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RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Bacchus - 06-26-2014

The hug is asking for a KO. Just talk to Victor Ortiz (@ 0:40):

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Samseau - 06-27-2014

This video is a cat playing with a mouse.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Sebastian - 06-27-2014

I just had similar experience after watching it last night.
I came to SF and was talking to some chick at a bar. (Just bangable blonde, dressed kind of crappy)

This guy showed up, was grabbing her and telling me something like im with her.
So i was just giving him oh cool look. He asked me if i was from the city and i said no.
he kind of laughed and said 'this is kind of asshole question but do you make over $200k a year'
I said no. He was saying this girl right here makes over a hald million and i dont think she will talk to you. I told me are you afraid? He was explaining no but blah blah (loud environment)
I asked him so you are with her right. He said yeah she is my ex.
i gave him omg look and said oh she dumped you. Its ok man. I understand (while tapping his shoulder)

I didnt understand why he had to do that for some average bangable chick. (Even she was 10)
Is this SF thing? ( read a story about indian guy telling chicks 'i work at yahoo and make $200k a year')

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - zanetti - 06-27-2014

I sometimes watch some RSD live in field footage stuff before going out. Gets me in the right mood. Tyler seems to call girls 'sluts' quite often and they love it lol, or at least in the clips that I have seen. He gets physical with girls very quickly

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Bushido - 06-27-2014

Tyler should hit the gym and dress better.

That said, I suspect not looking the part IS the point here. It is part of his brand as it were.

Tyler deals with this loser with game alone and without resorting to violence. I think that appeals to a lot of smaller guys who aren't conventionally attractive. GLL targets the frat crowd. RVF and Roosh appeal to common guys who want to get better all-round, which is probably why I like it around here. But at the end of the day, it's just different segments of the market. Tyler isn't my thing but no hate from me.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - lalafufu - 06-27-2014

lol at tonight we're going to get you laid for the very first time with a girl

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - jamaicabound - 06-27-2014

I thought this video was really cool. Something that some guys would turn into a fight and make themself look stupid along wit the other guy this guy basically comes out looking life a confident fun guy and is nice all the wile shitting on the other guys head and making him look like the asshole which he is.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Noah - 06-27-2014

Quote: (06-27-2014 06:16 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

Tyler should hit the gym and dress better.

That said, I suspect not looking the part IS the point here. It is part of his brand as it were.

Tyler deals with this loser with game alone and without resorting to violence. I think that appeals to a lot of smaller guys who aren't conventionally attractive. GLL targets the frat crowd. RVF and Roosh appeal to common guys who want to get better all-round, which is probably why I like it around here. But at the end of the day, it's just different segments of the market. Tyler isn't my thing but no hate from me.

Tyler has actually improved his looks/style considerably compared to a few years ago. Just check out a clip from "Blueprint" and you'll see he's in significantly better shape now.

Yeah, he may not have the best genetics in the world when it comes to physical appearance, but he definitely tries to make the most of what he has and advocates that guys hit the gym, dress sharp, etc. I do think RSD is a bit too "game centric", but he doesn't necessarily neglect the passive qualities that can enhance your game.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - AneroidOcean - 06-27-2014

Actually, the video is all the more impressive because he "destroyed" him by using the techniques/tools that the white knight was armed with. Intelligence, words, and "kindness."

The white knight thinks he's a nice guy and that should get chicks. Tyler explains to him that it won't, and even proves it by scaring the guy away by being NICE and explaining to him why it won't work and by out-debating the guy.

Sure, not necessarily the most effective way to deal with it, but if you're using your obstacles own tools/weapons against him to defeat him, there is a sort of mastery on display.

Efficient? No. Simplest? No. Entertaining? Yes.

It wouldn't be very impressive if he just pulled the girls inside, shoved the guy away from him/got in his face, or any other method.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - RexImperator - 06-27-2014

I'd guess he must be trying to add some bulk if he was hanging out with Elliot Hulse and said he is a fan.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - NovaVirtu - 06-28-2014

I really liked how he handled this. Watch the other people's reactions in the video- they're smiling, they're entertained. He dribbled this dude's mind and emotions like a basketball and then slam-dunked them with the "asshole" lines at the end. When it was over, the girls were laughing and squealing with delight, and everyone watching was amused. He completely won over the crowd and made that chode look like a fool in the process.

This, in my opinion, is 10X more powerful than saying "fuck off" or threatening to knock someone out.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - SFTD - 07-06-2014

This was awesome. That pocket protector loser was given lessons.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - XXL - 07-06-2014

For those who don't really get it what happened there...

1. Tyler KNEW he was being filmed. That's why he had that much patience and persistence. He wanted to totally mindfuck that guy and would fuck with him for an hour just to have it on tape. It had nothing to do with his game or personality. If there was no camera he wouldn't even look at him.

2. That white night was full bitch. He couldn't do anything. Tyler could call him an asshole, then hug him, then kiss him, then kick his balls and the guy wouldn't do shit. There was zero chance of a fight.

