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Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Aliblahba - 02-11-2015

This is what happens when you live on the internet.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Sp5 - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-11-2015 03:52 AM)CactusCat589 Wrote:  


To the ladies out there, I want to be clear, I am not angry at you. You are just doing what you are genetically programmed to do. (If you don’t believe me do your own research, there are many papers out there which agree with my findings). However, what I am angry about is the continual stream of people who are trying to lie to me. That is unacceptable.

That is verbatim what any of us might say, isn't it?

1. Recognition that women are governed by primal instinct.
2. The hostility is rightfully directed to people who are trying to keep you from learning about precept 1. The liars.

So worse than taking the blue pill, he's a Cypherite. Took the red pill, then rejected it.

Some events are a function of personality and chemistry. The Red Pill without the remedy of self-improvement can make you sick, yes.

Sounds like he understood the biology and the evolutionary psychology and just stopped there, or went in the wrong direction. He didn't follow through positively in the OODA loop - Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act - to orient himself in a self-improvement direction. He observed, but went in the wrong direction. As has been pointed out by several in this thread, he could have worked out, which would have changed his body chemistry, appearance and self-image.

Getting hostile about the "liars" is useless, because the lying is part of the evolutionary psychology. "It is what it is" as we used to say in the sandbox. It leads to the wallowing in negativity that Tuth mentioned and Eliot Rodgers personified.

Don't underestimate the difficulty of finding the right path to self-improvement. If you Google "how to meet women" you won't find Roosh, Rollo, or Mike C on the first five pages. You see some commercial PUA material, which might make you worse. Out of the first five Google pages with links to "how to meet women", I'd say the best link was one to Men's Health magazine, which at least could get you reading some exercise topics.

Unless this guy was a complete Eliot Rodgers fixated on the fact he was not getting blonde 10s to approach him, there are a lot of things he could have done, but nobody encouraged him. Unfortunately, he might have been living in a world of phonies without a true friend.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - sixsix - 02-11-2015

I do have some sympathy for the guy. Being born is like a lottery and your ticket can suck. Like many have mentioned, this guy could have worked on himself and had a very fulfilling life. But unlike earlier times, everyone now competes not with fifty other guys from the same village but with millions of very dissimilar world citizens. The top ten percent is now millions of rich, powerful, confident and good looking men and being average can look pretty bleak in comparison.

It's easier being an Asian guy in a small Japanese town, than in London or New York.

Moreover, what are obvious solutions to us on this forum is not even seen as a possibility for many people. Even when they have the internet connection, they can still feel suffocated by their own values, internalized self-image and social expectations.

That being said:

This guy should have tried the Final Nuclear Option:

[Image: lBxrDn4YfIE.jpg]

Use insane amounts of steroids, travel the world and bang the most exotic prostitutes while doing line after line off their asses. Eat the food you love so much at the beach while downing cocktail after cocktail with some young, sweet companion and repeat this. When you want to kill yourself, there's absolutely no cost to this.

Lesson learned!

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - TheBulldozer - 02-11-2015

A valuable lesson can be gleaned from Shakespeare's, Julius Caesar.

Cowardly Cassius falls to his own sword, and not one character gives a fuck. Brutus, flawed as he is, remains true to his conviction at the cost of his life, and is eulogized by Antony.


On a side note, I do feel like this forum has two different sides to it. I've come across posters with 30+ reps or 500-1000 posts who I'll come across and have absolutely no idea who they are.

I've got an interest in self-improvement, travel and beautiful women. I haven't turned a TV on in months, and haven't got a clue what's going on in the theater of life. Most of the threads in EE are abut people/events I've never heard of and have no bearing on my life in any way.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - brick tamland - 02-11-2015

Alluding to what's been said in places above about the forum I would support changes because:
> The forum has only two types of members - those who 'live the life' (whether it be game, travel, business and strength training) and those who can learn from them. (I'm not in denial about which type of member I am);
> Although he's given 'the keys to the car' immediately upon joining, the pertinent question is what value can a member add, especially when he starts threads soon after joining? On this point I personally wouldn't be troubled by a waiting period;
> What type of matter properly belongs in the Everything Else section? There are great threads there but there could be a slippery slope there since this is a Game / Men's issues / Self-improvement forum. In any event a few of us have quit most TV and news, let alone the TMZ, daily mail etc type of trash. Some recent members who have most of their posts in EE are picking up a few rep points with most of their activity being putting up current affairs stories or commenting on them.

