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Ayahuasca and the body - monster - 06-15-2014

Quote: (06-15-2014 03:03 AM)TonySandos Wrote:  

I have a question.

Would any hallucinogens be problematic to take during a semester or learning period at work? I'm wondering if any would inadvertently cause forgetfulness of recently learned concepts or vocabulary. Is it just best to do trips during vacation esque periods?

Depends on the individual and if you believe there's meaning to your work/school.

If you don't believe there's meaning to your work/school, after a trip that "shows you the light" it will be intensely hard to get back into the grind because you'll think it's all bullshit.

If you do believe there's meaning, then you can possibly snap right into it.

Then it depends on the individual. Do you go all in (excess leads to the palace of wisdom), or do you exercise moderation? Are you going to combine tripping with partying (booze, other drugs, etc), or just trip and that's it.

Ayahuasca and the body - TonySandos - 06-15-2014

Tripping alone in a quiet place and most likely psilocybin if I do it.

I tried 2ci and salvia before with no profound event greater than strong weed. Here's the odd part

Quote: (03-17-2014 09:20 AM)strengthstudent Wrote:  

It is funny that in many cases you lose the ability to understand things automatically -- you have to manually realize the meaning for words, how things relate to one another and so on. This kind of let's you re-think some of your values logically because in reality we may have many values which we didn't think for ourselves. Majority of these brainwashed values are illogical but they are rooted so deep inside you that you cannot help but react to them with illogical emotional responses.

Whole concept of zen is about seeing consistently the glimpses of the world outside the conceptual mind.

I've had similar, but likely weaker experiences like these on high strain weed before. I'm ocd and tourette syndrome diagnosed so I'm not sure how certain chemical releases cause certain reactions. Marijuana has had alternate reactions to stronger effects compared to people using with me before.

Low grade grass makes me tic out when I normally don't display tics at all. The psychosis with negative effects due to thc that have been documented in recent studies is a real occurrence for me. That stuff makes me feel uneasy and unsociable. Can brain chemistry cause weed to work above its typical level? Most people seem to use it for simply getting dumb. For me it's a philosophical event every time

Ayahuasca and the body - strengthstudent - 06-15-2014

Psychosis is a weird concept. With salvia/DMT psychosis it is the thing you are after, but just momentarily. I have seen alcohol caused psychoses all around me(alcoholics in the family...) which have been way worse than anything I have seen with other drugs because usually with alcohol you are doing stupid shit around other people. Alcoholics sometimes cannot tell what day is it, they mistake morning 6 for evening 6, can't remember really anything what they were supposed to do etc. It all depends on your definition of psychosis but according to science almost anything which pushes you away from your normal state of mind can be called a psychosis. Getting paranoid on weed(which has happened to me when I tried weed for my first times) is a psychosis too, this reads on wikipedia.

The problem with psychosis is when it lasts for days but I have never heard or seen that. I guess it can happen for mentally ill people but mostly I have heard just anecdotes which could be far from truth. Rick Doblin is a founder of an association which studies psychedelics and they use tons of these drugs on mentally ill(PTSD etc.) people for curing/research purposes and I don't think these scary psychosis which make you crazy and last for days happen there either.

Momentary psychosis like ego loss/softening on heavy doses of psychedelics is what you are after: I have surrendered to shrooms that I have lost my ego for a short while(in fact I have been able to do this sober too, and it is called satori in zen) but I have been able to pull myself together very rapidly. Sometimes with heavy doses your whole life seem like nothing but a foggy dream which makes you really think if there is anything else outside this moment of now.

Ayahuasca and the body - TonySandos - 06-15-2014

That sound interesting as fuck. I'd like to lift some metaphorical walls to creativity and perspective. I quit weed because I felt done with it, but mushrooms seem to be a good experience to pursue. The guy who showed me what weed was really about encouraged me to try out mushrooms. I've been tempted since he seemed to have become a multiplicative confidence every time he came off a trip. Too bad he's at Princeton now so no shroom hook up for a while

Ayahuasca and the body - Goldmund - 06-17-2014

There are a lot of ayahuasca ceremonies being held in Brooklyn right now...its become sort of a trendy thing to do.

The people who did it here all said it was a good experience, controlled, safe, good mixture, etc...but they lacked the real 'experience' that comes from travelling down to the Amazon and having the ceremony performed by an actual shaman.

My experience from 5 months ago is still strong inside me and it has made permanent changes in my body and mind. Positive ones.

Plus its a great conversation to have with hot girls. They love adventure.

Ayahuasca and the body - strengthstudent - 06-20-2014

Had my second trip today, and just coming off. Managed to avoid throwing up from nausea which is a huge improvement from the last time. As a result had the wildest possible trip from a huge dose one can possibly imagine [Image: banana.gif]

Intense visuals and extreme hallucinations. Was seeing hieroglyphs all around me. While I was listening Pink Floyd -Shine you crazy diamond I disappeared and was literally surfing with a star in the outer space. Then in the second moment I was the vibrations in the David Gilmour's guitar.

