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RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Roosh - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 10:04 AM)Goldmund Wrote:  

Tyler comes across as a bit "off".

He has the energy and body movements of an excited teenage girl. Is he on drugs?

Not a style I hope anyone tries to emulate...although there are tons of these rsd dudes out there.

Although we have similar goals, we have completely different styles, I wouldn't get along with him.

He's a dandy, as described in Greene's The Art Of Seduction. His clown game is good with the high energy required to entertain women, which is why he's successful. But if you're not a dandy, and you try to emulate him (tone, body language), you will not see results.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - General Mayhem - 06-26-2014

Not my style at all. Verbal bickering is for broads in my opinion.

All I've ever needed is a few words conveyed in a violent tone.

Then again, not everyone can pull that off either.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Goldmund - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 11:26 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2014 10:04 AM)Goldmund Wrote:  

Tyler comes across as a bit "off".

He has the energy and body movements of an excited teenage girl. Is he on drugs?

Not a style I hope anyone tries to emulate...although there are tons of these rsd dudes out there.

Although we have similar goals, we have completely different styles, I wouldn't get along with him.

He's a dandy, as described in Greene's The Art Of Seduction. His clown game is good with the high energy required to entertain women, which is why he's successful. But if you're not a dandy, and you try to emulate him (tone, body language), you will not see results.

Dandy is a great word for it.

I can imagine these types of guys flitting around in the 18th century, giggling alot, dancing with girls and having really high voices.

Although they may be successful for a night, I can't see anyone (especially other men) taking them seriously.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Days of Broken Arrows - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 08:05 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Im a redhead. Its funny how many beta guys lose their shit over 'gingers' doing well with women like we have some sort of physical disability. Its a sign of super weak frame when guys comment on it to try bring you down. It gets their hamster going and they sometimes struggle to cope.

That was this guys main point - that Tyler is a balding redhead so he should not be doing well with women. Also his comment on his shirt - he thinks looks and fashion create attraction (rather then just help on top of game). 'just stand still and smile'.

My brother has thinning redhead, is kinda short and a little tubby. He used to visit me during uni to party and guys would flip out big when he (nearly always) pulled hot girls from right under them. His game has always been tight so it made no difference. Ive seen guys nearly have emotional breakdowns over it, no joke.

I believe you. Short guys get this all the time. I've written on here about how I got it in college. It's always the "sensitive liberal" types who are the first to give you shit about something you have no control over (red hair, height).

This cock blocker in this video is a perfect example. He's out to "save" women, and from what? A rapist? A killer? No, a redhead. Fuck him, I'm glad Tyler took him down. Never paid much attention to Tyler but I have respect for the guy now.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - MtnMan - 06-26-2014

i find nothing more bothersome than a liberal, hipster, beta douche. This asshat is a prime example.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - soup - 06-26-2014

I'm waiting to see the video where Tyler has a breakdown and just goes HAM on one of these guys.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - ChrisGambi - 06-26-2014

Tyler is a complete idiot, the other guy was drunk and Tyler was insulting him again and again and getting into the guys face again and again. Nothing against T. but him getting punched into the face would have been the valuable lesson of this kind of behaviour (and provided similar, if not higher entertainment value).

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Truth Teller - 06-26-2014

"I do very well for myself."

"How do you do it?"

"I smile at girls on the street."

You want to talk about "street harassment?" Women probably look at the white knight and go "why the fuck is this guy smiling at me?"

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - soup - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 01:23 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

"I do very well for myself."

"How do you do it?"

"I smile at girls on the street."

You want to talk about "street harassment?" Women probably look at the white knight and go "why the fuck is this guy smiling at me?"

This is the thing that white knights don't get: they aren't on the same "team" with girl.

The girl will use him and manipulate him when it's convenient for her, and will easily turn on him and call him a creep when she tires of his attention of presence.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - kaotic - 06-26-2014

[quote='soup' pid='765078' dateline='1403808968']
[quote='Truth Teller' pid='765045' dateline='1403806988']


This is the thing that white knights don't get: they aren't on the same "team" with girl.

The girl will use him and manipulate him when it's convenient for her, and will easily turn on him and call him a creep when she tires of his attention of presence.

Fucking this!! These guys will never realize till they have an awakening. I was the same way !

