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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - wrecker132 - 12-19-2018

Update - done with finals (first two went great, the last one - mehh but that's on me)

Got back to the WC yesterday - my tinder is blowing the fuck up LMAO no cap.
This shit is ridiculous. I guess WC = easy mode???

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - wrecker132 - 12-19-2018

Update - done with finals (first two went great, the last one - mehh but that's on me)

Got back to the WC yesterday - my tinder is blowing the fuck up LMAO no cap.
This shit is ridiculous. I guess WC = easy mode???

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - ShotgunUppercuts - 12-19-2018

Because of my job ill be moving to Wyoming.not too far from Denver Colorado.

Anyone been out those ways? I hear its cold as shit and they have short winters . Help a brother out.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 12-20-2018

^Never been out there, but I would hazard that game experience there would be similar to any other small population state.

Where in Wyoming exactly? If anywhere near Jackson Hole, I think you'd be able to develop a rewarding game with all the people who come there on vacation. It's like an even more bougie Aspen from what I hear.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - lunchmoney - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-19-2018 09:55 PM)ShotgunUppercuts Wrote:  

Because of my job ill be moving to Wyoming.not too far from Denver Colorado.

Anyone been out those ways? I hear its cold as shit and they have short winters . Help a brother out.

Couple years ago while in a LTR my ex and I went to Snow King Mtn Resort for a long weekend, as she was into skiing. I remember showing up, and two things stood out.

1. We were the only ones of color around, except for a girl who looked like she was a sugar baby for a 50 year old fat white guy

2. There were loads of late 20s/early 30s white girls around, and if I wasn't with my ex I would have likely smashed 1 or 2.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - ShotgunUppercuts - 12-20-2018

Well shit. Theres goes my chance of finding a chocolate honey not REALLY into white chicks,she gotta be top shelf “white woman” word to patrice but i might have to make due.

Ill be Cheyenne wyoming ,2 hours from colorado.i plan to make that drive every weekend if i have to after i get some wheels out there.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 08:20 PM)ShotgunUppercuts Wrote:  

Well shit. Theres goes my chance of finding a chocolate honey not REALLY into white chicks,she gotta be top shelf “white woman” word to patrice but i might have to make due.

Ill be Cheyenne wyoming ,2 hours from colorado.i plan to make that drive every weekend if i have to after i get some wheels out there.

Well yeah - Denver is a sub 2 hour drive from Cheyenne whereas Jackson is a 6.5 hour drive from Cheyenne. You'd be better off continuing to Denver arbitrage.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - ShotgunUppercuts - 12-20-2018

Whats all in arbitrage.? ^

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MMM - 12-21-2018

MMM Wrote: 
WIA, Cardi is Dominican, afro LatinX. Are you trying to get us de-platformed?!

Moma Wrote:
What do you mean by 'de-platformed'?

That was said in jest, with the gender neutral "LatinX" being the politically correct reference to Latinos.   Deplatformed meaning the forum being taken down for an infraction of the terms of service.  For example, your Twitter account can be suspended if you use a trans person's former name, their "dead name."

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 12-21-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 09:01 PM)ShotgunUppercuts Wrote:  

Whats all in arbitrage.? ^

Like 1. having a Tinder gold account, passporting to Denver and build a pipeline or

2. continuing to keep in touch with your Denver social circle so you can come through often and use that to get women.

That's what I would do if I were you.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 12-21-2018

MMM is making a joke, haha.

Speaking of, I was watching Bill Burr on a Joe Rogan. There is going to be a Patrice O'Neal memorial show in February in NYC.

Also, Rogan sounds like a.somewhat well adjusted member of this community (not an edge lord). I'd never listened to him before. With most of those shows being 2-4 hours, my attention span isn't that good anymore


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MMM - 12-21-2018

Joe Rogan is a good interviewer. I download his shows as podcasts and listen to them while driving. They're too long to sit down and watch.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - ShotgunUppercuts - 12-21-2018

Gotta tune into that patrice memorial.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - wrecker132 - 12-21-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 08:20 PM)ShotgunUppercuts Wrote:  

Well shit. Theres goes my chance of finding a chocolate honey not REALLY into white chicks,she gotta be top shelf “white woman” word to patrice but i might have to make due.

Ill be Cheyenne wyoming ,2 hours from colorado.i plan to make that drive every weekend if i have to after i get some wheels out there.

