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Why Hasn't Game Worked? - jtteop - 06-21-2014

I'm glad to hear you've got a positive plan. From my understanding of China you should have no problem getting a girl. Of course from my understanding you should have had no problem in alot of other places you've been too.
When I went to China as a single guy I literally had people running down the street after me. As a westerner with a good salary you will be highly desired by many of the poorer women there and that should be enough to overcome whatever weird and generally undesirable sexual signals you are inadvertently sending out to them.

I really hope you do well there and haven't been offended by anything I have said. I have honestly just been trying to help.

You might like to check out the following forum which guarantees that you'll have success!

Example quote:


Honestly, just go to any bar or cafe... and Chinese women will hit on you. I am not trying to sound sexist or like an ass, but it is simply true.

But for a more in depth perspective look here:

I hope you have a good time there and meet the woman of your dreams.

Keep us posted!

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Samseau - 06-21-2014

Go for the bang

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - PapayaTapper - 06-23-2014

It seems to me that, by leaving the country right away, you are letting a huge opportunity to change your life pass you by. If your story is true and the inability to escalate and close the deal has had such a negative impact on the quality of your life, why would you pass up on the offers from those capable and willing to help you? It seems like you are just running from the problem again without any meaningful change.

You took a tremendous amount of time to detail your issues here on this forum (you basically wrote a book about in your first post) and garnered the attention of empathy of quite a few people.

If it were me I'd postpone the China move (you can always go later...right?) and meet up with some of the more seasoned members on this forum that have offered to help

Life altering opportunities are seldom offered by others and even more seldom recognized.

Quote: (06-21-2014 12:14 AM)thegreenman Wrote:  

Well it's been a week or so, and I just came back to read all this new stuff. I'd like to say again how much I appreciate each and every one of you who's written something. It's good advice here, and it's really encouraging to know that ya'll got my back.

Here's the situation now...

I've been spending the last couple weeks focusing on getting a job in Asia. I figure I need a whole new setup, a whole new lifestyle, a whole new... civilization. I'm gonna start from scratch.

And I've gotten multiple job offers from schools in China. I picked one really awesome-looking town in the mountains, which happens to be an international tourist destination, and it looks like a 95% chance I'm going to take that position. I'm calling up the embassy on Monday to get a visa. I anticipate arriving there in about 3 weeks.

[Image: banana.gif]

Although I've never had "yellow fever", there are some great pluses about Chinese girls (and almost all Asians).
#1 They're short. This opens up about 3-4x more of the female population as potential partners for me.
#2 They seem to be traditional in their approach to dating/love/sex, and I could see one of them treating me very, very well
#3 I automatically have my foot in the door because I'm white and American. It's an instant conversation starter

I'm sure there are many more that have been discussed on this forum extensively. I can hear some of you saying that I should have gone to Thailand because that's just "where ya go" if you're a virgin who needs a crash course on sex, but there are various lifestyle reasons why I think I'd prefer China (including the salary - it's waaaay higher).

I am extremely confident that I'll have an abundance of opportunities to get closer to girls. I recognize that it's still not going to be done "for me", and that I'll still have to put in work in self-improvement and approaching. But I just feel like the odds will no longer be stacked so high against me. I get the sense that the par will be lowered to a level where I can actually compete, and have a fair chance.

This will be my first experience of having a financial means of supporting myself outside of the USA, and I can taste the independence already.

Feel free to share any info you have that might be relevant. I'm going to the southwest part of China, in the mountains, near the city of Kunming.

And please, no rice jokes.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Giovonny - 06-23-2014

I have been thinking a lot about this guy.

I'm glad he is going to China.

Location is everything in Game.


When I skyped with him, I asked him what he learned from this thread..

He said:

1) Other guys have the same problem

2) People care

Since then, a few weeks have passed, this thread is dying down..

I wonder if people still care..

I feel that learning game can be a lonely road.

You might get some help here and there along the way but for the most part, you must preserver on your own, no one is going to save you, you must save yourself. Tremendous self will and self motivation are required. Learning game requires so much effort, dedication, and toughness. It is not easy. Most of the time you will be alone. You will get knocked down and you will have to get up and keep going. Don't give up. This journey takes years.

