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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 12-12-2018

How do you feel about them touching your hair?

Touch is always a positive thing, how do you respond is the real issue. I recall getting hair touches when I was a youth.

Now it tends to be arm and chest touches.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Iso - 12-12-2018

Quote: (12-12-2018 12:22 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

What is your aim?

Are you trying to get at one of the girls, or use the group as social proof to raise your club status with a nearby group?


- Where do they work?/What type of work do they do? This is a life experience thing, but a group of investment bankers is different than a group of teachers.

- Are the guys on your side, or are they also trying to fuck the chicks in the group? Do you need to neuter the guys first?

- What are their plans? Are they in town for a convention, or do they all live in town and always come to this bar?

In a scenario like that one, i want to reduce the complexity. So if I tell a story, i want it to polarize the group into 2 camps. Since it's guys and girls, I'll tell a guys and girls story.

A good one is "My buddy has a shoebox with a bunch of keepsakes, phone numbers, love letters...his new girlfriend wants him to get rid of them...."

Without being some master player, you can predict how the group will break up, and what they're going to say that the friend should do.

From there, you just moderate the debate.

Handling a group, holding court is a demonstration of high value. Much higher than some dumb rambling story about how you trekked through Nepal on a spiritual quest.

So while they're debating the issue - using your social knowledge, you emphasize the more outrageous statements. With your social knowledge, you draw out the the girl(s) that you're interested in. You put the spotlight on them, but make it easy for them to shine.

Everybody wants to be a star, but not everyone has the courage to take the stage. If you can show these people through example, how to unstifle themselves, you become a god to them.

They want you to be around, because you make their lives better.

I've dated plenty of "life of the party" girls to understand how that social dynamic works. These social robots around you are begging for freedom, to get out of the rules they put on themselves.

Or you could do any of the other dumb PUA shit online.

That works too.

That's the beauty of this thing. There are SO MANY ways to get at these chicks. It's really about what you want to do.


Let's say they are coworkers at Happy Hour. How are you supposed to isolate her away from her group and escalate without her feeling slutty in front of her coworkers? I feel like the target will be self conscious about chatting with a random guy in front of her judgmental coworkers who she sees everyday.

What's the sequence?

See girl in a group with coworkers

Approach group with opener

Hold court and gauge their reactions

shine the spotlight on target


I assume the next step is to isolate and spit game at her like you would in a typical nightgame interaction. If that goes well, are you pulling her to the next venue away from her coworkers who will know that something is up between her and you?

I see so many logistical hurdles to clear.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 12-12-2018

Quote: (12-12-2018 07:32 PM)Iso Wrote:  

Quote: (12-12-2018 12:22 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

What is your aim?

Are you trying to get at one of the girls, or use the group as social proof to raise your club status with a nearby group?


- Where do they work?/What type of work do they do? This is a life experience thing, but a group of investment bankers is different than a group of teachers.

- Are the guys on your side, or are they also trying to fuck the chicks in the group? Do you need to neuter the guys first?

- What are their plans? Are they in town for a convention, or do they all live in town and always come to this bar?

In a scenario like that one, i want to reduce the complexity. So if I tell a story, i want it to polarize the group into 2 camps. Since it's guys and girls, I'll tell a guys and girls story.

A good one is "My buddy has a shoebox with a bunch of keepsakes, phone numbers, love letters...his new girlfriend wants him to get rid of them...."

Without being some master player, you can predict how the group will break up, and what they're going to say that the friend should do.

From there, you just moderate the debate.

Handling a group, holding court is a demonstration of high value. Much higher than some dumb rambling story about how you trekked through Nepal on a spiritual quest.

So while they're debating the issue - using your social knowledge, you emphasize the more outrageous statements. With your social knowledge, you draw out the the girl(s) that you're interested in. You put the spotlight on them, but make it easy for them to shine.

Everybody wants to be a star, but not everyone has the courage to take the stage. If you can show these people through example, how to unstifle themselves, you become a god to them.

They want you to be around, because you make their lives better.

I've dated plenty of "life of the party" girls to understand how that social dynamic works. These social robots around you are begging for freedom, to get out of the rules they put on themselves.

Or you could do any of the other dumb PUA shit online.

That works too.

That's the beauty of this thing. There are SO MANY ways to get at these chicks. It's really about what you want to do.


Let's say they are coworkers at Happy Hour. How are you supposed to isolate her away from her group and escalate without her feeling slutty in front of her coworkers? I feel like the target will be self conscious about chatting with a random guy in front of her judgmental coworkers who she sees everyday.

