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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 12-28-2018

This "if you even mention race in the equation then you're making excuses" and similarly the other extreme of being fully dependent on race (read: white god factor/exotic black man factor) is unhelpful.

I get where Kirdiesel is coming from and his observations about not just Germany but NYC are spot on. I'm always going to defer to someone who is there for an extended period of time.

But I also don't believe in staying in a place if you're miserable especially if you are not originally from there

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jselysianeagle - 12-28-2018

Personally I'd give much more weight to reports from someone that's been on the ground for a while over those from someone passing through, but it's always possible that CoverDoc is just a top-tier dude that pulls easily in Germany so his perspective could be a bit different.

Considering that Napolean's accounts agree with KDs I'm inclined to think KD is speaking the truth. Then again, I know a few Asian guys that've done really well for themselves in Berlin, so the only sure way to find out how you'd do there (especially if you're an ethnic dude) is to put boots on the ground...

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kirdiesel - 12-28-2018

Quote: (12-28-2018 03:54 PM)droughtmeat Wrote:  

Valid points by Kirdiesel. Though imo you're almost in the worst place for a black man in western germany. It doesn't get quite as bad as NRW.

As far as I have seen this seems to be the case. However, I have not spent ENOUGH time in Hamburg or Munich to confirm or deny this. I think the more international or liberal a city is, the more its going to tip in our favor in Germany.

Quote: (12-28-2018 04:13 PM)MaceTyrell Wrote:  

This "if you even mention race in the equation then you're making excuses" and similarly the other extreme of being fully dependent on race (read: white god factor/exotic black man factor) is unhelpful.

I get where Kirdiesel is coming from and his observations about not just Germany but NYC are spot on. I'm always going to defer to someone who is there for an extended period of time.

But I also don't believe in staying in a place if you're miserable especially if you are not originally from there

Appreciate it Mace. I am still here mostly due to financial/business reasons now more than anything but I am nearing the end of my rope where its "money be damned i'm getting out".

A positive about being here is that it is so hard is that you are forced to look at yourself in minute detail and it has given me the swift kick in the ass to "increase my SMV or die trying". Similar to the famous statement "if you can survive in NYC you can survive anywhere". I really feel like after this place I can game anywhere.

Quote: (12-28-2018 05:48 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

Personally I'd give much more weight to reports from someone that's been on the ground for a while over those from someone passing through, but it's always possible that CoverDoc is just a top-tier dude that pulls easily in Germany so his perspective could be a bit different.

Considering that Napolean's accounts agree with KDs I'm inclined to think KD is speaking the truth. Then again, I know a few Asian guys that've done really well for themselves in Berlin, so the only sure way to find out how you'd do there (especially if you're an ethnic dude) is to put boots on the ground...

Berlin is another "country" it itself inside Germany.

Napoleon is a man who is respected here and has posted sheets about banging 20 chicks in weeks.

I am just gonna wait till he drops his sheet on this place and you all will see what I am talking about.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-28-2018


Worked with an upper class Belgian/middle eastern chick the last four nights.

I was stunned to see an attractive, wealthy, young woman sacrificing her Christmas nights to work Emergency Medicine Shifts.

1) I asked her why she does this to herself. She answered frankly.
2) I made her laugh-a lot.
3) A Pakistani surgeon - with two kids and a wife- asked for her number during the night shifts. She did not know he had kids, so i told her. Turns out, during a night shift two months ago, he asked her to come to his, so she can "rest" before driving back home. Lol. Obviously she rebuffed this pot-marked and thirsty motherfucker.

Earlier today, once i was home, and by whatsapp voice message, I told her that I would have approached her but due to previous experiences I've adjusted my dating choices lol. I mentioned that its 'insane' that shes single, and that I enjoyed working with her. She responded saying that I'm a funny guy and that she enjoyed working with me. That it's brave to be honest: especially, as I'm a guarded person, and she hopes to see me soon.


