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Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - cardguy - 03-24-2014

Yeah - were cool Teedub.

Sorry if what I wrote came across a bit harsh.

I just wanted to get some feels for what must be a common situation.

Girls be picky and all. I know some hot chicks who say that George Clooney is too old for them. So I bet even George Clooney has these feels from time to time - lol

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Samseau - 03-24-2014

I think you're just feeling sorry for yourself. You need to remember that even if you could bang these these girls, the happiness gained from it would only be fleeting. Then you'd have to deal with the 100 problems that come with having a hot girl around, if she sticks around. Most of these women have mad options and even if you can game them, they are already thinking about the next guy that is buying them tons of free shit.

So really, you need to understand that you're suffering from the "grass is greener" syndrome. Which isn't backed by reality at all. Most of the men who can get women super hot women end up marry or settling with women who aren't nearly as hot as what they can get, because they know better.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Samseau - 03-24-2014

Also this thread is a good example of why buying hookers will never be as good as closing the deal yourself, the sense of accomplishment and validation that comes from game cannot be understated.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - eradicator - 03-24-2014

Quote: (03-24-2014 01:56 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

Cool - but has anyone got any real experience of approaching a legit '9' or '10' in the street and taking her away for a bang? Does that actually happen anywhere other than in a James Bond movie? Has this happened to anyone? Not just on the forum - but ever.

In all of human recorded history?

10s don't exist.

9s? Abosultely. Especially in places like college campuses.

Or in places like los angeles, which I insist is a day game city. Try to get the instadate. I've never tried for an instant bang.

You have to actually put the work into yourself first(lose the weight, get more confidence) but yeah, of course it is doable.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Jaysive - 03-24-2014

Your mindset needs to change. Your a man and she is a woman. No woman is out of your league.
Instead of overcomplicate a simple issue take action and do. Typically when other men see a "stunning" girl they too get scared and end up doing nothing. Be the exception.

Believe you are the best damn man in the room and act like it.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - speakeasy - 03-24-2014

Quote: (03-24-2014 11:57 AM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2014 04:29 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

In a recent thread I spoke about how - as a man - I actually enjoy harsh reality and bitter truths.

So - please guys - humour me for a second.

Is it not possible that in any situation you can care to imagine - I might, just possibly, have absolutely zero chance until the day the earth is swallowed by the sun with a chick like this?

[Image: photo4.jpg]


[Image: randomhottie.jpg]

I know. I must be drunk - the idea that on a wet Tuesday morning I couldn't use my looks and charm to swoop these girls off their feet seems insane. Right?

Exactly. Let's get real here. I have zero chance with a chick like that.

And sadly for me - I only find the hottest girls attractive.

So - I really don't think there is a way of talking me out of the feelings I have. You may as well try and convince me that Santa Claus exists.

I share the burden of every man. For I too - am a man...

These women aren't hot. That's the real issues here.

They look like total scum. I wouldn't not touch them if they walked up to me and offered themselves for free.

No, I'm not bullshitting. Really. Would not touch them. Have had women better looking than this come on to me and I walked away.

[Image: bsflag.gif]

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - el mechanico - 03-24-2014

^ Lol These are the guys that ruined my "would you hit" thread.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Comte De St. Germain - 03-24-2014

I swear people grandstand too much sometimes like the above. I swear to god if somebody saw those two chicks in real life they wouldn't hesitate to stare. Hell I would, and approach anxiety to the max at that. What's with the ridiculously high standard?

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Distant Light - 03-24-2014

This is just a direct reflection of YOU and where your head is at...

I can't relate to this thread at all because in my world, I'm the opportunity and have the personal power to DRASTICALLY change a womans life. Of course, I didn't randomly become like that it was through personal experience, which brings me to the fact that you have a horrible outlook and you lack experience being a person who is desirable to women.

My question is, what have you done to CHANGE? Most of the guys who complain in this manner barely interact with anyone or go about it in a horrible manner. Beyond that, you stated that your part of the "real life sex doll" viewpoints which I have a HUGE DISLIKE for. If this is true, then I advise you just get tons of hookers and enjoy whatever else in life that you enjoy.

To fell depressed seeing a stunning girl and also thinking she is unattainable shows you lack self-worth and don't have any idea about yourself as a unique person who is a valuable commodity.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Bushido - 03-24-2014

I can relate to what you are saying Cardguy.

Here in Tokyo I sometimes see girls so hot that it makes me hurt a little inside. There is a little voice inside that says "You will never get her" and it sucks.