You're doing it wrong. I spent time in Wyoming, mostly because I had friends attend UW and a former HS coached who was up there.

There is nearly NOTHING to do in Cheyenne. Outside of Laramie, the state is hella conservative, and full of flat land. Most people come to Laramie to party honestly because it the most liberal place in WY. I recommend hitting the Cowboy Saloon & Buckhorn Bar (People will tell you Front Street but idk if its what you're looking for)

As it goes, there just isn't a lot of stuff to do in Laramie either, so what most people do is take the 1 hour drive into Fort Collins, CO. Fort Collins is where Colorado State is based, and it's dope. Girls are hot, and black guys do well there.

As for black women - they aren't there bro ( at least not the high quality hot ones). I actually have a cousin (My ethnic groups custom is to call fellow kids of family friends, cousin) and he's at UW right now. He likes it, and he says the girls are great - and he has a cute gf. When in Rome, do as the Romans I guess?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - ShotgunUppercuts - 12-22-2018

I guess so man. Ill see when i get to there . Wyoming was the card i was dealt so im only here only as long as I absolutely need to be them im gone.
Ill see what fort collins is about also.

I aint goin to no rodeo just to get women though.Besides that aint my thing . Whats front street?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Noir - 12-22-2018

Without turning this in to a 'is social media essential or not' dichotomy...

What are your opinions on your girl and her social media usage?

You have girls who fall into one of these categories:

a) high usage and engagement; posts a lot and likes a lot of shit - always online

b) high usage but minimal engagement; doesn't post a lot, likes a few posts - always online

c) low usage, low engagement; minimal posts and likes - online every few days (rare)

d) no social media - practically impossible

Any of the more experienced guys here have thoughts on the above?

Any kind of rules/expectations you have, with your women?

Just general discourse, what do you make of the SM usage of girls these days?

I personally find it a bit of a turn off but I wanna hear you guys out.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - 456 - 12-22-2018

Definite turnoff.

a) too much, possibly tolerably if she 100% never includes me in any pictures / posts

b) somewhat tolerable, the perusing is understandable, the posting is annoying especially if done while together.

c) a nice surprise these days

d) unicorn; maybe a chick in this category had been burned somehow by social media in the past

For girls in category b) and c), my strategy (in a longer fling) has been to casually ponder "isn't it crazy how even looking at that stuff has you either feeling 'wow they are stupid, I'm better than them' - or - 'oh man that's so incredible, why isn't my life like that' ?? Hmm, doesn't seem healthy..."

I've had a few girls really hear that, and since I wasn't pushing or demanding anything, they came to their own conclusions... few days later "hey I deleted the IG app, no point in browsing it since I don't post anyway and my true friends call me".

Incidentally, the times I hate the social media browsing the most is:

- on a road trip where ideally we'd be keeping it interesting ourselves and talking / joking / enjoying the view in peace... looking over to see chuckles and face-in-phone puts me on some "what am I, the chauffeur?" vibes

- if we're watching some serious show (i.e. Sopranos or Breaking Bad), because I don't wanna be pausing and 'splaining plot points in ten minutes when she realize she was checking phone shit during what she thought was a quiet moment (often when the best clues and foreshadowing moments happen in certain shows)

- obviously at a meal

When the disdain for bad-phone-usage is subtle and mature on our part, a slightly younger chick may rise to meet expectations.

I've had wild ones (i.e. a full-of-herself a) type) where I sadly resorted to a bit of scolding about it, and that never worked well! Or maybe it'd work but she is begrudgingly following.

It's a good litmus test. I've been able to "tame" girls in b) and c) by keeping my cool and setting a good example.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - BasketBounce - 12-22-2018

Perhaps I am low-consciousness, but I just let the broad check her phone.

Young girls especially are addicted to their iPhones.

The thing about addiction is that it’s neurochemical. She gets a dopamine rush off that.

I try to re-create that dopamine rush through my behavior and spiking her emotions.

But at the end of the day, I am a human, and I cannot constantly entertain a chick, nor will i constantly put her in check. That shit gets tiring.

So if we are at dinner, and she checks her phone...okay, cool. She’s getting her fix.

But Damn, I just noticed that waitress has a fat ass tho...she seems nice enough, might well ask her where she is from...

And the hamster will work for me.