Some of these chicks blossom late. I saw a photo of her in her late teens and she looked worse then, compared to now. I didn't give the bitch the satisfaction of rejecting me. I also prevented the whole shitting where you eat. I also represented the brothers well. She said I have strong morals and am mature. She assumed I had kids, which a lot of chicks do. She said its because I seem mature and sensible.


Either way, I wont smash chicks I have no intention of getting into a relationship with. So sadly, this Arab/ Belgian chick ain't for me.

I had to place myself in the friend-zone because I'm done hiding emotions. Head over heart but that doesn't mean you silence the heart.

I keep bumping into high quality non-black's tough to resist.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - wrecker132 - 12-28-2018

So I'm experimenting with different strategies right now, and I'm delving into my difference in approaching when hitting up ratchet chicks vs bougie chicks.

I've got the bougie chick down - Aske her how she's doing, she looks frustrated as hell at me, then joke that she seems super educated, let her talk, and then talk about college life and how most everyone from where we come from just doesn't understand lmao.

Ratchet chicks are harder ( no I don't want a relationship, just want a bang). Y'all have any idea how to go about it?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 12-29-2018

Leave them hoodrats alone bruh, lol. That’s how cats get setup and robbed, fuckin gutter broads.
I once had a ratchet chick accuse me of using big words to make her fell dumb lol. It was then when I realized my days of banging bishes beneath me was no longer worth it.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Fortis - 12-29-2018

I got a conversion question here and it's funny.

You ever converted yourself out a girl's bootycall/fuck buddy designation and into a situation where you're the one dictating things?

There's this Chinese chick I been smashing about once a week since the beginning of this month. She has told me straight up she sees me for sex and my looks. She's not cold or anything but if I sent her "yo, what time you coming over" she'll reply but if I send her a funny text or something (conversation opener) she won't reply.

Have any of you ever converted these sorts to a regular member of your roster? If so, how?

Don't get me wrong. I'm really not complaining. I'll take the fuckzone over the friendzone anyday but I've always wanted to work on retention and getting in a chick's head. I think I'm naturally decent at it but you can always get better. In the past i've had a few girls who have done this. come over for dick for a period of months and then ghost. I suspect some of them were married or whatever but I never asked.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-29-2018

Quote: (12-29-2018 05:15 AM)DimeBait Wrote:  

Leave them hoodrats alone bruh, lol. That’s how cats get setup and robbed, fuckin gutter broads.
I once had a ratchet chick accuse me of using big words to make her fell dumb lol. It was then when I realized my days of banging bishes beneath me was no longer worth it.

Nice to see brothers having standards.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Black Caesar - 12-29-2018

Fortis if you’re capping once a week then she’s on the team.

Unless you screw up eventually they catch feelings and will push a “what are we” on you

If you want something more you just keep pushing and leave things ambiguous. She will try to figure it out.

If you want to maintain the distance and easy booty call then you set harder boundaries.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 12-29-2018

Quote: (12-29-2018 06:11 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Nice to see brothers having standards.


All groups like to smash. Don't stand on a high horse and let your best nut days slide, lol. Smash but be tactical. Nothing wrong with knocking down some unsavoury lizards as long as you don't wife them up...

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-29-2018

Quote: (12-29-2018 09:12 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (12-29-2018 06:11 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Nice to see brothers having standards.


All groups like to smash. Don't stand on a high horse and let your best nut days slide, lol. Smash but be tactical. Nothing wrong with knocking down some unsavoury lizards as long as you don't wife them up...

Best nut days ! Lol Moma, you have a way with words.

We’re animals at the end of the day.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Noir - 12-30-2018

Random thought on the if looks matter debate from my girlfriends circle of friends...

A hot guy isn't necessarily sexy but a sexy guy is always hot.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-30-2018


When people assume you’re married / have a family, does that mean you’ve become beta provider material.