And, believe me, the payoff and rewards are worth every second of the pain you will endure.

The rejections, the embarrassments, the failures, etc.

They are all worth it if you can just stay focused, stay tough, and stay the course.

GET HELP IF YOU NEED IT.. We all get help on our homework, our taxes, our legal matters, our clothes, our exercise, our diet, etc.

Why not get help with your social skills??? We need help sometimes. I ask for help constantly. I need it in various aspects of my life.


Keep going brother, don't give up.

I know its hard, I know its frustrating.

There is no simple answer, it will take years of hard work.

Just Keep Going!

In the end, it will be worth it!

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Travesty - 06-23-2014

^ Since he is getting ready to move to China he probably doesn't have time to game right now.

3 weeks right?

Once he starts actively gaming he should post his approaches and dates here I am sure the thread will get active again.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - PapayaTapper - 06-23-2014

Quote: (06-23-2014 01:17 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

[b]I feel that learning game can be a lonely road.

You might get some help here and there along the way but for the most part, you must preserver on your own, no one is going to save you, you must save yourself. Tremendous self will and self motivation are required. Learning game requires so much effort, dedication, and toughness. It is not easy. Most of the time you will be alone. You will get knocked down and you will have to get up and keep going. Don't give up. This journey takes years.

I think his story resonated with a lot of people on this forum, myself included. It's obvious that this aspect of his life has really impacted his quality and enjoyment of life on a profound level.

Far be it from me to tell anyone how to live their life, but from what I've read in his posts it seems that a simple change of venue hasn't been the answer in the past. He's done that several times. What's going to be different this time?

He's already demonstrated that he's not afraid to put in the effort/work, and he's probably close to a major breakthrough. All I'm suggesting is that he might benefit TREMENDOUSLY from spending some real world time/mentoring offers from some of the more experienced members (such as yourself). It's a great and rare opportunity.

That said, all the best to you Greenman and I too hope you'll keep us posted.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Giovonny - 06-23-2014

Quote: (06-23-2014 02:03 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

it seems that a simple change of venue hasn't been the answer in the past. He's done that several times. What's going to be different this time?

Whats different this time is that he going to China. A place where his value should be high.

He is a white man.

In the past, he traveled to California and various places in America.

The difference between California and China is.. well.. immense!

Don't get me wrong.. I'm not saying that changing locations will fix his game.

But, I am saying that going to China should increase his value, which will in turn, increase his sex appeal to women.

Not all locations are the same.

That said, I think I understand your point.. We can't just change locations and expect our social problems to be cured. We must fix ourselves form the inside out so that no matter what location we are in, we have a chance to compete socially.

Quote: (06-23-2014 02:03 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

All I'm suggesting is that he might benefit TREMENDOUSLY from spending some real world time/mentoring offers from some of the more experienced members (such as yourself). It's a great and rare opportunity.

I agree.

Not enough guys get personalized, face to face help with their social skills.

We get help with our homework, our exercise, our taxes, our diet, our car, our kids..

Why not get help with your sex life???

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - TheFinalEpic - 06-23-2014

Just read this whole thread, and I am extremely humbled and proud to be a member of this community. Helping a fellow man in need that none of us had met previously is incredible and just goes to show how great the members of this forum are.

It also took great strength to come forward with your problems and trust this group of men, OP.

As for moving to Asia, I believe that by "starting fresh" you have created a rebirthing of yourself and the ability to become anyone you want to become. It is like the kid in high school that wasn't popular or particularly good at getting with women going to university and reinventing himself as a true man and proficient individual with the opposite sex. You can truly become anyone you want now, and that will only help you in your quest.

Don't pass up on the opportunities that have been presented to you however, pick Gio and McQueen's brains, they are extremely knowledgeable and I enjoy their material immensely. Continue to come forward with your problems, as we are all here to help.

One of the greatest threads on this forum by far.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - eradicator - 06-23-2014

China has a really bad ratio because the girl babies often get aborted because of the one child per family policy. Also, very few of them speak English.

