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The Poland thread - MiXX - 04-25-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 01:39 AM)Florida Wrote:  

American guys are supposedly 3rd to Italian and Latin men according Polish girls on the Polish forum I posted.

Ok. Two things:

1. I am a latin guy, with an Italian name [Image: smile.gif]
2, I love techno/trance

So, can you break this Latin/Italian look down some more towards Polish girls?

[Image: banana.gif]


The Poland thread - Sirob - 04-25-2011

Have not yet completed my Poland trip, but based on my experiences so far:

1) Be prepared to answer "Why Poland?" Every girl will ask you this and you better have a good answer
2) Getting a make out is not too difficult, but getting the girl to go home with you is a monumental exercise in frustration. I am writing this after spending the last 2 hours in trying to get a girl back to my apartment (I failed).
3) If you are a foreigner with money and well dressed, girls WILL notice you. However that does not give you any edge. You still have to prove to her that you are not simply looking for a one night stand.
4) Krakow girls are developing the sort of bitch shield that is more common with western girls. I spent 3 hours day gaming today and was blown outright by some girls without so much as a sorry. In comparison, the Wroclaw girls who rejected me were almost apologetic in comparison.
5) Polish guys are the worst chodes who have simply lucked into the draw of genetics. In the last 6 days in Poland, I have come upon just 3 guys who I would consider as good looking, well groomed and stylish. Note that this applies only to the guys born and bred in Poland. I saw plenty of stylish expats/foreigners, but I doubt that they are getting any action.

More to follow.

The Poland thread - therobside - 04-26-2011

Quote: (04-25-2011 05:31 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

PS. Have you seen "Galerianki"?

Honestly, I don't go to the malls nor hang out in them nearly enough to see what goes on with the galerianki girls. I am sure some exist but I am not sure as to what degree. Since I haven't gone to a mall pimped out in a suit going from store to store with the intention of getting some galerianki - I don't know the rules to that game.

The Poland thread - Screwston - 04-26-2011

Robside - nemesis might be referring to the movie. I remember hearing about it a while back. So that term is pretty much a young prostitute who accepts shit from the mall instead of cash? I wonder if they're all over the malls in Poland.

The Poland thread - therobside - 04-26-2011

Yeah, supposedly these girls hang around the mall and look for rich guys (who in turn may just be looking for them) who will buy something in return for having sex with them. I'm not into paying (whether it be drinks, straight prostitution, or buying gifts) so that's completely out of my area. Doesn't help that I detest malls as I am originally from New Jersey.

The Poland thread - HD668B - 04-26-2011

Therobside you dont know the club wich is north of the square (starts with c) ? Thats where I saw all the talents.
Actually I prefer telling the spot i liked best in PM because you have to be registered (no leeching).

I don't know how you can have "fairly simple SNL" with "a decent game".
I had tons of crazy experiences and can have SNL most time I want, but I still gotta work for it, and its not relaxing like having a regular.

kitsch is big and the most known but had simply no quality. International at prozac also sucked. Bars are full of drunken irish, I didnt game in any of them. Coco was good but not full. Didnt go to Frantic as it was a private night, but that actually makes it a good bet.


Why Poland is always asked. My situation is complicated (i work on internet) but that actually deals in my favor. They think im crazy (but cool).

If you want quality Polish girls, I just dont think you should go to Krakow.The bitchshield as mentioned is becoming apparent. BUT if you meet a girl from a small city outside, who is studying here, the difference is extreme. Thats what I picked (attached).

At the end we are just men and women. A natural attraction can trump all cultural or language barriers.

The Poland thread - Sirob - 04-26-2011

Super Etoile, TheRobside, L'Etranger and Austrian have all pointed to the same thing. Krakow is just becoming inured to outside attention.

I'm sure my trip report will mention the same.

Quote: (04-26-2011 06:03 AM)LÉtranger Wrote:  

Therobside you dont know the club wich is north of the square (starts with c) ? Thats where I saw all the talents.
Actually I prefer telling the spot i liked best in PM because you have to be registered (no leeching).

I don't know how you can have "fairly simple SNL" with "a decent game".
I had tons of crazy experiences and can have SNL most time I want, but I still gotta work for it, and its not relaxing like having a regular.

kitsch is big and the most known but had simply no quality. International at prozac also sucked. Bars are full of drunken irish, I didnt game in any of them. Coco was good but not full. Didnt go to Frantic as it was a private night, but that actually makes it a good bet.


Why Poland is always asked. My situation is complicated (i work on internet) but that actually deals in my favor. They think im crazy (but cool).

If you want quality Polish girls, I just dont think you should go to Krakow.The bitchshield as mentioned is becoming apparent. BUT if you meet a girl from a small city outside, who is studying here, the difference is extreme. Thats what I picked (attached).

At the end we are just men and women. A natural attraction can trump all cultural or language barriers.

The Poland thread - MiXX - 04-26-2011

So, when you are asked by a Polish girl "why are you visiting Poland?" what's the best answer to DHV and get in her pants?


