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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 10-05-2018


I'm 40+! Lowest I'll even entertain is 25. A woman's conversation is the quickest turn off.

If I was running a more physique based "primal" essence style game, I might be willing to overlook lack of life experience.

The deeper game is at play always.

I advocate a personality based verbal game, that is aimed at sticking in the chicks head. I don't want to be the billboard. I want to be the song that is stuck in her head.

That works with everyone, it's the basis of persuasion, advertising, leadership, etc - accessing that inner dialogue.

That's why a show like this, and the conversations that women have about the show, literally give you openers, attraction material, and trust builders.

I can't speak for all of the brothers in this post, but RVF is obsessed with submissive inexperienced young girls, and then keeping control of them.

I have been there done that. Dealing with her little friends, outrage of the week, toothy blowjobs... The undiluted feminine energy is a double edged sword.

I'll trade young girl problems for a chick that is done with grad school any day. Your woman is a skilled game player, whether she is conscious of it, or unconscious of it. Picking the wrong resource is a critical error, one that I don't want to repeat.

Now these ATL chicks (not the show chicks)?

There is bound to be a diamond underneath all that weave and attitude. Agreeing with Quaker on that.

For me, the game science is largely about flexibility and giving yourself options. So I try hard not to dismiss things out of hand. I like to find out how they work, why they work, when to use them, and most of all the consequences.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Noir - 10-06-2018

^^ I agree and there's a different sweet spot for each guy.

-incoming extremely long post, pour some whiskey or vino or simply skip-

Apart from the obvious (youthful/pure/constantly wet and nubile) I personally dig the younger girls because:
- less mind games
- malleable; I cause the baggage, not inherit it
- more open to sexual experiences because they trust you more sexually
- my age

This goes hand in hand with status arbitrage for the older guys on RVF.

24 year old girls tell me how they can't talk to 24 year old guys. Yeah no shit.

Fuck you gonna talk about with a 24 year old woman when you're 40? Her parents are 5-10 years within your age range too.

I met a cage fighter (45) who is dating a 28 year old who lives with him. Her mother moved in too. Ridiculous dynamic and it sparked a few thoughts, this guy is top 1% for money, status and POWER. She's not even playing him and he's not playing her, they just found their middle ground and that's what works for them.

This is pretty much the theme of my long incoming post. This forum is a very small subset of men with very specific requirements reinforced by reading other posts here. This dude probably falls in this category but most guys don't. There's a latent shame concerning what you aim to pull and be seen with vs the innate low self esteem of not feeling entitled to certain kind of pussy.

Then you graduate from this cycle and start figuring out through trial and error what kinda woman you intersect with, value and is compatible with your moral code/sexual appetite/ideal future.

I can barely tolerate a 20 year old and I am 27. When I find a girl this age who is mature then my radar hones the fuck in and I go into my own booby trap mode, I am holding this bitch down. I know at I want, screen for and there's a bonus within certain age groups when these boxes are ticked.

On RVF, guys are preferring to play in division 3 (game wise) instead of stepping up to the premier league.

Go to Philippines.

Look for girls 15 years younger because you have resources and your confidence is based off that, not your unwavering belief in yourself.

Nothing wrong with that but it's not the standard process for 90% of men. Most guys on this forum have become disillusioned with connecting with women and they outsource that shit elsewhere.

I am not expecting groundbreaking conversations or intelligence from this subset of chicks. I just want an exciting and interesting vibe. Doesn't need to be smart or whatever, just pique my curiosity and don't be copy paste. Make me wanna see you and if you can get me thinking about you when you're not around then fucking A, I am down.

Girls over 30 are 'set in their ways' and more rigid.

To quote my ex 'I know what I want and I set this straight from the get go'.

Yeah sure, you're 29 and you know your looks are your main selling point and deteriorating while guys your age (me) are already looking for younger girls. You come in here with your terms and conditions because you think you're being honest and saving us time but in reality you're just being difficult because you wanna feel you still got it. You also wanna bubble wrap your ego and minimize being exposed to the harsh day of light by being selective so you are prickly and exclude most men apart from the ones who will accept you. You choose to do the rejecting so you don't get rejected and feel shitty about your worth.

