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The Donald Trump thread - Deepdiver - 07-05-2015

Now where it really matters in the states that decide who is wheat and who is chaff - keep buying into the pro Narco Terroists open borders media if you will... it is all designed to insure Hillary Clinton is the first female feminist CiC while insuring the Wall Street status-quo for the 2Big2Fail banksters.

The people who pay the taxes that support the welfare largess that pay most of the social safety net and Boston and San Francisco sanctuary city programs to support illegal crimaliens drugs distributors (who move far more weight than mere dealers)... are totally disgusted and fed up.

A bit of an anecdote - after enjoying a lovely evening of perfect New Hampshire weather and a rousing patriotic local private marching band play to a synchronized half hour 4th of July fireworks show while the band played on... I left to catch the finale riding towards my local man cave cigar store - in there a local Indian Tech RT famous for wearing the UPS tee shirts "what can Brown do for you" who managed to win the Maury Povitch Baby Daddy DNA dumbarse of the year award with an entitled 5'4" white skin, red Oranged haired "6" was talking politics and I mentioned I have already donated $75 to several Rand and Ron Paul fund raising appeals and then Trump jumped into the fray with both feet balls deep and his blunt tell it like it is style and that if Trump stays in he has my first in the nation conservative military veteran vote that actually counts.

The IRT baby daddy green card DNA husband starts in about how a Trump vote is a wasted vote etc... meanwhile his Baby Momma 22 year Povitch DNA Daddy Lottery ticket winning slore hair dresser comes over and introduces herself to me as a Liberal and begins to get in my grill in a hostile and entitled fashion about how a vote for Trump is a vote against Gay Civil Rights (Huh Trump has never mentioned anything about gays and likely employs thousands in his various entertainment businesses).

I basically indicated that as loud and overbearing she gets the more it makes me convinced my gut feelings about Trump being a real patriot are correct. She had to walk outside for a cigarette and talk to one of the more colorful guys at the Cigar store... he is a competition winning fitness body builder - ripped without Hulk Bulk) and makes money at it along with being good at sales.

While seeming to commiserate with her - he loves talking to the ladies and is probably planning some milf game with the IRT's baby momma.

After she steps outside he walks up to me and says in a low key voice "I am voting for Trump too" this from a guy who likes to game and bang liberal independent female hairdressers and Milfs...

Point is there are a lot of men - once referred to as the silent majority - who are silent because they are busy working and building and supporting their businesses and or familes) whose voices are not only now ignored by the Marxist Socialist Feminist LGBTQs loving media - their voices are actively overwhelmed by the screaming up in your grill Baby Momma DNA lottery winner women's rights activists the media sucks up too.

Then he rolled his eyes at her so I would see and then proceeded to game and comfort her to tee up an afternoon Milf Mongering while her IRT Beta Bux - proud to be buying a home for his kid and her mother - is busy beta providing so the Body builder can go balls deep with her.

That hard fact is there are a lot of patriotic men in the silent majority who are not just feed up with the Obamunist Marxist Feminists but are seriously concerned about the five active wars I enumerated up thread being waged against the USA and that the Obamunists elect to completely ignore.

The good news is these silent majority men vote and it will being interesting just how many come out to be counted in the Patriots cause for Donald J. Trump one of the last true patriots in Manhattan and the Republican party.

The Donald Trump thread - Deepdiver - 07-05-2015

OBTW - Trump had earned his first Billions through his deal making skills long before his father passed away so it is entirely inaccurate to say he made his fortune off of his fathers inheritance - "The Art of the Deal" was written while his father was still alive and well.

The Donald Trump thread - Easy_C - 07-05-2015

At this point, I'm not as concerned with whether he made the money himself because of a simple factor:

Trump has proven that he knows how to work around debt, which is arguably the most pressing need for America right now

Both of the times his corporations went underwater, Trump was able to restructure them in a way that avoided personal bankruptcy on his part. He was also effectively able to utilize the bankruptcy codes in order to protect his companies.

America is going to need to do the same thing more quickly than most people think(after interest rates start going up), and there are a number of interesting tricks on the table to solve the debt problem(with the best being a debt-equity exchange) that none of the other politicians would even consider.

The Donald Trump thread - CactusCat589 - 07-05-2015

How does his capability with handling corporate debt translate to handling sovereign debt? I'm not saying it doesn't, but I'm curious as to how. These are entirely different animals.

