah I honestly do not know how I managed to party so hard in 2012. It must be the LOVE that I have for music/partying. I also didn't get hangovers back then.

I personally used to get a "cut" out of the daytime parties since it was my friend who was running it. However, a few are trust fund kids, most are model/image promoters (One social circle, the connectors actually got into all of this due to cold approaching models during the daytime. Has about 600+ model looking women in his contacts) who get paid 1k to 2k a night to bring 5-12 attractive tall women.

Job wise the others...
- Doctor/Surgeon
- Partner of a restaurant
- Concierge? He connects people to restaurants and hosts dinners (get a cut) while partnering/investing a few other restaurants
- Investment banker
- Personal Trainer
- Model
- Music Producer
- Sound Engineer

Which also reminds me...Perfect Example Of This Thread
An old COMMUNITY friend of mine, was a a very passionate music producer, armin van buuren was going to sign him, if he simply edited a track. Instead of doing that, he moved to vegas to learn pickup and ended up being intern/cameraman for RSD Julien.

MEANWHILE, my non-community friend who is cousins with..

Without usage of of his cousin, was mentored by a local DJ and started hanging in the "high end" scene. He is now moving to LA, did an event with Tim Mason, DJ'd for XM radio, and was being managed by a mid-level club owner. He chose to do what he loves...

Sex wise, WITHOUT even using his DJ angle just simply going out, he's banged a handful of women WAY MORE than my community friend who is Juliens intern. (he also used to intern for RSD tyler) He is getting the best of both worlds.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - soup - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-22-2014 07:51 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Quote: (03-21-2014 10:11 AM)bacan Wrote:  

What is that Kirrill was here guy's story?

Few years back (around the time I was first building this lifestyle) there was a high end hipster haven that had a sunday party that many people in one of my social circles used to go to. It was sort of a "family" night with this well known local DJ spinning and all the connectors amongst that social circle. Back then he used to just party and one day brought his camera along got drunk and took pictures.

Eventually he started getting known when he started doing champagne facials

[Image: tumblr_mdr4k5Lymn1rxv3b5o1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_m9xrz2I6Vy1rxv3b5o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_m9u89afd9t1rxv3b5o1_1280.jpg]

He started shooting at all the different high end venues then started going with lil jon and did a tour with tiesto. However, this tour with a local DJ is what was the tipping point...

Skip to 1:45

Overall he has a gf and generally always has one BUT the whole social circle is a bunch of hipster-like dudes who are all connected

Quote: (03-22-2014 02:53 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (03-21-2014 10:00 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

My schedule last year was...
Wed = Dinner/Pregame 1030, party party
Thurs = Dinner w/Personal Social Circle 1030, Pregame 12, 2am party!!
Fri = Dinner w/Personal Social Circle 1030, Pregame 12, 2am party
Sat = Brunch 4pm, Day Party 7pm, Dinner 9pm, Party 12
Sun = Brunch 4pm, Day Party 7pm, Dinner 1030, Hookah 12, Party 2am

Do you or any of the people you hang out with have jobs, or are you running with a trust fund crowd? Not trolling you, genuinely curious, because that's a pretty intense partying schedule. I have no idea how anyone who had to wake up in the morning could sustain something like that for more than a couple of weeks. Shit, I didn't even party that much in college. That schedule would fucking murder me today.

HAahahah I honestly do not know how I managed to party so hard in 2012. It must be the LOVE that I have for music/partying. I also didn't get hangovers back then.

I personally used to get a "cut" out of the daytime parties since it was my friend who was running it. However, a few are trust fund kids, most are model/image promoters (One social circle, the connectors actually got into all of this due to cold approaching models during the daytime. Has about 600+ model looking women in his contacts) who get paid 1k to 2k a night to bring 5-12 attractive tall women.

Job wise the others...
- Doctor/Surgeon
- Partner of a restaurant
- Concierge? He connects people to restaurants and hosts dinners (get a cut) while partnering/investing a few other restaurants
- Investment banker
- Personal Trainer
- Model
- Music Producer
- Sound Engineer

Which also reminds me...Perfect Example Of This Thread
An old COMMUNITY friend of mine, was a a very passionate music producer, armin van buuren was going to sign him, if he simply edited a track. Instead of doing that, he moved to vegas to learn pickup and ended up being intern/cameraman for RSD Julien.

MEANWHILE, my non-community friend who is cousins with..

