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Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Booyah - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 06:23 PM)draguer Wrote:  

I disagree for finance. With law that's true but I'm open to different roles.

Depends what you exactly mean by 'finance'. It's quite extensive sector of economy. I doubt that they will employ you in Dubai with your finance diploma, there are bunch of people who actually know more than you about dubai's economy, not mentioning that their finance sector is far more different than a country where you've been graduating.

They're looking for engineers or IT specialists.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - panache - 05-01-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 05:03 PM)whoishe Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2014 04:57 PM)panache Wrote:  

AFAIK basketball is not huge over here. Football (by which I assume soccer) is a lot bigger, with many local teams that have good funding. That's probably a more realistic target IMO.

The journalism market here is pretty packed to be honest. Media and marketing in general is not doing so well job wise.

In your case, I would probably do some more research on the actual teams, and reach out to the players / managers with specifically how you can help them. If you have any network here, leverage it, since everything works through word of mouth. Specifically, try and talk to local Emiratis, they are more likely to hire you because of your experience and color. (not being racist, just honest)

Schools here are always looking for foreign teachers, so someone with scouting connections could be a huge selling point for them. That's an angle where you are likely to be successful. This would set you up with a pretty comfortable pay/lifestyle.

I hope this is somewhat helpful. Let me know if you need some more info.

Big thanks.

Could you elaborate more on bolded sentence? Isnt this usually standard job for head hunters or just work adverts?

I don't quite understand your question. Can you rephrase it?

Lets take this conversation offline; I don't think it benefits anyone else to read this. Sent you a PM.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - panache - 05-01-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 06:00 PM)draguer Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2014 09:52 AM)panache Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2014 03:20 AM)draguer Wrote:  

Any tips for breaking into the job market there?

What's your industry, experience, citizenship and ethnicity?

The answer depends on those.

I speak English and French and am finishing my degrees in law and finance this year but have limited work experience (I have been an intern in a law firm and worked in retail banking while at uni). I am caucasian. New Zealand citizenship.

I disagree with Booyah. I know some recent grads that have broken into the finance sector over here. Also, depending on what flavor of law you specialize in, there might be roles for you too.

My advice would be to try and get a directory of companies at DIFC (Dubai International Finance Center) and Emaar Square, filter those by the companies that offer roles you want, and send in emails to branch managers. Better yet, see if these companies have an online application process where you can apply specifically to the UAE office.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Booyah - 05-01-2014

Ye sure, for example: he graduated law in some European country, what has fe. english or spanish law to do with Dubai's law. Nothing.

First of all, Dubai's law is based on Sharia law.

You can't even be a lawyer in US while you graduated in some European country, not mentioning Dubai.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - draguer - 05-01-2014

You actually can in New York and California. Many foreign lawyers practice law in Dubai due to the international nature of the work there and many international firms have opened offices. While IT and engineering might be big drivers of job growth not every foreigner out there is working in those fields.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Booyah - 05-01-2014

5 post ago you've asked what you can do in Dubai, now you write like you've been working there as a lawyer for 10 years.

Try to atleast read what you need to do to get a job(lawyer) in dubai with american/european diploma and than start to argue about it.

American/European law has nothing to do with Dubai's law. Thanks.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - draguer - 05-01-2014

Having some general knowledge that you can gain in five minutes online doesn't preclude me from asking someone on the ground for tips.

Contrast the value your negative posts have provided with panache who provided tangible examples of different strategies to break in.

I haven't even talked about me being a lawyer over there and said I'm open to using my degree for different jobs.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Booyah - 05-01-2014

You can also use your degree and become a builder. I assumed that if you talk about your studies it means you want do something in your branch.

I'm telling you, law diploma is useless, i'd rather tried with finance.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Cobra - 05-01-2014

Quote: (05-01-2014 07:48 PM)Booyah Wrote:  

You can also use your degree and become a builder. I assumed that if you talk about your studies it means you want do something in your branch.

I'm telling you, law diploma is useless, i'd rather tried with finance.

I agree there is some negative energy in your posts. You may want to take a step back as the ban hammer may come for you otherwise.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - draguer - 05-01-2014

Agreed. Your snarky tone is not masculine and unlikely to do you any favours on here.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - DarkKing - 05-02-2014

Quote: (05-01-2014 04:33 PM)Booyah Wrote:  

5 post ago you've asked what you can do in Dubai, now you write like you've been working there as a lawyer for 10 years.