I see this with my group of friends who are 30-35, some of them are scared of women their age because they feel unable to meet those demands or scared of being hurt. Their self-worth is also tied to this. They are being challenged instead of challenging women. Easier to be hurt by a woman your age than a woman 10 years younger because 'she doesn't know better' or 'she's not ready' or 'she's just not mature enough'. Still, dudes resort to Tinder for finding these women and not utilizing all channels available.

I am in the minority on this forum who believes that girls who are decent at 25-30 are actually really great. It's a small percentage but it's higher than this forum would have you believe. Intentions notwithstanding (your job to screen), you can find some gems but this is all a probability game and you gotta be careful to not view it through survivorship bias. The odds are too low to make this your bread and butter for most, especially when chasing tail doesn't constitute a lot of time for you.

Some chode will come along and reward these older broads and she will feel as if she was right to feel this entitled the whole time despite her emotional fluctuation and low self esteem before the dude came along and made her feel special. Hindsight bias in the worst way. Emotional revisionism.

Dudes on this forum have a similar problem. Their ego and self worth is tied to the type of girl and specifically her age that they pull. Forest vs trees. Subconsciously, they might feel they don't deserve these top girls so when they get them, they stick around for whatever reason especially when they're solely hot or young.

I am confident most guys here would equate a 22 year old 6 with a 30 year old 8 because of the allure and group-think acceptance of the former vs the latter. The sheer confidence I have that some dude will nitpick this statement and say 'there is no such thing as a 30 year old 8' is testament to this. Unlikely, sure but not impossible. You might just not be in these circles because these women know they are rare and gravitate to the top guys. Again, they're a small piece of the pie and I agree with previous posters, most of them are wolves in sheep clothing.

I wanna connect with a chick on a multi-dimensional level, past sex. I want a woman by my side while I build my empire. Girls who I attracted when I was broke were just as hot as now that I do well but the behaviour past the first few interactions is what changes.

The 30 year old brings another dimension. She comes already assembled. The 22 year old is that IKEA furniture which you can still fuck around with, assemble yourself the way you want to.

The slab of rock waiting to be chiseled by you vs the chiseled rock. Remember being Michelangelo?

Different strokes for different folks and I ain't here to judge, I just find the deviations in rationale interesting; even more fascinating that most posters OVERLOOK this.

When some guy is giving me advice, I am more focused on his reference points instead of his advice. Some dude got divorce raped after getting married at 23 and never fucked the girls he wanted to fuck so he's playing catch up with his younger self. Some other guy was a virgin until 22. Then you get Chad who fucked 70 women by 25 and got fed up and decided to wife a girl 2 years older but his high sex drive sees him lurk on this forum.

The list goes on and on.

You can apply this to girls too. We generalize ages but fuck that, you should be screening for type of women and using her age as a barometer as to how she compares to your other options as an investment. How she will age, how suitable she is, companionship. How she will grow around you and channeling that into her being pleasant and fundamentally virtuous to be around.

This is uniform across ages and the age defines the # of reference points as does her culture, upbringing, work ethic, social circle etc. It's harder with older women, of course.

The # of reference points you discover is by virtue of your digging into her soul and seeds you plant.

One night stands are one night stands, jumpoff broads are everywhere too. We're all here to find some chick who can hold us down despite how jaded we are and the degrees of this we might see but choose to ignore or disregard.

She's telling me words I wanna hear and stories that check out and qualifying. You know the general theme and can read it but for me, here lies the difference in age and it's in these themes & questions;

a) Emotions - how/what does that make her feel?

b) Motivations - why would she do that?

c) Character traits - what type of person does that make her?

d) Self-awareness - How does she see herself and her self-esteem? Will I need to reinforce this by a lot or by a little?

The last question tells me the investment level required by me because the #1 gift you give a woman is self-esteem. The older women come with another user manual completely.

Hence pre-selection. Hence her wanting all of her friends to fuck you and you to be put on the spot like Odysseus and the Sirens, wailing at you for your dick and you being stoic. You boost her self-esteem through how her and her friends view you and this is vs. her other options.

This is uniform because you want the same. Patrice put it best, you want a girl other guys wanna fuck. Half of the rating scale is based off this, it's the communal acceptance of her worth.