What's the sequence?

See girl in a group with coworkers

Approach group with opener

Hold court and gauge their reactions

shine the spotlight on target


I assume the next step is to isolate and spit game at her like you would in a typical nightgame interaction. If that goes well, are you pulling her to the next venue away from her coworkers who will know that something is up between her and you?

I see so many logistical hurdles to clear.

1. See group
2. Approach
3. Light opener

4. Get relationships (how do you know each other)

Good relationship is they're all in the same industry, but they don't work with each other all the time. No cockblockers, no people to ask Bertha about that black guy.

5. Get logistics for the night (what are you guys doing, where are you going, work in the morning)

- Good logistics is that they met at the bar, but will be going their separate ways.
- Bad logistics is they all came together and are all going to leave together.

If I'm going for the same night connection/instant romance - I generally only move forward if you have good relations and good logistics.

6. Heavy Opener Group Chat like above.
7. Non-Verbal signals to the target - looks, eye codes, gestures, pauses, ignoring her, cutting her off.

8. Verbal signals that tell the guys you aren't approaching, but let the girls know that you are - "She must the the trouble maker" "is she always like this" "how do you guys put up with her"

9. Turn to the girl - "We need to talk, you owe me a drink. I'm gonna bring this hooligan right back to y'all, lest she corrupt me"

10. Stay in view of the group.

11. Work your one on one game - going for the visual sign where she locks you in/punches your arm.

12. Group should recognize that she likes you. She should like you.

Result - You weren't all over her. She wasn't getting slutty. Very banterish/older brother little sister.

13. Stay on the group for the rest of the night, building attraction and comfort with the chick, but w/zero hands (or on the low).

14. Merge your new group (with the target) with other groups (groups you've previously met that night, the regulars of the club, the staff of the club, or adjacent groups). Y'all from Wisconsin, I just met some folks earlier from Kansas....

The point is to take the group's attention off of you and her.

15. When the group breaks up, either ask the girl if she's hungry, or say that you can drop her off, cause you live in her hood. Whatever the natural breaking up of the group is, that's when you offer a helpful solution.

The more they like you, the less slutty and normal you make it seem, the more you can get away with.

16. Once you get her away from the group, your place is always superior to hers.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 12-13-2018

Quote: (12-11-2018 02:37 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Anyone looking to bang chicks should check this thread out. Too good to simply post quotes from.


That dude is an idiot. Never take advice from him.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - tr1cky - 12-13-2018

Lol I heard he had to buy a BMW to get women to like him.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kadenz - 12-13-2018

Quote: (12-12-2018 06:34 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

How do you feel about them touching your hair?

Touch is always a positive thing, how do you respond is the real issue. I recall getting hair touches when I was a youth.

Now it tends to be arm and chest touches.

Now I don't mind I guess if the girl is attractive. It's an easy in I guess and reason to touch her also just have to make a judgment if I should be cheeky and grab her tits or just play with her hair in return.. And yeah it happened much more when I was younger but I'm still young I guess so still happens sometimes.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 12-14-2018

Off to the Everglades to meet up with the Lizard hunter Moma.

We will be dropping a few pods, we will be discussing recent "issues" on this thread and in the news.

Anything you guys want to hear?

If we had more time it would have been nice to do a call in show.

Maybe next time.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - BasketBounce - 12-14-2018

@rudebwoy: I’m interested in hearing about times when you were successful with direct approach, either with a cold lead (ie, random girl on the street/in a club) or warm lead (you were introduced or recommended to her).

The most “direct” I have ever done is dancing with a chick without talking to her first.

In other news, I am seeing a plate tonight, and one of my previous flames hit me up saying she is back in town. This weekend is looking auspicious.

- BB

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 12-15-2018

Rudebwoy has touched down! We plan to do a pod tonight or tomorrow at the latest depending on how we finished scheduling today. Any other pending questions to be asked?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Iso - 12-17-2018

Anyone heard the Cardi B/Offset story?

Cliff Notes:
-Cardi B is a musician who was a former stripper. Offset is a member of the rap group, Migos.
-Cardi B broke up with Offset over his bad behavior
-Offset is still hung up on her
-Offset crashes Cardi B's LA concert with $15,000 worth of flowers that said "Take me back, Cardi" in hopes of getting her back
-She is stunned and embarrassed by the spectacle
-Now her fans are trashing him on social media. Offset is the butt of many jokes

Goes to show that even if you make millions, you can't take the simp out of the man.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - droughtmeat - 12-17-2018

The offset story is crazy. But when I think about, I realize that his options are actually pretty limited in terms of women for an LTR. He can have endless fuck buddies etc. However, if you look at Cardi B's profile, it's pretty much: world famous celebrity, rich, "hood", wants to be mom, can handle being around other celebrities, black, in her mid 20s.

