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The Bill Cosby thread - 2Wycked - 11-23-2014

Quote: (11-21-2014 01:48 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Conner Oberst comes to mind.

But the mother of all false rape accusations happened to comedian Fatty Arbuckle way back in the 1920 (a time known for its permissiveness -- coincidence?).

Supposedly, a woman passed out drunk at a party and he tried to help her. Her friend then accused him of rape and it became the media circus of the decade.

The Hearst newspaper chain apparently ran endless sensationalistic stories and cartoons mocking him. I hate to link to Wikipedia, but it seems to have the best account of what happened:

Funny how liberals are quick to denounce a witch hunt in retrospect, but not while it's happening.

That said, with every new story that pops up, Bill Cosby becomes more and more tainted in my eyes. Yes, he's innocent till proven otherwise, but you can't just ignore accusation after accusation. If men kept coming forward saying Jessica Valenti threw scalding water at them but police never convicted, I think by the time of the tenth allegation, we'd be forming an opinion.

Women throw themselves at celebrities; for him to have alienated this many means there was something wrong somewhere. The phrase "Always leave them better than you found them" came about for a reason. Whatever he was doing, he apparently didn't do that.

I tackled Fatty Arbuckle's case on ROK last year


Whether truth or rationality was the goal of American media at any point is irrelevant because of what America media has become — a massive authoritarian project aimed at maximizing profits through recruiting loyal followers that suborn their own thoughts and interpretations of situations, events and people through the lens of the preferred media provider. The great sleight of hand is media allowing people enough space to believe they are thinking for themselves or coming to realizations when in fact it is spoon-fed to them by media.

The Bill Cosby thread - Quintus Curtius - 11-23-2014

This video gives a good demonstration on the type of "overpowering charisma game" deployed by the Cos.

Watch him in 2003 as he converses with Sofia Vergara. There is a distinct edge to the exchange, a palpable feel to it. He's edging in close to her, leaning in, and controlling the dialogue absolutely. I can see how his presence might be seen as intimidating.

Even in his 60s, he just has this authoritative, commanding presence that wildly exudes charisma.

Also worth noting: Sofia V. mentions during the interview that she's attracted to guys who are being chased by multiple women. Yet another verification of social proof...


The Bill Cosby thread - Gnu - 11-23-2014

I am a criminal defense attorney, like several others on this forum. These "victims" each have serious credibility problems. Cosby would be my dream client.

The Bill Cosby thread - The Lizard of Oz - 11-23-2014

My favorite movie with Bill Cosby is a relatively little known gem from 1972 called "Hickey & Boggs". Robert Culp is the co-star. It's an excellent thriller with deep, deep early 1970s LA textures. Cosby is young and full of vim.

No better way to pay your tribute to Bill and spite the haters and ghouls than to kick back and check it out some night. Here are some choice images to whet your appetite:

[Image: hickey-boggs-1972-widescreen-action-thri...-92313.jpg]

[Image: hickey-and-boggs-01.jpg]

[Image: hickey-and-boggs.jpg?w=800]

The Bill Cosby thread - J DOE - 11-23-2014

A lot of these women met up with Bill Cosby on multiple occasions after these supposed rapes. Not to mention, if someone offers you a pill and you take it without thinking to inquire what the pill is, if you end up having sex with that person after consuming the pill then that isn't rape to me. Because you willingly took the pill, and if he pulls out his penis and you suck it in the hopes that he would advance your career and he doesn't advance your career, it isn't rape. The casting couch isn't rape.

A lot of these women seem to be citing the whole "Yes Means Yes" standard of sexual consent. Yes, its a lot of accusations but at this point anyone who comes forward with an "accusation" gets put on TV and they can potentially monetize that appearance. If I came forward now with a rape accusation against Cosby I would probably be put on CNN.

The Bill Cosby thread - Sourcecode - 11-24-2014

[Image: WWVIyDM.jpg]

The Bill Cosby thread - MrLemon - 11-25-2014

Quote: (11-24-2014 07:44 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

[Image: WWVIyDM.jpg]

Crap, I had no idea Cosby was playing at that level. Well then, that pretty much explains all.

Related story: a few years back, Larry Ellison (worth approx 20 billion?) was accused of sexual harassment by a former employee/love affair. She apparently "modified" the contents of one of his memos. I recall he had her arrested, charged with extortion or forgery or something. She really had no idea that she was, in fact, committing a felony.

