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Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Basil Ransom - 10-21-2014

I can't imagine a 'worse' person to go after for claims of libel and slander than MikeCF, between his integrity, intelligence and knowledge of the law, as well as the talent of his lawyer. Of course, we all know Chris Kluwe will back down from every single challenge he issued to Mike.

Mike put up a video that greatly explains why he joined the GamerGate debacle

Initially I wasn't sure why exactly he joined the fray, but this video makes it abundantly clear, and absolutely not a departure from his previous efforts.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Roosh - 10-22-2014

Mike got mentioned on MSNBC. Starts at 3:19..

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - kbell - 10-22-2014

Is their a growing market for lawyers to combat against SJW injustices. Injustices such as getting fired from a job due to SJW tattletaling un-pc tweets to employers?

That video showcases Matt Binder, who has attempted to take on Mike. The guy blinks a lot when he talks. And the way he fishes for words sounds like he is just bullshitting and may not truly believe what he says.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Libertas - 10-22-2014

Quote: (10-22-2014 10:26 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Mike got mentioned on MSNBC. Starts at 3:19..

God. I knew I couldn't stand the way that ape looked (ridiculous facial hair is always a key tell for solipsistic leftists), but I can't stand his little whiny cuntish beta voice either.

I really want to see a study correlating testosterone levels with political affiliation. I think it would be quite telling.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Kitsune - 10-22-2014

Quote: (10-22-2014 10:26 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Mike got mentioned on MSNBC. Starts at 3:19..

Quote regarding Mike at about 4:06:

"This is a guy who talks about how it's not rape if the participant is willing."

Yeah. That's as far as I got into that interview. Matt Binder is clearly an intellectual juggernaut with statements like that. (I keep rewatching the same statement to make sure I'm not being an idiot and that is actually what he says.)

No holy shit. This was on in the background whilst I typed this post (5:50):

"What you're getting from her [I think he's talking about Sarkesian] is her opinion. That's what [advertisers] should want, and they [advertisers/companies] can't stop her!"

Not only an intellectual philosopher, Matt Binder is clearly the future of capitalism. Advertisers don't want you to sell their products, they want your opinion.

"Misogyny is the air we breathe."

"I don't think misogyny is something gamers have created."

I really am done this time. I'm scared that I'm becoming less intelligent listening to this.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Benoit - 10-22-2014

Quote: (10-22-2014 10:57 AM)Kitsune Wrote:  

"This is a guy who talks about how it's not rape if the participant is willing."

I really am done this time. I'm scared that I'm becoming less intelligent listening to this.

Easier to watch the Sargon of Akkad version,

When he gets to that line, the shouted interjection "YOU FUCKING WHAT, MATE?" really improves the viewing experience.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Samseau - 10-22-2014

Quote: (10-22-2014 10:26 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Mike got mentioned on MSNBC. Starts at 3:19..

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Mike is destroying these losers. Anyone watching this who doesn't know what gamergate is probably will be confused no matter what, but at least they'll think less of these people.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Nascimento - 10-22-2014

Shit this is cool.

I remember when I first started getting more into the forum. I noticed this guy named 'MikeCF' had some really good posts in general, with the focus being on self improvement for your lifestyle. Sometimes I'd even make a note of some posts in my journal they were so insightful.

Then D&P as we all know about and I've been following for a little while now. Really cool seeing how much it's changed this year and improved in so many ways.

Now all this, and D&P even infiltrating the media at large.

Awesome. I guess this must have been very similar to what it was like to follow Roosh several years ago.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Dr. Howard - 10-22-2014

That MSNBC video is awesome. They are throwing as much as they can at this...they didn't really talk about the issue it was all about trying to tear down the people who are pissed over gamergate. There was Binder's repeating of digging up Mike's tweets and then the 2nd chick equated the tea party to gamergate with something like " a bunch of white men who feel like there is a conspiracy to oppress them" so now gamergate = tea party?

Guys like Binder used to be in the 'environmentalist' movement 10-15 years ago and were the green protesters. I battled with them in debate forums and university press and watch them flip out at the fact that anyone even dared criticize their dogma, let alone someone with more experience in it. Same deal here, but insert "save the women" instead of "save the planet"

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Faust - 10-22-2014

It's instructive to watch the tone and body language of the respective sides.
MikeCF is calm, composed, and relaxed. He's in control of himself at all times.