That profile right there is extremely rare. I doubt there are any other girls who fit that description. Rihanna, Nicki Minaj (though her time is basically up in terms of peak success) and that's about it, but both are older than Cardi too. Simply replacing her with a successful doctor won't cut, cause she won't meet that criteria.

And now think of the amount of rappers and pro athletes that are going to try and get into Cardi's pants. Even if the number is just 20, it's still 21 guys trying to get one woman and Offset has the worst odds, cause he ruined things by cheating on her. Now, on top of that, he's making things even worse by acting like a beta cuck beggar.

It's the same thing that caused Lamar Odom to crash, burn, ruin his awesome NBA career and nearly kill himself. He was essentially hours away from dying. And all of that just over a Kardashian.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - BasketBounce - 12-17-2018

You don’t cheat on a woman and then ask her to take you back.

You give her the opportunity to be with you again...because you’re the only one that really understands her, that really knows her...

Although the rules for celebs are little different than the rules we normal people live by.

- BB

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 12-18-2018

1) Cardi is Dominican, afro Latina, not southern black American like Offset. Only in NYC can Latinos get away with n-wording it up.

2) In terms of what he could get, she's in a worse position than him.

Consider Nicki Minaj. She's currently dating a sex offender (that dates strippers, so he has some good game). Nicki was dating a guy way below her before that. Her only real hip hop options have been Drake and Lil Wayne, neither of which are good options.

Cardi's dating pool is now second rate NBA players. She's in the Kardashian class now.

It's rare that very successful women date more successful men. Rihanna and Janet Jackson went the Arab route. Salma Hayek might be the most successful chick that made the greatest comeup with marrying The Purse God.

Cause most female stars date down. Emily Blunt, movie star, married the guy from the office. Christina Hendricks, the red head from Mad Men, is married to some random actor that there was there from the beginning.

Lots of them marry their managers and agents. Or backup dancers.

2) Most men, esp rappers/athletes/actors/musicians date down. Nick Cannon is one of the few that was punching above his financial class.

Offset will probably end up with some random Real Hip Hop Wife and Side piece of Atlanta.

The down to earth question is that after a good period of sexual abundance, can you commit? The second a chick starts to nag or fuss, what's the point? But until both parties have a reason to make concessions and compromise, no real relationship can happen, no real value can be found.

I'm curious as whether Kylie Jenner (and their daughter) tours with Travis Scott. Cause that's basically the only way to make sure.

Hypergamy is a harsh mistress and The Patriarchy doesn't care about contemporary nonsense.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - burncushlikewood - 12-18-2018

guys need to be smart, you cant live the player life and have a girlfriend its one or the other. If you choose the player route keep it low key, anonymity is the best weapon in that lifestyle. As to committing to one woman, you need to have that certain type of personality that always keeps things fresh and exciting, and maintaining the right space in a relationship is key. I still have no idea how some guys spin multiple plates, you have to have that night game ability where you can go to the club pull something back and keep it secret. Or day game bangs, but having abundance in a social circle is probably a challenging task.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 12-18-2018

Offset could have had an arrangement, but these side chicks would rather get internet points by claiming they can take a chick's man, rather than play the position and stack dollars.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MMM - 12-18-2018

WIA, Cardi is Dominican, afro LatinX. Are you trying to get us de-platformed?!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 12-18-2018

Cardi B is a whore, why are we discussing this ugly annoying woman,

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 12-18-2018

Quote: (12-18-2018 01:37 PM)MMM Wrote:  

WIA, Cardi is Dominican, afro LatinX. Are you trying to get us de-platformed?!

If you want to really get into it, hit me up on the site.

But folks gloss over the major cultural differences between
- black americans and caribbeans
- black english speakers and black spanish speakers
- north vs south

If you want your game to get more fine tuned, you gotta pay attention to the details.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - lunchmoney - 12-18-2018

Quote: (12-17-2018 08:57 PM)droughtmeat Wrote:  

The offset story is crazy. But when I think about, I realize that his options are actually pretty limited in terms of women for an LTR. He can have endless fuck buddies etc. However, if you look at Cardi B's profile, it's pretty much: world famous celebrity, rich, "hood", wants to be mom, can handle being around other celebrities, black, in her mid 20s.

