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No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - bpryce - 01-13-2015

I don't think a lot of you guys are clued in to the reality of what it's like for a hot girl or even an average girl who can make herself look hot in pics. They have unlimited options from social media. Good looking guys are KILLING IT online while average guys like us fight for scraps in real life. Ugly/old guys just go MGTOW but in reality they are forced into MGTOW, if they had a hot 20 year old girl into them they wouldn't be MGTOW. Social media has created a huge divide between attractive guys and average guys. Life got a HELL of a lot easier for good looking guys. Don't believe me? Make a Tinder or POF with a relatively good looking guys profile.

Social media is a curse! Fucked women up and made life 10x harder for the average man and 1000x easier for good lookers.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Giovonny - 01-13-2015

I have never used any form of social media.

I don't need to.

I meet girls in real life.


I'm not criticizing people who do.

Use the tools that work for you.


I am 39 years old. Maybe, that explains it!

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - rudebwoy - 01-13-2015

^ Oh I think we have an idea, maybe read this forum for a bit you will see a lot of threads on the subject.

I like Whatsapp, when you get a number you can verify if it is real by looking at her profile pic.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - _Cicero - 01-13-2015

Quote: (01-13-2015 01:12 PM)bpryce Wrote:  

Social media is a curse! Fucked women up and made life 10x harder for the average man and 1000x easier for good lookers.

OK, first I was going to disagree with the premise of this thread, that OPs problem is not social media as he imagines it to be. However, there are some economies of scale on Tinder. Women are going to choose the best option. The guy in their social circle who is the most alpha, the best looking, etc. Thus the best looking option on Tinder is in a position to clean up. I would have killed for Tinder when I lived in Japan, where the only roadblock to dating 9s and 10s was locating them. However, the top men don't actually have time to f*ck everything, and certainly not have relationships with all women, so the female 8s and 9s can't all be dating the captain of the football team exclusively. What Tinder really does then is raise match efficiency. You're more likely to pull your value. The lesson is to move somewhere where you'll rate high on Tinder...

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - speakeasy - 01-13-2015

Quote: (01-13-2015 06:44 AM)Brazilianguy Wrote:  

Oh, yeah, I´ll keep you posted about the results.

The worst that can happen is that nothing will change, since whatsapp never really did anything for me.

Whatapp isn't supposed to do anything for you. It's just a multimedia messaging app with international reach that allows you to avoid having to pay for an international plan. That's the only value in it that separates it from your standard phone SMS.

Their main value to me is keeping in touch with contacts overseas. I don't expect it to bring me dates. Same with Facebook for the most part. Even though I don't post a bunch of shit on there multiple times a day like I did 5 years ago, it still has value in allowing me to see what's going on in the lives of people I know scattered across the planet. People who probably would've faded out of my life due to distance, but because of FB, we can still share comments, laughs, interesting news articles, etc. It keeps you on people's radar. Many of these people are really cool and I'd love to visit them next time I'm in their country so keeping in touch on FB provides me with value. Have I ever gotten laid from FB? No. I did from Myspace, but unless you have thousands of female FB "friends" to harvest in your fishbowl and you're constantly posting cool shit that gets lots of likes, or becoming some social media clown, it's pretty useless for getting laid. But then that means spending a shitload of time online. And it also means rather than just enjoying your day out, you are constantly trying to come up with ideas to post things to FB in order to get likes and attention.

Once you are are well into your 30s it looks pathetic.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - rudebwoy - 01-13-2015

Gio - you posted same time as I did, that comment was directed at bpryce.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - tallandblonde - 01-13-2015

Quote: (01-13-2015 12:28 PM)Brazilianguy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2015 11:28 AM)tallandblonde Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2015 10:23 AM)Brazilianguy Wrote:  

Update: just got another message from the girl, asking me again when I want to set up the date (I haven´t replied to the message she sent me last night yet).
If this is a taste of things to come without whatsapp cripping my style, then my impression is that interaction will be back under my control and mystery and unavailability are back in my game.

Are these voice messages? Or SMS?

Interested to see how this works for you.


In that case what's the difference? SMS is the same as whatsapp minus the frills and now you're just paying 0.25 R or so per message since my impression is that people pay per SMS messages on most carriers in Brazil.

