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Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Cool Runnings - 05-27-2015

I think because he saw me wearing a backpack and my age he assumed I was backpacking. Which is true in the sense that I was traveling around SE Asia. Before Jakarta I was staying at budget hotels which were all cheap. I guess I'm doing more of a "luxury" backpacking trip where I stay at cheap 1-2 star hotels rather then hostels. But in SE Asia budget hotels are relatively cheap, especially during low season.

When reading all the previous data sheets staying in central was highly recommended. So I was only looking for places within that area. Which in the end was fine by me because I really liked the place I was staying. Yes I bit the bullet on the price but it was worth staying in a nice place for a change and I planned this Jakarta trip the day before I arrived. I did travel around Kota when I was club hopping. But Uber was cheap, so it wasn't too bad.

But I didn't know the airport had a bus. Next time I'll take that or maybe I'll get lucky and have another ex-pat offer me a free ride.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Irish - 05-27-2015

Quote: (05-27-2015 01:50 AM)Cool Runnings Wrote:  

What's up guys new to the forum here but not new to the game. Just did a 5 day trip to Jakarta last week so I thought I would contribute my experience to the forum.

A friend of mine told me the last time he was in the Jakarta airport it was old with no Air-Con. But that was a few years ago and luckily for me when I arrived there they had remodeled the place and it was quite nice with Air-Con.
They are also in the process of building a big brand new terminal so I think this airport is going to look pretty good once construction is finished. I get to the taxi stand and I'm asking them the cheapest option into the city. As they were giving me my options this American Ex-pat guy overheard my conversation and offered to give me a free ride into the city with his taxi. Luckily his hotel was right next to my accomadation. He told me he remembered when be was backpacking SE Asia when he was my age (I'm 25 years old) so he knew what it was like traveling on a budget.

I found a nice studio apartment in Thramin City which is in central Jakarta, right next to the grand Indonesian mall and Plaza Indonesian Mall. I found this studio apartment via Air BNB and I paid $275 for 5 nights which may seem high. But I booked this Jakarta trip literally last minute and it was the best deal I found for a nice accommodation in the city center.

I used Uber allot and I loved it. It was cheaper then taxis and the drivers english abilities tend to be better than your traditional taxi driver. Traffic is a bitch in Jakarta especially in central but late at night it tends to get better.

I didn't do any day game at all since getting around this city is a nightmare because of traffic. Also I would party all night so normally I would sleep the day away.

This is all I used for online game and it worked well for me. 2 of my 4 lays in Jakarta came from tinder.

Night Game:
I will provide a list of clubs that I visited and give you my observations. Note that I was in Jakarta from Monday to Friday so allot of my clubbing experience came on weekdays. Which is quite dead really. Next time I come to Jakarta I'll be sure to arrive on a weekend. But for those of you coming to Jakarta on a weekday maybe this info will help you.

Club 36 (shares the same building as hotel Jayakarta) - This was a straight up hooker bar like 100% of the girls there are pro's. All the guys there are business men getting drunk after their meetings are done. The layout of the club is strange where it's just all tables. No dance floor at all. There is a main stage where 4-5 girls will "dance" more like stand around and boringly move their bodies. The inside is nicely decorated but I didn't stay long

Colosseum Entertainment Complex - This building has many different venues inside. It has a KTV, A spa/sauna (basically a brothel), a club and a few restaurants. I went there on a Monday and the club was closed. The staff told me the club opens on Wednesday - Saturday. My friends who live in Jakarta told me the club here is pretty Good on weekends. So well worth checking out I guess.

Illigals hotel and club - This hotel has a club inside of it but again I went there on a Monday and it was dead. I texted my Jakarta friends and they told me they heard of a new club called 'Crown' and said I should check that out, so I went

