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Why do women have such boring conversations? - iknowexactly - 07-30-2013

Quote: (07-30-2013 07:19 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

They get their bad boy thrill. I get the sex. Never conversation. Given the quality they're capable of, it's preferable.

Great strategy! When you say biker you mean motorcyclist, not bicyclist, right? ( I think we're within 3o point of each other lol)

What kind of ride you got?

Why do women have such boring conversations? - aphelion - 07-31-2013

Quote: (07-29-2013 10:01 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

I mentally ditched a close friend when he challenged my 'red pill' views with the statement - "That's bullshit! The most interesting people I know are women..."


Why not dig in and question him why he finds these women interesting? Dumb shit becomes real interesting to a lot of guys when pussy's on the horizon.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - kingjuice - 07-31-2013

Women have conversations about conversations.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Hades - 07-31-2013

I don't think it's impossible to find a woman capable of interesting conversation, but it's damned hard. Maybe if one in five dudes are capable of having an interesting conversation, one in a five hundred women are equally so.

My guess is that it's just like trying to find a female comedian who doesn't suck, once you do find one that looks outside of her incredibly narrow and solipsistic worldview, you'll realize (over time) that this woman in particular studied how men converse or joke intensely and is mimicking them better than any of her peers. Chances are this female conversationalist grew up homeschooled in Wyoming in a family of all dudes.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - cardguy - 07-31-2013

Quote: (07-31-2013 02:02 AM)aphelion Wrote:  

Quote: (07-29-2013 10:01 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

I mentally ditched a close friend when he challenged my 'red pill' views with the statement - "That's bullshit! The most interesting people I know are women..."


Why not dig in and question him why he finds these women interesting? Dumb shit becomes real interesting to a lot of guys when pussy's on the horizon.

Yeah - I would do but he reads The Guardian, works for the BBC, is left-wing, in a long term relationship and is intellectually arrogant.

He is a lost casue.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - AnonymousBosch - 07-31-2013

Quote: (07-30-2013 10:25 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Great strategy! When you say biker you mean motorcyclist, not bicyclist, right? ( I think we're within 3o point of each other lol)

What kind of ride you got?

Yeah, MB's. Have a Suzuki V-Strom 1000 for touring / long distance and a 2009 HD Sportster Nightster 1200 for cruising.

It's not all pose. I grew up in a housing commission area (public housing) in rural Australia and was singled out for my intelligence, so had to learn to dumb myself down to survive public school. Over the years, I've trained all trace of intelligence out of my speech, and know how to always give the impression of being slightly dumber than the person I'm talking to. This means they let down their guard and fatally understimate you. If I hadn't have done this, I would have been one of those classic socially-awkward nerds.

My mates are all blue collar guys of average intelligence and I genuinely enjoy our friendship on the level they're capable of, as I've earnt their respect through resilience and, yes, not backing down from a fight. This is why /r/TheRedPill annoys me - there seems to be a lot of 'former Betas' who think being Alpha is all about the position of your head and having the right comeback for every shit test. You can't just *decide* to be Alpha, because at some stage you're going to be called out on it, and if you show weakness, any woman who sees it will lose any sexual interest in you.

People on the whole do seem to judge a book by the cover, then mentally ascribe the qualities of the stereotype associated with the biker look. Therefore, girls don't expect me to show enlightened thought, and as such don't chastise me for any sexist remarks or behaviour because I obviously don't know any better. At worst, I'll get an "OMG you're awful" accompanied by a playful slap. They always know who is in control, and I honestly think women thrive on knowing their exact place.

Also, thanks to 'Sons Of Anarchy', romanticising bikers to its large middle-class viewership of younger girls addicted to bullshit relationship drama, the YOLO crowd all want to bag a biker, thinking our lives are all drug deals and shootouts. This means the 20-year-olds have started opening *me* first - I cultivate an air of 'preoccupied and pissed off' in public - often by commenting about wanting to feel or braid my beard. I can now accurately predict they'll mention SOA within the first few minutes, then my supposed resemblence to Opie. I don't see it at all other than we both have beards, but if it makes them rationalise spreading their legs for a 42-year-old man, more power to them.

Anyway, I was thinking on this further, and I'm convinced it simply isn't worth a man revealing anything of his intelligence to a woman. The fantasy they construct of you in their head will only degrade if you provide them clear and definite answers, as they can no longer obsess over trying to understand you. That's what they're attracted to - the drama of trying to understand you.

