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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DarkGable - 07-22-2018

Quote: (07-22-2018 11:55 AM)DarkGable Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2018 04:47 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2018 02:18 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

im probably an idiot but cant find the WIA podcast?

the latest one is on our blog.....
The most recent podcast I can see there is "2018 Summer Splash Sex Special – How to Unlock the Nots and Tie the Knot!" from June 18th. Maybe there is an error?
I've seen it now, when you click podcasts it doesn't show up but you can see it via the main page. It is titled "Often Forgotten Fundamentals For getting Women in 2018 pt 1" and dated July 14th.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - frenchcorporation - 07-22-2018

I was just in Moscow, some random thoughts incoming.

I didnt die. Which is good. I'm a big guy & I dressed smart, & rolled with russians, I think these things helped to avoid most sticky situations.

Moscow is very multi-ethnic, which is not what i was led to believe. Lots of russian speakers that looked like what you'd expect, then lots that looked east-asian/chinese, arab, and a bunch of other ethnicities I have no idea how to name

I got stopped by russian (I think) tourists who wanted to take pictures with me, which was pretty funny

The underground metro system looks like something out of a Harry Potter movie. And, men stand up and give their seat to women, regardless of age or pregnancy status.

During the day, the quality of women was about the same as london, but went way up during the evening at social venues.

Moscow has a large amount of residential high-rise tower blocks, as far as the eye could see in some instances

Moscow is slightly less expensive than london, as far as eating & going out.

There is this nightclub called gipsy, which was great, would reccomend to people looking to party, they played a lot of EDM & hip-hop

The only negative thing that happened during the trip, was a drunk russian man coming up to me during a night out, and asked me (in english), if I would kick him in the head if he called me the n-word (he said the actual word). Me and my boy did a double take, because he asked so casually, as if he was asking for directions. We called our russian friend over just to chat to the guy just to make sure we heard correctly, and we did.

& I would go back to see my friend, but Id prefer to speak more russian, so I could move about more independently

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 07-22-2018

A lot of guys talk about dressing smartly when going out, is this still a thing that needs to be taught? Is it a cultural thing? I notice that people like to dress more informally in North America. I remember going out in London and there were guys that had barely cracked 18 that couldn't wait to stunt in some very proper garments. I remember going to the Hanover Grand in Central London and there were a lot of teenagers lined up to go in and several of them were sporting bowler hats (fedoras for the North Americans).
One never had to be told how to dress up there, lizards would actually chastise a guy for showing up dressing bummy.
However, often when it seems here that many have to be told how to dress up and this is irrelevant of age.
I also roll around business casual these days. When there is a need to dress up at work my manager never has to inform me and I was literally told that I always dress as if the board members are about to suddenly pop in the office at any moment.
However, to throw a bit of a spanner (wrench) in the works, I have been conversing with some guys from my primary and secondary schools and one guy said that he only owns one pair of shoes and that he's always in trainers and trackies (sneakers and jogging pants).
I went to primary and secondary school in London (for those who don't know).

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rotinz - 07-22-2018

Quote: (07-22-2018 03:06 PM)rotinz Wrote:  

I never went to university but I'm now considering going, I'll be going in a year or 2 so I'll be a 22 or 23 year old freshman. Do you think I'll be effected being an older freshmen that's also black? I was thinking the age gap might be weird but a lot of people told me it's not that big of an age difference, especially these days when many are taking gap years and working before college etc. is this true? Also I look very young for my age I'm 21 and most people think I'm around 16 so there's that I guess.

I'm wondering what the university climate is like for black men these days especially game wise and what other black guys experiences have been when you were or if you still are in university. If you went to a university with a small percentage of black people like UCLA did you find people were racist, was it an ignorant racist or a real hateful racist? Did you find girls were more interested in you cause there weren't many other black people? I hear a lot university campuses and the girls are very liberal and interested in getting with black guys more then girls in everyday life did any of you witness this? And if you went to a school with a higher black population do you feel they have less racism against blacks then other schools do?

I'm considering a bunch of schools such as Arizona State, University of Florida, UCLA, University of British Columbia, Mcgill, University of Central Florida etc. I'm also considering doing a semester abroad in somewhere like Mexico, Argentina, Sweden, Germany, France or a couple other places.

