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Conspiracy Theory Thread - wi30 - 08-23-2015

A buddy I work with recently came out to me as a conspiracy theorist. He sent me some videos on how the earth is flat and how the moon landing was a hoax. The videos were definitely interesting but had plenty of holes in them. I love conspiracy theories but it usually takes overwhelming evidence to believe in them.

I believe that there was more to 9/11 and that most powers spread disinformation, but I can't take the Flat Earth Theory seriously. Any flaw posted in it is immediately explained away by the "new world order" or "powers that be" spreading lies to the sheeple. They then shame you for being ignorant and brainwashed.

I am looking for the truth just as hard as everyone else but the debating techniques of conspiracy theorists drive away the majority of sensible people. "Believe what I say or you are a brainwashed pawn in the Illuminati's evil plan". "NASA took in Nazi's so everything they say is null and void". The list goes on and on.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Sonsowey - 08-23-2015

Progressivism is our national religion, descended from Protestantism/Puritanism which just ditched the God stuff so it could take over our gov't/media/schools as something that isn't technically a "religion" but acts as one without any supernatural beings.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Marmite - 08-23-2015

Flat Earthers raise a few interesting points that most take for granted, but when something technical is explained to prove a point contrary to theirs, they seem to lack even basic scientific proficiency. I've seen a few videos on YouTube of that ilk stating that mathematics is a lie created by the NWO to keep people in the dark.

The video of an interview with Admiral Richard Byrd talking about land beyond the South Pole is certainly interesting though, and does raise a few questions.

I cannot embed the video from my iPad, but here is the link:

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Baltimore Bachelor - 08-25-2015

One of my favorite theories to believe is that there are definitey aliens out there and some of them are in Area 51.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Gordax - 08-26-2015

my favorite theory is Hitlers great escape i watched the movie it was intriguing.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - captain_shane - 08-26-2015

I think the aurora shooter is a patsy, same as Oswald.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - RBerkley - 08-27-2015

There is the testosterone conspiracy. Guys from older generations had more testosterone than newer generations when compared to the same age. Some blame GMOs, soy, BPA in plastics and pesticides.

Maybe this is why most guys are balding more earlier in their 20s, than guys from previous generations of the same age group.

Next time you visit a doctor ask him/her to check for testosterone levels, that is, if they will do it. In Ontario, it takes a lot of persuasion for a young guy to have his bloodwork tested for testosterone levels.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Guitarman - 08-27-2015

My favourite conspiracy theory is that Obama and Osama. ( bin laden ) are the same person. Look on YouTube " Obama Osama". Or at least clones planted by the NWO/ Illuminati/ Shape shifting alien Lizard/ human hybrids.

David Icke is worth a read too. There is a lot of nonsense such as the British Royal family are all shape shifting lizards, BUT, he was one of the first to expose the Pedophillia scandal in the UK. First about Jimmy Saville, then Ted Heath. Saville supplied boys from the Haute DeLa Garene children's home on Jersey in the 1970's. Ted Heath abused them on his Yacht, the boys were killed and thrown overboard. Heath was blackmailed over this and forced to take Britail illegally into the EU. Heath was an enthusiastic homosexual and was warned about his cottaging activities on Hampstead Heath by the British Police.

I believe the Heath/ Saville conspiracy is true.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Guitarman - 08-27-2015

Icke also talked a lot of sense about the 2007 banking crisis, pointing out that Iceland let their rotten banks go to the wall and consequently recovered much faster than the rest of Europe from the recession.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Truth Teller - 08-27-2015

Quote: (08-27-2015 03:01 AM)RBerkley Wrote:  

There is the testosterone conspiracy. Guys from older generations had more testosterone than newer generations when compared to the same age. Some blame GMOs, soy, BPA in plastics and pesticides.

Maybe this is why most guys are balding more earlier in their 20s, than guys from previous generations of the same age group.

Next time you visit a doctor ask him/her to check for testosterone levels, that is, if they will do it. In Ontario, it takes a lot of persuasion for a young guy to have his bloodwork tested for testosterone levels.

As entertaining as conspiracy theories are, there are far better explanations for low testosterone. For example, general sleep deprivation due to the proliferation of electronics. Physical inactivity is a big part as well. Keep in mind men of earlier generations were, in some cases, living in far worse conditions (for both health and food) than we are.

But the pharmaceutical industry makes a killing off TRT, so why stop it?

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Belgrano - 08-29-2015

From time to time I read some articles on this site for entertainment:

Topics are Mind Control, NWO/Illuminati, Satanism and the Occult.
Some of the content is rather wacky, some of it is quite convincing, especially the articles on movies and music business raise a few questions.
And really, conspiracy or not, why this sudden surge of the all-seeing/one eye symbolism in popular culture and amongst the rich and famous, or is it just selective perception?

(Also, a post over there made me discover the amazing Middle Eastern spice mix Zaatar and black sesame, both highly recommended!)