Again, you can hack this by being in different places and arbitraging your status.

Elevate your game.

Of course, it's easier with the younger girls because they're all horny and want that older dick. They can show you off to their friends. The older chicks just want fucking money and security.

Priorities have shifted.

Some guys here lack game but have the money and security and this is why they're having problems with younger girls. They're pushing the wrong buttons.

You then realize you gotta push different buttons for various age groups. Younger chicks are easier. They want to feel fun. A dude who has his shit together isn't fun because he is grinding and making money, staying fit and all that unsexy shit. The guitarist on dole is living an exciting life, it's unsure and unstable.

You can get away with that shit with younger girls. Older women, not so much.

Of the last 5 girls I fucked, they were 28, 21, 27, 26 and 22. All white minus the 27 year old.

28 year old, 7 - smart, a bit too smart and trying to control the interactions and impose a framework on what 'it is'. Bossy.

21 year old, 7 - 3 lays, one night stand, no actual connection outside of the sex. Went with the flow; neither submissive or bossy.

27 year old, 7 - inexperienced, wanting validation 24/7 (ironically behaved like a 19 year old); submissive due to lack of reference points.

26 year old, 8 - married for 2 years, divorced, wanted validation through sex, not interactions. Quintessential booty call, great sex, amazing body and very much eager to please post-sex (cook, clean, nurture). Bossy due to reference points but malleable due to low self esteem.

22 year old, 8 - somewhat inexperienced but very compatible and thus receptive. High self esteem but submissive post-sex. No validation required but didn't put out until date 3 as I could see her laying out her traps. Also the hottest of 2018 so far.

Introduced me to 2 of her friends on date #3, they emphatically approved, one wants a threesome. The other friend told her the next day she also wants to join in on group sex. This ain't normal for me, chicks will give the look but rarely be open and say shit like this in-front of their friends. First thing her 21 year old friend asks me 'can you fuck like an adult?'...

This 22 year old never had a threesome before but the validation from her friends got her thinking. Pre-selection outsources the access to the inner dialogue.

There's no common theme hence you have different chemistry levels. I aim to be on their minds past the initial interaction. It's always mental. The sex is all about their minds and how much they are recalling it post-fact. It could be average but they will inflate the pleasurable experience through memory. Obviously, we aim to be the best and fuck them like it's our last fuck and give them the full monty.

The 22 year deviates from the norm because the connection is there. She is mature, she is responsive and most importantly, she looks good for a team. She tells me the sexiest thing about me is ambition and she likes the 'boring' grind I am on. Past the hot, shallow, sexy aspects of her which is what attracts but not what keeps me around. Hot young girls are dime a dozen. Again, this might be a red flag for some here as her ambition may clash with her maternal instinct in 5 years down the line.

If I am spending my time, you gotta offer something else, get my hamster running. This is where I am at now, I am not traveling and living a storytelling life. I already got stories.

My point for the above is that, the outliers exist and game is there for me to find the outliers who intersect between sexy, mature and willing to play ball. The last one is a response to what you put out there; your game. Your game is limited by the lifestyle you lead because it's sacrifice and this sacrifice sees you play a different tune and have another rhythm.

This might (or might not) be the song that plays opposed to the billboard that WIA mentions above.

It starts out the same though.

For example, with the last girl, there was lots of sexual tension the first 2 times I saw her until we had a tet-a-tet date. 30 mins in we are outside smoking and this other couple kiss before we get into the car.

"that could be us"

boom, kiss, some tension dissipates, you pull out and you basically channel the physical sexual energy into getting her thinking and wanting. You know the song is playing in her head and you start drumming the beat and she catches up.

It starts here but within a week or two, it's a whirlwind. It's momentum. It carries forth until 6 months in or so. This chick is already hitting me with the 'I miss you' a week in and now it's the 'who is Sara who came and said hi to you last night. You don't greet most girls like that. Did you fuck?', 2 weeks in.

That's feedback that you're doing shit right, assuming you wanna hold a chick down and captivate her mind. She is investing but is wary of it and she should be. This is why she didn't put out until date 3 (BJs whatever don't count) and this why I went with it. For all the shit that HankMoody caught on the other thread, I completely get his idea of not pressuring sex immediately. I mean, I tried, trust me and she wasn't putting out but there is an innate reward to her not putting out immediately.