I'm thinking out loud about the above.
As mentioned by someone else, the forum is stable because of the consistent efforts of the moderators, who deserve recognition for keeping the platform focused.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - El Chinito loco - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-11-2015 05:27 AM)kazz Wrote:  

Not sure about the guys saying they don't feel sympathy and calling the guy weak and a loser. The guy obviously had more issues than not being able to get pussy; was obviously severely depressed. Save the lack of empathy for those that deserve it, the guy was clearly not a loser or weak, he needed some help and support; that's what most of us are on this forum for.

Loser is a pretty broad definition and I would agree for the most part he was not a loser. He leveraged his OCD nature into a food blog which earned him a following.

He was however, weak. Weak of mind, body, and spirit. A person who was intrisically incapable of facing the world or himself in any meaningful way. He internalized all his demons until it destroyed him. It's not like he was backed into a corner, he had outlets and a way out of his misery. He simply lacked the ability and introspection necessary to tap into that. Not only that but he was fully committted to his own victimhood. I don't feel sympathy for guys like this. They want to feel like martyrs. Everything about his last blog including his detailed faq is a cry for attention. He can enjoy that in the afterlife wherever that may be but he won't get it here. The world does not give a fuck.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Veloce - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-10-2015 09:36 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

So the fact that a severely depressed person with a long history of suicidal thoughts kills himself is not the result of mental illness but was instead due to a sub-forum at RVF including opinions with which some disagree and therefore doesn't create a warm and welcoming environment?

I may attend the next meeting of the APA to share these conclusions. Every time someone describes a treatment for a mental illness, I'll just shout them down. "Wrong. Guy just needs to learn game, score some sweet pussy brah."

Not to beat a dead horse, but I'd actually like to address the argument because if Lemmo hadn't posted it, someone else would have.

I've never been able to understand the Western application of psychological theory. I've known several psychologists that I've discussed various issues and conundrums at length, and I took a few classes in college. I've also seen a therapist when I was younger.

I'm obviously in no place to denounce all of Western psychology, but goddamn, from what I've experienced there are some DEEP holes in it.

Why does someone need a clinical diagnosis of depression if they've experienced neglect from the opposite sex? In fact, I'd say it's the fault of modern psychologists who preach this ridiculous dogma of self-love and self-acceptance that leads young men to become alienated like this. Psychologists do not understand women, they don't understand the problem that men have with women, and they don't understand how to fix the problems that men have with women. If a young man listened to psychologists and their advice on how to pursue a healthy relationship, he'd be as lost and disillusioned as ever.

So after months and years go by, and the depression becomes more severe, what's next? Medication. Ohhhh great, because medication works so well for depressives. Instead of them killing themselves, you just lobotomize them with whatever cocktail of mood altering substances that corporate big Pharma comes up with. I've had enough close loved ones get on depression meds to spot this shit a mile away. And what happens when they quit the meds? Depression that is 100x worse.

So Lemmo, if you're reading this, go ahead and talk shit about the forum and the manosphere at your next fingerbanging APA conference. After enough time, we'll one day be able to produce immutable statistics showing which system leads to healthier, happier men: learning game/self-improvement and having a healthy sex/relationship life, or listening to a therapist.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - The Lizard of Oz - 02-11-2015

Veloce, I could not agree more about the epidemic of antidepressant overmedication and overuse, particularly in the US but also in the West in general. Millions of people (especially neurotic white women) are being prescribed these crude and powerful drugs at the drop of a hat, and they're not doing them any favors.

However, in this dude's case, I think he was not merely "depressed" but a full blown nutcase; I get a very strong sense of that from reading his posts. He was basically a less violent version of Elliot Rodger, and it's great that he took himself out of circulation without taking anyone else down with him.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Ziltoid - 02-11-2015's_h...y_of_needs

Having meaningful and positive interactions with the opposite sex is a biological imperative, and being deprived of it is very likely to lead to neurosis. This shouldn't be a shocking new idea, especially to red pill people. Even the most mentally robust can lose their shit in a bad enough environment.

Game helps a lot of guys, hell, it may even save a few lives. And maybe it's the start of a larger movement, but right now it's a piece of chewing gum while the Hoover Dam has a crack forming in it. Did your dad or grandfather have to gain 25 pounds of muscle and cold approach dozens of women a week to get laid, find a spouse, or start a family?

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Veloce - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-11-2015 03:23 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Veloce, I could not agree more about the epidemic of antidepressant overmedication and overuse, particularly in the US but also in the West in general. Millions of people (especially neurotic white women) are being prescribed these crude and powerful drugs at the drop of a hat, and they're not doing them any favors.

