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The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - BlondeChaser - 04-05-2014

Quote: (04-04-2014 11:54 PM)Biologist Wrote:  

Quote: (04-04-2014 04:22 PM)LostAwake Wrote:  

Great datasheet. Now, the white females studying/teaching/working in Taipei, are they really that lonely? Aren't they hooking up with local Taiwanese dudes or white guys traveling through? What are the most prevalent nationalities of the white girls in Taipei?

When I was in Taiwan, I noticed that there were barely any Western women there. Just a few tourists passing through.

I would imagine that any Western woman living in Taiwan would be craving sex pretty badly because:

1) Her hypergamy deems the local men not good enough for her, so the regular Taiwanese men are out of the question. Even is she came across a very rich local Taiwanese guy, he wouldn't be interested in her as he is able to access the beautiful local Taiwanese girls.

2) The foreign guys aren't interested in them due to the abundance of way better local local girls.

Nonetheless, to me it seemed that that vast majority of the foreigners in Taiwan were male.

Its the opposite actually. TRUE 6/7 white girls (Europe Standards) were getting a lot of attention at Myst / ATT Spark. The wash up girls (aka chubsters) get no attention at all. Some mafia guys have the same white girls at their table. Buying $200 bottles of crappy champagne (Veuve). Oh well gets the girls drunk for us.

80% of the white girls though fall into category 2. Hence they always bitch they can't find a real man. Keeping the western standards up, but this time no takers. The lizards get no action here. No good looking white girl would even bother living Taiwan unless she was a real corporate expat worker (real rare).

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - prosebeforehoes - 06-15-2014

Great datasheet. Very comprehensive. Just going to add in some of my own observations:

- Having lived in Shanghai, and traveled to most major capital cities in Asia I'd have to say Taipei is my favourite. The city is very developed and functionally bilingual. As someone else has already mentioned the crime rate is zero, and the Taiwanese are fairly liberal when it comes to outsiders (partially) because of their own history, for you history buffs read the book "Formosa Betrayed").

- There's plenty of work here aside from teaching English. Most of the world's major computer component vendors are here, and they need plenty of people to do English-language marketing/PR. If you're white, immigration authorities will give exactly zero fucks so just don't overstay your 90/30 day visa and don't get into trouble and you'll be fine do to that infinitely.

- The Taiwanese are a very friendly bunch. Don't be surprised if people attempt to make conversation with you. And always, *always* be as friendly as possible if they engage you in conversation. Some idle chit-chat with a 40-something dude, who turned out to be a bigshot in the LED business, led to a nighty of partying at a KTV joint with his staff.

- Lastly, while the salaries are low in Taiwan your "basket of goods" (rent, food, transportation, entertainment) will be much lower too. Remember that making 50k a month is a solid middle-class income, so don't turn down a job because you aren't making a salary comparable to back home.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - zanetti - 06-24-2014

Heading to Taipei tmrw and just read through this thread. Awesome overview from the OP. I'll report back in this thread.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - berserk - 06-25-2014

Hotel prices are crazy at the moment, everything is booked, is something going on?

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - zanetti - 06-25-2014

Ok, I hate to be the voice of dissent but based on my experience tonight Luxy is definitely not what I was expecting based on this and other threads.

It was about 70% dudes tonight. I made a fair number of approaches but none got very far. If I had to give a rough breakdown of the types of girls there I would say that a fair number were 100% attention whores, with no interest in guys ( Taiwanese or western), a lot of two sets which were very difficult to break for me there by myself, and thirdly a fair number of groups of girls who looked quite out of place, who weren't particularly comfortable there. Unfortunately none of the latter group were particularly attractive.

None of my approaches went all that well but neither did anyone else's. I was expecting Luxy to be some sort of hook up place but the only make outs I witnessed were couples who came there together.

I'm not quite sure what this means, if the place has changed a lot since the OP went there, or if he has some form of magical game. I'll def check it out again in the next couple of days. Hopefully my experience will be different then

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - LeightonBlackstock - 06-25-2014

Interesting. I think your post gives a very good elaboration on Luxy

I remember stating somewhere that it could be a huge sausage fest on the weekend. The last time I went to Luxy was with forum member 'whand' in November. It was a Saturday night and we ditched it after fifteen minutes. There was just no point us even being there, the ratio was so bad. On the way out 'whand' yelled 'this is a fucking sausagefest' at the huge line of guys

However, a couple of weeks before that we had an absolutely killer night there and were finding girls like mad, to the point where we were running around and just saying stupid shit to them and finding it hilarious

Another thing to note. I only see this with perspective as now I live in Bangkok. The Taipei club scene IS a huge sausagefest. Luxy is actually one of the better ones (try 'Box', you'll be shocked. Can be 90% guys in there, no exaggeration) [Image: lol.gif]. Though, after a while, you ignore all the Taiwanese guys that just stand there, fistpump and block the dancefloor.