Without usage of of his cousin, was mentored by a local DJ and started hanging in the "high end" scene. He is now moving to LA, did an event with Tim Mason, DJ'd for XM radio, and was being managed by a mid-level club owner. He chose to do what he loves...

Sex wise, WITHOUT even using his DJ angle just simply going out, he's banged a handful of women WAY MORE than my community friend who is Juliens intern. (he also used to intern for RSD tyler) He is getting the best of both worlds.

Distant Light- how old are you?

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Valhalla - 03-23-2014

It's weird to think there are people doing more in a week than i do in a year.

Crazy as fuck.

So do you just make money of promoting? What's your source of income?

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Distant Light - 03-23-2014

24 going on 25 next month... [Image: wink.gif]

If I make it to age 50, it would be shocking but also amazing to see the level of depth I've gained over the next 25 years. Realistically though, I'll die of dehydration due to partying too hard hahaha.

Quote: (03-23-2014 02:18 AM)Valhalla Wrote:  

It's weird to think there are people doing more in a week than i do in a year.

Crazy as fuck.

So do you just make money of promoting? What's your source of income?

I stopped after summer of 2012 due to it not fitting my personality (and also didn't like the limitations) and started booking tables instead. In early 2013, I noticed many of my friends were starting to make money through IM (Paid traffic, affiliate marketing) and around the sametime someone approached me about making a blog. Hopefully by next year, I'll write a memoir focused on the past 3 years, my life is sort of influenced by korean psychological thrillers the intensity really influenced me to really live a worthwhile life.

That said, I'm not much of a consumer and life-hack BIG TIME. I spend $0 on nightlife and used to eat dinner COMP'D EVERYDAY. Other than public transportation and cigs, it costs me nothing to go out.

OP is right about GAME being a necessity BUT profitability quickly diminishes at a certain point. The only thing I'd CHANGE in my lifestyle is living in the heart of manhattan because not only will I have good logistics, I can actually host dinners on the weekdays, have people pregame at my place while I get ready, and have chicks come over during my downtime hours.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - sox - 03-24-2014

Quote: (03-23-2014 05:04 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

24 going on 25 next month... [Image: wink.gif]

If I make it to age 50, it would be shocking but also amazing to see the level of depth I've gained over the next 25 years. Realistically though, I'll die of dehydration due to partying too hard hahaha.

Quote: (03-23-2014 02:18 AM)Valhalla Wrote:  

It's weird to think there are people doing more in a week than i do in a year.

Crazy as fuck.

So do you just make money of promoting? What's your source of income?

I stopped after summer of 2012 due to it not fitting my personality (and also didn't like the limitations) and started booking tables instead. In early 2013, I noticed many of my friends were starting to make money through IM (Paid traffic, affiliate marketing) and around the sametime someone approached me about making a blog. Hopefully by next year, I'll write a memoir focused on the past 3 years, my life is sort of influenced by korean psychological thrillers the intensity really influenced me to really live a worthwhile life.

That said, I'm not much of a consumer and life-hack BIG TIME. I spend $0 on nightlife and used to eat dinner COMP'D EVERYDAY. Other than public transportation and cigs, it costs me nothing to go out.

OP is right about GAME being a necessity BUT profitability quickly diminishes at a certain point. The only thing I'd CHANGE in my lifestyle is living in the heart of manhattan because not only will I have good logistics, I can actually host dinners on the weekdays, have people pregame at my place while I get ready, and have chicks come over during my downtime hours.

Your lifestyle is intriguing, sir. I literally cannot relate.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - soup - 03-24-2014

Distant light - what borough are from?

For you guys who don't understand distant lights situation- he's essentially living the life of a club kid / promoter.

This one of the best positions to be in if you are looking to be surrounded by hot girls, free booze, free meals, etc.

People will pay you to go to dinner and to bring fly girls and good looking people and celebs out to their venues.

If we want to continue with matrix redpill analogy.. Doing what McQueen or distant light is doing is essentially becoming the Neo of game.

There aren't many higher positions of player hood aside from being famous or a rockstar etc.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Distant Light - 03-24-2014

Quote: (03-24-2014 10:24 AM)soup Wrote:  

Distant light - what borough are from?

For you guys who don't understand distant lights situation- he's essentially living the life of a club kid / promoter.

This one of the best positions to be in if you are looking to be surrounded by hot girls, free booze, free meals, etc.

People will pay you to go to dinner and to bring fly girls and good looking people and celebs out to their venues.

If we want to continue with matrix redpill analogy.. Doing what McQueen or distant light is doing is essentially becoming the Neo of game.