The Poland thread - Roosh - 04-26-2011

My joke answer is first "sex and drugs". Often times they'll joke back.. "and rock & roll?" Then I say, "No. Just the sex and drugs."

Or I say "I'm looking for a wife. I heard that girls from ***** are the most sexy and feminine in the world." I use this in Denmark and girls laugh that I "came to the wrong place."

I just wear them down by being aloof until they give up, because I never have a "real" reason. Sometimes the best way to DHV is not to give an answer.

The Poland thread - oldnemesis - 04-26-2011

Quote: (04-26-2011 03:02 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

My joke answer is first "sex and drugs". Often times they'll joke back.. "and rock & roll?" Then I say, "No. Just the sex and drugs."

Dunno how would it work there. She may think you're not joking, a lot of guys go there for sex and booze (probably not so much for drugs).


Or I say "I'm looking for a wife. I heard that girls from ***** are the most sexy and feminine in the world." I use this in Denmark and girls laugh that I "came to the wrong place."

This one may work very well.

The Poland thread - oldnemesis - 04-26-2011

Quote: (04-25-2011 08:43 PM)Sirob Wrote:  

In the last 6 days in Poland, I have come upon just 3 guys who I would consider as good looking, well groomed and stylish.

They were probably gay.
This is just something which doesn't really matter in EE. As I have said multiple times, the whole EE culture is not about hookups and ONS. So while looking good will give you some initial advantage, it will wear off long time before you'd be banging her. So good looks are hard to capitalize on unless you approach MILFs/cougars or tourists, and this is why nobody really bothers.

The Poland thread - drymarro - 04-27-2011

I grew up and currently live in America.. but my parents are Polish immigrants and I speak fluent polish.(just need to practice speaking a bit more). Anyways.. I'm going to Poland this August to go to a wedding but I want to bail on my family afterwards [Image: smile.gif] and hit up one of the cities to game some girls. I'm thinking of pulling off as just an American, and not speak in Polish unless absolutely necessary.
TBH, I have no clue how to game in Polish.. funny eh? no clue at all. I barely know how to game in English lmao... let alone Polish.
If anyone is in Poland this August I'd be glad to meet up and game together. I know how to read, write, and speak, etc in Polish just not game.

The Poland thread - Florida - 04-27-2011

Quote: (04-27-2011 01:32 AM)drymarro Wrote:  

I grew up and currently live in America.. but my parents are Polish immigrants and I speak fluent polish.(just need to practice speaking a bit more). Anyways.. I'm going to Poland this August to go to a wedding but I want to bail on my family afterwards [Image: smile.gif] and hit up one of the cities to game some girls. I'm thinking of pulling off as just an American, and not speak in Polish unless absolutely necessary.
TBH, I have no clue how to game in Polish.. funny eh? no clue at all. I barely know how to game in English lmao... let alone Polish.
If anyone is in Poland this August I'd be glad to meet up and game together. I know how to read, write, and speak, etc in Polish just not game.

I going to be there in in August too.

The Poland thread - Ami5 - 04-27-2011

She looks a 7.5 - 8.5 to me!
I once made out with a Polish girl from Krackow itself - her hair smelled so 'ugh' I was completely pissed off by the end of the night!

The Poland thread - Sirob - 04-27-2011

All the Polish guys that I've interacted with during the last week or so have been extremely laid back, to the point of being soporific.

I was in this cool artsy cafe cum bar (I'll mention this in the trip report) last night in Krakow and came upon a number of 3 sets (2 girls with 1 guy). Using the time tested vodka trick ("Excuse me, can you give me some more information about the various types of vodkas here?" [Image: biggrin.gif] ) I began conversations with 3 groups. All the 3 guys were the quiet, bland types. I was leading the conversation for the most time and when I tried to be a little cocky-funny, I was greeted with strange stares.

In fact, when I walk around Krakow (also Wroclaw) and see the number of bland uninspiring guys with bonafide hotties, I begin to wonder what could the girl have seen in that guy?

The more I spend time in Poland, the more I am beginning to believe in OldNemesis's EE theory of social circle being the root cause of almost all bangs.

Not that an expert player couldnt get a SNL, but for others, it involves a considerable amount of ground work which I'm not sure would be possible for most of the forum members.

Quote: (04-26-2011 07:07 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-25-2011 08:43 PM)Sirob Wrote:  

In the last 6 days in Poland, I have come upon just 3 guys who I would consider as good looking, well groomed and stylish.

They were probably gay.
This is just something which doesn't really matter in EE. As I have said multiple times, the whole EE culture is not about hookups and ONS. So while looking good will give you some initial advantage, it will wear off long time before you'd be banging her. So good looks are hard to capitalize on unless you approach MILFs/cougars or tourists, and this is why nobody really bothers.

The Poland thread - oldnemesis - 04-27-2011

Quote: (04-27-2011 08:19 AM)Sirob Wrote:  

The more I spend time in Poland, the more I am beginning to believe in OldNemesis's EE theory of social circle being the root cause of almost all bangs.

