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Japan doesn't bang - Collide - 10-22-2013

The countryside is great but definitely not for players who fool around with multiple girls at a time, more suitable for LTR. Gossip spreads like wildfire in the inaka and it seems like everyone knows each other through some kind of connection.

That being said you can find some real sweeties there. I attribute it to the fact that the cities are REAL easy on girls in Japan. They can make money in hostess bars simply talking to men. Work at a maid cafe and be worshiped for acting cute. The amount of regular bars in most cities are massive. I lived next to an 8 storey building and the entire complex was bars, probably 60 in total for ONE BUILDING. Single city salary-men have money to spend and it definitely props up the girls' ego, they become accustomed to some kind of financial compensation which most foreigners can't compete with. I see salary men throw around 200 dollars a night like it's nothing.

Japan doesn't bang - Sargon of Akkad - 10-22-2013

Quote: (10-22-2013 10:08 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

I don't think anyone is denying you get attention here as a foreigner.

I honestly can't say I get any attention here as a foreigner, positive or negative. Not that I'm asking for attention or anything, but I simply cannot wrap my mind around these "White god" stories, nor can I in my wildest dreams fathom where they are coming from (sure, there was that one housewife I banged whom I'd opened because she was eyefucking me on the street, but that was the exception of exceptions).

The idea of women...even average-looking women approaching men here simply because they are Westerners contradicts every single thing I have seen in these past six months.

To me, the article linked above by Steve9 sounds indistinguishable from the statement that Japan is a war-torn, impoverished Islamic republic where muggings and kidnappings are common.

Ceterum censeo Osakam esse delendam!

Japan doesn't bang - Agent 47 - 10-22-2013

Vice just released a video about this topic. Interesting view.

Good lord above, it's not just the men being herbs, their own women are doing nothing to solve their problem. I don't know about you, but the day a group of people say they don't want to fuck, they will die out.

Japan doesn't bang - Felix88 - 10-22-2013

Quote: (10-22-2013 08:00 AM)Steve9 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2013 05:37 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Your story pretty much precisely mirrors my experiences in China and Japan. In the former, you feel like something between a celebrity and a walking circus attraction, which can be anywhere between amusing and extremely annoying), while in Japan, nobody really gives a fuck.

That contradicts this article which states :

"There are the more desirable groupies looking for relationships for the long term or just a night. Japanese women approaching Western men, and to an extent Japanese men approaching Western women, is just part of a Rock Star’s life. People want to talk, to date, and sometimes do more with Westerners purely because they are Westerners."

I guess the truth is somewhere inbetween?

They probably talking about skanks in Roppongi, notorious for gaijin hunters but those girls are bottom of the barrel.

I got some attentions but not by being foreigner, people said I looked and feel Japanese, no 'iwakan' whatsoever, confused the shit out of me. But nobody give a shit when I go caveman [Image: banana.gif]

Japan doesn't bang - Que enspastic - 10-22-2013

That Vice reporter for Japan doesn't annoy me in the same way the wimpier nerdier ones do.

Japan doesn't bang - Que enspastic - 10-22-2013

i take that back. Dude probably got pegged in the out takes.

Japan doesn't bang - WestIndianArchie - 10-22-2013

Quote: (10-22-2013 11:21 AM)Agent 47 Wrote:

Vice just released a video about this topic. Interesting view.

Good lord above, it's not just the men being herbs, their own women are doing nothing to solve their problem. I don't know about you, but the day a group of people say they don't want to fuck, they will die out.

Came in here to post this.

Dudes are scared, chicks are uninterested.

Contrast that with a lot of the OG pick up stuff coming out of Tokyo.

Maybe things have seriously changed since 99.


Japan doesn't bang - Samseau - 10-22-2013

Japan is the end result of a materialist, atheist, careerist culture. People only care for their own pleasure, which means money over everything.

The Spartans and Romans had similar declines.

Japan doesn't bang - Lyokoz - 10-22-2013

Quote: (10-22-2013 06:40 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Japan is the end result of a materialist, atheist, careerist culture. People only care for their own pleasure, which means money over everything.