There aren't many higher positions of player hood aside from being famous or a rockstar etc.

Born in brooklyn (worst neighborhood...east new york) live in Queens

I agree it doesn't get no better than this although their is PROs and CONS that I noticed with my actual promoter friends and the connectors who know lots of people. (like myself)

The actual MODEL PROMOTERS will get paid and will be around hot women every night. All they have to do is have fun, select who they want. The club owners or director of marketing will speak to them directly inviting them to exclusive events having them dine or pregame at luxury restaurants or apartments...PROBLEM, they are stuck to one venue each day and if they don't cold approach they're limited to meeting only within their network. (Only 1 group of guys who is considered one of the best cold approach during daytime...Another social circle also did in the past as 1 of them was a model scout.)

NON-PROMOTERS who can cold approach have total control of their whole lifestyle and aren't bounded by "work". This is how I manage to have about 14-15 different social circles and was able to connect with EVERY high end venue. (with exception of 2 which I still haven't bothered to check out) I get to choose what I do and due to it being rare for a non-promoter to do such things THESE model promoters would love to have a cool guy who knows just as many hot women as them.

Few months back I royally fucked up by getting drunk and in a "ban" situation at one of the top venues. I was in the process of connecting with the top level through supporting a new friend...This would've lead to me going to cannes film festival to party with models AND ibiza in august for popup parties.

When it comes to actually "meeting women" my only job is "show up" because I already know I have more fun than MAJORITY of people. This used to get me in trouble with some of the promoters because they all started wanting to hang with me BUT due to certain situations/dynamics it wasn't possible.

Overall, this is all "insider" type of stuff that I actually should never be mentioning BUT for a forum like this it really does open the doorway to lots of POSSIBILITIES especially for travelers, I've met people that do all sorts of things...
- Homemade Dinner on monday nights
- Stripclub (inviting lots of women) on monday nights

P.S...Majority of this I learnt from ex-image promoters turned club owners, I learnt rather quickly that I should learn from them because it was the "behind the scenes" guys who were hooking up with the actual hotties. (It's one thing to get 1 or 2 hot chicks just by being there, however consistency is a whole different story) Which made me always question "why don't I see gurus in these places?" Of course over time I learnt why [Image: wink.gif]

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Christian McQueen - 03-24-2014

^One problem that promoters face is IF they start fucking the girls they're bringing out, word travels fast and other girls will get shy about coming out, believing he's going to want to fuck them.

This can go 2 ways actually:

-They hear that Joe Blow Promoter fucks the girls he brings out. They here NEGATIVE feedback that the promoter sucks in bed and is 'creepy' about it. They abstain from his events and eventually Joe Blow resorts to out of towner tourist chicks who don't know who he is. This leads to him having to constantly resort to meeting new women weekly and building a new group.

-The other side is, girls hear Joe Blow is a blast, does hookup with the girls he brings out, BUT he's a great lay and the other girls get curious and want that cock. IF a promoter is smooth, has game and doesn't kiss and tell himself (it's just the girls talking), he may be able to run this for a while.

The real key to being successful at promoting is building your core group of girls who you use as Social Proof at venues to hookup with OTHER girls while still being flirty and fun with your core group of women. You have to give them the IDEA that you like all of them without actually pulling the trigger with any of them. This makes them feel safe and they'll always b down to be in your group.

It's obviously harder said then done, and I've been on both sides. Fucking all the girls, some get mad because they wanted more from me and I had to start over.

It took trial and error but if a promoter is serious about making money in that line of work, it's best to be the 'safe' guy in exchange for money and get your pussy from other girls who see you out constantly with hotties.

Just my two cents.

Definitely have to party with you Distant Light when I'm in NYC in May. Your stories and Videos remind me of my ass out here.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - soup - 03-25-2014

East NY.. arguably the worst neighborhood in the city.. produces some of the best players it seems. My main wing is from there and his game is very strong.

Mixx was from old ghetto Bushwick (at one time the most dangerous neighborhood in the country) and his game was sick as well.

Probably something about triumphing over great adversity..

Some heavy heavy knowledge being dropped in this thread..

Every guy should be repping Distant Light and McQueen if they haven't already.

This is some very insider detailed info that they are sharing.

I have some experience with this stuff.. and am building up some new parties at the moment.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Phoenux - 03-25-2014

I would say I'm above average in looks (I'm no male model), I have an engineering job that pays well above what my peers are earning, I recently purchased property at the age of 25 and have cleaned up my look too.

