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The Bill Cosby thread - Samseau - 11-18-2014

If there is any doubt about Cosby, or if someone you know attacks Cosby, just remind them,

"The same people who are going after Cosby are the same people who went after the astrophysicist who landed a probe on a comet millions of miles away because they didn't like his shirt."

The Bill Cosby thread - Badamson - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 04:02 PM)Kingsley Davis Wrote:  

I recall her defending Justin Beiber after some tape leak with him saying nigga.

Yeah, well here's what she said in this exchange defending the PC police:

“I think it’s part of the whole trend we have,” Cain said. “We elevate words to the most harmful thing in society. ‘How dare you say something that could offend somebody? How dare you say something that could hurt my feelings?’”

“Let me tell you why, Will,” Whoopi pushed back. “Because we have a history of utilizing words to harm people and hurt people, and people who have been on the other side of it, I think, are at the point where they’re saying, ‘You know what? This is not okay anymore.’”

“And you gotta roll with it,” she declared, “because at some point we all have to grow up.” She specifically singled out sports teams with names like The Fighting Irish and Redskins.

“We’ll all go out of business,” Cain said sarcastically. “We’ll all stop talking. Everybody’s offended all the time, from The Fighting Irish to the Redskins, we’re all offended.”

She is not one of us or on our side.

The Bill Cosby thread - Brian Shima - 11-18-2014

I suspect Bill Cosby doesn't care. I wouldn't if I was his age and didn't do anything wrong but I would have a lawyer on speed dial and ready for any thing

The Bill Cosby thread - Quintus Curtius - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 03:47 PM)Badamson Wrote:  

I think it's pretty clear that Whoopi is only defending Cosby out of racial solidarity because he's a black guy, not out of some kind of intellectual, level headed stand against SJW's(of which she is one.) If these accusations were against someone like Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood, she sure as hell wouldn't be defending them.

Cosby has handled himself very poorly in this matter. Not saying anything won't make this go away. Woody Allen was wise to respond to the allegations against him and present his side of the story. Clintonian cliche statements like "I'm not going to dignify that with a response" don't persuade anyone. The story will just grow and grow if you don't address the accusations.

As Jim Goad wrote in Takimag "And though Cosby has continually dismissed all such accusations as extortion plots, it’d be a trifle easier to believe him if it’d had only been one…or two…or even three accusers rather than at least 15 of them."

No, she's about as far from being a bigot as you can get. She's dated guys outside her ethnic background. She's also taken unpopular stances against political correctness.

She said a good word about Justin Bieber. She also stuck up for Roman Polanski when he was dealing with his own legal issues. She came under fire for doing that.

She's cool, she's a real person, and she had a hard life before she made it big in entertainment.

The Bill Cosby thread - TravelerKai - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 03:47 PM)Badamson Wrote:  

I think it's pretty clear that Whoopi is only defending Cosby out of racial solidarity because he's a black guy, not out of some kind of intellectual, level headed stand against SJW's(of which she is one.) If these accusations were against someone like Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood, she sure as hell wouldn't be defending them.

Cosby has handled himself very poorly in this matter. Not saying anything won't make this go away. Woody Allen was wise to respond to the allegations against him and present his side of the story. Clintonian cliche statements like "I'm not going to dignify that with a response" don't persuade anyone. The story will just grow and grow if you don't address the accusations.

As Jim Goad wrote in Takimag "And though Cosby has continually dismissed all such accusations as extortion plots, it’d be a trifle easier to believe him if it’d had only been one…or two…or even three accusers rather than at least 15 of them."

Yeah Whoopi is pro-black and no one, including her would deny that, but she, unlike others, has never tried to tear down black men. She always stays positive about the men. To your average white guy this may not mean anything different to you, but to us black men it means alot. Look at TMZ right now. Dwight Howard's baby mother is trying to claim he abused his son with a belt. That bitch isn't interested in the well being of a child. She wants to HURT Dwight.

