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When The Search Is Finally Over - samsamsam - 03-20-2013

Vorkuta, you are an inspiration. I know the feeling of being in a different country and feeling like everything is possible. Very grateful for all of your sharing. I have read many of your posts and your posts always have such a real feel to them, I can't think of a better way to describe it. Maybe it is just your willingness to be vulnerable and share your thoughts - even the hard ones like talking about your insecurities. But in being willing to share them, you have done many us a favor. I imagine, many of us including myself, can relate. Anyway, just wanted to thank you.

When The Search Is Finally Over - solo - 04-12-2013

I thought of this thread when reading the King of Warsaw posts:

I left this comment: "Very good post. I’m also hopping from country to country and that definitely makes it necessary to work (approach) more than if you stay in the same place. Hopefully later on in the future I will start to at least narrow down the number of countries i live in. But as of now I’m not ready to make that kind of commitment before I have visited at least the countries at the top of my list. Even if I was King of Warsaw, I would be thinking “maybe Ukraine is even better”. That may or may not be true, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I visited both countries."

I am personally at the stage where I am still looking for my country and city. I have mostly traveled to Latin America, and a few times through parts of Europe. At the very least, I want to go back to those regions a few more times, as well as South East Asia, and a maybe shorter trip to Africa though I'm not sure I'd want to live there anyway. It is in my plan to do all this in the coming few years. Currently I'm just overwhelmed by all the info of so many countries on here that's it's hard to make a choice. The only way is to go see for yourself, I think. Then you can start narrowing down the countries you go to.

I always thought I would end up choosing a smaller town to live in but after reading the How to bang a 9 post: I've started to rethink that. Maybe a city with around a million inhabitants or so is best.

Once you settle down I guess there's nothing stopping you from making side trips or even having multiple cities where you live 3-6 months a year. It's probably good to have a base, though, and guys willing to make the sacrifice of ignoring the urge to go where they think the grass is greener could reap the most benefits. Also, once you find your spot could also be the time when you ease up *a bit* on the cold approaching and focus more on your lifestyle. Right now I'm not prepared to "lock a place down" when I don't know how long I'm going to stay.

Great original post by the way.

When The Search Is Finally Over - Prosal - 05-04-2013

Quote: (02-25-2013 12:42 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

I know this sheet could have it's own thread but for reasons of my own I'd rather it was left here as a part of the wider discussion on Russia. Thanks.

Into the valleys of death

After my Summer 2012 trip I became interested in the further exploration of the North Caucasus. It seemed so wild and lawless,completely unlike any other part of Europe. Everywhere else in Europe has been pretty much visited by the likes of us. I wanted to visit a place that might hold out the last hope of being a great unknown region full of boundless opportunities. The odds were not good. The North caucasus is the most conservative region of Europe and unlike say Abkhazia that had a thriving tourist industry so you could mingle with locals or tourists,nobody came to the North Caucasus unless they had to. Government websites of Western countries warned it's citizens against visiting due to the very real threat of kidnap and murder. I would never put my life in deliberate danger,but I do take such stark warnings with a pinch of salt. The British Foreign office would advise against visiting a country if they thought there was a chance you could get a splinter there. Whilst the aim of the trip was cultural understanding, I did of course make some approaches and made mental notes of the dynamics there which I will share.

I flew into Tbilisi on a cold February morning and headed to the bus station to find a shared taxi heading over the Georgian Military Highway into North Ossetia. I paid 1500 roubles,waited for two more passengers to show up and then set off into the mountains towards Kazbegi and the pass into Russia. The road ascended the mountains,the scenery was stunning. One of the passengers turned to me an hour into the journey somewhere high up in the Caucasus and asked me where I was from. I told her and she asked me why was going to Ossetia. "Adventure" I replied. "But are you not afraid,you know, of bombs?" she said smiling. We climbed higher along the unbarriered road,inches from the edge of the mountain,the peaks along the Russian border always in the distant view. After Kazbegi we started entering tunnels and the places we passed became poorer. We were near the border. A half hour from the border we pulled over and myself and the two passengers were transferred into a Russian taxi heading back to Ossetia. The passengers from the other taxi climbed into the cab I had just vacated and heard me speaking accented Russian. "You are a foreigner?" they asked. I confirmed. "You are not afraid?"

We set off in our new taxi and headed down into a brown barren valley where the Russian border post stood. We pulled up and was asked to get out by the attractive Russian border guard. She looked at my passport "spy?" she said with a smile. I queued for my entry stamp partly expecting not to be allowed in. This border was only recently opened to foreigners after being off limits since the Soviet union fell apart and Ossetia is a restricted area in terms of visas,you need permission,or so I had been told ( turned out to be bollocks ). The guard studied my visa,scanned the passport and stamped it. I was in.

