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The Shit Test Thread - Agreddor - 01-02-2015

"Why dyou keep asking? Dyou have elzimers?"

The Shit Test Thread - coverdoc - 01-03-2015

So i've been getting some shit test lately and usually have replied with something that's always kept me in a good frame.
1st example:
Girl: you need to learn more spanish,
me: Sure I don't
Girl: you are sarcastic,
Me: Silly little hamster (and give her a flirtatious push)
All the guys in the group were fawning over her and she seemed to like my rudeness/brazenness.

Girl: I'm going to put a collar on you
Me: Nah I don't think so
Girl: Well I do
Me: Silly little hamster wheel spinning.
Girl: lol what? (seems to like it.)

The Shit Test Thread - sandman972 - 01-07-2015

Went out gaming last night. Was slim pickings to say the least and what was "available" were bitchy fucking women.

One set I opened the girl thought I was pretending to be a foreigner but when she was convinced I was legit she warmed up to me. The conversation was going well but my buddy I was with wasnt having any luck with her friends and dipped out.

His abrupt exit caused the wolves to all gang up on me. It made the girl I was talking to become disinterested and the set was ruined. Not really sure how I could have saved it.

Another chick I open with a " Hey saw you from across the bar, you have an interesting look"

Her: Are you hitting on me? cuz if so you should leave now.

Me: Plausable but deniable.

Her: Ok then you should leave.

At this point I know shes not interested but I decide to go cocky on her and say " Youre obviously not used to good looking guys coming up to you, otherwise you wouldnt be blinking so much"

The interaction is dead of course, but what an epic bitch. Totally normal opener and conversation, and is just an epic cunt from the start. It drives me nuts because Im so out of her league in every way as a human being, and she can still act like this. Her face was as if someone pissed on her cornflakes.

The right thing to do is just walk away but it amazes me something how women can come to a social scene and be such closed off bats.

Anyways frustrating night forsure, some nights they just aint buying what your are selling, or this case just not buying at all.

The Shit Test Thread - ElJefe - 01-07-2015

Quote: (04-20-2014 02:07 AM)thisisastage Wrote:  

"Why should you deserve that privilege? (hair flip emoji)"

"well I don't feel like putting in the effort to play these games so I probably don't. But we can hang out anyways"

Quote: (04-20-2014 02:07 AM)thisisastage Wrote:  

couple texts later...

"I don't even know your last name, how can I trust you?"

"That's right. I'm actually outside your [insert accommodation here] right now watching you with binoculars. Nice panties"

The Shit Test Thread - Baldwin81 - 01-09-2015

I've had good results with: "im not looking 4 anything serious right now" for a variety of shit tests...

Of course, this is assuming she's sending texts back promptly and adhering to that 2:1 ratio.

There are exceptions, but you can almost just drop it in whenever as a complete non-sequitur.

If you want to get fancy (which may not be warranted) and truly believe that you're playing with house money, so to speak, send a follow up text immediately saying: "shit, sorry wrong txt" or "sorry wrong txt"

Again, this is assuming you have her hooked and she's responding promptly... the "sorry wrong txt" add-on is like giving the hamster a snort of coke.

I've found that the add-on works better if you're in the middle of an exchange (hamster's like WHO ELSE IS THIS PLAYER TEXTING??) Though it's also worked when sending a delayed (greater than 3 hours), "im not looking 4 anything serious right now"-response. When done correctly this can really change the interaction in your favor.

The Shit Test Thread - sandman972 - 01-10-2015

Gamed a decent 7 blonde last night. She comes with me to a second venue. After escalating for over an hour I obviously go in for the kiss.

" Im not making out with you in the bar like this"

After ignoring it for a while I go in for the second attempt. This entire time shes grabbing my hand, slight touching on my arms and sides, so the interest is there.

" I think your really cute and I like you, so take me for a date and we will see where it goes".

At this point I back off the persistence for the makeout. She obviously has her own rules before slutting it up. Let it be after a date.

Any suggestions for overcoming the make out resistance?

I send her a text after getting her number : " my name- the sexy canadian [Image: wink.gif]"

She relpies " You mean, that sexy Canadian who makes out with other girls infront of me..."

Now she only said that because when she was giving me resistance on the make out, I briefly gamed other women, in attempt to run some dread on her. I saw her looking over with her friends, and this other girl was feeling me hard, the jealousy was kicking in, but I might have over done it a touch.
I actually didnt make out with another girl and had some explain that to her, which felt like I was qualifying myself but in this case I think it was necessary because she was actually pissed and the end result was a over-kill a bit even though deep down she loved it.

Any suggestions on the response text? Im thinking just ignore and plan a date

The Shit Test Thread - ElJefe - 01-10-2015

Quote: (01-10-2015 08:25 AM)sandman972 Wrote:  

She relpies " You mean, that sexy Canadian who makes out with other girls infront of me..."

Just brainstorming here... how about?

"She took advantage of me!"

"yeah why didnt you save me??"


"what? that wasnt you??"

Could work, but this girl sounds like has some special rules that might be a little unorthodox (ie. honorable).