The Donald Trump thread - eradicator - 07-05-2015

Quote: (07-05-2015 06:35 PM)CactusCat589 Wrote:  

How does his capability with handling corporate debt translate to handling sovereign debt? I'm not saying it doesn't, but I'm curious as to how. These are entirely different animals.

This biggest difference between an independent billionaire like Trump or Ross Perot, they will not be indebted to special interests that they took payments from during the election process that continue to keep bankrupting the country.

But any budget he proposes will still have to pass congress, so he will simply not be adding to the nonsense with more bad debts, but coming from a position to better help the problem rather than make it worse.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-05-2015

Mitt Romney, Jeb, Rubio come out against Trump:

7K comments cheering Trump on. Something tells me Trumps strong stance on the borders may win him the primary in ways people aren't expecting. Americans are tired of the open borders shit.

The Donald Trump thread - It_is_my_time - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-05-2015 09:05 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Mitt Romney, Jeb, Rubio come out against Trump:

7K comments cheering Trump on. Something tells me Trumps strong stance on the borders may win him the primary in ways people aren't expecting. Americans are tired of the open borders shit.

This was what happened to Eric Cantor in Virginia. He was not for a strong border and was considered one of the safest and most powerful Republicans. And a guy from no where, with almost no funding, took him out in the primary by simply standing for strong borders.

The average American is sick of the shit. Especially after last summer when all the kids were allowed in and then the tuberculosis outbreaks in schools there after.

The Donald Trump thread - MidWest - 07-06-2015

I find the Republicans extremely divided over the immigration issue, more so than Democrats. Most democrats are pretty much all in on comprehensive immigration reform (some people call it amnesty) and that there needs to be a pathway to legalization and citizenship. On the Republican side it gets a little tricky. On one hand you have Republicans who say they want a pathway to citizenship like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. On the other hand you have the Republicans like Donald Trump and Mitt Romney who propose things like self-deportation which is a way of deportation which most conservative voters really want.

For immigration you can't really have a middle ground. You either deport them of you don't. The Democrats have come to the consensus that they want to keep them, but the Republicans struggle with the want to deport them. The average conservative voter would love to deport them, but your average conservative business owner loves the cheap labor these illegals bring.

No politician really wants to touch immigration. They are scared to even talk about it. At least Donald Trump has given it some attention and little by little I'm starting to see conservatives really bring the issue to the fore-front. Ann Coulter just came out with her new book "Adios America: The left's plan to turn our country into a third world hell-hole" and the book is selling like hot cakes and its getting national attention. She's not just talking about the economics of immigration but about 2044 and the demographic changes which is a first by many repubs.

Ann Coulter debates Univision anchor Jorge Ramos on immigration:

^^^I've never seen Jorge Ramos get drilled like that. Jorge is actually one of my favorite journalists but he got drilled here.

The Donald Trump thread - blacknwhitespade - 07-06-2015

Perhaps we could broker a compromise between the Bush types and the Trump types and cut a deal for the Mexican gov't to send us less hood rats and more hot telenovela babes. Legal or illegal, I'd like to see more of that kind of immigration into the USA.

The Donald Trump thread - Deepdiver - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-05-2015 09:05 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Mitt Romney, Jeb, Rubio come out against Trump:

7K comments cheering Trump on. Something tells me Trumps strong stance on the borders may win him the primary in ways people aren't expecting. Americans are tired of the open borders shit.

Rubio actually sounds like a Latino Hopey Changey Obama:
Rubio said. “Our next president needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide. Our broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved, and comments like this move us further from – not closer to – a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure our border and fix our broken immigration system.”

When the GOP nominates soft moderate Republicans (Dole, McCain & Romney & Rubio) they lose however when they nominate real conservatives and not just moderate RINOs they often win.

After 6.5 years of failed Obama economic policies that have proven disastrous for the middle class there is a huge Obama backlash that the liberal media knows is just waiting to vote their conscience.

I predict the whining screaming feminist marxist SJWs are in for a shock - the louder they scream the more they alienate the conservatives who in fact vote and pay the taxes that pay for their precious SJW programs...

The only real conservatives in the GOP field are Wisconsin's Gov Walker, Texas' Gov Perry, Rand Paul and ironically Donald Trump.

