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Official introduction thread - Printable Version

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Official introduction thread - debeguiled - 07-23-2018

Quote: (07-22-2018 09:24 PM)Koba Wrote:  

Hi, Lucas, 25. I'm here mainly to post on the travel section. I've been in Kenya twice this year, will go to Cameroon in December and have a few other plans but nothing confirmed so far.

Look, Kona, it is extremely fun to make sock puppet accounts, and everyone's doing it, but you have to put some effort into it.

Official introduction thread - Koba - 07-23-2018

Quote: (07-23-2018 10:28 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2018 09:24 PM)Koba Wrote:  

Hi, Lucas, 25. I'm here mainly to post on the travel section. I've been in Kenya twice this year, will go to Cameroon in December and have a few other plans but nothing confirmed so far.

Look, Kona, it is extremely fun to make sock puppet accounts, and everyone's doing it, but you have to put some effort into it.

[Image: huh.gif] Don't know about this guy, "Koba" was the revolutionary nickname of Stalin...

Official introduction thread - debeguiled - 07-23-2018

Quote: (07-23-2018 04:24 PM)Koba Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2018 10:28 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2018 09:24 PM)Koba Wrote:  

Hi, Lucas, 25. I'm here mainly to post on the travel section. I've been in Kenya twice this year, will go to Cameroon in December and have a few other plans but nothing confirmed so far.

Look, Kona, it is extremely fun to make sock puppet accounts, and everyone's doing it, but you have to put some effort into it.

[Image: huh.gif] Don't know about this guy, "Koba" was the revolutionary nickname of Stalin...

The British flag gave you away.

Just in case you are sincere:

All you need to know.

[Image: hawaiian_turfgrass_services-3.jpg]

[Image: roundup-weed-grass-killer-500261005-64_1000.jpg]

[Image: spam-jam-waikiki.jpg]

[Image: claysmalltuc.jpg]

[Image: sometimes-i-forget-how-to-spell-a-word-s...104203.png]

Official Ethno-state portrait.

[Image: l.jpg]

Official introduction thread - Remington - 07-26-2018

Quote: (07-23-2018 05:17 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2018 04:24 PM)Koba Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2018 10:28 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2018 09:24 PM)Koba Wrote:  

Hi, Lucas, 25. I'm here mainly to post on the travel section. I've been in Kenya twice this year, will go to Cameroon in December and have a few other plans but nothing confirmed so far.

Look, Kona, it is extremely fun to make sock puppet accounts, and everyone's doing it, but you have to put some effort into it.

[Image: huh.gif] Don't know about this guy, "Koba" was the revolutionary nickname of Stalin...

The British flag gave you away.

Just in case you are sincere:

All you need to know.

You forgot about the stolen beer.

Official introduction thread - Dulceácido - 07-27-2018

Wait! is Koba actually Kona? Wtf is going on here? Who is this Koba dude anyway? I know Kona. Seems legit.

Official introduction thread - UniversalMen - 07-27-2018

Hello gents! I'm a little late in introducing myself to the forum but have been practicing game for the past decade. I just moved to Westlake Village and have just begun to permeate the sexual marketplace out here.

Official introduction thread - Medvetz63 - 08-03-2018

I have lived off and on in the Dominican Republic since April 2008, and in 2015 I became a naturalized Dominican citizen. I know the entire country like the back of my hand and since 1989 I have spoken, read and can write Spanish with native fluency.

Starting next month I plan to visit Colombia a lot. I have never been there before but I will be going in September for nine days.

I also want to visit other countries in South America as well as in Eastern Europe. I learned Russian in the U.S. Navy back in the mid-1980s and I have kept up my skills in the language by reading it a lot and listening to videos on YouTube, etc., but I have never been to Russia. However I plan to go in 2019.

Official introduction thread - 1RationalDoc - 08-04-2018

Hey Everyone

I'm 1RationalDoc. A couple of years back after a breakup ended up on r/TheRedPill on Reddit, after a friend recommended that to me, and my eyes were suddenly open to the world of hypergamy and the female solipsism. Don't know what I was pissed more about. My ex, or growing up in this feminist social convention that basically just prepares men to become this beta provider.