Girls empathize with helplessness, so you blame your making out with other girls on factors you cannot control, like your irresistible attractiveness. Your intentions are always honorable even though it doesn't work out the way you "want" it to.

The Shit Test Thread - Rawmeo - 02-17-2015

Here's one that I have difficulty answering: "Why do you want to meet me?"

I often answer something like "you look interesting", but I end up getting "I'll let you know if I have time".

The Shit Test Thread - coverdoc - 02-17-2015

Quote: (02-17-2015 09:31 AM)Rawmeo Wrote:  

Here's one that I have difficulty answering: "Why do you want to meet me?"

I often answer something like "you look interesting", but I end up getting "I'll let you know if I have time".

Easy, flip it on her: "Why not?"

The Shit Test Thread - OregonToSoCal - 02-17-2015

Quote: (01-10-2015 08:25 AM)sandman972 Wrote:  

Gamed a decent 7 blonde last night. She comes with me to a second venue. After escalating for over an hour I obviously go in for the kiss.

" Im not making out with you in the bar like this"

After ignoring it for a while I go in for the second attempt. This entire time shes grabbing my hand, slight touching on my arms and sides, so the interest is there.

" I think your really cute and I like you, so take me for a date and we will see where it goes".

At this point I back off the persistence for the makeout. She obviously has her own rules before slutting it up. Let it be after a date.

Any suggestions for overcoming the make out resistance?

I send her a text after getting her number : " my name- the sexy canadian [Image: wink.gif]"

She relpies " You mean, that sexy Canadian who makes out with other girls infront of me..."

Now she only said that because when she was giving me resistance on the make out, I briefly gamed other women, in attempt to run some dread on her. I saw her looking over with her friends, and this other girl was feeling me hard, the jealousy was kicking in, but I might have over done it a touch.
I actually didnt make out with another girl and had some explain that to her, which felt like I was qualifying myself but in this case I think it was necessary because she was actually pissed and the end result was a over-kill a bit even though deep down she loved it.

Any suggestions on the response text? Im thinking just ignore and plan a date

If you follow Tuth's first date bang recipe you shouldn't be kissing or making out in the bar to begin with. Just physically escalate short of the kiss and take her somewhere private where sex can happen.

The Shit Test Thread - kaotic - 03-17-2015

This black girl from her initial pictures looks like a solid 8.

Immediately asks me for height (shit test)

Remember, ALWAYS put her on the defensive, so I asked how much she weighs.

She gives me stats, NOTICE how I never give her my stats.

I neg her, she shows strong IOI after that.

Shows me she actually can take a joke and has some personality.


We have a good conversation about what we do in life, our locations and how she's moving to my area soon, I qualify her on life goals, adding up "points" etc.

Then I go in for the kill after qualifying her.


She still doesn't know I'm about an inch shorter than her, I'm going to play into my basic lines that I've dated taller than her, but stopped dating taller girls because they seem to very insecure about their height and other things like weight.

I do weigh more than her, hopefully we get a meet this week and go for the bang !

The Shit Test Thread - CleanSlate - 03-18-2015

Thought I'd add this one in.

Background - first date off OKC, found that we both love wine and cheese, and told her about my cheese plates at home. Kissed at end, attempted to take her back to my place - "hey you got to see my cheese plate!" - but no go.

Via text last night, few days after our date...

Me: "Hey happy tuesday! fri evening, U free? My place. White wine, cheese plate with sample pairings and some bread. And of course, bring your heels again."
Her: "My heels? Why? lol"
Me: "Because I like them! [Image: smile.gif]"
Her: "Sure that should work"
Me: "Great, be there at 8"
Her: "Ok [Image: smile.gif]"

Then she texts me today...

Her: "Hi! So I was thinking about us hanging out and I'm thinking you're not looking for anything serious based on our conversation the other night. I am looking for something serious. I don't want to waste your time if we're not on the same page! I would love to be friends if you'd want to be."

I wait a few hours to think it over... then I hit her with this:

Me: "It isn't a waste of time if we're having fun on our free nights... when you actually find someone you want to be serious with, you can let me know. Until then, why not hang out? we both do like cheese [Image: wink.gif]"
Her: "Yes that's true"
Me: "So I'll see you friday?"
Her: "Yes, would that work for you?"
Me: "Works for me"
Her: "Great"

The old me would have given up after she hits me with a text like that, but managed to keep the ball rolling. But I'm still 50/50 on whether this will still pan out. We shall see........

The Shit Test Thread - vinman - 03-18-2015

Quote: (03-18-2015 04:11 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Thought I'd add this one in.

Background - first date off OKC, found that we both love wine and cheese, and told her about my cheese plates at home. Kissed at end, attempted to take her back to my place - "hey you got to see my cheese plate!" - but no go.

Via text last night, few days after our date...

Me: "Hey happy tuesday! fri evening, U free? My place. White wine, cheese plate with sample pairings and some bread. And of course, bring your heels again."
Her: "My heels? Why? lol"
Me: "Because I like them! [Image: smile.gif]"
Her: "Sure that should work"
Me: "Great, be there at 8"
Her: "Ok [Image: smile.gif]"

Then she texts me today...