So just in general what is the University climate like for black guys these days and how does the university setting effect things like our SMV and our success gaming girls?

Also I don't know if I'm looking at university through rose tinted glasses and if I'll enjoy it as much as I think I will right now. I remember I really didn't like school much before and that's why I don't decide to go to university straight out of high school. Do you guys think university is worth it and do you find it enjoyable?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - oilbreh - 07-22-2018

Quote: (07-22-2018 04:44 PM)frenchcorporation Wrote:  

The only negative thing that happened during the trip, was a drunk russian man coming up to me during a night out, and asked me (in english), if I would kick him in the head if he called me the n-word (he said the actual word). Me and my boy did a double take, because he asked so casually, as if he was asking for directions. We called our russian friend over just to chat to the guy just to make sure we heard correctly, and we did.

The russian word for a black person is fairly similar to the n-word. We never really had black people so it never really had a negative connotation associated with it nor was it ever used in that way. Its the more european word and calling someone "black" in russian would refer to a state of being dirty/unclutured (from people that couldnt afford a chimney back in the day) rather than skin color, though I guess it could also be context these days i'm not too privey. In short as a result some people there are fairly entertained by the fact that black people in the states take offense to it. Consider it like a weird "fact of the day" for them. I wouldn't think too much into it, he might have just wanted to start a conversation.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Beirut - 07-22-2018

Yeah they’re pretty loose with using the word. The Russian word for black person is negr (pronounced nyegr). Even though the guy was aware it’s offensive, he probably wasn’t trying to abuse you. It’s just the Russian humor.

Fsu girls call me black guy just because I have dark eyes and hair. I’ve had girls joke about my ethnicity even though they were banging me.

Tbh I’m more comfortable with that overt style than the western style patronizing shit. Wouldn’t consider this a black mark on your trip.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Joga Bonito - 07-22-2018

Quote: (07-20-2018 01:49 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2018 08:48 AM)Joga Bonito Wrote:  

My current dilemma is getting chicks to invest more(pre and post bang). What are good strategies for this? Also, what’s the best resource for Snapchat game?

Can you elaborate on investing more? What would they be putting forth as an investment? Also, isn't Snapchat game about sending video clips of each other and pushing for something more sexual?

By investment I mean the effort that it’s takes a woman to keep you happy or keep you around. As for Snapchat, thats the gist of it, but was wondering if there were any game gurus, that discussed this directly. I’m leaning towards coverdocs method though. Thanks Doc.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 07-23-2018

One thing I notice in keeping up with game these days is that nobody runs into the separate cars issue anymore.

It is that public transportation has gotten better?
Uber is everywhere?
You guys are all Netflix and chill?

I'd drive to my weekly spots, meet a cutie, but she drove too. We're ready to make things happen and she's got to figure out her car situation.

Good game, and she'll leave her husband at the bar, but she actually needs the car.

There are less clubs, people are less social, this is known.

But the car thing? It never comes up with the professional pickup artists or even in field reports.


Her letting you do things = investment.
Her telling you things = investment.
Her doing things at your request = investment

Her thinking of you, and doing things before you even think to ask = the goal.

So in the pull, I think PUA doctrine emphasizes investment during the opening phase. RSD Luke talks about it, but doesn't do it. Tech master Todd Valentine almost always neglects it in his pulls, or he doesn't highlight it.

In real Game (with a capital G) investing is at every stage.

The subtle first investment is her giving you time to spit your raps. Laughter is her payoff, but one laugh suggests the possibility of another.

She invests more listening time for more emotional release.

You got her attention initially, you keep her attention with jokes and stories, then I usually go from - joke 1, joke 2, to "you must be a little evil to laugh at something like that"

Now the conversation went from polite chit chat to something dangerous. Most black players that I've met in real life that are actually good with women do a little bit of personality analysis. I think that has a lot to do with black American/Caribbean culture to be honest.

"You the type of girl that...." And like the smell of lighter fluid in the summer time, the chick will disabuse me of that notion.

Black women know the game. It's fire crackers, it's hot sauce. A sista will get INVESTED in how she wants to be perceived by the world. This chick met me 135 seconds ago.

Non black women? You just dropped her into a pool of LSD. Cause most guys are boring.

The investment on her part is clearing her good name.

