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My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Printable Version

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My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - clau5 - 05-13-2015

Should I bring a selfie stick "so we can take selfies together"?

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Eddie Winslow - 05-13-2015

I purchased my NYC ticket on Monday morning. However, my heart sank when I saw your Twitter feed this morning - a woman who claims to be an "addictive writer with unforgettable insights on dating" tweeted to her followers about attending your lecture.

I think allowing any women at these events is a disastrous idea. Given your rapidly growing fame, calm, rational responses to feminist talking points, and "love to hate him" internet presence, I can see a ton of women wanting to attend this, especially the kind none of us want to hear during the Q&A session. Even when they are not trolls, we need to ban them on the ROK comment section because their opinions and comments are useless, self-centered, annoying, or all of the above. There really is no place for them in an open discussion about masculinity - if they want to see you speak, they can just buy the video.

I can already hear their voices in the Q&A section, just like the ROK comments:

"Well, given X, what are WOMEN supposed to do?"
"Well as an Ameican WOMAN, I think..."
"Well what you're saying isn't true because I am not fat/slutty/etc..."

If they are paying to be in a room with you, I'm sure they'll be coming with boatloads of planned questions. You can't just ignore them when they raise their hand to ask question after question after question (right?)

I'm not a woman hater, but everyone knows that if given the opportunity, they are going to make this discussion about them and their own feelings about society. Worst case scenario, they openly sabotage all the hard work you've put into this project. I'm curious as to what % of the audience you think will be opposition/women/any variety of SJW. I'm guessing at least 25%.

I would hate to see this event turn into anything that resembles what I saw on Dr. Oz. This is THEE opportunity for us to take a stand and claim, for just 4 hours, a man-only space that we always complain is on the verge of extinction - just my opinion. However, and I say this with no sarcasm or disrespect, I understand you want to sell as many tickets as possible and make it a profitable endeavor.

Regardless, I'm excited to attend.

Edit: I think it's very cool that you welcome opinions that disagree with you, hear them out, and debate with them on fair terms. Going on Dr. Oz and being interviewed by feminists is badass. I just don't want selfish, rude opposition to ruin the event.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Roosh - 05-13-2015


I think allowing any women at these events is a disastrous idea.

The quickest way to get a mob after me is to state "no women allowed". This is a political decision to ensure the event goes off as planned. I remember when I stated that "no women/gays allowed" on ROK comments and the internet exploded.


You can't just ignore them when they raise their hand to ask question after question after question (right?)

Oh really? [Image: lol.gif]

Disruptive individuals, male or female, will be checked.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Roosh - 05-13-2015

Quote: (05-13-2015 08:24 AM)clau5 Wrote:  

Should I bring a selfie stick "so we can take selfies together"?

Yes a selfie stick is required.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - The Beast1 - 05-13-2015

You could just simply not answer any ladies questions during the Q&A and give preference to established forum members and guys.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Roosh - 05-13-2015

I also think you overestimate the confidence a woman has to ask questions in a room full of guys. My guess is they will use the meet & greet to ask me questions in private... questions such as what I'm doing after the lecture. [Image: hump.gif]

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Katdogbirdduck - 05-13-2015

Roosh is the man of the hour. The time is very much ripe for this event.[Image: banana.gif]

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Libertas - 05-13-2015

Not sure how feasible banning women would be, but nevertheless some preventative measures might need to be taken so they don't torpedo the event, either through malice or sheer ignorance. If there are hot girls that go and are just curious and want to meet and greet it's all good. [Image: smile.gif] However, I think it far more likely that the women that would actively seek this out (and are unconnected to any particular guy going) are the freaks we don't want.

I respect the guys here and am eager to meet them so we can exchange ideas. There's only one woman I know well who's opinions I value very highly, and even she would agree that she has no place in an event like this unless she just wanted to watch.

Of course, we might get white knights too, so there's that.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Roosh - 05-13-2015

Western women who follow me sincerely are pretty red pill... they are similar to Russian and Ukrainian women in that they are pleasant to talk to. There is no way a blue pill Western girl will pay $50 to troll an event. But if they do, there will be available popcorn.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Libertas - 05-13-2015

Well Roosh, considering that SJW's are very disproportionately affluent white women with no real hardship in their lives, I think it's a possibility. We all know they do dumber things than that on a daily basis.

I don't think this is particularly a problem for NYC because most people especially in Midtown are too busy for stupid bullshit like that, but in DC and Toronto it's certainly possible. [Image: dodgy.gif]

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - kosko - 05-13-2015

You legally can't ban women from attending.

All you can hope to do is discourage them from wanting to go. The firewall of $50 is your best bet.

Women are cheap, notoriously cheap, and a hound of a femensits won't be able to scrounge together enough cash to attend in masse. Maybe isolated women will come, but then their true nature of being cowards will come out.

How many hostile minded women have the balls to go try and troll a Q & A solo and be open to rebuttal and criticism with no way to hide? Very few. You will get a lot of women live tweeting (hiding behind their phones), or waiting till after to write a snarky article (hiding behind her computer), few will have the balls to go at it in real time solo. The only ones I could see with the balls would be actual women who are journalists and would have their script ready to go.

