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Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - LeBeau - 07-18-2014

Quote: (07-17-2014 11:01 AM)Xm24 Wrote:  

If he wants $100 for a book he should have some form of warranty as this proves that you have time to try it out and if it doesn't help get your money returned.

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Dear Krauser,

I opened 10 girls this week using your material.

Despite reading the book, I am STILL not dating Kate Upton.

I want my money back.

Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - The Reactionary Tree - 07-19-2014

Well I just pulled the trigger on both Mastery and Nitro. Plan on reading Nitro first, then Mastery.

Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - Giovonny - 07-19-2014

Quote: (07-08-2014 05:49 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

Psychologically, I don't fit into the social climate at all. I don't want to be in the US at this point in time.

You don't want to be here?

This is probably effecting your "vibe"..

Maybe, you are coming across as uneasy or flustered..?

It's hard to consistently display good game if you are truly unhappy in your location.

I suggest moving or adjusting your perspective. Or, just accept the situation for what it is and understand that your results will be limited.

That said, it seems like you are getting some decent results, so, we are just talking about fine tuning the details.

Quote: (07-08-2014 05:49 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

my weirdness

It seems like you are admitting that you don't really fit in..

This can be good or bad or a bit of both.

I get the sense that you are in a less than ideal "Fishbowl" for yourself.

Keep calibrating your look, your vibe, and your game.

These things take time and effort.

American women are different from British women. We must make adjustments.

Quote: (07-08-2014 05:49 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

I'd be especially interested if you have something to say about the street, particularly in high traffic areas.

On the street, I do one of 2 things:

1) Krauser style "direct -indirect" opener

2) Roosh style "elderly opener"

Quote: (07-08-2014 05:49 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

How would you calibrate being direct for the American culture/personality?

Americans are somewhat organized into socio-economic tribes. It we are to infiltrate the tribe, we must appear like we can bring some value into the tribe.

We can't act like a college kid and expect direct to work on professional women. (I'm not suggesting that you are doing this)

Appearance matters a lot. Perceived value and perceived status matter a lot.


Also, be more masculine and macho.

You say that you are "half hipster and half douche bag". Maybe, you are confusing American girls? They don't know what to think of you or how to classify you.

American girls are masculine, so, often times, we must even more masculine.


Wearing a blazer more often would probably help.

"Half hipster and half douche bag" can work well in some places but fail miserably in others.

A nice, fitted, blazer will almost always work well.

Quote: (07-08-2014 05:49 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

I have little desire to calibrate to the US social climate

I respect that.

Just understand that the more you calibrate, the more success you will have.

Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - bojangles - 07-20-2014

Quote: (07-16-2014 05:12 PM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

How is everyone going with Krauser's direct approach?

From my experience recently, I've had most success when I've fused Roosh's indirect opener with Krauser's approach (subcommunication/vibe).

I've found girls aren't as responsive to cold reading on the street, and it's much easier to get a conversation happening with an elderly opener, transitioning to a more sexual vibe if she hangs around.

Even with a push/pull - Just feel like I'm feeding her ego too much with the cold reading.

But awesome point by Krauser on addressing the elephant in the room when you see a girl waiting around by herself - wasn't doing that before.
to be honest i follow LDM all the time, never go elderly and this is even on girls waiting around

Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - unbowed - 07-20-2014

Long post, apologies...

Quote: (07-19-2014 08:58 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I get the sense that you are in a less than ideal "Fishbowl" for yourself.

Americans are somewhat organized into socio-economic tribes. It we are to infiltrate the tribe, we must appear like we can bring some value into the tribe.

Keep calibrating your look, your vibe, and your game.

You say that you are "half hipster and half douche bag". Maybe, you are confusing American girls? They don't know what to think of you or how to classify you.

Wearing a blazer more often would probably help.

American girls are masculine, so, often times, we must even more masculine.

The fishbowl and tribe infiltration metaphors are so true. And also the clown role, social masks, and all the stuff Roosh has been talking about recently have been hitting home. One thing my ego doesn't like is that there are girls who will like you for what you are and not who you are.

There are times where I can say or do anything and nothing will stick, and other times I can fumble and be lazy, but because she has a specific preconception of who she thinks I am, she's all over me. As a masculine man, I don't like that because the interaction rests on her and her likes and wants.

In regards to my look, I find contrasting the fishbowl can work just as well as being a part of it, provided you have the charisma. For example I stopped a 'corporate finance girl' last night who was sick to death of all the suits around her and liked my v-neck and "artsy" vibe. Then other times I've had hipster girls into my 'preppie' blazer look. Then more 'conservative' fishbowl girls who won't go for any contrast and those are the ones who require the right 'look'. There are so many different types of girls walking around where I game that I find it easier to be flexible than locked in.

I can see someone weaseling now, "I have a blazer on and she has an artsy vibe, she's going to kick me out of the fishbowl." [Image: lol.gif]

And I think confusing American girls is a good thing, it's letting them know that you think the entire system is up for grabs. You can invert the fishbowls and be a nomad visiting the tribe. Randomness and smashing preconceptions is an attention getter, and if you can hold your frame, girls will perceive it as attractive and masculine.

Quote: (07-19-2014 08:58 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I respect that.

Just understand that the more you calibrate, the more success you will have.

Yep, the game speaks different languages in different climates. Again I game around so much diversity that calibrating too much can make you forget who you are. At some point you have to make a stand and approach with what you got. I'm thinking of taking some trips to smaller less chaotic US cities for some massively different contrast. I've always vibed well with girls from the south.

