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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 07-16-2018

Quote: (07-13-2018 07:34 AM)El Padrone Wrote:  

^ Common guys, this is the forum's sole GAME thread! Let's not ruin it.

We mostly talk game on here, most of us don't care about the politics and the nonsense going on in the world.

I cannot tolerate the self hate and bashing of black people.

How you can game women, if you don't think highly of yourself and black people. Confidence is key.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thebassist - 07-17-2018

Quote: (07-15-2018 03:03 PM)rotinz Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2018 01:18 PM)Not a Second Hander Wrote:  

My family owns a line of AirBnB luxury rental units in Addis which I handle remotely. Every single time we've experienced problems, the perpetrators were either locals, other Africans or Arabs. Never had any problems with Chinese or Europeans. Now I only reply to European and Chinese inquiries. This would have appalled my idealistic Uni self. I could list dozens of anecdotes like this but the bottom line is that the real world opens your eyes.

You are undeniably a house nig. I don't buy into the we wuz kangz bullshit but I also don't believe all the eurocentric brainwashing. People need to understand the complexity of the world without instead of looking at things as black and white or else you'll turn into a coon like this guy.

Your whole post reads like an Uncle Ruckus monologue. The locals in Addis are definitely extremely retarded but the reason I chose to quote that part of your post is because it shows how someone with your mentality can be extremely toxic economically. It's one thing to have a racial bias but when you start effecting peoples finances and living situations that's when it becomes a real problem. The way you wrote that whole post I feel like your no different then those white people in the states that claim they will never rent to a black person, shit I bet you don't want to rent to black people in the states either.

This kind of rhetoric does not belong on this forum. It is a cheap and lazy way to shut down discussion without in any way addressing the underlying arguments in any meaningful way. It is no different than feminists who try to shut down all discussion related to sexual dynamics by branding all discussions not 100% in line with their own beliefs as 'sexists' or 'bigots'. Feel free to counter other people's reasoning with arguments of your own, but empty ad hominems such as this add nothing to any discussions.

If I were to draw parallels with Not A Second Hander's post about his experience doing business in Ethiopia I'd mention my own rather lukewarm outlook towards the future of India- a country whose politics and progress are stifled by tribal mentality and the worship of success one's 'own', often at the cost of others. Often people in politics, bureaucracy and business are quite shameless in their actions as long as they or their own tribal group benefit, even if it comes to the detriment of wider society, of which the behavior that NASH noticed is a descendent of. So much corruption, greed and societal malfunction in the country stems from these mentalities, and significantly hinders the long-term progress of and any hopes of unity within the country.

European societies had an extremely turbulent journey in addressing these issues, I'm not much of a historian but I'd imagine that their current levels of societal 'unity' were only possible through hundreds of years for enlightenment-era philosophies and ideas (i.e. freedom of belief, speech) to slowly percolate into their societies and legal systems, despite a long history of people killing each other and fighting for the success of their own religions or tribes (e.g. protestantism vs. catholicism). Human tribal mentality will always exist but I suppose the best we can do is try to bring it away from the forefront of all societal/political decisions in favor of instilling some kind of sense of duty and allegiance to greater society as a whole.

Realistically speaking it is already incredible enough that some semblance of social unity was able to be created in European countries through a process of hundreds of years, but it is tough to see the same process take place somewhat organically over a much-reduced time in many African and Asian countries.

This is probably why benevolent authoritarian rulers (yes, tough ask) are probably the most realistic political system for rapid improvement in social and economic outcomes in these kinds of settings, since I am not sure if a democratic structure of ruling is the optimal form of political system for societies with extremely entrenched tribal mentalities (hence my lack of optimism for the future of India compared to say China).

Examples of this model in action would of course be Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, or perhaps more recently, Paul Kagame's Rwanda, which, despite deeply entrenched tribal divides in society seems to be one of the fastest-developing African countries under the iron thumb of its leader, a truly incredible feat, considering the history of the country.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Fortis - 07-17-2018

I can say definitively that Not A Second Hander is not a "house nig." I've talked to him a bit off the forum and he's got a good head on his shoulders and he's making intelligent, aware moves with his life. He's just a very blunt African guy. Doesn't mince words.

Like many of you, I can trace my descent back to slaves. I know the family that owned my family, but it doesn't matter. What do any of us look like sitting around feeling bitter when we live in the best time in modern history? You can fucking move 8,000 miles away to a new country, learn a new language and never hear the word "nigger" again. I can't remember the last time I heard this word from a Chinese person.