Crown - This was the best club I was able to find on that Monday night. Probably for weekdays in general, it's either this club or BATS which has live music but has many hookers inside of it. But crown also has hookers as well. I would estimate about 75% of these girls were hookers when I went there. The interior is really upscale and modern. The club it self is massive. It has a big main club area which plays hardcore trance/EDM, not my thing. Then it also has a secondary club room which plays more top 40 and some hip hop which is more my thing. Anyways I walk into this lounge area that is right next to the secondary club room and see 2 girls sitting on a sofa. I open them and target the better looking girl of the two. The better looking one barely spoke English and I had to use google translate to communicate with her, her less attractive friend didn't speak English at all. We bounce to the club to drinks and dance etc...I noticed that even though this place looks high end and the facility itself is impressive from its size and interior quality. The people who go here on weekdays are not of the upper-class tier. Many of the girls i talked to here either barely spoke English or didn't speak it at all. The staffs english was poor and when I went to the main club room (hardcore trance/EDM) some people were tweaking off drugs, no surprise really). Anyways the girl I was with was cute and she was receptive to my game. She couldn't go back to my place because she didn't want to leave her friend behind and it was her friends birthday apparently. So I got her number and went home. The next day she texted me and came over and we banged all day.

Alexis Hotel:
This hotel also has a club inside it, I forgot the name but they asked for a cover charge and i didn't feel like paying cover for a club on a weekday because from the looks of it it didn't look to popping anyways. But maybe check it out and see for yourself.

All of these places I mentioned above are in the Kota district of Jakarta. Which is like the seedier/red light district-ish part of town. But since I was confined to clubbing on weekdays my Jakarta friends told me this area would be
My best bet as far as clubs with people in it.

By the way the girl I pulled from crown told me
she worked as part of the staff of the KTV that was attached to crown. Her english was so bad so I wasn't able to figure out what position she did but I really didn't care. She could have been a semi-pro but in the end she never asked me for money. But like I said I estimate crown to be 75% hookers on Weekdays. I don't know about weekends. But don't even bother going to Kota on weekends other than Colleseum (I don't know if I'm even spelling that correctly they spell it In a strange way if memory serves me.

Now I heard club Dragonfly had ladies night on Wednesdays so I went to check it out and I find out it is closed for remodeling. They should be back open sometime in July/August. So I check out Blowfish which is nearby and it was dead, barely anyone inside.

Overall night game on weekdays - For me either crown or bats is your best bet. Until dragon fly re-opens for their ladies night on Wednesdays. But if any of you find a better night game spot on weekdays please share.

(Sorry for jumping around topic to topic, I'm writing this as my memory comes back to me)

Immigrant (inside the plaza Indonesia mall) - Came here Wednesday night after dragonfly and blowfish was a bust. The inside is really nicely designed but it was not that crowded. The crowd seemed to be older, like in the 30's. It's not the biggest club but it was playing decent tunes. Again nightlife in Jakarta is dull, your options are limited and your venues are even more limited. I went to mcdonalds across the street as it was the only thing open at that time. Sat next to a girl who was a 7. Gamed her and she was down to go back to my place haha. First time I ever pulled from a McDonalds.

Empirica - FINALLY it was the weekend and sadly my last day in Jakarta. My local friends were off work and took me to empirica which was really nice. Big venue with all good girls. I had one of my tinder matches meet me there that night. So I was with her the whole time but I saw plenty of hot/cute girls there.

Well there you have it. I know the organization of this post is sporadic but I'm writing this via my smartphone and its a pain the ass to scroll up and down in this text box. I'm sure I have some grammar errors, but this is one of my first data sheets. So give me some slack.

During the day there's not much tourist attractions to see. Jakarta is just a concrete jungle of buildings with no cool tourist sights. Night game on Weekdays in Jakarta is weak (from my experience that is). I would just do tinder meet ups through out the weekday, then night game on weekends as your venues and options of girls are much better. Also check out this website below as it has good info on the Jakarta nightlife. Sadly this website wasn't the most usefull for me since I was partying on the weekdays and the website seemed to pertain more on the weekend. Just to wrap things up again. If you wanna go out on the weekday give crown and bats a try. You'll probably have to shore, maybe you'll find a good girl. Anyways, hopefully this info will be usefull to some of you. Enjoy

Just checking how much research of this and other Jakarta threads did you do before going to Jakarta? As you said you followed some of the datasheets advice for booking accommodation but I'm guessing perhaps you didn't read further on in the threads. Fair enough there's a lot of info out there, but the thing is a lot of the DS info can fall out of date fairly quickly (my JKT datasheet included) so it does pay to read through the subsequent posts.

