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Conspiracy Theory Thread - blck - 06-09-2018

Quote: (06-09-2018 03:37 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

Im confused, I thought the Americans were enemies of Khomeini. Do they support people then go to war with them?

Puting Radical Islamists at the head of countries to have someone to go to war against, who could be behind this ?
Done against Cuba it was called Operation Northwood

[Image: La-nouvelle-patronne-de-la-CIA-Gina-Hasp...orture.jpg]

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Syberpunk - 07-03-2018

Everybody knows the story of Buzz Aldrin punching the interviewer (Bart Sibrel) , but few know know the context. Aldrin panicks thinking the story is out...Edgar Mitchell does the same, forgets to take off his wireless mic and says to his son "Should we get the CIA to get this guy waxed". WTF.

Goes to anal detail on body language, but worth it.

Excellent interview:

Conspiracy Theory Thread - loremipsum - 07-07-2018

Quote: (07-03-2018 06:24 PM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

Everybody knows the story of Buzz Aldrin punching the interviewer (Bart Sibrel) , but few know know the context. Aldrin panicks thinking the story is out...Edgar Mitchell does the same, forgets to take off his wireless mic and says to his son "Should we get the CIA to get this guy waxed". WTF.

Very interesting.
Even CIA used remote viewing with Ingo Swann to Mars and saw there were pyramids.
There are many different whistleblowers from inside who have claimed some creepy stuff that is against our generally accepted view of the world. As expected, they never get any mainstream media covering them.

I recommend researching Max Spiers, who was according to many assassinated.
(He even sent a text to his mum saying Your boy's in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate).
Guy was a supposed super soldier who got MK ultra'd until later regained his memories and went public. You can actually hear in his last interview a few days before his death how his speech has gotten bad and how he tackles to form sentences.
He was a gold mine of information and could go on and on about esoteric topics. I hope he's in a better place now.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Alsos - 07-08-2018

Quote: (06-09-2018 07:11 AM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

I was the biggest NASA fanboy when I was younger, and in my teenage years literally half the reason I liked the USA so much and its ideals, it was pure scientific good, the greatest thing we (they) ever did......but these two conversations have seriously destroyed my belief in these institutions for the first time.....and I used to laugh at all the conspiracy theory nutcases on this stuff as "plebs who want to tear down others becaus ethey couldn't do it themselves", even trotted out the usual line "how could 400,000 people working on the space programme be keeping it secret, nothing stays a secret among even a few people these days".

Since watching about 2 years ago, its hard to go back to watching films on it, documentaries, because the thought is lurking deep in the back of my mind that its all a farce, a PR show , to cover for something else. I was the last person who wanted to believe this....but here I am.

I've had a good nose and a lot of time for Richard Hall, was an engineer and programmer himself, and his other work on documentaries, level headed and considerate/skeptical.

Watched a little bit of the Apollo video. A couple things jumped out at me:

-- If there is a line indicating the transition from the foreground set to the background screen, then every single picture where the horizon is visible should have that line. Find even one picture where there is a seamless continuity from foreground to background, and the idea is falsified. ETA: similarly, if this same "line" effect happens in real photographs from analogous Earth environments (and it does), then the effect is not proof that the film/image was taken on a set. Keep in mind that the Moon is a very different environment from what we're used to on Earth, where unfamiliar environments can distort the perceptions of distance (visit Iceland or Canyonlands NP if you want an example). And if the horizon shown in the one picture he presents is far enough away and there aren't any significant features in between, even the 100m baseline between the two locations would show negligable parallax-related differences in the background.

-- He's right that there was no possible way that the folded-up rovers were carried to the lunar surface on the Apollo command module. That's because they were carried to the surface on the lunar excursion module. Specifically, quad 1 of the lunar descent stage. ( The command module (technically the command and service module during that mission phase) orbited the Moon but didn't land.

-- The battery question shows these supposed engineers know nothing about basic heat transfer. The surface may be 220F or whatever, but there's no air so that's not the ambient temperature - the only way heat can be transferred is by conduction or radiation. Note the wheels had a much higher operating temperature requirement, because they were in contact with the hot surface. The batteries were not. Being off the surface would have protected them from direct conductive heat transfer, and being shielded behind the frame of the rover would have blocked direct radiative heat transfer. Any fresh-from-college mechanical engineer working on the rover could have added a simple radiator surface looking at deep space to shed any excess heat produced by discharging the battery or conducted to the battery through the wheels and frame. It's not that difficult. (ETA: that was off the top of my head. I looked it up, the batteries were indeed equipped with adjustable radiators to shed excess heat to deep space, were hidden from the hot surface by the deck of the forward chassis, and were equipped with a wax pack as a thermal buffer.)

-- The supposed expert on the Apollo hoax can't be bothered to learn which missions carried rovers, even after being called out on it by others. He might be more persuasive in getting people to see the hidden truth about Apollo if he actually put some effort into learning the basic facts of the official version instead of airily dismissing the need to do so.

