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America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - Anon-A-Moose - 01-23-2012

There's no question that America is the easiest place to fuck girls. I'm broke, not particularly handsome, not in particularly great shape, have a mildly charming personality at best, and had no problem even without game. The problem is the girls themselves. The average Americunt isn't even worth the comically-minimal amount of time invested to fuck her. Watch an 80s or 90s chick flick, compare with modern women. No wonder our country has gone to shit.

The two simple things to get American girls are A.) don't be a pussy and B.) tolerate her inane bullshit. Remember, unless she's an 8 or a 9, this is your competition:
[Image: fat-ugly-goth.jpg]

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - thegmanifesto - 01-23-2012

Here is some food for thought:

Essentially, "Social Circle Game" is a code word for "this place is hard as f*ck to pick up girls at night".

You never hear anyone on here saying something like:

"In Chicago, you really need to use 'social circle game' to get girls."

Something to think about.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - dk902 - 01-23-2012

Quote: (01-23-2012 07:11 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Here is some food for thought:

Essentially, "Social Circle Game" is a code word for "this place is hard as f*ck to pick up girls at night".

You never hear anyone on here saying something like:

"In Chicago, you really need to use 'social circle game' to get girls."

Something to think about.

Now you're the one reading my mind Gman when I'm contemplating a trip to Argentina...Social circle game..ha.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - Black Quixote - 01-23-2012

So, I see mention of opening in french. But how much of a DHV is an American speaking French? I speak French very well so I am just curious if it's worth it to speak to her in a few minutes then switch. Or just try and do the whole convo until I run out of stuff to say?

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - thegmanifesto - 01-23-2012

Quote: (01-23-2012 08:40 PM)Black Quixote Wrote:  

So, I see mention of opening in french. But how much of a DHV is an American speaking French? I speak French very well so I am just curious if it's worth it to speak to her in a few minutes then switch. Or just try and do the whole convo until I run out of stuff to say?

I think it would depend on the social status of the girl.

If the girl is well traveled/sophisticated, I think it would be a plus.

If the girl is a Red State/Stay at home America/Idiot, she is libel not to know what the f*ck you are talking about.

Case by case.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - birth - 01-23-2012

Quote: (01-21-2012 01:02 AM)misterstir Wrote:  

I have a question. Does this big spending really work, or does it just get you girls who want free drinks? Because I've seen other posters on here say that you'll just get lots of girls come to your table but none of them are really dtf.

The economics are a bit questionable...I'm pretty sure at $400 a night I could just pay the average girl at a club to have sex with me like in bangbros. In fact you'd be better off because then you'd only waste your money and not your time.

Big spending? Well, I actually end up spending the same amount I would if I would just get drinks at the bar. At least in cities like MIA or NYC it's like that.

Plus, you shouldn't talk to those coming straight up to you. It's obvious that they only want drinks. If they ask me for a drink early into the conversation I tell her "you know the bar is over there, right?" and point to it. If she's interested, she'll stick around. If not, fuck her. (man, this is suddenly sounding pretty much like stripper game). I've had girls straight come up to me and compliment on some clothing accessory that I was wearing, which did end up in a bang. Just use common sense.

What I do is just stop them and cold approach them whenever something worthy walks by. I then go through my routines, go for the makeout and start sexualization. If she's still around after that, I'll probably get her a drink if I enjoy talking to her and want to bang her.

Sometimes they walk over to another table and just come back with their own drinks, lol. Since I don't care about that few drops of vodka and her investment in me is rather high at this point, giving her a drink doesn't really hurt my value. Obviously, getting a good table and being dressed up really sharp is crucial for this.

Besides this, hitting up random bars is another thing that I love to do. Especially in NY you can find some girls desperate for a guy in the shittiest bars.. obviously, your cost per notch is going to be way lower here, but I personally enjoy clubbing.