All the GOPers are taking dead aim at Trump (Not so much Rand Paul and Gov Walker) because none of them have his wealth nor wish to discuss hot button rainbow coalition issues; Mexican and Latin Drugs Gangs, Illegal Immigration, China, Radical Islam/ISIS or a re-nuked-up and riled Russia.

The Donald Trump thread - robreke - 07-06-2015

Two American women were allegedly murdered today by illegals. One in TX and one in California. Trump has already commented this on being further evidence for the US needing tighter security on the southern borders;

Of course, the leftists will claim he's jumping to conclusions. Common sense and evidence makes no difference to leftists when it goes against their plans to transform the country to their eternal reign and power.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-06-2015

At this rate Trump is going to crush the primaries like Cantor got crushed in VA. Establishment Republicans think they have everything under control when in fact they are about to get assraped.

The Donald Trump thread - Deepdiver - 07-06-2015

P.S. Got to read Coulter's new book - woman does her research...

"Adios America: The left's plan to turn our country into a third world hell-hole"

Trump should hire her as a political adviser would up his game immensely.

The Donald Trump thread - lskdfjldsf - 07-06-2015

We need a president with a nutsack, not a soft-spoken pansy who pussyfoots around the delicate sensibilities of protected classes. I don't care if it's Donald Trump or Donald Duck, enough is enough.

The Donald Trump thread - Sonsowey - 07-06-2015

People thinking Trump will actually be the Republican nominee...

I can't see that happening. The entire media is dedicated to making him look especially bad. In a democracy how can you possibly get anywhere if all the press is constantly ridiculing you?

He is not whipped and as a result they cannot let him pass. He is a free man who will speak his mind, this cannot be allowed.

The Donald Trump thread - Pontifex Maximus - 07-06-2015

When Michael Brown and the Ferguson riots were happening, the media and blacks were telling people that "Not all black people are like that." Black on black violence > White on black

When Trump calls out the Mexicans, every Mexican person is saying "Not all Mexicans are like that." Mexican on Mexican violence > White on Mexican

With the Charlie Hebdo shootings, every outlet was saying, "Not all Muslims are like that." Muslim on Muslim violence > White on Muslim

Translation: "I have no sense of accountability for my brethren, nor for the image of my people. I'll just keep playing victim of discrimination.

[Image: 7dbOIC8p9wg1i.gif]

Not all white people are Dylan Roof. Not all Asians are Seung-Hui-Cho ( Korean shooter in Virginia Tech). So why did white and Asians willingly apologize as a collective for the actions of their brethren, instead of pulling the " Not all Asians/whites are like that" card? It is this collective accountability that make these two groups successful in America; not skin tone, population proportion or language barrier. Until they learn to play by the rules and enter legally, they better stay the fuck out of my country.

Trump has my vote, simply because for once we have a man who is willing to call out bullshit. And lately, the bullshit has been piling.

The Donald Trump thread - RexImperator - 07-06-2015

The Democrats are thrilled when he's in the news because the media makes him (and by association, Republicans) look like a joke.

The Donald Trump thread - It_is_my_time - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 01:38 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

The Democrats are thrilled when he's in the news because the media makes him (and by association, Republicans) look like a joke.

A joke to whom? SJWs and feminists? Certainly. To people sick and tired of seeing the middle class get destroyed? We are saying "finally, someone with the balls to speak the truth".

The Donald Trump thread - scorpion - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 12:50 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

At this rate Trump is going to crush the primaries like Cantor got crushed in VA. Establishment Republicans think they have everything under control when in fact they are about to get assraped.

If Trump is really serious about running (which still remains to be seen) then I agree he has a very real shot at winning the Republican primary. The media and the GOP leadership are completely out of touch with the base of the Republican party on the issue of immigration. Every other candidate has totally sold out on immigration, so literally all Trump has to do is continue with his real talk and refuse to back down and he's going to draw a sizable share of the electorate. The key to Trump's appeal is understanding just how badly the GOP base has been sold out by its leadership. The average Republican views a border fence and an immigration crackdown as simple common sense measures that are badly overdue. Not only is no other candidate besides Trump voicing these concerns, everyone else is literally going in the opposite direction, bending over backwards toward the left. It's absolutely sickening.