Not impressed, sorry.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - amity - 07-10-2018

This one's a bit of a curveball, but interesting nonetheless.
Anyone from Western Europe who's in their thirties or forties like myself, will probably remember East 17.
They were huge back in the mid to late nineties.
Well the singer Brian Harvey had a torrid time of things since then, including a self inflicted car accident where he got badly injured and and an interview where he admitted taking copious amounts of ecstasy (not a big deal for a pop star to be fair, but the media went to town on him).
Anyway I came across him on YouTube the other day and this video which intrigued me.
It appears that he has stepped on a few toes in the music industry and the media over the years and now Harvey spends most of his time indoors, apparently because he fears what might happen to him.
It's possible that the guy is deluded but I think there's something to this.
He has spoken about paedo activities of certain powerful people going on behind closed doors, and it could be that he is getting shut down and painted as a lunatic by the powers that be so that nobody will take him seriously.
Anyone got any thoughts on this or know more about what's going on?

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Richard Turpin - 07-10-2018

This wouldn't surprise me one bit. So much has come to light since the glory days of Take That and E17, that the public can now be in no doubt that the music industry has been rife with predatory gays and worse for years and years.

I always thought it strange how some 80's and 90's music figures have kept things going in the revival and nostalgia scene but others (like Harvey who was big in his time) have gone off the map. Maybe those boybands who 'played the game' have reaped the rewards, but the ones who chose to speak out get targets on their back.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - loremipsum - 09-21-2018

Here's a fresh batch of some delicious "conspiracies".


Apple has quietly introduced "trust scores" for people based on how they use their iPhones and other devices.
The tech giant, which last month became the first public company to be worth more than $1 trillion (£757bn), said in an update to its privacy policy that the scores would be determined by tracking the calls and emails made on Apple devices.

Seems Alex Jones was right (once again).

And who would have really doubted the following at this point?


Beyonce's former drummer accuses the singer of 'WITCHCRAFT', 'tapping her phone' - and even claims she murdered her KITTEN

We live in interesting times.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 09-25-2018

Have you heard of this guy, Michael Tellinger.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Cr33pin - 09-25-2018

Scientist now say Roundup very well could be killing the bees

[Image: bee-lives-matter.jpg]

Conspiracy Theory Thread - 911 - 09-26-2018

Looks like Styx bought himself a shirt to wear under his leather jacket.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - debeguiled - 09-26-2018

Now someone is going to have to pry the Roundup from Kona's cold, dead, hands.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 10-02-2018

Anyone heard about the theory that nukes dont exist? The videos of atomic blasts are miniature buildings. And how does the camera not get destroyed? And why were people able to live in Hiroshima a year after the bomb?

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 10-04-2018

Nukes dont exist?

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Kish - 10-04-2018

If you have a US cell phone and you got an emergency alert yesterday you are now being tracked by the government. Illuminati

Conspiracy Theory Thread - 911 - 10-04-2018

Quote: (10-02-2018 12:00 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Anyone heard about the theory that nukes dont exist? The videos of atomic blasts are miniature buildings. And how does the camera not get destroyed? And why were people able to live in Hiroshima a year after the bomb?

This is from the people who brought you the Flat Earth theory. Same playbook: push a totally ludicrous theory with slick videos and a big budget, ensnare the dumbest elements of the skeptical segment, and use them as proverbial useful idiots to discredit all so-called conspiracy theories. Flat earth, nukes aren't real, dinosaurs aren't real: all Cass Sunstein psyops/cognitive infiltration jobs.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Leonard D Neubache - 10-05-2018

Quote: (10-04-2018 11:04 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2018 12:00 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Anyone heard about the theory that nukes dont exist? The videos of atomic blasts are miniature buildings. And how does the camera not get destroyed? And why were people able to live in Hiroshima a year after the bomb?

This is from the people who brought you the Flat Earth theory. Same playbook: push a totally ludicrous theory with slick videos and a big budget, ensnare the dumbest elements of the skeptical segment, and use them as proverbial useful idiots to discredit all so-called conspiracy theories. Flat earth, nukes aren't real, dinosaurs aren't real: all Cass Sunstein psyops/cognitive infiltration jobs.

Actually it's a guy mumbling into his mike over and over about how the camera doesn't move.

The possibility of a mounded shelter with a rear-facing view port seems to escape him.

Another thing I note about these particular whackadoos is the obsessive focus on shit that is entirely irrelevant. When you meet them in real life the million dollar question is "OK, so lets assume you're correct, what now?"

[Image: laugh3.gif]

As I said in another thread. Dudes like this will bend your ear for decades about how the moon landing was fake and how the queen is a reptilian, but if you start talking about #pizzagate they get nervous and try to change the subject.

See, nuclear weapons being a hoax is a real issue. Children being raped and murdered by elite satanists? Not so much.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Max RNR - 10-06-2018

Thanks to @SyberPunk for posting the Richard Hall video above. I was unaware of him and his work until now. He has some thought provoking stuff and appears not afraid to correct any of his views if sufficiently proved to be wrong.