However, in this dude's case, I think he was not merely "depressed" but a full blown nutcase; I get a very strong sense of that from reading his posts. He was basically a less violent version of Elliot Rodger, and it's great that he took himself out of circulation without taking anyone else down with him.

I don't mourn for this guy, and he may have been a nutcase at the time of his suicide, but what about this: What if he didn't used to be a nutcase?

I think of depression the same way I think about homosexuality. Yes I believe there are natural-born gays and yes I think some people are born with faulty chemistry that predetermines them to depression, but I also think that there are some very strong, often underappreciated environmental factors at play here.

From reading his blog posts, he just sounds like a next-level race troll to me. The coldness of his self-determined fate is jarring and certainly indicative of some mental issues, but the key question is; how did he get there?

My belief, not founded on any scientific or collegiate backing, is that there are a very large number of people in this world that develop psychotic illnesses from a severe sense of isolation. I believe there are some people who are so far removed from connecting with other humans that they don't share the mores, folkways, laws, rules, morals, etc that the larger community holds dear. That isolation manifests itself in varying degrees, from your garden variety bookworm to someone on the edge of psychotic collapse.

Lemmo made this about "putting pussy on a pedestal", which is an utter horseshit and cruel way of downplaying this guy's isolation. It's not about getting pussy. It's about connecting with people, and that's where game comes in.

Someone experiencing isolation would go through several phases. The first would be emotional trauma. Feelings of neglect, low self-worth, bitterness, resentment, anger. But humans must cope with negative emotions somehow, either by acting out or guiding those emotions to form a particular worldview.

From his blog posts, Wilkes took his traumatic emotions and allowed them to formulate this very bleak worldview, cementing in his mind this delusion about his low self-worth. And judging by his FAQ, noone in his community was willing to give it to him straight:
"Aren't you being selfish?"
"But people care about you"
"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem"
"My boyfriend is 5'10" so you're wrong"

Do you see how absent game theory is from these statements?

If I were to see this guy in person, I'd say, "Yeah, you're right. Your sexual market value is pretty low. But whereas you see yourself caught in a Darwinistic pre-determined fate, I'm telling you that there's another way. It's not going to be easy. It will require change. But in that process of change it's likely you'll find your true self, relieve you of your present suffering, and experience a peace and tranquility that even suicide can't bring."

And if he still offs himself, fine. As it's been mentioned, you can lead a horse to water and all that. This isn't about this one particular guy; it's about a very large population of men out there that can probably relate to him on some level.

Wilkes might have been a psychotic. But he might have been a perfectly normal person too, that over the course of years of isolation with no guiding light, hit a fork in the road and went down a very dark, very lonely path.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - berserk - 02-11-2015

Sad story. I commented once on it before but I believe the red-pill can be outright negative for people with unstable psyches. There is a lot of negativity, the constant posting of pseudo-science as fact and reducing everything to evo-psych. All a man needs is hope, that's it, homeless and broke, short and ugly, doesn't matter if you have hope.

In some ways, the original PUA was better for guys like this. It had an almost religious quality, do this and results will follow. The result of PUA was going out and doing stupid approaches. Failings were easily rationalized away with AMOG'ing or similar, if you failed you'd just have to try harder, always learning. Modern red pill is way more fatalistic. Going on and on about alpha and beta and hypergamy and all that noise. What it does is remove the pure enjoyment and magic of learning game. It sets such a strong frame for the weak minded that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. I remember learning pua years ago. I banged several club sluts and cougars, none probably more than a 6.5, but damn if it wasn't a great time. Each bang was memorable, the future looked bright, keep going, keep improving.

Now, for a certain personality type, he sees the club slut, he has been told over and over the great shame of marrying a used up slut, that the worst fate is to be the beta bucks. Maybe he read the Misc and has all their insecurities too. And the constant ridiculing of the beta on red pill sites. Being a beta is way worse than being an AFC. The AFC merely lacks the knowledge and action, the beta is a lower male by genetics.

There also has to be something toxic about the US. As said before in this thread, why wasn't there a mate who said 'just go to Thailand or Mexico and get laid dude'.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - RockHard - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-10-2015 08:35 PM)zombiejimmorrison Wrote:  

He must've known about seduction and the game, I knew about it when I was 14 way back in 2005. He marinated in his depression, obsessing over height and ethnicity for years. Rok and rooshv are the last game forums I found.