I think of a great Nas verse from his Stillmatic album

Sex with death, indulge in these women
Envision my own skeleton swimming in eternal fire
Broads play with pentagrams in they vagina
Like the Exorcist, then they gave birth to my seeds
I beg for God's help, why they love hurting me?
I'm your disciple, a thug certainly

These women (supposedly OUR women) are no longer in our corners, nor longer will they support us for a child sake, nor will they support us by not fucking with how we make the money to pay for child support, etc. They do not care about any of that shit anymore. They want to hurt us! Nas wrote that some years ago, but that shit is highly relevant now. These bitches don't even want the money, they wanna see us in jail or dead.

Why mess with black woman when they are just as quick to sell you out to white folks that would like to see you in prison, when you can take that same risk with a white chick?

Anyway, Whoppi is still old school like my mom is when it comes to that shit. She not trying to hurt us because she has respect for us as men. From our perspective, you cannot knock that.

It's possible Cosby liked rough sex or other rough stuff back in the day. It's also possible that he had shitty game as well. All this smoke there is fire stuff is dangerous fodder. If he really did something awful 9 times out of 10 it will come out into the light. So far, they have nothing except that he cheated on his wife alot. People accuse other people of shit all the time. What counts is what you can prove.

The Bill Cosby thread - Badamson - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 04:37 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

No, she's about as far from being a bigot as you can get. She's dated guys outside her ethnic background. She's also taken unpopular stances against political correctness.

She said a good word about Justin Bieber. She also stuck up for Roman Polanski when he was dealing with his own legal issues. She came under fire for doing that.

She's cool, she's a real person, and she had a hard life before she made it big in entertainment.

Perhaps, but I'm not willing to call someone an ally just because they might defend men occasionally, when they support every other PC cause under the sun and have views that are diametrically opposed to mine on nearly every subject.

Whoopi wants more affirmative action, thinks the redskins should change their name, supported Trayvon Martin, supported the Cincinnati riots and the black united front boycotts, is an apologist for islamic extremism, is heavily involved in LGBT activism, attacked Reagan for the AIDS epidemic with the same old discredited cliches....I could go on and on.

I can't call myself a fan of hers.

The Bill Cosby thread - monster - 11-18-2014

There are a lot of reports coming out and it seems they have the same MO: Cosby invited over for "career advice" and then gave them some wine & pills.

At first I was tempted to say it was probably BS but at this the say going, "where there's smoke there's fire."

The Bill Cosby thread - Dusty - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 10:05 PM)monster Wrote:  

There are a lot of reports coming out and it seems they have the same MO: Cosby invited over for "career advice" and then gave them some wine & pills.

At first I was tempted to say it was probably BS but at this the say going, "where there's smoke there's fire."

We need hard evidence, not just accusations by groupies and hangers on. If they were truly raped, there would have been forensic evidence. If the accusers themselves didn't take the "rape" serious enough at the time and get the police involved while the evidence was fresh, then they need to STFU. [Image: attentionwhore.gif]

My hunch is that he had consensual sex with some of these bitches, who feel slighted that they were used. Pumped & dumped. Smashed and dashed.

[Image: Kum_%26_Go_Logo.png]

The Bill Cosby thread - Deluge - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 10:05 PM)monster Wrote:  

There are a lot of reports coming out and it seems they have the same MO: Cosby invited over for "career advice" and then gave them some wine & pills.

At first I was tempted to say it was probably BS but at this the say going, "where there's smoke there's fire."

I think there's something like 15 women now accusing Cosby of drugging and raping them, although we don't know most of their names. Seems like the statute of limitations has expired for some if not most of them too (the earliest goes back to the late 60's) getting forensic evidence would be impossible. On one hand you could interpret that "where there's smoke there's fire", or on the other see it as a big cash grab for a civil suit.

I'm just wondering if any of these women actually filed a police report at the time. If not even one of the 15 or more accusers told the police then I have a really hard time buying this.


One woman did file a report at the time of her alleged rape, but the prosecutor "declined to file charges", probably wasn't enough evidence. She filed a civil suit which mentioned at least 13 other women making similar allegations, Cosby settled it.