We drove on down the barren valley into Vladikavkaz,a low slung city straddling the river Terek. The taxi driver told me he knew a cheap hotel,the cheapest in the city,only 1000 roubles. I accepted the offer since the Hotel Vladikavkaz was more then double the price but immediately wished I hadn't when we turned up. It was a motel next to a rubbish dump and backing onto a railway track,far from the centre. It looked like the kind of place people could get snatched from and there would be nobody to help you. The hotel did not even have a name. I checked in and started exploring:

Vladikavkaz ( North Ossetia )

Description: Dusty Soviet town overlooked by the Caucasus. Divided in half by the Terek river. Architecturally little to distinguish it from other Russian towns further north,no 'Ossetian style' of architecture. Has restauarants and bars,hotels,shops an airport ( nearby in Beslan ). Seemed to be quite prosperous by provincial Russian standards but a large number of Gopniks who come to the city from South Ossetia which is much poorer.

Safety: I felt perfectly safe there. There are bombings in Vladikavkaz every year or so but I never felt any more unsafe then I do at home. Just a few problems with Gopniks.

Ossetian Women: They come in two types,average or mind blowing. All brunettes,slim with long legs. I loved them. Dressed more conservatively then Slavs,no short skirts but then again it was winter so summer may be different. Whilst on average Ossetian women are less attractive then the average Russian Slav,a top Ossetian is as attractive if not more so then a top Russian. They have an incredible exoticness to them that I loved. I saw the most beautiful women I have ever seen in Vladikavkaz but I also saw a lot of very average ones. The issue with them is they are conservative. Women need to be careful of their reputations so serial dating is a no-no. They are also expected to be virgins on their wedding night and whilst I doubt that is strictly adhered to by everyone ( a friend there said "50% good girls and 50% bad girls" ) it gives you an indication of difficulties. They are big into their familes and not whoring it around and according to the men I met the women are very loyal to their husbands. I wasn't there long enough however to get any empirical insights so my views are what others there told me. Probably a great place to find a wife. They also don't drink in public with strangers so you can't go into bars hoping to pick up,it's all social circle from my impressions. A local I met and who I quizzed told me I might have to be careful approaching women on the street because sometimes they could tell their brothers which could mean trouble. I never had anything but friendly responses though,no hint that they were pissed off by being approached.

Game Venues: Prospekt Mira! It's a pedestrianised street with cafes and bars. At one end of it is the Agricultural university so in the afternoon you have hundreds of students pouring out and walking in groups up and down the street or sitting on the benches. I was eye-banged to death but not in a way that necaserily invited me to approach,more curiosity about a foreigner. That's not to say I did not approach. I approached a few sets,got gasps of amazement that I was foreign,lots of questions thrown at me but I struggled to convert those openings into setting up another meeting. I would say "we should meet again" and I would get "I'm sure we will,Vladikavkaz is a big village". Hard to number close. I found the best way to meet locals was with hired hands: waitresses,shop clerks. The only number I got in Vladikavkaz was with a waitress and she hid the fact that she was giving it to me in case someone else saw which gives you an idea as to what you're up against. Once I had it though I found myself entering a small social circle and because I had been proofed found the new people I was introduced to much more relaxed and open and able to talk more candidly. Unfortunately I left the city before being able to capitalise in any way on this. Another thing is that there are only a couple of clubs and I never found them. I was told they are pretty rough because they are full of visiting Ingush and Chechens who can't chase women in their own republics so come to Vladikavkaz to chase women and drink but end up causing a load of shit to go down. Therefore I never put much effort into hitting a club however I will when I next visit.

I hailed a cab one morning and asked the driver if he would be willing to take me to Nazran the capitol of Ingushetia. He looked me up and down,pondered and said "500 roubles". I climbed in. The guy was nervous "this will be a problem for me,you will see". My Russian was not good enough to understand his reasoning why it was a problem for him so I hoped it was nothing to do with terrorism. We came to the first border with Ingushetia a few miles outside of Vladikavkaz. Russian soldiers with weapons stood on the road checking under cars with mirrors and opening trunks. Their guard post surrounded by sand bags and concrete with slits built in out of which pointed the barrel of guns. This 'banging in the danger zone' jaunt had just got real.