Yesterday, my barber assumed I had a family. I don’t even have a girlfriend let alone a wife/baby mamma. And that Belgian/ Arab chick thought I had a family...


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MY DETROIT PLAYAS - 12-30-2018

Quote: (12-30-2018 05:10 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  


When people assume you’re married / have a family, does that mean you’ve become beta provider material.

Yesterday, my barber assumed I had a family. I don’t even have a girlfriend let alone a wife/baby mamma. And that Belgian/ Arab chick thought I had a family...


Sometimes when you have your shit together - groomed well, confident and looking crispy folks will assume certain things. I've lost count on how many times I have encountered this.

In her eyes, she's attracted so she assumes other women are too, such a high value guy HAS to be attached in some way, shape or form ("or something is wrong with him")

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 12-30-2018

Quote: (12-30-2018 05:10 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  


When people assume you’re married / have a family, does that mean you’ve become beta provider material.

Yesterday, my barber assumed I had a family. I don’t even have a girlfriend let alone a wife/baby mamma. And that Belgian/ Arab chick thought I had a family...


You can be vague about it. Lizards like forbidden goods.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 12-31-2018

Quote: (12-28-2018 11:27 PM)wrecker132 Wrote:  

So I'm experimenting with different strategies right now, and I'm delving into my difference in approaching when hitting up ratchet chicks vs bougie chicks.

I've got the bougie chick down - Aske her how she's doing, she looks frustrated as hell at me, then joke that she seems super educated, let her talk, and then talk about college life and how most everyone from where we come from just doesn't understand lmao.

Ratchet chicks are harder ( no I don't want a relationship, just want a bang). Y'all have any idea how to go about it?

The dumber less refined a chick, the more you have to lead with non-verbals.

Indeed, non-verbals are actually the key with smarter chicks and chicks that are more attractive than average - but it's hard to explain.

So let's do a day game scenario.

Spot the chick at the mall
Walk up confident (NV)
Walk a little past her (NV)
Not exactly side to side, but in a loud voice (NV)

Archie - "Oh I see you got your J's on, working it. haha" - the tone of voice here is the NV that communicates, "Yo, i'm trying to chat you up"

*if she smiles*

Archie - "Whatchu about, whatchu finna get into?" (Same NV message as above)

If she responds AT ALL, she's open. (NV awareness, most broads will just keep it moving. If she hesitates, there's a spark. So assume some level of physical attraction, the key is to blow the spark into a flame and then build trust afterwards))

Archie - "I like your style, come with your boy and get this coffee/bag of french fries and let's conversate a bit...see if we like each other"

(Not much NV here, it's strictly verbal. There is a command/request here, not a question, not asking for permission. The frame here is one of dominance)

So overall

- You come at her with some good walking technique (not behind her, not tapping her shoulder, not quietly, but instead making it easy for her to hear you, to understand you, to know that you're approaching)

- You feel her out with an observation/slight comment - Tone suggests motive and frame.

- Figure out her minute to minute logistics - that's mostly verbal and logical.

- Make an overt compliment about the style and then hit her with an offer (Tone and frame communicate what you want)

With the verbal

- Keep it simple. If you're a big word user, or a big thinker like myself, this is as hard as benching 400 lbs.

- Ask about food, music, and shit that she can talk about. I do that regardless, and it keeps me focused on the chick.

- If she's being cordial or interested, she might ask you some questions - That's fine because you should have stock answers for every stock question

Where do you live?
Where do you work?
What do you drive?
You got gf, kids, wife?

Broads are people.
People are predictable.
Broads are predictable.

So if you come at the chick with obvious intent, build a bit of the trust in the chat - you can parlay that into let's go see a movie RIGHT NOW, or lets exchange contact information.

I'm actually inclined to end the chat before it reaches a climax and roll out. I want to force her to give me her number. Some girls have way too much pride for that, so I leave money on the table. But the chick that offers up is a much better bet.

The emotional quality and resonance of the conversation is what determines whether the number is good.