The Bill Cosby thread - Jevioso - 11-18-2014

Cosby is just being thrown under the bus by Hollywood.

Hollywood is incestuous, people are screwing their way to make it in the business and a lot of people men and women do sexual stuff that they would never do if they weren't desperate. That's why it's kind of hard for me to believe the stories that these women are telling. They all tell stories about Bill Cosby basically being a sugar daddy that they were all in awe of, but none of them, and I repeat none of them ever wanted or tried to have sex with Pre-Aids America!!! You mean to tell me, Bill effing Cosby flew you in jets, and the only time you ever gave him head was under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Understanding how powerful mere local bands are, you mean to tell me, Cosby had so little game or sexual attraction that he basically had to get young girls with little to no defenses against charm and wealth, drunk and drugged like a loser at a college frat party?!?!

Hollywood has simply said that Cosby has no more protection, because when Hollywood has use for you, people can't just go on and attack you without some fear that their careers won't suffer. It's just like the mob, you have to have permission before you make a hit. However, Hollywood has said, that Cosby can be attacked without fear of consequence, just like they allowed people to talk trash and call Mel Gibson the worst person ever, even after being one of the most successful leading men in Hollywood history. I'm not completely sure that Bill Cosby didn't do some screwed up stuff to these girls, but I doubt these women, being who he was, were allowed so much access to him, without some sexual demands that they had to agree to before getting all the above average treatment.

The Bill Cosby thread - Badamson - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 10:58 PM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (11-18-2014 10:05 PM)monster Wrote:  

There are a lot of reports coming out and it seems they have the same MO: Cosby invited over for "career advice" and then gave them some wine & pills.

At first I was tempted to say it was probably BS but at this the say going, "where there's smoke there's fire."

I think there's something like 15 women now accusing Cosby of drugging and raping them, although we don't know most of their names. Seems like the statute of limitations has expired for some if not most of them too (the earliest goes back to the late 60's) getting forensic evidence would be impossible. On one hand you could interpret that "where there's smoke there's fire", or on the other see it as a big cash grab for a civil suit.

I'm just wondering if any of these women actually filed a police report at the time. If not even one of the 15 or more accusers told the police then I have a really hard time buying this.


One woman did file a report at the time of her alleged rape, but the prosecutor "declined to file charges".

I agree. I'm a card carrying misogynist(small m) and hate SJW's with a passion, and I'm not down with declaring someone guilty just based on some media accusations... but I'm not going to go out of my way to defend some rich celebrity either, when he's not even ballsy enough to address the situation himself and awkwardly won't even answer a question in an interview.

If it were just one or two crazy broads it would be one thing. It's a bunch of them, though and they all have similar stories. While some of these women could have been disgruntled pump and dumps, I doubt they all are. It's not the kind of "I was drunk and never actually said yes and oh my god I felt pressured" BS. It's a pretty cut and dry accusation of them having been drugged and then banged and felt up while they were unconscious. These are all older women from the around the 80's, not the millennial youtube attention whores and tumblr feminists who treasure the victim status.

You're not going to have any hard evidence after this much time, though so we may never know. I wonder if perhaps he will crack and admit it at some point.

The Bill Cosby thread - Kingsley Davis - 11-19-2014

Who's next to come forth with claims, my mother?[Image: angel.gif]

"With rape allegations against Bill Cosby mounting, supermodel Janice Dickinson tells ET in a new interview that the comedian sexually assaulted her in 1982.

Dickinson, now 59, recalls first meeting Cosby, now 77, when her agent set up a meeting with him to hire her for a role on The Cosby Show. After they had dinner, she says their next conversation was when he called her out of the blue while she was in rehab for drugs and alcohol. Following her stay in rehab, Dickinson says Cosby reached out to her during a trip to Bali and had her travel to Lake Tahoe, because he was performing there and wanted to offer her the job they had discussed as well as help her with a singing career.

Dickinson says they had dinner in Lake Tahoe, and claims that he gave her a glass of red wine and a pill, which she asked for because she was menstruating and had stomach pains."