Thanks to that subreddit and Rollos work, I finally understand how the sexual dynamics between male/female work. One of the biggest lessons I learned is putting myself forward and focusing, and making women complementary to my life and not the main focus on it.

But now with my red pilled lense, I realized I need to improve my game. I'm like the guy who knows everything about fish, where they are, their behaviors, their biological evolution. But when it comes to catching them is pretty much bad at it.

So the same friend who recommended me to check out the Reddit TRP forum and rollos work recommended me to check out Roosh Day bang book, which I am currently reading. Been following last two Roosh live on youtube too, which is quite nice. That indian dude looking for the gandu train was just hilarious.

Anyways just wanted to introduce myself.

Official introduction thread - French - 08-05-2018

An Algerian going to France to get a degree.

I had 1 gf and never slept with a woman.

I don't know how i got into the red pill but i was always interested in psychology and human behavior.

Official introduction thread - Redcrus - 08-05-2018

I'm new here, have lurked a little and have to say theres so much interesting information/experiences posted on here.

I'm trying to learn from here as I've had not great luck over the years (nerves, lack of experience and just shit luck) and hopefully post some success stories.

Official introduction thread - Pytonga - 08-08-2018

New guy from Glasgow.
Redpill ready - divorced [Image: smile.gif]

Great forum - thank's guys for all the knowledge.

Official introduction thread - Francisco - 08-08-2018

Hi, my name is Francisco. I am 24 years old and am from Portugal.

Decided that will be good for my development to post here and then sometime later check back on what I was up to at that point in time and see how I develop myself as a better human being.

Since I am doing this for myself I am not going to lie about if I aproached or not or whatever.

As of now I never did a single daygame approach but I have done quite well in nightgame mostly because of the alchool effects on me.

Its super weird how with alchool I can aproach a girl at time without thinking twice but sober during the day I just start overthinking and just come with excuses to not do it.

I am currently in Moscow and I plan on doing my first few daygame aproaches tomorrow.

Will update tomorrow how it went.

Official introduction thread - Juan_Antonio - 08-09-2018


This is a long post. Apologies. I am creating such a post for the following reasons:

-To finally introduce myself as I have been a long time lurker;
-As a reference point for my future threads so that fellow members can tailor a response to fit my background / level experience;
-I would like to start offering my (limited) knowledge of game to beginners, as this forum has been such an incredible help to me over the past 12 months.

TL/DR: just read the ‘Why I’m here’ section below, plus the headings in bold.

Why I’m here – to go from intermediate to advanced.

I am here because my game is a little average when I target girls that are above me in rating (girls above 8). I thought my level of game was advanced, but I quickly realized I was only getting 6/7/8’s and it was only as a direct result of running ‘good looking guy game’ (GLGG). Getting girls below or at your level isnt really game, according to Nick Krauser – and I tend to agree with him.

Nick Krauser states “…If you’re pulling exactly the type of girls you ought to be pulling anyway without Game, then pulling them a bit faster or in higher quantity doesn’t really say much…”

Here is the link to the article in question (hopefully I am allowed to do this? Apologies if ive breached anything).

In summary, im great at closing 6-8’s. But I would like to start succeeding in the 8-10 range moving forward. I have a lot to improve on. I know this. The one thing I would really like to achieve is GLGG optimization, ie. what are the max. levels I can push my game to, without sounding alarm bells (Im aware that I can get away with more stuff than the average fella, just need to know where this is).

My appearance - Good looking fellow, well built and lean.

•Late 30’s; 6’1; 198lbs(90kgs), well built, relatively lean (10% bf);
•Italian heritage, olive skin, full head of hair & no greys (very fortunate)
•Get told I look like between 28-33, which means I don’t raise eyebrows when interacting with 18 yo’s (from bystanders or sets)

My game – intermediate level. Quick witted, charming, fast escalator.

