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Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - rpg - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 06:16 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2015 05:51 PM)Aenigmarius Wrote:  


Can someone please explain to me just how your individual?

People keep taking this tact, asking "how does gay marriage affect me?"

Read the thread. It's been explained multiple times. It's bigger than two guys getting married, or whether two guys getting married affects you on a personal level.

If you can't understand that it's bigger than the sounds bites being spoon fed to you, then nothing any of us can say is gonna open your eyes. It's about much more than Adam and Steve getting married and whether it fucks up your white picket fence and shits on your Volvo.

I completely agree. To me, this vote isn't about two guys being able to wear metal bands on their fingers while they fuck each others asses. This is about steamrollering states rights...same fucking shit the civil war and the confederate flag was about.

Buttfucking or not, many states had referendums on gay marriage where individual people cast their votes to say yay or nay to allow gay marriage in their state. Guess what MOST of those states said yes but 13 voted...I repeat VOTED no. Instead of respecting the will of the people some butthurt (pun intended) individuals appealed to 9, un-elected individuals that in an instant overruled the votes of millions of individuals in those 13 states.

Today the supreme court said "The voice of state citizens doesn't mean shit, we do" Thats why Scalia wrote what the wrote. Thats why states like Texas are pissed off.

This is a decree by an unelected body, overruling legitimate votes, thats the problem, not gay marriage. As Bill burr says "If you can't do the math on that, then I can't help ya"

And... Look how many women are on the bench. Women never give a shit about what is right or wrong or the right way of doing things, they do whatever the fuck they want and then watch what happens!

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - lskdfjldsf - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 05:56 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Noone talked about the following on my news feed today:

-ISIS advances
-The Terrorist Attacks

[Image: b4cc456436.png]

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Gimlet - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 05:42 PM)Downtown Wrote:  

Can someone please explain to me just how your individual lives will be affected by this?

I know two guys who will get married because of this.

How does this change my life with my girlfriends and my kids?

Is it because you think people will be less likely to get married and have kids?

Is it because you think your own children will be swayed into being gay now?

It won't. Because you have sired bastards with a woman or women willing to carry on a man's genes without the benefits of marriage and property. You children are not your heirs. You will pass along nothing beyond "love" which is the socialist ideal. You are correct, gay marriage does not affect you. You are already a part of the system in which marriage is destroyed.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - docholliday - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 06:55 PM)Gimlet Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2015 05:42 PM)Downtown Wrote:  

Can someone please explain to me just how your individual lives will be affected by this?

I know two guys who will get married because of this.

How does this change my life with my girlfriends and my kids?

Is it because you think people will be less likely to get married and have kids?

Is it because you think your own children will be swayed into being gay now?

It won't. Because you have sired bastards with a woman or women willing to carry on a man's genes without the benefits of marriage and property. You children are not your heirs. You will pass along nothing beyond "love" which is the socialist ideal. You are correct, gay marriage does not affect you. You are already a part of the system in which marriage is destroyed.

Um, we don't live in Game of Thrones world. His kids are still his heirs in the eyes of the law. Unless he changes his will to leave to someone else of course.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - docholliday - 06-26-2015

I guess I'm the only one here who is glad to see gay marriage legalized.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Gimlet - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 07:02 PM)docholliday Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2015 06:55 PM)Gimlet Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2015 05:42 PM)Downtown Wrote:  

Can someone please explain to me just how your individual lives will be affected by this?

I know two guys who will get married because of this.

How does this change my life with my girlfriends and my kids?

Is it because you think people will be less likely to get married and have kids?

Is it because you think your own children will be swayed into being gay now?

It won't. Because you have sired bastards with a woman or women willing to carry on a man's genes without the benefits of marriage and property. You children are not your heirs. You will pass along nothing beyond "love" which is the socialist ideal. You are correct, gay marriage does not affect you. You are already a part of the system in which marriage is destroyed.