To state to other members (not aimed at you), Luxy definitely isn't a walk in the park. It needs game/style and a lot of patience if you're not Taiwanese/ABC and you want a nice girl. You won't see many white guys leaving with anything you'd be jealous of. It's more that Luxy is the 'least difficult' rather than the easiest (though make-outs aren't difficult there).

But I am certain it's the best place for quality if you're a white guy. I would still recommend another visit to there over Myst/Lava/Spark. Pulls can be done without the stars aligning but you must leave the club with both the girls in the two-set in my experience. Get them to join you in leaving for food and go to the breakfast place near the entrance. Don't be tempted to find a temporary wingman in the club, they'll bugger it up for you.

In terms of the girls being '100% attention whores'. Yup, that's Taipei club girls. I used to wonder why people even bother going to the clubs there, it's like they think they're on TV but no one's recording.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - zanetti - 06-25-2014

Thanks for the feedback bro. I was in 'drunken rant' mode when I wrote that. I have more perspective now after a night's sleep lol. Oh well, onwards and upwards

On a different note, I went thru all Taipei tinder profiles after arriving yesterday. Got about 25 matches so far. Sent a similar message to all saying I'm only in town for a couple of days and "want to have some fun [Image: wink.gif]" and what can she recommend. Haven't checked my phone yet for responses but there were definitely some cuties on there

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - LeightonBlackstock - 06-25-2014

If you're gonna check out Spark on your trip, go tonight. Friday and Saturday are infuriatingly busy to the point where it's impossible to run game inside. (Think trying to talk to girls at the front of a very loud, very crowded gig)

If not, it's university night at Lava. And of course, there's the infamous ladies night at the Brass monkey (it's a complete trainwreck but it's bloody funny and there are some farang-hunters there)

Don't bother with Babe18. Tonight will be a TOTAL sausagefest full of white guys.

(Speaking from 6 months ago. Apparently there are two new clubs in Taipei which could change things a bit)

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - zanetti - 06-26-2014

Thanks dude!

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - zanetti - 06-28-2014

+1 to the OP, spot on with his suggestions

Managed to get my Taiwanese flag last night! Pulled a cute 23 y/o out of Luxy. Was only my second approach that night. I just went over to talk to her and a couple of minutes later we were dancing and making out.

The second, smaller room in Luxy has now been turned into some sort of VIP area which you need special access to. Fortunately I had befriended the dude who was running an event there earlier in the night so I managed to get me and my girl in. Was a good DHV plus also the fact that I was staying in a nice hotel literally across the road from the club.

What I enjoyed most was the hate and jealousy filled stares from the other white guys when I was dancing and making out with my girl. It was priceless! Just like the OP said, other white guys here are so incredibly generic-looking you'd think they're doing it on purpose.

Last night was definitely a better night at Luxy compared to when I was there on Wednesday, better ratio and less people in general. One other difference, not sure it mattered, is that Wednesday I went out wearing a beige leisure suit whereas last night I wore smart jeans plus the suit jacket. My girl def loved the jacket.

Compared to Tokyo it seems white guys definitely get more love here. This isn't just based on my ONS but also the activity I've been having on tinder, Okc and Badoo. On the other hand it might also just be that those apps are a lot more popular here than in Japan. What definitely does make things easier here is that the average Taiwanese girl speaks English loads better than the average Japanese girl.

Anyways, good times all around. Will probably go out again tonight, since it's my last night here.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Mobetterbutter - 07-07-2014

Hi Gents,
I've recently moved to Taipei and I've been here for about a week. Still checking out the scene but there are definitely no shortage of fine ladies in this city. Attitude seems to be all over the board - from very traditional/Shy Chinese types to sweet/nice to more Western Bitchy types (especially the ones who lived in the West). Quite an interesting blend.
If anyone wants a wingman to go partying with, send me a message.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - sdz - 07-09-2014

Hi, new member, long lurker to Roosh.

