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The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Arado - 12-25-2014

I'm studying simplified but live in Taipei. The difference is a huge pain, but the Taiwan accent is no stronger than any of the regional mainland accents, my only problem learning ChineSe here is that so many Taiwanese speak English that they try to use English with me instead of Chinese.

regarding the question on Taipei and Moscow, they are completely different beasts. Costs(much more expensive in Moscow not sure now w ruble crisis though) dating culture, attitude to foreigners (better in Taipei, not as much xenophobia), attitude to ONS ( easier in Taipei) , foreign competition (more foreigners in Taipei but mainly English teachers, not so in Moscow which has More older professional expats), nightlife (taipei more user friendly), weather, stuff to do. I prefer Taipei but if you have a fetish for Eastern European girls then Taipei doesn't have many. Taipei probably has slightly more English speakers but not sure, non English speakers are definetely more friendly in Taipei than Moscow.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - berserk - 12-25-2014

Great to see the Taiwan thread and RVF community is going strong. Taipei and the rest of Taiwan is on my itinerary sometime this spring/summer when business has been taken care of in Europe. How are your opinion on learning Chinese beforehand? Are online courses and such of any practical use for gaming within a 3-5 month timeframe? School courses?

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - elcidcampeador - 12-25-2014

I feel like a good comparison would be comparing the Taiwanese Mandarin to Spanish in Spain (vs LATAM). It sounds a bit girly and dramatic - not necessarily hard to understand.

Still, I can't imagine anyone with RVF-minded interests would pick Kunming over Taipei. Taipei is easy and the girls loooooove foreigners.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - SlickyBoy - 12-27-2014

"In fact, out of Seoul, Koreans usually try and pick-up at special clubs where you write a note to the waiter and ask them to bring over a group of girls from a different table. "

This is very true at some of their clubs - it's a thing they call "booking" and the Korean women think we western guys don't know what they do on the nights they are not out with us. Ha. Not all of us white guys are idiots, honey.

I've also seen Korean clubs that flat out will not let foreigners in - bunch of xenophobic fuckers love to blame all their problems on non-Koreans to the point of delusion. They seriously think all AIDS comes from foreign men, all Korean maidens are virgins, etc. Such shit, but you can work around that attitude. I didn't have any trouble finding pussy at all in Korea, and not just in Seoul. I was US military at the time but I didn't dress or act like it when off duty.

Have not been to Taiwan though; will have to investigate as it sounds intriguing.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - boss13 - 12-27-2014

Not sure if this belongs here or not. Anyways, I'm really struggling with deciding what to do after next spring. I'm currently working on a graduate degree in the US and hope to move to Taiwan or Japan next year to look for a non-English teaching technical job.
Do you guys recommend coming to Japan or Taiwan? I'm guessing its easier to find non-English teaching work in Japan. However, I speak almost no Japanese but I at least speak basic Mandarin. It also sounds like Taiwanese girls are much more open to foreigners than Japanese girls are. Or am I better off just enrolling in a language course and gaming girls for a few months, then returning to the US to work on my career and then return to Asia in the future?

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Laner - 01-08-2015

I am going to be bouncing around the area from Mid Jan to first week of Feb. Taipei, over to Xiamen, Shanghai, Hong Kong/ Shenzhen than back to Taipei.

Some questions.

SIM cards? Any advice?

The sex toy market. Who are the players in this game? Shops? Even high end lingerie shops. I have a couple escorts on the line who are helping me out in regards to the underbelly of this city but I dont think the Chinese fully understand what the Luxury Sex Industry is yet. But by all accounts its growing (according to Swedish, Canadian and American companies). If these women do not deliver, where is the place to find high end escorts or women who are involved in porn/ webcam/ and other professionals (these women are a part of my business)? Westerners seem to a better help here.

Any places to rent a REAL motorcycle?

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Phoenix - 01-08-2015

Quote: (01-08-2015 12:54 AM)Laner Wrote:  

Any places to rent a REAL motorcycle?

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Laner - 01-08-2015

Yeah 125. Asia is hard to get anything decent. Anything under a 400 just seems dangerous, unless its a two stroke!

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - ShanghaiPlayer - 01-08-2015

Quote: (01-08-2015 12:54 AM)Laner Wrote:  

I am going to be bouncing around the area from Mid Jan to first week of Feb. Taipei, over to Xiamen, Shanghai, Hong Kong/ Shenzhen than back to Taipei.

Some questions.

SIM cards? Any advice?

You can buy throwaway SIM cards all over China at hole in the wall shops, or a big chain store called China Mobile. They last a month or two, unless you get a plan. Pretty easy to purchase.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - DVY - 01-08-2015

Hows lunar year time (mid-late feb) for partying? Boom or bust?