That's what we need more of. A lot more of. Time for the false accusers of the world to start going to jail.

The Bill Cosby thread - Dusty - 11-25-2014

Woman #5: Barbara Bowman

Alleged incident: 1980s

First public disclosure of alleged incident: November 2014 (around 30 years later).

Nature of allegation: 1. Drank wine at Cosby’s NYC townhouse and woke up in her panties. 2. Another time in a hotel room in Atlantic City he pinned her down on the bed but she screamed and he stopped.

Damning facts about the accuser and allegation: 1) At one time she was financially dependent on Cosby. If you were truly raped would you accept an allowance from your rapist? 2) She returned to Cosby after she alleges to have been raped. She finds herself alone in a hotel room with Cosby after she claims to have been raped on a prior occasion. 3) She never called the police. 4) First incident, even if true, is not rape. Waking up after a night of drinking wearing your panties does not equal rape. Second incident is not rape either since he stopped when she objected.

The Bill Cosby thread - Slim Shady - 11-25-2014

Sourcecode, could you share a link of where you are seeing that data if you have it? I mean about Cosby trying to make those moves now and in the 90's. I'd just like to use it against people talking shit.

The Bill Cosby thread - 2Wycked - 11-25-2014

Leave the floor to Ta-Neishi Coates:


The author of this moment is Bill Cosby. In 2004, he gave his "Poundcake Speech," declaring black youth morally unworthy of their very heritage. Cosby followed the speech with a series of call-outs. I observed several of these call-outs. Again, unlike typical black Republicans, Cosby spoke directly to black people. He did not go on Fox News to complain about the threat of the New Black Panther Party. He did not pen columns insisting the black family was better off under slavery. He was not speaking as a man sent to assure a group that racism did not exist, but as a man who sincerely believed that black people, through the ethic of "twice as good," could overcome. That is the core of respectability politics. Its appeal is broad in both black and white America, and everywhere Cosby went he was greeted with rapturous applause

Dude proves, once again, he doesn't understand American politics, but understands what his readership wants to believe. I mean, fucking Christ, Fox News didn't exist as it exists now at the time of his first piece on Cosby:


He began with the story of a black girl who’d risen to become valedictorian of his old high school, despite having been abandoned by her father. “She spoke to the graduating class and her speech started like this,” Cosby said. “‘I was 5 years old. It was Saturday and I stood looking out the window, waiting for him.’ She never said what helped turn her around. She never mentioned her mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother.”

“Understand me,” Cosby said, his face contorted and clenched like a fist. “Men? Men? Men! Where are you, men?

Audience: “Right here!”

Cosby had come to Detroit aiming to grab the city’s black men by their collars and shake them out of the torpor that has left so many of them—like so many of their peers across the country—undereducated, over-incarcerated, and underrepresented in the ranks of active fathers. No women were in the audience. No reporters were allowed, for fear that their presence might frighten off fathers behind on their child-support payments. But I was there, trading on race, gender, and a promise not to interview any of the allegedly skittish participants.

“Men, if you want to win, we can win,” Cosby said. “We are not a pitiful race of people. We are a bright race, who can move with the best. But we are in a new time, where people are behaving in abnormal ways and calling it normal … When they used to come into our neighborhoods, we put the kids in the basement, grabbed a rifle, and said, ‘By any means necessary.’

So, men are at fault for problems in the black community? Hmm. . .

Don't waste your time reading the piece. It reads like any mediocre writer desperate for a regular weekly spot at a left-wing outlet.

But -- look at this! -- Coates distances himself from his first piece on Cosby, because he was just starting out as a writer and treading murky water with regards to the accusations -- but it's like OMG so much clearer now, even though he always knew Cosby was a rapist!


Lacking physical evidence, adjudicating rape accusations is a murky business for journalists.

Yeah, no shit. Adjucation is something a court does, not an amateur "journalist." Wait, was this a Freudian slip on his part?

Coates goes on:


At the time I wrote the piece, it was 13 peoples’ word—and I believed them. Put differently, I believed that Bill Cosby was a rapist.

Rape constitutes the loss of your body, which is all you are, to someone else. I have never been raped. But I have, several times as a child, been punched/stomped/kicked/bumrushed while walking home from school, and thus lost my body. The worst part for me was not the experience, but the humiliation of being unable to protect my body, which is all I am, from predators. Even now as I sketch this out for you publicly, I am humiliated all again. And this happened when I was a child. If recounting a physical assault causes me humiliation, how might recounting a sexual assault feel? And what would cause me to willingly stand up and relive that humiliation before a national audience? And why would I fake my way through such a thing? Cosby's accusers—who have no hope of criminal charges, nor civil damages—are courting the scrutiny of Cosby-lovers and rape-deniers. To what end?