We were allowed in and drove on along a road that my driver told me was no-man's land,any turn-off's were guarded by heavily armed soldiers. People raced along it seemingly desperate to make it to the next military checkpoint as soon as possible. We came to the roadblock and the entrance to Ingushetia and I could see my driver was nervous. We were flagged down by a soldier and my driver got out with his documents ready for a shakedown. I stayed in the car and took in the scene on the border before me. Guys with beards and scowls stared at me and didn't look away. I'd read on websites that if you travelled to the area you should avoid military instalations of any kind because they were often the targets of attacks by militants and here I was sitting in a beat up old lada outside a military checkpoint in Ingushetia,the dodgiest part of Russia. If anything kicked off I was as good as dead. I sat for half an hour in the car before my driver came back in a fowl mood, "Ingush fucks". He had been forced to pay a bribe. He explained that they stopped every Ossetian car entering ingushetia for bribes and the Ossetians did the same in return when their cars entered Ossetia. The effect was the breeding of mutual resentment.

We drove on into Nazran a dusty town that felt like a large village. It was a small dusty town and was the first place I'd been to in Russia that really did not feel Russian,I felt like I was in Peshawar or Kabul. There were no Slavic people here,the women wore headscarves and seemed to be in a rush to get somewhere. I knew there would be nothing to keep me here but I had to run some approaches just for the hell of it. I told my driver that I needed a couple of hours here and then if he was willing and could offer a reasonable price I'd like him to drive me to Grozny. We settled on 2500 Roubles all in. We drove to what seemed the centre of town and my driver told me to be careful. He made the universal hand across the throat sign and not in an ironic way. When you think there is a chance of getting your head chopped off approach anxiety means nothing.

I got out determined to do some approaches,purely for the crack, not in expectation of results. I had come to the region hoping to pull an 'Ossetian-Ingush-Chechen' threesome ( in the spirit of mending bridges and bringing enemies together ) so I had to try. The local men standing on a street corner watched me as I walked along dressed in clothes that look perfectly normal in western capitals but in the ass end of the caucasus must have made me look like the victim of a camp practical joke. I pushed my silk pocket square deeper into the pocket so it wasn't visible and cursed G Manifesto. The women were somehow different to the Ossetians,there were no inquisitive looks or smiles but nor were they hostile,just neutral expressions. I saw a young woman in a floral headscarf approaching my direction on the pavement and I said "excuse me miss..." but she did not flinch or appear to hear me. I said it again louder but she carried on walking past me as though I did not exist. Maybe she was deaf or more likely she just did not want to be seen talking to a guy on the street. I had two hours to get a number at the very least but this was going to be a tough test. I walked on and found a market place with people milling about but the women were all walking about seemingly in a rush to get somewhere and there were too many dudes watching me for me to approach. I entered a small tea house and ordered tea. A waitress served me who seemed friendly. I asked her what people did here at night for fun but she seemed not to understand me or decided not to. It was only afterwards I learnt that there is a curfew in the city at night. I also learnt that the militants had bombed all the shops selling alcohol so Nazran was not a party town to say the least. A guy at another table heard me ask the question and said "Vladikavkaz" meaning that's where people went for fun. He asked me where I was from and when I said England he insisted on paying for my meal before asking the usual football questions. I was getting hit on by friendly old dudes but ignored by the women. I left and hit the streets again. I saw a girl in a headscarf who seemed to have a smiley disposition and said "miss do you know where there is an internet cafe?" After not understanding me at first she smiled and explained by pointing in some direction or another. It was so nice to see a friendly female face that as she talked I was eulogising her in my mind and imaginig what part she'd play in the threesome ( I decided I'd have her eating out the Ossetian chick ). She asked me if I was a tourist and smiled when I said I was but I saw her look to her side and I noticed there were a few guys listening in to our conversation a few metres away. She gave me a slight shrug of the shoulders, said goodbye and walked off. Cock blocked. I did not feel particuarly unsafe in Nazran,there were police on the streets but there was an atmosphere,either real or just my imagination,that bad shit could go down at any second.I walked along the centre of town where all the marshrutka buses were parked,lot's of people milling about shopping etc. I saw a couple of girls in their early 20's standing waiting for a bus. I approached not caring who was watching. I said "girls,help a lost foreigner,what do people do here for fun?" They looked at each other and drew a blank,I couldn't tell however if my language skills had stumped them or if they just had no idea where the fun was to be had in this shit hole. I walked on dejected and found my taxi and driver parked in a car park. I'd seen enough and failed miserably so told him I was ready to move on to Chechnya. He gave me a 'I told you so' look.

Nazran ( Ingushetia )

Description: Rough. Think 'Black Hawk Down' and you get the picture.

Safety: If you stayed here at night I'd say pretty dangerous. There is a curfew for a reason.