The Bill Cosby thread - TravelerKai - 11-19-2014

One thing you guys need to understand is that in those days, American women were not like the ones of today. They operated much like the Asian women in Asia do. "They played for keeps..." If you ever watch older Black women that are married, there are certain things that they do to prevent other women black or white from fraternizing with their husbands. The are very skilled at cockblocking. They do not have ghetto bitchfit scenes that embarrasses their husbands and everyone else. They typically keep the mess relatively lowkey. They commonly threatened other women with body language, cold stares, and snide remarks. Why? Because women still neeeded a good man back then! My own mother is like this. They call this "How to keep your husband"

So what does this have to do with Cosby? Easy, Dusty called it first. These hoes wanted to push his wife out of the picture. Cosby in those days was quite possibly the highest value black man on the market and in a more traditional and puritan time, women are competitive and eager to push out the old queen. Asia is the same way today. Walk around with one on the street and just watch others give hungry stares. That is why preselection game is so powerful in Asia. Have any in a circle and watch them flirt with you in front of your girl. Filipino women are even known for trying to steal their sister's husbands or boyfriends. Women are hypercompetitive for resources. Makeup, youth, sex are their weapons of choice. "Whatever your wife won't do, I will do...." So after the freaky sex, they get pissed off when he pumps and dumps them.

Think about pump and dump for a minute. In the US, pump and dumping had risks in the 60's and 70's. This country was not always a hypergamy cesspit. Pump and dump the wrong girl and her father or brother may come after you with a shotgun. Cosby was basically doing the same shit Tiger Woods and many others are doing today, but he was doing it 40-50 years ago. I'm surprised he got away with it as long as he did. Being a black man doing it also plays into it. Lots of whites are going to want to knock the uppity negro off his pedestal for daring to be a playboy like this.

Look at today the amount of hoodrats chasing down ballers using forums, websites, and social media. Calling them out on twitter and shaming them. Claiming them to be the daddy. They do not claim rape as commonly yet, because they first want the resources. Once they have either gotten that or failed to do so, they move on to stage two. Claim rape. They claim you beat your son with a belt or tree branch. They claim you hit them. They try to shame your new girlfriend and spread rumors to destroy your name. Used to be, the only way to prevent this was to find one woman, get married, don't cheat, and stay married. Now even that won't save you. Thing is the hoes lie. You guys are believing a bunch of whores, that did not follow legal procedure and have no proof. Think about that for a minute. The reason they never went to the police immediately is because they were waiting on Cosby to offer them something in terms of a future first. Once that failed, they went on the offensive to get revenge.

Women are not hard to figure out pattern wise once you understand their nature. It's the same old tired story, again and again. Spot value, open legs, wait for offer, bargain/extort, then get revenge. Don't give them too much credit. Whoopi is too ugly to fit this model, so she has more credibility just off that basis alone.

And if you look at the women claiming rape today outside of the original 15 or whatever, they are most likely attention whoring because that is more important these days because being a regular whore is nothing special or worthy of attention. Women are not all that smart like you think they are. By watering down the definition of rape, they only endanger themselves. A few will get settlements and class action money at the expense of all women's safety in the society. By siding with them, you are hurting the causes of men over mere political affiliations. Don't fall for the okeydoke.

The Bill Cosby thread - Enigma - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 03:47 PM)Badamson Wrote:  

I think it's pretty clear that Whoopi is only defending Cosby out of racial solidarity because he's a black guy, not out of some kind of intellectual, level headed stand against SJW's(of which she is one.) If these accusations were against someone like Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood, she sure as hell wouldn't be defending them.

Cosby has handled himself very poorly in this matter. Not saying anything won't make this go away. Woody Allen was wise to respond to the allegations against him and present his side of the story. Clintonian cliche statements like "I'm not going to dignify that with a response" don't persuade anyone. The story will just grow and grow if you don't address the accusations.