You could just turn off the "last seen at x time" and read receipts in whatsapp and it would be virtually the same thing minus not having to pay per message.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Advent Persona - 01-13-2015

Quote: (01-13-2015 01:56 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I have never used any form of social media.

I don't need to.

I meet girls in real life.


I'm not criticizing people who do.

Use the tools that work for you.


I am 39 years old. Maybe, that explains it!

Nah you've just become comfortable with approaching, like the other great daygamers out there who pick up 18-20yr olds on the regular. When you've mastered your interpersonal game, social media can then become an unnecessary afterthought to your already existing life of abundance.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Que enspastic - 01-13-2015

Facebook is also making it harder to cheat for dudes.

If you 'like' some other girl's photo, everyone can now easily see.

It shows when you were last online (minutes ago precisely) unless you learn how to turn it off.

Everything appears in the feed. When I first joined Facebook, information was more hidden and private. Now you are in the firing line.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Que enspastic - 01-13-2015

Has Whatsapp finally caught on in the US. I remember in this thread dudes seemed completely baffled by it. Half a year on, things have changed.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Thesoloist - 01-13-2015

Quote: (01-13-2015 12:56 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

This same friend is a great person, a good friend, but is very much on the blue pill side of the spectrum. He was actually kind of trying to shame me for not having facebook or any social media presence, saying that girls were going to think I was "creepy" and that only a convicted felon or sex offender wouldn't have one in this day and age.

What the fuck has society and culture come to that you are now expected to be like all the other attention whores and have a social media page? I'm not trying to hate on or shame other men that do have facebook or instagram, if it works for you and you enjoy it more power to you, I know a lot of guys who do use this as a tool to pick up women, but I don't think it should be expected as a prerequisite in order to pick up women. However that is what society has come to, if you're not on social media you are labeled as being "creepy" or "weird".

Whatever happened to just doing your own thing without being glued to a laptop or smart phone, constantly uploading pictures of yourself, and commenting and liking people's pics and posts, it's too self absorbed and artificial for me. I'll be doing me in real life not on the internet, if I'm creepy or weird because of that then so be it.

I much rather not deal with all that shit, then act like some woman, constantly taking pics of myself on nights out with my friends on my smart phone, acting like I'm some kind of special snowflake posting them online, thinking that the world revolves around me, and I'm some kind of reality tv star.

OG you had so many nuggets in your post bro, however this part resonated deeply with me. I use to post tons of "crap" on facebook the best advice was from a player buddy that "Less is more". I value my privacy and I think that facebook makes it to easy for nosy mo-fo's to know what you're up to, hell I don't even use my real name on it because now a days your co-workers/job can find you or will try to add you (fuck that shit). Now I post on facebook for a month or two then vanish for 4-6 months. Women use it to qualify you or disqualify you. I don't even post pictures if I do I wait 6 months to do so, to the facebook crowd it may be "new" but to me it's old shit and I'm on to the next caper.

I don't even bother to check what my friends are up too. I see some of my guy friends post 3-8 times a day like it's a job, if you have a business or a "brand" Then facebook is great for promotion but for the average Joe Smoo you're better of just using it here and there

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Native Baltimoron - 01-13-2015

Quote: (01-13-2015 06:56 PM)Thesoloist Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2015 12:56 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

He was actually kind of trying to shame me for not having facebook or any social media presence, saying that girls were going to think I was "creepy" and that only a convicted felon or sex offender wouldn't have one in this day and age.

OG you had so many nuggets in your post bro, however this part resonated deeply with me. I use to post tons of "crap" on facebook the best advice was from a player buddy that "Less is more".

Charles Manson has a Facebook page, so I'm pretty sure Facebook has no real way to keep felons, etc. out. That I can recall, none of my recent dates have even mentioned Facebook, so I would guess your friend is exaggerating somewhat. Guys with a feminine-centric outlook often one-up women in describing men as creepy and weird; the blue-pill mindset points men's impulse to excel squarely at being inoffensive to women, so that isn't terribly surprising. It's a largely useless strategy for intersexual competition, but c'est la guerre.

