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NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - TigerMandingo - 05-01-2014

Quote: (05-01-2014 12:53 AM)caracal Wrote:  

I don't follow basketball, but I wouldn't care how racist the owner was of the team I support if he brought home a fucking championship (or two)

Exactly. GTFO with this "racist" nonsense. As if these other owners dont say similar shit in private. One of the Clippers players should get up and say,

"You know, what? I find what Mr. Sterling said incredibly offensive, but he pays me millions to essentially play a game, which allows me to buy big houses, fuck beautiful women, and have tons of fun while doing so. So in conclusion, I'm very thankful to him for that."

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - Akula - 05-01-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 11:31 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

This chick had someone put her up to it for sure. Someone who offered her more money than she was going to get from Sterling.

Makes you wonder, how often do guys like this get extorted? I'd bet this isn't the first time someone has tried this shit with Sterling. When you're that rich you're always a target.

She definitely set him up no doubt.

She hit the wall fairly hard and has had a ton of work done on her. She also looks like a tranny IMO. At 80 he should have been wise enough to hang it up and not date this kind of golddiggin' trash.

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - Moma - 05-01-2014

Quote: (05-01-2014 10:50 AM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Exactly. GTFO with this "racist" nonsense. As if these other owners dont say similar shit in private. One of the Clippers players should get up and say,

"You know, what? I find what Mr. Sterling said incredibly offensive, but he pays me millions to essentially play a game, which allows me to buy big houses, fuck beautiful women, and have tons of fun while doing so. So in conclusion, I'm very thankful to him for that."

So basically, you are saying if the price is right, you can be called whatever your 'owner' wants.

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - Mentavious - 05-01-2014

Quote: (05-01-2014 08:01 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2014 10:50 AM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Exactly. GTFO with this "racist" nonsense. As if these other owners dont say similar shit in private. One of the Clippers players should get up and say,

"You know, what? I find what Mr. Sterling said incredibly offensive, but he pays me millions to essentially play a game, which allows me to buy big houses, fuck beautiful women, and have tons of fun while doing so. So in conclusion, I'm very thankful to him for that."

So basically, you are saying if the price is right, you can be called whatever your 'owner' wants.

Some people will never get it.

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - rudebwoy - 05-01-2014

Some people have a price for their dignity and some don't.

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - tomtud - 05-01-2014

@rionomad good point.....jay z didn't get as near as much flack for his necklace. The media is full of BS. Now back to the post, Kareem said it right. I think the gf set him up. I don't blame the players for feeling pissed.

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - jariel - 05-02-2014


Donald Sterling, the disgraced owner of the Los Angeles Clippers who has been banned for life by the NBA for racial remarks, spoke Friday for the first time since the scandal broke.

"I wish I had just paid her off," Sterling told, referring to ex-girlfriend V. Stiviano, the woman behind the audio tape published by TMZ on which Sterling made disparaging racial remarks.

Stiviano was the woman Sterling was talking to on the recording.

According to the person who conducted the interview, Sterling "expressed remorse."

Sterling had kept a low profile since NBA commissioner Adam Silver banned him for life and fined him $2.5 million on Tuesday. Silver has urged the league's owners to force a sale of the Clippers.

Sources have confirmed to that Sterling also is battling cancer.

The news was first reported late Thursday night by the New York Post. The Post, citing sources, reported that the 80-year-old Sterling has been battling prostate cancer for an extended period of time.

Since Sterling's ban was announced, there have been no shortage of suitors who have expressed an interest in potentially purchasing the Clippers.

Oprah Winfrey, David Geffen and Larry Ellison will join together in a bid to buy the Clippers if the NBA's board of governors votes to force Sterling to sell the team, Geffen told ESPN's Jeremy Schaap on Wednesday.

Geffen said he and Ellison would run the team, while Winfrey would be an investor.

Boxing superstar Floyd Mayweather Jr. and music mogul Sean Combs both claimed interest in buying the team Tuesday, as did real-estate tycoon Rick Caruso.

Magic Johnson, Mark Walter and their Guggenheim Partners group, which made the billion-dollar purchase of the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2012, also are possible bidders, though sources have told ESPN that any such discussions were premature at best.

Johnson, who was specifically mentioned in the recorded conversation involving Sterling, laughed off the suggestion he should buy the Clippers in an appearance on ESPN on Sunday night, saying he was focused on bringing the NFL back to Los Angeles.

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - CRR - 05-03-2014

I breezed through the thread, so I'm not sure if this has been pointed out, but this whole scenario shows how feminized our media and culture is.