And I'd place America with Sweden on top of the "easiest places to bang" list. my fastest bang, which was within 15 minutes, was with a Swedish girl. Also the easiest one happened in Sweden, where I had friends of a girl inviting me to an "afterparty" which consisted of them dropping me off alone with one of her hot friends at her apartment...

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - MikeCF - 01-23-2012

Whether you will get girls by "big spending" presents a really fun paradox.

It's very Zen.

If I go out with a few of my guy friends, we might get a table.


Because we want a "home base" to swoop from.

We all work a lot, don't get to hang out a lot, so we're glad to just chill together.

When you're with a group of cool guys, girls will want to be around you.

So you end up meeting the most women when you're not actively trying.

Also, you can roll out and talk to a girl at the other side of the bar, and who hasn't seen you at a table.

If after 10-20 minutes of talking to her, she's cool, invite her over.

"Hey, come over and meet my friends." Then walk her to a table.

It's not a little kid with a table. You're a guy who just rolls like this.

You just bring her over, "It ain't no thing," shrug, and introduce her.

Also, if your crew is legit, a table isn't really expensive. If you're with 3 other guys, it may only run you $200 or so each. (Not in Vegas, obviously.)

That's why I also tell you young cats to make friends with legit guys.

All boats rise with the tide. When you roll with the right guys, you rise much higher.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - Excelsior - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-23-2012 11:00 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

When you're with a group of cool guys, girls will want to be around you.

So you end up meeting the most women when you're not actively trying.

That's why I also tell you young cats to make friends with legit guys.

All boats rise with the tide. When you roll with the right guys, you rise much higher.

Incredibly true, maybe one of the more underrated truths of game.

Everything is one million times easier when you've got a group of guys you a) genuinely like and b) are genuinely having a good time with. Speaking for myself, I'm a better person when I'm around a core group of friends (which, unfortunately, is rare these days, but has been more common in the past). I'm more outgoing, I'm funnier, I'm wittier, I'm more confident, I'm more relaxed (not stressing over "pulling" or "approaching", just focused on having a good time with my friends).

In other words, I'm a lot more like the type of guy that your average, attractive young girl would actually want to hang around outside of class for more than a minute or two. That, and friends make certain pulls (as Mike mentioned, splitting table prices or using lines like "Hey, why don't you come meet my friends?" to isolate) a lot more practical. Everything is just easier.

Even going beyond the intangible benefits friendship provides, think of the practical ones. There are some societies (not just overseas, but even here within the United States) where social circles and social proofs are crucial to getting anywhere romantically. There are some girls you simply wouldn't be able to talk to, much less touch without social proof (read: knowing people she perceives as respectable and cool). You stand a better chance of bypassing these barriers while surrounded by a bunch of legit, respected (by yourself and by others) dudes than you do on your own.

Bottomline: Friends are a great investment, probably the most valuable you can make. Surrounding yourself with legit guys you trust can prove to be your most crucial investment.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - xmlenigma - 01-24-2012

I concur.


Everything is one million times easier when you've got a group of guys you a) genuinely like and b) are genuinely having a good time with. Speaking for myself, I'm a better person when I'm around a core group of friends (which, unfortunately, is rare these days, but has been more common in the past). I'm more outgoing, I'm funnier, I'm wittier, I'm more confident, I'm more relaxed (not stressing over "pulling" or "approaching", just focused on having a good time with my friends).

You stand a better chance of bypassing these barriers while surrounded by a bunch of legit, respected (by yourself and by others) dudes than you do on your own.

Bottomline: Friends are a great investment, probably the most valuable you can make. Surrounding yourself with legit guys you trust can prove to be your most crucial investment.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - mofo - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 12:42 PM)xmlenigma Wrote:  

I concur.


Everything is one million times easier when you've got a group of guys you a) genuinely like and b) are genuinely having a good time with. Speaking for myself, I'm a better person when I'm around a core group of friends (which, unfortunately, is rare these days, but has been more common in the past). I'm more outgoing, I'm funnier, I'm wittier, I'm more confident, I'm more relaxed (not stressing over "pulling" or "approaching", just focused on having a good time with my friends).