- BB

Edit: But to answer your question, a) and b) are both addicted. one just doesn’t have anything worthy to post relative to her friends and she realizes that, so you don’t have to compete with her phone as much, but you still need to provide the fun. she just won’t document it constantly. also b) is willing to have more lowkey, quality time with you, which is always a plus.

c) is a pleasant surprise, but you must continue to game her so that she seeks your validation

d) lives in a third world shithole that you don’t wanna visit lol

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - tr1cky - 12-22-2018

Good video on how social media is an epidemic of the mind.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 12-22-2018

Quote: (12-22-2018 01:24 AM)Noir Wrote:  

Without turning this in to a 'is social media essential or not' dichotomy...

What are your opinions on your girl and her social media usage?

You have girls who fall into one of these categories:

a) high usage and engagement; posts a lot and likes a lot of shit - always online

b) high usage but minimal engagement; doesn't post a lot, likes a few posts - always online

c) low usage, low engagement; minimal posts and likes - online every few days (rare)

d) no social media - practically impossible

Any of the more experienced guys here have thoughts on the above?

Any kind of rules/expectations you have, with your women?

Just general discourse, what do you make of the SM usage of girls these days?

I personally find it a bit of a turn off but I wanna hear you guys out.

I am talking to a girl who is a ©, which is refreshing to see she isn't a social media whore.

As an older dude, I think social media is a sign of times. Sometimes I have to check myself because I go on it quite frequent myself.

It is funny because I have heard girls complain about things guys post on IG. The main thing is showing off wealth/materialism and the other complaint was some older guy following the Kardashian girls.

As we all know these girls are online sleuths and will dissect every page you like or follow.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Black Caesar - 12-22-2018

Think outside the box guys.

You know how much some of these girls are making on Insta posts?

Once you harness that a bit you can make it ik for you easy.

I mean you think they post all that for fun?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 12-22-2018

Finding a girl who doesn’t use SM is rare, but possible. I give a lot of deference to them when/if I do. SM has become a necessary evil in a way because it’s so ubiquitous. I rarely post, and have noticed my in-person notoriety dip among some of the professional/political circles I’m in. I absolutely loathe self-grandiose & attention seeking posts. As a result, I pay my teenage son to manage my social media and at least feel a bit better if the promotion is seen as third party branding rather than just plain ole “look at me humble bragging.”
It’ll be interesting to see where we, as a society, pivot from this massive addiction.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 12-22-2018

Quote: (12-22-2018 05:53 PM)DimeBait Wrote:  

Finding a girl who doesn’t use SM is rare, but possible. I give a lot of deference to them when/if I do. SM has become a necessary evil in a way because it’s so ubiquitous. I rarely post, and have noticed my in-person notoriety dip among some of the professional/political circles I’m in. I absolutely loathe self-grandiose & attention seeking posts. As a result, I pay my teenage son to manage my social media and at least feel a bit better if the promotion is seen as third party branding rather than just plain ole “look at me humble bragging.”
It’ll be interesting to see where we, as a society, pivot from this massive addiction.

My recent notch is a 35 year old who says she doesn't use Instagram. I'm sure women on the older end don't use social media. But then again, 99% of this board aren't checking for the 35 year olds lol.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 12-23-2018

Quote: (12-22-2018 05:33 PM)Black Caesar Wrote:  

Think outside the box guys.

You know how much some of these girls are making on Insta posts?

Once you harness that a bit you can make it ik for you easy.

I mean you think they post all that for fun?

What do you mean by harness it? Are you talking about IG pimping?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Investment Bro - 12-23-2018

Quote: (12-23-2018 09:03 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2018 05:33 PM)Black Caesar Wrote:  

Think outside the box guys.

You know how much some of these girls are making on Insta posts?

Once you harness that a bit you can make it ik for you easy.

I mean you think they post all that for fun?

What do you mean by harness it? Are you talking about IG pimping?

I'm dating a girl right now with 75k followers.

She's a high end 7 in my opinion. One of the best looking girls I've gotten more than a ONS with. She was getting paid around 1.5k a month to promote all of these different products, as well as another 500-1k a month to model for photoshoots before we met.

Mind you, she doesn't try that hard or put in that much effort. Around three posts per week, and a few stories. Some of her friends are legitimate smokeshows that are solidly in the 8 category. They make more than I do just from IG, and I don't make peanuts.

To your point though, I use this girl to drive traffic to my Amazon listings when I'm launching new products (data sheet in progress right now). I also use her to help promote my own affiliate programs and I kick her back a percentage. If she did more of this type of thing (she doesn't want to), she could easily be making a full time living as well.