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Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Parlay44 - 05-29-2014

You know what long as they don't try to pass off as being a natural born gender I don't really care. They can just fuck each other.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - babelfish669 - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:48 PM)draguer Wrote:  

Could it be that the current generation has never really had a defining conflict, as generations past?

People are often defined by overcoming challenges, the need to project the weight of the Black civil rights movement onto modern day liberal 'struggles' might be a manifestation of that narcissistic need to leave a 'meaningful' legacy.

Ultimately it's a fleeting shot of dopamine, a chimera of having 'done your bit'.

Facebook added support for something like 50 different genders. It isn't just a rights issue but an attention issue. Companies are trying to out-politically correct each other for PR purposes. Turn to CNN at any time of day and you will realize things that are neither news nor anomalies are magnified out of proportion for the purposes of keeping and growing an audience.

However it is conceivable that in the future a larger share of people could have gender identity issues: Hormone disruption from chemicals is proven (esp serious at a young age), low testosterone from lifestyles devoid of physical activity, and in countries with sick demographics like China.

There is another side to it. Where is the point where someone is genderX(insert one of the 50 genders Facebook recognizes) or just a perverted sex offender wearing a dress so he can get in to a girls bathroom?

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Feisbook Control - 05-29-2014

Here's a brand new documentary celebrating the civil rights movement in the USA in the 21st century. America, fuck yeah!

The simple solution, as has already been proposed, is to either get the hell out of Dodge or try to insulate yourself as best as possible in the meantime. If you have kids, send them to private schools or home school them. A couple of generations from now, all of this nonsense will go away because these freaks and their supporters (liberals) simply won't have kids. Demographically, they're a dead end. All you have to do is two things: 1) weather the storm, 2) starve the beast. Since they won't have their own kids, they need to steal your own and convert them to their ideology. All kids in the public education system are modern day Janissaries. If you don't let the weirdo left do that (because you home school your kids), then they will ultimately lose the demographic war of attrition.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - lurker - 05-29-2014

This is a tempest in a teacup. Nobody gives enough of a shit to be conscious of transgendered folk, simply because there aren't enough of them/zem/xem/whatever to go around. The gay rights movement at least has the luxury of being able to support a group prevalent enough in a population to humanize their cause: you know gay people. Those decisions affect your uncle and his "friend," or those ten girls in your high school class who came out sophomore year of college (and the one of them that still likes pussy after graduation). And gays are fighting for a largely abstract but highly personal right: the right to marry. To love. What battlegrounds do trans people really have? The right to a different letter on a plastic card? An extra cordoned-off bathroom stall that 99% of the time is just going to provide straight men and women a cleaner and more quiet place to take a shit in public? The right to go to girl jail? How often are they claiming that one needs to happen?

TIME needs to sell something. It's the new new thing.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - kbell - 05-29-2014

I'm surprised aliblahblah and the rest of the chatroom haven't posted much in this thread, besides 2wyked.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Brodiaga - 05-29-2014

How about donkey fucking? Donkey fuckers should fight for their rights too. If you disagree, you are a misogynist.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Deluge - 05-29-2014

This is a GOOD thing for us.

Why? Because radical feminists (radfems) hate transexuals. They believe that all sex differences are not innate but social constructs, so they don't actually believe that a person can be born in a girl's body but have male brain software, because they don't believe that "male" brain software even exists. Radfems are over-represented in feminist academia and among lesbian feminists (some radfems actually believe that ALL heterosexual sex is rape), there's already a big beef between radfems and mainstream feminists (i.e the Jezel and tumblr feminist crowd) over this, and it's only going to get worse. Divide and conquer boys [Image: banana.gif]

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - N°6 - 05-30-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:00 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

The false equivalency between johnny-come-lately mentally ill people who suddenly think they're a "woman trapped in a man's body" and real civil-rights struggles--150 years of fighting the brutal legacies of slavery--is not just insulting, it's straight-up comical.

I hope that people whose ancestors once had legitimate civil rights issues in Western countries will take note of this.

The Western oligarchs who run the NGOs, non-profit/ non-taxable foundations, the think tanks have replaced the power of organised labour with what is called the 'broken coalition'.

