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The Joe Rogan thread - HD668B - 10-14-2015

Quote: (05-06-2015 09:10 AM)aphelion Wrote:  

Roosh would be a perfect guest for Joe Rogan. Rogan lets his guests talk whether he agrees with them or not (and he does disagree with guests), he's very intelligent, and is extremely RP.

I'd strongly suggest trying to set something up.

He is not that RP at all. On multiple occasions he stated he doesn't believe in game and that guys should just man up.

I can dig a lot of quotes if you didnt catch this already.

The Joe Rogan thread - Rush87 - 10-14-2015

I used to listen to Rogan regularly. He was pretty damn red pill but over the past 6 months or so he's backflipped. He really has reverted back to a heavy blue pill mind set. Not sure why. He does have daughters who are getting to 'that age' so my guess would be that the idea of them not getting their knight in shining armour has crept into his head.

The Joe Rogan thread - Thrill Jackson - 09-17-2017

I'm not sure how recently this happened (I had deleted my twitter in April and just now made a new one) but Joe Rogan now follows Roosh on twitter! (he has not before April of 2017) This is odd given the fact Roosh has been in the news little if at all since February 2016 (the "teach. how to rape" meetup BS). He must of got a good reference from somebody or just by chance stumbled upon Roosh's work.

I take with a grain of salt since he follows over 3,600 different pages but its cool to know he actively took the time to dig up Roosh or someone close to his ear referred him. I am down for a campaign to get Roosh on the JRE. That would be a great podcast to say the least.

The Joe Rogan thread - CynicalContrarian - 09-17-2017

Quote: (09-17-2017 10:08 PM)Thrill Jackson Wrote:  

I'm not sure how recently this happened (I had deleted my twitter in April and just now made a new one) but Joe Rogan now follows Roosh on twitter! (he has not before April of 2017) This is odd given the fact Roosh has been in the news little if at all since February 2016 (the "teach. how to rape" meetup BS). He must of got a good reference from somebody or just by chance stumbled upon Roosh's work.

I take with a grain of salt since he follows over 3,600 different pages but its cool to know he actively took the time to dig up Roosh or someone close to his ear referred him. I am down for a campaign to get Roosh on the JRE. That would be a great podcast to say the least.

Oh jeebuz.
As you say, Roosh hasn't been in the news in any real way for a while now.
Yet the REEE-steria that would ensue from a simple podcast interview...

The Joe Rogan thread - Thrill Jackson - 09-17-2017

Quote: (09-17-2017 10:45 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2017 10:08 PM)Thrill Jackson Wrote:  

I'm not sure how recently this happened (I had deleted my twitter in April and just now made a new one) but Joe Rogan now follows Roosh on twitter! (he has not before April of 2017) This is odd given the fact Roosh has been in the news little if at all since February 2016 (the "teach. how to rape" meetup BS). He must of got a good reference from somebody or just by chance stumbled upon Roosh's work.

I take with a grain of salt since he follows over 3,600 different pages but its cool to know he actively took the time to dig up Roosh or someone close to his ear referred him. I am down for a campaign to get Roosh on the JRE. That would be a great podcast to say the least.

Oh jeebuz.
As you say, Roosh hasn't been in the news in any real way for a while now.
Yet the REEE-steria that would ensue from a simple podcast interview...

I don't think so.

I don't think their would be a big outcry or hysteria if he went on JRE.
Their was not major outlash for Milo being on, nobody really gave a shit.

Its only when you try to have meetups, give speeches/seminars, or get on left wing MSM (CNN is always lableing Milo a "white supremacist", Fox treats him like any other guest).

I could imagine the thumbnail or Joe sitting across from Roosh and just clicking the link and watching them shoot the shit for 3+ hours.

The like/dislike ratio would probably be 60/40, a bunch of Triggly Puff youtubers would comment that he is Pro Rape, a Rapist, Sexist etc etc (about half) and the other half would articulate Roosh's real positions.