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 09-05-2015

Can anyone explain to me why there are all these triangles and symbols in the media? Even if you are not a a paranoid conspiracy theorist, it does seem suspicious.
The red star, the pyramid, the eye, the sun, the number 13 etc.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - wi30 - 09-05-2015

Quote: (08-27-2015 03:01 AM)RBerkley Wrote:  

There is the testosterone conspiracy. Guys from older generations had more testosterone than newer generations when compared to the same age. Some blame GMOs, soy, BPA in plastics and pesticides.

Maybe this is why most guys are balding more earlier in their 20s, than guys from previous generations of the same age group.

Next time you visit a doctor ask him/her to check for testosterone levels, that is, if they will do it. In Ontario, it takes a lot of persuasion for a young guy to have his bloodwork tested for testosterone levels.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't balding purely genetic? As in each man has a predetermined group of hairs that will either stay or fall out?

For example, my brother has my dad's hair and I have my grandpa's hair (dad's side). My dad has always been very thin and my 26 year old brother is following suit with a huge receding hairline. My hair is thick as fuck and when my grandpa died at 92, his hair was thicker than my dad's, who is in his fifties. I also have a 70 year old uncle who shares my coarse hair and he's still got a full head.

In defense of your theory, my brother got super fat after high school and works an office job. Low T could be accelerating his hair loss. I work an active job, eat tons of steak, and frequently work out.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - AnonymousBosch - 09-06-2015

Quote: (08-29-2015 06:37 PM)Celtic_Austrian Wrote:  

From time to time I read some articles on this site for entertainment:

My sister and her friends keep talking about a site, and, now I've seen it, I think it must be that one.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Alexandrian - 09-06-2015

The European/American/Zionist conspiracy that destroyed Palestine to ethnically cleanse the region from native Semitic Palestinians in favor of genetically European white Jews who still form the elite of Israel.

I view it as a continuation of European colonialism in the Middle East (neo-imperialism).

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Moto - 09-06-2015

Quote: (09-05-2015 12:24 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Can anyone explain to me why there are all these triangles and symbols in the media? Even if you are not a a paranoid conspiracy theorist, it does seem suspicious.
The red star, the pyramid, the eye, the sun, the number 13 etc.

Nice vid, that guy Michael Tsarion is probably my favorite "conspiracy theorist" / alternative historian.

I do think a lot of truth comes to us in fiction. It is like "Eyes Wide Shut." Many of the elite are into the occult, big time.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Baltimore Bachelor - 09-06-2015

One conspiracy theory that I am starting to believe more and more each day is that the cure for cancer is being suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry just so that they can profit from the expensive treatments.

Anybody else believe this?

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Biz - 09-06-2015

Quote: (09-06-2015 01:02 PM)Baltimore Bachelor Wrote:  

One conspiracy theory that I am starting to believe more and more each day is that the cure for cancer is being suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry just so that they can profit from the expensive treatments.

Anybody else believe this?

Absolutely. I've believed this for a very long time.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - britchard - 09-06-2015

Hang on. Didn't the US and UK send special forces teams in to Libya during the Arab spring?

Maybe they were in there to make sure that the disintegrating Gaddafi regime didn't leak any secrets relating to the cover up of the Lockerbie bombings. As in a hit squad taking out all those 'in the know'.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Easy_C - 09-08-2015

Quote: (09-06-2015 04:32 PM)britchard Wrote:  

Hang on. Didn't the US and UK send special forces teams in to Libya during the Arab spring?

Maybe they were in there to make sure that the disintegrating Gaddafi regime didn't leak any secrets relating to the cover up of the Lockerbie bombings. As in a hit squad taking out all those 'in the know'.

Yes. I can state for a fact that there were boots on the ground in Libya. Don't know why just that they were there.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - nek - 09-14-2015

Ssomething I'm confused about when I've heard 9/11 conspiracies. With regard to the Building 7 thing (how it was deliberately demolished) at the world trade center, what would be the point of destroying it? If the whole thing was a false-flag operation, I'd think simply the two most visible towers would suffice.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Off The Reservation - 09-14-2015

Spend three hours and learn the ultimate conspiracy, the control of the money supply.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Biz - 09-14-2015

^^ I've watched a lot of these over the last few months. The facts are definitely there but 99% of the population is too closed minded to realize any of it.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - wi30 - 09-16-2015

offthereservation, I actually watched that entire documentary in an American Government class in college. The professor was this old guy who refused to toe the liberal party line. It took four class periods to finish and I noticed I was one of the only ones actually paying attention.

He also made us fill out the state names and abbreviations on a blank US map. I was the only one who got all fifty. Granted it was at a school in Oklahoma and most students only got the surrounding states plus Florida and California.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Hades - 09-16-2015

I'm surprised the drug smuggling by the feds was mentioned without the death of Gary Webb. Two shots to the back of the head and it was declared a suicide? That's some bullshit man.