This is why a standard 'size fits all' doesn't work. Textbook game is textbook for a lay but when you're screening for a partner, you're playing with standard deviations and you always spinning some black magic mind shit.

Alpha responsive to begin with, whatever. Eventually they pull out the beta traps because you're on their mind. If a chick is putting out beta traps, I know I am doing shit right and how quickly they pull this out gives me feedback on where to steer the ship as per what I want. She is vulnerable, communicating this vulnerability and extending it to show she wants me.

Some players brush it aside, others reward it and it depends on what you want.

Thing is, the older women demand this through compliance due to their baggage and being jaded. The younger women throw it out there as an unsure thing because they're still figuring it out and that's kinda hot, to me.

Juxtapose this with 30+ crowd where the women are great at pleasing you in the sack and mature enough to either not start shit or be sly with their traps. Minefield.

It's just a different set of buttons to push but their behaviour follows a similar pattern, especially post-sex. Younger girls fall in love with the good sex while the older girls expect it. The irony is that the younger ones bring it out in you and the older ones just don't to the same extent. Younger ones wonder about your experiences and why you're so good. Older women wonder about the other women you could be fucking and liberating sexually and form sexual insecurities and become catty around younger women.

Sex ceases to be as much of a trump card past validating their old idea of themselves being hot. You can give self-esteem this way to an older woman but it doesn't last as long.

An older woman is ashamed of feeling jealous and expressing that desire. She is more concerned with trying to find other options and communicating that to you in a passive aggressive manner. It's like mutually assured destruction. She will ensure she can fuck other guys if she needs to avoid getting hurt and proving a point. The younger girl is more helpless and extending her arm for a lifebuoy, when it comes to validation. The irony is that the 22 year old has 5x the amount of guys lining up for her pussy.

Seeking validation by flirting with other men vs seeking validation from you directly.

Guys respond to the lifebuoy (giving them purpose) instead of the aggression of the older woman. I will reward the former and literally, ignore the latter while flirting with other women.

Then again, some guys who aren't 100% confident in their game are intimidated by the older women but not the younger women. They need the submissive types to give them positive reference points to reinforce the idea that they can get the hottest women and have game.

This is why you shouldn't read into this forum because each guy has a separate set of motivations, turn ons and shit that gets them excited about women.

I enjoy the company of older women and they can make good companions occasionally but the ceiling of younger women is just so much higher.

Combine this with wanting a woman that every guy wants to fuck, is eager to please as a ping off your value and promises a healthy return on investment and you get this meme-worthy desire for younger women.

And yeah, I completely fall in this category. The older chicks don't take me seriously for long term companionship so by default, I am lingering in the 22 - 26 year old category for courting. I don't take them seriously either because I know they're harpies looking to hold down a guy to alleviate the pressure from their friends and family as to why they are single past 28. Everything outside of this is just sex and memories. I am screening for girls in this bracket that have life experiences or are open to them. The ambitious 20 year olds who have that glint in their eye.

The traits/themes are common too.

- lots of traveling/independence
- usually the eldest sister and has a younger sister/brother or middle child yet oldest daughter
- parents are still together but her father is a G to an extent that her mother had to step up to keep him around and she noticed this
- has work ethic and is exposed to people of various cultures and classes

This is just off the top of my head.

I see myself getting carried away with this 22 year old and I am fine with it. We ain't exclusive but it's exciting. I got options. She does too. She's away this weekend and I might see this 24 year old tonight, depending on what my social circle is up to.

I used to complain that I couldn't get along with girls < 25 but then I shifted my focus and screening criteria. For some reason, they just find me now. It's not even about being more flexible as to what I expect but rather, expect nothing and adjust on the fly. Shifting gears and investment in real time.

That has a macro effect that's ironic- the more I focus on making money, staying fit and maintaining an enriching life through varied experiences, the more this age group comes at me and it's 'switched on' girls.

At 22, I was fucking 27 year olds because I wanted their validation and because 22 year olds wouldn't give me time of the day.