You stand a better chance of bypassing these barriers while surrounded by a bunch of legit, respected (by yourself and by others) dudes than you do on your own.

Bottomline: Friends are a great investment, probably the most valuable you can make. Surrounding yourself with legit guys you trust can prove to be your most crucial investment.


America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - Giovonny - 01-25-2012

Quote: (01-16-2012 11:59 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

But, to address the OP: America is the Easiest Place To Swoop Girls. The easiest in all of human history.

Can this be right?

We are living in the easiest place to swoop girls in all of human history?!?!?

If this is true, why do we complain so much? Why is Roosh freezing his ass off in EE. Why are we all planning trips to other countries?

Is this era easier then the "free love" movement of the 60's and 70's?

Wouldn't it be easier for most of us in places like The Philippines, Vietnam/Cambodia, Africa, parts of Central America?

Aren't there societies more promiscuous then us? America seems like a sexually repressed place compared to many other countries, no?

Is this era easier then caveman times, when we raped and pillaged?

Easier then the Mormon polygamous sects of the 18th/19th century.

Easier then 19th century French Polynesia when young girls were used as concubines?

Easier then the slave era when we...well.....had slaves?

Women are still traded like cattle in parts of the Middle East and Africa.

This can't be as good as it gets.

If it is, then we all complain to much.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - thegmanifesto - 01-25-2012

Quote: (01-25-2012 01:20 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2012 11:59 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

But, to address the OP: America is the Easiest Place To Swoop Girls. The easiest in all of human history.

Can this be right?

We are living in the easiest place to swoop girls in all of human history?!?!?

If this is true, why do we complain so much? Why is Roosh freezing his ass off in EE. Why are we all planning trips to other countries?

Is this era easier then the "free love" movement of the 60's and 70's?

Wouldn't it be easier for most of us in places like The Philippines, Vietnam/Cambodia, Africa, parts of Central America?

Aren't there societies more promiscuous then us? America seems like a sexually repressed place compared to many other countries, no?

Is this era easier then caveman times, when we raped and pillaged?

Easier then the Mormon polygamous sects of the 18th/19th century.

Easier then 19th century French Polynesia when young girls were used as concubines?

Easier then the slave era when we...well.....had slaves?

Women are still traded like cattle in parts of the Middle East and Africa.

This can't be as good as it gets.

If it is, then we all complain to much.

Interesting question.

I can only speak for myself, but if you have noticed, I have never complained once on this forum, or my blog about the difficulty of American girls.

Do I complain about the Police State?

Draconian Smoking laws?

Drinking laws?


Ugg boots?

Ed Hardy Shirts?

Yes to all of those.

But I never complain that American girls are difficult.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - Marco - 01-26-2012

I completely agree about the easiness to swoop in America.
The amount of efforts we are putting when going abroad- pipe-lining, learning the culture, sometimes even the language, check for a student/high parentage of girls cities, 2nd/3rd tier. When we are there we put all our efforts to get girls- day game, dozens of approaches a day, every night a party place, CS meet ups etc.

I always thought if I will do all this efforts in America, I will swoop much more.
The thing is, on average I/you will swoop lower quality girls in America, in term of physical attractiveness and character and myself in general have much less motivation to pick up while not traveling.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - Samseau - 01-26-2012

Quote: (01-25-2012 01:20 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2012 11:59 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

But, to address the OP: America is the Easiest Place To Swoop Girls. The easiest in all of human history.

Can this be right?

We are living in the easiest place to swoop girls in all of human history?!?!?

If this is true, why do we complain so much? Why is Roosh freezing his ass off in EE. Why are we all planning trips to other countries?

Is this era easier then the "free love" movement of the 60's and 70's?

Wouldn't it be easier for most of us in places like The Philippines, Vietnam/Cambodia, Africa, parts of Central America?