As Jim Goad wrote in Takimag "And though Cosby has continually dismissed all such accusations as extortion plots, it’d be a trifle easier to believe him if it’d had only been one…or two…or even three accusers rather than at least 15 of them."

Really ironic that you used Gibson as an example, considering that Whoopi defended him publicly during the whole phone call meltdown episode, including the part where he wished his ex-wife would get "raped by a pack of [black people]".

The Bill Cosby thread - aSimpNamedBrokeback - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 08:28 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (11-18-2014 03:47 PM)Badamson Wrote:  

I think it's pretty clear that Whoopi is only defending Cosby out of racial solidarity because he's a black guy, not out of some kind of intellectual, level headed stand against SJW's(of which she is one.) If these accusations were against someone like Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood, she sure as hell wouldn't be defending them.

Cosby has handled himself very poorly in this matter. Not saying anything won't make this go away. Woody Allen was wise to respond to the allegations against him and present his side of the story. Clintonian cliche statements like "I'm not going to dignify that with a response" don't persuade anyone. The story will just grow and grow if you don't address the accusations.

As Jim Goad wrote in Takimag "And though Cosby has continually dismissed all such accusations as extortion plots, it’d be a trifle easier to believe him if it’d had only been one…or two…or even three accusers rather than at least 15 of them."

Really ironic that you used Gibson as an example, considering that Whoopi defended him publicly during the whole phone call meltdown episode, including the part where he wished his ex-wife would get "raped by a pack of [black people]".

The Bill Cosby thread - Saweeep - 11-19-2014

So it seems Netflix have "delayed" his latest stand up release today.

I wonder how much money these women think they might make from this...?

The Bill Cosby thread - Deluge - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 10:10 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

So it seems Netflix have "delayed" his latest stand up release today.

I wonder how much money these women think they might make from this...?

One woman sued, after the prosecutor refused to charge Cosby over her allegations. As far as we know none of the 13 others mentioned in her lawsuit sued too, even though it was settled and all the way back in 2005. The money grabbing angle doesn't make sense if they didn't try and get paid after the woman who sued did.

The Bill Cosby thread - Saweeep - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 10:27 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2014 10:10 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

So it seems Netflix have "delayed" his latest stand up release today.

I wonder how much money these women think they might make from this...?

One woman sued, after the prosecutor refused to charge Cosby over her allegations. As far as we know none of the 13 others mentioned in her lawsuit sued too, even though it was settled and all the way back in 2005. The money grabbing angle doesn't make sense if they didn't try and get paid after the woman who sued did.

I meant now; magazines, talk shows etc etc.

The Bill Cosby thread - TravelerKai - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 11:16 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2014 10:27 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2014 10:10 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

So it seems Netflix have "delayed" his latest stand up release today.

I wonder how much money these women think they might make from this...?

One woman sued, after the prosecutor refused to charge Cosby over her allegations. As far as we know none of the 13 others mentioned in her lawsuit sued too, even though it was settled and all the way back in 2005. The money grabbing angle doesn't make sense if they didn't try and get paid after the woman who sued did.

I meant now; magazines, talk shows etc etc.

Well, they can still sue him if they want to. It wasn't like some class action case. I cannot imagine him settling this time around just because he does not have a huge reputation and career to protect any longer like he did back in his prime.

My guess is that they want to further hurt him now that he is trying things again (movies, shows, etc) and want to take him down a notch, attention whore, or both.
Hollywood/Entertainment a notorious for smear jobbing one another right before someone releases new work projects, just out of spite.

The Bill Cosby thread - Deluge - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 11:22 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2014 11:16 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2014 10:27 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2014 10:10 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

So it seems Netflix have "delayed" his latest stand up release today.

I wonder how much money these women think they might make from this...?

One woman sued, after the prosecutor refused to charge Cosby over her allegations. As far as we know none of the 13 others mentioned in her lawsuit sued too, even though it was settled and all the way back in 2005. The money grabbing angle doesn't make sense if they didn't try and get paid after the woman who sued did.

I meant now; magazines, talk shows etc etc.