The attention from females has noticeably increased.

But I've still had to use Game to bang them.... McQueen pretty much summed it up in the original post.

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - Atlantic - 03-25-2014

So I am going to throw up a bit of an apology here.

My early post that got me a three day banning was a poorly judged comment that would have best been left to a PM. I am very passionate about game and lifestyle so sometimes my Celtic blood gets pumping and I get caught up in the moment. It was originally intended to add value but I can easily see now why it was interpreted otherwise.

I have taken a few days off, got some new notches and had a rethink about some of the info posted.

I am going to sit back and ‘soak in the value’ on this one.

For the record I have no hate for anyone on this thread and agree with nearly all the previous points. Even the points I don’t agree on I still value and use for perspective. Usually when I am arguing a point it is to test the strength behind it put sometimes this doesn’t communicate well on the forum.

Anyway I am going to take a little break from posting for the next while till I have some fresh prospective of my own. I will still answer PMs on the Oilsands etc. when I can.


McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - LeightonBlackstock - 03-25-2014

I agree with some of the sentiments here. Get your lifestyle/sanity in check and the rest sorts itself out.

I've never read a game book and never plan to. Take the fundamentals, grab a beer, have a dance, talk to girls and just have fun.

Getting to the point where you don't think about 'Game' as a series of 'magic tricks' and 'laws' is liberating as hell.

Yeah fair enough, I live in Thailand, I'm the first to say it's piss easy if you like shitty girls. Hard if you like good ones though. (And I must stress that BARELY anyone I've met in Asia in the past 18 months likes the good ones. Even good-looking dudes with apparent 'game' usually fuck 5's and 6's from the farang-groupie clubs and claim they're a '7'.)

In Taipei I DID care about game. I would go out 'gaming' and would 'work' for the bang. NEVER AGAIN!

Whilst I got the validation, I'm way happier and balanced now. Consequentially, I need way less effort to get the same quality now. I'm already into the 30's now as a notch count, now I can just do what I want without having to prove anything to myself.

I'll just sum-up my past 24 hours here:

Firstly, I've clashed with a work colleague of mine over girls a lot. The guy is better looking than me but isn't in that position of 'zen'.

He asked if I liked some student (easily a 7.5) that approached me at the karaoke party yesterday. I said 'meh' and he was like WTF MAN?! I said "She seems like a proper farang groupie man" and he basically did that Jackie Chan face from the meme. (She also reeked of 'I know I'm hot' attitude)

Then he told me which of the Thai receptionists was the hottest (he'd happened to bang the one he said was the best). I laughed for about ten seconds "Ming?! hahahaha Ming?!?!" that pissed him off lol.

Then he kept trying to get me to approach the students. But it was a friend's birthday and 'It's my life' by Bon Jovi wasn't going to sing itself! Plus I was just having fun bantering with the older dude students. Some guy 'Sinchai' kept pouring me drinks, 50 year-old lawyer, cool as hell. (Note: I have certain students/co-workers on my list. Have the position of DHV already as a teacher and am more than happy to twiddle my thumbs for a bit before pouncing. Probably can only fuck one of the receptionists before I get more than a verbal warning, so I'd be gutted if I didn't fuck the hottest one possible).

Then last night some girl suggested we go and drink at the Centara Grand Hotel [Image: lol.gif]. Way too classy a venue for a first meeting with a (most likely) forgettable slab of flesh. Didn't accept and stopped messaging her. Then she messaged me today and wants to meet tomorrow at an agreed cheaper, closer venue lol.

Then the hot girl from training starting asking me about my Friday night plans

I dunno. Just get to a point where you don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks: man, woman, family member, RVF member, colleague or friend.

I bang the girls I want to bang. You don't have to maintain a certain number to maintain your reputation. Just do what your nob and brain wants to do, the rest will sort itself out and girls will always make their way to your bed.

Mai Bpen Rai!

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle - soup - 03-25-2014

Leighton thats the biggest load of horseshit that guys always hear as advice for women- "just relax and have a beer" " be yourself and everything will fall into place"

You say you are getting to a point where it seems like that's all you have to do. That's because you've been in the game for a while.

A lot of guys who internalize game and start to become naturals forget where they came from. They forget the struggle that they went through. The mind has a convenient way of forgetting unpleasant experiences like being a newbie with no clue and getting rejected thousands of times.

Good for you for getting to where you are, but don't come on here and start espousing such hackneyed game denying like that.

Why don't you tell us a little more about how you go to where you are first?