The Spartans and Romans had similar declines.

If my prospects for life were go to school, study, study, study, study, graduate, find a job work, work, work, work, work, work, die, I'd probably say fuck it too.

Japan doesn't bang - Laner - 10-22-2013

Quote: (10-22-2013 06:23 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Came in here to post this.

Dudes are scared, chicks are uninterested.

Contrast that with a lot of the OG pick up stuff coming out of Tokyo.

Maybe things have seriously changed since 99.


Damn right it has. 1999 was the first time I was ever in Japan and its shocking to how much it has changed in regards to women.

But that happens. I remember Prague and Krakow in 1998 as well and how much sex was available. And then hearing stories of guys in Moscow and that their experiences were blowing away what we were getting in Czech and Poland.


Japan is the end result of a materialist, atheist, careerist culture. People only care for their own pleasure, which means money over everything.

While mostly true, there is still a massive amount of love for the arts. Even if they are not producing as much as in times past, they are very much a dedicated culture of hobbyists. And what they have lost in fine art, they have exceeded in design. In my opinion Japan has perhaps the strongest and most relevant design culture in the world. And in 2013 this matters a lot.

Japan doesn't bang - Bushido - 10-22-2013

The "No Dancing" law being enforced by the corrupt Japanese police isn't helping things. Muse, another Roppongi club, was closed last week. The authorities are picking off the clubs one by one and this is happening all across Japan. Osaka used to have a great nightlife scene but no longer.

Japan doesn't bang - Laner - 10-22-2013

Any idea on why they are choosing to do this now?

Theories are more than welcome.

Japan doesn't bang - Bushido - 10-22-2013

The Japanese population is getting older and grumpier. Older people make more complaints.

One article I read quoted a police spokesman saying that "local people can't sleep because of the noise" (who the fuck lives next to Roppongi?!!?!) and that clubs encourage "immoral behaviour".

Also the Japanese police are a bunch of cunts with nothing better to do.

Japan doesn't bang - Steve9 - 10-23-2013

Quote: (10-22-2013 06:40 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Japan is the end result of a materialist, atheist, careerist culture. People only care for their own pleasure, which means money over everything.

People also say the same thing about city life in USA, China, UK, Australia, etc.

Japan doesn't bang - Samseau - 10-23-2013

Quote: (10-23-2013 01:54 AM)Steve9 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2013 06:40 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Japan is the end result of a materialist, atheist, careerist culture. People only care for their own pleasure, which means money over everything.

People also say the same thing about city life in USA, China, UK, Australia, etc.

Japan's just further along the path.

Japan doesn't bang - memcpy - 10-23-2013

There really isn't much incentive to marry if you are a Japanese woman.

Your choice is to be an Office Lady, work, make less than male employees and live with parents.

Living with parents for a Japanese woman is more convenient. If she marries a Japanese man and he divorces her , her value plummets and she probably won't get married again. Same if she has a child and gets divorced. No Japanese man will want to marry her. Unlike America.

So for a Japanese woman it's either live with parents or get married to a salary man who can provide for her. It's easy to play it safe and just live with parents, have money, freedom, friends, etc.

Also she has until the age of 25.
Unmarried women over 25 were referred to as "Christmas cakes" (a reference to a cake that nobody wants after December 25).

If I were a Japanese woman, I would probably just live with parents and fuck on the side. Which is what they do. And which is where I come in to play.

This society also creates women who have money. It's not uncommon for a woman to want to pay for your meal, on dates. It's happened to me several times. My Japanese friends exploit this aspect of Japanese women, they start off getting the girl to buy them cigarettes, then pay for the karokee, then love hotels. Then buying them stuff like watches , etc. These types of women tend to be older 25+
Granted not every Japanese girl is like this, some spend all their money on fashion, clothes, and are always broke, despite living with their parents.
Now if a girl doesn't take out her wallet and offer to pay, i take it as a bad sign. Mostly its either split the bill , or she pays the bill.

Their is also another type of woman , but this post is too long.