Why does he feel the need to include this?

Then he shows why:


The Bill Cosby piece was my first shot writing for a big national magazine. I had been writing for 12 financially insecure years. By 2007, when I finished my first draft, I had lost three jobs in seven years. I had just been laid-off by Time magazine. My kid was getting older. I was subsisting off unemployment checks and someone else's salary. A voice in my head was, indeed, pushing me to do something more expansive and broader in its implication, something that did not just question Cosby's moralizing, but weighed it against the acts which I believed he committed. But Cosby was such a big target that I thought it was only a matter of time before someone published a hard-hitting, investigative piece. And besides, I had in my hand the longest, best, and most personally challenging piece I'd ever written.

It was not enough.

:tears for the left-wing race/gender baiter:

Coates: Like -- OMG -- I was like really, really poor and TOTES needed to get published. I totally knew this douchelord was a rapist, but my kid needed a new diaper, so I went ahead and had some troll left-wing site publish my poorly-written article. Umm, like somebody will totally call him out soon enough about all the rapes. It was totes tough to write something mainstream for a mainstream outlet. #Ferguson.

Coates job is 100% dependent on being a bottom bitch for liberal outlets.

What a faggot.

ADDENDUM: His newest article has no comments because the comments were closed to begin with. #AllLiberalsWantIsFreeSpeech

The Bill Cosby thread - speakeasy - 11-26-2014

Here is a very interesting take on Bill Cosby showing that there is as much proof of Bill Clinton being a rapist as there is Cosby, but Clinton's allegations were ignored:

He also shows how some Hollywood directors have been convicted of rape and not been spurned and had their movies removed by Netflix as happened with Cosby.

The Bill Cosby thread - Dusty - 11-26-2014

Woman #6: Andrea Constand

Alleged incident: 2004

First public disclosure of alleged incident: In 2005 (1 year later) she contacted the police. After the police could not find enough evidence to prosecute Cosby, she filed a civil suit.

Nature of allegation: 1. Cosby gave her pills (blue - heh) at his house. Cosby fondled her. She passed out and she said her vagina felt raw when she woke.

Damning facts about the accuser and allegation: 1. After she contacted the authorities, Montgomery county PA conducted a criminal investigation. The District Attorney said he believed Constand, but there was simply no evidence to go forward. 2) Cosby settled the civil suit to make the case go away. Constand profited from this allegation.

The Bill Cosby thread - Vronsky - 11-27-2014

Quote: (11-25-2014 04:40 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

Leave the floor to Ta-Neishi Coates:


The author of this moment is Bill Cosby. In 2004, he gave his "Poundcake Speech," declaring black youth morally unworthy of their very heritage. Cosby followed the speech with a series of call-outs. I observed several of these call-outs. Again, unlike typical black Republicans, Cosby spoke directly to black people. He did not go on Fox News to complain about the threat of the New Black Panther Party. He did not pen columns insisting the black family was better off under slavery. He was not speaking as a man sent to assure a group that racism did not exist, but as a man who sincerely believed that black people, through the ethic of "twice as good," could overcome. That is the core of respectability politics. Its appeal is broad in both black and white America, and everywhere Cosby went he was greeted with rapturous applause

Dude proves, once again, he doesn't understand American politics, but understands what his readership wants to believe. I mean, fucking Christ, Fox News didn't exist as it exists now at the time of his first piece on Cosby:


He began with the story of a black girl who’d risen to become valedictorian of his old high school, despite having been abandoned by her father. “She spoke to the graduating class and her speech started like this,” Cosby said. “‘I was 5 years old. It was Saturday and I stood looking out the window, waiting for him.’ She never said what helped turn her around. She never mentioned her mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother.”

“Understand me,” Cosby said, his face contorted and clenched like a fist. “Men? Men? Men! Where are you, men?

Audience: “Right here!”

Cosby had come to Detroit aiming to grab the city’s black men by their collars and shake them out of the torpor that has left so many of them—like so many of their peers across the country—undereducated, over-incarcerated, and underrepresented in the ranks of active fathers. No women were in the audience. No reporters were allowed, for fear that their presence might frighten off fathers behind on their child-support payments. But I was there, trading on race, gender, and a promise not to interview any of the allegedly skittish participants.