3. He has high energy cause he's gaming women all night long. It's normal state when you're having fun at night. Guys who look like statues at a party are waaaay more "off" than that. Understand that "have more fun" + "give less of a fuck" is THE formula to a nightgame. It can be clown game or whatever the fuck but he knows that FUN is the #1 key to game at night.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Hotwheels - 07-06-2014

The WK was a non entity.

If he sells more shit because of that more power to him.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Trim - 07-06-2014

That was actually pretty encouraging. I've had guys trying to bring my confidence down by trying to tell me I'm not good enough for a certain girl, and this is what was happening to Tyler as well. Now I'm far better looking than Tyler, but the point is we've both had guys try and pull us down, and he dismissed it.

Good on Tyler. Keep it up!

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - HankRearden - 07-06-2014

Very interesting.

I'm pretty sure the ginger guy (forgive me, I know very little about RSD/Tyler/PUA scene etc) could have just ended it in 10 seconds by saying: "you have 8 seconds to leave this club, go inside, or fight me." He also could have just been like "Dude, I pick up bitches for a living and have probably slept with 400 more women than you have. Feel free to check out my website." That being said, he didn't do either of these and actually went after the guy and called him out on a lot of good points. I really enjoyed the part about asking the white knight how HE picks up women. Nicely done.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Truth Teller - 07-06-2014

I was on vacation, and I thought about this... when the "white knight" says that he does very well for himself, what does he mean? She smiles back at him?

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - party1981 - 07-06-2014

Tyler does a couple of good things, but a lot of strange/beta things. You can identify them just by contrasting how he acts with how James Bonds (for example).

He talks way too much, explains way too much, gets way too animated, takes things too seriously.

I like a lot of his writing and ideas though.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - lalafufu - 07-06-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 07:00 PM)party1981 Wrote:  

Tyler does a couple of good things, but a lot of strange/beta things. You can identify them just by contrasting how he acts with how James Bonds (for example).

He talks way too much, explains way too much, gets way too animated, takes things too seriously.

I like a lot of his writing and ideas though.
rsd style game or their outer game won't ever be accepted by the people of RVF.

rsd style would be the far-left while RVF is the far-right.

rsd's strengths are inspiring people and inner game. I strongly prefer the styles on RVF for outer game though.

rsd advocates an extremely fruity and wacky style of game with total disregard for common sense factors such as demographics. RVF is about running a grown man mature style of game.

I never met any RVF members, but it appears we have a more old school approach here. People still exchange 'lines' word for word, we believe stupid guys try to turn hoes into housewives, etc.

Tyler has stated himself that he likes empowered and assertive women. Roosh and everyone else on this board has a middle finger in the air to feminism.

Every now and then you'll encounter a hardcore introvert who does rsd high energy goofy game. It's a sight to behold.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Kieran - 07-07-2014

RSD is good for inner game, for example the blueprint was way ahead of it's time, and is a good place to start out if you can stand listening to Tyler for so long.

I agree that RSD is a bit poor when it comes to teaching things to say and do to get women (maybe that's to keep clients coming back as without this knowledge it's difficult to improve), and Roosh's stuff is far better for this purpose. I also really like Juggler's early stuff (great model for how to hold a conversation, progress a conversation to flirting, and get sexual with techniques like sexual barriers etc.).

As for Tyler being non-judgmental about women's sexual history, feminism etc., it's probably a better mindset for a lot of people if they can't be zen about these things, as being bitter and butt hurt about it really seeps into your game and can hurt your results. The ideal I suppose is to simply be aware, but to not really care.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Comte De St. Germain - 07-07-2014

Quote: (07-07-2014 07:57 AM)Kieran Wrote:  

RSD is good for inner game, for example the blueprint was way ahead of it's time, and is a good place to start out if you can stand listening to Tyler for so long.

I agree that RSD is a bit poor when it comes to teaching things to say and do to get women (maybe that's to keep clients coming back as without this knowledge it's difficult to improve), and Roosh's stuff is far better for this purpose. I also really like Juggler's early stuff (great model for how to hold a conversation, progress a conversation to flirting, and get sexual with techniques like sexual barriers etc.).

As for Tyler being non-judgmental about women's sexual history, feminism etc., it's probably a better mindset for a lot of people if they can't be zen about these things, as being bitter and butt hurt about it really seeps into your game and can hurt your results. The ideal I suppose is to simply be aware, but to not really care.

Ignoring it is a massive problem honestly. Putting the elephant in the room in the back of your head is going to cause a massive eventual melt down. It's better to accept it, come to terms with it, and apply a new mentality to your life then to put it in the back of your head. Apathy is the only real evil in my opinion. You don't necessarily have to confront women about it but you can't completely ignore it. That's lying to yourself.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - mr_lucky - 07-07-2014

Quote: (07-07-2014 07:57 AM)Kieran Wrote:  

RSD is good for inner game, for example the blueprint was way ahead of it's time, and is a good place to start out if you can stand listening to Tyler for so long.

Yes. His ideas are great. Though it is a lot of words per minute. It seems like he takes a pre-workout supplement before hitting the bar/club

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Boot103 - 07-07-2014

Wow. I learned so much from watching this. It helps you understand how it can affect people that let comments get to them.

Don't let white knights affect your game.