Um, we don't live in Game of Thrones world. His kids are still his heirs in the eyes of the law. Unless he changes his will to leave to someone else of course.

Men are not women and are not bonded at the hip to offspring. Once his commitment to his girlfriend ends, so will his commitment to his children. Ask any child of divorce what his/her relationship is like with his father. Religions frown upon divorce for a damn good reason. They know it is destructive to society. Not marrying at all is even worse. Getting a female to further genes without the expending of his resources is a win for a male. Men are hardwired to exploit that. Which is in part why marriage exists,among many other reasons which all benefit society.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Roosh - 06-26-2015

I'm disappointed at the number of men in this thread who cannot see more than a few months in the future at how such a ruling will effect society and ultimately, the way of life they currently enjoy---how this is but a beginning of getting the camel's full body in the tent and pushing for more policies that will marginalize their lifestyles in a short amount of time (i.e. within 10 years). But that's okay, because many of us here do understand what this ruling means, what the attack on the Confederate flag means, etc., and we will continue sounding the alarm. We will now begin to scratch the depths of degeneracy that no civilization has explored before. Many dark years await us.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - fortysix - 06-26-2015

Personally, accepting marriage between a man and a man does not sit well with me. I haven't taken the time to establish exactly why - but it just doesn't. I grew up in a foreign country, and the idea of gay marriage was completely outside of my reality until I moved to the USA in my early teens. I'm a conservative person, and one of my beliefs and ideals is a strong family, and the passing of wealth within the family from generation to generation. Due to my conservative values, I just don't accept gay marriage. Sorry to the liberals.

I wrote the above so that you know where I stand on the matter. However, that aside, I think the dissenting opinion (Scalia, Roberts...) is illogical and unpersuasive:

The prominent parts of the dissenting opinion, especially those quoted on this forum, focus on the fact that the Supreme Court doesn't have the right to make law or edit the constitution - all the Supreme Court can do is interpret existing law, whether it is the constitution or something passed down by the legislature. I agree with this wholeheartedly. However, there is absolutely no mention of marriage, or any law related to marriage in the Constitution. In fact, every accepted belief we have about marriage today is court made: The Supreme Court decided that marriage was a fundamental right, the supreme court decided that interracial marriage was a right, and thus, now, it is within the discretion of the supreme court to decide that gays have the right to marry. For this reason, I think the decision we saw today was logical, and the legal basis for it was solid. However, whether we agree with that decision, or the societal implications it may have, is a wholly different matter.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Wutang - 06-26-2015

Something that I find kind of funny is the crossover between people who thinks marriage is a patriarchal, outdated institution but then when it comes to gay marriage then all of a sudden it's about love and the joy of being united with another person.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Alpha Hunter Zero - 06-26-2015

Make no mistake, this was a huge push forward for the elite agenda. This just opens the road for the U.S.A (and the rest of the world if they decide to follow in the US' footsteps ) to venture into further debauchery that goes against the normal course of human nature and morality. Despite faggots "getting" the national right to marry they still won't lead happy, fulfilling, lives regardless of the front they put up.

It's common knowledge that homosexuals are extremely unfaithful in relationships and marriage. Why do they want to right to commit when over 90% of them never plan to stay with one person the rest of their lives? To add to that they can't naturally have children because it's biologically impossible. Deep down every one of them knows they're a second rate freakshow sham. Instead of trying to fight against their unnatural impulses they try to impose their lifestyles upon everyone who isn't t like them.

As previously mentioned in this thread, a huge sign of a decaying nation is when homosexuality becomes rampant, as is the case with not just the United States but in other parts of the world. There's plenty of recorded evidence in history to support this. Whether you attribute this to God or other reasons I'll leave this up to you to decide. Personally, I believe God is responsible as the Bible states homosexuals are an abomination. He hated them so much he destroyed the cities Sodom and Gomorrah which were filled with gays.

Genesis 19
1 And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

2 And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.

3 And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.

4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:

5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

6 And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,

7 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.