I also suspect when they put their head on your shoulder and ask what you're thinking about, they don't want to hear the truth because then it makes it perfectly clear you weren't lost deep in thought about them.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - blackglasses - 07-31-2013

They are weak-minded. I hear them saying "like" after every sentence and having a lot of filler.

"We like walked around and lil stopped cuz a cute guy like started talking to us"

"I feel like he was wrong and should like apologize

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Master Of My Own Kingdom - 08-09-2013

The thing is, women actually love to do things for the sake of doing it, mostly to eradicate the ennui they were feeling at the moment.

They never do things in order to reach ulterior goals, actually learn something, or sharpen their mind.

They mostly use their time to indulge in constant, worthless activities just to satiate their ''fun, drama'' fix.

Women use their time to kill time.

While for men time is precious, in order to construct our lives.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - gfly - 08-09-2013

There is a built in lack of imagination in women. Bless their tiny little asses. What was the name of the chick that invented the cotton gin? Related is their inability to amuse themselves. Put a bunch of guys anywhere and they will amuse themselves somehow. Fix something, break something, throw rocks at something. Not all good, but self generated entertainment. Women need to be entertained or engaged in work that they know how to do.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Dusty - 08-09-2013

Quote: (08-09-2013 09:01 PM)Master Of My Own Kingdom Wrote:  

The thing is, women actually love to do things for the sake of doing it, mostly to eradicate the ennui they were feeling at the moment.

They never do things in order to reach ulterior goals, actually learn something, or sharpen their mind.

They mostly use their time to indulge in constant, worthless activities just to satiate their ''fun, drama'' fix.

And they take a million pictures of what they are doing, with fake enthusiasm for the camera, then post it on FB to get "likes" and so she and her friends can talk about the "crazy fun" time they had.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Therapsid - 08-09-2013

I enjoy listening to women's conversations sometimes. When you say they have boring conversations, sure, that's true if you're looking for intellectual discourse. That's not what most women are about. Their dialogues are focused on emotional highs and lows, on relationships, gossip, and drama. It's the Yin to our Yang.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - LEMONed IScream - 08-09-2013

I would say 98% or so are pretty uninteresting, 1% have a spark in there that makes you think there might be something else but then you finally snap back to reality, and 1% or so can be truly brilliant.

I might have been a bit optimistic in these assertions though.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - soup - 08-10-2013

Women aren't the same as men.

The things that are meaningless to us, they care about and visa versa.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Piankhi - 12-20-2017

Like Schopenhauer wrote women remain like children their entire lives. So imagine having a riveting conversation with a 13 year old.

The boredom of women is my biggest stumbling block. It makes the whole game thing a bit tedious. That said I would take a boring conversation over a woman who just sits there and says nothing, like a sack of potatoes.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - torridon747 - 12-20-2017

What motives do women have for using abstract reasoning and having real intellectual "interesting" conversation? Women use conversations to guage other's feelings and solidify their own. They have no interest in tackling tough subjects or using a high logical propensity to solve non-emergent problems. Most of them 75%+ sit at around 100IQ. With no great deficit and no great surplus of logical capacity it makes them intellectually boring.

Have fun with their emotions, that's what they're good for. I learned a while ago not to seek intellectual stimulation with women. Ironically the only time I find them intellectually stimulating is when they aren't trying to be and I'm sitting there filtering my logical inquiries about their decision making process into emotional cues to make them give more info about how they came to their decisions. And it's always this

1. Something objective happened.

2. Hamster hamster hamster hamster.

3. Output/result

Working backwards from the output is fun and it has a nice benefit of creating comfort. Wading through hamsterization while transmuting logical inquiry into emotional fact finding ques is fun. Talking to women about deeper subjects like philosophy, geopolitics history and god forbid how it's all intertwined is not simply because they are not equipped. Don't do it. It's like trying to get a carpenter to discuss the implications of the latest DNA sequencing technology. Or an art critic to do high level math. They're not built for that.

Basically the only time they're funny, interesting, or seem to have depth is when they aren't trying to do that. And even then the logical and more "interesting" components are best saved for the company of men.