Or should I come end of feb/early march.


The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - atlant - 01-09-2015

Quote: (01-08-2015 11:39 PM)DVY Wrote:  

Hows lunar year time (mid-late feb) for partying? Boom or bust?

Or should I come end of feb/early march.


Dead, everyone's with their family or on holiday.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Global Entry - 01-09-2015

You don't need to get a plan, you just need to keep refilling the SIM account. I'd also suggest, if you're going to use it for data service, that you prepurchase data packages in lumps of 200mb or whatever is available (you'll received texts in Chinese from China Mobile about these data packages) or you'll overpay heavily for data. Finally, China mobile does have english language customer assistance, which is helpful. Code should be 2,2 to get english language help when you call China Mobile. And the number to check your balance in RMB on your phone is (at least in the south) 13800138000. You'll get a recorded answer and a text.

Quote: (01-08-2015 04:44 AM)ShanghaiPlayer Wrote:  

Quote: (01-08-2015 12:54 AM)Laner Wrote:  

I am going to be bouncing around the area from Mid Jan to first week of Feb. Taipei, over to Xiamen, Shanghai, Hong Kong/ Shenzhen than back to Taipei.

Some questions.

SIM cards? Any advice?

You can buy throwaway SIM cards all over China at hole in the wall shops, or a big chain store called China Mobile. They last a month or two, unless you get a plan. Pretty easy to purchase.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - DVY - 01-11-2015

Quote: (01-09-2015 12:11 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Quote: (01-08-2015 11:39 PM)DVY Wrote:  

Hows lunar year time (mid-late feb) for partying? Boom or bust?

Or should I come end of feb/early march.


Dead, everyone's with their family or on holiday.

I was thinking of coming late february (feb 27 or something like that).

When do you think it'll pick up?

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Laner - 01-11-2015

Just booked my hotel at Daan park, the Howard plaza.

Whats good around Daan park? I see there is a university right there.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - UnW - 01-13-2015

Quote: (01-11-2015 07:31 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Just booked my hotel at Daan park, the Howard plaza.

Whats good around Daan park? I see there is a university right there.

There's a wide array of clubs in Xinyi, near 101. I'd probably focus on those if I were on a short-term stay. When are you coming and how long you planning to stay for?

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - yellowfever - 01-18-2015

Hey guys, just got here last night and I'm in Daan. So far this place is sweet haha.

Regarding SIM cards, I just got one from Chunghwa Telecom and its $180 per GB which seems ok. They also have an option for unlimited data within a set timespan but I didn't record the prices for that. The only caveat is it would have been impossible to set it up alone because the cashier only spoke chinese, I had a taiwanese buddy to interpret all the documents.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Laner - 01-19-2015

Quote: (01-13-2015 01:51 AM)UnW Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2015 07:31 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Just booked my hotel at Daan park, the Howard plaza.

Whats good around Daan park? I see there is a university right there.

There's a wide array of clubs in Xinyi, near 101. I'd probably focus on those if I were on a short-term stay. When are you coming and how long you planning to stay for?

I will be there tomorrow until the weekend.

Will be back around the 28th of Jan for a week.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Laner - 01-21-2015


Flew in 24 hours ago on a JAL Dreamliner. This new style of cabin comfort will change the way we feel about long distance flights from now on. The air quality is amazing and there are no sounds from outside. I landed feeling fresh with no sticky flying feeling. Almost like back in the day flying to Tokyo in the smoking section. Oddly, due to the smoking, the air had to be refreshed more and the air quality came out better. Go figure.

I had a couple girls on the hook but had decided not to bother and just get a rest. But after a couple of beers at a Belgian beer bar in Daan park I dropped a hail Mary text to a girl I had been chatting on Line with. After being in Tokyo, I was a walking hard on.

She texted back that she hates foreigners as all they want is sex. Ha, 15 minutes later she was at my hotel. I locked away all my valuables before she got there but it just turns out she is crazy about sex and only hates foreigners because they are the only ones that have fucked her good in the past.

I took the day off to hit up Taipei 101 and have a business lunch at some fancy Thai place that cost me over $120 USD for two of us. Amazing food but fuck that.

Seen a handful of hot women, but my standards are still in Vancouver and Tokyo. Fortunately (or not) it seems I do not have to work hard for attention here, and if last night was any indication my take it or leave it attitude to the 6-7 could work in my advantage anyways. I just find it hard to enjoy sex with an Asian 6, and Asian 8's and 9's are elusive as fuck.

