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The Shit Test Thread - TrentV - 06-17-2015

Thanks for the reply LAX. Definitely gave me some good pointers going forward. I'll try to set up 1 more date with her and see how things go. It's weird with this chick because she'll let me grab her ass and when we're standing together, she'll press her ass into my boner but no kissing etc. Like you said, there's red flags with this one.

The Shit Test Thread - kaotic - 06-17-2015

Sounds like a pissing contest between the both of you.

Why would you even delve into other people you're dating ? You're giving her ammo and feeding her answer.

The less she knows the better, the more she'll crave.

NEVER be honest when it comes to how many girls you met online, I always say 1 or 2 over the span of a month or 1000 with a smirk.

It seems like you were trying to sell your SMV too hard on this one.

ALWAYS flip the game on her, put her on the defensive.

If the whole friendzone thing comes up and you can't frame, avoid it and change the subject.

The entire session should be fun, light, and easy going not all this validation crap.

You lost the frame and became the one justifying and qualifying yourself to her.

IF you get another date like LAX said you damn well better bring your SMV and sexual attraction game hard ! Escalate fast, if she rejects, bounce on her asap.

The Shit Test Thread - Saweeep - 06-18-2015

The whole post is a series of conversations I would never have on a date.

I do a lot of sales training with people and one of the most important things I teach them is how to lead a conversation; how to steer things down prearranged paths.

You need to start taking the lead I think.

The Shit Test Thread - Sudden - 06-18-2015

I had an interesting meta shit test the other day. Number pulled from online game, been texting back and forth a couple days to build comfort and sustain attraction. After a conversational lull from me not responding to something, I get the text "I feel like maybe I've been bitchy."

While a realization that I've passed the shit tests so far, it also seemed fishing for beta bait and a test of frame. My response was "a bit, but you kinda gotta be... It's a screening process.". It was an acknowledgement of truth that she was shit testing and I didn't sugar coat it and say she's been a darling.

The conversation continued from there with the details that follow being largely unimportant, but I think I handled it the right way. Yes, you've been kinda bitchy but I get that that's how you filter out weak seeds but only using the "a bit" line so that she knows I'm not butthurt about it and realize how the game is played because I've been there before.

Any thoughts on my handling?

The Shit Test Thread - kaotic - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 01:44 PM)Sudden Wrote:  

I had an interesting meta shit test the other day. Number pulled from online game, been texting back and forth a couple days to build comfort and sustain attraction. After a conversational lull from me not responding to something, I get the text "I feel like maybe I've been bitchy."

While a realization that I've passed the shit tests so far, it also seemed fishing for beta bait and a test of frame. My response was "a bit, but you kinda gotta be... It's a screening process.". It was an acknowledgement of truth that she was shit testing and I didn't sugar coat it and say she's been a darling.

The conversation continued from there with the details that follow being largely unimportant, but I think I handled it the right way. Yes, you've been kinda bitchy but I get that that's how you filter out weak seeds but only using the "a bit" line so that she knows I'm not butthurt about it and realize how the game is played because I've been there before.

Any thoughts on my handling?

"What girl isn't lol"
"It happens"
"Eh, I can be an asshole sometimes"

If you feel like being a bit ballsy "Yeah I understand, it's that time of the month haha"

The Shit Test Thread - blackaldr - 07-07-2015

Banged this 23 yo from Tinder on the second date. After the date we sent messages back and forth and talked about meeting again (I was out of town for a while). Was supposed to meet for a third date but she hit me with

``Sorry, I would because you're really handsome and we get on well but I think we are different people, sorry''

How should I handle this?

The Shit Test Thread - ksbms - 07-07-2015

Try agree & amplify. Steer up her emotions, confuse, bedazzle, discombobulate her. Rational arguments, sadly, don't work with chicks as most of the people here would agree.

The Shit Test Thread - Uvalde Slim - 07-07-2015

Like any negotiation, you have to be willing to walk away. So go with:

"Oh. You're one of those, eh? (eyeroll and/or snide smirk, here)

Have a nice night."

And walk the fuck away. The mindfuck will leave you feeling like a boss, and will likely leave her in a pile of her own egoshit.

You don't need to win every just have to win the war.

The Shit Test Thread - Ingocnito - 07-08-2015

One revelation of game - i.e. speaking a game rule straight to a girl I've dated or banged - which seems to knock about half the shit testing off is:..

"I don't believe men and women were meant to be friends, they were meant to bond in other ways."