I would try a place like Singapore where most of the population at least knows English. just my 2 cents

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Samseau - 06-24-2014

^ It's different if you're teaching English there. Even though you'd think teaching English is low status, it's huge status in China. Like you said, most still do not speak English. Simply being a position of authority with an exotic language gets major points. You'll get a girlfriend unless you're afraid of touching women.

Source: One of my closest friends taught in China

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-24-2014

China has a terrible m/f ratio, but only if you are a poor Chinese guy with no Game.

A White Westerner is by default a massive DHV in a smaller city. It works in Singapore too because there are many other women from SEA there, but it is way more westernized. Dating in a small 2-3 mio. city in China is similar to the 1950s for the Western guy. Apart from that China's economy is growing and will take over as the next Superpower after the step-by-step collapse of the US.

OP will likely be with a reasonably cute girlfriend within a short period just by sticking to basic Dating. Good choice.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - jtteop - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-23-2014 04:53 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Whats different this time is that he going to China. A place where his value should be high.

That's true, but it should have been high when he was in the Philippines and India. Status may not be the whole answer here!

I don't think the problem will be necessarily getting a woman in China, but he would still be scraping the bottom of the barrel, whereas if the actual problem was solved he could have his pick of women.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - simondice - 06-24-2014

I believe he should go for the mentor opportunity like the one Mcqueen offered before he does something like going to China or SEA. Then he can do whatever he wants

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - thegreenman - 09-12-2014

Update, 9-12-2014:

Hi guys! Greetings from the Middle Kingdom. [Image: smile.gif]

I arrived in China on September 1st, and I'm now pretty well settled in. So now that I'm in a place where I have a much better baseline market value, and hopefully a chance of banging, I'd like to pick up where we left off.

First, I'll tell you my overall living situation.

I'm in a small city (~1 million) in the mountainous and stunningly beautiful southwestern region of the country. I have a job as an English teacher, and I'm living in an apartment on the second floor of the school. Right now I only have 3 to 5 classes per week, but the school promises that I'll get more classes as more students sign up. They're providing the apartment for free.

The students I'm teaching are all children, so no banging prospects there... but again, the school is promising that I'll get 1-on-1 sessions with adults, as they sign up.

The city where I'm located is a major tourist destination, basically China's hub for mountainy-naturey tourism, and a very highly-sought-after place (among Chinese - chances are if you're not chinese you've never heard of it). It has an "Old-Town" section that dates back 800 years, and it's a bustling center of (in my opinion, extremely tacky) tourism, with a ton of nightlife (although Chinese nightlife is different from any other nightlife I've seen anywhere else, and like everything else Chinese, to a westerner it comes off as a little strange.) I've been around the old town several times now, including once on a friday night, and the chicks are extremely abundant, appearing in such numbers and density as I've seen nowhere else except maybe Montreal.

And you will be happy to know that they're all in good shape. All of them. I have not seen a single obese person - young or old, male or female. Chinese fatties are like the Yeti - their existence is rumored, but unconfirmed.

And they're also mostly close to my height, a major handicap back in the states, which I no longer have to worry about. (I'm 5'2")

The biggest problem, however, is that we can't communicate. Most of my strengths in pickup are verbal - I can approach, find something situational to jabber about, and use sharp wit and cocky/funny to get a girl laughing... but not here. I'm learning the language, slowly, but for some reason, no matter HOW I say it, nobody understands me. I repeat things 5 times, using all the different tones: uptone, downtone, diptone, and singing tone... but still nobody gets what I'm trying to say. As a matter of necessity, I've gotten VERY good at pantomiming. (one time I was at a restaurant and I wanted eggs, so I bock-bock-bocked like a chicken while flapping my arms like wings, and then squatted down and pretended to pull an object out of my ass. It worked and they brought me eggs.)

For the first week, the only girls I talked to were my two co-workers. The very first night I got here, they took me out to dinner. They asked me tons of questions about myself, and everything I answered, they responded with something along the lines of "wow! That is so great! Wow, you are amazing! Wow, how wonderful! Wow, you're so good with the chopsticks, where did you learn that? Omg you know about my culture! Who taught you? Wow you're so cool!" It was very very refreshing, compared to the women we're used to in the states, just rolling their eyes and being aloof, e.g. "Oh so you traveled around 10 countries, by yourself, for months at a time in each one, on a shoestring budget, and made spontaneous friendships with people of every race color religion and so on, ok thats great but plz move, you're blocking the TV."