•I thought it was advanced, but upon closer inspection, its intermediate. I say this because im a good looking guy, and its dawned on me that much of my success is attributable to this fact, and less on my game.
•Example of my poor game. I can talk to any girl, in any environment. But when I get a 9 in my midst and she shows interest back, I find it hard to ‘play it cool’ because I don’t want to lose her interest. Which ironically is what happens when I don’t play it cool.
•My good qualities. I’m a solid improviser and quick on my feet (I actually did improv and standup in my 20’s which was a great training ground for pickup)
•Shit tests handling: Handle well, have no fear approaching groups (female or mixed).
•Mindset: I’m super aggressive on the inside (in terms of drive and determination) but give off a playful, ‘ZFG’, lighted heartedness on the outside (no outcome dependence – at least to them)
•I thrive on daygame and do quite well when I apply myself in the day time. Always been solid at nightgamer, but my pref is day.
•I kino escalate quickly and im an efficient closer, I typically aim for 7+’s and my ‘open:lay’ conversion ratio is about 15:1 (avg across daygame/nightgame)

My day job – app development, good passive income, allows me to be mobile.

•Have a small internet business that does ok; humble yet steady passive income; I have some assets and savings in the bank. Overall I would say Im financially secure (not well-off or financially free). Put in another way, I don’t really stress about money or being able to pay for things I want.

My taste in female – naturally busty, slim frame, 18-30.

•18-26; naturally busty, slim frame ideally (can be curvy if tits are incredible). Fake boobs or obvious facial plastic surgery kills it for me. If she’s naturally busty (E’s) and slim, she can be a little muntered in the face (think a 3 or 4 face), body just needs to be on-point.
My goal – develop my game to its full potential, so I can only sleep with women who I strongly desire
•I don’t want to keep relying on ‘Good Looking Game’ (GLL), I know my looks will one day go
•I don’t want kids, I don’t want marriage, I dont want an LTR. I say this because I am red pilled (12 months+) and am yet to meet someone where the benefits offset the risks associated with LTR / marriage / having kids.
•I want to sleep with girls that actually turn me on like im a horned up, sex crazed teenager again.

My challenges – battling depression, finding it hard to get turned on by the average girl.

•As I get older, I find it harder and harder to climax, even with very attractive women. This is mainly due to the anti-depressants I have been on since I was a teen (ive got ‘Generalized Anxiety Disorder’). Physch says I will never be able to get off the meds (ive attempted many times but failed). So ive resigned to the fact that I will almost always need Viagra and almost always not be able to climax.
•That said, when I meet someone who is ‘my taste’, I have noooo problems whatsoever. (ie. I don’t need Viagra & can climax no probs). Unfort it’s a rare occurrence because theyre few and far between in Australia.

My areas of development – quality over quantity, focus on girls who pass my boner test.

•Only focus on girls that tick my boxes: I’ve done the ‘volume’ game before where I’ve clocked up high numbers in short periods of time. While its great for game / momentum and doesn’t hurt the ego, im slowly starting to question the point of sleeping with 8 girls in a month if only 1-2 are making me cum. Therefore I would like to focus on the gaming girls with the physically characteristics I like.


Thank you for reading. I hope to one day become a valuable member of this great community of men.

Official introduction thread - Hephaestus - 08-13-2018

We all say we are individuals, but we are influenced by the communities we join and learn from.

When you want to stop being an internet addict, wouldn't it make sense to join an internet addicts forum? No, because you are surrounding yourself with the problems and maladaptive habits of other addicts.

When you are trying to improve your social and life skills, it's better to find a community not focused on the perfect line and the quickest fix, but on becoming genuinely stronger men.

I have read this forum for a long time, and I'm signing up not to post, but to grow into a man who would benefit others by posting.

I plan to write a self-improvement log at least every two days and stay as far away from any theory or politics debates.

Official introduction thread - Payback - 08-14-2018

I've been lurking on this forum for some time now and decided to go ahead and join. A lot of interesting information and viewpoints here, though there is much I don't agree with. I've drank some red pill cool aid but not the whole pitcher. The biggest influences on my male ethos have been and the works of Hemingway.

I'm early 40s and, in what must put me in a distinct minority here, happily married. Got ten years in. She's a good one, my wife. Just looking to learn more, share some of my experience and wisdom for others, and secure my place in this constricting, compromising, ever-changing world.