Ayahuasca and the body - puckerman - 06-20-2014

Quote: (06-20-2014 02:25 PM)strengthstudent Wrote:  

Had my second trip today, and just coming off. Managed to avoid throwing up from nausea which is a huge improvement from the last time. As a result had the wildest possible trip from a huge dose one can possibly imagine

Where was it? In the USA?

Ayahuasca and the body - Goldmund - 06-20-2014 are brewing it yourself, correct?

What is in your brew exactly?

Ayahuasca and the body - strengthstudent - 06-21-2014

Quote: (06-20-2014 03:21 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

Quote: (06-20-2014 02:25 PM)strengthstudent Wrote:  

Had my second trip today, and just coming off. Managed to avoid throwing up from nausea which is a huge improvement from the last time. As a result had the wildest possible trip from a huge dose one can possibly imagine

Where was it? In the USA?



I brew it myself. First I take some syrian rue seeds and crush them, then put them in almost boiling water and let it be there for a hour or so. Then I simmer mimosa hostilis in 30% lemon juice + water mixture for 30-60 mins, filter it, take the remaining powder and simmer it again in lemon juice + water 1-2x times for 20-30 mins. The temperature is not much, because they say the excess heat destroyes the material. For the last, I drink the syrian rue tea for 15-30mins before drinking the mimosa hostilis brew. After I have drank the mimosa hostilis brew, it takes 15-30 minutes for it to kicking in and then my fate is in the hands of gods. I know I don't get any justice here so I rather let the gods decide my fate... hence I demand trial by combat.

I don't know if that is the most efficient way of doing it. Totally grinding the seeds would be optimal. Filtering the mimosa hostilis is a pain in the ass: I got a very fine filter but still some powder gets through and makes the consistency so bad which alone causes puke reaction. Then if I use coffee filter, it takes hours to filter that shit but as far I as I have succeeded, it is the only way to avoid severe nausea in the beginning.

Practice makes perfect...

Ayahuasca and the body - boycottamericanwomen - 06-21-2014

Maybe some of you already know about erowid but it's an excellent site that has millions of trip reports for almost any drug you can imagine. Here's the trip reports for Ayahuasca, it has about 200 reports:

It's always best to research as fully as possible any chemical before we put it into our body and thus we can be fully prepared for whatever the effects are.

Ayahuasca and the body - Goldmund - 06-21-2014

Strengthstudent...yous a crazy motherfucka.

Ayahuasca and the body - Safado - 06-22-2014

Ayahuasca Trip Advisor

Ayahuasca and the body - strengthstudent - 06-22-2014

I like ayahuasca. I enjoy the short duration(2-3 hours for me) and apart from the nausea in the beginning, the trips are very comfortable. very good article worth reading by Sam Harris PhD in neuroscience

Ayahuasca and the body - kapitaw - 06-22-2014

Quote: (06-22-2014 11:56 AM)strengthstudent Wrote:  

I like ayahuasca. I enjoy the short duration(2-3 hours for me) and apart from the nausea in the beginning, the trips are very comfortable. very good article worth reading by Sam Harris PhD in neuroscience

Great article, thanks for sharing. For those wondering about good trips/bad trips that come from psychedelics, Harris describes them very well in this article:


The positive experiences were more sublime than I could ever have imagined or than I can now faithfully recall. These chemicals disclose layers of beauty that art is powerless to capture and for which the beauty of nature itself is a mere simulacrum. It is one thing to be awestruck by the sight of a giant redwood and amazed at the details of its history and underlying biology. It is quite another to spend an apparent eternity in egoless communion with it. Positive psychedelic experiences often reveal how wondrously at ease in the universe a human being can be—and for most of us, normal waking consciousness does not offer so much as a glimmer of those deeper possibilities.

People generally come away from such experiences with a sense that conventional states of consciousness obscure and truncate sacred insights and emotions. If the patriarchs and matriarchs of the world’s religions experienced such states of mind, many of their claims about the nature of reality would make subjective sense. A beatific vision does not tell you anything about the birth of the cosmos, but it does reveal how utterly transfigured a mind can be by a full collision with the present moment.

His description of a bad trip is quite accurate too, but it's important to point out that taking LSD in that setting (alone in a foreign country) played a big part in the bad trip. All bad trips I've heard of were because of dangerous/uncomfortable settings or unstable/anxious mental states going into it.

I really hope to try Ayahuasca someday but the setting has to be right. I don't want to search it out and go to a retreat with a bunch of strangers, I'd rather the opportunity present itself naturally.

Here's a video of Graham Hancock discussing Ayahuasca. He's a British writer/journalist who has written a lot about Ayahuasca/psychedelics throughout history. Really interesting guy and I recommend listening to some of his lectures (especially his banned Ted Talk) and reading his books. He's also got a guest on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast where he talks about his experiences with ayahuasca, and actually how several trips sent him the message he should stop smoking marijuana and gave him plot outlines for fiction books he later went on to write. It's really interesting stuff.

