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My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Printable Version

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My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - The_CEO - 02-21-2015

I would like to kindly suggest this clip for the next time forum policies are transgressed.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Lion of Judah - 02-21-2015

I think too many times people mistake negativity for "real-talk". I even recently read an article that says people perceive being "mean" online as more "intelligent".

I would just like to say in the words of that greatest of philosophers, "can't we all just get along?"

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - redbeard - 02-21-2015

It only took 72 posts for the mods to ban cooledcannon's new account (eclipse).

I trust in Tuth & Roosh.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Tuthmosis - 02-21-2015

Quote: (02-21-2015 09:44 PM)Bones707 Wrote:  

You have got to be kidding me with that post. You claim you aren't an HBDer yet you write the same crap as they do.

Not here, at least not anymore. eclipse

Quote: (02-21-2015 09:56 PM)LÉtranger Wrote:  

The thread is called "unpopular opinions" Einstein.

7-day suspension and meltdown watch.

Quote: (02-21-2015 09:59 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Page two and I already see a race thread starting to brew...

[Image: giphy.gif]

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Phoenix - 02-21-2015

Speaking of which, LEtranger sounds a familiar handle...

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Sooth - 02-21-2015

I like the swiftness in banning by the mods on this forum, unlike others with lots of mods that have to sit down and hold hands before anyone gets banned.

Quote: (02-21-2015 10:27 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

It only took 72 posts for the mods to ban cooledcannon's new account (eclipse).

I trust in Tuth & Roosh.

Guy said he was from New Zealand and expressed interest in a metup, but then I saw he rates the Barren Ghoul as a 5.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Tuthmosis - 02-22-2015

Expulsion of the Race Trolls from the Temple of Game

[Image: attachment.jpg24831]   

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Emancipator - 02-22-2015


Any time I play Civilisation, I always ignore the Win conditions and just build a nuke to drop on Pakistan at the earliest opportunity.

Well we know what civilization he plays

[Image: 44d.jpg]
[Image: 2579538149367b953667e61de02f23835c4d2195...feaf94.jpg]

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - mikado - 02-22-2015

Tuth has the BEST gifs. Seriously.

Very good job, Mr Pharaoh. I appreciate your reasoning and your swiftness.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Deluge - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-21-2015 10:27 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

It only took 72 posts for the mods to ban cooledcannon's new account (eclipse).

I trust in Tuth & Roosh.

They caught cardguy's new account (Plato) pretty fast too. I wonder what would happen to the RVF is Roosh and Tuth quietly decided to stop moderating for a month.

[Image: Looters-London-2011_525.jpg]

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Cattle Rustler - 02-22-2015

I didn't get the civilization reference emancipator. Mind explaining?

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - mikado - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 02:25 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2015 10:27 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

It only took 72 posts for the mods to ban cooledcannon's new account (eclipse).

I trust in Tuth & Roosh.

They caught cardguy's new account (Plato) pretty fast too. I wonder what would happen to the RVF is Roosh and Tuth quietly decided to stop moderating for a month.

[Image: Looters-London-2011_525.jpg]

How does one develop that eye, to spot multi accounts of a given user?

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - VincentVinturi - 02-22-2015

I've just read Krauser's post.

I wouldn't call it a meltdown per se, but rather an unfiltered vista of Krauser's mental patterns.

And to a certain degree, I empathize with where he's coming from.

Not because I agree or disagree with anything he wrote, but because I used to think in a similar way to him.

Back in college I was heavy into Ayn Rand, Von Mises and I, like so many before me, made the intellectual error (or intellectual lack of effort) in 'absolutizing' my thoughts about the world.

Only instead of thinking in black and white on the left side of the ideological spectrum, I was now way off the dial on the right.

In this context, let's take this opinion of Krauser's:


For every 5 Americans I meet, 4 are aggressively fronting a delusional self-image.

There are infinite problems with a statement like this.

The most fundamental of which is the problem of statistical inadequacy.

You would have to meet thousands of Americans to make any kind of statistically significant statement about them, assuming your observations were untrammeled by human error.

Further complicating matters is the fact that when you meet somebody for a short period of time, you're getting just a piece of that person.

You're not seeing the whole person, you (again) don't have enough data.

Also, notice the obfuscation of the essential idea he's trying to communicate with the aid of 'helper' words, A, B, and C, respectively:


For every 5 Americans I meet, 4 are A) aggressively B) fronting a C) delusional self-image.

How can we know what he's talking about without agreeing upon a definite, consensual definition of 'aggressively', 'fronting', 'delusional', and 'self-image'.

Too much wiggle room to misinterpret a statement like this.

And I suspect that's part of the appeal of making such statements.

You can get away with saying shocking things and casting yourself in the light of loftiness and superiority because you aren't like all those people you look down upon. Nope, not you.

Most sweeping statements can be refuted on the basis of proper statistics alone.

But they also reflect an intellectual slothfulness.