I have a business dinner tonight and then will try and hit Luxy after.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Laner - 01-22-2015

I hit up Luxy last night, against the advice the the previous nights woman. She is a Taipei 101 girl and does not like the Luxy crowd.

I rarely take a womans advice and this time the same rules apply.

I arrived about 11:30 and there was a line. I found the guy with the clipboard and tried to grease him, but he would not take the bride and said that the line moves very fast. It did, I was inside the club in under 5 minutes.

The layout is a big circle bar so I just moved around until I found my spot and then ordered up a scotch and talked with the people around me until I found what I was looking for.

Made some introductions to who I figured were the connectors in the club,and who were obviously surrounded by the best looking women. Had some laughs, drank too much Tequila and parleyed this into being surrounded by the best looking women in the club.

This type of environment seems to encourage hard drinking and I let it happen. Early on I figured I would play the game for another notch, but after kicking it in VIP for a while I said fuck it and started drinking. I wouldnt say it messed up my game that much (of course it did) but it did add a great social intensity to the situation. Everyone was happy and saluting drinks and having a great time.

My thoughts were whatever happens, fine. By now I knew every woman in the bar that I wanted to know, and the girls would come up to me to talk. The exception being when I was talking to a white girl, then all the Asian girls walked around with room to spare. Asian women tend to be afraid of white women it seems.

I left without a woman, but I also did not try at all to get a girl to come home with me. Probably a good call as I only ended up with 4 hours of sleep, and it would have been zero had I brought someone home. My meeting today was a bust, but not because of lack of sleep but because of different market needs.

I have a couple dates lined up for tonight, one with a hot American girl. She has celebrity status here and rolls with some crazy balling Taiwanese but she is fun to hang with and has a one of those lives where she will likely be dead by 30.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - DVY - 01-22-2015

^^^Hahaha, your adventure sounds like my adventure at Mist (arguably one of the snobbiest clubs of Taipei when I went). You just get caught up w/socializing so much, that girls just kind of fade (damm you alcohol!).
I ended up partying till 7-8am so I guess I am a bigger degenerate.

Taipei nightlife has so few outstanding guys, that being a tall, well-dressed guy will kill it on its own.

The guys are usually pretty friendly too, so its almost a shoe-in.

If you find a girl, latch on to her before 1am (still pretty early). The 1am thing is huge because asian girls get progressively drunker as the night gets on. By 2am (most clubs close at 4am), its a freaking free for all and drunk girls are running away from drunk guys. F-cking chaos.

So try to socialize until about 12-12.30. Lock down a girl by 1-1.30 and bounce by 2ish.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - worldtraveler3 - 01-22-2015

i thought drunk girls are easier to get. After 1 am i guess you can just go on caveman style.
are the guys that badly behaved that girls need to run away from?

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Laner - 01-23-2015


If you find a girl, latch on to her before 1am (still pretty early). The 1am thing is huge because asian girls get progressively drunker as the night gets on. By 2am (most clubs close at 4am), its a freaking free for all and drunk girls are running away from drunk guys. F-cking chaos.

Ha oh man this is spot on. There seems to be a kind of circus quality to the whole thing too, where both sides are having a bit of fun in a childlike free for all. Taiwanese clubs like Luxy are like the ball pits in amusement parks, only for adults.

So I meet up with this girl 22yo from Missouri at the Shangri La and split a bottle of champagne. Little did I know that she rarely drinks, in fact did not get drunk once in college and had only tried alcohol for the first time last year and got so wasted that she puked all over her stairs and made an ass of herself. From then on she has been basically a non drinker.

So after the bottle she says "this feels like a scene in some romance movie" and I knew that I was in. Pull her in for a kiss and her eyes are wide and pupils are huge. She is loving this and keeps complimenting my take charge and confidence. We go to a cool little whiskey bar and I have one more and she sips a girly drink. No need to run more game as she is already following my every lead. I hail a cab and we bounce back to my hotel.

Back in my room things get very interesting. As her shirt is coming off and my dick is in her hand she tells me that she will need money up front. At first I was

[Image: whoa.gif]

Then I was

[Image: laugh6.gif]

I told her I dont pay for prostitutes and her eyes just went huge with tears and she started sobbing.

Ok this was getting weird, but she was hot and having had my dick exposed to her creamy soft hands I was determined to ride or die. So she tells me that in her situation she does not think she is a hooker but is only trying to get some financial compensation in the form of cash for sex (um, thats the definition of whore). She wants $100,000 NT ($4,000) a month and we can have as much sex as I want, and she will tailor her schedule to meet mine.