Try to atleast read what you need to do to get a job(lawyer) in dubai with american/european diploma and than start to argue about it.

American/European law has nothing to do with Dubai's law. Thanks.

Dubai's law system is based on a combination of civil law and shariah law. Shariah law is mostly only applicable in personal matters. In these cases you do need to be a locally trained lawyer in order to understand the system. However Dubai is also a hub of international trade and so there most likely are a lot of opportunities for internationally-trained lawyers in things dealing with international law, trade law...etc.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Sp5 - 05-03-2014

The big US and Brit law firms have branches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Of course those jobs are tough to get, but there are law jobs here and there.

The fields are international tax law and transactions.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - panache - 05-03-2014

Wow, this turned sour quickly.

But as far as I know, Dubai does attract lawyers from all over due to it being a major business hub. Sp5 is accurate in mentioning the major fields.

draguer, as a recent grad, you probably dont have a lot to compete with as far the law profession goes. I would focus on finance.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - HankRearden - 05-03-2014

Draguer is 100% correct. Dubai has tons of lawyers who practise only American or English law.

Do you think any big company wants to negotiate a deal under Dubai laws, subject to the courts in Dubai? You must be kidding.

In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a single lawyer in any international law firm with offices in Dubai who actually practices or uses the local laws in deals/disputes.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Akula - 05-03-2014

Quote: (05-03-2014 04:19 PM)HankRearden Wrote:  

Draguer is 100% correct. Dubai has tons of lawyers who practise only American or English law.

Do you think any big company wants to negotiate a deal under Dubai laws, subject to the courts in Dubai? You must be kidding.

In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a single lawyer in any international law firm with offices in Dubai who actually practices or uses the local laws in deals/disputes.

As far as I know, almost all international business law is done under English Law. That's true all over Eastern Europe & Russia - as well as Asia as far as I know. Friend of mine has worked as a lawyer in Moscow, Tokyo and Hong Kong not knowing a word of any of those languages and only practising English Law.

Maybe in N.A. you have some of the Caribbean countries using US/NY law I'd guess, but assume that's it.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Sp5 - 05-03-2014

A lot of international commercial contracts have arbitration clauses. Disputes are decided under International Chamber of Commerce or other agreed-upon rules. There are arbitration panels everywhere, including Dubai. It does not mean Dubai law will apply.

Dubai also has several free zones where it's easy to incorporate, with some tax exemptions.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Welshguy39 - 06-03-2014

I spend half of my life working in the UAE and have an awesome time there, You know there are over 120 Nationalities living in the city and I have made it my aim to experience 100% of those Nationalities.

I don't tend to hit the clubs, I much prefer to stay at the hotel bar, but, let me tell you something, in my experience there is no shortage of 8/9's here.

One tip I would give which I think was mentioned earlier, is get to know where the hotel staff drink, firstly they drink in some cool places that are generally much cheaper, and, a lot of the hotel workers e.g Bar Staff, Health Spa, Waitress are from the South East of Asia or Eastern Europe and again in my experience tend to be hard 7/8/9's when away from the work environment.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Irish - 07-05-2014

not seen anything on specific bars/clubs on Dubai nightlife so I'll tag this on here...

I went for a weekend in Dubai couple weeks ago, staying with a mate who is working over there. We are both 34 yr olds, Irish, decent game & earning decent incomes. Obviously a weekend is nowhere near long enough to give a comprehensive breakdown of the place but I will be back and get some more intel from my friend who lives there. This is just my 2 cents impression from the time I was there. Note in Dubai the 'weekend' is basically Friday & Saturday, ie people work Sunday and have Friday off.

If you havent been before this place needs to be seen to be believed, the money flying around is unreal and combines a big business vibe with Vegas like excess. Some of the buildings and malls are just unreal and you really get to see how the other half live. Really is worth it going at least once just for the experience to be honest. There appears to be a LOT of construction going on as well (including a brand new airport not long opened) suggesting the place is still expanding at a fair rate and going places.