Dude had a PUAHate attitude. Sounds to me like he thought looks+money+status=pussy.

Quote: (02-10-2015 06:13 PM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

Wow what a do these guys not have confident friends or family members so they can naturally emulate them

Because they don't. Some guys just don't, or if they do, they don't listen. There are guys out there who have more money, more status, better looks, better bodies, but they're incel. There are guys out there who have major handicaps in one or all of those areas, but they get good quality women. I remember reading an Amazon review of "The Game" and some chick's review said she didn't believe a NYT journalist who hung out with rock stars couldn't find a woman interested in him. Talk about not getting it.

It's simple, no matter who you are or what you have going for you:
* If you don't talk to her, you don't get anywhere with her.
* If you don't engage her emotionally, you're just another nice guy.
* If you don't escalate physically, you'll never close the deal.

You gotta start somewhere, but if you don't start, you'll never get there.

Every time one of these comes up and says "game saves lives" and I always grind my teeth because it's way too simplistic. But in this case it may have been true. Maybe he was mentally ill and would've found a reason to kill himself anyway. But it wouldn't have been on account of woman problems.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - The Lizard of Oz - 02-11-2015

Veloce, I feel that true psychotics -- not a dude who might be "depressed" meaning lonely, unhappy, frustrated, etc but a true Elliot Rodger type -- are born not made. Same with gays. You can see a gay skull and a gay walk in a 5 year old kid, and you can sometimes see the off eyes of a future schizophrenic at the same age; certainly by puberty. It's not a good thing to see, but I've seen it.

The thing to realize is that frank psychosis is quite uncommon; the idea that 20% of the population are clinically "depressed" (as opposed to quite unhappy or frustrated) at some point in their lives, or whatever ludicrous figures are being thrown around, is an absurdity that has been sold to us by our superb, relentless, and sleazy pharmaceutical industry (a great industry which has saved countless lives, and ruined quite a few as well). It cannot be taken seriously for a moment. The world would be a scary and very different place if this were true.

However, for those unlucky few who were born under that dreadful star, I don't think much can be done by game, friends, pussy, or anything else for that matter. Some day, we will have effective ways to intervene (perhaps in the germline to correct the relevant errors) but for now, they are left to their wretched fate to unfold as it does. I think McDermid was one of those unlucky few, and as I said, I'm happy he made a clean exit with no collateral damage.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-11-2015 03:56 PM)berserk Wrote:  

Sad story. I commented once on it before but I believe the red-pill can be outright negative for people with unstable psyches. There is a lot of negativity, the constant posting of pseudo-science as fact and reducing everything to evo-psych. All a man needs is hope, that's it, homeless and broke, short and ugly, doesn't matter if you have hope.

In some ways, the original PUA was better for guys like this. It had an almost religious quality, do this and results will follow. The result of PUA was going out and doing stupid approaches. Failings were easily rationalized away with AMOG'ing or similar, if you failed you'd just have to try harder, always learning. Modern red pill is way more fatalistic. Going on and on about alpha and beta and hypergamy and all that noise. What it does is remove the pure enjoyment and magic of learning game. It sets such a strong frame for the weak minded that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. I remember learning pua years ago. I banged several club sluts and cougars, none probably more than a 6.5, but damn if it wasn't a great time. Each bang was memorable, the future looked bright, keep going, keep improving.

Now, for a certain personality type, he sees the club slut, he has been told over and over the great shame of marrying a used up slut, that the worst fate is to be the beta bucks. Maybe he read the Misc and has all their insecurities too. And the constant ridiculing of the beta on red pill sites. Being a beta is way worse than being an AFC. The AFC merely lacks the knowledge and action, the beta is a lower male by genetics.

There also has to be something toxic about the US. As said before in this thread, why wasn't there a mate who said 'just go to Thailand or Mexico and get laid dude'.

The experiences you describe are frankly quite limiting in perception themselves.

There is no shaming of fucking a cougar or an easier lay when learning Game or just adjusting it to your current Game level or market value. Marrying such an 38 year old woman may be stupid, but fucking her - who cares?

The process of learning Game is actually in a way similar to the old PUA way - the main difference is that via books like RationalMale and advanced screening and more expanded knowledge you don't have to approach like a mindless robot for thousand of times. Via excellent content available you can actually supercharge your entire experiences and can get 10 times more out of each approach. Understanding the Game theory and female nature via sites like Rational Male also helps you with Game.