Aren't there societies more promiscuous then us? America seems like a sexually repressed place compared to many other countries, no?

Is this era easier then caveman times, when we raped and pillaged?

Easier then the Mormon polygamous sects of the 18th/19th century.

Easier then 19th century French Polynesia when young girls were used as concubines?

Easier then the slave era when we...well.....had slaves?

Women are still traded like cattle in parts of the Middle East and Africa.

This can't be as good as it gets.

If it is, then we all complain to much.

Critical thinking here. I think Tuth was a little too categorical, but his point overall stands: America isn't a horrible place to be.

If I had to pick any time when it was easiest for men... it's ancient Athens. You had state funded prostitutes, sex slaves from neighboring countries that could bought/sold, and marriage that gave you the power of life and death over your wife. Nothing tops that.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - Giovonny - 01-29-2012

Quote: (01-26-2012 01:00 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

If I had to pick any time when it was easiest for men... it's ancient Athens. You had state funded prostitutes, sex slaves from neighboring countries that could bought/sold, and marriage that gave you the power of life and death over your wife. Nothing tops that.

Ya, that sounds like it would be tough to beat!

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - chochemonger1 - 01-29-2012

Quote: (01-29-2012 12:13 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2012 01:00 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

If I had to pick any time when it was easiest for men... it's ancient Athens. You had state funded prostitutes, sex slaves from neighboring countries that could bought/sold, and marriage that gave you the power of life and death over your wife. Nothing tops that.

Ya, that sounds like it would be tough to beat!

Thats a time, place and society where alpha males of the highest intellectual caliber and spiritual development dictated the rules and mores for women. Such wisdom has all but dissapeared in this anti noble age.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - SVK - 02-10-2012

America is definitely not the easiest place to swoop, not by a long shot. It may be one of the easiest place for many American guys since they don't speak the language and/or know the culture of another country, but if you fix these variables there are plenty of countries where it is easier. Main reason why America is not that good (not the worst, though), is the unfavorable ratio of attractive girls to attractive guys. USA is the most overweight/obese country in the world, with female population being more fat than the male on average. Many US guys do some kind of sport and generally keep in at least some kind of physical shape, not so much the women. Add to that the fact that looks are much more important factor of attractiveness for girls than guys, and you have a few somewhat attractive guys for every American girl. Roosh probably wouldn't have left America if it wasn't that bad.

Anyways, never been yet, from what I heard and read it seems that the crown for the easiest place to swoop probably goes to the Philippines, especially for American guys since they do speak English and Pinays look like they like Americans.

For me, Slovakia where I was born and raised was very easy when I come back to visit, especially after the school of hard knocks that US dating scene is. It's tru, to a certain degree, than Eastern European guys don't have game - you are not forced to develop it since pretty girls are plentiful and you don't need to "game" them as hard. Also lack of other races that have game in their blood (black guys, latinos) decreases that level further.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - Kish - 02-10-2012

Quote: (02-10-2012 07:22 PM)SVK Wrote:  

America is definitely not the easiest place to swoop, not by a long shot. It may be one of the easiest place for many American guys since they don't speak the language and/or know the culture of another country, but if you fix these variables there are plenty of countries where it is easier. Main reason why America is not that good (not the worst, though), is the unfavorable ratio of attractive girls to attractive guys. USA is the most overweight/obese country in the world, with female population being more fat than the male on average. Many US guys do some kind of sport and generally keep in at least some kind of physical shape, not so much the women. Add to that the fact that looks are much more important factor of attractiveness for girls than guys, and you have a few somewhat attractive guys for every American girl. Roosh probably wouldn't have left America if it wasn't that bad.

