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India - Chance of Getting Laid? - xmlenigma - 03-14-2012

India is still a place where women get kidnapped and gang raped by desperately frustrated assholes, beaten up and worse at times.
Also, its not traditionally / culturally/ morally .. recommended to be sexual.. openly..
But a lot of URBAN 'westernized' population (which itself is a huge range of how westernized they are.. so many shades of gray).. can be pretty cool with dating etc.

Its a billion+ people in 50,000 + villages, spread across 30+ language states.. and so many sub dialects of each.. You cant write a Data Sheet on India. Its an experience beyond a data sheet.

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - GameTheory - 11-09-2012

Quote: (07-17-2011 09:05 AM)torontokid Wrote:  

Mixx, Sikkim is a great place but don't go there for the women but for the nature. I've been there and the average quality of women is higher than Indian women. Eastern features and girls have prettier faces. They are also easy going and generally happier than people in the plains. I suggest summer months before the monsoon arrive because the monsoon season is the worst season to visit.
I don't know much about gaming there since I havent' tried that because I went there quite a while ago. However even then I realized that the people there were far more easier going and smiled more. Even as a kid I could tell girls were better looking. However this is comparison to the Indian plains and Toronto is like a pussy paradise compared to where I am right now! Take all Sikkim reports with a pinch of salt because even a Toronto 5 looks hot compared to the quality I see here in India. I suggest coming to Sikkim for the mountains and beautiful landscapes! Its quite the wonderful natural paradise and one of the greatest places I have visited in my life.

have you visited the other parts of NE India ("Seven Sisters") ?

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - unknown - 12-13-2012

Quote: (04-12-2011 03:34 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Quote: (04-12-2011 03:24 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Westernized Indian girls are into white guys from what I've seen. If they are new to the country or traditional they will not be into white guys.

A white friend of mine who is really into Indian girls was able to score with a virgin Indian girl. She wasn't really that westernized, and didn't date around. But, she met him through work, he was pretty persistent and she gave in. The reason she actually slept with him is because he was white. She said she would never sleep with an Indian guy because word would get out in the community.

well shes gonna be in shock cuz guys we like to brag about our notches and the indian community will hear it

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - unknown - 12-13-2012

Quote: (04-12-2011 05:02 PM)The Duke Wrote:  

Quote: (04-12-2011 04:25 PM)bigxxx Wrote:  

T-Kid I find Indian girls Westernized or not prefer Indian Guys.

It's odd that you can find Indian guys with white girls in India, but almost never a white guy with an indian girl.

In some countries, like the Philippines, it's opposite. You'll find white guys with a filippina girl, but rarely a filippino guy with a white girl.

I have no idea why this is the case, but something inside me thinks it might be related to the arranged marriage system here in India.

well the women are usually at home(partying looks bad on a women and hurts her marriage prospects)lotta guys there always hunting for white girls cuz they are known to have loose sexual attitudes (goa a popular place to get foreign girls)

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - unknown - 12-13-2012

Quote: (01-05-2011 01:39 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2011 09:39 AM)Moma Wrote:  

I think Goan chicks might be a better shot as Goa was a former colony of Portugal and the Portuguese like to fcuk so you will have some diluted Indian chicks. At the most, you will definitely have some Indian women that are not so afixed to the culture so I believe that getting a nutt might pay off.
I place Goan chicks on a similar ranking as a Carribean woman of Indian ancestry.

Yeah, Goan chicks are sluts, the ones I have met in Canada anyway. First off they are all Christian, and second they really try hard to be Western and as unIndian as possible. If you ask them where they are from, they will never say I am Indian. They always say Goan. They think they are white basically, even though they are darker skinned than most Northern Indians.

the disappearing anglo indian community have a very european upbringing and have no problem with alchol and sex....but ya the loosest are the christian girls(but not all are)...the rest sex is taboo

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - unknown - 12-13-2012

Quote: (02-26-2011 10:11 AM)truedat Wrote:  

I was just in Delhi on my second trip to India (still here, now in Surat).

1. These are tanned girls, and i have seen many with the booty [Image: smile.gif] +1 point
2. For a country with 1.3 billion people, there should be way more drop dead gorgeous girls. (they are here, but they are few) -1 point
3. 97%+ are unattainable to non-Hindus because of parents/arranged marriages and you will never fuck that 3% without some serious long term work (no tourist). -1
4. This place is both depressing and exhilarating. 0 points

For me, I think a hot Indian girl can give any hot girl from any other country in the world a run for their money. Bottom line, If you are white/black/green/non-indian and want to fuck a hot Indian girl it will cost you $200-$400 USD.

