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The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Christian McQueen - 04-29-2014

Quote: (04-29-2014 11:33 PM)seaAltair Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 02:01 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

"You banged a married woman, of course a married woman alone in Vegas is not a good girl."

^Wasn't a married woman visiting Vegas, she actually lives in Vegas. Big difference. I should have been more specific.

did she give you any I am married objections? If so, how much extra did you do outside of your usual game to overcome these objections

None at all.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - tonipepperoni - 04-30-2014

There is no such thing as a good girl.

Whether a girl is perceived as a 'bad girl' depends purely on her own ignorance and naivety. Femininity is a type of preservation which erodes with time. Eventually femininity after reaching an aesthetic height, withers till it becomes a damp flicker of a memory of something which once existed - this is the tragedy.

Everything depends on desire and whether this desire can be taught, understood, and acted on.

The only thing which precludes femininity from reaching masculinity is death. But as the average life expectancy increases, and the birthrate slows, femininity is eroding.

There are things which slow/quicken the transition from femininity to masculinity:
- game economics (a woman's sexual value, competition among female peers, availability of a standard of male i.e. competition among men to win over her affections )
- a woman's emotional volatility (taking a Ukranian girl from the provinces into NY and hooking her up with club promoters as friends).
- the extrapolation of desire (this borders on capitalism and 'excessiveness' - basically the availability of hedonism or the price of it. The price of hedonism is cheap -- drugs, lack of religion means less moral standards and moral repercussions, feminism enables a woman to act freely with little scrutiny, clubs, music festivals etc. Desire is like an economy. Desire re-invents itself. Once one desire has been consumed, another needs to overtake its original place. If there is a 'field' of desirable things; if the universe of desire is long and expansive and caters to every nuance, fetish, etc, then it will only lead to the woman having to re-invent herself and her desires, slowly masculinizing herself in the process.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - True Killa - 04-30-2014

With good girls, you gotta pump and dump to score. With sluts, they know it's just about the D.
Quote: (04-29-2014 06:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2014 06:41 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2014 03:14 PM)soup Wrote:  

It's true that you chose your own battles.. you have to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em, but you aren't really refuting my point.

To clarify: being a player doesn't have to mean giving off a "player vibe". That's essentially what indirect game is about.

I'm absolutely refuting your point. I'm saying it's illogical. Please point out the logic in your point.

Your statement that being a player doesn't mean giving off a "player vibe" has little to do with the reality that a master player has no interest in spending tons of time and energy wooing a good girl in order to try to get her into bed after they've already been in a LTR or are married. That is what a good girl would hold out for, a long term monogamous relationship/marriage.

If you want to define a good girl another way, fine, but don't pretend that master player's are going to put in the effort to engage in a long term monogamous relationationship/marriage in order to get laid by a virgin.

Could they do it? I suppose so, but at that point it's not game if you give the girl everything they want in order to get one thing you want.

You are talking about an apple and I'm talking about an orange.
Yes, you can lie and deceive to bang a good girl. Good girls will eventually have sex too, you just make them think they are doing it with "the one". But that doesn't make them any less of a good girl. Dumb girls? Maybe

They are definitely a rare breed in the hedonism culture of America. Going abroad, being able to filter them out can be a challenge.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - El Padrone - 12-28-2016

In summary, Loyalty, Respect then lastly, Making Money, in that order has kept the mob alive for centuries. The same tools will get you a good relationship with whatever.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Rhyme or Reason - 02-15-2017

God damn, what a thread.

Bumping to make sure more eyes see it.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Meat Head - 02-16-2017

Is there really such a thing as a good man or a good person?

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - The Catalyst - 02-16-2017

I don't mean to be a hater, but it's known that CMQ is a scumbag, who cheated many guys with his books(ghostwritten mediocre stuff) and promises to help the guys in clubs(when in reality he doesn't have much leverage nor does he help you more than paying that same $100 to someone who can actually help you). A typical untrustworthy club promoter, who will backstab you at a convenient opportunity.

If that's the case, it's quite obvious why the "good girls" would steer well clear of him.

I would give him credit and say he probably seduces girls who seem to be good on the outside but aren't actually "good". But obviously NAWALT. I know many white knights overuse the phrase, but it's true.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - questor70 - 02-16-2017

I am catching up with this thread, but this is key:


I've had multiple girls with seemingly small cock counts, from great families, who were not party girls, who went to church on Sundays, who were leaders of their youth church groups, etc, who literally said this exact phrase: "It's just sex".

There's a very clear reason for the disconnect...

Men are taught from a young age that sex is a prize handed down to you by a woman if she deems you worthy of love. She gives you sex and love in equal measure since the two are inseparable to her. No matter how far down the rabbit hole of red-pill awareness I go I can't deny the appeal of that fantasy. I have to imagine even the most jaded player still wishes this were true, which is why threads like this exist.

However, if you look at it from more of an economics perspective, you realize that women, by virtue of being the provider of the commodity, can't value what they have to give as much as the receiver. Due to the 80/20 rule, demand far outstrips supply.

This is why, down deep, it's "just sex" to women, because they do not have to exert any effort to get it. They therefore start fixating on the fringe benefits: the wining and dining, how alpha the guy is, etc... But she can't help but take the sex itself for granted because she doesn't have to work to get it (up until the point she hits the wall).