8 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.

9 And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.

24 Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven;

25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

Since history seems to be repeating itself, I'm predicting it won't be too much longer until this happens.

[Image: Rain-of-a-Thousand-Flames_Extraordinary-...tworks.jpg]

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - blacknwhitespade - 06-26-2015

The interesting thing to see now is how quickly can conservatives, churches, etc. transition into civil libertarians to protect themselves and their traditions. They've been real slow to accept this inevitable outcome, will TradCons finally pull their heads out of the sand and become more Red Pill? Will a new generation of conservatives arise, more cunning and equipped to counter the future excesses of the New Left? Let's hope so.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Incertus - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 07:28 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I'm disappointed at the number of men in this thread who cannot see more than a few months in the future at how such a ruling will effect society and ultimately, the way of life they currently enjoy---how this is but a beginning of getting the camel's full body in the tent and pushing for more policies that will marginalize their lifestyles in a short amount of time (i.e. within 10 years). But that's okay, because many of us here do understand what this ruling means, what the attack on the Confederate flag means, etc., and we will continue sounding the alarm. We will now begin to scratch the depths of degeneracy that no civilization has explored before. Many dark years await us.

I agree wholeheartedly with Roosh.

This past week has been especially tough on my inner life. I am a white man from a very rural part of a Deep South state. I think what Dylann Roof did was abhorrent and that he deserves the death penalty. At the same time, I can't help but feel pride when I see the Confederate battle flag, because I see the generations of men before me who sacrificed and scratched around in the dirt and died in order that I might live. I think about my direct paternal ancestor who died a month after being involuntarily conscripted into the Confederate army. I think about my father working 16 hour days in 100 degree weather without health insurance in order to provide for my younger brothers.

People are actively working not only against our way of life, but the very things we hold sacred. Family, love, pride in who we are and where we come from. Those are things we need as human beings, but we are being told that nothing matters except our desires, no matter how degenerate or immoral.

Personally, I don't care whether two men or women shack up together. But I do care that Western culture is being torn apart in order to accommodate actions and desires that have very real (and negative) consequences for us.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Wutang - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 05:46 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

Part of me is convinced that all this LGBT bullshit is just a way to distract the masses from the real problems of the world.

Ukraine's still in the grip of war, Argentina's bankrupt, Putin continues to rattle the saber, Iran creeps ever closer to a bomb, who cares? None of that matters to most Americans. American infrastructure is falling apart, but it doesn't matter. What matters to these idiots is that nine unelected officials decided to radically redefine what marriage actually is.

If Americans got their heads out of their asses about all these "social justice" things, the government would have to actually be competent. But the American people are largely stupid and only care about social issues.

My Facebook feed is a huge circle-jerk right now with many of the YAY WE DID IT comments from people that are usually apolitical. Gay marriage is to politics as EDM is to electronic music. Just as in a lot of people who don't listen to any other electronic music typically only listen to EDM...I'm sure you guys can figure out the rest.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Sonsowey - 06-26-2015

Well, on the lighter side of things:

[Image: hk3RSOV.jpg]

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - MdWanderer - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 08:45 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2015 05:46 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

Part of me is convinced that all this LGBT bullshit is just a way to distract the masses from the real problems of the world.

Ukraine's still in the grip of war, Argentina's bankrupt, Putin continues to rattle the saber, Iran creeps ever closer to a bomb, who cares? None of that matters to most Americans. American infrastructure is falling apart, but it doesn't matter. What matters to these idiots is that nine unelected officials decided to radically redefine what marriage actually is.

If Americans got their heads out of their asses about all these "social justice" things, the government would have to actually be competent. But the American people are largely stupid and only care about social issues.

My Facebook feed is a huge circle-jerk right now with many of the YAY WE DID IT comments from people that are usually apolitical. Gay marriage is to politics as EDM is to electronic music. Just as in a lot of people who don't listen to any other electronic music typically only listen to EDM...I'm sure you guys can figure out the rest.