Official introduction thread - ibizapill - 08-16-2018

Hi, I'm French and came to the US for college and stuck around after that. I have been reading RVF for a while but figured I should join more actively, especially after seeing that the harassment of ROK and RVF users has slowed (a bit.) I can always use advice with the ladies and could really up my day game and also, my night game, which is uneven. I do better in Anglo-saxon countries, though. Thanks to everyone for all their input and look forward to the convos.

Official introduction thread - AlwaysTired - 08-16-2018

Hey what's up guys, Really happy to be joining a more serious PUA orientated discussion place. Been solely on the pickup Facebook pages, which are now just toxic with trolls it seems.

A little bit about me..

Met someone who I consider an MPUA back in 2013, who introduced me to game. Took everything he said with a grain of salt, but still encompassed the popular "higher value" qualities like preselection and maintaining a strong frame.

Became a male stripper, which was my crutch for women for years. Adapted very bad game, regardless of my lay count going from like 7 to 60 in only 2 years.

Wanted to break the crutch plus a girl broke my heart, so I got into more newer age pickup like RSD and have been fairly happy ever since then.

First few months were extremely bumpy, but we learnt from our mistakes and now every night we either pull or find ourselves in quality sets (going out 2-4 times a week).

I'm most curious how guys deal with loud venues running night game. It's a big problem for me and my wing, we don't approach inside venues anymore. As it's just so much effort trying to run good game, we believe it comes across as try hard and needy. Putting so much effort into trying to talk to a complete stranger. We only go inside if we're already walking in with a set to get drinks, or we're meeting someone; something misc like that.

As a result of this, our game is 95% street. Which we are happy with, but living in Canada this isn't sustainable in the winter [Image: undecided.gif] It's been a fucking ride the last 6 months, will be hard to go back inside the warmth of the clubs. Or might have to move somewhere warmer to continue street game?

Anyways, that's me. Looking forward to meeting some other like minded individuals, giving / sharing different perspectives so everyone gets more abundance.

Official introduction thread - BlackHussar - 08-18-2018

Hello, guys. I'm in my mid-twenties, residing in Southeastern Europe.

I've been following the Forum for quite a while, but I haven't deemed myself ready (in terms of experience with women) to register and actively contribute. I stumbled upon it by accident, several years ago.

I have already learned a lot, and I look forward to being a member of this Forum!

Black Hussar

Official introduction thread - halfyear - 08-26-2018

You know how every new year, the gym is full of resolutioners who never come back? My account name is halfyear because I made my account when I broke up with my GF June 1st. I know in advance that I might be a game resolutioner who never comes back.

I have no particular desire to sleep with lots of girls. Actually I do, but there's wanting something and then there's wanting something enough to make the effort and sacrifice to get it. Girls aren't my priority but I do want to sleep with girls every once in a while to keep myself sane.

I know the basic game principles but I have no direct experience approaching girls. That said, I know that I don't have approach anxiety because I've had commission sales jobs before. I also know that I've had enough relationship experiences to see girls for what they really are.

DC area. 27 years old. Pale Asian. Good looks. That said, girls always say I'm cute and never say I'm hot. Tall. In great shape.

I'm humbly here for advice. Be brutally honest with advice.

Official introduction thread - Juan_Antonio - 08-27-2018

Quote: (08-26-2018 10:49 PM)halfyear Wrote:  

You know how every new year, the gym is full of resolutioners who never come back? My account name is halfyear because I made my account when I broke up with my GF June 1st. I know in advance that I might be a game resolutioner who never comes back.

I have no particular desire to sleep with lots of girls. Actually I do, but there's wanting something and then there's wanting something enough to make the effort and sacrifice to get it. Girls aren't my priority but I do want to sleep with girls every once in a while to keep myself sane.

I know the basic game principles but I have no direct experience approaching girls. That said, I know that I don't have approach anxiety because I've had commission sales jobs before. I also know that I've had enough relationship experiences to see girls for what they really are.

DC area. 27 years old. Pale Asian. Good looks. That said, girls always say I'm cute and never say I'm hot. Tall. In great shape.

I'm humbly here for advice. Be brutally honest with advice.

Nice intro post mate

Official introduction thread - Sex Machine - 08-27-2018

Reading other people's experiences on this forum has been an inspiration and motivation to me.

