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Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Printable Version

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Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Renzy - 09-26-2014

The ironic part of all of this is how common-sense advice suddenly becomes outrageous victim-blaming when women are asked to follow it in order to exercise some responsibility for their own safety.

For instance, take the following exert from Fodor's travel guides on FIVE SIMPLE RULES FOR TRAVEL SAFETY



By exercising the slightest amount of common sense, you can greatly reduce the chance that you will experience any serious incident, whether at home or abroad.

And what, pray tell, is number one on their list?


1. Don't drink to excess. Most vacation incidents involve alcohol abuse. Drunk travelers fall off cruise ships. They get mugged on dark streets. They crash their car. They decide to jump off their hotel balcony. Whether it's crime or accidents, drinking too much is very likely a contributing factor, if not the root cause."

Replace "falling off cruise ships" and "jumping off hotel balconies" with "falling out frat-house windows" and it's nearly the exact same advice that gets journalists vilified for victim-blaming.

If feminists controlled the travel industry the way the want to control frats, the above advice would be to ban cruise-ships and hotel balconies so chicks can't fall or jump off of them, and "DON'T TELL ME NOT TO DRINK, TEACH MUGGERS NOT TO MUG!"

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Slim Shady - 09-26-2014

It is interesting also how any time you point out unacceptable truths to feminists, they immediately attack you personally. Like "I'm sure your daughter feels good about your beliefs" or attacking my man parts or man pride.

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - lurker - 09-26-2014

What's interesting is how, in the feminist response, the article became all about rape. The article is about personal injury and property damage liability - alcohol poisoning, falling from high places, breaking things in the house, fighting, etc. Rape accusations are one subpart of that, and not even the main danger he warns about. Yet when this hit Jezebel via Erin Gloria Ryan's semiliterate screed, rape was the only topic of conversation. It's almost as if these people have an agenda they want to push regardless of the context or background facts...

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - iop890 - 09-26-2014

Quote: (09-26-2014 07:57 AM)Sombro Wrote:  

Forbes sacks columnist over piece saying 'drunk' female students pose 'gravest' threat to frats; writer responds, 'I stand by every word'

Comments section is surprisingly supportive.

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Sombro - 09-26-2014


By taking a long view of risks and rewards, Frezza’s column was an attempt to change how fraternities view their self-interest. Instead, it revealed how deeply young women -- or the Internet voices who speak for them -- are invested in the right to get wasted without condemnation or consequence.

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Sp5 - 09-26-2014

Quote: (09-26-2014 04:13 PM)Sombro Wrote:  


By taking a long view of risks and rewards, Frezza’s column was an attempt to change how fraternities view their self-interest. Instead, it revealed how deeply young women -- or the Internet voices who speak for them -- are invested in the right to get wasted without condemnation or consequence.

Postrel's an MIT girl, has probably had a few drinks in that frat.

Thanks, Bill Frezza for helping turn the tide from insanity to common sense.

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Renzy - 09-26-2014

Quote: (09-26-2014 04:13 PM)Sombro Wrote:

From that same article:


As we’re constantly reminded in the context of sexual consent, a drunken woman is not a responsible adult. She needs someone to watch out for her safety, whether to guard her from accidents or from assault.

So when a man drinks and a woman drinks, the man remains an adult responsible for his decisions and woman becomes an overgrown child who needs everyone else "to watch out for her safety, whether to guard her from accidents or from assault."

Gee, that doesn't sound like equality, but it sure does sound a lot like modern feminism: "Equal treatment when it benefits us, and I'm just a girl when it doesn't."

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Slim Shady - 09-26-2014

Excellent response. I saw this on twitter earlier. I've posted it myself and am waiting for the shitstorm response.

Its sad that a logical woman has to take what a man says and break it down for the dumbcunts, and there will still be outrage. This woman will be seen to be a "blood traitor" to all women obviously. "Oh my God she is so deeply oppressed by the Patriarchy that she can not see beyond it!!!"

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Jack198 - 09-26-2014

Quote: (09-26-2014 11:26 AM)lurker Wrote:  

What's interesting is how, in the feminist response, the article became all about rape. The article is about personal injury and property damage liability - alcohol poisoning, falling from high places, breaking things in the house, fighting, etc. Rape accusations are one subpart of that, and not even the main danger he warns about. Yet when this hit Jezebel via Erin Gloria Ryan's semiliterate screed, rape was the only topic of conversation. It's almost as if these people have an agenda they want to push regardless of the context or background facts...