“Men, if you want to win, we can win,” Cosby said. “We are not a pitiful race of people. We are a bright race, who can move with the best. But we are in a new time, where people are behaving in abnormal ways and calling it normal … When they used to come into our neighborhoods, we put the kids in the basement, grabbed a rifle, and said, ‘By any means necessary.’

So, men are at fault for problems in the black community? Hmm. . .

Don't waste your time reading the piece. It reads like any mediocre writer desperate for a regular weekly spot at a left-wing outlet.

But -- look at this! -- Coates distances himself from his first piece on Cosby, because he was just starting out as a writer and treading murky water with regards to the accusations -- but it's like OMG so much clearer now, even though he always knew Cosby was a rapist!


Lacking physical evidence, adjudicating rape accusations is a murky business for journalists.

Yeah, no shit. Adjucation is something a court does, not an amateur "journalist." Wait, was this a Freudian slip on his part?

Coates goes on:


At the time I wrote the piece, it was 13 peoples’ word—and I believed them. Put differently, I believed that Bill Cosby was a rapist.

Rape constitutes the loss of your body, which is all you are, to someone else. I have never been raped. But I have, several times as a child, been punched/stomped/kicked/bumrushed while walking home from school, and thus lost my body. The worst part for me was not the experience, but the humiliation of being unable to protect my body, which is all I am, from predators. Even now as I sketch this out for you publicly, I am humiliated all again. And this happened when I was a child. If recounting a physical assault causes me humiliation, how might recounting a sexual assault feel? And what would cause me to willingly stand up and relive that humiliation before a national audience? And why would I fake my way through such a thing? Cosby's accusers—who have no hope of criminal charges, nor civil damages—are courting the scrutiny of Cosby-lovers and rape-deniers. To what end?

Why does he feel the need to include this?

Then he shows why:


The Bill Cosby piece was my first shot writing for a big national magazine. I had been writing for 12 financially insecure years. By 2007, when I finished my first draft, I had lost three jobs in seven years. I had just been laid-off by Time magazine. My kid was getting older. I was subsisting off unemployment checks and someone else's salary. A voice in my head was, indeed, pushing me to do something more expansive and broader in its implication, something that did not just question Cosby's moralizing, but weighed it against the acts which I believed he committed. But Cosby was such a big target that I thought it was only a matter of time before someone published a hard-hitting, investigative piece. And besides, I had in my hand the longest, best, and most personally challenging piece I'd ever written.

It was not enough.

:tears for the left-wing race/gender baiter:

Coates: Like -- OMG -- I was like really, really poor and TOTES needed to get published. I totally knew this douchelord was a rapist, but my kid needed a new diaper, so I went ahead and had some troll left-wing site publish my poorly-written article. Umm, like somebody will totally call him out soon enough about all the rapes. It was totes tough to write something mainstream for a mainstream outlet. #Ferguson.

Coates job is 100% dependent on being a bottom bitch for liberal outlets.

What a faggot.

ADDENDUM: His newest article has no comments because the comments were closed to begin with. #AllLiberalsWantIsFreeSpeech

I clicked on that article, read the 2008 Ta Nehisi Coates piece on Cosby and thought it well done, especially in illustrating Cosby's black nationalism and his insistence on black self-sufficiency, dignity and economic independence, versus waiting for handouts and depending on people who don't particularly care for them to make conditions better.

Men of that generation, and I recognize the thinking because men in my family think the same way, truly in their hearts believe in patriarchy and as such, believe that society and families (the unit of the society) need to be led by men so if society and families fail then men must assume the mantle of that failure. It's an anethma to them to blame mere women for their failures; that is the way they think. I recognize that mindset in older men I know.

I thought this passage was quite illuminating and demonstrates a view point that a lot of RVF'er have expressed in various threads:

"Cosby has been telling thousands of black Americans that racism in America is omnipresent but that it can’t be an excuse to stop striving. As Cosby sees it, the antidote to racism is not rallies, protests, or pleas, but strong families and communities. Instead of focusing on some abstract notion of equality, he argues, blacks need to cleanse their culture, embrace personal responsibility, and reclaim the traditions that fortified them in the past. Driving Cosby’s tough talk about values and responsibility is a vision starkly different from Martin Luther King’s gauzy, all-inclusive dream: it’s an America of competing powers, and a black America that is no longer content to be the weakest of the lot."