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Pinocchio - 06-26-2014

tyler knew he was on camera so he is purposefully gaming the guy. a simple 'fuck off, otherwise ill knock you out' would also do the trick. the other guy has never been in a fight i would assume.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - The Beast1 - 06-26-2014

Man if Tyler got up to me like that in a debate i'd slap his hand away. That would be grounds for a fight.

Then again, i wouldn't cock block a guy like that. Good game is an enjoyable show.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - lalafufu - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 02:23 AM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

Tyler handled this well, because I have 6 magic words I drop on annoying cockblockers in the club and they get thrown the fuck out, because I refuse to waste an ounce of my time on a faggot.

Note how the beta bitter bitch boy said this: "She'll wake up and regret it".

Tell me where that came from? Rape Hysteria he's being force fed in college. In other words, even if she's having fun, she's not really having fun, therefore I'll step in and keep her from having regrets.

I'm curious as to where this was filmed, because it looks damn familiar for some reason.

they were in Seattle's Belltown neighborhood. I know fat red shirt guy witnessing the destruction in the video

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - lalafufu - 06-26-2014

as for people wondering why he put in all that effort to destroy white beta male, Owen was teaching a boot camp. He did it to help his students. The underlying message is every man has a right to approach and game regardless of his circumstances

If you're confused about Owen, he is one weird ass foo in person

This is the guy who coined the term AMOG'ing and formalized the concept

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Vicious - 06-26-2014

He's being a little too wordy and technical when picking apart that dude.

Still, this is a good example on how to confront certain blockers (not all, this guy is obviously a wuss).

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - runsonmagic - 06-26-2014

Tyler is really patient with that guy because he was that guy. Can you imagine the transformation that cockblocker would have to go through to become Tyler? Props to Tyler. The man did what we hope for all men who feel lost with women would do - learn game, improve yourself, and live an awesome life.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Ensam - 06-26-2014

I think that if you were to take out the flourishes meant for the camera (and his potential students) the basic message he delivered to the guy was. "Hey, why are you trying to fuck up other people's good times". Delivered in the right tone that can be an effective fuck off that won't invite violence.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - AnonymousBosch - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 09:25 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


I see that as a good frame control move for smaller guys.

Hugging a guy you call an asshole is a good way to get knocked out.

Nah, this is classic high school bullying game when girls are watching: a form of intimidation through what seems like non-escalation and friendliness, but is deliberate-provocation. Girls are trapped in a high school mindset, so would recognise Tyler as the dominant man.

If he physically-escalates, then you get the defensive punch with the protection of "I was trying to be friendly" (the hugging).

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - YoungBlood - 06-26-2014

This type of shit wouldn't fly at some bars and nightclubs I go to. I like latin/hip hop clubs a lot and if a hispanic or black guy is irritated by you in some way, he'll make sure to get in your face about it. Touching a guy like Tyler did will also give him permission to strike you. If you ever find yourself in an aggressive environment with potential cockblockers, I suggest you learn how to fight.

The way you handle yourself does not only depend on how you look but also on your current environment.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - lalafufu - 06-26-2014

Tyler socially calibrated. I'm sure he's good at figuring out where the boundaries are for each and every individual. There was a story about how he got scared and backed down when some pissed off 6ft+ boot camp student demanded a refund

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Que enspastic - 06-26-2014

How my mates in London would respond:

"Shut the fuck up loser"

"Go along and play you little mermaid"

"Suck a dick phaggot"

End of pep talk.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Hotwheels - 06-26-2014

Being in Seattle explains a lot.

If "Tyler" tried that shit in small town WI he'd be a grease spot in the parking lot.

The guy was obviously zero threat, so I'm not terribly impressed with this cockblocker "destruction".

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - RawGod - 06-26-2014

Some people get Tyler, some don't.

Believe me, if you share some of his natural characteristics - physically small/unattractive, high IQ with geek vibe - you would see how inspirational he is. (Not saying this video was particularly inspirational, but overall his body of work has been.)

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Christian McQueen - 06-26-2014

While I'm not real familiar with his work, I'm aware of what he does.

I'm impressed that he's built the empire he has, despite what many would consider flaws. Goes to show the power of initiative and not letting your 'shortcomings' hold you back.

I respect the hell out of that.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Carlos100 - 06-26-2014

Is this the Tyler Durden from The Game? If so, he doesn't come off too well in that book.