I predict that if Trump actually continues as a serious candidate, literally the entire Republican establishment (meaning every other candidate and the party itself) along with the media will line up against him and attempt to destroy his candidacy (perhaps by excluding him from debates and the media refusing to cover him). If they can't force him out of the race after this and he continues to lead in the polls, they will pull some shenanigans to force him out of the party and off the ballot by claiming that he is a racist or something along those lines. If this happens, Trump will run as an independent and siphon off half of the Republican vote, resulting in an easy Democratic win. The anger from the right if this happened would probably destroy the GOP and result in the emergence of true right-wing nationalist party.

The Donald Trump thread - It_is_my_time - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 02:15 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2015 12:50 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

At this rate Trump is going to crush the primaries like Cantor got crushed in VA. Establishment Republicans think they have everything under control when in fact they are about to get assraped.

If Trump is really serious about running (which still remains to be seen) then I agree he has a very real shot at winning the Republican primary. The media and the GOP leadership are completely out of touch with the base of the Republican party on the issue of immigration. Every other candidate has totally sold out on immigration, so literally all Trump has to do is continue with his real talk and refuse to back down and he's going to draw a sizable share of the electorate. The key to Trump's appeal is understanding just how badly the GOP base has been sold out by its leadership. The average Republican views a border fence and an immigration crackdown as simple common sense measures that are badly overdue. Not only is no other candidate besides Trump voicing these concerns, everyone else is literally going in the opposite direction, bending over backwards toward the left. It's absolutely sickening.

I predict that if Trump actually continues as a serious candidate, literally the entire Republican establishment (meaning every other candidate and the party itself) along with the media will line up against him and attempt to destroy his candidacy (perhaps by excluding him from debates and the media refusing to cover him). If they can't force him out of the race after this and he continues to lead in the polls, they will pull some shenanigans to force him out of the party and off the ballot by claiming that he is a racist or something along those lines. If this happens, Trump will run as an independent and siphon off half of the Republican vote, resulting in an easy Democratic win. The anger from the right if this happened would probably destroy the GOP and result in the emergence of true right-wing nationalist party.

Trump has two angles on the other Republicans that will resonant strongly with the majority of Americans.

#1) The border issue discussed here in length.

#2) The Trans-America Trade agreement that Obama with the help of Republicans are working to ram down our throat. It is called the NAFTA for the southeast pacific. If explained correctly, it would be very unpopular with the majority of Americans, and Trump can pull this one out as well. If he does and explains himself well, it will be tough to keep him from winning the Republican primary.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 02:15 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2015 12:50 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

At this rate Trump is going to crush the primaries like Cantor got crushed in VA. Establishment Republicans think they have everything under control when in fact they are about to get assraped.

If Trump is really serious about running (which still remains to be seen) then I agree he has a very real shot at winning the Republican primary. The media and the GOP leadership are completely out of touch with the base of the Republican party on the issue of immigration. Every other candidate has totally sold out on immigration, so literally all Trump has to do is continue with his real talk and refuse to back down and he's going to draw a sizable share of the electorate. The key to Trump's appeal is understanding just how badly the GOP base has been sold out by its leadership. The average Republican views a border fence and an immigration crackdown as simple common sense measures that are badly overdue. Not only is no other candidate besides Trump voicing these concerns, everyone else is literally going in the opposite direction, bending over backwards toward the left. It's absolutely sickening.

I think Donald is serious about running because his ego is too big for business. The elation he gets from the cheering masses is an irresistible high for him. Money doesn't do it for him anymore. Neither do women. He's entering his 70's and the only thing left for him is power. But also, he has a sense of nationalism. He's proud of the country that raised him. He actually likes the people who made him rich. He has a sense of honor. He's both an egomaniac and patriot. That may be the winning combo because only a true sociopath can overcome the lies spouted out by the media day in and out.

Trump is also a savvy man who knows the future of America isn't going to be in Washington DC. As I've already stated in this thread, should Trump fall short in the nationals he'll still have a loyal following he can use to make his Trump fiefdom for his family to rule in the post-bankruptcy stage of America.