Plus marketing it as a pedestrian lecture will make any women protestors outside look like tools, especially in America with very stuanch repsct to free speech and expression. In Canada its a miss bag but few TO femenists will hop on suburban transit to go attend this event, it is too far out of their downtown bubble they stay in 24/7.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Basil Ransom - 05-14-2015

Like Roosh said, I think banning women would create more problems than it would solve. Legal problems like getting sued, for one.

Plus, even if he did ban women, the internet would explode, like Roosh said, and then male feminists/white knights would take it upon themselves to disturb Roosh's lecture. Having a penis does not preclude one from being a social justice warrior.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Pareto - 05-14-2015


My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Que enspastic - 05-14-2015

Why don't you put up a fake venue address for the feminist mob in Toronto and email the real address to the attendees ?

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Lochte - 05-14-2015

Wish there was some West Coast on there

How many escorts would you need to make Vegas worth it?

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Tokyo Joe - 05-15-2015

Roosh, Gentlemen:

Count me in for the Berlin event: I just bought my Early Bird Gold ticket. Genuinely psyched to be able to meet The Man himself and einige Gleichgesinnte, both from Germany and abroad.

I will be travelling all the way from my home in Tokyo to attend on the 27th, but I'm not running the length of the Berlin-Tokyo Axis expressly for this purpose -- some business to take care of in Southern Europe in June, so I arranged that trip to allow a side jaunt to Germany.

What's a little bit insane is that over twenty years ago, I actually lived *inside the red circle* on Roosh's pre-planning map. In addition to the afternoon itself, this will be a sweet stroll down memory lane.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Roosh - 05-15-2015

Early Bird tickets are sold out for NYC.

London and DC are the next most popular cities.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Zooxanthellae - 05-18-2015

I may sound like a big pussy but is there anyway I can reserve a seat and retain my anonymity as far as payment, etc.? Like pay at the door?

I run an online business that has a level of notoriety and I'd prefer to keep it on the hush hush that I'm "red pill" or whatever.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Roosh - 05-18-2015

You can give a pseudonym to eventzilla. Only the email has to be real.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Slim Shady - 05-18-2015

Do you foresee the DC event selling out completely?

I'm waiting on confirmation that I will be available to attend the event but don't want to lose the opportunity to buy a ticket.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Akula - 05-19-2015

Quote: (05-09-2015 12:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2015 12:08 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

I will be likely be in Victoria, BC for the summer, but I will seriously look into flying over for the weekend of the Toronto meetup. If I can get approval for it from my higher-ups, absolutely for sure will be there.

Roosh - any provisions for security against feminist mobs? Especially given the fact that its Toronto, and the SJW crowd in TDot is very adept at shutting down things they hate ...

I will monitor internet chatter in case I need to hire a team of bouncers.

Might I suggest if it comes to that using the Hells Angels like the Rolling Stones did back in '69 at Altamont? [Image: lol.gif]

(just kidding, bad joke as it got out of hand and someone was actually killed by the HA security guys at the concert [Image: sad.gif] )

I have to say that this is a great idea and I'm seriously thinking of attending one but I think some sort extra security might really be necessary as you are known celebrity now and you've got the feminists and fat acceptance crowd of (literally) crazy people (many on medication) out there. Hope that doesn't sound too alarmist but I'm a bit concerned and a little prevention goes a long way. Not sure what the cost would be and what sort of security the event(s) already have in place though.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - prosebeforehoes - 05-19-2015

Roosh for your Toronto event I suggest you tip off Ezra Levant. Well known libertarian activist and media personality. He used to host a show on a conservative TV station called Sun News Network. When that shuttered he moved online to 'The Rebel', and they count Gavin Mcinnes as a contributor. He thrives off controversy so he would definitely show up in Toronto with a camera crew.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Roosh - 05-19-2015

Quote: (05-18-2015 10:33 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

Do you foresee the DC event selling out completely?

I'm waiting on confirmation that I will be available to attend the event but don't want to lose the opportunity to buy a ticket.

I don't think it will hit max capacity (it's 100 for DC), but I'll put a warning up if a few tickets are remaining

Quote: (05-19-2015 03:31 AM)Akula Wrote:  

I have to say that this is a great idea and I'm seriously thinking of attending one but I think some sort extra security might really be necessary as you are known celebrity now and you've got the feminists and fat acceptance crowd of (literally) crazy people (many on medication) out there. Hope that doesn't sound too alarmist but I'm a bit concerned and a little prevention goes a long way. Not sure what the cost would be and what sort of security the event(s) already have in place though.

Many of my readers hit the gym, including myself. We'll have the muscle.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - Roosh - 05-20-2015

London early bird tickets are sold out.

Next is DC: there are 4 tickets left before the price jumps.

My 2015 summer lecture tour (details & questions) - T and A Man - 05-20-2015

Quote: (05-13-2015 03:52 PM)kosko Wrote:  

You legally can't ban women from attending.

but its not illegal to 'forget' to process the ticket purchase and not issue her entry.

if she gets indignant, it provides for lulz too