Ingush women: Not many about on the streets but the ones I saw were less attractive then Ossetians ( their style of dress made them less attractive as much as anything ) and a lot more conservative. Were they conservative through choice or because the men enforce such social mores I don't know.

Game Venues: No idea,I never found any. Certainly doesn't seem to be on the streets,obviously heavily social circle orientated. Marriages possibly arranged by family members. The militants blow up shops and kill the proprieters selling alcohol so no clubs or bars. I'd think your best and possibly only bet would be to enrol in the university and target chicks that way. That would be an insane adventure. I did notice a few Nazran chicks on Mamba so worth a try.

We drove on along a single carriage highway,the mountains to our right and a few dusty towns in the distance to our left. Every now and then we'd overtake a slow moving convoy of Russian army trucks and military transport vehicles. Every now and then we'd pass a Russian army base surrounded by barbed wire and sandbags. It was obvious that the only thing keeping this part of the federation in the federation was military muscle. The caucasus is to all intents and purposes a war zone being fought by-proxy.

We came to the border of Chechnya which was marked by more razor wire,more military units but this time also soldiers dressed entirely in black and holding modern weapons. These were kadyrov's men. Kadyrov is the Kremlin's guy in Chechnya. The only thing is he seems to have done a Kurtz and gone awol,ruling over chechnya as a mad tyrant doing as he pleases. Putin seems to let him get on with it,happy to have a pro-Kremlin guy down there that however brutal his methods and abuses may be,is atleast bringing some kind of normalcy to Grozny,if not the rest of Chechnya. This time we were waived through,both my driver and I making sure not to make eye contact with one of the soldiers in case it invited them to stop us. I'd been warned by Russian friend's that my danger in Chechnya would not only be from the terrorists wanting to kidnap me but also from Kadyrov's men who would be happy to sell me to the terrorists. I have no idea if such dangers were well founded or just the fertive imagination of overly concerened friends but when you are on your own at the Chechen border and at the mercy of some dude with an M16 and a balaclava you don't want to test the rumour out. We drove on into Chechnya and immediately saw the cult of personality that Kadyrov had encouraged. Road side signs showed photos of him and his father ( his father was the leader of Chechnya before being blown up in a terrorist attack ). The road was new and double laned each side. It immediately felt wealthier then Ingushetia and Ossetia too for that matter. We passed through towns with construction work going on,new mosques that seemed far too big for the villages they served were springing up. I had not eaten breakfast so asked my driver to pull over when he saw a place. We pulled into a modern petrol station in the middle of nowhere with a cafe attached and a gym upstairs (!?). I went in and ordered a meal whilst my driver who was a dodgy looking bastard stayed in the car and made a phone call. Now read that last sentance again;25 words that you probably didn't think twice about. Perfectly normal,I eat and the driver makes a phone call,but with my heightened sense of awareness and danger I suddenly had this paranoid idea that he was phoning militants to come and get me. I'd been warned before I came that that was how people get snatched and my mind was now asking myself why he didn't come in to eat and make the call in front of me? What was he hiding? I ate my meal with a growing unease in my stomach and bowels. I was in a lonely service station in the middle of Chechnya,my phone did not have a signal,I had nowhere to go. I paid and returned to the car. We drove off but my paranoia now meant that I was ready to go Jason Bourne on him if he did anything that I thought might be suspicious. If he slowed down or headed up a dirt track I would launch myself at him and steal his car. Looking back it seems rediculous but at the time I thought it was entirely rational. We drove on past more murals of Kadyrov and his dad. Eventually we hit the outskirts of Grozny,the shiny new buildings in the centre of Grozny visible on the horizon. There was a massive concrete sign saying 'Grozny' by the side of the road and I asked the driver to stop so I could photograph it. I got out and walked across an empty square to get a better angle for the photo. There were woods at the end. When I got to the edge of the woods, about 30 metres from my taxi,I noticed sitting on their haunches in the woods were about five guys in civilian clothes with Kalashnikovs. They looked at me but didn't move. I have no idea who they were but I immediately headed back to the car at a brisk pace. They were probably just local dudes,having a ciggie together but I didn't want to find out. It did emphasise to me though that being in the wrong place at the wrong time is what will get you in trouble in this part of the world. We drove on and eventually entered the city centre which was all brand new,signs of the war having been eradicated and built over with grandiose projects. Kadyrov's guards stood guard on every street corner. In the centre of town stood a newly built mosque,Russia's largest,all marble and minarettes. I got out and paid my driver,he shook my hand and wished me well and I felt a tad guilty for presuming him to be the kind of man who would sell me to Al Qaida given the chance.