Ok, but you are still a hooker, do not be under the delusion you are anything but. She is really crying now and I have lost all enthusiasm to have sex with her and I almost feel sick that this girl who up until ten minutes ago I would have put into wife category (beautiful, thin, cooks, cleans, takes care of men, nice, good family, church, lost her virginity at 20 to long term boyfriend, doesnt drink, etc, etc) and now I am dealing not with a unicorn but a god damn hooker.


I let her cry on my chest for a while and I send her home in what is without a doubt the saddest walk of shame I have ever seen.

This woman's hamster is so strong that she has been a high class hooker for the past year and has only come to reality in her brain when I called her a prostitute.

When I had thought I had seen most of the truth in women's nature this happens. Sometimes I miss my delusion, and this was perhaps one of those times. It might sound like I have put her on a pedestal which I did to some extent. Perhaps I was gamed by a pure cold hearted professional (I have had escorts try and game me on many other occasions) but I doubt it. No, this is just a sign of the times and I had an encounter with a woman who will likely make a man a very good wife and a wonderful mother to her kids, but in her past there will be a dark spot where she will always know that she had been a hooker for a time in her life.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - RIslander - 01-24-2015

Anyone in Taipei? Send me a PM. I land at 930pm tonight for a few days.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - UnW - 01-24-2015

Quote: (01-23-2015 09:44 PM)Laner Wrote:  


If you find a girl, latch on to her before 1am (still pretty early). The 1am thing is huge because asian girls get progressively drunker as the night gets on. By 2am (most clubs close at 4am), its a freaking free for all and drunk girls are running away from drunk guys. F-cking chaos.

Ha oh man this is spot on. There seems to be a kind of circus quality to the whole thing too, where both sides are having a bit of fun in a childlike free for all. Taiwanese clubs like Luxy are like the ball pits in amusement parks, only for adults.

So I meet up with this girl 22yo from Missouri at the Shangri La and split a bottle of champagne. Little did I know that she rarely drinks, in fact did not get drunk once in college and had only tried alcohol for the first time last year and got so wasted that she puked all over her stairs and made an ass of herself. From then on she has been basically a non drinker.

So after the bottle she says "this feels like a scene in some romance movie" and I knew that I was in. Pull her in for a kiss and her eyes are wide and pupils are huge. She is loving this and keeps complimenting my take charge and confidence. We go to a cool little whiskey bar and I have one more and she sips a girly drink. No need to run more game as she is already following my every lead. I hail a cab and we bounce back to my hotel.

Back in my room things get very interesting. As her shirt is coming off and my dick is in her hand she tells me that she will need money up front. At first I was

[Image: whoa.gif]

Then I was

[Image: laugh6.gif]

I told her I dont pay for prostitutes and her eyes just went huge with tears and she started sobbing.

Ok this was getting weird, but she was hot and having had my dick exposed to her creamy soft hands I was determined to ride or die. So she tells me that in her situation she does not think she is a hooker but is only trying to get some financial compensation in the form of cash for sex (um, thats the definition of whore). She wants $100,000 NT ($4,000) a month and we can have as much sex as I want, and she will tailor her schedule to meet mine.

Ok, but you are still a hooker, do not be under the delusion you are anything but. She is really crying now and I have lost all enthusiasm to have sex with her and I almost feel sick that this girl who up until ten minutes ago I would have put into wife category (beautiful, thin, cooks, cleans, takes care of men, nice, good family, church, lost her virginity at 20 to long term boyfriend, doesnt drink, etc, etc) and now I am dealing not with a unicorn but a god damn hooker.


I let her cry on my chest for a while and I send her home in what is without a doubt the saddest walk of shame I have ever seen.

This woman's hamster is so strong that she has been a high class hooker for the past year and has only come to reality in her brain when I called her a prostitute.

When I had thought I had seen most of the truth in women's nature this happens. Sometimes I miss my delusion, and this was perhaps one of those times. It might sound like I have put her on a pedestal which I did to some extent. Perhaps I was gamed by a pure cold hearted professional (I have had escorts try and game me on many other occasions) but I doubt it. No, this is just a sign of the times and I had an encounter with a woman who will likely make a man a very good wife and a wonderful mother to her kids, but in her past there will be a dark spot where she will always know that she had been a hooker for a time in her life.

That is... just..

I haven't come across any of that in my time in Taipei yet

100k a month as well, heh I wonder how many old rich guys here would fork out that much a month for her.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - fucksong - 01-24-2015

@Laner - Man that is a crazy story. Sorry to hear the missed bang but at least you have a story to tell for the rest of your life.

If it's not too much trouble, can you post pics of her? Just curious..

Also what is the current style of girls over there? I heard from a friend a few years back that booty shorts were popular. Are they still? Can you see Butt cheeks on a regular basis?

Do they dress sexier than j girls?