It is.
Actually I got invited to a goth club yesterday, so I went out to see some and listen to some alternative rock. And while looking around I cannot help myself that the vibe from pretty much everyone in the club is "I'm here because I am desperate to be home alone", which is something non-existent in EE. If you're home alone there and can't stand it, you just call a bunch of friends and have a party, and people in clubs there came with their friends to have good time, not because they just want to talk to someone.

But hey, I figured it four years ago that me and Western culture are completely incompatible. I can tolerate it, I can use it to my advantage but I will never accept it.

The Poland thread - Sirob - 04-30-2011

My Poland trip is almost done and I'll be posting a very detailed data sheet on Krakow and Wroclaw in the next week or so. This will not just focus on the obvious night gaming spots but also food, day gaming and date spots.

In short Krakow is a tough nut to crack. Our forum brothers will be well served by going to Wroclaw or Poznan.

Full props to forum members Super Etoile, L'Etranger and TheRobside. Their tips on the spots to hit worked very well although I did not get a notch going the conventional gaming route.

Last night I hit the town with Emh and it was good to have his company. All the best to him.

The Poland thread - Roosh - 05-01-2011

Looking forward to this report.

The Poland thread - Brian - 05-01-2011

Its not just social circle. I went to Bulgaria and did well lining up dates on myspace beforehand. I had never set foot in the country and didnt speak the language. Beautiful girls. i'm a decent looking tall white guy was was about 30 at the time so its not like i was a short fat balding midget but it wasnt hard.

If you are coming from the US what you dont realize is that the dating pool of beautiful, thin, attractive women is much higher then the US (at least in percentage terms) and alot of EE men are poor, drunk, unattractive w/no sense of style. Someone posted on here awhile back in a Latvia thread about how all these beautiful attractive Latvian women couldnt find people to marry. The supply is tilted in favor of men over there, as opposed to the US where when you factor in all the single females who are undateable because they are fat unattractive cows the remaining few females who actually have their shit together have more choices then they can handle. Its the mirror image.

The Poland thread - Luckystar - 05-01-2011

Quote: (05-01-2011 05:00 PM)Brian Wrote:  

EE men are poor, drunk, unattractive w/no sense of style

You can add completely without charisma to that description. Zero game to speak.

Unless, it's social circle 'game', which is game on training wheels at best.

The Poland thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-01-2011

Quote: (05-01-2011 06:00 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2011 05:00 PM)Brian Wrote:  

EE men are poor, drunk, unattractive w/no sense of style

You can add completely without charisma to that description. Zero game to speak.

Unless, it's social circle 'game', which is game on training wheels at best.

Not sure what to say about that, but living in the Balkans (Southeastern Europe), I do witness a lot of guys with very good game when going out. Being a brainless brute is definitely helpful, and these areas have them aplenty [Image: wink.gif]

The Poland thread - Luckystar - 05-01-2011

Quote: (05-01-2011 06:11 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2011 06:00 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2011 05:00 PM)Brian Wrote:  

EE men are poor, drunk, unattractive w/no sense of style

You can add completely without charisma to that description. Zero game to speak.

Unless, it's social circle 'game', which is game on training wheels at best.

Not sure what to say about that, but living in the Balkans (Southeastern Europe), I do witness a lot of guys with very good game when going out. Being a brainless brute is definitely helpful, and these areas have them aplenty [Image: wink.gif]

That is a good point actually. EE men can be very masculine (probably their best quality).

I can definitely appreciate that EE women preferring brute tough guys instead of weiners.

The Poland thread - oldnemesis - 05-01-2011

Quote: (05-01-2011 05:00 PM)Brian Wrote:  

Its not just social circle. I went to Bulgaria and did well lining up dates on myspace beforehand. I had never set foot in the country and didnt speak the language.

When did it happen? Things changed significantly comparing to five years ago.

The Poland thread - oldnemesis - 05-01-2011

Quote: (05-01-2011 06:00 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Unless, it's social circle 'game', which is game on training wheels at best.

EE is pretty an "anti-game" cultural environment if you mean Western style. The whole culture is not about random hookups and ONS, and going out is just about having fun with your friends. A single local chick going to a club to hook up with someone is virtually nonexistent in EE. Add that you cannot really run game in bars there, which gives you the clubs full of crowds. If you are not used to open groups of girls (or mixed groups), you'll get nowhere there.

And social circles work well for the majority of the people there. You can see it yourself - despite lacking in game skills, there are significantly less sexually frustrated and generally unhappy people in EE comparing to US.

The Poland thread - Brian - 05-01-2011

a couple things...

there are definitely alot of brute meathead types of Eastern Europeans here and while that works for some its not what every girl is looking for.

Secondly, I think social circle game is kind of a fallback for what happens when you dont feel comfortable approaching outside of your social circle. And not everyone has a social circle - sometimes social circles dissolve (marriage, moves, etc) and the remnants are still seeking out companionship. 'social circle game' seems most prevalent where guys are least likely to approach. from my experience you are less likely to have ONS in eastern europe but if you approach and invest time and effort you can easily get the bang in 2-4 dates.