There is even a link on Facebook where you can have the rainbow flag as a backdrop on your profile picture. I'm surprise the site hasn't crashed yet.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Double Salad - 06-26-2015

The United States, tune in next week for...

- NAMBLA becomes the 4th branch of government
- The American flag is redesigned with rainbow colors
- Obamacare will now cover anal and vaginal reconstructive surgery for adopted children of pedophile gay couples
- Pedophilia will be incorporated into sex ed along with gay sex
- Homosexual sex products make their way into mainstream super market e.g. 'Jolly Rancher' flavored ass lube
- It will be outlawed to name children gender specific names
- Special government case workers will decide the sexuality of children through private interviews, sponsored by NAMBLA

[Image: jamQ7ix.gif]

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - philosophical_recovery - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 08:45 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2015 05:46 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

Part of me is convinced that all this LGBT bullshit is just a way to distract the masses from the real problems of the world.

Ukraine's still in the grip of war, Argentina's bankrupt, Putin continues to rattle the saber, Iran creeps ever closer to a bomb, who cares? None of that matters to most Americans. American infrastructure is falling apart, but it doesn't matter. What matters to these idiots is that nine unelected officials decided to radically redefine what marriage actually is.

If Americans got their heads out of their asses about all these "social justice" things, the government would have to actually be competent. But the American people are largely stupid and only care about social issues.

My Facebook feed is a huge circle-jerk right now with many of the YAY WE DID IT comments from people that are usually apolitical. Gay marriage is to politics as EDM is to electronic music. Just as in a lot of people who don't listen to any other electronic music typically only listen to EDM...I'm sure you guys can figure out the rest.

Yup. Groupthink masturbatory orgy. Getting ready to chuckle and walk away from the skanks tonight when they bring it up in conversation.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Sonsowey - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 08:55 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Getting ready to chuckle and walk away from the skanks tonight when they bring it up in conversation.

"Ohmigod when Obama sang today and then the Supreme Court made their decision, I like literally died I was so happy."


[Image: 634798639221257881.jpg]

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - CaracaoSteel - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 07:28 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I'm disappointed at the number of men in this thread who cannot see more than a few months in the future at how such a ruling will effect society and ultimately, the way of life they currently enjoy---how this is but a beginning of getting the camel's full body in the tent and pushing for more policies that will marginalize their lifestyles in a short amount of time (i.e. within 10 years). But that's okay, because many of us here do understand what this ruling means, what the attack on the Confederate flag means, etc., and we will continue sounding the alarm. We will now begin to scratch the depths of degeneracy that no civilization has explored before. Many dark years await us.

Well stated.

The one thing I would say is this: The call to band the Confederate flag is bs propaganda. But the real question is, why didn't they take it down in 1865?

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - philosophical_recovery - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 02:40 PM)Soothesayer Wrote:  

The ex-Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov warned about this type of subversion in the 1980s. You can see a full interview here where he talks about this method once used by KGB operatives.

The biggest threat here isn't two guys getting it on at a truck stop. That used to be a private matter. No longer. They need submission in the way Islam and Feminism and Communism need submission. Four horsemen.

Yuri said, "A few years back, two gays went and did their dirty business in private and no one cared. Now they want ssssspecial rights. Rights over everybody else based on sexual behavior. The way to counter this is not to kill them, no no. You just do not give them positions of power."

He said this in 1982.

He goes on to state that it takes 20 years to undue that level of subversion. TWENTY YEARS. Two decades to undo the federal government telling the States (and now The Church!) what to do. Whom to marry. Whom to accept. Whom to congregate with. Anyone remember the last time the Federal government stepped over the line? Yeah... the Civil War.

The old Soviet politburo would be overjoyed with the way this will now destabilize the country even further. Yuri said it didn't really matter to the Soviets WHAT it was that people fought over as long as they were fighting like angry hornets. It just so happens that homosexuality and feminism happen to be two of the most potent weapons in the devil's arsenal. And if you dance with the devil, he is going to come for his due sooner or later. In other words, it's going to get damn bloody.

