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Memorable text message exchanges with girls - peterthephoenix - 08-13-2012

im laughing so hard over here. please start a new thread.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - BlurredSevens - 08-13-2012

"Good for you that's why you're not married"

That is hilarious man, actually laughed out loud at that one.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - alphaspiraton - 08-13-2012

Quote: (08-19-2011 10:20 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

If I knew who invented texting, he would be tied to a chair in my basement.

And I would be starting up my chainsaw.

I used to be against your method of not texting, but picking up the phone and just calling the girl has done wonders for me. I rarely text now. If I do, it will be 1-3 word responses.

But to each his own. If it works for some guys then so be it.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - alphaspiraton - 08-13-2012

El mech. +1. So many witty responses haha. I bet your phone blows up at work at least a couple hundred times with text msgs.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Aliblahba - 08-13-2012

Quote: (08-13-2012 05:19 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Are these interactions from girls you already fucked? Or are some of them you're still working on?

I can vouch to his text message mastery. Nothing pisses me off more than having an iphone shoved in my face all the time, but he was teaching me a lesson. For 2 weeks down there I had to read this shit. Then I caught on. Text game is golden. I used to not have the patience, but I can say, it has a place.

He showed me girls that the last text was from them, and was 2 days prior. Then, while we were drunk at his house pontificating game, he only text "so", or "so what". His phone blew up. And wouldn't stop.

I was taught a lesson, but he'll have to break it down, from start to finish.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - void - 08-13-2012

el mech text game: imperative commands and demands
style examples:
"i need food"
"find us a girl for a threesome"
"book a room......"

his messages reflect a dominant personality or at least a will to lead, any whimp pulling off such messages would be laughed at and wouldnt have fucked them beforehand anyway

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - party1981 - 08-14-2012

my ex: Did you really just say that? You know what, fuck you [my name]. You really are a fucking asshole. Clearly not even accidentally. Fuck off and die. How's that for emotional?

[two hours later]

me: [Image: tongue.gif]

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - el mechanico - 08-14-2012

From last night. lol

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - I'mWaitingForTheMan - 08-14-2012

Thank god...I was starting to have El Mech text-roll withdrawals.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - soup - 08-14-2012

Quote: (08-13-2012 11:58 PM)void Wrote:  

el mech text game: imperative commands and demands
style examples:
"i need food"
"find us a girl for a threesome"
"book a room......"

his messages reflect a dominant personality or at least a will to lead, any whimp pulling off such messages would be laughed at and wouldnt have fucked them beforehand anyway

These kinds of demands can only happen after you've banged her out a few times, no?

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - el mechanico - 08-14-2012

Quote: (08-14-2012 12:52 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2012 11:58 PM)void Wrote:  

el mech text game: imperative commands and demands
style examples:
"i need food"
"find us a girl for a threesome"
"book a room......"

his messages reflect a dominant personality or at least a will to lead, any whimp pulling off such messages would be laughed at and wouldnt have fucked them beforehand anyway

These kinds of demands can only happen after you've banged her out a few times, no?
Sometimes depends on the girl you have to be able to size them up quick and control the frame.

Online girl gives you her number you don't text her bring me a pizza bitch.

Girl your bangings best friend: Bring me a pizza bitch

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - soup - 08-14-2012

Here's some dread I've been trying lately when I get texts where she's being cheeky or giving an attitude.

"You seem like you're in a bad mood. Maybe another time."

It's a kind of a catch-all response to any difficulty she's putting up. The usually change their behavior quickly after this.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Blaze Frazier - 08-14-2012

Quote: (08-14-2012 08:47 PM)soup Wrote:  

Here's some dread I've been trying lately when I get texts where she's being cheeky or giving an attitude.

"You seem like you're in a bad mood. Maybe another time."

It's a kind of a catch-all response to any difficulty she's putting up. The usually change their behavior quickly after this.

Not a fan. I'll just go with 'OK' or not even respond.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Veloce - 08-14-2012

I'll say from my own experience, there's no text any girls hates more than this response:


Cutting off an interaction with "K" will guarantee frustrating her and leave her wanting more. It shows that you really could not give less of a fuck about texting her anything substantial or explaining yourself.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Nudge - 08-15-2012

This was after a few text exchanges that went nowhere. So I tried whatsapp.