The 'broken coalition' broadly speaking is a collection of groups who have been convinced that they are perpetual victims of 'White, Christian patriarchal privilege'. Bill Clinton used the 'broken coalition' to remain as the governor of Arkansas for a long time, it was also the strategy of his presidential election campaigns.

Now that identity politics using the broken coalition has destroyed the power of organised labour, there is no limit to how many new identities that can be politically created through immigration or through invented sexualities.

After transgender rights, it will be transhumanist rights whereby people can be genetically modified using the genes of animals and insects.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - N°6 - 05-30-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:40 PM)draguer Wrote:  

The way there is a new 'flavor of the month' for progressive causes reminds me of a child collecting Pokemon cards.

Yes it is an agenda.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Parlay44 - 05-30-2014

Quote: (05-30-2014 05:12 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:40 PM)draguer Wrote:  

The way there is a new 'flavor of the month' for progressive causes reminds me of a child collecting Pokemon cards.

Yes it is an agenda.

Christianity gone wild. Love thy neighbor, don't cast the first stone type of shit.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Renzy - 05-30-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 07:58 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

The simple solution, as has already been proposed, is to either get the hell out of Dodge or try to insulate yourself as best as possible in the meantime. If you have kids, send them to private schools or home school them.

A couple of generations from now, all of this nonsense will go away because these freaks and their supporters (liberals) simply won't have kids. Demographically, they're a dead end. All you have to do is two things: 1) weather the storm, 2) starve the beast. Since they won't have their own kids, they need to steal your own and convert them to their ideology. If you don't let the weirdo left do that (because you home school your kids), then they will ultimately lose the demographic war of attrition.

The Irish in Boston used to have a saying (much earlier in the 20th century) with regards to the WASP establishment that ran Boston at the time:

"We're going to outfuck you now and outvote you later."

People with conservative, traditional families will likely get the last laugh in the end.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Jukes - 05-30-2014

I was not born in that time, but usimng the black civil rights movrment to justify their mental illness is mess up. Ratings on media and literature is poi.tless if kids are being infected with this nonsense. Plastic suregons about to make massive amount of money for every confuse boy.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - NovaVirtu - 05-30-2014

A generation ago a man who expressed a sincere desire to have his penis cut off and inject himself with estrogen would have been thrown in a mental institution. Now it's celebrated.

Within twenty years:

NAMBLA marches for equality in Washington DC, first transgender US senator and mayor of San Francisco marries his cocker-spaniel.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Blackhawk - 05-30-2014

Time magazine was at its height in the 1920s-1940s but has been shedding readers since the 1980s , when it was first bought by AOL (which also declined), and then some browser company made obsolete by mozilla

Today, less than 60,000 issues of Time Magazine are sold on newsstands each week. Just as Justin Bieber bought MySpace for cheap to have a platform to promote himself, old liberals are buying up once famous, now declined media to have a bully pit to push their agenda. (which only declines readership even faster.)

The problem is these old media are expensive to maintain --San Francisco's all lib Chronicle is known to lose over 1 million dollars a week, but the owners pay that because they're socialists trying to enact media control over society, costs be damned.

The average subscriber age of Time magazine is 60, and soon to die off. American doctors out of tradition still put copies in their waiting rooms for bored people to read to pass the time, but everyone just reads their cell phone instead, and so it sits there unread.

Time magazine is reduced to a picture on a cover seen in passing, which very few will actually open to read the story. Who are its columnists? What stories are inside? No one cares anymore. But we'll report what was on its cover ...on the internet.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - ColSpanker - 05-30-2014

My first thought was:"Does anyone still read TIME magazine?".

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - The Beast1 - 05-30-2014

The next REAL civil right's movement is the retaking of society back for ALL men.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Kaii - 05-30-2014

Man, with the Elliot Rodger thing (the news saying it was because he was a male chauvinist and has white privilege) and now this, I am really getting angry.

This kind of shit irritated me before, but now, I actually find myself actually getting angry at the continual bombardment of bullshit to straight non mangina men in this country.

I never thought being a straight man who likes women would be a crime. I don't know about you gents, but I am starting to think to myself "how I can/we as red pill men, attack this shit back".