Getting her to stand up = investment.
Getting her to sit down = investment.
Moving to bar away from her friends = investing.
Out to the patio = investing.

Having her tell you a story. Or a joke - performing outside of the bedroom is unfamiliar territory for chicks - she's putting her ego and image at risk.

If she volunteers some vulnerable shit, that's her game. If you get her to open up, that's her investing.

You want to do some pimp shit?

Level 1 is having her get the bartender's attention.
Level 2 is her buying you drinks.
Level 3 is having her flirt with a guy to get both of you drinks.

So that's pre bang.

During the bang itself, no matter if your angle is domination or athletic sex or mind games via talking dirty - it is you investing in her. Even if a girl stops by your place for a quick blow job - that's not her investing - that's her doing what she likes to do. She likes taking dick, sucking dick, and pleasing you. She also liked doing that for the last ten guys.

It is the shit that is out of her way that is investment.

I used to go for deep rapport after the first bang.
Soul binder shit from the days when guys would talk about the October man sequence.

For investment, it's getting her to do stuff for you is more powerful. Backrub, drink, wash your hair...

If you elevate her past one night stand to fuck buddy, she only gets to FWB status if she brings shit when she comes over, or has shit when you go over.

But you have to ask for it, expect it, chastise her when you don't get it, check the chick, disengage when you don't get it. Most girls get with the program or get lost. If she does invest, you have to reward that with attention.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Fortis - 07-23-2018

Quote: (07-22-2018 06:09 PM)Moma Wrote:  

A lot of guys talk about dressing smartly when going out, is this still a thing that needs to be taught? Is it a cultural thing? I notice that people like to dress more informally in North America. I remember going out in London and there were guys that had barely cracked 18 that couldn't wait to stunt in some very proper garments. I remember going to the Hanover Grand in Central London and there were a lot of teenagers lined up to go in and several of them were sporting bowler hats (fedoras for the North Americans).
One never had to be told how to dress up there, lizards would actually chastise a guy for showing up dressing bummy.
However, often when it seems here that many have to be told how to dress up and this is irrelevant of age.
I also roll around business casual these days. When there is a need to dress up at work my manager never has to inform me and I was literally told that I always dress as if the board members are about to suddenly pop in the office at any moment.
However, to throw a bit of a spanner (wrench) in the works, I have been conversing with some guys from my primary and secondary schools and one guy said that he only owns one pair of shoes and that he's always in trainers and trackies (sneakers and jogging pants).
I went to primary and secondary school in London (for those who don't know).

Fuck all dat.

Get so yoked you look good in a potato sack. Carry bitches off like a caveman.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 07-23-2018

Moma - their is a huge divide in how the Brits view dressing up, versus the North Americans. That stuff is ingrained in us from young in the UK. I recall having to polish my shoes for school and keeping my fountain pen clean. Yeah, I am old.

WIA - again another gem dropped. Sometimes I think my way of thinking is very Neanderthal.

Fortis - that has been my mantra for how long! The only thing is that fashion and clothes, can give you an edge over the competition.

First Archie podcast - he suggested wearing a pink shirt.
First DarkKnight podcast - he suggested wearing a French blue or purple shirt.
If you don't have these items in your wardrobe, your missing out. These colours are made for black skin.
Every time I wear my Ralph Lauren pink button down shirt, I always get compliments.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rotinz - 07-23-2018

Quote: (07-23-2018 09:56 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Moma - their is a huge divide in how the Brits view dressing up, versus the North Americans. That stuff is ingrained in us from young in the UK. I recall having to polish my shoes for school and keeping my fountain pen clean. Yeah, I am old.

WIA - again another gem dropped. Sometimes I think my way of thinking is very Neanderthal.

Fortis - that has been my mantra for how long! The only thing is that fashion and clothes, can give you an edge over the competition.

First Archie podcast - he suggested wearing a pink shirt.
First DarkKnight podcast - he suggested wearing a French blue or purple shirt.
If you don't have these items in your wardrobe, your missing out. These colours are made for black skin.
Every time I wear my Ralph Lauren pink button down shirt, I always get compliments.