Now at 27, the tables have turned because 27 year olds got booby traps set up to hold me down while the 22 year old wants to create experiences and go with the flow.

It doesn't interfere with my ambition or drive either.

Diamonds are everywhere. You can think about it in % and numbers but it doesn't matter. You only need to be right once to get the desirable outcome.

A lot of it is luck but you increase your chances of getting lucky by placing yourself in certain spots and that's due to your game, awareness and macro traits that put you in the top echelon of guys (fuckable and dateable; not mutually exclusive but not the same either).

As for that show, let the kids play. It's another conversation topic. If you're meeting enough women, you know that it's not truly representative. It's like Roman gladiator battles, it's entertaining but you know most guys weren't fighting lions on the regular.

There's definitely a quality woman in there but for her to get on your radar she needs to accessorize and elevate her hotness to get your attention. It's how she behaves once she has your attention that matters. I can't fault a woman for trying and neither should you.

Guys here complain women don't try enough and then when they do, they scoff at it. Call me naive but I see women trying their hardest every day and it's cute. The amount of effort into appearance, the perimetering and attempts on getting on my radar. I cannot and never will fault that, regardless of their intentions because I have the final say.

Even this 22 year old, her friend came and introduced her to me and told me to write down my number, at a coffee shop I frequent.

Bitches are trying and you can't fault that. How the media spins that is another story but real life is real life and I appreciate that they're still making an effort.

Naturally the older ones need to try harder. It's just funny to note how many of the older ones, single moms, low grade carb-fuelled titty chubsters are actually the most entitled. It comes back to that prickly exterior to reject and not be rejected because they tread the fine line between low self-esteem and being jaded.

That alone merits shifting your focus on to younger girls but hey, every woman has something to offer.

It all depends on what YOU are looking for.

Most guys don't know what they want and just go with the flow of what those they care about or the horde thinks is appropriate.

This forum is also problematic in that way. I found American women annoying until I started giving them a chance, for example. They're not so bad.

White girls? Not so bad.

Indian girls? They're alright.

Black girls? Perfectly fine.

Women are women within a standard deviation but they ping off what you put out there. You resent older women? Yeah, they will resent you and the cycle perpetuates.

I will treat these women with human decency but you gotta earn the respect and that has no bearing on your beauty, age, ethnicity, family wealth etc.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Perspicacity - 10-06-2018

Outstanding, Noir.


You repeatedly put your neck out against the forum 'Red Pill' orthodoxy to keep it old-school and real as fuck.


- P

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Noir - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 06:30 AM)Perspicacity Wrote:  

Outstanding, Noir.


You repeatedly put your neck out against the forum 'Red Pill' orthodoxy to keep it old-school and real as fuck.


- P

Cheers mate.

I just don't think shit is as black and white as people make it out to be. You can do that to an extent but past a point you start scratching past the surface and adding dimensions to your lens.

This is a forum and a place to discuss. It's important to be devils advocate and illuminate all blind spots otherwise we are just a choir without adding anything new.

You can be red pill but you need to consider the whole picture which is provided by your experience. I know what I see and notice based off my life and I meet lots of women of various backgrounds and experience levels.

There is no one size fits all.

I love women and yes they are pretty standard but seek to find the ones which detract from the norm. The ones where my textbook game finds some resistance and I wonder if I am fucking up. It's how we learn.

Anyways, just some food for thought. It resonates with some and doesn't with others.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 06:30 AM)Perspicacity Wrote:  

Outstanding, Noir.


You repeatedly put your neck out against the forum 'Red Pill' orthodoxy to keep it old-school and real as fuck.


- P

Moma and Rudebwoy have made this one post a safe haven for guys that want to talk game w/o all of the baggage.

If this post wasn't here - I wouldn't be posting anywhere.

The idea of a forum itself is already a dead internet concept.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Mizo1234 - 10-06-2018

@ Noir ,
Until what age you think you still can pull under 25 yo girls ?
Just curious

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Noir - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 08:19 AM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

@ Noir ,
Until what age you think you still can pull under 25 yo girls ?
Just curious

That's impossible to answer I think.