Using the words "in other ways," tends to get agreement from most due to the generalization of the statement, which I can then provide the rope they hang themselves from when I inquire about their following explanation as to why exactly they agree. (i.e. what other ways would that be?!?). Often you get to hear the girl's fantasy Utopian view of her ideal relationship, and adjust your game based on it or it's corollary. Usually if a girl's best friend, or very close friend(s) is a guy, she will bring that up at this moment... and that's always a red-flag for me which puts them in the bang-only lost and found box.

Now technically one could argue that's me shit testing them anticipating a response. But it weeds out the one's who think they can string you along or friend zone you as you get HER to set the precedence that YOU are actually considering for relations with her by steering and tweaking your opinions based on her responses.

It acts as a direct way of defining the future expectations by making it sound conceptual, almost 3rd person in nature, thus removing the stress and building comfort, but simultaneously establishing a definition for the tension that exists. Girls want to categorize guys so badly, that if you provide them that category, then completely act randomly, dissimilar to the category you feel she placed you in, but sometimes in lock step with it, the unpredictability will keep them in a tizzy and often around for quite a while, at your will.

It's a gentle way to basically say:"Look, you know I'm here to fuck, and I know you are too but have all your slut defenses but those are unnecessary with me, so don't make this a pain in the ass, otherwise we're wasting each other's time."

The Shit Test Thread - YoungArt - 07-20-2015

Guys need your help.
Met a very cute chick this weekend, this is what she said:

You think you can fuck me?
- Im not here for the sex Im here for the music.

You probably do this to every girl.

And the last one is the most frequent I get from most girls.
Everytime I look them into the eyes and we establish a quiet eye contact for more than 5 seconds they will open their mouth and say : what?
Even after a make out she will break the silent eye contact with a , what?

The Shit Test Thread - swuglyfe - 07-20-2015

Quote: (07-20-2015 09:41 AM)YoungArt Wrote:  

Guys need your help.
Met a very cute chick this weekend, this is what she said:

You think you can fuck me?
- Im not here for the sex Im here for the music.

You probably do this to every girl.

And the last one is the most frequent I get from most girls.
Everytime I look them into the eyes and we establish a quiet eye contact for more than 5 seconds they will open their mouth and say : what?
Even after a make out she will break the silent eye contact with a , what?

I got this just the other day. Suggested date venue with favorable logistics for me that I know well. Girl asked "so... be honest... how many girls have you brought to this place?"

my response, agree and amplify: "10,367. Women of every color, race and creed."

her: hahaha ok u r funny

The Shit Test Thread - Rawmeo - 07-20-2015

Quote: (07-07-2015 05:00 AM)blackaldr Wrote:  

Banged this 23 yo from Tinder on the second date. After the date we sent messages back and forth and talked about meeting again (I was out of town for a while). Was supposed to meet for a third date but she hit me with

``Sorry, I would because you're really handsome and we get on well but I think we are different people, sorry''

How should I handle this?

Radio silent. She turned you down, enjoy your ONS and move on.

I have one that I have trouble with as well: "What?" after a 4 second silence.

The Shit Test Thread - yeppels - 07-20-2015

I'm reading recommended in another thread, and the author covers shit tests at some point which I found interesting:


The answer isn’t finding ways to pass shit tests. The purpose of recognizing shit tests should be so that you can walk away from them. Not walk away disingenuously with the hope she’ll chase after you and with the intent of getting into her pants via reverse psychology. That defeats the purpose. It’s not to pretend you don’t care in order to get sexual affection. Because that means you actually do care and it means you are seeking approval in the form of her vagina. No, the point is to really not care. If she comes around, fine; if she doesn’t, you’re better off because you haven’t wasted your time.

....Taking tests of any kind equals seeking approval. The very act of taking a test and attempting to pass it confers authority on the test giver.

....Agreeing to take tests is an implicit admission of the testgiver’s authority over you, regardless of whether you pass or fail them.

......Your ultimate goal should be your dignity and self-respect, not passing the tests of damaged women, which is a redundant phrase anyway because only damaged women test that excessively anyway. If she’s doing bitch-shields and consistently shit-testing, she is by definition damaged anyway. When you pass the tests and jump through the hoops and it gets you laid, you may feel okay with it, but when you don’t get the sex, you’ll totally hate yourself for compromising your integrity and dignity for nothing.

Per the introduction in the OP:


The Mentality one should have according to a user:
1. What a silly bitch, I can't take her seriously.
2. So I'm gonna fuck with her.

Does answering shit tests with utter nonsense qualify as taking the shit test?


Shit test 3
Her: Are you strong.
Me: What you mean? I won the Worlds Strongest Man contest last year... you didn't see me on ESPN? You should DVR that...