In essence any student learning Game now can do so in a much better more intelligent way. You don't have to get into the entire Alpha-Beta dichotomy if that is some kind of pressure to you. Over time you may become a stronger version of yourself.

Also in some difficult cases like with that blogger - there are guys out there who offer long-term improvement programs - Asian pro-PUAs, who can even do Skype counseling once a week to check up on you after the initial bootcamp. This would have helped the guy for sure. And it would give them just the sufficient amount of hope to go forward and improve.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-11-2015

It's not like he was crippled or disfigured.
He could have dropped some weight, improved his wardrobe, done some approaches, and been fine.
I've known MANY men who have had far less than him and done just fine.
He was a young, healthy male, living in one of the world's greatest cities, with a job that provided access to a part of London's culture where you can meet powerful, interesting, attractive, and influential people.
The world was there, his for the taking. All he needed was some balls and to realize he was in control.
If you believe in yourself, you can maximize results. He didn't, and convinced himself that life was impossible and that it was out of his control.
Now he is dead.

you can come from the gutter and still rise:

You are coming with me

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - JoeChange - 02-11-2015

A very sad episode indeed.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Kamikaze - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-11-2015 07:46 AM)brick tamland Wrote:  

I would support changes because:
> Although he's given 'the keys to the car' immediately upon joining, the pertinent question is what value can a member add, especially when he starts threads soon after joining? On this point I personally wouldn't be troubled by a waiting period;

Kinda seems like a good idea, but then I woulda had to post a buncha crap before I was allowed to post my guide to making girls fall in love... by eating their ass.

Or a few posts after, the compilation of repped posts.

Newer guys can contribute. It's about self-policing. Is your post adding value to the forum? The value doesn't have to be directly related to game. You could just be providing entertainment. And if you don't think that type of skill is applicable in other areas, you're not using Facebook correctly.

And frankly, as Tuthmosis mentioned, it's just a general sentiment among some members who have high rep and/or high post counts that can be concerning. We all understand "the red pill" [Image: tard.gif] but some voices have transitioned beyond jaded, to regularly apoplectic. I think the great majority of us have been guilty of that in the past, including myself.

For better or worse, low-rep, low-post members are largely ignored already. It's the guys with the louder presence that are the RVF's voice by proxy.

So we just gotta remember why we're here. I didn't join the RVF because I hate feminists and wanted to complain about the end of days. I joined because it's a great place to talk to other guys about shit I can't talk to anyone else about. And mostly try to have fun doing it.

As for this dude, he's just a guy who probably came across all this information and refused to put it in action. Very common. Who knows, maybe he came across this forum. Some guys don't have the stomach to approach hundreds of girls, get rejected 99% of the time for cold leads on 6s and below.

But I have no respect for doughy mothafuckas who complain about not getting girls. Get to 12% body fat and squat at least over 200 lbs, and if you still can't get a bitch, then you can cry. One tear. That's the easiest, passive, most non-aggressive way to up your game. Dude even had all his hair. Fuck him.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Sp5 - 02-11-2015

Game is one thing, the Red Pill another. Game is only rudimentary. I knew about Game and used it years before I understood the horror of the Red Pill.

Game is a fun tool, you're just interacting with female humans you might think are morally similar. The Red Pill is learning how precarious your position always is.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Troll King - 02-11-2015

There is a lot of good commentary here. I actually think some of you guys are being a bit harsh on him.

I am of the mind that if you found the red pill and swallowed it, as the analogy goes, then you were probably never fully beta to begin with. You might have been en-cultured and socialized as a beta, but there was still a alpha core.

It is hard to believe and understand, for me and I would bet most of you guys, but there exists beta men who simply do not want any of the things talked about in the sphere.

They simply lack the warrior/philosopher/adventurer/lover mental aspects that is suppressed in our culture and upbringing before we find the sphere.

I have known a number of these types of guys, and you probably have too. In fact, my brother is one of these types and I have had a few room mates that were like this.

While a lot of pre-redpill and post-redpill guys validate their masculinity by scoring notches, making money, and working out. These guys want none of that.

Their outlook in life is completely different and I think it really is because they have a different mental core than us.

I have known a few of these types and all they want is to meet a girl, get married, and be a family man. They might want to date more than one girl first, but many of them really don't even want that. I remember when I first realized this and I still have trouble wrapping my mind around it.

There have been several guys that told me that they simply weren't interested in getting laid often or scoring notches. They simply wanted to find a good girl and wife her up. Hell, one guy told me that he thought the idea of having a threesome with his future girl and another girl was disgusting.