These fuckboy youtube gurus want to pump a girl's sexual state when she's sitting at Starbucks. I don't do that. I'm trying to figure out what the girl NEEDS emotionally.

Does she need recognition?
Does she need a challenge?

There's something that gets a chick from chatting politely, to putting all of her ego into talking. That's what you're trying to uncover.

Her "animating factor" is different for every girl.

I tend to have a kitchen sink chat with a girl. So even if the topic is food, there's a lot of emotion wrapped up in food
- sin
- delayed gratification
- health
- pleasure
- the need to be right about something

That's the non-verbal communication - what her emotions are telling you - when she decides what to communicate verbally.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 12-31-2018

I went to the laundromat the other day to do my laundry and saw some slutty Germanic looking lizard wearing daisy dukes with most of her cheeks spilling out. I immediately fantasised about reaming her out from the back. She had a few mixed kids around her so you know she's black friendly. I was trying to get close to spit at her but I saw her kids watching me like hawks and I always feel funny about spitting at a lil' man's mum hahahaha!

Point being made, you can get azz at the laundromat too!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 12-31-2018

Went to a strip club last night, I have never been to this one before as it is out in the countryside.

So we get inside, there are 4 mediocre girls in attendance.

Two girls approach the table and sit down, they hit us with the usual openers.
Then a third girl joins the table, so they start to ramble on about general stuff. They start joking how many lapdances they have to do to pay their rent/car etc.
One girl Becky is overweight and shouldn't be dancing, her friend Tara isn't bad looking and basically gives us her life story. Another girl tells me Tara takes pills so she doesn't get wrinkles, she is 29. Tara has great boobs, nice ass but a face you wouldn't fall in love with.

Becky and Tara talk about some charity event they attended recently, Serge Ibaka (NBA player) held a bowling fundraiser with the proceeds going to poor kids in his native country the Congo. Five other Toronto Raptors players were at the event as well. To attend the event the cost was $200 and of course loads of girls attended. Becky was upset because a lot of golddiggers showed up wearing short skirts and 5 inch heels, they showed up ready to bowl. The other girls were husband hunting, as if that would ever happen.

The delusion of some of these girls is amazing.

Business was slow and they talked about another stripper who signed up for Seeking Arrangement. I played dumb as per usual, as they explained what the site is and what goes on. Another stripper they knew had signed up on the site recently, she got some guy to come to the club and drop $300 to prove he has money.
The guy showed up and was intercepted by another stripper, who managed to extract the money before he met the original girl, catfished I guess.

These girls eventually left as they realized we were not going to pay for dances, I saw hotter girls come in. They stayed away from our table, these girl's have radars for guys they can milk.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - tr1cky - 01-01-2019

Ive been spending too much time in strip clubs lately but some strip clubs are condusive to running proper game. Once you break out of the customer frame youre good to go.

Although it sounds like none of those broads were worth it.

On the delusions of grandeur, I pay it no mind. Lots of people think they'll be millionaires but will still work a $15/hour job waiting for it to happen. Same applies for bagging women.

Anyone else decide to stay in for NYE?

Random aside: I took home a 9 the other night. She had on a red skin tight dress and knee high red boots. When we got back to the crib, prebang, she asked for a shirt to put on. She took off her dress and boots and got into my dress shirt. She went from a 9 to a 7.5. Opened my eyes to how easily we are influenced.

I was like damn I should have made her keep it on lol.

A little hope for y'all male 6.5's.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 01-01-2019

Quote: (01-01-2019 12:22 AM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Ive been spending too much time in strip clubs lately but some strip clubs are condusive to running proper game. Once you break out of the customer frame youre good to go.

Although it sounds like none of those broads were worth it.

On the delusions of grandeur, I pay it no mind. Lots of people think they'll be millionaires but will still work a $15/hour job waiting for it to happen. Same applies for bagging women.

Anyone else decide to stay in for NYE?