Well, they can still sue him if they want to. It wasn't like some class action case. I cannot imagine him settling this time around just because he does not have a huge reputation and career to protect any longer like he did back in his prime.

My guess is that they want to further hurt him now that he is trying things again (movies, shows, etc) and want to take him down a notch, attention whore, or both.
Hollywood/Entertainment a notorious for smear jobbing one another right before someone releases new work projects, just out of spite.

It came into the spotlight again because of the video of Hannibal Burress's stand up skit, his accusers weren't the ones who instigated it. Also I think only two or three have actually made their names public. They might cash in now that it's gotten big but if they were accusing a celebrity of rape to shake him down I don't see why they wouldn't have sued too after the first woman got a settlement, unless he payed them all off on the downlow before they could and made them sign non-disclosure agreements.

The Bill Cosby thread - MdWanderer - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 10:27 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2014 10:10 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

So it seems Netflix have "delayed" his latest stand up release today.

I wonder how much money these women think they might make from this...?

One woman sued, after the prosecutor refused to charge Cosby over her allegations. As far as we know none of the 13 others mentioned in her lawsuit sued too, even though it was settled and all the way back in 2005. The money grabbing angle doesn't make sense if they didn't try and get paid after the woman who sued did.

Did any of these "allegations" come up before the Pound Cake speech in 2004? If not, that could poke even further holes into these arguments.

The Bill Cosby thread - iop890 - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 08:15 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

One thing you guys need to understand is that in those days, American women were not like the ones of today. They operated much like the Asian women in Asia do. "They played for keeps..." If you ever watch older Black women that are married, there are certain things that they do to prevent other women black or white from fraternizing with their husbands. The are very skilled at cockblocking. They do not have ghetto bitchfit scenes that embarrasses their husbands and everyone else. They typically keep the mess relatively lowkey. They commonly threatened other women with body language, cold stares, and snide remarks. Why? Because women still neeeded a good man back then! My own mother is like this. They call this "How to keep your husband"

So what does this have to do with Cosby? Easy, Dusty called it first. These hoes wanted to push his wife out of the picture. Cosby in those days was quite possibly the highest value black man on the market and in a more traditional and puritan time, women are competitive and eager to push out the old queen. Asia is the same way today. Walk around with one on the street and just watch others give hungry stares. That is why preselection game is so powerful in Asia. Have any in a circle and watch them flirt with you in front of your girl. Filipino women are even known for trying to steal their sister's husbands or boyfriends. Women are hypercompetitive for resources. Makeup, youth, sex are their weapons of choice. "Whatever your wife won't do, I will do...." So after the freaky sex, they get pissed off when he pumps and dumps them.

Think about pump and dump for a minute. In the US, pump and dumping had risks in the 60's and 70's. This country was not always a hypergamy cesspit. Pump and dump the wrong girl and her father or brother may come after you with a shotgun. Cosby was basically doing the same shit Tiger Woods and many others are doing today, but he was doing it 40-50 years ago. I'm surprised he got away with it as long as he did. Being a black man doing it also plays into it. Lots of whites are going to want to knock the uppity negro off his pedestal for daring to be a playboy like this.

Look at today the amount of hoodrats chasing down ballers using forums, websites, and social media. Calling them out on twitter and shaming them. Claiming them to be the daddy. They do not claim rape as commonly yet, because they first want the resources. Once they have either gotten that or failed to do so, they move on to stage two. Claim rape. They claim you beat your son with a belt or tree branch. They claim you hit them. They try to shame your new girlfriend and spread rumors to destroy your name. Used to be, the only way to prevent this was to find one woman, get married, don't cheat, and stay married. Now even that won't save you. Thing is the hoes lie. You guys are believing a bunch of whores, that did not follow legal procedure and have no proof. Think about that for a minute. The reason they never went to the police immediately is because they were waiting on Cosby to offer them something in terms of a future first. Once that failed, they went on the offensive to get revenge.