Malcolm X, and other black nationalists, said similar sort of things:

"Malcolm X...faulted blacks for failing to take charge of their destinies. “The white man is too intelligent to let someone else come and gain control of the economy of his community,” Malcolm said. “But you will let anybody come in and take control of the economy of your community, control the housing, control the education, control the jobs, control the businesses, under the pretext that you want to integrate. No, you’re out of your mind.”

Again, one of the things I really admire about Cosby is that he has built a legacy in terms of business interests and cultural relevance, and he did in a v shrewd way, especially the latter. Read the passage below and contrast that with an "art form" like hip hop that normalized the use of slave-master language for black ppl and transmits the worst stereotypes of blacks to the globe. My friend was in a club in France last year and was mortified when "Niggas in Paris" started to play.

"Behind the scenes, Cosby hired the Harvard psychiatrist Alvin Poussaint to make sure that the show never trafficked in stereotypes and that it depicted blacks in a dignified light. Picking up Cosby’s fixation on education, Poussaint had writers insert references to black schools. “If the script mentioned Oberlin, Texas Tech, or Yale, we’d circle it and tell them to mention a black college,”

He bemoans the out of wedlock rate and lack of shaming for its perpetuation, both the man and the woman:

"No longer is a person embarrassed because they’re pregnant without a husband,” he told the crowd. “No longer is a boy considered an embarrassment if he tries to run away from being the father of the unmarried child.”

He shares our loathing of SJW types who make excuses for criminal behaviour in his very famous "Pound Cake speech", particularly relevant in light of Ferguson:

"Cosby disparaged activists who charge the criminal-justice system with racism. “These are people going around stealing Coca-Cola. People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake,” Cosby said. “Then we all run out and are outraged: ‘The cops shouldn’t have shot him.’ What the hell was he doing with the pound cake in his hand? I wanted a piece of pound cake just as bad as anybody else. And I looked at it and I had no money. And something called parenting said, ‘If you get caught with it, you’re going to embarrass your mother.’ "

Honestly, there is not much that I disagree with him on.

The Bill Cosby thread - Dusty - 11-27-2014

Quote: (11-23-2014 01:46 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

The Washington Post has a big expose on Cosby today. I see "serious people" commenting on how damning this article is on Cosby. I see it another way. To me this seems like a piling on by drug addicts, alcoholics and fraudsters looking for attention and money.

Woman #2: Linda Traitz

Alleged incident: 1969

First public disclosure of alleged incident: November 2014 (45 years later)

Nature of allegation: 1. She happily rode in Cosby’s Rolls Royce, and he grabbed her boobs and “all over.” When she objected, Cosby stopped and drove her home.

Damning facts about the accuser and allegation: 1) She’s a drug addict 2) She has a criminal record with multiple convictions 3) she was in prison from 2008-2012 4) Sought waitress job at a restaurant owned by Cosby and admits to being “star struck” 5) By her own admission, Cosby did not do anything worse than grab her boobs and “all over” while she was fully dressed. No penetration or ejaculating. Even if her allegations are true (which I doubt) it seems like Cosby was guilty of nothing more than ham-fisted kino escalation (which I would disprove of if factual). 6) She said she was “horrified” and crying from the incident. This alleged incident does not seem to rise to such a level that someone would be hysterically crying. Especially as we learn later she is a hardened criminal and drug addict, and being felt up would seem pretty mild compared to the lifestyle of a drug addict and prisoner and the world she lives in. 7) She never contacted the police.

Here's Linda Traitz' mug shot.

[Image: 1120-cosby-accuser-mug-shots-2-600x398.jpg]


However, sources have revealed that Traitz was recently released from prison! She was charged and arrested for various crimes including ID fraud, batter, theft, and various drug offenses.

Naturally Cosby’s lawyer Marty Singer had a field day. According to TMZ, Singer stated that Traitz is, “the latest example of people coming out of the woodwork with unsubstantiated or fabricated stories about my client.” Singer later added “There was no briefcase of drugs and the story is absurd.”

The Bill Cosby thread - urbannomad - 11-27-2014

Stefan Molyneux weights in on Cosby

The Bill Cosby thread - Dusty - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-23-2014 03:58 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Woman #4: Tamara Green

Alleged incident: 1970

First public disclosure of alleged incident: November 2014 (44 years later).

Nature of allegation: 1. She went to dinner with Cosby. Cosby gave her pills at dinner and drove her home. Cosby raped her there.