I know you aren't looking for advice but one way to rid yourself of this feeling is to actually talk to the girl. Ask her for directions - anything really (or use a structure such as the one laid out in Day Bang). In the beginning, just do it without any intention of picking her up. Get in the habit of talking to these 9s and 10s more often and you will see the flaws in their looks up close.

When I do daygame it happens pretty often where my friend will see me approach from afar and come over afterwards saying "Wow! That girl was amazing!" It's funny because I can usually see plenty of holes in a girl's looks: heavy makeup to compensate for acne scars, wonky teeth, hair that has been dyed too many times etc. There are very few legit 9s and 10s.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Sombro - 03-24-2014

I don't get depressed when I see a stunning girl, but when I meet one with a shitty personality I get really dismayed.
It's a vague, worldly sense of seeing beauty tainted by snot, whether I have anything to do with the person or not.

Thought balloon: "What a waste."

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - AntiTrace - 03-25-2014

You can tell who is an internet jockey real quickly when you they rate pictures of girls.

But yeah both those chicks are disgusting. top is maybe a 4 and the blonde is 4.5 at best, only because I like fake tits. I doubt i'd give either of them a second glance unless I was piss drunk looking for a hail mary at 3am....and that's only if my friends couldn't see me.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Kieran - 03-25-2014

I'd bang both of them and enjoy it, but to be fair to the poster that said he wouldn't, they do look pretty trashy. I definitely wouldn't be seen at my regular venues with them (it's not that they're ugly, I'd happily be seen with less good looking girls than them, but they are trashy looking).

OP is cock-blocking himself. There are enough people out there trying to do that to you, why would you want to block yourself too? You have to go for what you want, and if you aren't having any success then you make the necessary changes to yourself until the results come. It really is that simple. The path has been laid out for you by authors such as Roosh, all you have to do is walk the steps.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - AntiTrace - 03-25-2014

What is trashy about the girl in the top pic?

I get the sweet good girl vibe from her. Granted that probably means she lucifer in the sack, but that picture doesn't broadcast trashinrss.

Blonde chick, yeah ill give you that.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - soup - 03-25-2014

Being too cool for school is a big cockblock. Saying you wouldn't fuck that blond is just dishonest.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Travesty - 03-25-2014

Don't understand this thread.

DL and McQueen attained what you are talking about.

Krauser, not to bag on him is NOT even close to a male model, Tom what's his name is a male 4 or 5 at best and they don't even use connects like DL and McQueen. They bang 8+s that are complete strangers with no connects on the regular. Respect that and learn from it.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Comte De St. Germain - 03-25-2014

Maybe these guys aren't from the States. For us guys here those girls are a windfall. Girls like that get swamped at parties and clubs. I'm just glad I'm not in D.C. or Toronto.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Atlantic - 03-25-2014

Quote: (03-23-2014 05:11 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

And - I can't be the only guy who sees chicks in the street who are stunning. And for various legitimate reasons thinks that it will never go any further than that.

This is going to be a bit longwinded but hopefully it helps.

I understand what you are talking about. I was there about 6 years ago. I literally could not talk to hot girls and would instantly freeze. It was depressing and definitely demoralizing.

I could not figure out to get from where I was at to where I wanted to be. I would see the hot girls I wanted but had no idea how to jump from my level to THAT level. The answer actually came from skateboarding and surfing.

I was a sponsored skateboarder for a few years but it took a lot of work to get there. People who had never seen skateboarding could not believe the stuff I could do. They would watch me kickflip a large set of steps and then they would try just stand on the board and fall on their ass. I would tell them that it just takes practice and anyone could do it. Some started and got to a certain level, most never even tried.

Fast forward a few years and I picked up surfing. I was not a great swimmer and the waves where I surfed were large, cold and scary. I went out surfing with the best guys I could find and pushed myself hard. Sometimes I would get pushed and beaten back to the shore nearly drowned. I had learnt from skateboarding thought that it just took patience and practice. Eventually I started catching some small waves. A few years later I am getting barrelled in overhead surf. Something I would never had thought possible. Now people are asking me how the hell I surf these massive waves (which I now think are normal size compared to other waves I see people surfing).

...Back to being 20 and looking at these hot girls with not a clue how to even talk to them. I realised that EVERYTHING in life can be broken down, learnt and improved on. You have to start small, work on your goals and give into the process. Don't expect results just aim for experience.

I learned a lot of game, worked on my fitness, style, lifestyle -all the stuff that people have broken down here in great detail. I also failed SO MANY TIMES. Really bad and awful failures. But these are what make me who I am today and give me the confidence to approach hot girls in the street without getting stressed and actually enjoying the PROCESS without expecting any results.