Ayahuasca and the body - strengthstudent - 06-22-2014

Hancock is great and I really enjoy Aubrey Marcus and Duncan Trussell on JRE as well.

I don't think I have had nothing but moderately bad trips on acid. Acid always makes me very uncomfortable -- I am either shivering out of cold or sweating like crazy, or something is aching, either way I am never feeling comfortable. Also, the duration is just hell when you are experiencing a bad trip... it feels like it will never end.

Ayahuasca and the body - HonantheBarbarian - 06-22-2014

Interesting that you can handle solo Ayahuasca trips but LSD gets you on a bad one.

Perhaps you were getting some bad acid?

Ayahuasca and the body - strengthstudent - 08-03-2014

I did shroomhuasca yesterday, which is basically just psilocybin mushrooms with MAOI/RIMA. It was a completely different kind of a trip... not that much inside my head because one of my friend was talking, jumping and literally exploding moment after moment which constantly pushed my focus to external things.

I however, really internally realized many things during the trip. At some point I didn't know if it is me who is talking when my friend was talking. Is he saying those things because I KNOW them already? Is it just me talking and the whole thing about me and you is just an illusion? It was a scary feeling which lasted for some time.

All my friends, myself included, are jacked high testosterone guys. We were nothing but apes at some point. I could smell the testosterone in the air and feel it flow in my body. Two of my friends were in surrender but I had this hierarchical vibe with one of my friends, who is actually the tallest and biggest of us. I don't think we resolved who is subconsciously the king of the group but there was definitely fight of the testosterone for the alpha position. The reality is that wherever there is a group of men, there is hierarchy. Hierarchy is the essence of masculinity. Equalism is a threat against testosterone. The most talkative and wildest of my friends was literally shouting at some point: "I just want to be free, and explode outside of this fucking condo apartment... but I CAN'T BECAUSE IT IS NOT ALLOWED", oh man this guy was screaming, howling etc doing all kinds of shit. He was like a trampling wild stallion.

I really now do feel and understand what masculinity and testosterone is all about. This will change my approach to dating and pick up DRAMATICALLY. My approach will be all testosterone focused. I am the man, the king, and you are a feminine little girl who has nothing on me. The truth is, women are below masculine men, and they love it. Don't act otherwise. All you need to do is to get touch with your masculine essence, and let the nature do its work. Steve Jabba has similar approach to day game -- ALL DIRECT. If you are not masculine, if you are a worm, then indirect game will be the one for you... but it will never be as good as the way of masculinity because you are attracting the girl with things which do not cause a natural arousal, but a mere pragmatist interest in you.

Ayahuasca and the body - puckerman - 08-03-2014

I'd love to give this a shot, but I really don't want to go out of North America for it. I'm in Austin, Texas. Is anything nearby?

Ayahuasca and the body - strengthstudent - 08-10-2014

I did my second shroomhuasca and I have to say that it was the trippiest trip of all times. It felt like I was drowning in psilocybin. At some point I wasn't even a human, I was an animal.

Shrooms with syrian rue will take you to the frequency of animalistic masculinity. You will feel the testosterone flowing inside you. I have had two shroomhuasca trips and only things which go on inside your body and inside your head are the concepts and experience of DOMINANCE, governance(who governs who), freedom(testosterone wants to be his own king), conquest, survival of the fittest, building, confrontation and so on...

I have done many other psychedelics but nothing comes close to shrooms + syrian rue combo for experiencing your definite animalistic frequency. I would even go as far as saying that you hasn't experienced your masculinity, humanity and beast-like nature before this combo.

DMT based ayahuasca will take you beyond animalism and humanity, but I believe it is good to experience everything about you. DMT has this universe starcraft feeling towards it.

Quote: (08-03-2014 06:10 AM)puckerman Wrote:  

I'd love to give this a shot, but I really don't want to go out of North America for it. I'm in Austin, Texas. Is anything nearby?

No idea about US, but it shouldn't be too hard to find ayahuasca providing services via google.

Ayahuasca and the body - Duke Castile - 08-10-2014

If anyone has Goldmund's contact info PM me. I want to get the details for his trip in Peru.

strenghtstudent - great reports.

Ayahuasca and the body - HonantheBarbarian - 08-10-2014

Strengthstudent, thanks for the detailed report.

I have a good bit of experience taking shrooms at this point, but the idea of including a MAOI is new territory to me.

Can you break down just how you consume the syrian rue with the shrooms? What is the 'recipe'?

Ayahuasca and the body - Menace - 08-10-2014

I want to do a Peru trip with ayahuasca next year. Fisto, lets go.

Ayahuasca and the body - Duke Castile - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-10-2014 05:53 PM)Menace Wrote:  

I want to do a Peru trip with ayahuasca next year. Fisto, lets go.

I'm in.

Let's do it.

Ayahuasca and the body - puckerman - 08-11-2014

I sent you a message, Fisto. I hope you got it.

Ayahuasca and the body - Menace - 08-11-2014

Alright, I'll start planning in the late fall/early winter and we can try and coordinate.