Going to Taipei next week and will be in Taipei July 16-July 21. I'm half British/half Thai, 6'1" and do fairly well when going out. Gone to Taipei once before so I'm familiar with the city/clubs.

Going with my housemate, but interested in maybe joining up with another Roosh dude or two, more the merrier and all that. If interested, PM me.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - incognito person - 08-07-2014

Guys I just went out first night here, to Lava. Almost entirely Taiwanese people which I had been looking forward to, but I found the language barrier insurmountable. Many girls, some quite cute, were willing to talk; but I found it impossible to establish rapport due to language barrier (mandarin, English). I'm a 5'11" Indian intelligent physician in training, fairly fit. If I were white it would be easier but I'm not white. Will attempt other venues during my next few nights here, maybe room18 and luxy.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Dagnasty - 08-07-2014

Quote: (06-25-2014 01:46 PM)zanetti Wrote:  

Ok, I hate to be the voice of dissent but based on my experience tonight Luxy is definitely not what I was expecting based on this and other threads.

It was about 70% dudes tonight. I made a fair number of approaches but none got very far. If I had to give a rough breakdown of the types of girls there I would say that a fair number were 100% attention whores, with no interest in guys ( Taiwanese or western), a lot of two sets which were very difficult to break for me there by myself, and thirdly a fair number of groups of girls who looked quite out of place, who weren't particularly comfortable there. Unfortunately none of the latter group were particularly attractive.

None of my approaches went all that well but neither did anyone else's. I was expecting Luxy to be some sort of hook up place but the only make outs I witnessed were couples who came there together.

I'm not quite sure what this means, if the place has changed a lot since the OP went there, or if he has some form of magical game. I'll def check it out again in the next couple of days. Hopefully my experience will be different then

Here's my experience from another thread:

Well, I'm here in ground zero now. I got my flag - but it was through social circle game and I feel like that really cheapens the achievement. It was pretty much "Hey, I'm gonna give this chick your number and she'd probably like to fuck you, give it a shot." - I still had to game her quite a bit but it isn’t something I want to high five someone over.

I have only had two nights to work with in Taipei. I will have to go to another city to meet more sets from another social circle. With that being said – my experience in Luxy on a Wednesday was BRUTAL. It’s like being back in the USA. Put on your fucking helmet and body armor boys, if your frame is not good – this place will kick your nutsack into your throat.

I met up with another game aware guy (RSD fan) and we did a lot of club approaches. We basically spent the whole night gaming in Chinese. Most of these girls either don’t speak English or are not confident enough to do it. I’d say it’s mandatory that you have that or something else going for you or you’re going to go home completely destroyed. I’m not a fan of club game at all but I can do it.

My perceived value wasn’t high enough to pull anyone in the club but my wing scored with a thicker girl with me running interference on the friends. The guys there ranged from pathetic to “high-value” but I really got the impression that not a whole bunch of guys were pulling anyone that night. A lot of these girls are there for the attention and validation only. It’s not impossible but with this specific crowd and my value, I didn't have any luck with a SNL.

I am SURE if I had more time here, I could make it happen. The truth though is, I like “good girls” and good girls don’t go to clubs – which brings me to the following:

I agree that pipelining is almost completely a waste of time here. It works but the return on investment for your time is not a good deal. There are plenty of opportunities for day gaming. You can simply just practice your Mandarin and the average girl (that DOES NOT go clubbing) isn’t bitchy. In fact, they’re friendly and pleasurable. As for night game, there are a bunch of different scenes but there’s a completely different dynamic at play when it comes to foreigners getting action. The local guys have different challenges. I haven’t been here long enough to observe the dynamic.

TLDR: Taipei is full of girls that are 8’s and above – they can be banged but the high quality requires tight game - learn Mandarin.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Papi Rico - 11-06-2014

Comrade Blackstock, I've had my eye on this thread for quite some time and very much appreciate your contributions. We'll try out your suggestions over the next several nights and report back with any supplementary findings.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Papi Rico - 11-13-2014

Let me just throw this out there: Taipei may be poosy paradise for those of us targeting the 25-29 demographic. Civilized city for SEA prices, yes please.

Before I get any "Well, Papi, you were only there for a week" or "Your first two smashes were absolute lay-ups", let me boldly proclaim that nowhere in the world have I found it easier to approach solid 8's than in Taipei. Looks aside, these girls speak fantastic English (ABT's), are driven & ambitious yet extremely feminine, and my favourite part: you don't have to lock your shit up in a safe any time you go to the toilet.