Do even the poor people in the UK dress nice? In canada most guys just dress like the trailer park boys regardless of how much money they have. In some areas people do dress nicer though like Vancouver.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 07-23-2018

Contrary to popular beliefs, it’s not expensive to dress nice. However, it does require a fair amount of resourcefulness. I wear suits daily and still dress business casual during my downtime. I cut my teeth in the clearance section and mark down sales! Never pay more than $20 for a shirt, $50 for shoes and $100 for a suit. Further, having these discounted items tailored to fit me well is key!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 07-23-2018

Quote: (07-23-2018 10:58 AM)rotinz Wrote:  

Do even the poor people in the UK dress nice? In canada most guys just dress like the trailer park boys regardless of how much money they have. In some areas people do dress nicer though like Vancouver.

There isn't really an economic divide like there would be in say, Canada and definitely not the U.S. However, even if someone is hurting financially, they would steal to ensure they look spiffy when they were going out. I grew up in South London, not having funds wasn't an excuse to come out looking proper. Lizards would literally call you a tramp if you stepped to her in rags.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 07-23-2018

Quote: (07-23-2018 02:24 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2018 10:58 AM)rotinz Wrote:  

Do even the poor people in the UK dress nice? In canada most guys just dress like the trailer park boys regardless of how much money they have. In some areas people do dress nicer though like Vancouver.

There isn't really an economic divide like there would be in say, Canada and definitely not the U.S. However, even if someone is hurting financially, they would steal to ensure they look spiffy when they were going out. I grew up in South London, not having funds wasn't an excuse to come out looking proper. Lizards would literally call you a tramp if you stepped to her in rags.

Good clothes are generally cheaper in the UK, there is also a ton of selection. I almost picked up a suit last week for 70 GBP ($130 cdn) the other day, you cannot even get wool dress pants for that price in Canada.

Most of my casual clothes I buy on a English site called ASOS.

Shopping in America is always fun, they know how to do business.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - BasketBounce - 07-23-2018

@WIA, what you’re talking about is mental jiu-jitsu. Another thing I like to do is have girls by drugs for me. They know they’ll get their reward...[Image: banana.gif]

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 07-24-2018

@Basket, I'm chopping game actually.

The pimp's hold over a chick is her constantly doing something to get her man's attention, and not trying to substitute bullshit for results.

If he asks a chick to do something, and she responds with a smile but no results, the pimp is supposed to check her, or worse, shut her out.

Her reward is his attention, not his dick.

But pimps aren't talking to girls for pussy, but for money.

The problem with the Red Pill man is that he is self sufficient. I can cook, clean, make my own money, talk to a chick and bang her out.

So in a relationship context, what is left for the chick to do?

Better stated, the man has taken away all of the things that a chick could do for him, so she can't get invested.

Meanwhile, when Chad gets a Stacy, he finds himself investing in her. The chick always needs help and guidance.

These red pill mouth breathers on this site will never see that. *shrugs*


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - BasketBounce - 07-24-2018

^I hear you. Getting girls to invest is what I now look for.

You hook them with the story, that gets her wanting to here more — but then you make a 180 conversationally, by making a cold-read. And now she’s trying to save face...

Are you saying that you did NOT have success with the October Man sequence? I did a quick google search — seems legit, at least something worth trying out.

@Fortis: Agree with you on getting yoked. Definitely opens up your options. I’m tryna go all out tho — game + yoked = winning

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 07-25-2018

I'm coming to the conclusion there is a big difference between NLP, pickup, and Game with a capital G.

On the surface - say stuff and bag chicks.

They all work, the techniques overlap, but they're all different.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - torridon747 - 07-25-2018

Obligatory I'm a white guy.


Garnering investment from females while avoiding investming is game 101 isn't it?

So set aside the attention economy of the relationship. When I date a girl after the 1st bang, my goal from then on that is slow feed her DHV. I know people, I know the city, my friends respect me, show her all the things I have access too and all along the way I drop hints that I did everything myself. It's important to have a non-needy vibe from me the whole time and always let the air linger with the thought that I can do better and I will drop her if she acts out of line tapping into the natural dominant submissive paradigms that exist in all lizards heads. If she acts out address it immediately, tease her about her stupid girl ideas to assert dominance, cold read her to let her know I know her nature better than she does. During the start of all this I'll do something simpy like buy a small gift or do a small favor or buy dinner. I internalize this as throwing money away and I never expect to see it come back. I even put off the vibe like it's nothing, literally nothing, like I don't even care if the female likes it.