Roosh would head back to Europe and those books sales would triple.

No outrage, just money in the bank for Roosh and more people being exposed to the forum to help them improve their lives.

Its a win/win IMO

The Joe Rogan thread - CynicalContrarian - 09-17-2017

Although, CNN lost the plot cause some snarky guy said "boobs".

The Joe Rogan thread - Paracelsus - 09-17-2017

Quote: (09-17-2017 10:08 PM)Thrill Jackson Wrote:  

I take with a grain of salt since he follows over 3,600 different pages but its cool to know he actively took the time to dig up Roosh or someone close to his ear referred him. I am down for a campaign to get Roosh on the JRE. That would be a great podcast to say the least.

Don't want to go all pessimistic, but what would be the point?

Joe Rogan is a fifty year old guy with a family. Scratch that, he's a fifty year old cuck, quite literally; he raises his wife's child along with his own two kids.

His market is to provide some non-confrontational catharsis for the man who has 2.5 kids, at least one prior wife still hanging on the tit, and that still thinks with about six months off from the wife and kids he could go and compete in a MMA competition.

Who exactly is Rogan's demographic?

- Its favourite TV shows are Family Guy and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
- One of its favourite movies is Fight Club, or as I call it, The Matrix except with no robots.
- It listens to Pantera, Sublime, Metallica, Johnny Cash, and Pink Floyd. When you look at the hip-hop his demographic listens to, it's Eminem and Wu-Tang Clan, with, fuck me, Lil' Wayne and Snoop Dogg coming in at third and fourth.

You know: white guys whose chosen music and TV viewing is Commercially Acceptable Edgelord, guys who are heavily slaved to the consumer wheel and who identify with Family Guy because the guy's life actually looks a lot like their own without Pete's collared shirt and nice house. Increasingly, that demographic is getting older. It has its own daughters now. It'll have a mortgage as well.

Insofar as you can carry the metaphor of red pill and blue pill from The Matrix, this demographic is a lot like Cypher: they might've taken the red pill, but they don't much like the reality that is thereby revealed, they still can't get with the women they want to, they like the illusion of a good meal more than the shit reality they live in, and they still want to be someone important but have no fucking clue how to get there. (They'd also sell out the clean-cut guy new to the red pill in a heartbeat if there was a chance they could improve their lives as a result, but that's by the by).

So they listen to Joe Rogan, who's willing to spout conspiracy theory along with a dose of pointless MMA commentary, and they think they know what's really going on in the world. Leave aside that because they never had much of an education, they think Rogan's tendency to dodge having to justify his arguments by saying "Hey, I'm just asking the questions" is some sort of fucking Socratic method shit.

The upshot being: if Joe Rogan started going full red pill, this audience would switch off. Joe Rogan brings notable people on to increase his audience, not the celebrity's, and like any MSM outlet he's not averse to flogging someone live so his audience gets some kicks out of it.

Rogan is 60 Minutes for the demographic that doesn't trust 60 Minutes. With all the shallowness of reporting, gladiatorial approach to journalism, and intellectually dishonest arguments that implies. Just because he swears, lifts, punches other men, and wants weed legalised doesn't change that.

If Roosh went on the program I guarantee you three hours of bullshit arguments like "But they're not all like that, man" and "If you're so concerned about Western civilisation why aren't you living in the US/marrying a wife/buying plastic US shit/fighting other men in a ring" and on and on. Rogan's an intellectual lightweight, which is by design because he's appealing to the Midwest and Southern narcissists, not the coastal elite narcissists.

Rogan's a sort of anti-intellectual mirror version of Bill Nye. More so given they both got their starts as stand-up comedians, i.e. entertainers, i.e.e. liberals by default.