Don't be a snob, if you find a girl boring engage with her emotionally. Finding a girl intellectually boring and complaining about it is like complaining that your dog can't say it's own name or that a hammer can't be used as a ratchet. Women are intellectually boring. Start using them to stimulate what they're good at stimulating. Your dick, their own emotions. If neither of those are fun; i got some bad news for you [Image: gay.gif]

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Rush87 - 12-20-2017

Women get older, men get wiser. Biologically, women don't need to becoming more 'interesting' to prosper. They simply need to be slim and exist.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Conscious Pirate - 12-20-2017

I’ll take the potatoes.

Can’t do shit with a woman who won’t or can’t contribute to the conversation.

Plenty more I can do with the taters.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Icarus - 12-20-2017

There are a lot of boring women who merely parrot other people's thoughts. There are also a lot of boring men doing the same. Truly interesting men are very rare, and they are usually older than 30. Brutal contact with reality can make men (and destroy women).

Looking back, I don't think I had anything interesting to say before I turned 30. Only after 35, after reading a lot and learning a bit from many masters, did my worldview congeal into something I am actually satisfied with.

I have had very interesting (yet non-intellectual) conversations with women. The more Machiavellian a woman is, the more intellectually stimulating I find her, provided she is actually willing to share her thoughts with me. Go to a bar with a Machiavellian woman who likes you enough to vocalize some of her thoughts in your presence, and ask her to read people's body language. Women can see things that men can not. Their instincts at optimized for survival and social combat, whereas male instincts are more directed towards working effectively as a member of a hunting party, making tools and using tools.

In grad school, one of my flatmates was a philosophy grad student who would sometimes invite colleagues for a discussion over a glass of wine. They would go like "so, what do you think about free will?" and then make tiny logical steps until they found a contradiction or paradox. When I was younger and stupider, I would have found that stimulating. Yet, while these posers waste their precious time trying to convince themselves they are deep thinkers, women are focused on improving their position in the world. In that regard, women are fighters, while intellectual men are often non-combatants (like harmless children), which is why women have little appreciation for them. Intellectual man is often a big baby who needs a woman to mediate his contact with reality. However, woman seeks a strong man who can mediate her contact with reality. She seeks protection, for her protective instincts are for the benefit of her children.

Socrates was a very ugly man for whom philosophy was likely an escape from social rejection. On the other hand, Charlemagne was illiterate for much of his life and not being able to read Greek or Latin did not prevent him from ruling over a large empire.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Vladimir Poontang - 12-20-2017

Quote: (12-20-2017 06:26 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

Truly interesting men are very rare

This isn't about me.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Suits - 12-20-2017

Quote: (12-20-2017 05:05 AM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2017 02:40 AM)Piankhi Wrote:  

I would take a boring conversation over a woman who just sits there and says nothing, like a sack of potatoes.

I’ll take the potatoes.

Can’t do shit with a woman who won’t or can’t contribute to the conversation.

Plenty more I can do with the taters.

Come on guys, there's a happy medium.

[Image: 2010-01-22-Picture1.png]

Why do women have such boring conversations? - HornyRamone - 12-20-2017

Quote: (12-20-2017 03:04 AM)Eugenics Wrote:  

What motives do women have for using abstract reasoning and having real intellectual "interesting" conversation? Women use conversations to guage other's feelings and solidify their own. They have no interest in tackling tough subjects or using a high logical propensity to solve non-emergent problems. Most of them 75%+ sit at around 100IQ. With no great deficit and no great surplus of logical capacity it makes them intellectually boring.

Have fun with their emotions, that's what they're good for. I learned a while ago not to seek intellectual stimulation with women. Ironically the only time I find them intellectually stimulating is when they aren't trying to be and I'm sitting there filtering my logical inquiries about their decision making process into emotional cues to make them give more info about how they came to their decisions. And it's always this

1. Something objective happened.

2. Hamster hamster hamster hamster.

3. Output/result

Working backwards from the output is fun and it has a nice benefit of creating comfort. Wading through hamsterization while transmuting logical inquiry into emotional fact finding ques is fun. Talking to women about deeper subjects like philosophy, geopolitics history and god forbid how it's all intertwined is not simply because they are not equipped. Don't do it. It's like trying to get a carpenter to discuss the implications of the latest DNA sequencing technology. Or an art critic to do high level math. They're not built for that.

Basically the only time they're funny, interesting, or seem to have depth is when they aren't trying to do that. And even then the logical and more "interesting" components are best saved for the company of men.