So by comparison, I feel like a bit of a celebrity. It's really nice to have your ego nourished with compliments. I had almost forgotten what that was like.

Here's a little story: I was walking around the park, and I passed by a wedding group, taking photos of the bride and groom on the grass. As I passed, the photographer looked over at me and said "Hello" in English. I said hello back. Later on, as I was sitting by the lake drinking mango juice, the photographer came over and sat down at my table. I said "sup", he said "how are you", I said "fine." I then saw the bride and groom approaching. He motioned with his camera to me, and I assumed he wanted me to take a photo of the group, with him in it. So I got up, and was about to take his camera, when he handed it to the GROOM... and then put his arm around me! The groom then took a picture of me and the photographer. [Image: blush.gif]

Rockstar! [Image: banana.gif]

Now here's where things start to get interesting...

There is a yoga center in the rural countryside north of the city, which I've begun staying at. The yoga center has a volunteer program where you give 2 hours of work per day, and get to stay for free, all meals included. And since all of my English classes are on Saturday, that leaves me with 6-day blocks to go anywhere I want and do anything I want. So this past week, I stayed there, and I think I'm going to get into a routine of staying there almost all the time, as long as I don't have any classes.

And here's why:

There are 10 girls staying there, full time (all in their 20's), and many others passing through for short stays. So far I've only seen one other male, besides myself and the center's director (who is spending the next 3-4 weeks in Beijing). So it's a ratio of 10 to 2 (and possibly better, depending on the day). That's some pretty good odds... odds at which, in the conventional wisdom, one "cannot fail."

I'll tell you about my adventures there in part 2....

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - thegreenman - 09-12-2014

Part 2.... The Yoga Center

As the only foreigner, I immediately stood out. As soon as I got there, all the chicks went into giggly-asian mode. For the first 3 days, every time I made eye contact with them (or opened my mouth to say something, no matter how mundane), they would all bust out laughing and blushing. They would approach me, to ask about me and my country, and practice what limited English they had. On my second night there, the director gathered everyone around a fire to introduce me, let me speak about my travels/adventures and get my opinions and ideas on yoga and other related subjects. As I talked, he translated into Chinese, and the other people asked questions to me, which he translated into English for me. It was me, surrounded by a circle of giggly, blushing 20-year old girls, intently focused on me, asking me questions about my life and opinions. I'm not exaggerating. It was like I was a guru, at a satsang, surrounded by students. At one point, I was asked, "do you have a girlfriend?", to which I replied, "I'm accepting applications." They all busted out laughing (like they did at everything else I said, only a little more intense). They then asked me what qualities I'm looking for in a girl. I'm not making this up! I told them she has to be caring, adventurous, love animals, open-minded and eager to try new things.

Throughout the first few days, one girl in particular seemed to be the most assertive with regard to approaching me and talking to me. Let's call her Jing. Jing practically followed me around, and began touching me in little ways very early on. At first she took my bracelet in her fingers and asked "how to say in English?", but of course I knew she wasn't REALLY trying to find out how to say it, she just wanted an excuse to initiate touch. After that she would occasionally put her hand on my shoulder while talking to me, and things like that. I hadn't made a "decision" on which girl I was the most attracted to, so I figured I would just go for the one who seemed to be the most interested in me. The path of least resistance - like the Tao! Yes, grasshopper.

So of course I realized, due to her repeatedly touching me, that I had the green light to start touching her. But I didn't know how. And this was the first big challenge.

Touch - the very concept of putting one's hands on another person - seems extremely weird and unusual to me. I know, intellectually, that it's a perfectly normal part of being human, yada yada yada. Yes, I know. But it FEELS awkward. It's just... strange. Part of me is going "why would you put your HANDS... on a PERSON?" Even though I know that when a woman is touching you, repeatedly, you have a gigantic, glaring, 100 megawatt neon-green light to start touching her back, and it's completely appropriate - and in fact, it's creepy and weird if you DON'T touch her at that point. Yes, I know. But it still feels strange and unusual.