Africa had its golden age and now many of its diverse and proud nations are suffering. I get that. Sure, it sucks, but that's life. Nations come and go. Maybe in a few decades or centuries, continental Africa will once again be a beacon of erudition. However, sitting around and masturbating to some glorious Black past is not better than the white guys running around on this forum White Race trolling us from their basement

Many players are showing up there and being surprised by how cool it is. Black Caesar is one of many and that's fucking cool. I know a few guys out here in China who have spent time on the dark continent and had similar remarks. Me? No feelings really. I'm about as African as an avocado, but I'd show up just because. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

I admit that NASH's diatribe was a bit mean-spirited but he's certainly coming from a place of honesty given that he's lived most of his life on that continent and probably seen some of the worst sides of his black and brown brothers. I think attacking him personally for his views on a continent is a bit much considering he's also been the dude to go toe-to-toe with the WRT when others dudes were being quiet. He's also a low-repper too, so he has my respect for that.

Not saying we all have to be out there fighting those trolls, but NASH is definitely one of the good guys.


Let's get this thread back on track.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Fortis - 07-17-2018

Shame to see Visions go. I sent him a PM telling him to cool his jets, but it looks like I was too late. We do seem to have a problem with losing our up-and-coming black posters. I really do hate that. I don't always participate on the black discussions but I do often point to this thread as the thread that can teach us how to carefully cultivate and curate our new guys. I guess there will be others.

Hey Visions, I hope you're alright out there.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Teedub - 07-17-2018

Off topic, but both of you, to varying degrees, have shades of Lennox Lewis in your accents, especially on certain words. Unsurprising, given your backgrounds and the various locations you've lived in. Jamaican-UK-Canadian hybrid ha. Those podcasts are outstanding.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Dalaran1991 - 07-17-2018

Mannn was getting pissed off all the politicking in the forum so heading over to this thread looking for salvation and this? Niggas this like da crib, this thread sacred you done fucking up.
What a nigga got to come home to?
Why homeboys be arguing over heritage like dark skin girls at Mc Donnald arguing over Tyga's latest bang piece's skin color?
Why niggas be niggas bashing when WIA acting as the Black Game Jesus preaching to every brother regardless of which tribes they come frome? You done watching too much Black Panther and shit, this aint no Wakanda. This some white man's subversion. Thread got people banned faster than a nigga can fart. Everybody here childish for letting this happen.

Dis why light skin girls don't text back. Dis why they forgot to put the ketchup in my chicken nuggets. Dis da moment when da squad got too drunk starting shit outside da club while you trying to negotiate with the bouncer before 30 white knights show up. Get out your pimp hands and slap all dem homies back to serenity.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Kish - 07-17-2018

Quote: (07-17-2018 02:28 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Mannn was getting pissed off all the politicking in the forum so heading over to this thread looking for salvation and this? Niggas this like da crib, this thread sacred you done fucking up.
What a nigga got to come home to?
Why homeboys be arguing over heritage like dark skin girls at Mc Donnald arguing over Tyga's latest bang piece's skin color?
Why niggas be niggas bashing when WIA acting as the Black Game Jesus preaching to every brother regardless of which tribes they come frome? You done watching too much Black Panther and shit, this aint no Wakanda. This some white man's subversion. Thread got people banned faster than a nigga can fart. Everybody here childish for letting this happen.

Dis why light skin girls don't text back. Dis why they forgot to put the ketchup in my chicken nuggets. Dis da moment when da squad got too drunk starting shit outside da club while you trying to negotiate with the bouncer before 30 white knights show up. Get out your pimp hands and slap all dem homies back to serenity.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jordypip23 - 07-17-2018

Quote: (07-17-2018 08:18 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Shame to see Visions go. I sent him a PM telling him to cool his jets, but it looks like I was too late. We do seem to have a problem with losing our up-and-coming black posters. I really do hate that. I don't always participate on the black discussions but I do often point to this thread as the thread that can teach us how to carefully cultivate and curate our new guys. I guess there will be others.

Hey Visions, I hope you're alright out there.

I agree with you. I was surprised to see Visions banned. I got along with him and we had been PM'ing about some cool topics such as hip hop music, ethnic nuances & gaming in our respective countries. If there was a vote for reinstatement, I would vote to reinstate him. I'm not sure why he was banned.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Bastard Sword - 07-17-2018

He got banned for trading insults with the WRT's in the Migrant Invasion of Europe thread. Types like that deserve to be shut down (and easily can be through use of facts), but Visions started calling the WRT's Neanderthals and took a "we wuz kangz" approach. Still stupid that he got banned for that while the WRT's get to peddle their garbage all over the forum, but I guess that's how it is.