Probably when I stop finding them interesting and attractive which is something I can't tell you for sure.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Mizo1234 - 10-06-2018

Thanks ,
But I mean what do you think of guy’s age as factor in pulling younger broad ?
Do you think it is just a number ?
I really want to know your opinion

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Noir - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 08:26 AM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

Thanks ,
But I mean what do you think of guy’s age as factor in pulling younger broad ?
Do you think it is just a number ?
I really want to know your opinion

It's both.

It depends on:

- cultural norms
- woman's experience
- her social circle and your social circle
- what you both offer and maturity levels
- how you met (via friends or cold approach)

Generally it's not an issue but it really depends on the above and age difference.

Again, it's not something set in stone.

There's a difference in pulling and dating.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Sender - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 06:30 AM)Perspicacity Wrote:  

Outstanding, Noir.


You repeatedly put your neck out against the forum 'Red Pill' orthodoxy to keep it old-school and real as fuck.


- P

This is easily one of my favourite threads on the forum. SO much solid material here.

I'm not black so I've decided to stay away from (over)contributing but I'm lurking like a bitch.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 10-06-2018

Noir - thanks kindly for dropping such a great "game" post. Feel free to drop in anytime.

Can you give examples of beta traps and traps women set on men?

Sender - we don't care what colour you are, just don't come in here like others have talking shit about subjects no one cares about.

Archie - you said women under age 25 don't interest you, what about women who are close to you in age?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - quaker13 - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 08:26 AM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

Thanks ,
But I mean what do you think of guy’s age as factor in pulling younger broad ?
Do you think it is just a number ?
I really want to know your opinion

Man Im 39 and Im here to tell you ever young bitch i meet falls in love with me. Im branded as the older handsome sexy dude universally. My standard look is a low haircut with a perfectly groomed salt n pepper 5 o'clock shadow. At a lean 225lbs im in better shape than I was at 30 years old. My age has not hindered me from any very attractive younger woman. I will say that sometimes i'll get lazy and try to harvest some low hanging fruit and I noticed some are intimidated, but i suspect that's a defense mechanism. I don't know any stats, kills and conversion rates on the men in this forum, but as a dude who has tried to be the best for the last 5 years im here to tell you that's a meaningful philosophy.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 10-06-2018

Solid insight, I definitely give credit for such a well rounded prospective at your age. Your're level of thinking and the way you express it is leaps and bounds beyond your peers.

Personally, I'm in my early 40's and like WIA pointed out, chicks under 25 don't do much for me outside of physical attraction. I'm of the age & experience where I desire more of a mental connection to compliment the physical compatibility.
I have met and banged some 25 y.o.'s who were definitely woke, conscious and seemingly on an enlightened path. However, they needed sponsors more than they needed guidance. The latter of which I have no problem giving, but the only adults I'll ever take care of are my grown kids and my aging parents someday.

I'm at the point where I don't even focus on "game" per se anymore. Most of what attracts women (people in general) is enmeshed in my personally. I don't' chase, pursue, sweat or put in anymore effort than I feel necessary. Some would say, I'm not even trying anymore, but honestly, for us, relatively young, successful, confident, fit black men, getting poosy is like shooting fish in a barrel. All you have to do is not phuck it up.

However, as was mentioned, I'm looking for a phlegmatic, emotionally intelligent, healthy (mentally & physically), equally pragmatic woman who's ready to stack paper and life experiences like myself. I've met and been with enough women to know this is much harder than it sounds. Despite traditional RVF wisdom, connection-less sex just no longer interest me.
. . . and for the record, yes I agree, there are plenty of decent black women buried beneath all the accessories. However, in my personal experience, many haven't reached the level of self-consciousness analogous to the traits I mentioned above. Though some are, many are not affixing all that crap on to attract me, they're doing it to compete with each-other.

This is why I strongly urge young bucks to get out there a bang everything that isn't nailed down. Interact with thousands of women (people in general) and continue to expose yourself to uncomfortable situations or "growth environments" as John Maxwell puts it so you're as well-rounded as the globe itself. That way, by the time you're my age, you aren't like some of these characters on here desperate to catch up on missed opportunities, slogging through second & third world countries as a sex tourist starving for personal validation.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Dalaran1991 - 10-06-2018

Goddamn it Noir you've been on a rampage lately, keep doing the Lord's work.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - PapayaTapper - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 12:35 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Noir - thanks kindly for dropping such a great "game" post. Feel free to drop in anytime.