I find the reaction to Sterling to be spot on. But what about the gold digger? Sure, he should've known better. But she's a grown woman. Why isn't there much criticism of a woman having what appears to be an inappropriate relationship with a much older married man, accepting millions of dollars in gifts? Of course the obvious reason is that women are victims when it is convenient and strong/independent otherwise.

I know it's just anecdotal, but a woman (nice but so feminist/leftist, and I say this as a liberal) I work with had the following conversation:

Her: And now the media is attacking her as a gold digger
Me: She IS a gold digger.
Her: What does that have to do with him being a racist?
Me: It doesn't. But you brought it up and she is a gold digger.

Point it, here we call out our own when their conduct is wrong. The media will attack any man for bad behavior. But the feminization of our culture makes no such demands on women, often in fact defending them (see: Davis, Wendy).

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - Nineteen84 - 05-03-2014


NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - Giovonny - 05-03-2014

This whole thing is very fishy. Obviously, Sterling was set up.

A "3rd party" released the tapes..?

Very strange.

I don't like Donald Sterling and I want him out of the NBA but I am also a firm believer in "free speech" and "privacy".

If our private conversations can be used against us.. Well, I think it just sets a dangerous precedent.

Quote: (04-29-2014 11:51 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

If they do this to Sterling, how can they not do it to Jay Z for wearing a 5% Nation chain?


This is really an fascinating point!

Quote: (04-29-2014 11:51 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

How can Spike Lee be employed by the NBAs Sirius radio channel?

What is the issue/problem with this?

Did Spike Lee make racist statements also?

Quote: (04-30-2014 02:44 AM)DVY Wrote:  

The big take-away from this social study is that "Reverse Racism" is alive and well.

Of course.

Most of us are racist to some degree. I think it's a biological self defense mechanism that goes back to the caveman days.

You, yourself admitted that you have a rule of not hiring Black people:

Quote: (04-11-2013 03:07 PM)DVY Wrote:  

My personal rule, since it is an anonymous forum,- dont hire black people. .

Most of us are guilty of some form of prejudice.

If my private conversations were recorded, I would sound like a real asshole sometimes..

Quote: (04-29-2014 12:35 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

It's also a good lesson - a chick, especially a Latina, can act as if she's all lovey dovey with you and then hoist you by your own petard (kill you with your own weapon).


I'm curious..

Why do you say especially a Latina???

What evidence/data did you analyze to form this theory???

I don't necessarily disagree with you but I just wondering how you formed this hypothesis?

This girl is only 50% Latina, does that matter???


NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - Basil Ransom - 05-03-2014

"Why do you say especially a Latina???"

A lot of more traditional women, Latinas included, instinctually know that the way to a man's heart is to build him up and treat him like a king. That holds even if she's trying to dick him over. A white girl is more straightforward, or self-absorbed. She'll be busy thinking me me me, what do I want, instead of fronting with a sweet affectionate exterior to hustle a man. She's like a car salesman saying you should buy from her so she can get a commission. The concept of doing anything for a man to win him and get her way is foreign to her. So she's a lot less dangerous as a hustler.

I suppose it's more of a concern with a ratchet, of any background. No group of people has a monopoly on hustling. I was just dating a Latina for a few months and didn't have any of these issues. I dumped her for other reasons.

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - CaP7 - 05-04-2014

Donald Sterling has a LOT of enemies. The mistress, was also his personal assistant, and had insider information on him. She didn't get $3 mil in assets from him via traditional gold digging. There's no other reasonable explanation.

People that work in Sterling's inner circle are literally stuck. The LA business community won't hire you due to guilt by association.

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - Goldin Boy - 05-04-2014


"You know, what? I find what Mr. Sterling said incredibly offensive, but he pays me millions to essentially play a game, which allows me to buy big houses, fuck beautiful women, and have tons of fun while doing so. So in conclusion, I'm very thankful to him for that.

Lol what? There are other teams where you can play and get the houses, hoes, and $$$ in the US or overseas.

Maybe other owners feel the same(you don't know that) but they have plausible deniability b/c they aren't mp3's of their opinons.

So if you're my employee, you're ok with me disparaging you to your face (like Baron Davis) or knowingly behind your back as long as I pay you well?

Bolded part is sheer stupidity. It's a matter of pride.

Edit: Bolded part reminded me of this 11:45-12:08.

NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’ - Samseau - 05-04-2014

Quote: (05-01-2014 09:14 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Some people have a price for their dignity and some don't.

You mean to tell me you've never worked for a man-hating feminist before?

Probably 70% of this board has.

Come on guys, quit your jobs now, it's for dignity.

I'm with TJ Soto on this. I will never side with a whore over man. I don't give a fuck if he hates Jews or Whites or whoever. His hating is trivial. It was a private convo for God's sake, it's not like he was trying to rub it in anyones face.