The overwhelming majority of stuff that gets posted to Facebook is simply inane. You can compensate for that somewhat, but the amount of effort, at least for me, isn't worth it. I'll post the occasional link, since it's a bit more efficient than mass-texting the people I actually keep in touch with, but that's about it. I have neither been handicapped nor helped by my social media presence with respect to dating; I figure keeping it minimal is a good idea on general principle, since I know it can turn into quite a time-sink, as well as a buffer against being productive.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Merenguero - 01-13-2015

Maybe I'm unique in this respect, but I have never used facebook, tinder, or whatsapp and I have seen very little negative effect from it. I have considered using tinder and I may do so in the future, but I don't know if I have the patience to deal with it. Many girls have asked me if I have whatsapp. When I simply say, "no," that's always the end of the whatsapp topic and it's never a problem. I have banged many of the girls who have asked me if I have whatsapp. The subject of tinder has never come up with anyone. I very rarely get asked about facebook. One time last summer, I was home for a weekend and I met a girl who kept bringing up facebook for some reason. I spent a night in a club dancing with her and talking with her, but nothing happened. I was trying to get her to drop off the people who she came to the club with, then give me a ride down the coast to my house, even though I had my car, but she wouldn't go for it. I could have tried to get her to meet me at the beach the next day, but I forgot. In any event, I seriously doubt facebook was a factor and it very rarely comes up when I talk to people.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Green-On-GO - 01-14-2015

I met a young American women 23 very pretty on a bus from Prague to Vienna..She opened me I didn't bang her because I didn't really believe I could do it back then.
Anyway she says to me that her and her friends were sick of FB.I didn't want to give her my FB because of my age.
I said I don't do Facebook she says that is good.I asked why she says because it takes away a man's mystery then you have nothing to discover.

This helped me greatly in refusing FB request from women..It takes away my mystery..I also say "What so I can tell my friends I faced booked you , big deal, I'm a man I don't do that shit"

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Brazilianguy - 01-14-2015

New update: gave the girl a proper phone call last night to set up the date, which was done quickly and efficiently, without all the hassle and bullshit one goes through when texting.
It may be soon to give a final word, but so far I´m satisfied with the choice I´ve made.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - RealityCheck - 01-14-2015

I closed my Facebook a year ago. I can't see the benefits. I live overseas and yet I can still easily stay in touch with my friends and family without Facebook. If you fall out of touch with a friend because you don't have Facebook, then I'd say that person wasn't really as close a friend as you thought.

Similarly, I wouldn't meet up for a coffee or drink with 90% or more of the people that I had on my friends list, so therefore most of my "friends" on Facebook weren't actually my friends. I'd be willing to be that this statistic is probably representative of most people.

Staring at pictures of hot girls on your Facebook that you'll likely never bang is just a way of putting them on a pedestal. You could say the same about porn but at least with porn there's an end goal in mind.

Facebook reinforces narcissism. Women are more susceptible to this, but it affects men as well. I'm not saying having a Facebook will spell your doom as a man; it's not that dire, but it is one more drop in the bucket from the bombardment of social media, horrible pop music, advertising, etc, that reinforces a culture of narcissism and reduces the value of real human interaction, stepping out of your comfort zone, or experiencing parts of the world that you're not normally exposed to. I've decided to take that drop out of my life, so to speak.

I'm not saying that all technology is bad and that we should go back to living as hunter-gatherer cavemen, but you have to draw the line somewhere. I draw the line at social media and personal websites like Facebook. It's a waste of time.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - bpryce - 01-14-2015

Quote: (01-14-2015 01:55 PM)RealityCheck Wrote:  

I draw the line at social media and personal websites like Facebook. It's a waste of time.

Not if you can get laid easily with hot girls from it.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - civpro - 01-14-2015

I've been approaching since 2011 and based on my 2014 experiences I would say that social media/smartphones have all but killed cold approaching in large Anglo cities. It's over.

For instance if you go over to the +1 Notch Thread you'll see that 90% of the new lays are from online or are foreign girls at home or abroad. Where are the guys picking up local Anglo girls in person, cold? Does game even work on these girls anymore? Seems like the only way to get it consistently is to be a solid 2 points better looking than the girl, just as a start. And the ascension of 'extreme' companies like RSD (new age self help BS + spam approaching + meditation) and GLL (fake male vanity + spam approaching + drugs) is a coping mechanism for this grim reality.