[Image: potd.gif]

This is why it would be wise to assume any HOT girl you are gaming(outside of a few hot spots..LA/Miami and NYC etc) IS NOT SINGLE.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - chochemonger1 - 02-10-2012

Quote: (02-10-2012 07:22 PM)SVK Wrote:  

America is definitely not the easiest place to swoop, not by a long shot. It may be one of the easiest place for many American guys since they don't speak the language and/or know the culture of another country, but if you fix these variables there are plenty of countries where it is easier. Main reason why America is not that good (not the worst, though), is the unfavorable ratio of attractive girls to attractive guys. USA is the most overweight/obese country in the world, with female population being more fat than the male on average. Many US guys do some kind of sport and generally keep in at least some kind of physical shape, not so much the women. Add to that the fact that looks are much more important factor of attractiveness for girls than guys, and you have a few somewhat attractive guys for every American girl. Roosh probably wouldn't have left America if it wasn't that bad.

Anyways, never been yet, from what I heard and read it seems that the crown for the easiest place to swoop probably goes to the Philippines, especially for American guys since they do speak English and Pinays look like they like Americans.

For me, Slovakia where I was born and raised was very easy when I come back to visit, especially after the school of hard knocks that US dating scene is. It's tru, to a certain degree, than Eastern European guys don't have game - you are not forced to develop it since pretty girls are plentiful and you don't need to "game" them as hard. Also lack of other races that have game in their blood (black guys, latinos) decreases that level further.

Yes I can second that on the Philippines. Right now Im in Davao City and Ive never been to a place as easy as here. The difference with America is that you dont need alot of game here, there are so many attractive young cuties available and willing, no bitch shields, less fatties and a much more feminine vibe from the girls. Furthermore, if you are over 30 it is seen as a plus not a minus like in the US. Though filipino guys have some game, because of their height, looks and impoverished condition they are no competition whatsoever.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - chochemonger1 - 02-10-2012

Though there are less one night stands in the Philippines than the US(the logistics of night game and venues arent as favorable), all it takes is a one hour coffee or lunch date the first time you meet them. They will then text you later, saying how wonderful a time they had meeting you. Then for the 2nd date you have them all ready for them to visit your crib, where all their shyness completely disappears.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - Greek kamaki - 02-11-2012

I have had only one experience with american girls because here in Greece they mostly come in big groups and remain all the time among them they probably have guidelines to do so for reasons of safety contrary to German,English and Scandinavian tourists who are not scared at all.

From my experience american girls are open to day game and try to be polite.They seem somewhat artificial.The girl I dated was very beautiful slender tall blonde from New York and made a lot of money despite her young age.She described me as cute.

Soon I found out lots of cultural incompatibilities.She talked a lot and had no knowledge of history and of basic stuff we in Europe take for granted.She had knowledge about other stuff though and was very practical.I could not keep up with her very fast talking.With her I got a glimpse on american feminism aka style ''I have the right to provoke you by my appearance but you have no right to tough me''.It is all about womens control.Like waking up the desire in you and then not let you do what you want unless you follow their frames.

As a Balkan Greek I found the american girl soft and thought it would be easy to establish dominance.She turned heads wherever we went.However at the end she told me we could not be together because a cultural gap existed between us and that I was treating her like a crap.She told me she is used to american guys treatment who treated her like a princess and this is what they do because their mothers taught them so.

I was surprised by her attitude.She seemed to follow guidelines and put guys into categories.This is unusual here we do not put girls or guys into categories you can be bad and good in Europe at the same time there are no discerning boundaries and everything is more float.But american girls(seem to me) tend to use easy guidelines to filter the unwanted soon.It is how it seemed to me but again I have very limited experience being exposed to American girls.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - chochemonger1 - 02-11-2012

Quote: (02-11-2012 05:37 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I have had only one experience with american girls because here in Greece they mostly come in big groups and remain all the time among them they probably have guidelines to do so for reasons of safety contrary to German,English and Scandinavian tourists who are not scared at all.

From my experience american girls are open to day game and try to be polite.They seem somewhat artificial.The girl I dated was very beautiful slender tall blonde from New York and made a lot of money despite her young age.She described me as cute.