The Joe Rogan thread - Buck Wild - 09-18-2017

^^ [Image: potd.gif]

The Joe Rogan thread - Kid Twist - 09-18-2017

Quote: (09-17-2017 11:04 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Rogan's a sort of anti-intellectual mirror version of Bill Nye. More so given they both got their starts as stand-up comedians, i.e. entertainers, i.e.e. liberals by default.

I enjoy that he has a lot of differing views on his podcast and definitely entertains the no bullshit traditional ideas (if not endorsing them entirely or at least in private) that fight the current cultural marxism or postmodernism, as Jordan Peterson would argue.

Where I do agree with you is that you are on to something with that innate progressivism or homage to the idol of "liberty" that reminds me so often why I'm not a libertarian anymore, at least certainly not in the image of Rogan.

Liberty of course should be preserved, but with the constant reminder of who we are and where we are going = people with a historical root in things that are traditional and that work (I could go on, of course).

The nauseum that libertarianism brings in most modern people is that idea that I do still see in Rogan in large part = the annoying trope of "Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't 'hurt' me". That silly line should have been exposed as an idol falsehood so long ago, but sadly it can't be easily dispatched at this point for lots of reasons. I think saying that in the presence of others makes guys like Rogan feel less constrained to the solid truths of life that reject such silliness, because sticking to your guns makes you come off as a hard ass old man yelling at the other guy for fucking up.

The Joe Rogan thread - TooFineAPoint - 09-18-2017

The platform Rogan gives to guys like Peterson (with a nice, full, rambling 3 hours to say their piece) is unique and it reaches a lot of people who wouldn't normally hear this stuff.

Also, Joe is constantly on about welfare, education, universal basic income, so to attack libertarianism through him is a little rich.

The Joe Rogan thread - Cr33pin - 11-06-2017

The Joe Rogan thread - redbeard - 11-14-2017

Great episode chock full o' health facts and stats.

Even if you're already a Paleo man, this episode has a lot of new information I never heard before, especially with how Chris approaches healthcare.

He also convinced me to buy oral probiotics (inb4 blowjob jokes), which can help prevent cavities and only cost $9 from Swanson.

The Joe Rogan thread - MPD - 11-15-2017

The podcast is a hit or miss. Quite entertaining for long hours or long drives though.

The last episode with Iliza Schlesinger(sp?) is a case study in the many disfunctions of the "modern" American female. The amount of vitriol pouring out of her purdy mouth is shocking.

But yeah, WB if only to shut her up

The Joe Rogan thread - Vaun - 11-15-2017

Quote: (11-15-2017 08:39 PM)MPD Wrote:  

The podcast is a hit or miss. Quite entertaining for long hours or long drives though.

The last episode with Iliza Schlesinger(sp?) is a case study in the many disfunctions of the "modern" American female. The amount of vitriol pouring out of her purdy mouth is shocking.

But yeah, WB if only to shut her up

Yeah he has a lot of mid tier comedians on that I think he can do without. The Guy Ritchie show was awesome, Jordan Peterson, Jocko, Billy Corgan, and basically any time he has a big name guest outside of UFC and comedy people. I like the health and fitness guests too, except for Steve Maxwell, he seems a little goofy. His "rat pack" is always good, Joey D, Whitney, Chris D, Theo, etc, they are great. But a lot of the mid tier comedians are kind of boring.

Realize he is supporting comedy, and as a stand up comedian first, he is really supporting his industry, especially comics that need to break through. You could look at it like he is giving back, I bet thats how he views it. Quite noble when you think about it. If I were an up coming or limited comedian, and got called onto his show, that would be a huge bump to my career. I loved learning about how he called out Carlos Mencia, when his show was on Comedy Central I thought it was total garbage, and now the guy is completely gone, thanks to Joe, who called out that he was stealing peoples material. I love that he did that, he loves comedy. If you ever get a chance to visit the Comedy Store in LA, there is a good chance you might see Joe on stage.