If you find yourself in Taipei, go full force and do not be shy. Girls there seem to love a man who takes charge. I would hear things like "You're bossy...but I like it" and "I love your confidence" on the reg. I'm not advocating that head-to-dick maneuver a la #TakeDownJulienBlanc, but don't hesitate showing her your masculine side; she will appreciate you for it.

High-end night game: Marquee at No. 16-1, Section 5, Xinyi Rd, and Barcode at 5F,No. 22, SongShou Rd. filled up with serious smoke shows on Saturday night. Not much in the way of competition either. Honorable mention goes to Chess Club at 2F, #297, Zhongxiao E. Road, Sec.5,, for being probably the only after-hours venue I've seen in Asia with seriously DTF non-pros. Jacket/blazer got hot at times, but totally manageable and recommended.

Do not go out without ID!

Tinder and daygame are great longer-term options.

Great set of guys currently here and in surrounding areas: atlant, fretdancer, oldirtybachelor, ao85, UnW, and 2 'lurkers' whose identity I won't disclose.

Irish, buddy, you killed it as usual. Way to find your pot of gold at the other side of the rainbow [Image: pimp.gif]

Blackstock, thanks again for enlightening us in the first place +1

Looking forward to seeing more love for Taipei in the future.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - LeightonBlackstock - 11-14-2014

Ah good stuff. It seems like it's changed a lot in a year. Only saw the police raids once whilst I was there.

Are there any new clubs open? (since last year)

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - starboy - 11-27-2014

Just wanted to say thank you for this datasheet, I used it quite heavily when I came here in Jan and I'm having another look now.

Regarding new clubs, Lava seems to have been closed down and replaced by HIVE for Thurs/Sundays.


The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - presidentcarter - 11-27-2014

I'm actually becoming curious about Taipei. If I ever decide to leave Moscow lol. I'd be interested in comparisons from people who have spent time in both (ao85 maybe?).

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - expectation - 12-23-2014

Any hourly hotels out there in Downtown Taipei? I'm here this week but have terrible logistics except for Saturday.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - LeightonBlackstock - 12-24-2014

Apparently there's a hotel in the Luxy complex.

Not sure if it's hourly though, but my friend has seen giggly Taiwanese couples going in the door before

This isn't really the city for that though

The only Taiwanese girl going to an hourly-rate room is a complete farang-jumper from Carnegie's or Brass Monkey

If you've got one night. You wanna stay at Sun Yat Sen, Zongxiao Dunhua or Taipei City Hall logistics-wise

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Vacancier Permanent - 12-25-2014

Was wondering if Taipei is a good option when it comes to learning Mandarin? One of my goals for this new year is to finally get to learning Mandarin whether in China at Keats in Kunming or in Taiwan. Would appreciate the feedback guys.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - elcidcampeador - 12-25-2014

Quote: (12-25-2014 08:19 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Was wondering if Taipei is a good option when it comes to learning Mandarin? One of my goals for this new year is to finally get to learning Mandarin whether in China at Keats in Kunming or in Taiwan. Would appreciate the feedback guys.

Learning Mandarin in Taiwan is a big time-waster. You'll have those traditional characters and might develop that terrible Taiwanese accent.

There are a lot of white guys with yellow fever 'learning Chinese' in Taiwan. Kunming is a bit off the map for gringos and is actually a nice place. You'll definitely have an easier time focusing on your studies in Kunming. You'll have an easier time getting laid in Taipei though.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - ball dont lie - 12-25-2014

Quote: (12-25-2014 08:19 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Was wondering if Taipei is a good option when it comes to learning Mandarin? One of my goals for this new year is to finally get to learning Mandarin whether in China at Keats in Kunming or in Taiwan. Would appreciate the feedback guys.

I agree with elcidcampeador above: Taipei would be a great place to live but Traditional Characters are a bit tricky and if you want to learn Chinese for business, thats Simplified for use in PRC.

Taiwanese accent is a little stupid too, or it is to me since I live in Northern China. Men sound a little prissy to me, women speak in a cutesy way though that is fun.

Kunming has plenty of foreigers for a mid-sized Chinese city. If you go out you will see other westerners where ever you go.

The Ultimate Taipei, Taiwan Datasheet - Global Entry - 12-25-2014

Strangely enough I find northern Chinese and Taiwanese the most easy to understand speaking 中文。 the sichuanese and central Chinese and definitely the guangdongers fuhheddaboudit.