On whatsapp:
Me: Your odd
Her: Why am I odd?
Me: Dunno, you just are.
Me: Its ok though, I like odd.
Her: :-)
Her: Sends me a photo of some bird.
Me: Whats that?
Her: Just saw this crazy bird at a pet shop.
Me: Cool, buy one for me.
Her: [Image: smile.gif] What you doing this weekend?
Me: Going out tonight, then chillin probably. you?
Her: Going out for a friends tonight then gym and stuff.
Me: Cool, wanna go for a drink on Sunday?
Her: Sure, where?
Me: Lets meet at xxxx at 5pm
Her: Ok cool
Me: Cya then, have a good weekend.
Her: Laters (knew flake was gonna happen after this reply)

On Sunday
Her (on whatsapp): Hey sorry, Im really sick. Cant make it today [Image: sad.gif]
radio silence..............
Her (on normal text): Hey did you get my whatsapp?
Me: Na sorry didnt, 3g is playing up.
radio silence

Me: Hey where are you?
Her: What? Im at home where are you?
Me: Im here at xxxx
Her: Didnt you get my whatsapp? Im so sorry Im sick I cant make it.
Me: Ahh man! I told you my 3g is playing up.
Her: omg Im so sorry I feel really bad, Im just really sick. Im feel awful, Im so so sorry. Please dont hate me blah blah
Me: Nah just fucking with ya. Im at YYYY eating a delicous bagel.
Her: U suck!

This always had flake written all over, still nice to mess with her a little bit.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - el mechanico - 08-15-2012

And todays winner is....

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Glass Walker - 08-15-2012

Who would be interested in an android app that has a catalog of some of the more universal responses/starters?

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - el mechanico - 08-15-2012

So, nobody else has these in their phone huh? I want to see some from you guys the I'll share my blacklist messages from girls I had to block that went over the edge.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - slubu - 08-15-2012

I posted this on another thread, but this is all I got in terms of craziness - nothing like emech.

[Image: 9gYCf.png]
[Image: JwQK6.png]
[Image: eZjtP.png]
[Image: 4xUj7.png]

- I never offered dinner, we were to meet for happy hour.
- I have no idea why she flipped out.
- I was already done with her after she changed plans the second time, just was going to ignore her. Which I did and somehow that prompted the sick fuck line which really irked me so I wanted to respond. Sadly I realize that last text by me was probably too apologetic and shouldn't have been sent but I was trying to salvage it. Aesthetically speaking this would have been one of the hottest girls I'd ever gotten with, so I wasn't ready to dismiss like a standard 6 or 7.
- Guess this validates Roosh's point of not trying to be too cheeky over text
- Did salvage it, went on date but all I got was makeout. Another date then fizzled.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - el mechanico - 08-15-2012

You messed up. That proper punishment was very predictable and then you apologized later. Good shit either way though

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - HiFlo - 08-15-2012

What's weird with me is that oftentimes I'll create a situation with text that's flirty and shit, but then when we meet up in real life I create this situation in my head and I totally bomb it.

For example, last night I met up with this chick I had a ONS a week ago with. We exchanged a bunch of flirty texts over the last couple days - classic shit about punishment, feistiness, etc - but then I meet up with her last night in a loud club (probably mistake #1), and I totally bomb the whole fucking thing. Granted I was pretty tired and didn't feel like going out, but it's frustrating as fuck to bomb a D2 with a ONS.

That shit has happened a bunch w/ me - exchange flirty texts but then when meeting up the vibe disappears probably due to some preconceived construct of my mind - that I really try to keep texts to just logistics now. A lot of bitches dont like to keep texts to just logistics though unfortunately.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Kickb - 08-15-2012

[Image: attachment.jpg7285]   She was mad because I did this
[Image: attachment.jpg7286]   
[Image: attachment.jpg7287]   
[Image: attachment.jpg7288]   

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Kickb - 08-15-2012

[Image: attachment.jpg7289]   
[Image: attachment.jpg7294]   
[Image: attachment.jpg7291]   
[Image: attachment.jpg7292]   
[Image: attachment.jpg7293]   

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - el mechanico - 08-15-2012

If you guys notice in my texts I never talk about what I'm going to or want to do to them.

@ Kickboxer your phone called and wished me a merry Christmas

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Blaze Frazier - 08-15-2012

slubu, I would have gone the Chris Brown route after she used those lyrics from Rihanna. I don't mean beat her up, just say I'm going to beat that pussy up like Chris Brown or something.