Damning facts about the accuser and allegation: 1) A lawyer, her license was suspended in 2004 for reasons unclear. 2) Cosby’s lawyers said Cosby does not even know who this person is and never met her. 3) She never called the police.

I found some more info on Tamara Green. She has mental health problems, and was forced by the California Bar to enter a disciplinary program for attorneys.


As the records reveal, she was in the bar's Alternative Discipline Program (ADP), a program for attorneys with substance abuse or mental health problems. She was terminated from the program in 2005 because she was not in compliance with it.

In late 2005. she was suspended from practice of law because of three client incidents. In one, she received and lengthily retained a payment of $20,000 that was owed to the client. She finally made restitution, but a portion of the funds were misappropriated, said the bar.

In another case, Green took $1000 from a client and then failed to do the legal work. In the third case, she failed to appear at trial on behalf of a client, and had not arranged for another lawyer to take her place. Her client phoned the office number and found the number was disconnected. Green had moved her office without notifying the client.

She was suspended for two years and until she made restitution to the clients and provided proof of rehabilitation of her problems. Green "has a mental health problem," said the bar, noting that she had not "undergone a meaningful and sustained period of rehabilitation." She was told she "must obtain a mental health evaluation from a licensed psychiatrist." She must have done so, because she is now a member of the bar in good standing.

I'm currently working on a RoK article titled:

Bill Cosby’s Accusers Are a Ragtag Group of Degenerate Women Out for Profit and Attention

The Bill Cosby thread - Dusty - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-23-2014 03:58 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Some more break downs of the accusers in the Washington Post article:

Woman #3: Victoria Valentino

Alleged incident: 1970

First public disclosure of alleged incident: November 2014 (44 years later).

Nature of allegation: 1. She and her friend went to dinner with Cosby. They all drank alcohol and took pills and went to Cosby’s pad. She felt inebriated. Cosby raped her there.

Damning facts about the accuser and allegation: 1) Takes her clothes off for men for a living at the time of the alleged incident. Women in the sex trades industry are notorious liars. 2) History of mental health problems. 3) Her 6 year old son died in her pool. I’d like to know more about this such as was she intoxicated at the time or otherwise neglectful. 4) She never called the police.

If you want to see something really disgusting, see how this old bat is attention whoring over her Cosby accusations. She's 71 years old and posed nude in Playboy in 1963. She seems to be having a blast being in the limelight again. She's posting links to articles and videos of her discussing the accusations.


Victoria Valentino
November 23 at 2:11pm · Edited ·
Tune in to Ch 4 at 3:30 L.A. time. NBC News just left after a very good interview.
CNN coming out at 4 p.m. today to interview me.
And, tomorrow Erin Burnett/CNN!!!
Cosby gets his comeuppance at last!!!
Women!!! United front! Solidarity! Speak out!
We need to stop these predators no matter where they live, o mztter who they are, no matter how famous or wealthy! This must stop!!!
Use the voices we were given!!! It's time, Ladies!!! Love you all!


Victoria Valentino
November 26 at 8:07am ·
Just sharing now I have a day off... 'sort of!'

Cosby accuser: I felt 'powerless'
Victoria Valentino recalls being sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby and explains why she's coming forward 44 years later.


Victoria Valentino
November 26 at 2:54pm ·

God, how I hate seeing our photos side by side, but this is what happens... Doesn't he look gross???

Now former Playboy playmate accuses Bill Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting her in 1970 -...
Victoria Valentino claims Cosby, a regular at Hugh Hefner's club on the Sunset Strip, drugged her and a friend at dinner in Hollywood before driving them to a nearby...


Victoria Valentino
November 26 at 9:08am ·
Another interview this morning for American Media, then I get to go to Trader Joe's and the chiropractor!!! Yay!!!!


Victoria Valentino
November 26 at 8:31am ·

And, then... ‪#‎InsideEdition‬ with ‪#‎JimMoret‬ who made my last interview of a very long Monday a worthy experience. Funniest man I've met in years! And, they fed me tho' not much of an appetite. But, blood sugar being so low after not having more than 2 bites of oatmeal since before my early morning ‪#‎AccessHollywood‬ interview, then ‪#‎MailOnline‬ and ‪#‎ErinBurnett‬/ ‪#‎CNNOutFront‬ and being shuttled from studio to studio by their very considerate drivers, I was at least nourished til I got home after 7 p.m. that night and able to really eat and collapse. A hot shower, a teensy brandy, my little doggy, YuYu and ginger cat, Monk curled up next to me... never seemed so good... and don't forget a few passages in a good book changing the scenery in my mind before sleep at last... The respect that was paid to me to all of us who have at last broken our silence has been humbling and, I think I can speak for us all, deeply appreciated, after all these years... Warm thoughts going their way... #Victoria Valentino
Former Playboy Model Joins List of Bill Cosby Accusers
Another woman is telling her story about Bill Cosby. Victoria Valentino, a Playboy playmate in 1963, tells INSIDE EDITOIN that Cosby lured her to his L.A. apartment under the pretext of showing her his collection of movie memorabilia. Instead, she...