Like I said in some post in another thread similar to this, if you're an average guy who is serious about results in 2015 it's not enough to just lose a few pounds, get a nice haircut, put on a spiffy blazer, and stand by the bar and try to chat with a couple of girls. You gotta do some extreme looks-maxing, to the level of roids and tattoos, and commit to either years of spam approaching, years of orbiting, or years of fame-building. If not then you can try the whole going abroad thing.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Noir - 01-14-2015

Quote: (01-14-2015 02:31 PM)bpryce Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2015 01:55 PM)RealityCheck Wrote:  

I draw the line at social media and personal websites like Facebook. It's a waste of time.

Not if you can get laid easily with hot girls from it.

This should not be your rationale for your facebook profile.

It's a tool for keeping in touch with people who don't use too many other forms or you want to be 'present' even from a 3rd party perspective because you're not with them at present.

Getting laid is just a fringe benefit.

Each to their own.

I know people who quit it because they had an addictive personality. They didn't smoke, they didn't do drugs, they just spent all day on facebook. They would come to my house and after 20 minutes they had to check their facebook or their notifications were activated and it kept harrassing them. Disruptive.

Other people refuse out of principle or privacy.

Some people have different names on it, others keep it super low key.

A lot of people have their reasons and I think that's more legit than doing it for a narcissistic reason like 'getting laid'. It's only contributing to the mess.

re: WhatsApp: sure but I don't consider it a social media attention whoring platform, it is excellent for logistics.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - bpryce - 01-14-2015

Quote: (01-14-2015 02:55 PM)civpro Wrote:  

I've been approaching since 2011 and based on my 2014 experiences I would say that social media/smartphones have all but killed cold approaching in large Anglo cities. It's over.

For instance if you go over to the +1 Notch Thread you'll see that 90% of the new lays are from online or are foreign girls at home or abroad. Where are the guys picking up local Anglo girls in person, cold? Does game even work on these girls anymore? Seems like the only way to get it consistently is to be a solid 2 points better looking than the girl, just as a start. And the ascension of 'extreme' companies like RSD (new age self help BS + spam approaching + meditation) and GLL (fake male vanity + spam approaching + drugs) is a coping mechanism for this grim reality.

Like I said in some post in another thread similar to this, if you're an average guy who is serious about results in 2015 it's not enough to just lose a few pounds, get a nice haircut, put on a spiffy blazer, and stand by the bar and try to chat with a couple of girls. You gotta do some extreme looks-maxing, to the level of roids and tattoos, and commit to either years of spam approaching, years of orbiting, or years of fame-building. If not then you can try the whole going abroad thing.

no doubt. Foreign girls/tourists in your city are still vulnerable to a cold approach though. It's the native girls, who were always hard anyway, who now have tinder/pof/facebook/intstagram and whatever else and it means they have established networks and already have guys that they like and that like them, that are hitting on them/chatting to them regularly.

One friend I have got cold approached a week or so ago. Sounded like some daygame PUA by the sounds of it. She thought it was weird to approach girls that way. Now im guessing the guy wasn't the most attractive or wasn't as smooth or whatever. But to her, cold approaching is a bit weird. "He obviously can't get laid from Tinder" she said. Which made me cringe.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - speakeasy - 01-14-2015

Quote: (01-14-2015 01:55 PM)RealityCheck Wrote:  

I closed my Facebook a year ago. I can't see the benefits. I live overseas and yet I can still easily stay in touch with my friends and family without Facebook. If you fall out of touch with a friend because you don't have Facebook, then I'd say that person wasn't really as close a friend as you thought.

Not necessarily. There are people who you may think are really cool and who feel the same toward you. But if you move out of town or met them while on a trip, it's simply not possible to stay in touch any other means than FB. You're not going to get on the phone and call them, hell I rarely even call my lifelong best friends(95% of our contact is through FB, email and text, with an occasional call here and there).

I think social media if used correctly and not for narcissistic purposes had done a great thing in that it keeps relationships alive longer than they otherwise would be without these things. I can now go practically anywhere in the world and can pull up FB and find contacts I can meet up with. Maybe old friends that moved away, maybe people I've hosted on couchsurfing in the past. This is a great thing! I don't know why everyone takes such a glass half empty view of social media. It's what you make of it.