I disagree that people of color shouldn't get political when it comes to game. Your self image matters enormously when it comes to women and life in general. You can see yourself as the product of a barbaric, uncivilized culture that never produced anything of value, or you can do your research and realize that you come from an ancient and fascinating civilization that at many points outclassed the civilizations of Europe. You can realize that the negative connotations associated with your heritage are the result of poor research, a Eurocentric cultural narrative, and the fact that their low point (colonialism) just happened the most recently. Or you can believe that your culture is just inferior and your basic humanity is less than that of white people. Which mindset do you think is healthier? Which do you think would give you a better life outcome?

As a person of color it took me research and travel to develop a healthy self image. But it's necessary if you want to excel in game or in life.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kirdiesel - 07-17-2018

Stay out of the migrant thread and any political BS on the forum. I myself almost got banned for going anywhere near that topic a few months ago. If you don't agree with them just let them ramble.. ignore the post and move on.

Roosh touched on Germany in his latest YouTube video and what he mentioned was largely false since I and another member grind out here as "black immigrants" everyday but you see me starting a thread and debating it to death? It's not worth it.

Stay on your game grind, fuck these bitches to sleep (thanks AMS) have success out there no matter what some of these "people" have to say.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 07-17-2018

Quote: (07-17-2018 06:10 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

He got banned for trading insults with the WRT's in the Migrant Invasion of Europe thread. Types like that deserve to be shut down (and easily can be through use of facts), but Visions started calling the WRT's Neanderthals and took a "we wuz kangz" approach. Still stupid that he got banned for that while the WRT's get to peddle their garbage all over the forum, but I guess that's how it is.

I disagree that people of color shouldn't get political when it comes to game. Your self image matters enormously when it comes to women and life in general. You can see yourself as the product of a barbaric, uncivilized culture that never produced anything of value, or you can do your research and realize that you come from an ancient and fascinating civilization that at many points outclassed the civilizations of Europe. You can realize that the negative connotations associated with your heritage are the result of poor research, a Eurocentric cultural narrative, and the fact that their low point (colonialism) just happened the most recently. Or you can believe that your culture is just inferior and your basic humanity is less than that of white people. Which mindset do you think is healthier? Which do you think would give you a better life outcome?

As a person of color it took me research and travel to develop a healthy self image. But it's necessary if you want to excel in game or in life.

Everything you said, I am in total agreement.

I just don't understand how being political matters.

Democrats and Republicans get their orders from the same people.

Some retarded trolls on here keep talking to me about BLM and these other groups, once I mention that George Soros is behind BLM they go silent.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - doc holliday - 07-17-2018

I agree that some of those threads are getting out of hand. The soccer thread was the absolute worst one, man oh man. They all seem to love going after me and I think I managed to trigger that Nomadbro dude into tears or something. Rudebwoy is in there too taking and giving punches. Now they're all putting the Israeli flag as part of their avatars, so bizarre.

Black people have a lot to be proud of. I know it's a struggle for a lot of black people and they've really been used and abused by the corrupt political system (lot of people of all races have been ground up by the system) and the corrupt culture which celebrates and paints black people as thugs, gangsters etc. I have a lot of black clients and I will say that they are some of the most loyal clients I have, some I've had for over 20 years. Always had decent success with black women too (although I know a lot of black men are swearing off of black women). You know, most of the black guys on the forum are some of the coolest, most chill guys. You guys are always so interested in self improvement and making your lives better, making your game top notch. The WRTs could take a big lesson from you guys. Hell I learn from you guys and I'm older than Rudebwoy (I think anyways) but there's a good vibe and a good energy here which is due in large part to your rich cultural heritage along with your individual character.

You guys have a lot to be proud of, you really do so I can't imagine you guys feeling inferior to anyone. The political stuff is just the way for the Deep State, political system to divide everyone and keep everyone infighting while they loot and rob the country. That's what too many people on both sides don't understand, both BLM and the WRTs here. One last thing I'll say is to not be afraid to push back against these WRTs. They really hate being pushed back on and can't handle it well. It can be done without being banned. Lord knows I get into all sorts of rows with a lot of different people but I'm still here and amazingly, I have a zero on my warning percent right now! Cheers gentlemen.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Black Caesar - 07-17-2018

Game is political.