The Bill Cosby thread - The Lizard of Oz - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-28-2014 06:01 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I'm currently working on a RoK article titled:

Bill Cosby’s Accusers Are a Ragtag Group of Degenerate Women Out for Profit and Attention


What can be more despicable than these slanderous hags coming out of the woodwork to attempt to ruin an old man's life? The answer is: nothing. It's the bottom of the barrel.

The Bill Cosby thread - Dusty - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-28-2014 07:50 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Quote: (11-28-2014 06:01 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I'm currently working on a RoK article titled:

Bill Cosby’s Accusers Are a Ragtag Group of Degenerate Women Out for Profit and Attention


What can be more despicable than these slanderous hags coming out of the woodwork to attempt to ruin an old man's life? The answer is: nothing. It's the bottom of the barrel.

Thanks Lizard.

What bugs me is how women now a day can come up with these fantastical stories about being sexually assaulted to bring down men or male institutions, and the accusers are never challenged. In fact, you are made out to be some type of monster if you exhibit any skepticism or dare question these delicate flowers about holes in their stories. Don Lemon from CNN had his ass handed to him and had to apologize because he asked one of Cosby's accusers how it is physically possible to give oral without consent. A very good question if you ask me.

I haven't been following the UVA story that closely, but what I have read sounds pretty fantastical.

The manosphere can do our part by being skeptical and asking the hard questions, and impeaching the character of these mentally unstable accusers.

[Image: joan-tarshis.jpg?w=780&h=440]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQYTuM5Il_zRi9icVhRd5...1xKDqRAl-Y]

The Bill Cosby thread - MdWanderer - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-28-2014 07:50 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Quote: (11-28-2014 06:01 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I'm currently working on a RoK article titled:

Bill Cosby’s Accusers Are a Ragtag Group of Degenerate Women Out for Profit and Attention


What can be more despicable than these slanderous hags coming out of the woodwork to attempt to ruin an old man's life? The answer is: nothing. It's the bottom of the barrel.

This is Hollywood/government's way of putting somebody back in their place who challenged the status quo. We're seeing what happened with Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, JFK, Bob Marley, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, etc. now happening to Cosby.

Has anybody noticed that these accusations started flowing in after the Pound Cake speech? Nearly all of these accusations surfaced after 2004 when the speech was made.The piss poor conditions that Cosby criticized of the black underclass didn't just all of a sudden appear out of thin air, they were the work of the US Government and achieved through the works of The Great Society, feminism, MK Ultra, Iran Contra as a counter to the Civil Rights movement. Cosby is one of the few public figures that can transcend race and class and the powers that be probably feared that poor blacks might just start taking responsibility for their lot.

All of this died down for a while until this year as Cosby was on the verge of a comeback. There are now over 20 accusers and not a single one pressed charges or provided a shred of evidence? I hope Bill has a show coming up near DC, I would buy a ticket solely to piss off the SJWs.

The Bill Cosby thread - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 12-03-2014



A Riverside County woman filed a lawsuit Tuesday against beleaguered comedian Bill Cosby, alleging he sexually assaulted her at the Playboy Mansion in 1974, when she was 15 years old.

In the lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Judy Huth said she and a 16-year-old friend met the comedian that year at a San Marino park. The alleged assault occurred later, after Huth said Cosby gave her alcohol to drink and led her to the mansion.

The lawsuit is the latest in a series of sexual assault accusations against Cosby, 77. Two of his television projects have been halted, many on-stage appearances canceled and reruns of his much-revered “The Cosby Show” yanked from the air.

In Tuesday’s case, Huth alleges she suffered “psychological injuries and illnesses” that she only connected to the assault within the last three years. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for sexual battery and emotional distress.

Attorneys for Huth and Cosby did not respond to calls seeking comment.