Does this qualify as taking the shit test? I'm thinking it does. You acknowlege her shit and respond appropriately and "pass" the test. Later, if you fuck her, she knows that shit testing like this works and gets her laid and screens out the weirdos she doesn't wanna fuck anyway. In other words, you reward bad behavior.

Or is the correct response to always to


one of the best responses is NO RESPONSE/IGNORE

Another tip
Smirk slightly,look at her briefly, roll eyes slightly, look away. Say nothing. Then start non sequitur conversation. 90% of shit tests passed

Shit test 8
Non verbal shit test..
Me: "stop acting like my 8 yr old sister" or walk away

You make her feel uncomfortable for shit testing you, and teach her that this is bad behavior. Kind of like this man trains a horse to avoid bad behavior by making her uncomfortable.

Or does it just reinforce her opinion that her shit testing is good at weeding out the weirdos and guys she really doesn't wanna bang?

Does "passing" shit tests just to get our dicks wet actually hurt us in the long run?

And the ignoring part is much easier to do in person, what would be the best way to handle this correctly over text? Just radio silence?

The Shit Test Thread - TrentV - 07-30-2015

Girl I've been banging asks me: "Seriously, how hot do you think you are?"

I reply with a laugh and then say "Hot enough" then changed the subject.

Is fine or would you have amplified and said: "Hottest guy in the world basically."

The Shit Test Thread - ksbms - 07-30-2015

Quote: (07-30-2015 05:43 PM)TrentV Wrote:  

Girl I've been banging asks me: "Seriously, how hot do you think you are?"

Huh? 98.6F.

The Shit Test Thread - TrentV - 07-30-2015

Quote: (07-30-2015 05:49 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (07-30-2015 05:43 PM)TrentV Wrote:  

Girl I've been banging asks me: "Seriously, how hot do you think you are?"

Huh? 98.6F.

I like that. Need to be better with my non-sensical deflections.

The Shit Test Thread - storm - 07-30-2015

Quote: (07-30-2015 05:43 PM)TrentV Wrote:  

Girl I've been banging asks me: "Seriously, how hot do you think you are?"

I reply with a laugh and then say "Hot enough" then changed the subject.

Is fine or would you have amplified and said: "Hottest guy in the world basically."

Try "very". Or better yet don't respond. Take the initiative to escalate or to tell a story.

Never do with two words what you can with one.

The Shit Test Thread - storm - 07-30-2015

Quote: (07-20-2015 12:35 PM)yeppels Wrote:  

Does "passing" shit tests just to get our dicks wet actually hurt us in the long run?

And the ignoring part is much easier to do in person, what would be the best way to handle this correctly over text? Just radio silence?

1. No, it helps you preserve frame and is useful in business as well as LTRs.
2. Pretend you never got the text. Delete the text, do do something else for a while, like read a book or lift weights or hang out with your friends.

A big part of game is making sure you have "a lot going on"

The Shit Test Thread - Pride male - 07-31-2015

What I have discovered is that the barrage of shit tests really come after you bang a girl.

The Shit Test Thread - Noir - 07-31-2015

Quote: (07-31-2015 03:27 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

What I have discovered is that the barrage of shit tests really come after you bang a girl.

I disagree to the power of infinity but would definitely like your personal experience to be shared as this goes against my own experience.

Shit tests are tests to see how tight your game is.

Do you walk the walk as much as you talk the talk?

Let's clarify, women want you to pass shit tests and to live up to the grandiose image you paint in her mind and soak her panties in.

It is her natural defense mechanism against putting out for guys who don't deserve her pussy or can't meet her self-defined market price hence LMR/bitch shields etc.

There are different phases and types.

Phase 1 - Pre-bang, just met, qualifying you as a lover (rich guys get the provider qualification off the bat as Gringuito will confirm)

- zone of increasingly sexualized shit tests- (usually to your sexual advances i.e. I am not type of girl etc etc.) -> sexual energy is misdirected or lacking

Phase 2 - Pre-bang, post-escalation/make out (LMR)

- zone of comfort seeking/approval fishing shit tests- -> lack of comfort/player vibe, qualifying roles is skewed, not enough vulnerability etc.

Phase 3 - Post-bang, qualifying you as a provider

- zone of attention/validation seeking shit tests- -> you were good but she wants to subconsciously know she was up to your standards (if your game is tight) or wants to see if she can whip you/enforce her will and standards (if she detects chinks in your game)

Phase 4 - On rotation, qualifying you as monogamous when she finds out she is part of a harem

- zone of pedestalization seeking shit tests aka Operation Special Snowflake- -> wants to lock you down as your game is tight by this point but her ego needs reassurance you won't pump and dump (this is avoided by intermittently 'reminding her place' ahead of time + other ways)

As time passes, they decrease in frequency but increase in intensity/meaning to her as her intentions specify and you are leading less.