The guy in the NBC video looks like a gossipy teenage girl who can't BELIEVE she just saw Jenny wearing last year's fashions to the prom. What a simpering little pussy.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Roosh - 10-22-2014

Sargon on a rampage against Matt Binder:

If you're short on time, watch to 6:40-13 for big lulz.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Kickb - 10-22-2014

Quote: (10-21-2014 06:05 PM)Libertas Wrote:

Damn. Mike is kicking ass, and he's using their own language to do it.

[Image: ohshit.gif]
I can't tell if these outraged tweets are real or fake.

"You have gotto be fucking..Its real. What the fuck chris?"
"absolutley fucking unforgiveable"
"Disgusting! How can you say you defend women!"

These people are something else [Image: lol.gif]

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - samsamsam - 10-22-2014

That guy at 3:04 or so when the chick talks about public shaming, he starts grinning and says, "yes, yes" like he is some sort of champion. What a fucking punk. Just so smug without ever having done anything meaningful in his life.

This is what happens when you grow up in a society that makes you think your opinion is truth.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - kbell - 10-22-2014

MikeCF was doxxed. That was the only weapon left in their arsenal and they finally deployed it. I hope nothing bad come of this Mike. Your battle against them has been inspiration. Your like a one man army who knows how to rile them up, using their own tactics so they make mistakes.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Que enspastic - 10-22-2014

Quote: (10-22-2014 04:26 PM)kbell Wrote:  

MikeCF was doxxed. That was the only weapon left in their arsenal and they finally deployed it. I hope nothing bad come of this Mike. Your battle against them has been inspiration. Your like a one man army who knows how to rile them up, using their own tactics so they make mistakes.

What is doxxed?

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Yatagan - 10-22-2014

Quote: (10-22-2014 04:50 PM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2014 04:26 PM)kbell Wrote:  

MikeCF was doxxed. That was the only weapon left in their arsenal and they finally deployed it. I hope nothing bad come of this Mike. Your battle against them has been inspiration. Your like a one man army who knows how to rile them up, using their own tactics so they make mistakes.

What is doxxed?

Finding out a user's personal info essentially, like their name, address,phone number,etc.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - kaotic - 10-22-2014

Figures it was bound to happen, I swear if it wasn't for the internet none of this shit would be happening, and white knights like the guy who doxxed him would have to answer for this face to face.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - kaotic - 10-22-2014

This needs to happen:

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - L M McCoy - 10-22-2014

Mike's a lawyer

I'm sure he can counter

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - HawkWrites - 10-22-2014

After Mike's last video it really doesn't surprise me.

Either way, nobody is going to do anything. Mike will be just fine and if not he possess the legal recourse to fight against anyone who tries anything against his site.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Alpha - 10-22-2014

So "doxxing" Mike consists of take a screen shot of google earth of a house he might live in?

Weak as shit.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - kbell - 10-22-2014

They went into when he got his law degree as well. I wonder who did it. Lawyer or just another butt hurt anti-gamer gate media person? It is good they didn't go more detailed than that.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Drazen - 10-22-2014

Mike is playing this beautifully. A combination of truth and then using their usual tactics to expose their weaknesses, then mocking them in a way as to show how truly weak they really are.

It reminds me of the scene in The Usual Suspects where the Hungarians are fucking with Keyser Soze and his family. "He showed these men of will what will really was."

Keep on fighting the good fight.

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - samsamsam - 10-22-2014

Quote: (10-22-2014 04:58 PM)L M McCoy Wrote:  

Mike's a lawyer

I'm sure he can counter

I am sure MikeCF could do something like this. Which he kindly shared on the boxing thread. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Danger & Play is currently being targeted by SJW's - Drazen - 10-22-2014

What I would be looking for is from these anonymous wordpress chickenshit bloggers to violate any of the Wordpress TOS and try to get their sites taken down. That linked article with the doxxing was on the safe side of things since it was all publicly available, but once they cross the line or start anything that can be interpreted as hate speech or "bullying", report the site. I'm loving this "use their own weapons against them" tactic.


the Content is not pornographic, does not contain threats or incite violence, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party;

Dispute resolution:

On the other side, if MikeCF gets any mention in any mainstream media articles (gawker sites will not qualify), he can get his own wikipedia page!