That profile right there is extremely rare. I doubt there are any other girls who fit that description. Rihanna, Nicki Minaj (though her time is basically up in terms of peak success) and that's about it, but both are older than Cardi too. Simply replacing her with a successful doctor won't cut, cause she won't meet that criteria.

And now think of the amount of rappers and pro athletes that are going to try and get into Cardi's pants. Even if the number is just 20, it's still 21 guys trying to get one woman and Offset has the worst odds, cause he ruined things by cheating on her. Now, on top of that, he's making things even worse by acting like a beta cuck beggar.

It's the same thing that caused Lamar Odom to crash, burn, ruin his awesome NBA career and nearly kill himself. He was essentially hours away from dying. And all of that just over a Kardashian.

Great breakdown. Many guys can learn alot from Lamar Odom, or any man for that matter who fucked with a Kardashian.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 12-18-2018

WIA’s breakdown hints at why I love Puerto Rican’s but can’t stand Dominicans.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - tr1cky - 12-18-2018

Speaking of Dominicans, I'm going to DR (S.domingo) in 2 weeks. Anything I should know?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 12-19-2018

Quote: (12-18-2018 11:24 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Speaking of Dominicans, I'm going to DR (S.domingo) in 2 weeks. Anything I should know?

Nothing much I can think of. Have you travelled outside of your country(I assume you are going there from the US) before?

Have fun, it helps quite a bit if you can speak Spanish and enables you to spread the field. If you can't, the Google translate on the app works a charm. From the last time I was there, all club entry is free (if you like clubbing). The car alarms all go off at the same time every morning which can be frustrated if you like a lie in and are not used to that sort of noise. Try the casinos there, you don't have to be a major gambler, you can scoop lizards from there.
Dominicans are cool (I enjoyed being around them and caught no offkey vibes) but be mindful you are in a developing country and will always have the meal ticket allure about you to them. Leverage it to bang silly. Stack up your nut juice and let it spray there.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 12-19-2018

Quote: (12-18-2018 01:37 PM)MMM Wrote:  

WIA, Cardi is Dominican, afro LatinX. Are you trying to get us de-platformed?!

What do you mean by 'de-platformed'?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 12-19-2018

Quote: (12-17-2018 08:57 PM)droughtmeat Wrote:  

The offset story is crazy. But when I think about, I realize that his options are actually pretty limited in terms of women for an LTR. He can have endless fuck buddies etc. However, if you look at Cardi B's profile, it's pretty much: world famous celebrity, rich, "hood", wants to be mom, can handle being around other celebrities, black, in her mid 20s.

That profile right there is extremely rare. I doubt there are any other girls who fit that description. Rihanna, Nicki Minaj (though her time is basically up in terms of peak success) and that's about it, but both are older than Cardi too. Simply replacing her with a successful doctor won't cut, cause she won't meet that criteria.

And now think of the amount of rappers and pro athletes that are going to try and get into Cardi's pants. Even if the number is just 20, it's still 21 guys trying to get one woman and Offset has the worst odds, cause he ruined things by cheating on her. Now, on top of that, he's making things even worse by acting like a beta cuck beggar.

It's the same thing that caused Lamar Odom to crash, burn, ruin his awesome NBA career and nearly kill himself. He was essentially hours away from dying. And all of that just over a Kardashian.

I think a lot of guys want to smash a lizard because she's popular and therefore they are 'supposed' to have that. The quality of lizards throughout the years are dipping and dipping. I think a lot of guys and lizards are consuming porn (there are studies that state lizards are the highest consumers of heterosexual porn and I mean the rough shyt like choking, gangbang and forceful entry not the sweet stuff like face to face missionary with cuddles and kisses). There is a chicken and egg debate as to which comes first and in this case, does art imitate reality or does it influence reality? That being said, as the lizards watch the porn they become like that. Some vanilla (regular ordinary) lizards believe that hos are winning and it looks like that. There are no repercussions for being a sloot.
Cardi B is a stripper (at the very least) and her sexual videos are plastered across the net. Back in the days, guys used to only run that as a jumpoff but now, side chicks are vying for first place. In fact, I don't know if I see a difference between the behaviour of a side chick and a main chick these days. Main chick is scared of losing her position to a lizard that will slob her man down to the scrotum and has to step up her sloot game.
Crazy thing is, a sloot or porn star from the 80s or even 90s doesn't even come off as degenerate (at least not openly) as these current lizards lol

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Black Caesar - 12-19-2018

Won’t Offset be making money off this at the end of the day?