I predict that if Trump actually continues as a serious candidate, literally the entire Republican establishment (meaning every other candidate and the party itself) along with the media will line up against him and attempt to destroy his candidacy (perhaps by excluding him from debates and the media refusing to cover him). If they can't force him out of the race after this and he continues to lead in the polls, they will pull some shenanigans to force him out of the party and off the ballot by claiming that he is a racist or something along those lines. If this happens, Trump will run as an independent and siphon off half of the Republican vote, resulting in an easy Democratic win. The anger from the right if this happened would probably destroy the GOP and result in the emergence of true right-wing nationalist party.

If the establishment tries to out Trump via underhanded tactics, then his following will only grow stronger. Either they give him a fair hearing or the Republicans are dead.

The Democrats haven't said much about Trump. They do not seem concerned at all. It looks like they want Trump to divide the Republicans so they can secure 2016. I think your prediction of the Democrats ganging up against him will be proven incorrect. The Democrats think Trump is a racist who will get roasted at the nationals so they aren't going to say anything to hurt Trump right now. They WANT Trump to take the nomination, they think it will be an easy matchup for Hillary. I think they are going to sorry for what they wish for.

Quote:Sonsowey Wrote:

People thinking Trump will actually be the Republican nominee...

I can't see that happening. The entire media is dedicated to making him look especially bad. In a democracy how can you possibly get anywhere if all the press is constantly ridiculing you?

How did Eric Cantor lose? How did John Dewey lose?

[Image: dewey-defeats-truman.jpg]

The media has gotten assraped before, it can happen again.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-06-2015

By the way - Jeb Bush is a giant LOL:


Jeb Bush: Immigration is 'not a felony' but 'an act of love'

Posted by
CNN's Dana Davidsen
(CNN) - Jeb Bush said the debate over immigration reform needs to move past derisive rhetoric describing illegal immigrants.

The former Florida governor said in an interview Sunday in College Station, Texas, that people who come to the United States illegally are often looking for opportunities to provide for their families that are not available in their home countries.

"Yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. It's an act of love, it's an act of commitment to your family," Bush told Fox News host Shannon Bream at town hall event at the George Bush Presidential Library Center.

How the hell is this guy going to take the primary?

The Donald Trump thread - Sonsowey - 07-06-2015

Jeb Bush is the future of the Republican party.

He's already to the left of Obama in 2008.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-06-2015

Quote: (07-06-2015 04:06 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Jeb Bush is the future of the Republican party.

He's already to the left of Obama in 2008.

No one is gonna vote for that.

The Donald Trump thread - Deepdiver - 07-06-2015

I am Dumb Founded - meaning unable to speak regarding Jeb's bleeding heart RINO quotation:

"Yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. It's an act of love, it's an act of commitment to your family,"

WTF They broke the freaking LAW by coming here, staying here and working hear - every contract I take I have to prove my citizenship via E-Verify and I am an honorably discharged Nuke Subs veteran - how do these people get jobs - not all are under the table dishwashers or landscapers... Unfortunately, many are here in fact to commit crimes and deal extremely addictive drugs - opioids overdoses are now epidemic across the USA and the Mexican Drugs cartels now control drugs distribution to over 300 North American Cities... and

This is what the pro La Raza pro Reconquista USA media is defending - unconscionable if you think about it:

Analysts estimate that wholesale earnings from illicit drug sales range from $13.6 billion[72] to $49.4 billion annually.[72][77][78]

By the end of Felipe Calderón's administration (2006–12), the official death toll of the Mexican Drug War was at least 60,000.[79] Estimates set the death toll above 120,000 killed by 2013, not including 27,000 missing. (Clearly 60K to 120K deaths and 27K missing - the violence has dramatically escalated under the Obamunistas regime - a MAJOR FAIL no wonder the Democants do not want to debate this horrific disaster).

This is basically a terminal cancer on our southern border and the Obamunistas are completely ignoring it and blocking law enforcement and tolerating Sanctuary Cities breaking Federal law (Boston, San Francisco et. al.) Since when do cities determine which Federal laws they will obey - time to cut the massive flow of funds, community development block grants and endless other Federal programs until these cities get the message and comply with our illegal immicracion and crimalien invasion laws. One quarter without Federal Funding and the average city goes bankrupt in the USA so some real Federal leverage here.

Trump, Gov Walker and Rand Paul will crucify Jeb Bush in the debates - scary Rick Perry is on the same RINO pro "illegal immigracion is an act of love" page as Bush...