So I started looking for "opportunities" or "excuses" to touch her. Even though I knew I could, I still needed some kind of "reason" to do it. Like, what am I supposed to do, just plop my hand down on her shoulder, and just leave it there? What if she's standing across from me - do I just extend my arm out there, and leave it on her, like a bridge across the gulf? Do I do it while we're side to side? Do I touch the side of her nearest to me, or do I reach across to her opposite shoulder? Or am I supposed to hold her hand for a little bit first? Do I continue talking while I'm doing it, as if to say "ah, no big deal, yea I'm touching you whatevs, it's normal, so like what were you saying? anyway..." OR do I do it in a manly alpha sorta way, like stop the conversation for a second to show her "yes, i KNOW im putting my hand on you now, yea, feel that, I'm alpha beyotch and you're mine baby, yea, now, what were you saying?" Do I lock eyes while I'm doing it? Etc etc.

I'm not actually asking for answers to those questions, because I know that all of those questions are irrelevant. What I'm doing is showing my thinking process that's going on when I'm in situations like that. I know that there's no answer to those questions, except for "stop thinking so fucking much, and just TOUCH her dude!"

So anyway, after much stressing about the whole thing, I engineered a situation where we were sitting side by side, close enough that the sides of our bodies were touching. At first it was our knees, then our shoulders. I know there are some of you who are laughing at this. Go ahead, laugh all you want. I know it's funny.

In this situation, she started asking me deep personal questions, like about my family, and about my plans for the future. Eventually she got to the one question I absolutely dread:

"How many girlfriends have you had?"

Every time a girl has asked me this question, it spells the end. I don't know how to answer this. If I lie, they find out pretty quick. If I lie, I have to maintain the lie, and pile more lies on top of it. I don't like to lie. "No officer, I don't have any weed in my car" is an acceptable lie, but "I've had a few girlfriends and I'm no stranger to the realm of sex and intimacy" is not an acceptable lie. It doesn't work. It always comes back to bite me. So I don't lie about things like that.

But if I tell the truth, it doesn't bode well either. Anyway, I told her I haven't had any girlfriends. She asked why, and I struggled to come up with a response. I said "I don't know." She asked again. Again I said I just don't know. Scared that I may have been sending signals of being some sort of closet homo, I finally settled on a viable explanation: "because American girls don't make good girlfriends." It was the closest thing to the truth that I could come up with.

She responded that she thinks that people everywhere are the same, and didn't seem to buy my explanation. But apparently it wasn't a dealbraker, because she continued the conversation, showing me pictures of her parents, and her house, and asking me if I want children. She told me that she has a boyfriend, who lives in a city 700 miles away from her city, thus making it a long distance relationship, and further telling me that she doesn't like him anymore and wants to break up with him. She said he calls her all the time, and she finds it annoying. She told me he's possessive, and irritating, she doesn't feel it for him anymore. She asked me if she should break up with him, and if so, how. I told her the best way is to just be honest and tell him that she doesn't want him to call anymore. She asked me to help her change her phone number to avoid him. (lol!) I said just block the number.

She then told me her model of an ideal relationship. You guys are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE this. She said she wants a relationship where she's submissive, is basically a housewife, and where the man leads her. She said she doesn't want to be the boss, but would rather her man be the boss, and work and make money while she raises the children. She said she thinks man and woman should be a team, not competitive, and that each one should respect the other's role. I then elaborated on my explanation of American women, telling her that they try to reverse that relationship, compete with men to take the man's role away from him, try to supplant him as the leader, etc, and that's why I don't think they make good girlfriends! She laughed - the laugh of understanding.

In all this conversation, I still didn't really touch her though.

I was trying to find a "reason", or an "appropriate moment" where touching felt natural. But I couldn't find such an opportunity.

At this point, the group got together to do some chanting mantras. She got up and sat somewhere else for this, and when it was over, we ate lunch, and from that point on, something was different in her - she seemed more withdrawn, sullen, and gloomy. The next time I talked to her, she looked very unhappy. She even got combative; instead of putting her hand on my shoulder, she started hitting me. Playful hitting, but hitting nonetheless. She started karate chopping the air in front of me, doing karate kicks that fell just short of my stomach. I'm not making this up.