The women
Personally, I really love the Middle East/persian look with the dark features and big eyes/eye makeup, not had nearly as much exposure to these types of chicks that I would have liked. Generally kicking about during the day you will see some real quality ass and quite a few total stunners. It seems to be fairly international so you get a lot of ex pat brit/aussie chicks, a hell of a lot of Philippino girls (pretty much seem to cover the majority of waitress, barista, customer service jobs) but in general chicks from all corners of the world really which is pretty cool.

The nightlife
aside from a few watering holes here and there during the day we went to 3 main places:

Buddha bar (Grosvenor House)
First night started with a few drinks in here to get the night rolling. Stunning venue with restaurant and separate bar area. Bit of an older crowd (dudes mainly) but found everyone quite friendly. Lot of chicks, interestingly the majority of whom were out in packs of two which in my experience usually suggests to me theyre out on the man hunt. Most chicks opened and were friendly, seemed to be the feeder bar for the club across the road Embassy (see below). So the strategy of the day seems to be warming up talking to as many chicks as possible (without being too pushy at this stage) with the view to closing the deals in the club after. Not sure if a lot of these chicks were gold diggers however given the dudes there appeared to be of the older suited up cigar smoking variety, but didnt really get that impression from the ones we spoke to. Chicks seems to be a mixed bag of nationalities, Middle East and western which I quite liked. Dressed well and quite a few hotties tho also seemed to be a fair number of cougars kicking about. Still, seemed a good venue to kick off the evening's proceedings. Only had a couple of beers in here but I wanted to stay longer to do more ground work.

Embassy (Across the road from Budda)
again also liked this venue and the girls very similar to Budda Bar (given most pre drink in there anyway). Layout seemed a little unusual and not very open, like small rooms and corridors. Still fine but I would think it would get quite claustrophobic on a very busy night. Luckily my friend hooked us up with a good table right next to the dancefloor which was ideal for pulling the girls over to us. We were doing quite well with the chicks in here as most of the male competition is middle eastern or indian dudes who looked like they have a bit of cash but no game. Shouldve banged a cracking Iranian chick, one of the best in the house. But instead of leaving with her I stayed to back up my mate in a dispute over the bill. My own fault as got complacent as she was super keen but I ended up screwing up the logistics royally. (she's still super keen, still texting me now from iran which has me kicking myself even more) Anyway, quite liked this place - had a good vibe, chicks are open and friendly, everyone seems to be there for a good time. There is a good variety of chicks of all nationalities tho place is a little cock heavy and there weren't all that many 9s and 10s from what I could see. But still from what quality there was they seemed very open and you have little competition. Had a cracking night in the end, just a shame about botching the close with the Iranian.

Q43 (Media City)
Very nice bar up a skyscraper but seemed to have a bit of an attitude about the place. All started with the chick on the door seemingly taking some glee in making people wait or turning them away. She even gave us a pile of shit about being at 'capacity' when we told her we had a table and made us wait. Dunno if she thought we were just chancing our arm but it set the tone for the evening. In the bar they had a couple of the standard serve-chicks-only barmen who were trying just a bit too hard to impress the ladies. The place seemed to be rammed full of a British, Irish and Aussie young expat crowd with the chicks being either Emirates cabin crew or (more often than not) British and Irish school teachers and nannys. Encountered a lot of classless english girls (with accents that cut right through you) with typical rude entitled attitudes I had not experienced since I was in London. Also seemed to be a fair number of dudes spam approaching and aggressively hassling chicks to put them in such a defensive mood. Despite being a very nice bar the crowd seemed to be more like a high end version of a typical british holiday resort boozer. Not sure if its normally like this or if there was some sort of special night on. Kinda half gave up on picking up after a while as it became apparent there was very little of any real quality and you would have to work much harder than it would be worth for an obnoxious 6. Managed to get some banter going with an aussie chick who was the only real knockout chick there but could sense it wasnt really going anywhere, had about 20 other guys competing over her and was just happy cockteasing us all night long.