For example you then would have read that Jakarta is more a weekend place and that Dragonfly was closed until post Ramadhan which was mentioned few times so would've saved you the journey. The official line is closed for 'remodelling', the reality is that they didn't pay their 'tax' or rather bribe money. Shame as it's one of my favourite clubs globally. The site was also mentioned a few times, I have actually been in touch with the guy who runs it about writing a guide for Singapore for the site and meeting up for a beer. A great site, very comprehensive. Would have been good if you picked up this ahead of time, even to adjust your trip to arrive at the weekend, as Jakarta is a very different place Friday and Saturday night.

That being said, for the short time you were there this is a very good breakdown and mentioned a few new places which haven't been covered. Your local contacts sounded like they knew their stuff and helped you out as well as they could for the midweek scene. I have no interest in hooker bars or shoring but midweek you aren't going to have much alternative. Jakarta ain't really a tourist destination so you don't get many people wanting to party midweek. Just guys there on business, hence the big hooker scene in the hotel bars. Wednesday nights used to be a lot better but they have recently tanked apparently. I've only really been there on two Wednesday nights recently, some venues were deserted but other places (DF and Immi) were about 3/4 full and you can still have a banging good night there.

I am keen to hear more about Empirica as I have never been. I suspect the crowd was better was more down to the fact it was Friday rather than the venue itself. Don't understand why you would bring a tinder girl out clubbing with you and your friends. That's like bringing sand to the beach. But then can't blame you given the week you had up until that point.

I agree midweek in Jakarta nightlife is weak (tho Wednesday night isn't quite as dead as you imply, and I remember Lucy in the Sky being pretty busy on a Thursday). However you normally do so much damage at the weekend then you'll have a backlog of chicks to meet on dates from all the numbers/facebooks etc you picked up on Friday and Saturday night. You can then take the chicks that you didn't get round to smashing at the weekend (cos you were busy smashing their friends) to a nice rooftop bar date venues such as Skye or Cloud - hence the logic in having your accommodation proximity to plaza/grand indonesia.

I literally have no use for tinder in Jakarta...

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Cool Runnings - 05-27-2015

Ya next time I will read the Jakarta threads in its entirety. I planned this trip in such short notice that I blitzed through the available data sheets. Which led me to make that unescessary trip to Dragonfly. Also my local friends told me to go there but they haven't been there In a while. So it was a surprise for them when I told them it was closed. So that's the price I pay for not reading through the thread in its entirety. Rookie mistake but I chalk it up as a learning experience and move forward.

My schedule was setup where I had no choice but to be in Jakarta during the weekday. Which sucks for me but at least now I can provide some data to fellow members about the clubs in Kota that were not mentioned. So for those who end up in the same unfortunate situation as me (arriving in Jakarta on the weekday) you can learn from my mistakes haha. In the end I still had a good time even with what I had to work with. Next time I come to Jakarta I will arive on the weekend and stay much longer than 5 days. I heard about Lucy in the sky but that wasn't till the tail end of my trip in Jakarta, so didn't have the time to go.

Open on Friday's and Saturdays I believe (Not sure if they are open on Thursdays or Sunday's). Cover charge for men is 150k but this includes a drink voucher. Girls of course are free. The interior of this place is really upscale and the clientele who frequent it is of the same caliber. Lots of hi-so people from what I saw. I would say to get there around 12:30 - 1:00am because that's when people start to crowd in. The music has a good mixture of radio top 40, hip hop, old school stuff, house/EDM. This club is fairly new but my local friends told me its one of the hottest clubs in Jakarta. As far as foreigners I only saw a few walking about, the majority were upper class Indonesians.
Haha I like that quote though Irish "bringing sand to the beach". Ya I thought about if it was wise to bring a tinder girl to Empirica knowing that there will be tons of quality girls to game. But she was pretty hot and from how we were conversing it was a gaurentee lay. Which in the end it was. Next time when I go to Empirica I'll leave my tinder girls at home though.

You (Irish) and other members who mentioned having accommodation near plaza/grand indo mall were spot on. I actually had my other tinder
girl meet me at Skye for a date and it was super convenient being only a short taxi ride away. Also she conveniently lived nearby me as well. So after we got done smashing at my place she was only a quick taxi ride away from home. Which works out because she had to work early the next morning.