The results I have today I would never have believed only a few years ago. Once you start seeing this progress in one area just move that mindset to another area and improve that too. As long as you believe you can get good at something by working on it that is all you need. Just belief and action. Don't think too far ahead except to occasionally to keep you motivated.

A great book for this is Mastery by George Leonard.

What you are doing now is looking at the final result (very hot girls) and feeling depressed because you can't see the path to reaching this result. I would recommend focusing on the smaller goals and process that lead towards the results you want.

Watch the two following videos and remember that at one point these guys had to learn how to catch their first wave or stand on a skateboard without falling over. They once were complete beginners but now watching their videos (end result) it seems impossible! Then think of some skill that you first sucked at that now you can do automatically (even if its something as simple as driving). Take the anticipation of results out of game and instead just enjoy the process of learning. To be honest your first few 'hot girl' successes will be far more memorable then your later ones.

A bit of a ramble but hopefully this encourages you to start taking action.

TL: DR - Every worth while improvement journey looks daunting when you look at the end result (ex. hot girls). Recognise that all journeys must be broken into small goals and don't get discouraged by looking too far ahead. Enjoy the process and you will improve faster then you thought possible.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Christian McQueen - 03-25-2014

"Cool - but has anyone got any real experience of approaching a legit '9' or '10' in the street and taking her away for a bang?"

^The two hottest women I ever banged I did not meet in a club or bar; both were walking down the street during the day for one and the other in the early evening.

The evening chick I Insta-Dated and banged and this chick was as close to a 'dime' as it gets. When we would be out men would literally almost wreck staring at her. Once in the mall, a guy walked into one of those massive pillars face first staring. The bitch was bad as hell.

The other I got her number, we went for drinks the next night and banged.

It's very possible, but it requires DOING something.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Atlantic - 03-25-2014

Quote: (03-25-2014 09:40 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

It's very possible, but it requires DOING something.


It sounds clichéd but that is cause it true. Action = results.

I have failed SO many times but kept taking action and that is why I am now banging hotter and hotter girls.

Another video to get you motivated into action...

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Christian McQueen - 03-25-2014

"I have failed SO many times but kept taking action and that is why I am now banging hotter and hotter girls."

^Yep. Guys don't talk about their failures because it's boring, but they don't see the 20 approaches that didn't go anywhere.

With both of those aforementioned bangin bitches, my reaction was knee jerk.

I literally said out loud, with both of them, "god damn that girl is hot as fuck" (Not within earshot of them) and just approached.

Can't even remember what I said, I just made a beeline for them.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - cardguy - 03-26-2014

@Teedub- about Poland. I have been to Poland and have a number of Polish chicks I know pretty well (from work and restaurants I go to alot).

We should start a thread on this. But I think Polish chicks are the easiest chicks to 'game'.

I don't know how easy they are to fuck. But they are definitely more open and easier to impress than chicks I have met from any other country.

It may be because Polish men are a little beta. So it doesn't take much to impress them. And no country has suffered like Poland over the past 60 years - so there is that as well. in there eyes - they must kinda' idolise the English and Americans.

On top of that - I find being in a foreign country gives me a boost and a hint of mystery.

So - when you wrap all that up - I can't imagine many better places that Poland. With that said - I dunno' how hard it is to get Polish chicks down to fuck though...

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - CactusCat589 - 03-26-2014

Approach anxiety is always inexcusable, *especially* if she's 1 in 1000 hot. Or even if you do have AA, just go for it. Do whatever mental gymnastics you have to so that your feet moves automatically even if you're freaking out. If you let it keep you from starting a conversation, you're going to end up thinking about her.

Next time you see a chick in that league go for it, you have nothing to lose. This thread reminded me to do this myself. I've let a few chances pass me by lately, no more!

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - Rutting Elephant - 03-26-2014

A reviewer of an Updike novel was baffled that the novelist makes such a big deal out of the unfairness of not having access to all women at all times.

Anyone else get depressed when they see a stunning girl? - CJ_W - 03-28-2014

Quote: (03-23-2014 02:28 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

I know this is beta as fuck. But I get pretty depressed. Sometimes it scrambles my brain for an hour or two.

What good is a hot super hot chick who is not going to fuck me?

And before you start trying to turn this into a 'turn your life around and master game' thread.

Too late, you've come to the wrong place (Roosh V forum)

To expect NOT to hear that kind of stuff.

However, What I'm goin to say may sound strange, so take with it what you will.