It turned from "gentle girl making conversation" to "combative tom-boyish girl trying to cocky-funny me, tease me, and bust my balls."

Later that day, in yoga class, she sat on her mat, not moving, for half the class. I saw that as an opportunity - and after the class, I went up to her asking her why she seemed so gloomy - and I PUT MY HAND ON HER SHOULDER in a gesture of comfort. Woohoo!!!!! YEs!!!!! Finally! I put my hand on her! Yay!!! All it took was an excuse.

By the way, if there's one thing I'd like to hear comments about, more than anything else, it's this touching issue. I'm pretty sure it's the #1 roadblock separating me from a satisfying existence in this life.

After that, she told me she was thinking about leaving the program early and going home. We talked for a little while, with her telling me her reasons for wanting to leave. I shared my feedback on the subject.

The next day, I had to come back to the city for a party that the school was throwing for Mid-Autumn day. After getting away from the yoga center and the situation there, I took a step back and got some perspective. She's only one girl. There are 10 more there. I can start paying attention to the others. They might play less head games. And if I pay attention to them, this one will probably get jealous and realize that she's in danger of losing me, and start pursuing me again. And that's pretty much exactly what happened. When I returned the following day, I started talking to the other girls more, and voila- everything was new and fresh. Jing started being friendly again. But she's still got the combative persona - she's still karate-chopping me. But it's more playful now.

Ummm so... that's where I'm at. I'm teaching class tomorrow, and will probably head back to the yoga center tomorrow night or sunday.

I'd like some advice on how to escalate. Things are a little complicated logistically because the girls are staying in dormitory-style living spaces. I have my own room (for now - there's another bed in the room, but no one is currently occupying it, since males are in rather low supply). So if a girl wants to hook up with me, we could do it in my room. [I want to clarify that I'm talking about at the yoga center - not my apartment in the city. My apartment in the city is all mine, completely private, although the girls at the yoga center aren't "allowed" to leave during the length of their program, so it would be hard to get one to come back to the city with me].

But either way, if one of the girls were missing from her bed one night, her roommate would undoubtedly go looking for her, all the way up to whispering/calling her name in the courtyard. If she were to tell her roommate that she's hooking up with me, that would not go over well. That's just... no. I don't know how else to explain it except that culturally it seems like a big no-no. The girls are in a sort of collective female hive-mind sort of thing. It's like they're all one organism. And they're big on following rules. For all I know, the yoga program probably has a prohibition on sexual relations. This isn't carousel-land. If one of them were to hook up, it would not go over. It would be a big deal, and could result in total shame and her being a persona-non-grata for the rest of the program, if not kicked out entirely. I don't know any of that for a fact, but it's the impression I'm getting.

So I'd like to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading! Here's a picture of the mountain next to the yoga center:

[Image: attachment.jpg21562]   

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Simeon_Strangelight - 09-12-2014


I'd like some advice on how to escalate. Things are a little complicated logistically because the girls are staying in dormitory-style living spaces. I have my own room (for now - there's another bed in the room, but no one is currently occupying it, since males are in rather low supply). So if a girl wants to hook up with me, we could do it in my room. [I want to clarify that I'm talking about at the yoga center - not my apartment in the city. My apartment in the city is all mine, completely private, although the girls at the yoga center aren't "allowed" to leave during the length of their program, so it would be hard to get one to come back to the city with me].

But either way, if one of the girls were missing from her bed one night, her roommate would undoubtedly go looking for her, all the way up to whispering/calling her name in the courtyard.

The usual routine of wanting to show her something in your room would work best - in the Yoga center. You could also invite her to watch something on your Notebook and have some wine with her. Works better if it is in the evening and not yet at night. Many Chinese girls are more traditional in a way that they do not wish to go through dozens of men on the cock-carousel and it truly sounds as if she is only dating men who are almost automatically husband-potential-material.