That’s why they call it  “Red Pill”

Some cats want to be “Red Pill” with women but have “Blue Pill” politics.

Of course they don’t want to acknowledge when they benefit from the Matrix as it stands.

Past the women it’s more about taking your life in to your own hands.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - El Padrone - 07-18-2018

Still miss crdr to this day. Dude did not know some political posters are on the spectrum. If you look at life as being 90% your efforts, 10% others(politics accounting for maybe 1%), you find the extreme fixation on politics, feminists, israel, globalists, soros, bullshit, etc disturbing in extremis. Do these guys have a proper life, career, relationships? And the screeching over every Trump tweet and inanity is hilarious. Be good Visionsofgandhi.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Fortis - 07-18-2018

Thing is that the racists use artful euphemisms to insult us but many niggas get too rowdy. Gotta take notes from the book of TK, Rudebwoy and others. You can fire back at racists but Don't call them racist stuff like 'whitey,' 'neanderthal' or anything they can report you for. Always keep your cool and you can smoothlly handle these guys.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 07-18-2018

Sadly, these contemporary challenges are as old as the internet itself and the perception of anonymity.
I grew up on the internet and have been on forums since they were usenet groups and bulletin boards and have looooong gave up on fighting these battles for my own sanity. Just remember, the same CS spewing racist garbage on a forum is the same motherfucker sitting in the cubicle next to you at your job smiling in your face everyday. That’s why I hold ALL these CS’s at arms length with superficial interaction at best and focus on personal growth with laser like focus.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 07-18-2018

Who is TK?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Soundbyte - 07-18-2018


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 07-19-2018

So back on UK game, how would you do the classic "who lies more, men or women?" in a cold approach.

Could you do it word for word, or would you have to adapt it?

I'm trying to think through a concrete example and not talk about generalities


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Black Caesar - 07-19-2018

Street or night time?

I guess part of the opinion opener is you can deliver it straight and get a hook.

Though I’m a fan of a Gunwitch trick which is to just insert “that reminds me” and then go in to whatever topic you want. Pretty much works with anything cause it’s a bit of verbal judo.

Very versatile phrase.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 07-19-2018

Quote: (07-19-2018 06:58 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

So back on UK game, how would you do the classic "who lies more, men or women?" in a cold approach.

Could you do it word for word, or would you have to adapt it?

I'm trying to think through a concrete example and not talk about generalities


You could do it word for word and it gives grounds for dialogue. But the question is, how does one spin that into getting the lay? I tend to hate gender vs gender dialogue, the generic responses does my head in so my ears are peeled for the responses on this one..

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rotinz - 07-19-2018

What's with everyone complaining about how black guys are getting all the girls in this Paris thread thread-69091.html

Do girls really idolize black guys in Paris like this guys make it seem or are they just bitching?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jordypip23 - 07-19-2018

Quote: (07-19-2018 01:26 PM)rotinz Wrote:  

What's with everyone complaining about how black guys are getting all the girls in this Paris thread thread-69091.html

Do girls really idolize black guys in Paris like this guys make it seem or are they just bitching?

Yep I'm familiar with the thread now. That does seem to be the thread where a character by the name of "pussy sniffer" (lol) baits VisionsOfGandhi into clapping back. Maybe this is the thread that led to Visions catching the unfortunate ban?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - blck - 07-19-2018

Quote: (07-19-2018 01:26 PM)rotinz Wrote:  

Do girls really idolize black guys in Paris like this guys make it seem or are they just bitching?

[Image: OkkGXLC.gif]

When the worker does bad work, he usually blame the tools...
Can't get action but blacks & arabs do ? That's because white girls must be into foreigners/migrants !!!
That's far from the truth but that's the reality they live in.
For them Game is approaching nothing more, they have nothing working for them but expect women to fall on their knees to gag on their dick.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rotinz - 07-19-2018

Quote: (07-19-2018 02:35 PM)blck Wrote:  

Quote: (07-19-2018 01:26 PM)rotinz Wrote:  

Do girls really idolize black guys in Paris like this guys make it seem or are they just bitching?

[Image: OkkGXLC.gif]

When the worker does bad work, he usually blame the tools...
Can't get action but blacks & arabs do ? That's because white girls must be into foreigners/migrants !!!
That's far from the truth but that's the reality they live in.
For them Game is approaching nothing more, they have nothing working for them but expect women to fall on their knees to gag on their dick.

Yeah I simply think the girls in France were looking for Alphas and the locals were way to beta for them so they started going for the migrants instead.