Women are not hard to figure out pattern wise once you understand their nature. It's the same old tired story, again and again. Spot value, open legs, wait for offer, bargain/extort, then get revenge. Don't give them too much credit. Whoopi is too ugly to fit this model, so she has more credibility just off that basis alone.

And if you look at the women claiming rape today outside of the original 15 or whatever, they are most likely attention whoring because that is more important these days because being a regular whore is nothing special or worthy of attention. Women are not all that smart like you think they are. By watering down the definition of rape, they only endanger themselves. A few will get settlements and class action money at the expense of all women's safety in the society. By siding with them, you are hurting the causes of men over mere political affiliations. Don't fall for the okeydoke.


The Bill Cosby thread - michelin - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 11:45 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

None of these women were raped by Cosby. They're alpha widows damaged for life and they blame Cosby.

I bet what happened is they threw themselves at him, and he used them for an orgasm, but they thought it was much more than that. They probably had dreams of him leaving his wife, and of them moving into a Beverly Hills mansion, and accompanying him to the awards shows wearing $10,000 dresses and $100,000 in jewelry while getting their picture taken.

But the call never came. Cos shot his load and that's all he wanted. The hamster spun that into sexual assault.

They tasted celebrity cock once and they will never get that again. Alpha widows, the whole lot of them.

correct. Let's say Cosby got "assanged", but for the money and glamour.

We've seen this all before.

The Bill Cosby thread - Badamson - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 11:51 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

It came into the spotlight again because of the video of Hannibal Burress's stand up skit, his accusers weren't the ones who instigated it. Also I think only two or three have actually made their names public. They might cash in now that it's gotten big but if they were accusing a celebrity of rape to shake him down I don't see why they wouldn't have sued too after the first woman got a settlement, unless he payed them all off on the downlow before they could and made them sign non-disclosure agreements.

Exactly. They really have no motive to be making this stuff up at this point. I don't see how they could be doing it for attention and fame if 12 or 13 of them aren't even making their names public. Maybe 1 or 2 might be playing that angle at most. That's the problem. There are too many accusers with the same story. The statute of limitations has expired on most if not all of these, so they can't sue him for money or try to press charges. It's not as though these are a bunch of race PC hustlers angry about the "pound cake" speech. They are mostly a bunch of middle aged white broads off doing their own thing. This kind of stuff used to happen all the time in Hollywood, to young women and men. Just ask Corey Feldman.

The Bill Cosby thread - Days of Broken Arrows - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 01:28 PM)Badamson Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2014 11:51 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

It came into the spotlight again because of the video of Hannibal Burress's stand up skit, his accusers weren't the ones who instigated it. Also I think only two or three have actually made their names public. They might cash in now that it's gotten big but if they were accusing a celebrity of rape to shake him down I don't see why they wouldn't have sued too after the first woman got a settlement, unless he payed them all off on the downlow before they could and made them sign non-disclosure agreements.

Exactly. They really have no motive to be making this stuff up at this point. I don't see how they could be doing it for attention and fame if 12 or 13 of them aren't even making their names public. Maybe 1 or 2 might be playing that angle at most. That's the problem. There are too many accusers with the same story. The statute of limitations has expired on most if not all of these, so they can't sue him for money or try to press charges. It's not as though these are a bunch of race PC hustlers angry about the "pound cake" speech. They are mostly a bunch of middle aged white broads off doing their own thing. This kind of stuff used to happen all the time in Hollywood, to young women and men. Just ask Corey Feldman.

They might not have a personal motive. But they are playing into a trend. That trend is to go back and look at men's behavior from 30-40 years ago when morals were different, compare it with today's morality, and then call it criminal.

In the UK, this happened with both Jonathan King and Jimmy Savile. Do I think Cosby did something wrong? It's likely, but cops and prosecutors love nothing more than nabbing celebrities -- and if they dismissed the cases as flimsy, my guess is they were.

We're starting to reach total hysteria on this. At Raw Story, veteran writer Dana Kennedy just penned an article titled (get this): "Bill Cosby didn’t rape me but what he did has always given me the creeps."