I think he could have politicians on, more musicians. Joe tends to have a condescending view towards regular joe's with 9-5 jobs, I dont know if he realizes thats his audience. I tend to agree with almost everything he says, especially about chiropractics as one giant scam, seeing through stupid conspiracy theories, calling out psychics as quacks, etc. I digress on pot, I dont agree its healthy or good for the human body, at all. Unless you're really sick and need an appetite, but thats about it.

The Joe Rogan thread - Comte De St. Germain - 11-15-2017

There's 2 reason why I love listening to Rogan.

He's an excellent moderator that brings on some excellent guests and his podcasts are windows into the consciousness of the average URBAN American.

For those two things alone it's worth listening to him. It's how I keep up with the culture of modern average America as I'm tuned out of it besides a few facets.

The Joe Rogan thread - Seth_Rose - 11-15-2017

I can't listen to female guests on his show, except for Leah Remini who actually had a story to tell. Joe probably knows these women aren't funny, but wants to appease the angry mobs.

Overall, I really enjoy the show. I have to turn it off occasionally when the Trump bashing gets over the top.

The Joe Rogan thread - redbeard - 11-15-2017

Quote: (11-15-2017 09:36 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

I can't listen to female guests on his show, except for Leah Remini who actually had a story to tell. Joe probably knows these women aren't funny, but wants to appease the angry mobs.

Overall, I really enjoy the show. I have to turn it off occasionally when the Trump bashing gets over the top.

Kelly Brogan MD and Rhonda Patrick MD are both intelligent and seriously bangable.

Female comedians yes, I'll skip, but these two girls definitely surprised me with their episodes.

The Trump bashing isn't that bad. Take it with a grain of salt and use it as an opportunity to learn what the enemy thinks.

I listen to a lot of No Jumper and everyone is pretty much hard west coast liberals.

One thing I realized is most moderate liberals share the same GOALS with us, their execution though is different. This common ground is where the battles will be won.

The Joe Rogan thread - Lordless - 11-21-2017

Quote: (11-15-2017 09:36 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

I can't listen to female guests on his show...

By far the worst edition of the podcast I've listened to; nothing but sex talk and smut:

The Joe Rogan thread - redbeard - 11-21-2017

There was a thread warning us of these skanks three years ago.

I'm surprised you lasted more than 5 minutes.

The Joe Rogan thread - Seth_Rose - 11-21-2017

Quote: (11-21-2017 06:07 PM)Lordless Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2017 09:36 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

I can't listen to female guests on his show...

By far the worst edition of the podcast I've listened to; nothing but sex talk and smut:

Didn’t even bother starting to listen to it. Seems like Rogan just has women on to appease the feminists and SJWs. Would guess 90%+ of his audience is male.

The Joe Rogan thread - Mochihunter - 11-23-2017

That video probably has the lowest views out of all his other podcasts.

The Joe Rogan thread - debeguiled - 12-26-2017

The Joe Rogan thread - CynicalContrarian - 01-18-2018

JRE 1066 featuring Mel Gibson & Dr. Neil Riordan

Only ~1 hour in length & a discussion about stem-cell therapy.
Not your usual Rogan stoner talk.

The Joe Rogan thread - CynicalContrarian - 02-11-2018

If you were a poster on The Rogan Board, you'll notice the link is down.
Many suspect never to return, cause ol' Joe no longer wants to have any association to such a madhouse supposedly.

So, if you did post there & you're still up for a bit of "Freak Party" / "Death Squad" craziness; the one mod created a new forum -

The Joe Rogan thread - louiebeans - 02-11-2018

Quote: (11-15-2017 10:02 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

I listen to a lot of No Jumper and everyone is pretty much hard west coast liberals.

Just out of curiosity, what got you into watching his podcast?

Ive met multiple people who mention it outside the circle I would expect. I was heavy into underground LA rap for awhile and started watching it. He said early in his vlogs and stuff how he looked up to Rogan and wanted his podcast to one day become like that.