In light of that, you got me thinking that the average male (even the beta schmucks out there) are starting to be treated the same way as cops are by the press, generally. I suspect it will not be long before we men need to follow the lead of cops and start wearing body-worn cameras to save our asses in the event of a he said/she said situation.

Observe, benefit number one of wearing a body worn camera for the cops is accountability and transparency.

“Everyone is on their best behavior when
the cameras are running. The officers,
the public—everyone.”
– Ron Miller, Chief of Police,
Topeka (Kansas) Police Department

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - AnonymousBosch - 09-26-2014

Quote: (09-26-2014 05:37 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

Excellent response. I saw this on twitter earlier. I've posted it myself and am waiting for the shitstorm response.

Its sad that a logical woman has to take what a man says and break it down for the dumbcunts, and there will still be outrage. This woman will be seen to be a "blood traitor" to all women obviously. "Oh my God she is so deeply oppressed by the Patriarchy that she can not see beyond it!!!"

"She's obviously a brainwashed southern Republican."

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Veloce - 09-26-2014

Quote: (09-26-2014 11:06 AM)Renzy Wrote:  

The ironic part of all of this is how common-sense advice suddenly becomes outrageous victim-blaming when women are asked to follow it in order to exercise some responsibility for their own safety.

For instance, take the following exert from Fodor's travel guides on FIVE SIMPLE RULES FOR TRAVEL SAFETY



By exercising the slightest amount of common sense, you can greatly reduce the chance that you will experience any serious incident, whether at home or abroad.

And what, pray tell, is number one on their list?


1. Don't drink to excess. Most vacation incidents involve alcohol abuse. Drunk travelers fall off cruise ships. They get mugged on dark streets. They crash their car. They decide to jump off their hotel balcony. Whether it's crime or accidents, drinking too much is very likely a contributing factor, if not the root cause."

Replace "falling off cruise ships" and "jumping off hotel balconies" with "falling out frat-house windows" and it's nearly the exact same advice that gets journalists vilified for victim-blaming.

If feminists controlled the travel industry the way the want to control frats, the above advice would be to ban cruise-ships and hotel balconies so chicks can't fall or jump off of them, and "DON'T TELL ME NOT TO DRINK, TEACH MUGGERS NOT TO MUG!"

This is gold.

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Patriarch - 09-27-2014

At the end of the article-

The chapter’s homepage now carries the note, “We do not share the sentiments expressed in the article by Bill Frezza.”

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Muk - 09-27-2014 now, his own fraternity is leaving him out to dry

I don't want to live on this planet anymore...

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Hades - 09-27-2014

Quote:erin gloria ryan Wrote:

Unfortunately, Bill Frezza isn't a character made up by stoned Onion writers …" Jezebel's Erin Gloria Ryan wrote.

"Blaming the problem on other people and taking zero time for self-reflection is exactly how fraternities arrived at their punchline status in the first place," Ryan said later

That's pretty clear cut projection there, "patriarchy", "rape culture", and "misogyny", all supposedly propagated by males (the other) and consistently blamed for all their problems, both personal and political, and having seemingly no self awareness of their own rationalization hamster is how feminists arrived at their punchline status in the first place.

Quote: (09-27-2014 01:57 AM)Sweet Pea Wrote:  

At the end of the article-

The chapter’s homepage now carries the note, “We do not share the sentiments expressed in the article by Bill Frezza.”

Yeah, that guy Bill Frezza got cast out of Forbes like a leper. I think it's shitty that his own chapter distanced themselves from him but there could be other forces at play. The regular campus could have put pressure on them to make a statement or face penalties.

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - BIGINJAPAN - 09-27-2014

I honestly love america..... And i am not being facetious.... But man you guys make me shake my head on a daily basis.

First off if you are old enough to die for your country in war you should be old enough to drink legally in public places.

Not to mention if you are old enough to vote for your leaders you should be old enough to have a drink with them.

Then there is the whole debate on voting and ID and drinking and showing ID.... How is it in the US you have to show ID to drink, get pulled over by the police, do anything that involves the government, get on a plane and on and on... But there is a debate about whether or not you should have to show ID to vote for leaders who set the drinking the age?