Apart from that simply check out on the forum on how to date Chinese women - plenty of stuff here.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Lion of Judah - 09-14-2014

I haven't read this whole thread yet, but is he for real? I noticed he hasn't gotten banned yet, so Im assuming he's not a troll.

I just wanna know before I get too emotionally invested in his story...

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Dalaran1991 - 09-14-2014

Quote: (09-14-2014 01:23 PM)Lion of Judah Wrote:  

I haven't read this whole thread yet, but is he for real? I noticed he hasn't gotten banned yet, so Im assuming he's not a troll.

I just wanna know before I get too emotionally invested in his story...

Some members skyped with him personally, so I assume he is real. Its not until his above post when he says that he is 5"2 that I actually begin to believe him. Say what you will, being that short is a severe disadvantage and a guy like that has to work way harder than normal. Think the kind of work you have to put out to get a 8 while you are a 6, he must do the same just to get a 5. Im 5"4 and though I do well for myself all the girls Ive been with are significantly shorter than me, 4"8 - 5"2.

OP, I know its hard but keep on updating people here. We ll try to help as much as possible.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - SydneyD - 09-14-2014

'tis the season of the [Image: troll.gif] *sigh*

damn I swear i feel like puking everytime i see these 'game doesn't work' sob story threads.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Wahawahwah - 09-14-2014

This thread just keeps on giving.

Good luck OP!

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - boywonder34 - 09-14-2014

"damn I swear i feel like puking everytime i see these 'game doesn't work' sob story threads"

Have you actually read the replies?

Im glad this wasn't a troll and the thread never locked. I am in a similar situation and now realise approaching more is not necessarily the answer.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Comte De St. Germain - 09-14-2014

Quote: (09-14-2014 01:23 PM)Lion of Judah Wrote:  

I haven't read this whole thread yet, but is he for real? I noticed he hasn't gotten banned yet, so Im assuming he's not a troll.

I just wanna know before I get too emotionally invested in his story...

Quote: (09-14-2014 04:20 PM)SydneyD Wrote:  

'tis the season of the [Image: troll.gif] *sigh*

damn I swear i feel like puking everytime i see these 'game doesn't work' sob story threads.
Hey you two. Mind actually reading the thread instead of bullshitting around. You guys don't have many posts here either so before you call out members get familiar with the community. This guy is the real deal with what he's saying so don't bash the man.

Edit: Yes I have him on skype as well. OP if you ever need help feel free to PM me here or call me on skype.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - redbeard - 09-14-2014

OP is going great lengths to achieve his dreams...what are all the haters doing?

Keep it up greenman, it's good to hear you're doing well.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Merenguero - 09-14-2014

Quote: (09-14-2014 05:46 PM)hwuzhere Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2014 01:23 PM)Lion of Judah Wrote:  

I haven't read this whole thread yet, but is he for real? I noticed he hasn't gotten banned yet, so Im assuming he's not a troll.

I just wanna know before I get too emotionally invested in his story...

Quote: (09-14-2014 04:20 PM)SydneyD Wrote:  

'tis the season of the [Image: troll.gif] *sigh*

damn I swear i feel like puking everytime i see these 'game doesn't work' sob story threads.
Hey you two. Mind actually reading the thread instead of bullshitting around. You guys don't have many posts here either so before you call out members get familiar with the community. This guy is the real deal with what he's saying so don't bash the man.

Edit: Yes I have him on skype as well. OP if you ever need help feel free to PM me here or call me on skype.

I'm one of about only two or three forum members who has actually met the guy. He's real and I believe he is being completely honest in his posts.

Why Hasn't Game Worked? - Barron - 09-14-2014

Your problem is that you're outcome dependent.

All the practice and game in the world won't help poor inner game - in this case your inability to go out and genuinely enjoy yourself regardless if you get attention/affection from women.

$100 says every time you go out you have the mindset of "ok i'm gonna try this and see if girls bite"

Women can sense a fake from a mile away and it's obvious you're giving off that vibe because of your dependence on the outcome.

When you can go out and genuinely enjoy yourself regardless of what happens, then women will take notice and won't help but be attracted to you - because your fun will be authentic and not faked, your energy will be sincere and not contrived.

You haven't learned how to have fun.