You become a team (post-bang) as opposed to being the sole leader providing the image of a team (pre-bang) -> hence more shit tests as she will need to comply.

Your version of shit tests will be compliance tests and getting her to jump hoops and follow.

Lack of leading means lack of compliance tests; you should be doing yourself a favour and shit-testing them just as much, should you have standards you strive to adhere to.

Just my two cents on the meta-ness of shit tests.

Keep playing.

The Shit Test Thread - Noir - 07-31-2015

Quote: (07-30-2015 05:43 PM)TrentV Wrote:  

Girl I've been banging asks me: "Seriously, how hot do you think you are?"

I reply with a laugh and then say "Hot enough" then changed the subject.

Is fine or would you have amplified and said: "Hottest guy in the world basically."

Take her hand and place it on your forehead.

"Am I burning up?"
"Are you gonna be my nurse?"


Touching: check
Reverse shit test (is she playful?): check

Quote: (07-20-2015 11:35 AM)Rawmeo Wrote:  

I have one that I have trouble with as well: "What?" after a 4 second silence.

Invade her personal space by giving her 'the look' and see how she reacts.

Positive reaction: tease her by being in makeout zone but not kissing or kissing (you be the judge)

Negative/shocked reaction: "sorry I could see my reflection in your eyes and got carried away" or "just admiring you" or "just admiring x on your face" or wipe something off her face and say "much better"

Use the silence to your advantage, ramp up the sexual tension and most importantly, fuck em! Have fun with it. [Image: tard.gif]

The Shit Test Thread - Gixxy - 07-31-2015

I just got this... There has been much banter between her and I, but it's getting increasingly more shit testy...

Her (40, 6.5, met on Tinder): I'm not looking for serious or forever here, but meeting nice people is goal. Let me ask you, If you aren't looking for a sincere connection, even just a friend, why suggest drinks to anyone? Merely a hookup avenue?

Me: Because it's a good avenue to meet people and talk about common interests and get to know someone in a non-threatening environment without a lot of pressure? I feel like you should know why people meet for drinks on a first meeting.... ?

The Shit Test Thread - Pride male - 07-31-2015

'There is the would you like to take my fat/ugly friend as your girlfriend'.

I just remembered in high school it happened a few times to guys I knew. A hot girl would encourage a guy who she likes to date an ugly friend. I suppose to see if he is high value. The correct answer is obvious.

The Shit Test Thread - Noir - 08-01-2015

Quote: (07-31-2015 04:54 PM)Gixxy Wrote:  

I just got this... There has been much banter between her and I, but it's getting increasingly more shit testy...

Her (40, 6.5, met on Tinder): I'm not looking for serious or forever here, but meeting nice people is goal. Let me ask you, If you aren't looking for a sincere connection, even just a friend, why suggest drinks to anyone? Merely a hookup avenue?

Me: Because it's a good avenue to meet people and talk about common interests and get to know someone in a non-threatening environment without a lot of pressure? I feel like you should know why people meet for drinks on a first meeting.... ?

Lame answer, you fell into her frame and qualified. Older women appreciate direct, honest approaches, don't dilly-dally and go around the actual fact.

You're wasting both yours and hers.

The Shit Test Thread - arafat scarf - 08-02-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 01:44 PM)Sudden Wrote:  

I had an interesting meta shit test the other day. Number pulled from online game, been texting back and forth a couple days to build comfort and sustain attraction. After a conversational lull from me not responding to something, I get the text "I feel like maybe I've been bitchy."

While a realization that I've passed the shit tests so far, it also seemed fishing for beta bait and a test of frame. My response was "a bit, but you kinda gotta be... It's a screening process.". It was an acknowledgement of truth that she was shit testing and I didn't sugar coat it and say she's been a darling.

The conversation continued from there with the details that follow being largely unimportant, but I think I handled it the right way. Yes, you've been kinda bitchy but I get that that's how you filter out weak seeds but only using the "a bit" line so that she knows I'm not butthurt about it and realize how the game is played because I've been there before.

Any thoughts on my handling?

There's a nugget of very tight game in there.

"a bit but you gotta be"

Very clever. Calling her out subtly without being whiny, indirectly letting her know that you know whats up, and then extending a small measure of sympathy without being ingratiating.

I wouldn't have explicitly mentioned "it's a screening process." Too explicit in that the game should be played and never spoken. Just a minor comment... on the whole though, I really like this response for those rare occasions that a girl polices her own bad behavior and I'll do something like it in the future.