It's what happens when you kick God out of the country.

If you want to go deep on soviet subversion of the U.S. as well as the rest of the West, read American Betrayal by Diana West. She goes over a lot of the history of soviet subversion and how a lot of the heads of the U.S. government were involved in feeding the soviets information preceding and during WWII, especially under FDR.

Yuri touches on it, but it wasn't until the Venona files opened up that there was more direct evidence.

I'm beginning to think my only real form of protest is knocking up a good christian girl and homeschooling them where I have to in a pocket away from everything else that is crumbling.

Edit: Hah, all of these feminist bitches are gay cuckholding their wedding photos with the transparent rainbow flag. Political faggotry takes precedence over their heterosexual marriage.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - The Beast1 - 06-26-2015

OK so now we have gay marriage. What will the left try to pull out as the next social cause du jour?

I'm more curious how non friendly churches will handle this and how the feds plan on enforcing it. Can a pastor say no to this?

Not to mention, what can we expect as the next big social "crisis"? Things such as polygamy and pederasty are giant steps away from gay marriage.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Dan Woolf - 06-26-2015


Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - speakeasy - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 09:59 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

OK so now we have gay marriage. What will the left try to pull out as the next social cause du jour?

I'm more curious how non friendly churches will handle this and how the feds plan on enforcing it. Can a pastor say no to this?

Not to mention, what can we expect as the next big social "crisis"? Things such as polygamy and pederasty are giant steps away from gay marriage.

The next step will be a sweeping left-wing McCarthyism. "Bigot" is the new "pinko". They won the culture war, now they roam the countryside shooting any survivors they can find. I suspect the Mormon and Catholic churches is where they'll focus their next attack.

One thing I think we need to discuss as non-brainwashed men is how do we find our place in society? How do we react to people who are more and more hostile in their political correctness? In real life, I just try to avoid even talking about gay issues, because virtually everyone my age or younger is extremely pro gay to the point that not sharing their enthusiasm would make you suspect. I really try to avoid situations where I'll be put on the spot and have to talk about what I truly feel on these issues like feminism, gay marriage, etc. I'm not religious, so I can't take any refuge in the churches or mosques to be around people who aren't hostile toward my world views. Do I just resign myself to further isolation?

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - bacon - 06-26-2015

It must be a really difficult and confusing time to be a conservative old person (80 years +) in America today. Personally, as a millennial who went through the liberal brainwashing of an American educational experience through University and has had overt and subliminal pro gay/liberal messages relayed to me daily for years in the media (film, music, TV, journalism, social media outlets, advertisements etc) I consume I at least understand how as a society we reached a place where gay marriage is legalized. But to these older Americans whose education did not have the same brainwashing and who consume media very different to myself; as they usually just listen to music from their era, watch older films and TV shows and avoid social media outlets on the internet. Well, to them, this type of radical social change where the government can make a law redefining the definition of marriage from a universal and timeless family formation between a man and a woman to now include homosexual couples must be very frustrating for them as they try to make sense of how this could happen in the America they've lived in for 80 plus years.

[Image: TIVp2.gif]

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Wutang - 06-26-2015

A common argument for gay marriage is that by not allowing gay couples to participate in marriage you are discriminating against them by not allowing them access to "rights" such as hospital visits, tax breaks and such.

Something I thought of if anyone wants to troll, why not say that having these rights is just "marriage/relationships privilege?" [Image: banana.gif]

After if you are a single guy with no family wouldn't it be cruel if you were on your death bed and you couldn't have your best friend by your side? What about adoption too? After all single guys are in need of companionship more then anyone else. [Image: tard.gif]

And looks like there apparently is an organization out there dedicated to defending rights for un-married people which just make any sort of trolling on this more effective since there's you have some plausible deniability if you want to troll