But that little cash throwaway more often than not provokes a chain of investments from the girl. Now she wants to impress me, she buys drinks, she buys dinner, she finds something I would like and goes and gets it. My whole wardrobe right now is from past relationships, my kitchen is stocked with cookware, etc. The more she invests the happier she is as long she just sees a fraction of a fraction of return and i never eclipse her investment. Funnily enough thats how cons work too, and that's how some pimp game is ran. Keep em listening, sell them the dream, give them a little piece of it to them every now and then wnf keep them investing

My idea is yeah I'm a redpill man from nothing, Im always going to be alright. And there's not a way almost any female is gonna eclipse me in anything. So they better find a way to fit in my life and contribute, cash and gifts seems easy for modern women.

I'm running this on a girl right now and I like her you know she's a fun waste of time, but she's not mother material. So while I enjoy her presence and like the sex I want something else on the backend. She works at a department store and I need new shoes and jeans. I bought her dinner last night after knowing her for 1 day. Then I casually mentioned its my boys birthday after and we was going to go see him. She immediately offered to buy all the booze and off we went. Homies show me love their girlfriends do too because I brought the booze. She feels apart of it and feels better. She seems me getting love and it feels right. It's a compounding circulsr re-enforcement of behaviour. She'd do it again and will invest more since it felt so rigjt. Now she's invested, she's hooked by me and my circle. And then it's a slow work up from there. And you know what she's gonna be happy eventually to buy those shoes if it means access to me and the fun experiences I provide. Girls are like everyone else bored looking for purpose. Trying to mingle with people that are better than them so they can feel like they are doing well. It's not hard to use it. As long as everyone walks away happy I'm cool with it

Anyway that's just the cash economy of a relationship, i don't know how to handle the attention economy but I'm always weary of investing too much.

Is that kind of what you were talking about?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 07-25-2018

Eugenics is a white guy? Who'd a thunk it.

Anyway, the slow feed DHV, soup and McQueen used to call lifestyle game.

I've never found the "choosy provider" frame to be one that I liked, for the following reason.

You don't see this chick as wife for life material, but you're letting her in on your life.

You don't see the obvious hell to pay when you cut the chick loose?


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 07-25-2018

East Indian Archie?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 07-25-2018

^ Filmed in Toronto.

I will leave it at that.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - torridon747 - 07-25-2018

Quote: (07-25-2018 06:52 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Eugenics is a white guy? Who'd a thunk it.

Anyway, the slow feed DHV, soup and McQueen used to call lifestyle game.

I've never found the "choosy provider" frame to be one that I liked, for the following reason.

You don't see this chick as wife for life material, but you're letting her in on your life.

You don't see the obvious hell to pay when you cut the chick loose?


I don't think I would call it a choosy provider frame unless you mean it's to iinvest enough cash/emotion wise to bait her into doing 5-10x that. Comes out as a net positive.

Don't know what you mean by the hell when I cut a chick loose. Emotionally I'll be alright especially if it only lasts a couple months. In terms of a crazy girl trying to fuck my life up after she has invested so much - I think about that constantly and the best thing I've found is to guard my assets and cover my ass, a little fear doesn't hurt either. So far after all the crazy broads I've banged I dont have a single horror story about slashed tires, girls fucking up my finances or anything of the sort so I like to think I'm doing something right.

What frame do you prefer?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Black Caesar - 07-26-2018

WIA, that video man lol

All of my verbals went out the window cause I can work only so much in French and can’t work at all in the Dialects here. So it’s been a lot of basic interview questions but that pretty much is fine cause there is base level interest of the fact I’m foreign and live here vs just visiting.

I’m also running a simple no judgement gambit based on some culture observation but I had to go and look up a bunch of words for that.


Did you come here just to argue with the Gawd?

I ran similar lifestyle stuff all the time back in the states but eventually something happens like you show up at the club and the girl you tried to ditch last week is hanging with the promoter you introduced her to and then she starts some drama with the new girl you brought with you.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - droughtmeat - 07-26-2018

Quote: (07-25-2018 08:45 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^ Filmed in Toronto.

I will leave it at that.

could you maybe elaborate? I don't know much about Toronto. Is it good for ethnics guys, black guys? Bad for game in general?
All I hear is a lot of #metoo when guys talk about Toronto.