Can you give examples of beta traps and traps women set on men?

Sender - we don't care what colour you are, just don't come in here like others have talking shit about subjects no one cares about.

Archie - you said women under age 25 don't interest you, what about women who are close to you in age?

This is about the only real game thread left on RVF. I dont post much in it but I enjoy , learn from and appreciate it.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Comte De St. Germain - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 07:02 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (10-06-2018 06:30 AM)Perspicacity Wrote:  

Outstanding, Noir.


You repeatedly put your neck out against the forum 'Red Pill' orthodoxy to keep it old-school and real as fuck.


- P

Moma and Rudebwoy have made this one post a safe haven for guys that want to talk game w/o all of the baggage.

If this post wasn't here - I wouldn't be posting anywhere.

The idea of a forum itself is already a dead internet concept.

Yeah I'm self-segregating here and the Lifestyle shit myself. After I realized what gets passed as game elsewhere is absolute garbage might as well help discuss the dying craft with the few that still care.

I just pray that the barbarians don't come over here and ruin it with "get a big dog and a big truck" "game".

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 12:35 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Noir - thanks kindly for dropping such a great "game" post. Feel free to drop in anytime.

Can you give examples of beta traps and traps women set on men?

Sender - we don't care what colour you are, just don't come in here like others have talking shit about subjects no one cares about.

Archie - you said women under age 25 don't interest you, what about women who are close to you in age?

My age? Hell naw?
Within 5 years is cutting it a bit tight to be honest.

I go by the Elijah Muhammad rule - half your age + 7


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Comte De St. Germain - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 12:35 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Can you give examples of beta traps and traps women set on men?

I got a one that stands out in memory and it's honestly the easiest one to see coming/the one they pull the most.

I had this one chick leap heavy praises on me after a while. Like I was pretty much everything but her God to her for a while. She wouldn't stop texting me/shoving heavy heavy affection my way. I got the full nine yards King treatment from her.

At that point I was like "You know what fuck it. Lets date this chick for a while.", and then my inner simp came out after I had shoved it down into the core of my body after ages.

PDA, holding hands, spending 7 days a week crashed up at her place, and the cutesy couples' costume for Halloween(one of her suggestions and it wasn't something fun either). Fuck I went the whole nine yards. And it was because she was super submissive and super into me even after I started going simp. The whole I was everything but her God thing kept going strong.

I get into a wreck not soon after. Got depressed and what have you so I just mope and sit around for about a week. Call her afterwards as she didn't even bother to check up on me.

She says "I have a boyfriend now" on the other end to me and that was that. Utterly destroyed me to the point I spent the next half year doing nothing but chasing ass.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - torridon747 - 10-07-2018

Damn comte. That girl was ice cold. What do you think her malfunction was? Or do you think AWALT?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - PapayaTapper - 10-07-2018

Quote: (10-07-2018 01:26 AM)Eugenics Wrote:  

Damn comte. That girl was ice cold. What do you think her malfunction was? Or do you think AWALT?

Not all women are like that but all women have the latent potential wired in to be like that.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - BasketBounce - 10-07-2018

@Comte: That’s the type of experience that would make me jaded for a while. Got into a wreck and she didn’t even check on you? Talk about swallowing the red-pill...

Anyone been to Milwaukee recently? I’m going for a work trip.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Comte De St. Germain - 10-07-2018

Quote: (10-07-2018 01:26 AM)Eugenics Wrote:  

Damn comte. That girl was ice cold. What do you think her malfunction was? Or do you think AWALT?

The type of girl I prefer to chase, especially considering I'm on the younger side when it comes to the forum, are always those wide-eyed 18 year olds that are finely moving into the big city or girls coming in from a backwater community college to living in on one of the two campuses where I'm at.

I can spot them from a mile away as I go about my day(they're like tourists hitting up the local joints and I'm usually trying to get work in outside the house due to the remote way I make $$$ sometimes). And a guy like me is essentially 6'3" wolverine that can jump tall buildings in a single bound to them.