Hey but I appreciate the feedback and info. I look forward to coming back to Jakarta.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Irish - 05-28-2015

Quote: (05-27-2015 04:19 PM)Cool Runnings Wrote:  

Ya next time I will read the Jakarta threads in its entirety. I planned this trip in such short notice that I blitzed through the available data sheets. Which led me to make that unescessary trip to Dragonfly. Also my local friends told me to go there but they haven't been there In a while. So it was a surprise for them when I told them it was closed. So that's the price I pay for not reading through the thread in its entirety. Rookie mistake but I chalk it up as a learning experience and move forward.

My schedule was setup where I had no choice but to be in Jakarta during the weekday. Which sucks for me but at least now I can provide some data to fellow members about the clubs in Kota that were not mentioned. So for those who end up in the same unfortunate situation as me (arriving in Jakarta on the weekday) you can learn from my mistakes haha. In the end I still had a good time even with what I had to work with. Next time I come to Jakarta I will arive on the weekend and stay much longer than 5 days. I heard about Lucy in the sky but that wasn't till the tail end of my trip in Jakarta, so didn't have the time to go.

Open on Friday's and Saturdays I believe (Not sure if they are open on Thursdays or Sunday's). Cover charge for men is 150k but this includes a drink voucher. Girls of course are free. The interior of this place is really upscale and the clientele who frequent it is of the same caliber. Lots of hi-so people from what I saw. I would say to get there around 12:30 - 1:00am because that's when people start to crowd in. The music has a good mixture of radio top 40, hip hop, old school stuff, house/EDM. This club is fairly new but my local friends told me its one of the hottest clubs in Jakarta. As far as foreigners I only saw a few walking about, the majority were upper class Indonesians.
Haha I like that quote though Irish "bringing sand to the beach". Ya I thought about if it was wise to bring a tinder girl to Empirica knowing that there will be tons of quality girls to game. But she was pretty hot and from how we were conversing it was a gaurentee lay. Which in the end it was. Next time when I go to Empirica I'll leave my tinder girls at home though.

You (Irish) and other members who mentioned having accommodation near plaza/grand indo mall were spot on. I actually had my other tinder
girl meet me at Skye for a date and it was super convenient being only a short taxi ride away. Also she conveniently lived nearby me as well. So after we got done smashing at my place she was only a quick taxi ride away from home. Which works out because she had to work early the next morning.

Hey but I appreciate the feedback and info. I look forward to coming back to Jakarta.

There's a fair amount of info on here re Jakarta, I don't blame you for glossing over most of it. Other places like Manila and Bangkok have even more multi-page threads which would be a right old slog reading through them all. But it does pay dividends if you do as things change and the nightscene moves on quickly in some places.

Shame your schedule dictated you to miss out on the weekend. I have been to Jakarta about 7 times now and all were either weekend or 'long weekend' trips. So I haven't really tested out the midweek scene but was never really motivated to really. The place is pumping at the weekend and often had a lot of 1-2pm-the-next-day finishes. But considering there are few tourists around and most of the party people hold down full time jobs (including the girls, you don't get nearly as many of the 'lifestyle prostitutes' that you do in Singapore) it really kills the midweek scene. That being said a lot of the chicks I've met had impressive stamina to go out and party hard (even get on the pills), come home and bang you, then have to leave to go to work the next morning. Often with only a couple of hours sleep.

Cheers for the intel on Empirica. I did a quick google of the place also, am intrigued. Appears to be one for the more upscale indo-chinese crowd. Which am guessing might be a tougher shift to game given the chinese propensity for OTT bottle service and dudes trying to play 'weekend millionaire'. If it's anything like the local-chinese scene in Singapore then I expect the place to be absolutely dominated by table service, with most tables consisting of one or two guys happy to finance the entire evening's boozing for a huge groups of girls to try lock them down to their table all evening. Not that they'll be banging any of them, it's more about looking the part, or maintaining 'face'. Which also means if they see you talking to any of the girls on their table, they 'lose face' and from experience this results in them having an absolute fucking childish spaz out.