Two quite contrasting nights, but there are plenty more decent bars/clubs which I will be trying out next time i am back. The place was expensive but not quite as much as I thought it would be given how extravagant everything is (although I am used to an extremely expensive Singapore when it comes to booze & partying). Hoping the 2nd night was a once off as if every night was like that it would be extremely offputting to be running into that sort of crowd. A mate of my friend who came out with us both nights, younger swedish lad who had been in Dubai for about a year after moving from Manila of all places. Super nice guy (and bore an uncanny resemblence to Julian from RSD) but he was very negative on Dubai re picking up girls. Fair enough he moved from the Philippines, possibly the easiest place in the world for getting laid, but still he was itching to move somewhere else.

I may consider a move out there (i work in finance), tho I will need a few more trips to make an informed decision as well as research the job market. But as it stands wouldnt say no to a 6 month stint for sure, tho I would def say I prefer asia based on this experience.

Would be good to get the Dubai based (or former Dubai based) RVF'er thoughts on the above...

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Sp5 - 07-05-2014

Thanks for that report, Irish. Will check out Buddha and Embassy next time in Dubai. There is not much info on what the quality of clubs in Dubai are, and it's very spread out.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - birdrepellent - 07-05-2014

Irish's experience is typical and the rule. You could come here and experience the same and trick yourself into hoping it just wasn't your night. Most things in Dubai are a paradox. There are lots of hot girls here from all over the world. On the plus side everybody knows that this is a transitional Place so there's few looking for anything serious. Few know how long they'll be here let alone work out whether someone from another country might stick around. This is a huge plus and something which puts those living in Dubai in an almost permanent "on holiday" state of mind where the women are more loose.

Another positive is the sheer volume of chronically beta males exhibited by the real life Borat's at one end of the hopeless spectrum to the other with the region's wannabe Fabio's who repel with obvious inferiority complex which quickly becomes apparent in various inappropriate forms. This all sounds fantastic. Unfortunately the results are displayed in Irish's night. Lots of career driven, financially hungry, tax free salaried women being hit on by lots of pathetic guys putting them on a pedestal. Even 6's and 7's think their shit don't stink after becoming accustomed to the tables in the many clubs where there is no shortage of guys buying bottles to compensate for their social retardation.

The more attractive girls are in heaven. Such is the wealth here of the locals that those who consider themselves playboys will routinely pay for hot girls to accompany them to their table where they try to out do the male attendees with the girls they invited. When I say pay for hot girls I mean give them cash and gifts like iPad's or Jewellery to attend. Weekends are so lucrative that the many cabin crew based here (17,000 with the flag carrier) try to swap their flights for days off to go to the luxury yacht parties where women are paid $2000 - $4000 to attend. What brought the women here was a tax free salary. For that type of money hungry woman Dubai corrupts them into the ultimate entitled whores. The only thing separating them is their ability to mask their mercenary objectives.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Pilgrim37 - 07-06-2014

A wealthy Hole is still a Hole!
Dubai is an awful place except if you compare it to Saudi or Kuwait!

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - metalhaze - 07-16-2014

So guys do you recommend moving to Dubai for work,career, money, lifestyle, honeys?

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - tomtud - 07-17-2014

Honey!?!?!?! From the store yes,,,lots of it. As for the living kind,,, no surrey...

For the money, career experience etc, sure go for a year or more. How they treat their own people there will amaze you. Then you go on another spectrum of how the labourers and lower economical class workers are treated, you will also be amazed. I don't necessarily mean this in a good way, but negative.

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Marcus187 - 10-12-2015

Quote: (07-16-2014 11:43 PM)metalhaze Wrote:  

So guys do you recommend moving to Dubai for work,career, money, lifestyle, honeys?


I have the opportunity to do an internship in Dubai and did some research on the housing possibilities, but I noticed the following:

The cheaper rooms are filled with Indians and SE Asians and in most cases you'll have to share the room with three other dudes. If you want to rent a better room, then they only want Europeans and Arabs. They even explicitly state that they only rent to Europeans and Arabs. What the fuck is that? Are they really that racist?

Dubai - Destroying the Myths - Phoenix - 10-13-2015

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:07 PM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

The cheaper rooms are filled with Indians and SE Asians and in most cases you'll have to share the room with three other dudes. If you want to rent a better room, then they only want Europeans and Arabs. They even explicitly state that they only rent to Europeans and Arabs. What the fuck is that? Are they really that racist?

What you going to do? They're an emirate, they'll do whatever they want. You can get angry, which will achieve nothing, or work with what's available.