She fell squarely into that camp. Generally these girls are overly sweet as it is, but she went even beyond that. I also remember seeing a picture of her old boyfriend as well. Dude was straight small town white trash redneck which is funny because she was a babe.

Anyways I digress. My theory just came down to the jump she made in quality from the small town to the big city as being that huge when it came to the quality of cock she could get. I was lucky enough to be the first guy that probably got it in when she came in.

Oh and the happy ending to all this being that I saw her again a while ago while shopping around the more liberal part of town(she came in as a standard conservative country chick accent and all) with dyed purple hair, a few pounds overweight, and the world's worst acne. I was smiling all day afterwards. This is also a fairly common trend so I wasn't that surprised. Most girls who move into town from bumfuck nowhere(not the burbs) generally end up like that or worse. Come in at 18 and wreck their faces doing large amounts of cocaine by 21.

Quote: (10-07-2018 09:01 AM)BasketBounce Wrote:  

@Comte: That’s the type of experience that would make me jaded for a while. Got into a wreck and she didn’t even check on you? Talk about swallowing the red-pill...

Seen girls do worse shit running around the nightlife. I just got a huge extended wave of shock from the 180 that she pulled on me is all. Still hurt of course, but I wouldn't call it a defining red pill moment.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Repo - 10-07-2018

Quote: (10-06-2018 10:32 PM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

Quote: (10-06-2018 12:35 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Can you give examples of beta traps and traps women set on men?

I got a one that stands out in memory and it's honestly the easiest one to see coming/the one they pull the most.

I had this one chick leap heavy praises on me after a while. Like I was pretty much everything but her God to her for a while. She wouldn't stop texting me/shoving heavy heavy affection my way. I got the full nine yards King treatment from her.

At that point I was like "You know what fuck it. Lets date this chick for a while.", and then my inner simp came out after I had shoved it down into the core of my body after ages.

PDA, holding hands, spending 7 days a week crashed up at her place, and the cutesy couples' costume for Halloween(one of her suggestions and it wasn't something fun either). Fuck I went the whole nine yards. And it was because she was super submissive and super into me even after I started going simp. The whole I was everything but her God thing kept going strong.

I get into a wreck not soon after. Got depressed and what have you so I just mope and sit around for about a week. Call her afterwards as she didn't even bother to check up on me.

She says "I have a boyfriend now" on the other end to me and that was that. Utterly destroyed me to the point I spent the next half year doing nothing but chasing ass.

In my experience hot women especially ones who have come from decent households cant deal with heavy shit like depression, they have no grounding to what real struggle is like, and all they see is weakness.

So that's another beta trap. They always ask you what your thinking, why you dont talk about what's on your mind, and all that bullshit. But if you actually do and talk about some real struggles, it will always backfire. They simply cannot wrap their heads around it because things come so easy to hot women.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Comte De St. Germain - 10-07-2018

Quote: (10-07-2018 11:08 AM)Repo Wrote:  

In my experience hot women especially ones who have come from decent households cant deal with heavy shit like depression, they have no grounding to what real struggle is like, and all they see is weakness.

So that's another beta trap. They always ask you what your thinking, why you dont talk about what's on your mind, and all that bullshit. But if you actually do and talk about some real struggles, it will always backfire. They simply cannot wrap their heads around it because things come so easy to hot women.

This chick didn't even know I got into a wreck. I just flat out disappeared for a week.

Also completely agreed on both points.

On the first point. I have to appeal always to fun and adventure and be like a rock and honestly I don't need a chick for the short term that can't handle that. Long long term(marriage if it comes to that) I'd probably need someone who can deal with hard times.

On the latter point. I'd also attribute it to their dissatisfaction. They're not sad, but they're also certainly not happy. Most chicks are in a constant state of malaise. That's my cue to the step on to my soap box, brag about my weekend, make her laugh, and absorb her into my energy to bring her along for a ride. Is what it is.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 10-07-2018

I don't really pump my blog here at all.

I just did a long ass review of Alpha Male Strategies' book

The TL DR - I think a lot of guys would benefit from it. I caught some nuggets myself. But I don't run this style of game, and i think it has significant issues in implementation.

That being said, it's a good jumping off point for guys that are just learning game, or learning about Black Man's Game versus a more PUA/Mystery/Style derived game.