I pasted it below. But if you don't feel like reading it, the gist is that he was rude to her and a bit petty. She's acting like he's the Devil incarnate. As I said, peak hysteria. I've interviewed hundreds of celebrities and quite a few were nasty. That's the nature of the game.

Note the opening paragraph.


"Bill Cosby didn’t rape me but what he did has always given me the creeps."

"By Dana Kennedy

I have zero evidence that Bill Cosby sexually assaulted or made unwanted sexual advances on anyone. But I do believe the growing number of women coming forward to say they were raped by Cosby or that he made unwanted sexual advances toward them. Here’s why…

Bill Cosby never hit on me and was never seductive in any way. But I remember how intimidating and menacing he was all the same. I met him when I was assigned to write a feature story on him for the Associated Press in February 1992.

He was at the peak of his powers when I was ushered into his dressing room at the Kaufman Astoria studios in Queens. The groundbreaking Cosby Show, one of the most successful TV series of all time, was in its eighth and final season. The year before, this 54-year-old son of an alcoholic father who grew up in a North Philadelphia housing project had made $113 million.

He didn’t say hello. He had his game face on, or maybe that’s his only face off-camera. His first three words were: “I don’t pose” — meaning for photographs. There was no other kind of welcome.

I’ve interviewed hundreds of celebrities and other notables over the years, including such notoriously difficult people as Dennis Rodman and Mickey Rourke. The majority of interview subjects are remarkably professional and pleasant. I spent close to four hours in Jack Nicholson’s home on Mulholland Drive when I was profiling him for The New York Times.

Despite his longtime rep as a hopeless womanizer, which Anjelica Huston has just reminded us of again in her new book, Nicholson was a total gentleman. He rarely gives print interviews and admitted he felt that he had more control on television. Cosby told me the same thing. But whatever Nicholson’s issues were with the media, he gave me no attitude nor made any advances during our time together.

However, as I wrote in my ensuing article about Bill Cosby, “the tension in the air was remarkably thick” as Cosby immediately took control of our interview by treating me to a fairly hostile 14-minute discourse on why he distrusted the press. (You can find the article online.) Cosby’s attitude was especially bewildering because he usually got good press. He was for years one of the most beloved performers in show business.

“Tell me what you want to ask and we’ll see how it goes,” he told me, speaking slowly and measuring his words. “If it doesn’t go well, I’ll give you a piece of fruit. I’ll give you an apple or pear and you can be on your way.”

My questions apparently passed muster, although as I wrote, Cosby “controls the interview by stretching each answer into a lengthy soliloquy.”

The interview was so unusual and uncomfortable that it seeped into the article I wrote. It’s hard to know how else I could have written it. The substance of what he said took a back seat to the atmosphere Cosby created between us. He was a very scary guy.

Less than a week after the story was published, I received a package at AP’s world headquarters, which was then at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. This was years before 9-11 so of course I opened it without trepidation.

Inside was a sheet of paper with three typed words: “Here’s your apple.” The signature in black ink read “Bill Cosby.” And wrapped in a paper towel was indeed an apple, dried and withered.

I marveled at the time that a man in his position would go to the trouble of locating a dead apple, placing it in a paper towel, finding out the address of the Associated Press and mailing it to me.

Bill Cosby may not be responding to the allegations against him but I wish he’d tell me, among other things, where he even found an old, withered apple.

Did he keep a store of dying fruit with him at all times to send to errant reporters? Did he assign a flunky to get the apple, type out the letter and bring it to him to sign or did he do it himself?

I wonder if I’ll get anything in the mail this time.

Dana Kennedy is an American journalist based in Paris, Nice, and New York City. She has anchored and reported for CNN, ABC News, MSNBC, CNBC and Fox News. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, the Financial Times, Time magazine, People, the Daily Beast, Huffington Post, the Hollywood Reporter, Huffington Post France, Departures magazine and more. Her first reporting job was at the Palm Springs Desert Sun. The best job she ever had was at the New York City bureau of the Associated Press. She divides her time between France and the U.S."