Her: "Hi! So I was thinking about us hanging out and I'm thinking you're not looking for anything serious based on our conversation the other night. I am looking for something serious. I don't want to waste your time if we're not on the same page! I would love to be friends if you'd want to be."

I wait a few hours to think it over... then I hit her with this:

Me: "It isn't a waste of time if we're having fun on our free nights... when you actually find someone you want to be serious with, you can let me know. Until then, why not hang out? we both do like cheese [Image: wink.gif]"
Her: "Yes that's true"
Me: "So I'll see you friday?"
Her: "Yes, would that work for you?"
Me: "Works for me"
Her: "Great"

The old me would have given up after she hits me with a text like that, but managed to keep the ball rolling. But I'm still 50/50 on whether this will still pan out. We shall see........
[Image: agree.gif]
**Screen Captured***

The Shit Test Thread - CleanSlate - 03-21-2015

Quote: (03-18-2015 04:11 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

The old me would have given up after she hits me with a text like that, but managed to keep the ball rolling. But I'm still 50/50 on whether this will still pan out. We shall see........

Follow up... got LMR and couldn't get past it, but expressed interest in seeing me again. I get the feeling that she sees me as a provider though. [Image: dodgy.gif] Either way, my initial date game needs work... I got no problems with fuck up avoidance if the girl is DTF, but I need to work on converting the "maybes" to "yes" within the first 5 to 15 minutes.

The Shit Test Thread - Kamikaze - 03-27-2015

Here's one from last night.. I think this qualifies as a shit test

The Shit Test Thread - GlockTrigga - 03-27-2015

She looks like shit. Next her

The Shit Test Thread - General Stalin - 03-27-2015

Snarky bitch goofing on your with her friend. Neeeeext

The Shit Test Thread - Cheetah - 05-18-2015

What is her likely concern when texting 'Why do you want to meet/see me'?

The Shit Test Thread - AneroidOcean - 05-18-2015

Quote: (05-18-2015 09:26 AM)Cheetah Wrote:  

What is her likely concern when texting 'Why do you want to meet/see me'?

She's looking for comfort, she's not just shit testing you.

You don't want to supplicate, but you do want to get across why you find her attractive and more to the point, interesting. Girls want to feel they are a special interesting snowflake.

The Shit Test Thread - PainPositive - 05-19-2015

Quote: (04-20-2014 01:01 PM)game_ethic Wrote:  

Her: I'm not gonna have sex with you.
Me: That's what she said. *smirk*

Is this a shit test?

I had this happen the other day. I was on the way to her place in a cab. She said it as we were making out.

I jumped to the other side of the cab and said what?? You think I'm gonna have sex with you? We just met. Is that what you're thinking?

This one is hard to over do. I honestly think the hamster is too strong for her to realize the game you are playing with this one. I don't get called out flipping the script like this.

Sometimes they say "sureeee" and "You don't wanna have sex with me?" I always play innocent even though we both know. This is my favorite move because it works.

The Shit Test Thread - Grad - 05-20-2015

Hate it when I hear this ......."so where is this relationship heading" They always say it when the banging is top notch to spoil the fun.

The Shit Test Thread - fitzad - 05-20-2015

So went and had some food with a chick, go her to come to my place after for some Shisha. Sat on the couch with her and listen some music from youtube and chatted. Went in for make out and she turn and say don't kiss me.

I said 'why' [Image: bash.gif] .....she didnt reply and I immediately moved the convo on. Shortly after she said she had to go since it was late and left (it was late 12am and she has work at 7am)

Shit test? How to proceed?

The Shit Test Thread - Roardog - 05-20-2015

Quote: (05-20-2015 03:14 PM)fitzad Wrote:  

So went and had some food with a chick, go her to come to my place after for some Shisha. Sat on the couch with her and listen some music from youtube and chatted. Went in for make out and she turn and say don't kiss me.

I said 'why' [Image: bash.gif] .....she didnt reply and I immediately moved the convo on. Shortly after she said she had to go since it was late and left (it was late 12am and she has work at 7am)

Shit test? How to proceed?

You shouldn't have asked why, that was beta, showed you care and probably made her uncomfortable. You should have just pretended like nothing happened and then given it another try 5 minutes later, rinse and repeat to the point where she leaves or you get the makeout.

The Shit Test Thread - HenrySprinkler - 05-21-2015

+1 for never asking why. You aren't going to logic your way in. Change her emotions not her mind.

The Shit Test Thread - Kane12:00 - 05-21-2015

Tinder Convo:
Her profile says she likes guys 5'11" plus, I am 5'10"
(Don't remember beginning of convo)
Her: How tall are you?
Me: How much do you weigh? (used this from earlier poster)
Her: You answer first.
Me: Sure- I would guess you weigh 140.
Her: How tall are you?
Me: I'm 5'10"- built like a combo of a dwarf and a hobbit.
Her: I have a height pref
Her: too bad because I liked you (something like this)
Me: I usually date girls 5'7" and below. Not really into tall ones.

-She blocks me or whatever because combo gone.
What could I have done better? Should I have trolled more before giving my real height? Was my last line too defensive?