Don't be a snob, if you find a girl boring engage with her emotionally. Finding a girl intellectually boring and complaining about it is like complaining that your dog can't say it's own name or that a hammer can't be used as a ratchet. Women are intellectually boring. Start using them to stimulate what they're good at stimulating. Your dick, their own emotions. If neither of those are fun; i got some bad news for you [Image: gay.gif]

That's all well and good, but the hard part is having fun being emotional with women. Any tips?

Why do women have such boring conversations? - h3ltrsk3ltr - 12-20-2017

Quote: (12-20-2017 07:54 AM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2017 03:04 AM)Eugenics Wrote:  

What motives do women have for using abstract reasoning and having real intellectual "interesting" conversation? Women use conversations to guage other's feelings and solidify their own. They have no interest in tackling tough subjects or using a high logical propensity to solve non-emergent problems. Most of them 75%+ sit at around 100IQ. With no great deficit and no great surplus of logical capacity it makes them intellectually boring.

Have fun with their emotions, that's what they're good for. I learned a while ago not to seek intellectual stimulation with women. Ironically the only time I find them intellectually stimulating is when they aren't trying to be and I'm sitting there filtering my logical inquiries about their decision making process into emotional cues to make them give more info about how they came to their decisions. And it's always this

1. Something objective happened.

2. Hamster hamster hamster hamster.

3. Output/result

Working backwards from the output is fun and it has a nice benefit of creating comfort. Wading through hamsterization while transmuting logical inquiry into emotional fact finding ques is fun. Talking to women about deeper subjects like philosophy, geopolitics history and god forbid how it's all intertwined is not simply because they are not equipped. Don't do it. It's like trying to get a carpenter to discuss the implications of the latest DNA sequencing technology. Or an art critic to do high level math. They're not built for that.

Basically the only time they're funny, interesting, or seem to have depth is when they aren't trying to do that. And even then the logical and more "interesting" components are best saved for the company of men.

Don't be a snob, if you find a girl boring engage with her emotionally. Finding a girl intellectually boring and complaining about it is like complaining that your dog can't say it's own name or that a hammer can't be used as a ratchet. Women are intellectually boring. Start using them to stimulate what they're good at stimulating. Your dick, their own emotions. If neither of those are fun; i got some bad news for you [Image: gay.gif]

That's all well and good, but the hard part is having fun being emotional with women. Any tips?

Maybe try using the repetition game from Actor's Art and Craft. You repeat what she said, but in a tone of voice and inflection that reflects your honest opinion of her stimulus. See how many times you can just repeat what she says before she catches on.

Obviously, you can play this game without actually repeating what she says every time for more a more normal conversational feel.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Extinguished Light - 12-20-2017

I know maybe 4 women who I have highly interesting and intellectual conversations with, but though the areas of discussion are specific for each. I work in a STEM field and they're all from related fields.

In my day to day life, I only know roughly twice as many men who are truly interesting. Most men are drones as well to be honest, but with different hobbies/interests than the women.

The internet though unites most of the fringe thinkers on any given topic into large groups, and those communities are always completely dominated by men.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Rotten - 12-20-2017

Women think most of our conversations are boring, it's why they mostly ignore betas. It's why they hate "mansplaining." Who cares about truth, if it's boring?

Different people are different. Men and women think differently & use different parts of their brains to think. Men typically completely think with either the logical or the emotional half of the brain, but women think with a portion both.

Which is why we really do think that women "dumb down" technical conversations. We don't value the emotional content of a technical conversation. It's why women get bored if we don't stimulate that other half of the brain. It's why little girls typically play with girls and boys with boys.

Why do women have such boring conversations? - Atlanta Man - 12-20-2017

Women are boring because women's lives and motivations are not interesting to me, period. The only time I am interested in what a woman has to say is when I have not ejaculated do to sexual intercourse with her, as soon as I come she is boring and stupid. Part of why I like coming in chicks mouths is because they have to swallow and it means I get a few more seconds of her not talking.

The only time I listen to a woman and give a fuck if it is something I pay for (ie: Female securities Lawyer to Atlanta Man-"Don't insider trade", Female Doctor to Atlanta Man: "The DNA test is negative, that is not your child ,good that you did not sign the birth certificate, Female Accountant to Atlanta Man:"you can deduct this from your taxes this year")or something about work (I am in a STEM field).