You have all given up your rights and have to show ID to do the most basic tasks in daily life but when it comes to choosing your leaders half of the country thinks its racist to show ID to vote?

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - The Father - 09-27-2014

Quote: (09-26-2014 04:53 PM)Renzy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2014 04:13 PM)Sombro Wrote:

From that same article:


As we’re constantly reminded in the context of sexual consent, a drunken woman is not a responsible adult. She needs someone to watch out for her safety, whether to guard her from accidents or from assault.

So when a man drinks and a woman drinks, the man remains an adult responsible for his decisions and woman becomes an overgrown child who needs everyone else "to watch out for her safety, whether to guard her from accidents or from assault."

Gee, that doesn't sound like equality, but it sure does sound a lot like modern feminism: "Equal treatment when it benefits us, and I'm just a girl when it doesn't."

That's exactly it. It shows what an utter FARCE claims for "equality" are. Look, if I get drunk and:

- Get in my car and kill someone
- Punch someone in the face and harm them
- Threaten the president

I will have the FULL weight of the law coming down on my freedom will be taken away from me, and most of my money. Because I am an ADULT who CHOSE to be reckless.

But a woman who is drunk? Not able to make decisions - any "consent" she gives is invalidated.

So does this mean a WOMAN getting in her car and plowing down people is NOT responsible? If so, what a Pandora's box does this open! How can alcohol make her responsible when driving, but not when fucking? Is having sex a MORE weighty decision than driving a car??

It's as if we temporarily consider women mentally handicapped when drunk. She is now a ward of the state, all society must protect her. But how can she vote in this child-like state? How is she entitled to "equal treatment" for jobs etc - you've just SAID she isn't equal to a man, who IS held responsible at all times?

IS SHE MY EQUAL OR NOT?? I don't understand [Image: confused.gif]

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - Jack198 - 09-27-2014

Once the baby boomers grew up, there were not enough young people to out-vote them on the 21 year old drinking age. And honestly, drunk driving got pretty out of hand for a while. As the problem subsided a bit, the definition of drunk was modified to a much lower standard, more money was raked in by states and municipalities by nabbing as many people as possible. This was also tied to federal funding requirements - bust x number of people or your department loses money. Seriously.

Nowadays, in theory states can set their own ages, but then congress withholds federal highway money from them in an act of paternalism.

The Democrats in particular have been opposing voter ID laws only because they want the ability to cheat, plain and simple. Their arguments against a law so basic sounds like something you'd hear from a feminist - oh wait, that's actually what they are.

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - alexdagr81 - 09-27-2014

Quote: (09-26-2014 04:53 PM)Renzy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2014 04:13 PM)Sombro Wrote:

From that same article:


As we’re constantly reminded in the context of sexual consent, a drunken woman is not a responsible adult. She needs someone to watch out for her safety, whether to guard her from accidents or from assault.

So when a man drinks and a woman drinks, the man remains an adult responsible for his decisions and woman becomes an overgrown child who needs everyone else "to watch out for her safety, whether to guard her from accidents or from assault."

Gee, that doesn't sound like equality, but it sure does sound a lot like modern feminism: "Equal treatment when it benefits us, and I'm just a girl when it doesn't."

I am glad feminists have given up the myth that women can take care of themselves

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - puckerman - 10-06-2014

There is a silver lining in all this. More and more men are going to leave the colleges altogether.

We can't change the colleges. Let's destroy them. If men leave the colleges, the colleges will become irrelevant.

Forbes article: Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities - infowarrior1 - 10-06-2014

Quote: (09-26-2014 04:53 PM)Renzy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2014 04:13 PM)Sombro Wrote:

From that same article:


As we’re constantly reminded in the context of sexual consent, a drunken woman is not a responsible adult. She needs someone to watch out for her safety, whether to guard her from accidents or from assault.

So when a man drinks and a woman drinks, the man remains an adult responsible for his decisions and woman becomes an overgrown child who needs everyone else "to watch out for her safety, whether to guard her from accidents or from assault."

Gee, that doesn't sound like equality, but it sure does sound a lot like modern feminism: "Equal treatment when it benefits us, and I'm just a girl when it doesn't."

Constantly moving the goalposts.