A woman having no-emotional-strings-attached sex with Mr. Right Now is probably closest, psychologically, to a guy fapping to porn, only she winds up using a man in the process. It's glorified masturbation meant to quell basic sexual urges and nothing more.

But the reason for the bitterness and the slut-shaming is because guys resent the fact that women have the option of easy sexual release with a real human being and men do not. Even a game expert needs to put in more effort per lay than a promiscuous woman using Tinder does.

Regardless of the value of the act itself when it happens, it will always feel more "valuable" to men because (even in a more promiscuous society) it will always take more effort for men than women.

So I think women only really want men to think of sex as more than "it's just sex" but they themselves can't, beause it's just too effortless for them to secure. They want men to continue to worship them even though they take their own bodies for granted (let alone harbor tons of insecurities about them as they look in the mirror).

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Rhyme or Reason - 02-16-2017

Quote: (02-16-2017 03:53 AM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

I don't mean to be a hater, but it's known that CMQ is a scumbag, who cheated many guys with his books(ghostwritten mediocre stuff) and promises to help the guys in clubs(when in reality he doesn't have much leverage nor does he help you more than paying that same $100 to someone who can actually help you). A typical untrustworthy club promoter, who will backstab you at a convenient opportunity.

If that's the case, it's quite obvious why the "good girls" would steer well clear of him.

I would give him credit and say he probably seduces girls who seem to be good on the outside but aren't actually "good". But obviously NAWALT. I know many white knights overuse the phrase, but it's true.

Really man?


CMQ may indeed be a scammer / scumbag, that has nothing to do with this thread nor does it make his original post any less accurate. Also, you do realize that when you say "not all women are like that" you're basically making a tacit admission that yes, most women are indeed exactly "like that"?

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Rusplaya - 02-16-2017

good girls don't exist period.

Just watch some hardcore porn.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Edmund Ironside - 02-16-2017

Quote: (04-23-2014 11:46 AM)Grit Wrote:  

The 'good girls don't exist' mentality is part and parcel of what technology has done to society. It's fine to keep reassuring yourself and other men of this modern reality...but what are you getting at?

By the numbers, most men are taking your advice to heart- marriage is dropping off rapidly, men are willing to compete with women for jobs- or not at all and dropping out- men are doing all kinds of short term narcotics-like pursuits for the badboy cred.

Hopefully you aren't saying "good girls don't exist, so you just have to accept that and make them your girlfriend / fiancee / wife / etc."

Society is a well-oiled machine if you have incentive to put the effort in. Marriage (and commitment to one woman) is a civilized part of society. I don't get why you would want to act in a way that perpetually undermines other men's trust, and therefore undermines society.

To a large extent, "there are no good girls" is exactly what the feminists want you to think, and the reality they try to create. "Enjoy the decline" if you must, but don't kid yourselves ... when you decide that notch count doesn't matter, virtue doesn't exist, and women are just going to sleep around so you may as well be the one sleeping around with them ... you are giving the feminists exactly what they want. And, yeah, at the very least, don't wife them up. Don't give them that respectability. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but personally I don't think any woman with a notch count higher than 3-4 should ever get married, because no man should have so little self respect. And, no, I'm not married. If I were to get married, I'd rather marry an average looking, nerdy, slightly overweight woman with a very low notch count than a solid 10 who has had 20, 30 or 100 cocks in her. Just my opinion.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - XXL - 02-17-2017

That awalt thing is not even women thing it's a human nature. Human beings are run by emotions. We are running around doing srupid shit every day because of that reason.

There are no good or bad girls. There are only circumstances opportunities and feelings. And some dicks around that happen to be in the right place and time. That's it.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - Meat Head - 02-17-2017

^Post of the day.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - BelyyTigr - 02-17-2017

Some girls are "better" than others.
But there is NO SUCH THING as a "good girl".

I don't mean that as an "anti women" thing, its a fact of people in general.

I've seen it with friends. The "not very nice girl" is still married 14 years later.
And the sweet, innocent, pure, "good girl" has fucked off. I could give a few examples of each type.

And be particularly aware of the one:-
i)you never had an argument with
ii)always seems to be "different to the others".
iii)seems like "the one".
iv)always does shit with her church etc. And using Christianity or whatever religious to portray herself as good, moral, honest.
v)only uses words rather than actions to convey her trustworthiness/sincerity etc.

Non confrontational people can be the most sneaky, dishonest of the lot.
"Being religious" is often used as a public relations front.

Trust should never be absolute and in every circumstance.
Every time it should be dependent upon the facts, the risk and the likelihood of breach.

I've always managed to protect myself against events. But it was actually quite recent that I realised just how erroneous the concept of a "good religious girl" is.

A woman, ANY woman could betray you at a moment's notice. They are creatures of emotion not logic.
She could be a nobody with Brad Pitt and wake up with depression/her "bipolar disorder" and fuck off thro the door.

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - DimeBait - 02-17-2017

No such thing as "good girls." People crack me up with this Unicorn notion. That same bish you swear is a gods gift to a red pill man like yourself lets her dog lick her pussy. Women and men do the same phucked up shit equally. Stop putting women on a pedestal

The False Premise of 'Good Girls' - RatInTheWoods - 02-17-2017

She might tell you her number is 5, and you might believe her.

You will never now she means thats the most shes had AT ONCE.

Her real number is 346 and you will never know the dirty disgusting things she did, because for you she is a "nice girl" now.