While women aren't my number one priority, I want to use inspirations and advice from this forum to improve my game in order to experience sex and companionship from women who are average but fuckable to dimes.

I have never had a girlfriend and the last time I came close to having sex was at a bathroom of a frat house in 2013( she was a 4 and I was hammered) got cockblocked by people waiting to go to the bathroom.

Background and Game Level
I am 26 and my game level is beginner, just moved in to a new city for a career four months ago and i have been doing day game whenever i have time. So far i have done 45 approaches with one date that ended at my place but 0 bangs.

On the looks scale i am 6 on a bad day and 7 on a good day, although i get complements for having a strong sense of fashion.

I am looking forward to this new adventure and sharing it here so that my game can be tuned up so that I can motivate some one too.

Official introduction thread - BeardedMastodon - 08-30-2018

Hi All!

It’s good to be here...

I sucked with girls for a long time... mainly because I didn’t share enough of myself (ie interests and thoughts)

I am really interested in gaming church girls, as they are LTR material and don’t believe liberal BS...and I am in my late twenties. But I have problems with them... church girls are SO suspicious...

I connected wonderfully with one on tinder, and it turned out we went to the same church... she never wanted to meet up again, even as friends. The others, I am direct and ask them to coffee after church... but they don’t seem comfortable meeting with dudes... it’s really pissing me off. My worse rejections have been at church... girls there don’t mind just completely ignoring you via text or flaking on dates. Yes, I am bitter about it... how did you guess [Image: smile.gif]

Anyways... I have a really low notch count, and would like to sleep around, but I remember what roosh said in his article about casual sex... that some excitement is lost when you do. My other worry is church girls don’t like high notch counts when you progress to LTR... so I could screw myself out of a chance with a lot of great girls if I do.

Official introduction thread - Max RNR - 09-01-2018

Yo, gents. Long time lurker here (about the past year or so) and thought I'd finally join. I'm an older guy a couple years shy of 50. Never really had problems with the ladies. My first lay was at 14 and it just went on and on from there. I have no idea what my total lay count is, but it's probably around or over 70. I have had breakup problems with the mothers of my kids (two adult daughters now) in the past, but everything presently is pretty good (money, pussy, career, etc.), although my last LTR destruction was a bitch and a half. I laughingly consider myself to be in "working retirement" mode now, even though that is not 100% the case. But it's damn close.

Why am I here? Self improvement never ends and while the years get higher sharing history and ideas with men of like minds grows less in person. The last good trip for that was at my local American Legion, but even that is waning now. I hope to contribute here and there to threads and maybe even help out a bit along the way. I will probably spend most of my time on the 40+ and fitness threads. I am, after all, currently working on my "most interesting man in the world" game -- which is a good fit for me. The stories I can tell and am still creating...

Greetings and good cheer, everyone.


Official introduction thread - Sender - 09-02-2018

The lurk has been strong in me the last few weeks -- but after massively surprising myself by getting this south-korean girl's Insta on a five minute bus journey last night -- it felt the right time to get more involved.

Firstly, thank you to all the contributors and Roosh for this forum. Even in a period of a few weeks of reading up here, I've galvanised significant changes in my behaviour inspired by the tactics and 'just get the fuck out there and do it' attitude I've seen here. You guys are doing a great job.

Admittedly, I haven't had any bangs yet -- but the ball is rolling on the life changes that I needed to make a long time ago. Just in the last few weeks, I've started getting out more, doing new classes, meeting and talking to new people, getting my shit together, improving my look. On top of this, I've taken 4 girls numbers and the Insta I mention above. Three of these prospects fizzled out and two are still in play. So yeah, good stuff!

A quick synopsis of me:

-- I'm 34 living in London. Middle-eastern background. Decentish career.

-- In my twenties I relied on a certain amount of good looks to get the few bangs/relationships that managed to get despite having absolutely NO game. Without being socially awkward, I would rely on a 'moody-wallflower-introvert' archetype and hope some girl would percieve my inner qualities and jump on my lap.

-- I recently came out of a LTR which was punishing and confidence destroying.

Feel free to dm me if you're local and see you around on the forum.

Official introduction thread - sd463d - 09-07-2018

Heyyyy. Found this site and so far decent knowledge.