Still tho, on the flip side, if you manage to befriend any of these guys they'll insist you drink for free on their table. As long as you can stomach Chivas Regal, they won't let you pay for a thing, as again, it's all about the 'face' and looking like a baller. Much as that whole scene annoys the fuck out of me (had my fill of it in Singapore), it is all just pure speculation on my part. I'm keen to give the place a whirl and see for myself. /rant

Yeah, logistics aren't so much about being walking distance away from anything as you'll be cabbing it wherever you go. It's more about not getting fucked over by the traffic as what should be a 15 minute journey can easily go beyond 2 hours at the wrong time. If you are arranging to meet a chick or bringing her to your place the traffic can be a potential deal breaker. Plus most of the good clubs are in that area or not too far south so saves sitting in an hour of traffic on route to party, which can be a right buzz kill. If you end up in the 'afterparty venues' such as Milies, Illegals and Colosseum which are way up in the north part of the city traffic is rarely an issue when you leave as it'll usually be at some ridiculous time in the morning.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - KYT88 - 05-28-2015

Ended up at Eksotis on Friday night instead of Milles, a step down, even from Milles but extras were a much better quality and cheaper than Milles. Also didn't close until Monday.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Cscs - 05-28-2015

Did you guys here only banged locals or also indo-chinese?

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Irish - 05-28-2015

Had a few indo chinese girls. They are hotter generally but always seem to be slightly more of a pain in the ass. Plus they tend to get all uppity when I invite random people to join our table.

One of the threesome chicks is indo chinese. She brings drama in spades.

And just as I type this she texts me saying she needs "hugs right now [Image: sad.gif]" oh what the fuck happened now sweetheart?...

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - CodyB - 05-28-2015

Much prefer the Chinese Indonesian girls, I find gravity is much more favourable in the girls with Chinese blood. Oh and when they are mixed with Sumatran/Javanese.. perfecto.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - DirectDanger - 07-05-2015

Thought some of you guys on this thread might like this video. Very well made and edited.

Geeez.... That traffic.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Cool Runnings - 08-04-2015

This video is awesome. I almost want to get my own drone and start filming around major cities haha

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - KYT88 - 08-04-2015

If anyone is hunting cheap booze then Zen KTV Lounge is doing 150k net for freeflow beer. Pretty good for JKT, Mon-Fri

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Freddy_1 - 08-08-2015

Guys just an update for those travelling to Jakarta..the corrupt motherfucker immigration officers are starting to crack down on foreigners without passpports when they are out...i got pulled over last night going home in a cab and the officers were asking for 1 million IDR ($100) each..Luckily my cab driver was cool and spoke english and helped me out and in the end i only payed 100k IDR ($10)...pretty lucky on my part as i wasnt prepared to pay 1 million and was going to go back to the immigration office if needed.. From what ive been told and read i could of spent time in jail if they had taken me back...There has been quite of bit this happeneing recently so be aware...Make sure to have copies of your passort or bring your passport with you when heading out at night to avoid this bullshit.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Biologist - 08-08-2015

Wow... sorry to hear about your experience Freddy_1. Sounds like it was a very intense situation.

I am planning on hitting up Jakarta at the end of this year, but stories like yours are very concerning. If I do end up going, I'll definitely keep my passport on me at all times. Thanks a lot for the heads up!

Would you happen to have any idea as to why Indonesian immigration officers have been doing this a lot recently? Do you have any other advice?

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Freddy_1 - 08-08-2015

There has been a lot of raids recently... accoding to police to "reduce drug distribution, the threat of terrorism".

Basically if you get caught there is no way of talking yourself out of it...either pay what they want to or run the risk of getting taken to immigration where who knows what will happen to you..

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Rutting Elephant - 08-08-2015

Police won't accept a photocopy of your passport in my experience. Still, one million each is extreme; a manslaughter charge can be disappeared for not too much more than that.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Irish - 08-08-2015

The police there are a bunch of fcking corrupt bastards

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Freddy_1 - 08-08-2015

The whole thing was targeted towards foreigners..i had just left immigrant around 4am and and a few streets into the cab ride we were stopped..while i was trying to talk my way out of it they had pulled over like another 4 or so cabs..most likely foreigners coming from immigrant as well....prob made 3 months worth of salary last night alone.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Irish - 08-08-2015

Yup, unfortunately it ain't just the local chicks who want to fuck you in Jakarta...