Any suggestions?

Thanks for letting me vent guys.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Fathom - 05-30-2014

A few years back I find myself in front of the New York Public Library, that classic building with the two lions out front. Across the top is a huge banner proclaiming “LGBT week.” I couldn’t believe public funds are being wasted into promoting deviants and freaks. Can you imagine if I were some unsuspecting father taking my children to the library? “What’s LGBT, dad?” Sick freaks.

I don’t have anything against homosexuals or any other kind of sexual weirdos. In fact, honestly, I don’t find them particularly “weird.” Nature must have decided to phase out their genes for a reason, so good for them, I say. What I DO mind and what makes me incredibly irritated is, as someone above has mentioned, the goddamn POLITICIZATION of these people’s condition.

Why would I care if two homos decide to live together, as long as they comprehend that they are the minority in a sane, family-oriented society and, accordingly, keep a low profile? This is what these people used to do. Today, however, it’s not merely about what they do behind closed doors per se. There is a social Marxist AGENDA attached to these freaks which stems back to the Frankfurt school vermin, that group of “chosenites” who so aptly put their intellectual forces together to figure out how they can poison the West after the war.

In any event, if anyone has not figured it out yet, the U.S. is dead. A bankrupt debtor nation on its last leg, sucked dry by yet another group of “chosen” parasites who run the Federal Reserve. No sane man should ever raise a family here. It’s time to jump ship and let the scum kill themselves off.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - pros80 - 05-30-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 01:33 PM)MattC Wrote:  

Why is it always guys that want to be girls? You never hear about girls wanting to be guys, do you?

A sure sign if any that men are becoming emasculated by society.

Girls that wanna be dudes most of the time just go the butch lesbian route. Dressing like guys, shaving their hair short and trying to look as manly as they can. Since there is no way to give them a dick they stay in this category.

Weired thing is in a place like Washington DC you might see a butch looking manly lesbian with a cute girl as her girlfriend go figure.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - soup - 05-30-2014

We are getting to a point where not only is it ok but almost encouraged for butch to act masculine while men, in particular white guys, get a lot of hate if they try to act masculine or matcho.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - kdolo - 05-30-2014

Encourage the Female to act Male
Encourage the Male to act Female
Encourage Homosexuality
Encourage Sex Confusion
Encourage Pedophilia
Encourage Promiscuity - of the female type in particular

Result: Mass confusion, low family formation, lower population, depressed-demoralized population =

zombies who are easy to control politically and easy to abuse economically.


this is all part and parcel of general social decline that accompanies economic and political decline - Rome and Greece went this way.....

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Quintus Curtius - 05-30-2014

We've entered a period in which every sort of vice and perversity is praised. In fact, people are tripping over themselves to encourage and praise everything that is base and venal in our culture. The rule book is gone, gone, gone...out the window.

Western civilization is in some sort of weird interregnum period where the old ethic--based on Christianity--is dead or rapidly dying, and a new moral code has yet to fully congeal.

We're likely to endure a couple centuries of chaos and disorder before a new civilization, with a new moral base, emerges from the ashes. This is how it has always been. I know that's scant consolation for us, but such is the sting of reality.

I suppose we shouldn't grieve too much for the collapse of our civilization. Cultures have shelf-lives, and nothing lasts for ever. We should see ourselves as something like the banqueteer who sits down at the table, eats his fill, and then--when satiated--gets up and leaves, making room for the next guest at the table.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - MattW - 05-30-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:35 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:29 PM)pants Wrote:  

Fewer straight males -> less competition

This is faulty and short-sighted thinking.

However this is consistent with the 'enjoy the decline' mentality that is prevalent here. Some/many of the things that RoK and other sites stand for are bad for a social group if applied writ large but good for individuals within that group. It's a sort of prisoners' dilemma - abiding by the principles of a good society only works in the individual's favor if 99% of everyone else also lives by those rules. If too many people defect then those who do gain a huge advantage compared to those who do not.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - soup - 05-30-2014

What about in prisons?

Are they going to put a person who was born a man into a female prison because he considers himself to be a woman?

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Samseau - 05-31-2014

Next up: Bestiality movement

HINT: It's already happening in Germany