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What a bitchy thing to do - DarkTriad - 04-20-2013

"No worries, I always delete weirdos from my phone at the first sign of crazy".

What a bitchy thing to do - BortimusPrime - 04-20-2013

I've gotten this kind of "you just blew your chance with me by ending a sentence with a preposition in your text, friendo" shit before, and frankly there's no point in bothering to come up with any sort of retaliation, even for the sake of one's ego. The girl's already convinced herself that you're a simp, so asking her if she needs help getting that sand out of her vagina is just going to make you look like an angry loser lashing out. I think heartiste had the best response in one of his posts, just fire off a single "gay" and delete the number.

What a bitchy thing to do - LoveBug - 04-20-2013

Any girl who responds like that is too fucked up for my tastes anyways, and I would gladly delete the number.. I guess its just the virgo in me. Some guys like and are turned on by crazyness though

What a bitchy thing to do - el mechanico - 04-20-2013

She needs me. These are the kind of girls that psyco stalk after you smash.

What a bitchy thing to do - WesternCancer - 04-20-2013

Quote: (04-20-2013 02:51 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

"No worries, I always delete weirdos from my phone at the first sign of crazy".

I said something like this to a girl on OKC who laughed at me when I asked for her digits and said that I'd get in touch when I'm free. She said something along the lines of "hahahahahah wtf I don't fuck younger guys its gross (I was a year younger) and who the fuck do you think you are. IMTHE WOMAN you can't make me wait on you, thats my job"

me: "looks like I dodged a bullet on this one. enjoy your cats"

What a bitchy thing to do - Duke Castile - 04-20-2013

Follow up:

Ok ok, you got me, I was going through the motions, thanks for recognizing I didn't really want to shove this in your skank ass *dick pic*

What a bitchy thing to do - MattW - 04-20-2013

Quote: (04-20-2013 11:06 AM)TexasMade Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2013 10:38 AM)houston Wrote:  

His only option is to send a Dick Pic at this point.

With a cunt like that, I would send a pic of my sack. Not worth a dic pic.

I was going to say send a flaccid dick, but a sack is good too.

Or maybe a giant floppy vaj.

What a bitchy thing to do - iknowexactly - 04-20-2013

Quote: (04-20-2013 10:44 AM)polymath Wrote:  

No no no no no.

He was entirely boring. It's like he read her message and was like, "uhhh.....fuck.....I, sounds good?" and had no idea what the fuck was going on.

A better response would have been basically ANYTHING but coffee or dinner.


Being hateful isn't going to improve your game any. Learn where he went wrong so you can circumvent the same issue in your own dating life.

Quote: (04-20-2013 10:34 AM)Emmanuel Goldstein Wrote:  

But she's a real cunt because she presented an option as acceptable, then proceeded to shaft him for choosing it.

Valid point, but what do you expect? Even many of the guys on this forum admit that coffee dates are boring. (Unless, that is, you're witty and funny.)

Again-- valid point, but by saying "don't be boring, you've got to keep her entertained" you're still trying to become the right kind of dancing monkey for a spoiled, disrespectful, unworthy bitch.

This girl's true colors would have emerged at some point, as Roosh said, she was going to reject him no matter what he said, the very fact of her communication was a passive-aggressive act.

A girl with a decent personality will always politely decline or make excuses. If not, she is def not worth dealing with, you are just degrading yourself.

A shit test that early means the whole relationship will be just that.

Janka: "Difficult women remain difficult."

Fuck them, figuratively speaking.

I vote for "8=======>"

What a bitchy thing to do - GenJx - 04-20-2013

better to weed out vampire bitches like these as early as possible. theyre worth a bang maybe at the most, dont care how hot they are.

What a bitchy thing to do - Lemmo - 04-20-2013

I assume he met this girl online since he seems to know nothing about her. A lot of crazy, low quality females online. And a married 40 something with a horrible personality and looks of a 5 can get hundreds of supplicating herbs. Don't go online. If you are going to dip into that pool, be prepared to cut and run at the first sign of crazy, flakiness, etc. No more reason to get mad at this woman than at the ravings of a mental patient. If you are sifting through these wretches with the assumption they are normal, reasonable people, you will always be frustrated.