Japan doesn't bang - Bushido - 10-23-2013

Quote: (10-23-2013 02:37 AM)memcpy Wrote:  

Your choice is to be an Office Lady, work, make less than male employees and live with parents.

Maybe in the past but this system actually worked. It was a good way for them to find husbands, have kids and drop out of the workforce. Stories about Japan are a little dated because this situation has changed as I see it.

Assuming we are talking about Tokyo, Osaka etc, the current generation of young Japanese girls are much more ambitious and career-driven. Dubious statistics to the contrary, they often make just as much money as men their age. That is the main reason the provider model is breaking down IMO.

Japanese women want to marry but they demand too much in a husband. Many of the career women think they deserve higher value men because of their careers and financial independence.

Typical scenario:

A 30 year-old Japanese woman earning 50k doesn't want to marry a contract worker or a construction worker. Even coworkers are often deemed not good enough. This despite the fact that her mother and grandmother would have gladly married any of the above as long as they were nice enough and had stable jobs. She thinks that she deserves someone more attractive and richer because of her job status when men really don't give a shit about that. A few alphas might pump and dump her but she can't hold any of them down because they are pursuing younger, hotter girls (Japanese men are obsessed with youth). She fails to see why as she was very popular too when she was 20 and always did the dumping until recently. She makes a bigger and bigger list of impossible qualities for the perfect eligible men to meet as well as the common demand for 100k+ in income (wake up woman, Japan's economy hasn't seriously grown since the 80s).

Some women like this will end up settling but many will miss the boat completely. They are surprised to find themselves alone although they often rationalize it as "not needing a husband" while their hamsters are screaming inside them. I work with quite a few sad examples of this, one of whom drinks heavily most nights just to function.

Meanwhile, Japanese men who can't compete just drop out from the sexual marketplace altogether. Others import Filipinas or Thais who are less demanding. In other words, Japan is experiencing the exact same phenomenon we see elsewhere. The nature of Japanese culture just makes things even worse.

Quote: (10-23-2013 02:37 AM)memcpy Wrote:  

Also she has until the age of 25.
Unmarried women over 25 were referred to as "Christmas cakes" (a reference to a cake that nobody wants after December 25).

Haha yeah although the age limit is more like 30-32 now in Tokyo. Not much stigma anymore unless you are in the bumfuck countryside somewhere.

Japan doesn't bang - la_mode - 10-23-2013

Japan still does seem to produce a lot of porn, especially kinky stuff.

Japan doesn't bang - thirty-six - 10-23-2013

Quote: (10-23-2013 02:07 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

Japan still does seem to produce a lot of porn, especially kinky stuff.

That's kind of the point, dude... That they've replaced the need for real sex and relationships with alternatives.

Japan doesn't bang - thirty-six - 10-23-2013

One of my favorite quotes from the Vice piece, "It's just a city where socially awkward people gather." -Guy commenting on Tokyo.

Japan doesn't bang - la_mode - 10-23-2013

I don't think an infinite amount of porn (no matter how strange) is going to make dudes not want to sarge, regardless of culture.

Japan doesn't bang - bounce - 10-23-2013

I lived in Japan this summer for July and August. I was working most of the time, but I managed to get free for a few days. I met a bunch of gaijin groupies in Osaka. This is what one of them just posted on facebook. keep in mind, this chick was pornstar hot with massive tits.

since my mum got super hysterical n tried to beat me up,
i had to leave home after i helped her with izakaya stuff instead of studying.
luckily i could stay at my mates place, and finally i could meet her two years old daughter.
oh my god she was so fucking cute, little princess
my friend made breakfast for me and i was feeding the little girl.
but thank god i realized how hard and tiring it can be to be around kids..
i do not want kids and i do not wanna get married. no way.
i love kids but i cant imagine to be around em 247.
mums are amazing, like really.

Japan doesn't bang - Laner - 10-24-2013

Relevant article about this topic.

Its a response to the Observer article.

Japan doesn't bang - Laner - 10-24-2013

And another one.

The Japanese sphere of my facebook is blowing up right now.

Japan doesn't bang - Acute Angle - 10-24-2013

Also relevant: The Japanese men who prefer virtual girlfriends to sex