Cosby has generally declined to discuss recent allegations. In a statement last week, his attorney, Martin D. Singer, described them as “unsubstantiated, fantastical stories” and said lawsuits “are filed against people in the public eye every day.”

“There has never been a shortage of lawyers willing to represent people with claims against rich, powerful men, so it makes no sense that not one of these new women who just came forward for the first time now ever asserted a legal claim back at the time they allege they had been sexually assaulted.”

Huth said she and a friend were in Lacy Park when they wandered over to a movie set where Cosby was working, the lawsuit said. He approached the teenagers, invited them to sit in his director’s chair and asked how old they were, the lawsuit said.

Cosby invited the girls to his L.A. County tennis club the following Saturday, the lawsuit alleges. They met him there, then followed him to a house where he “served them alcohol beverages and played games of billiards” with Huth, according to the lawsuit.

Huth was required to drink a beer every time Cosby won a game, the lawsuit said.

Later, the girls followed Cosby to the Playboy Mansion, where the comedian told Huth and her friend to say they were 19 if anyone asked their ages, the lawsuit said.

At one point, Huth used a bathroom and emerged to find Cosby sitting on a bed, the lawsuit alleges.

The comedian asked the 15-year-old to sit down on the bed beside him and attempted to “put his hand down her pants,” according to the lawsuit. He then took her hand in his and performed a sexual act on himself “without her consent,” the lawsuit said.

“This traumatic incident, at such a tender age, has caused psychological damage and mental anguish ... that has caused her significant problems through her life,” the lawsuit said.

Under California law, people accused of the most serious sexual assaults involving minor victims can be charged criminally only if the crimes occurred in 1988 or later.


The Bill Cosby thread - Foolsgo1d - 12-03-2014

No matter the outcome, no matter who he fucked in a hotel room or in his studio room. He has lost way too much over this because of the trial by media. People now hate him and hate the fact they loved his shows and his character whether it be personal & fiction.

Simply put, there is too much money to be made from this sort of clickbait. He can sue for millions but it won;t really put a dent in the revenues these media outlets are generating.

And this is Bill Cosby. A millionaire famous guy at the top of his game for how many decades? If he can get chewed up and spat out by the machine at this rate then your normal guy; like the Balcony guy off has absolute no chance in hell of clearing their name.

The Bill Cosby thread - Dusty - 12-03-2014

If we learned anything this week, be very very skeptical of rape accusations. Especially when the accusers never went to the police. Especially when the alleged incident happened a long time ago.

If you haven't been following the UVa Rape Hoax, get over to the thread now and catch up. That story is becoming the most important story of the year for people of our leaning ( bigger than gamer gate). It looks like the whole story that captivated a nation a few weeks ago and was held up as an example of the runaway "rape epidemic" on campus is now being exposed as a fraud.

Women lie about rape. A lot. Women are not physically strong enough to be aggressive with their fist, but they've learned to be lethal by being cunning - the false rape threat being the bazooka in their arsenal.

Cosby's accusers are bat shit fucking crazy. Be very very skeptical.

The Bill Cosby thread - Libertas - 12-03-2014

So the other day I saw something where Shia Lebouf (or however you spell that faggot's name) accused somebody of raping him. The "commentators" immediately questioned why he didn't go to the police and why no investigation was ever conducted in an effort to poke holes in his story.

Same thing for Bill Cosby, yet no one gives a fuck. That's questioning rape culture.

This situation has made me come to the realization of one thing: "rape culture" is simply an excuse for the powerful in the cult of Cultural Marxism and their government/media buttbuddies to undermine that long-standing tradition and cornerstone of Western law, the presumption of innocence. They want to take this away so that they can selectively silence their opponents and threats to their regime.

To the average reasonable person "rape culture" is something that sounds like nonsense, but it is real. It's not real in the way that the hysterical harpies say that it is, but it is a culture of rape against one of the most fundamental of all protections against tyranny - the presumption of innocence.

That's what rape culture is. It indeed violates people, just not in the way the useful idiots think.

The Bill Cosby thread - Cattle Rustler - 12-03-2014

I'll just post the summary below:

"Lawyer Gloria Allred has urged US comedian Bill Cosby to waive the statute of limitations to allow women alleging he sexually abused them to "obtain justice"."

Really? She wants him to waive his right so a bunch of nutzos can sue him and take his money?

She also wants Bill to set aside 100 million and have a panel of judges decide what to do with the money. We all know how that's going to turn out, she will pressure them until they give the women the money.