You should come to NYC one of these days and tear it up.

Quote: (07-16-2014 06:50 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

How are you getting on?

Last week I daygamed a southern girl outside the club at 2am. Her friend showed up, then my friend showed up with a big grin and threw us all in a cab for an after party. That was fun.

I'm finding i get more hooks off-peak time and off the big hustling streets. Nyc can be hyper-extraverted with chuggers and noise that it makes peak hours in high traffic areas aggravating. In a way the social climate is no different than a night club.

I saw one girl the other day approached by legions of save xyz cause, a buy my makeup kit weasel, and 2 weird dudes with negative game (one put his arm around her after 5 seconds, she freaked out). Combine that with having a corporate job that forces you to rush and I can see why an attractive girl would start ignoring/insta blowing off. Her circuits are fried, too much going on. Hell, I start feeling the same after a long day, I'll see 3-4 hot girls walk by and have no will to approach even though I've done it hundreds of times before.

One thing I like to do in a city is detour on a nice side street. With all the open room I can slow down, regather my thoughts and feel like I'm walking through a swimming pool, completely relaxed and in-tune with the rhythm of life. I'll let my thoughts casually wander and if I see a girl I like, everything feels automatic (and probably more romantic as opposed to trolling the subway stops like everyone else).

Been thinking about the ups and downs part at the end of Mastery. Separating ego from results is tough, and I'm still internalizing the random aspect to this all. Like Krauser (and Roosh) have said, she has to be available and into you. There's ways to put yourself out there (game, lifestyle, building value), but there's also only so much you can do.

Right now when I'm daygaming, I'm just letting my mind free flow as I stay aware of my surroundings, knowing that I have the tool to talk to a girl anywhere, with options on how to continue the interaction. Nothing more, nothing less. There will be roadblocks and frustrations and but also stunning views. Rejection is giving me the energy to plough on, it's like the snowball effect, once I get rolling...

Quote: (07-16-2014 05:12 PM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

How is everyone going with Krauser's direct approach?

From my experience recently, I've had most success when I've fused Roosh's indirect opener with Krauser's approach (subcommunication/vibe).

I've found girls aren't as responsive to cold reading on the street, and it's much easier to get a conversation happening with an elderly opener, transitioning to a more sexual vibe if she hangs around.

Even with a push/pull - Just feel like I'm feeding her ego too much with the cold reading.

I opened a girl directly the other day and after the assumption she asked "so do you need help?" I smirked and said "you realize I'm hitting on you right?" She said "ohhh, I can't do that. I thought you needed help."

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

Anglo-American girls, with their masculine reprogramming, like to put men in a box, but don't like when we playfully put them in one. They want to be respected for "who they are" which makes sense why sneaking in with indirect can work.

I've directly stopped and cold read some Australian girls. They were receptive to the approach but they were in the US so it was probably novel for them.

Last week an American girl on the street kept walking as I opened her. As she kept walking she said "if you want to talk, walk with me I'm in a rush." My gut said she wouldn't hook so I just laughed and said "nah forget it, you blew it", then she demanded, "NO what is it??" [Image: lol.gif]

Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - Giovonny - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-20-2014 01:46 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

girls who will like you for what you are and not who you are.


It's not enough to simply be "cool".

We must calibrate our appearance and presentation in such a way that the local girls perceive us as "cool".

What's "cool" in San Francisco may not be "cool" in New York.

Adjusting to the local climate can be a big help.

Quote: (07-20-2014 01:46 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

the interaction rests on her and her likes and wants.

Of course, doesn't it always?

To get girls, we must be aware of what they like and don't like, what they want and don't want.

Quote: (07-20-2014 01:46 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

I find contrasting the fishbowl can work just as well as being a part of it, provided you have the charisma.

I agree. I like your rebellious spirit.

"Contrasting" can bring great rewards, provided you have the charisma, as you said.

Quote: (07-20-2014 01:46 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

There are so many different types of girls walking around where I game that I find it easier to be flexible than locked in.

Well said.

Quote: (07-20-2014 01:46 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

And I think confusing American girls is a good thing, it's letting them know that you think the entire system is up for grabs. You can invert the fishbowls and be a nomad visiting the tribe. Randomness and smashing preconceptions is an attention getter, and if you can hold your frame, girls will perceive it as attractive and masculine

Well said. That's awesome!

Quote: (07-20-2014 01:46 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

Yep, the game speaks different languages in different climates.

At some point you have to make a stand and approach with what you got.

I'm giving you a rep point for these awesome contributions.

Quote: (07-20-2014 01:46 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

You should come to NYC one of these days and tear it up.

I would but, I'm getting so much pussy in San Francisco, I don't want to leave!

Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - unbowed - 07-21-2014

On a related note I approached Yad the other day in NYC as he was prepping a bootcamp. Guy's got great presence.

Then I saw Yad and Andy today on the street... wasn't in 'state', got approach anxiety and weaseled out. [Image: lol.gif]

Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 01-06-2015

Just bought it online - should arrive in a week or so. Really looking forward to diving into the book and integrating it into my game.

Thanks for all the effort you make Krauser.


Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - aguirre - 02-14-2015

i think balls deep is better than that one isnt it?

Nick Krauser – Daygame mastery - The Reactionary Tree - 02-14-2015

Quote: (02-14-2015 01:36 PM)aguirre Wrote:  

i think balls deep is better than that one isnt it?

Daygame Mastery is his pickup guide.

Balls Deep is his personal memoirs.