I hate 9/11 and all it represents -- both the event and now the decades long aftermath. I remember that morning clearly. Getting up for another day at work, logging onto my main IRC channel, and having everyone telling me to turn on the TV. I fired up my 13" Sony Trinitron and was met with a hell I will never forget or forgive (no matter who dunnit).

This is a fascinating analysis. I have gone off again on again over the years on the "loose change" tracks, but this is something really interesting. I am always skeptical of the skeptics, but this is very compelling and noteworthy.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 10-07-2018

If the elite wanted an excuse to invade the Middle east could they just blow up the statue of liberty instead of killing 3 thousand people?

Conspiracy Theory Thread - sterling_archer - 10-07-2018

Quote: (10-07-2018 03:45 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

If the elite wanted an excuse to invade the Middle east could they just blow up the statue of liberty instead of killing 3 thousand people?

Not the same thing, people would not be as enraged. We are talking about big loss of life, not due to natural disaster, but by other entity which is told to be our enemy. Thus, you will have much bigger reason to be angry.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Avadhuta - 10-07-2018

The thing is, they actually enjoy and take pride in doing twisted shit like this. It's a form of ritual symbolic art. Look into the meaning of The Tower in the tarot. It's not just about the Middle East. 9/11 was a civilizational turning point.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 10-07-2018

Is it true that Castro was really an American puppet and the Cuban missile crisis was staged to keep Castro in power? The Miami pact.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - thatguywhoisthatguy - 10-07-2018

Femin Viral Epidemic Theory

Conspiracy Theory Thread - DarkTriad - 10-07-2018

Quote: (10-07-2018 03:45 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

If the elite wanted an excuse to invade the Middle east could they just blow up the statue of liberty instead of killing 3 thousand people?

According to the prevailing theory you would need a few things to make the attack happen (and be tactically profitable).

An event of that magnitude is a waste if you don't also use to murder your real enemies and destroy shitloads of evidence.

Examples - Rumsfeld announces the military "lost" 6 TRILLION dollars some where.

The next day he announces that a plane struck the exact point in the Pentagon where all the evidence (and investigators were). The evidence is gone, and all the investigators are all dead. Well, it's all gone, but we've got bigger things to worry about "We've got a war on!"

What does the Statue of Liberty NOT have? An SEC office holding all kinds of evidence of every pot the Deepstate players had their fingers in, from the Enron scandal on down. Boom, that's all gone, and the troublesome investigators are all dead. But "We've got a war to fight!", I guess we're just going to have take that loss and forget about it too.

You need a completely cooperative owner to give you the months of freedom needed to rig those things. The guy that owned them made a tremendous profit. He cashed out on the full insurance possible...TWICE (he had them count the 2 planes as 2 separate incidents). He actually had to take a deal for around 1.5, but you get the picture,. The buildings themselves were already a massive loss due to a court ruling on Asbestos removal, it was literally the only way he could tear them down, so they were a massive white elephant for him already, not an asset.

Also, does Anyone remember all the news stories about billions being made by someone (presumably Osama Bin Laden) short selling the market with his foreknowledge of the attacks? Later the gov't announced it simply didn't happen, nobody had made billions, no need for an investigation "We've got a war to fight".

A sketchy security consultant firm (full of former CIA and FBI spooks) known as Kroll was "inspecting" those buildings for possible explosives for months before they blew up. They could just have easily been planting bombs, and have a built in cover story if they get bagged. If you're wondering where you might have heard the name Kroll before, they were active during the past election, coming up with "findings" about a police shooting that stirred up a lot of shit at a time when the Soros crowd seemed to think they were a good idea. I watched the tape, and it just didn't support what they were alleging, but it was great material for a timely Black Lives Matter riot.

These are just the things there some kind of evidence or theoretical basis for, tons of gov't offices in those buildings, you could assassinate ANYONE in the gov't you wanted to just by transferring their office to one of those buildings and telling them to show up for work. Who knows how may whistleblowers and inconvenient witnesses and records disappeared that day? If 6 Trillion and an entire SEC office disappeared, it was open season on anyone or anything they wanted to get rid of.

The statue of Liberty just Doesn't have those options, but I understand why that sounds like a better target to you. That's because you're a sane person that values human life, so you'll have a hard time understanding their motives.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - DarkTriad - 10-07-2018

And just to add, the "tail wags the dog" a lot with American intelligence services. If they're (very often) the secret rulers of this country, then 9/11 was effectively an administrative coup by allowing the Bush Administration to to create a whole new agency (Homeland Security) to "coordinate" the other intelligence agencies. The whole Trump Saga shows how important it is to control these things, and how the democraticly elected guy that's supposed to be in charge of the frequently isn't. How convenient that Bush was so ready roll out something like that in the aftermath. Heck, he would even be "coordinating" the intelligence that would be investigating him. Master stroke.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - SeaFM - 10-08-2018

If the moon landing was staged, wouldn't Russia be the first to jump all over it since they were the "space race" opponents?

Seems to me they would be all over an opportunity to expose a fraud of that magnitude.