Random aside: I took home a 9 the other night. She had on a red skin tight dress and knee high red boots. When we got back to the crib, prebang, she asked for a shirt to put on. She took off her dress and boots and got into my dress shirt. She went from a 9 to a 7.5. Opened my eyes to how easily we are influenced.

I was like damn I should have made her keep it on lol.

A little hope for y'all male 6.5's.

One of the reasons poor people in the US vote against their economic best interest because they'll inevitably be a part of the 1% someday, lol.

I had a few solicitations to hang out tonight, but my partying days are behind me. I had ZERO desire to go out. I'm sitting here catching up on work, lol.
. . . On a side note, I'm staying up for them 2am WYD? texts coming

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 01-01-2019

Quote: (01-01-2019 12:22 AM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Ive been spending too much time in strip clubs lately but some strip clubs are condusive to running proper game. Once you break out of the customer frame youre good to go.

Although it sounds like none of those broads were worth it.

On the delusions of grandeur, I pay it no mind. Lots of people think they'll be millionaires but will still work a $15/hour job waiting for it to happen. Same applies for bagging women.

Anyone else decide to stay in for NYE?

Random aside: I took home a 9 the other night. She had on a red skin tight dress and knee high red boots. When we got back to the crib, prebang, she asked for a shirt to put on. She took off her dress and boots and got into my dress shirt. She went from a 9 to a 7.5. Opened my eyes to how easily we are influenced.

I was like damn I should have made her keep it on lol.

A little hope for y'all male 6.5's.

I felt this. Good clothes and good angles for IG photos add at least 1 point to a girl. And makeup? Don't even get me started.

I would benefit from remembering that 90% of girls look roughly 0.5-1.0 point better on IG/Tinder than IRL. May help keep me less seemingly thirsty during the meetup.

I went to a 8 person gathering for NYE, was lowkey. Lots of people from my IG feed seemed to be doing the whole NYE house party thing - I think that's a good signal that either 1) a recession is coming and/or 2) my immediate social circle is getting old - most of them are in that 28-30 range.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - BasketBounce - 01-01-2019

Also stayed in. Wanted to go out and party, but overpriced cover and drinks are not my thing.

Most recent pull was a college freshman from a club...she was with a friend. Initially saw her giving me the “come hither” look, so I waved her over. She shook her head no, but was smiling, so I knew I had to go over to her.

Dance floor chemistry is there, I make sure to dance with her friend, too. Everyone is having a good time. Lead her and her friend outside, we chop it up, I’m getting both of them involved in the conversation. The girl I’m interested in runs track...also danced in high I was triggered.

Things start to die down in the club...they’re both almost done with finals, looking to party. So I take the “I’m a local, I’ll show you where to party” route...girl gives me her number, tells me she has her last final later that week...

Text her after the final, meetup at her place...she’s a freshman, no swag at all...but when I see those cheeks in her black leggings, I could care less about her lack of style lol.

But! When we meetup! I can tell instantly that she needs a little more comfort. Before I actually meet her, she says that she’s just wants to hangout, that she’s not good at the whole “hooking up thing”...

Even though I did all the right things when we were at the club. she just needed a bit more info before she could give into the tingles.

Instinctively I think “food”...take her to McDonald’s...get her some fries. Of course the cashier is giving mad hate because she’s white...but i’m telling you all, y’all need to visit Atlanta, white girls out here have bodies...and of course they’re on that hip hop/trap wave right now...even the older white women (good looking ones) go and party at the State Farm Arena when Drake and Migos come through...but I digress,

So I take her to McDonald’s, just feeling her out...then we go for a walk, somewhere private...and it’s on. I tried to seal the deal in the woods, the same spot that the Dutch girl from last year took me...but this current girl wasn’t about it.

But of course I planned ahead! It was risky, but I had reserved a room at a nearby hotel before meeting up with this girl. I said we would “celebrate” that her finals were done...and she was down.