ya but remember india has the 3rd largest aids population and this country is srtict on sex...gettin a notch there u better get checked out

not just hindus but muslim an sikhs are very tight knit as well....christian alill more open

heard from other forums u can go to a high end mall for a week an itll be hard to spot a 6 an chances are shes been promised for someone else(plus family is always there with the girl since they live at home) an approaches will creep them game is how it works

usually desi girls dont have goto latin america for that

its weird though that the hottest indian girl can easily look more european or latin.....may as well game there
even the advertisements now are showin more white and increasingly latin girls(even india cant deny their beauty)

if u are dead set on indian girls best bet is usa since the indians are dispersed from each other an more likly to be liberal
uk an canada lil harder cuz they settle in 1 area an still have the habits of the culture(plus south asian women have higher obeisty rates than the english women but still better lookin than motherlan inidans)
trinidad will be a good place to get a indian girl as well

but id rather chase a latin girl more booty,more open,less hairy(met 3 indian girls that are hairer than me an im almost hairy as roosh lol) an more pretty faces all together

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - unknown - 12-13-2012

Quote: (01-05-2011 05:19 PM)truedat Wrote:  

Been to India twice for 2 weeks each, going back shortly for work for about 4 weeks.

1. It is considered shameful to even consider (openly) getting with foreigners. If you are not Hindu, and Indian, then you are not marriage/hookup material. If you are a girl in the 'very low classes' to begin with, then this might be your only shot but dont bet on it because you wont see these chick anywhere except in the slums (money is for survival not entertainment), and chances are you have never even seen a slum like they have in India. In Mumbai these are huge labyrinths of poverty with blue tarps strewn over the tops of their metal shacks and feces running in little creeks out of them. You wont be going anywhere near them, let alone want to fuck people that live in them. If you are going to fuck an Indian, it will be a low class prostitute for $15, or a high class $2,000 prostitute. There is no in between.

2. For my job I am running teams of programmers and am respected only because I am their boss. I could tell the women I was managing were slightly interested in the white American boy, but mostly because of the title/novelty. In India respect is given because of your family name, your position, and then how you look (in that order with the last not having any bering on what decision they will make or should I say their parents will make for them for marriage).

3. I was kicking it with wealthy good looking Indians (6 feet tall, rich parents etc) and these boys were not getting any actual pussy. Action for them was how many girls they were texting and courting for marriage.

4. India has an amazingly tight knit social system. Sons live in their parents home forever, and their wife moves into that home to help the mother and grandmother. Daughters do the same but with the grooms family. You are raised so that if you did some shameful act that it would basically fall on the heads of 100's of relatives and you would be despised. The stigma is deep and ingrained from birth. The family is the only thing that matters and their traditions are thousands of years old.

5. India is changing fast though. People are becoming greedy and materialistic and westernized in the big cities. It is only a matter of time that the country has a significant population with the same 'moral' values as the western world.

I predict that in 20 years you will be able to run game in the 10 largest cities. Other than that you will have to stick to ex pats or prostitutes.


nah think itll take longer than that but then again our western influece is growing broke..they may not follow that when it happens before they arrive
s korea is still pretty conservative though
but doubt that tight knit deal with the girls aint gonna go away like the girls in korea...image is everything an itll affect their marraige prospects
but anythin can happen in the futre

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - Sonny Forelli - 05-01-2014

Sonny Forelli checking in.

Check out these pictures, who says there aren't hot girls in India. There are plenty in Bombay. Just need to open your wallet...

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - Satoshi - 05-01-2014

Quote: (05-01-2014 09:07 AM)Sonny Forelli Wrote:  

Sonny Forelli checking in.

Check out these pictures, who says there aren't hot girls in India. There are plenty in Bombay. Just need to open your wallet...

It's not possible to see the pictures unless you're registered there and I guess not many of the guys here are.

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - Roosh - 05-01-2014

7 day ban for posting p4p

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - bojangles - 05-01-2014

Thats a site for

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - xpatplayer - 05-20-2014

Here's my formula (for cats in big cities):

1. Get into a social circle. Preferably one with well-off to rich guys and girls who seem to be chill. Make sure the girls are attractive (you should have at least 2 7s). Under no circumstances should you try to hook up with any of the girls in the social circle. If you're from the West (even if you're Indian) you will be welcome into most social groups. If you're already in India, get into the popular social circle in your college or workplace.

2. Go to parties or hang out with your friends. You'll meet chicks from extended social circles. This is who you should attempt to bang. Remember to screen. It should be obvious who's DTF and who isn't.

3. Use alpha-beta game. Be confident and charismatic but not cocky. Maintain frame without being a douche. The foreign accent is a huge plus. Add these chicks on Facebook.

4. Give out light compliments (I like your hair in your profile pic) online. This shit is cringeworthy but by God, it works. Organize a meetup (preferably a Cafe Coffee Day or go watch a movie).