What a bitchy thing to do - Days of Broken Arrows - 04-20-2013

Quote: (04-20-2013 03:06 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2013 02:51 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

"No worries, I always delete weirdos from my phone at the first sign of crazy".

I said something like this to a girl on OKC who laughed at me when I asked for her digits and said that I'd get in touch when I'm free. She said something along the lines of "hahahahahah wtf I don't fuck younger guys its gross (I was a year younger) and who the fuck do you think you are. IMTHE WOMAN you can't make me wait on you, thats my job"

me: "looks like I dodged a bullet on this one. enjoy your cats"

I've noticed OKC personals getting bitchier and bitchier, so it's no surprise the responses are going the same way. I wish there was a private message board where we could share profiles of these effed-up women, then exact some revenge: like putting together a profile of a perfect guy and having him suddenly freak out at the last minute that in her questions she's answered she'd slept with more than 14 guys.

What a bitchy thing to do - HeyPete - 04-20-2013

Or he could have always sent this ...

And please press each color from left-to-right ...

What a bitchy thing to do - polymath - 04-20-2013

Quote: (04-20-2013 11:43 AM)Emmanuel Goldstein Wrote:  

But think about it from a different context - imagine these were two prospective business partners, two prospective roommates, or two people considering a friendship... The behavior of this woman would just be fucking bizarre and antisocial. Can you imagine some dude pulling this on you? I guarantee you'd think he was a huge weirdo, and borderline crazy. But because it's a man wanting a woman, hey now, being a fucking cunt is acceptable!

If you act like a chump, you'll get chumped -- be it in business or in your lifestyle.

Every girl is a bitch to some people and an angel to others. The way you carry yourself determines the treatment you get.

If a guy is willing to dress well or go to the gym to improve his musculature, but unwilling to improve the way he talks to people, then he is only addressing part of the issue. A man should expect to be rejected when he's unable to captivate a woman's attention and spark her interest with his words and suggestions. It's a mating dance, not a business deal.


Quote: (04-20-2013 01:20 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

We should all show up to a first date with a woman we don't even know well prepared to take her on a motorcycle ride to the Bank of America Building. After riding a private elevator, we'll arrive on the roof where we'll begin our helicopter tour of the city. After marveling at the landscape, she'll be taken to the countryside for a pic nic.

What time are you planning to pick me up? [Image: heart.gif][Image: heart.gif]

There's a big difference between acquiescing to a coffee date and taking a girl on a helicopter tour. You have to offer something worthwhile to be treated like someone worthwhile.

That doesn't mean you have to spend much money. Here's an example: A girl took the train into town to see me. We took the T from South Station to Boston Common, talked in a pavilion there for a while, went for a walk to Faneuil Hall, watched some street performers, and then wandered toward the Long Wharf before leaving the area.

Total cost to me: T fare plus $3 for an iced coffee that I picked up on the way. I guess that makes it a coffee date. [Image: exclamation.gif]

What a bitchy thing to do - Electron - 04-21-2013

I'm sorry, but before anything else, that's just bad game.

She suggests "Coffee, dinner..." and he actually picked coffee.

He starts off with "let's play a fun game" and then doesn't do anything of the sort. He's not playful, she suggests some options and he jumps on one of them.

A girl wants you to actually have something cool going on, and if you don't, make something cool up.

I'm not saying he would have gotten the date, but if you're going to try to hookup and date american women, the board is set. You have to bring basic game 101 to the table and I don't see that changing at all. Women make their own money, they don't need yours, which means what they need from you is to be exciting and fun and whatever the hell else.

They're not looking for good, decent, guys. They're looking for guys that will basically make their lives fun and exciting.

Coffee is boring, and coffee when she suggests it is even more boring, and coffee with the line "How about a coffee" is even more boring.

It's just bad game.

What a bitchy thing to do - Belize King - 04-21-2013

His response was lame but that's what we do right? No more dates or spending money on lizards. Meet them at a bar or get coffee. That's going to be my only two options now. Especially if you are a 5-7.

What a bitchy thing to do - Therapsid - 04-21-2013

There's no excuses here. Fucks like heartiste can reiterate until they're blue in the face how valuable eggs are compared to sperm, but every last generation of man was able to receive more respect than this. Including the lowliest of beta males.