FB profiles can be locked down so nobody can view anything. Someone not on my friends list can't see anything other than my small main profile pic. I generally don't post anything personal. I go by the rule of don't post anything that you'd be ashamed to see splashed across the newspaper tomorrow morning.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - worldtraveler3 - 01-14-2015

Very good post civpro.
Can we set a rule for the plus notch thread in which online notches are not counted? if people just rely on online game thats not really improving your game.

Has social media really killed cold approaching in anglo cities?

very curious to see what others think. maybe we can make a survey on this.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - Nascimento - 01-14-2015

I use facebook not to display value or meet girls, but to stay connected with close friends, people I'd like to stay in touch with, and those friends and family I have abroad.

With that said, I learned sometime ago that for me, social media does not help me that much, and might be detrimental. I don't even have instagram, or whatever new website came out since then.

On facebook I deleted all my pictures except a couple, and only my profile one is visible to the outside world. I made my albums, wall posts, information, friends list etc. private to anyone that is not my friend.

I recognize some guys are able to kill it with the social media angle. You're playing the game, and playing it right, being on top above the rest.

Personally, in this regard I'm not playing the game at all.

Nowadays, if I add a girl to facebook or accept her friend request, it's because I'm friendzoning her, and not the way other way around, as it used to be before I knew any better.

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - BlurredSevens - 01-15-2015

Quote: (01-13-2015 01:56 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I have never used any form of social media.

I don't need to.

I meet girls in real life.


I'm not criticizing people who do.

Use the tools that work for you.


I am 39 years old. Maybe, that explains it!

I use social media every single day.

I love it!

The girls I meet online go out with me in the real world.


I'm not criticizing people who don't.

Use the tools that work for you.


I am 29 years old. Maybe, that explains it!

(Just another perspective for you guys! The whole point of game is to try a little of everything, see what works best for you, then do more of that until you get the results you want!)

No facebook. No tinder. No whatsapp. - RealityCheck - 01-15-2015

speakeasy, I agree that Facebook isn't all cons with no pros, and if it adds to your life then great. In regards to a few things you said...

Quote:speakeasy Wrote:

But if you move out of town or met them while on a trip, it's simply not possible to stay in touch any other means than FB.

This is an interesting point. I haven't travelled since I deleted my Facebook, but it has crossed my mind that it would be tough to keep in touch with friends I made traveling if I don't have Facebook. I agree that it might be weird to call someone, as opposed to messaging on Facebook, a person you stayed with in a hostel with for a few days, even though you want to stay in touch, but there's other options such as e-mail, What's App, or Skype. I'll have to make a decision when I travel next, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's not possible by any means other than Facebook.

Quote:speakeasy Wrote:

I think social media if used correctly and not for narcissistic purposes had done a great thing in that it keeps relationships alive longer than they otherwise would be without these things.

I agree that not all uses of Facebook are narcissistic in nature, but I think that the narcissistic functions of Facebook have a spillover effect that is unavoidable. I'm sure that this can be minimized, but I don't believe that it can be completely eliminated. I'm not saying that if you have a Facebook then you are a raging narcissist, but I don't think anyone is completely insusceptible to the ego stroking nature of Facebook. I'm not a saint and I'm sure that I have things in my life with a similar narcissism spillover effect, but Facebook is one that I've decided to eliminate.

Quote:speakeasy Wrote:

FB profiles can be locked down so nobody can view anything.

I'm not an expert, but I'd be careful with this. I thought that I had airtight privacy on my Facebook, but then some elderly members of my family with very basic computer skills found some pictures that I was tagged in via my friend's page. I didn't have any pictures that were unbecoming, so it wasn't a big deal, but it showed me that Facebook profiles can't be locked down with the impenetrability of a bank vault, in spite of our best efforts.

Quote: (01-14-2015 02:31 PM)bpryce Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2015 01:55 PM)RealityCheck Wrote:  

I draw the line at social media and personal websites like Facebook. It's a waste of time.

Not if you can get laid easily with hot girls from it.

Do you get laid easily through Facebook, and if so, how? I know a lot of guys that get laid on Tinder and dating websites, but not through Facebook (ignoring the fact that you need a Facebook in order to open a Tinder account). I only know one guy personally that got laid through Facebook, and it seemed like a crazy amount of work.