5. Invite her over to your place (if your logistics aren't tight already, go to the lifestyle forum). Follow Tuth's First Date Bang recipe ( There's a chance she may not put out and she'll make it very obvious if she doesn't. Don't worry, you can bang on the second or third date.

6. Once you bang, tell her you just want to be friends with a "special relationship". Tell her you want it to remain a secret. Don't brag to your Indian friends.

The whole point of this system is to get as many notches as possible without getting puled into a relationship. I got a blowjob in the 9th grade using this, a few of my friends borrowed it and got several notches. I learnt this and left India before I learnt game, so maybe conventional game would work well along with this.

Immigrants to India (Iranians, Iraqis, Western volunteers) will usually be dtf. You need to look out for liberal Indian chicks, not quiet conservative ones (a good rule of thumb is if she has a cocktail dress, she's dtf). Even among progressives, most girls will be feminine and attractive.

Also remember to dress up well. Wear whatever you usually would but avoid shorts unless you're at the beach/pool. Its hot, but notches are better than not sweating.

Happy hunting my brothers!

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - Carlos100 - 06-30-2014

Looks like I will be traveling to India for work in late August-early April to Delhi and probably Chennai. I will be in each place about 5 days. I have read all 14 threads in this forum on India, and I see that trying to get the India flag in India is akin to Mission Impossible, especially since I will be there less than two weeks. I'm going to give it a try. I'm not really into American, FSU, or European girls, but if I run into any other Asians, Africans, or Israelis there and they seem available, I will approach them also.

I will start out by trying to pipeline. Searching "Women who live in New Delhi" and "Women who live in Chennai" on Facebook brings back a shitload of results (LOL some of them actually say, "Works at prostitution" on their profiles). I will search through and message the attractive ones who say they are "interested in men" and/or appear to have liberal attitudes based on their photos. I assume the best way is just to send a message saying "Hi." and see if they respond. If they do, then respond that I'm traveling there and ask if they know any fun places. How likely will this get my Facebook account blocked?

Any suggestions on pipelining in advance or the approach to take?

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - xpatplayer - 06-30-2014

Quote: (06-30-2014 05:27 PM)Carlos100 Wrote:  

Looks like I will be traveling to India for work in late August-early April to Delhi and probably Chennai. I will be in each place about 5 days. I have read all 14 threads in this forum on India, and I see that trying to get the India flag in India is akin to Mission Impossible, especially since I will be there less than two weeks. I'm going to give it a try. I'm not really into American, FSU, or European girls, but if I run into any other Asians, Africans, or Israelis there and they seem available, I will approach them also.

I will start out by trying to pipeline. Searching "Women who live in New Delhi" and "Women who live in Chennai" on Facebook brings back a shitload of results (LOL some of them actually say, "Works at prostitution" on their profiles). I will search through and message the attractive ones who say they are "interested in men" and/or appear to have liberal attitudes based on their photos. I assume the best way is just to send a message saying "Hi." and see if they respond. If they do, then respond that I'm traveling there and ask if they know any fun places. How likely will this get my Facebook account blocked?

Any suggestions on pipelining in advance or the approach to take?

Go to hotel bars or hippie bars. If hotel bars, get with businesswomen. If hippie bars, get with young hippies.

A lot of Indian women are DTF but they're hard to find. Best stick to other travelers if you want a quick ONS.

Doubt you'll get laid in Chennai, its a boring city and there are very few bars. When you go to Delhi, you'll see a lot of travelers in Gurgaon and the posh neighborhoods. I'd try to hit some diplomatic pussy in New Delhi if I were you.

Just don't go direct daygaming, guys in India who approach are usually creeps and that's how girls will react. Also try to manufacture an issue and hit up your country's embassy.

India - Chance of Getting Laid? - Carlos100 - 06-30-2014

Quote: (06-30-2014 06:55 PM)xpatplayer Wrote:  

Go to hotel bars or hippie bars. If hotel bars, get with businesswomen. If hippie bars, get with young hippies.

A lot of Indian women are DTF but they're hard to find. Best stick to other travelers if you want a quick ONS.

Doubt you'll get laid in Chennai, its a boring city and there are very few bars. When you go to Delhi, you'll see a lot of travelers in Gurgaon and the posh neighborhoods. I'd try to hit some diplomatic pussy in New Delhi if I were you.

Just don't go direct daygaming, guys in India who approach are usually creeps and that's how girls will react. Also try to manufacture an issue and hit up your country's embassy.

Thanks. I will likely be staying in the embassy area of New Delhi. Anyone have any info on the bars/clubs/etc there? I will try to be very observant and keep copious notes so I can post a hopefully halfway decent data sheet for both cities after I leave.