So as we are walking through the woods back to her car, I am holding her hand, petting her...but verbally, I am being an asshole. Classic push-pull, and she’s loving it.

Also getting her to talk about herself. All tactics that I have learned from this thank you all for the advice!

So we get to the hotel room, put on some TV...and the rest is history...

Texted her her the next day cause she was returning home for winter know, normal pleasantries. She texts back instantly.

Then she texted me on Christmas Day, promised me cookies when she gets we’ll see where this goes.

This was a few weeks ago. She’s my type: Tall, athletic, big booty. All I had to do was approach, handle her friend, run the most basic comfort game, and get her away from judgmental eyes.

Feels very empowering to have some success at night game...but I need to get more references experiences though. I’ve only pulled college girls with weak ties to her friends via what is essentially dance floor game -> comforting verbals -> bounce to private location. Not exactly the pinnacle of game, and I question how sustainable this type of game is. Will I be able to do this in my 50s?

I’m not pulling grown women from mixed groups in a bar-type setting that’s more reliant on actual social skills and verbals.

So now that the high of a new chick has worn off, I’m reflecting on where I want to go with my game.

What are your goals for 2019? Higher quality? Crazier pulls? More money? Less drama?

Game on, brothas.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - cycl0ne - 01-01-2019

Quote: (12-28-2018 06:10 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2018 03:54 PM)droughtmeat Wrote:  

Valid points by Kirdiesel. Though imo you're almost in the worst place for a black man in western germany. It doesn't get quite as bad as NRW.

As far as I have seen this seems to be the case. However, I have not spent ENOUGH time in Hamburg or Munich to confirm or deny this. I think the more international or liberal a city is, the more its going to tip in our favor in Germany.

Quote: (12-28-2018 04:13 PM)MaceTyrell Wrote:  

This "if you even mention race in the equation then you're making excuses" and similarly the other extreme of being fully dependent on race (read: white god factor/exotic black man factor) is unhelpful.

I get where Kirdiesel is coming from and his observations about not just Germany but NYC are spot on. I'm always going to defer to someone who is there for an extended period of time.

But I also don't believe in staying in a place if you're miserable especially if you are not originally from there

Appreciate it Mace. I am still here mostly due to financial/business reasons now more than anything but I am nearing the end of my rope where its "money be damned i'm getting out".

A positive about being here is that it is so hard is that you are forced to look at yourself in minute detail and it has given me the swift kick in the ass to "increase my SMV or die trying". Similar to the famous statement "if you can survive in NYC you can survive anywhere". I really feel like after this place I can game anywhere.

Quote: (12-28-2018 05:48 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

Personally I'd give much more weight to reports from someone that's been on the ground for a while over those from someone passing through, but it's always possible that CoverDoc is just a top-tier dude that pulls easily in Germany so his perspective could be a bit different.

Considering that Napolean's accounts agree with KDs I'm inclined to think KD is speaking the truth. Then again, I know a few Asian guys that've done really well for themselves in Berlin, so the only sure way to find out how you'd do there (especially if you're an ethnic dude) is to put boots on the ground...

Berlin is another "country" it itself inside Germany.

Napoleon is a man who is respected here and has posted sheets about banging 20 chicks in weeks.

I am just gonna wait till he drops his sheet on this place and you all will see what I am talking about.

I don't think you should give up, you've provided good insight that i can is true having been in Germany recently.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 01-01-2019

Quote: (01-01-2019 12:22 AM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Although it sounds like none of those broads were worth it.

On the delusions of grandeur, I pay it no mind. Lots of people think they'll be millionaires but will still work a $15/hour job waiting for it to happen. Same applies for bagging women.

Anyone else decide to stay in for NYE?

Yes, very delusional.

I stayed in as well, I went out Saturday and had a few too many vodka martini's.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 01-01-2019

Any of you guys selling stuff on Amazon?

Amazon fulfillment I believe they call it, a friend of mine started doing it recently and it seems profitable.