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - nick_s - 08-20-2015

This thread is really a good resource. I've been to Jakarta a few times and pretty much agree about everything.

It's not possible to stress enough the importance of location. Personally, I prefer the Thamrin area (as many others) as my feeling is that most girls are keen to meet in Grand Indonesia for a first date (while other locations are sometimes trickier, from my experience). I'm simply not moving from the Thamrin area during day time as its quite possible you will be stuck in traffic for the next 1-2 hours...

I'm currently in Jakarta and while the girls are as horny as ever, the police seems to have intensified their attempts on getting money from foreigners. I was stopped by the police (also saw other cars stopped outside Immigrant last week) who were asking for money because I didn't have my passport, luckily the girl I was with in the taxi knew how to handle the police, asking for offical police ID and offical letter as per this meme. [Image: Ciri-ciri-Razia-yang-sah.jpg]

Seems to become an issue also for Indos, what I understand but of course foreigners are a more lucrative business. Its probably adviceable to have a photocopy of the passport with you.

Anyway, the friends I usually hang-out with in Jakarta is not here this time so if anyone is going out tonight or tomorrow send me a pm. Would be happy to get a table and a few bottles. I will also post in the meetups forum to keep this thread clean.


Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - elcidcampeador - 08-21-2015

Quote: (08-20-2015 11:17 PM)nick_s Wrote:  

Seems to become an issue also for Indos, what I understand but of course foreigners are a more lucrative business. Its probably adviceable to have a photocopy of the passport with you.

If you're supposed to carry the passport, just carry it.

It is quite probable that significant numbers of foreign nationals are overstaying their visas and there is an actual need for the police to be doing these random spot-checks.

I don't understand how this can be labeled as corruption if you are indeed required by law to have the passport on you when in Indonesia.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - nick_s - 08-21-2015

Well, if the police wants cash and then refuse to show their IDs and instead let us go instanrly when asking for it, I would tend to call it corruption. But whatever.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - esalen1 - 08-27-2015

Nice Thread.

I'll be in Jakarta for 3 weeks starting on Sunday August 30. I'll be doing a lot of day game and online game. Starting off my stay at Holiday Inn Express in Tharmin.

a. Can you guys recommend the best day game spots?

b. Any recommendations for getting the best available internet speed on a one month deal that would work on my computer, and also for phone.


Let me know if you want to meet up for a cup of coffee, or to do some day game.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Shikulu - 08-27-2015

Esalen, you might be more successful with enabled PM's. Anyway, I'll be flying into Jakarta tomorrow. It's my first time there, so I can't give you recommendations, but we can grab a beer!

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - dalbroker - 08-27-2015

I was just in JKT.

Recommend 2 hotels. I run an online business and am SCREWED
without a solid connection.

1. Holiday Inn Express - Solid internet and close to the mall there.

2. Kosenda Hotel - Boutique hotel. Takes a few minutes to get
to the mall....but a very unique hotel. I really liked this place.
The rooms are small but it was well designed and thought out.
Food is great at the restaurant too. Its a nice place to relax.

I stayed at 2 others....but these two above were my favorites.

Good luck. JKT traffic is worse than expected. I remember
being in a cab heading to the mall being jealous of people

Quote: (08-27-2015 09:37 AM)esalen1 Wrote:  

Nice Thread.

I'll be in Jakarta for 3 weeks starting on Sunday August 30. I'll be doing a lot of day game and online game. Starting off my stay at Holiday Inn Express in Tharmin.

a. Can you guys recommend the best day game spots?

b. Any recommendations for getting the best available internet speed on a one month deal that would work on my computer, and also for phone.


Let me know if you want to meet up for a cup of coffee, or to do some day game.

Jakarta Datasheet (by Irish) - Irish - 08-27-2015

Quote: (08-27-2015 09:37 AM)esalen1 Wrote:  

Nice Thread.

I'll be in Jakarta for 3 weeks starting on Sunday August 30. I'll be doing a lot of day game and online game. Starting off my stay at Holiday Inn Express in Tharmin.

a. Can you guys recommend the best day game spots?

I'm no daygamer but if you're staying at Thamrin then your best bet will be the two malls nearby: Plaza Indonesia and Grand Indonesia (both short walking distance)