Think about that for a moment. For these guys I think they look to validate themselves with the love that springs from their soul mate or some shit. I really don't know.

All I do know is that when I have tried to drop a little knowledge, indiscreetly of course, on them they reject it out of hand and they can be far bigger bitches than even most feminist women. There is simply no getting past their betatude. Maybe one day they will come to it on their own but I think it is far likelier that they end up as the old guy still looking for love after 5 divorces.

I guess in a different time they would have succeeded in their goals, and probably been a bit more red pill, but today they are likely a lost cause. Some may settle with a single mom here or there and one or two will get married but most of these types of guys are simply not going to be able to accomplish their goal and without coming into the sphere, well I don't know what will happen to them. More guys like this and Elliot Rogers would be my guess.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - samsamsam - 02-11-2015

Don't forget a lot of people base their knowledge on examples from their parents. I consider myself more Alpha than beta but I still want happily ever after. I do because my alpha father and hardworking parents set incredibly good examples.

I have always wanted to do some poll to figure out how many of the guys on RVF who truly consider themselves full on Alpha come from good families and healthy parental relationships. Sometimes it seems some of the guys come from rough backgrounds, witnessed a lot of horrible crap and took out any hope of happily ever after. I am not an expert at configuring such a survey to provide any useful analysis, but have always been curious.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Hannibal - 02-11-2015

To all those guys who are saying that Game saves lives. Game (knowledge and not practice of) was what this guy killed himself over. Most blue pill dudes I know live in this huge state of denial about the sexual marketplace, derping around from relationship to relationship with periods of involuntary celibacy in between. It's very similar to how most people approach employment. They derp around from job to job, with periods of unemployment in between, with a hope that they'll find one decent job that they can put up with until they retire with a 401k.

By his own definition, this guy believed that he was a loser. To go back to that job analogy, it's like he just read The Millionaire Fastlane and he was too hung up on the idea of making 300k a month with no effort while he still worked at Mcdonalds without any marketable skills or business model.

His problem was that he was judging his own success (and lack thereof) by how well he imagined everyone else was doing. He spent too much time thinking about how bad he was at getting what he wanted and that, on top of what was likely some mental disorders, drove him to kill himself.

In other words :
Quote: (02-11-2015 05:30 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

This is what happens when you live on the internet.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - LeBeau - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-10-2015 06:13 PM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

Wow what a do these guys not have confident friends or family members so they can naturally emulate them

[Image: troll.gif]

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - The_CEO - 02-11-2015

I saw a guy on public transpo today.. a quadriplegic with a body the size of a dwarf.
I knew a guy in high school like this. He's probably not a live today.
Anyway, it reminded me of this thread and also a line in one of Roosh's books...Just be glad you can physically approach, most people cannot even do that.

Was this food blogger guy based in England? The first thing I'd have done is high tailed it out of England...

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - samsamsam - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-11-2015 10:45 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Was this food blogger guy based in England? The first thing I'd have done is high tailed it out of England...

London. I agree. He was a 2 hour flight (maybe 3 my knowledge of European travel times isn't great) to a different world.

He couldn't do anything about his height but he surely could have done something about his body.

I just wonder, still, why none of his friends looked out for him. Unless he was a total tool who didn't really have any friends. Didn't know how to build friendships. With his mild success maybe it went to his head and he wasn't fun to be around.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide - Peregrine - 02-11-2015

Quote: (02-11-2015 09:08 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

To all those guys who are saying that Game saves lives. Game (knowledge and not practice of) was what this guy killed himself over. Most blue pill dudes I know live in this huge state of denial about the sexual marketplace, derping around from relationship to relationship with periods of involuntary celibacy in between. It's very similar to how most people approach employment. They derp around from job to job, with periods of unemployment in between, with a hope that they'll find one decent job that they can put up with until they retire with a 401k.

By his own definition, this guy believed that he was a loser. To go back to that job analogy, it's like he just read The Millionaire Fastlane and he was too hung up on the idea of making 300k a month with no effort while he still worked at Mcdonalds without any marketable skills or business model.

His problem was that he was judging his own success (and lack thereof) by how well he imagined everyone else was doing. He spent too much time thinking about how bad he was at getting what he wanted and that, on top of what was likely some mental disorders, drove him to kill himself.

In other words :
Quote: (02-11-2015 05:30 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

This is what happens when you live on the internet.

Exactly. It's like the Buddha said, unmet expectations are the root of all sorrow.