It's much easier to say "Asians in Asia are disgusting" than to exert the endless effort required to take people as they are in the moment you meet them.

And it does require endless effort.

A sort of indefinite suspension of judgement to allow new facts to enter in.

A meditative approach to thinking about things, if you will.

Because to do that requires confronting a very overwhelming realization: that every situation, every person, everything is absolutely unique in time and space and must be treated as such.

And while some rationalizations are useful and time saving (which is in fact why we are prone to them, speaking from an evo-psych perspective), most are clunky, lazy or downright spurious.

Particularly in today's world; a world to which our erstwhile useful survival mechanisms are ill-suited.

Krauser's propensity to make these kinds of blanket statements as if they were definitively true is, I believe, intellectual laziness (or naiveté) coupled with a kind of diffuse, non-specific anger at 'stuff that sucks'.

This is taking nothing away from Krauser, nor am I trying to say anything bad about him personally.

He may have some penetrating insights.

His way of thinking about the world may be the very thing that makes him a potent distiller of complex information and a good teacher.

But the truth is somewhere in between and always beyond simple, overarching statements.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - enderilluminatus - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 02:29 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

I didn't get the civilization reference emancipator. Mind explaining?

Dont let gandhi get the nuke

if he cant have white girls, no one can

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Maciano - 02-22-2015

He basicly likes nobody or anything, except for north european straight men, Japan & having sex w/ Slavic women?

He has a very negative outlook on life.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-22-2015

I never cared for Krauser until I spent a few days with bojangles who spoke highly of him and lent me that big book to read. Since bojangles struck me as such a solid and impressive dude with lots of insightful views, I would have never expected Krauser to be preoccupied with silly stuff like this, let alone to speak so badly about most of the forum. I just don't understand what got into Krauser's head there.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - enderilluminatus - 02-22-2015

As soon as democracy is established gandhi will nuke you if he can Without exception.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Solus - 02-22-2015

While I do admire Krauser for his game knowledge and also for having such strong beliefs (even though I don't agree with many of them) if slamming the RVF community while simultaneously using it as a platform to increase sales of your products isn't ban worthy, I don't know what is.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Sourcecode - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 02:30 AM)mikado Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2015 02:25 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2015 10:27 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

It only took 72 posts for the mods to ban cooledcannon's new account (eclipse).

I trust in Tuth & Roosh.

They caught cardguy's new account (Plato) pretty fast too. I wonder what would happen to the RVF is Roosh and Tuth quietly decided to stop moderating for a month.

[Image: Looters-London-2011_525.jpg]

How does one develop that eye, to spot multi accounts of a given user?

Plato's account was obvious to how similar it was to Cardguy.
It's like he wasnt even hiding it..

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Deluge - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 04:19 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2015 02:30 AM)mikado Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2015 02:25 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2015 10:27 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

It only took 72 posts for the mods to ban cooledcannon's new account (eclipse).

I trust in Tuth & Roosh.

They caught cardguy's new account (Plato) pretty fast too. I wonder what would happen to the RVF is Roosh and Tuth quietly decided to stop moderating for a month.

[Image: Looters-London-2011_525.jpg]

How does one develop that eye, to spot multi accounts of a given user?

Plato's account was obvious to how similar it was to Cardguy.
It's like he wasnt even hiding it..

He ran around telling everyone in private he was back, that's why he got busted. And it was very obvious it was cardguy, but only after you already knew it was him.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - roberto - 02-22-2015

Krauser just doesn't give a fuck. And he's already successful. You gotta respect that. A lot of it is the London swagger, which can indeed come across the wrong way to a lot of Americans.

That said, he doesn't seem too willing to give back to the RVF community. And that's what makes this a community. It's oft said but bears repeating yet again- we got no crabs in a bucket here. Everyone is rooting for each other and willing to share knowledge and more to help each other achieve.

Roosh could have pushed his books hard with your usual slick website and photos of models. Targeted all the loosers with the usual promises of money and girls whilst delivering nothing of substance. Nope. Instead, he starts a forum that quality men gravitate to, and thereby gives others less advanced in their journey the tools they need to actually change their lives. You know the proverb, teach a man to fish....

This is all for free, even if you didn't buy a single book (do it now). Respect. [/sycophancy][Image: biggrin.gif]

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Suits - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 06:46 AM)roberto Wrote:  

Everyone is rooting each other...

I'm waiting for the Australians among us to get upset about this.

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Deluge - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 06:46 AM)roberto Wrote:  

Everyone is rooting each other...

RVF members are fucking each other?

[Image: XNhfI.gif]

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - Horus - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 06:57 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2015 06:46 AM)roberto Wrote:  

Everyone is rooting each other...

I'm waiting for the Australians among us to get upset about this.

[Image: advert1_2596459b.jpg]

My response to Krauser's forum meltdown - roberto - 02-22-2015

Fuck, would you believe me if I told you I did preview post and all? [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

Proof reading has never been my strong point. I've brought shame on the RVF. I'll take my seven day ban with dignity.