Soon I found out lots of cultural incompatibilities.She talked a lot and had no knowledge of history and of basic stuff we in Europe take for granted.She had knowledge about other stuff though and was very practical.I could not keep up with her very fast talking.With her I got a glimpse on american feminism aka style ''I have the right to provoke you by my appearance but you have no right to tough me''.It is all about womens control.Like waking up the desire in you and then not let you do what you want unless you follow their frames.

As a Balkan Greek I found the american girl soft and thought it would be easy to establish dominance.She turned heads wherever we went.However at the end she told me we could not be together because a cultural gap existed between us and that I was treating her like a crap.She told me she is used to american guys treatment who treated her like a princess and this is what they do because their mothers taught them so.

I was surprised by her attitude.She seemed to follow guidelines and put guys into categories.This is unusual here we do not put girls or guys into categories you can be bad and good in Europe at the same time there are no discerning boundaries and everything is more float.But american girls(seem to me) tend to use easy guidelines to filter the unwanted soon.It is how it seemed to me but again I have very limited experience being exposed to American girls.

if you dont live in America dont concern yourself with American girls EVER. Its such a waste of time especially with a skinny hottie who thinks shes the shit. Maybe you just want to get the flag, but i would be concentrating on all the european or asian flags i could get as a Greek man living in such a beautiful country.

America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - MiXX - 02-19-2012

Quote: (01-16-2012 10:58 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

There were like two types of condoms: lubbed and not lubbed, Trojan or Ramses (may he rest in peace).

[Image: lol.gif] OMG!! You just took me back!!! Damn, I remember the Ramses condomns I kept in my drawer when I was 16!!! Hilarious!

Good Times!!


America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - MiXX - 02-19-2012

Quote: (02-10-2012 08:36 PM)rakishness Wrote:  

This is why it would be wise to assume any HOT girl you are gaming(outside of a few hot spots..LA/Miami and NYC etc) IS NOT SINGLE.

Umm.. I can sincerely, and with the utmost confidence tell you that HOT girls in Miami are NEVER "single". They are either fucking somebody with no strings attached every week, and use a dozen orbiters for their attention needs, or have BF happy/unhappy, but they always have a full reservoir of cock at any day/night just a phone call away.

I don't bother asking hot girls if they have BF's in Miami - 99.6% the answer will be "yes". If she dos not have a BF, she has a Fuck Buddy.....but no way in hell is a girl like Hayden Pannetiere siting at home alone on Saturday nights wondering why she has nobody...NO EFFIN' WAY!!

the sex ratio in Miami is so bad, that even AVERAGE, CHUBBY girls have BF's!! There are just too many guys here.

It completely puzzles me why so many guys from across the nation and world think that Miami is this Cornucopia of pussy with an abundance of single women just waiting to be had for every man that visits or lives here! NOT TRUE! I wish it was, boy do I wish it was.

You can get laid in Miami with hot cuties, hell I get laid frequently (nothing like Colombia), but I HAVE to "PUT IN WORK!!!"...and lots of it.

Now, in places like Minneapolis, Texas (anywhere in Texas), Arizona, and Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, DAMN, If I came from another country, and only visited these places during my trip, I would say American women are the easiest bangs in the world!!

I will soon be checking out Oklahoma fir a quick recon trip.

Can someone here speak for NYC today?


America: The Easiest Place To Swoop Girls - thegmanifesto - 02-19-2012

Quote: (02-19-2012 10:01 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

the sex ratio in Miami is so bad, that even AVERAGE, CHUBBY girls have BF's!! There are just too many guys here.

It completely puzzles me why so many guys from across the nation and world think that Miami is this Cornucopia of pussy with an abundance of single women just waiting to be had for every man that visits or lives here! NOT TRUE! I wish it was, boy do I wish it was.

It all comes down to perspective.

There are so many more girls compared to guys in Miami than Southern California its not even funny.