You're not doing enough things that you like, are fun, make you feel good & Happy.

How do I know this? Because you feel depressed when you see a hot girl walk by, you only feel depressed because you don't think that girl (or any girl that good looking) would ever sleep with you. Or that it IS possbile to sleep with a girl like her but it will take you years and years of work, doing countless day game approaches and getting rejected over and over etc. . .basically a lot of work that you don't want to do.

Your mind thinks that but your body disagrees, so it sends that feeling to you to let you know that you're. . ."doing it wrong"

When I say do things you like, makes you happy etc etc... I say that because your mind/brain becomes UESD to feeling that way,(feelign good and confident) and as you get used to feeling that way, you will feel more worthiness in your life, you'll eventually ingrain that feeling as a habit untill you prety much feel like that all the time. And by that time, the next time a super hot girl crosses your path, you GENIUNELY smile. . .and maybe start a conversation. . . in which the woman is interested in you because you FEEL GOOD, FEEL HAPPY and FEEL CONFIDENT (which is all the same thing) Because you've trained yourself to feel that way by. . .having fun as much as you can.

1)Meeting women like that becomes easy
2)you don't get that depression because you're happy
3)because you feel good you attract MORE hot women like that nearly effortlessly
4) You stop caring about hot women, or how hot they are, or just stop caring about getting women...or rather stop being neruotic and thinking about how you're NOT with that hot woman right now. . .because you don't have that NEED for her, you are happy without her. . .THAT feeling, that vide. . .is chick crack. WHen you're happy WITHOUT a hot woman, then that hot woman is going to wonder "what is it abotu cardguy" that makes him so happy"? These women will want an "in" to your world.

Really, feeling good, being happy, and training yourself that way is pretty much the first thing you need to do before you jump into game.

And the easiest way to get there is to find the things you love to do, things you do that makes time fly by AND that makes you feel good while doing it. . .

and do that. as much as you can.

Then the next posts you'll be writing will be about how to get all these hot women to stop approaching you since you have a full harem!

One misconception that I see all the time and saw in this forum:

Motivation vs Inspiration.

Motivation is just doin gsomething because you're afraid of what happens if you don't do it, implies that you don't really want to do it.

INSPIRATION however is something you're compelled to do, something you love. The MJ video that was posted is a product of inspiration. Jordan LOVED the game, THAT's why he was able to get up at 5am every morning and be the first guy to drive down to practice, I mean imagine if you found something that you really really really loved to do, something that woke you up at 6 in the morning because you were so excited to do that thing, and while you did it, time just flew by. THAT's inspiration. and it's a million times more powerful than motivation.

When you're inspired, people around you call it "hard work" as that dont have that same inspiration to do what it is they love (or havent found that thing that inspires them yet)

I'm going to tell you this:

Don't do "hard work." Do INSPIRED work. That is the work that will make 12 hours of doing it seem like 5 minutes. It is the same work that people will call "hard work" but to you its fun, its your life, its that thing that consumes you 24/7 in the best way possible.

Quote: (03-25-2014 09:40 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

"Cool - but has anyone got any real experience of approaching a legit '9' or '10' in the street and taking her away for a bang?"

When I lived in Tokyo I was getting off work and feeling really great (I just got off work and it was Friday) and I was in Shibuya and I walked by a bar called scramble (its in area under the train bridge across the stret from Shibuya station near the famous crossing if anyone's curious. . .dont know if its still there though)with this 9 in the window eyeing me, I pretty much Just automatically smiled, went in and ordered a drink and sat next to her, At first she told me "I'm not going to have sex with you" Since I was in a really good mood, it was funnny to me and I didn't care at all, We did small talk for like 5 minutes and then left for a love hotel which she paid for." Banged all night.

Second instance of this was me going to my regular bar with a friend of mine, chilling and joking around. He had to leave early so after he left, I just instinctively talked to a woman sitting alone. WE didn't communicate much at ALL but I got her digits (cell phone mail adress) set up a date for the next week at a bar near my place, took her there, left towards my place while it was POURING rain (had no umbrella, didn't give a fuck) and proceeded to have the best sex sessions with a woman in my life. It was EASY, (compared to all the cold approaching I was doing around that time. . . I did a lot.)

Quote: (03-24-2014 09:48 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

I can relate to what you are saying Cardguy.

Here in Tokyo I sometimes see girls so hot that it makes me hurt a little inside. There is a little voice inside that says "You will never get her" and it sucks.

Don't go to Enoshima beach in August then hahaha. Or maybe you should. . .its an amazing experience.