She could have said:

"I'm actually really busy with work" or "I'm not dating right now" or "Honestly, I'm focusing on my studies" or bluntly "I have a boyfriend" or even "I'm a lesbian". She could have said any of these things *before* asking what he wanted to do, but she instead decided to bait and them demean him. Just as men should act masculine and alpha, women need to behave in a feminine manner. This broad, no matter how well you may game her and land her in the sack, will never ever be feminine.

What a bitchy thing to do - Screwston - 04-21-2013

I can't really comprehend how people are defending her and saying "well, he has bad game. He should of made her pussy dripping with the text exchange. He's a beta". No one on here gives a fuck about his game. It's called having respect for someone as a human being and not treating them like a turd for no reason. Fuck that bitch.

What a bitchy thing to do - Tuthmosis - 04-21-2013

Quote: (04-21-2013 12:46 AM)houston Wrote:  

I can't really comprehend how people are defending her and saying "well, he has bad game. He should of made her pussy dripping with the text exchange. He's a beta". No one on here gives a fuck about his game. It's called having respect for someone as a human being and not treating them like a turd for no reason. Fuck that bitch.

Some of us are saying that he should have put the smack down after he was disrespected by that bitch (never mind not allowing himself to be disrespected in the first place). His failure to do that is part of the reason why women have gotten this bad in the first place.

What a bitchy thing to do - Tuthmosis - 04-21-2013

Quote: (04-21-2013 12:46 AM)houston Wrote:  

I can't really comprehend how people are defending her

I don't see one soul here "defending" that bitch. One thousand deaths to that cunt. I'm certain that we speak in one voice on this point.

But, there's nothing wrong with pointing to this guys abject weakness as a contributing factor to his being disrespected, and the reason why women are getting worse--by repeatedly getting off scot-free with this kind of behavior.

What a bitchy thing to do - Screwston - 04-21-2013

I just feel bad for nice guys that deal with girls like this and don't know what to do.

What a bitchy thing to do - Tuthmosis - 04-21-2013

Quote: (04-21-2013 01:08 AM)houston Wrote:  

I just feel bad for nice guys that deal with girls like this and don't know what to do.

I do too, but don't feel too bad. These are the same guys who are white-knighting and stroking girls' egos online. They're hurting themselves, yes, but they've polluted the well for us too.

What a bitchy thing to do - soup - 04-21-2013

Most people are deluded in the US.

Why is it that the more attitude I get from girls online, the more SIFdly they are in real life? All these fatties and white knights are just soul-less husks.

What a bitchy thing to do - Samseau - 04-21-2013

I would have just replied to her,

"I never saved it"

(which is true, I don't save girl's numbers... just a text message in my phone, hopefully they state their name or else I won't know)

What a bitchy thing to do - Nascimento - 04-21-2013

As previously mentioned by some of you, I believe both are at fault here.

The guy should have done a lot better over text game. This is below average, even for your basic chode.

And this girl probably just needs a way to weed out the competition. She doesn't have time to see the ten guys that text her a week.. maybe 2. Hence, the best will get to see her.

Its the same for us. If we have 10 girls throwing themselves at us, but we only have time to see 4 that week, we will ignore 6 and meet and bang the other 4. But we make the selection mostly on looks, whereas girls will make the selection based on what man excites them, challenges them most. A man that doesn't bend over to her and makes it seem as if she has to impress him will always have a greater chance, no matter how much attitude she gives.

Recently, I was getting a lot of attitude from a girl that I had just met a few minutes prior at the club. I called her out on it (push) but affirmed her I could handle it (pull) and reversed it on her saying that I'm actually an asshole and some other roleplay. From then it took some dominance assertion by picking her up while dancing with her and leading the interaction, and from that point on everything changed. The girl that was initially giving attitude and being this 'bitch' was giving me puppy dog eyes, and even when I wasn't won over she tried to change that by initiating a make out with me, which rarely happens in my experience.

Yeah, sometimes girls can give lots of attitude, especially considering how society is nowadays and how much attention attractive girls get, but if you are able to adapt and put them in their place like no other man that she interacts with daily does, you are much close to winning her over (if you even care).

What a bitchy thing to do - WanderingSoul - 04-21-2013

Quote: (04-20-2013 10:38 AM)houston Wrote:  

His only option is to send a Dick Pic at this point.

He should write "Dic Pics Please." above her phone number in a few mens room stalls. She will have to change numbers for sure.