Watching him leave was like watching the last link I had to civilisation dissapear. I walked over to my hotel in the centre of town and checked in. The lobby had photos of Kadyrov with some famous faces,Tyson,Hillary Swank,celebs who had been happy to take his money without asking too many questions about where it had come from or what Kadyrov had done to get it.

Grozny ( Chechnya )

Description: Newly built city centre that is like a Potempkin Village,i.e big hotel with no guests,a huge mosque with 3 worshippers in it,big new roads leading nowhere,a shopping centre with no shoppers. Spotlessly clean but somehow hollow. The river Terek runs through the centre of town. When the call to prayer rang out across the town I knew I was in the Caucasus and had left Slavic Russia behind.

Safety: I felt safe enough in the centre of town. My hotel had armed guards in the lobby with heavy weapons. There have been attacks on the centre but it is heavily policed by Kadyrov's guys. Leave the centre and hit the micro-regions though and it feels rough. I got on a random marshrutka that to my horror ended up going down a dirt track into the suburbs. Not going to lie,I didn't like it. No policeman around out there to help you.

Chechen Women: Very attractive,more so then Ingush. Brunettes but with the lightest skin tone,almost translucent. Saw some really attractive ones walking about. Mostly headscarved but not all by any means. Dress in jeans like any other Russian but no short skirts or slutty wear ( kadyrov's guys apparently patrol the streets with paint guns splatting any woman who does not dress conservatively enough but I never saw that ). I approached on the street and the women were very friendly for the most part. All very intrigued to meet a foreigner. I got the definite impression that you could get results here with time. The women were much more relaxed and open than Ingush chicks. I went into a bookshop near the centre. A woman worked in there alone,early 30's. I flirted and it was reciprocated,she gave me a free fridge magnet and asked me to promise to come see her again before I left. I number closed but had no intention of calling,more an ego close. Would have been interesting to see if I could have made something happen. I went into a photography shop and it was full of female students photocopying some school work. I opened and got lots of friendly banter,asking me about London and life in the West. I invited them for coffe and cake somewhere,one of them was interested but the others seemed to convince her otherwise. They spoke in Chechen so I have no idea what they said to dissude her. I hit a cafe that was in a basement next to an internet cafe,friendly female staff but could not get beyond pleasentries. In my hotel's restaurant that night I met and chatted to the staff,all exceptionally friendly but I could not transition from banter into getting numbers. It is obviously social circle orientated but I get the feeling there are options here if you targeted older age groups ( 30 plus years ). I.e divorcies and ones that never got married for whatever reason. Definitely harder then Ossetia but seemingly not as hard as Ingushetia.

Game Venues: when I asked about bars and clubs people told me there were none and that people go to restaurants with friends instead. It seems that the restaurants have dance floors so people can stand up and dance then return to eat some more. I only ate in my hotel in the evening so never got the chance to test out the restaurants. Day game is the street where the shopping centre is ( don't get excited,I use the term shopping centre very very loosely ). Lots of women in groups of 2 or 3 walking around. Approach lone women so you can't get bitch-blocked. Not nearly as much eye-banging going on here as in Vladikavkaz. The hotel restaurant and bars would be good if there were any other tourists in town but,well,it's Chechnya,there are no other tourists.

The following day I returned to Vladikavkaz and spent another four days there trying to get my feet under the table and cement myself in a small social circle. Nothing happened,no closes of any kind but I saw that it was highly possible,in fact inevitable that results would come but I would need a month to really start making headway.

Overall I had enjoyed the region immensely. I made some seemingly good friends,ate some amazing food,had an adventure. I will return to the city in the future. The North Caucasus is a rough place but not as dangerous as perceived. I felt safe in the city centres for the most part and if you use common sense and have a little Russian knowledge you should be ok. Just don't expect action unless you integrate yourself locally.

It's funny how every trip you go on seems to sew the seed for another,and so it is with me...

Safe travels...Vorkuta

What a brilliant piece of writing. I understand that it has been your choice Vorkuta, but it's really a pity that such an entertaining and interesting read be lost in general debates threads. Well, in any case, kudos not only for your verve, but also for your bravery going where very fews westerners venture. This kind of adventures make any other stories (including mines) seem tame in comparison.

[Image: thumb.gif]

When The Search Is Finally Over - The Fantasist - 05-04-2013

Cheers Prosal.

Yeah it probably could have had its own thread however I felt that since I never got anywhere with the women in the Caucasus that the post wouldn't interest too many people.

Glad you liked it anyway.

When The Search Is Finally Over - BCZalgyris - 05-05-2013

Quote: (05-04-2013 05:11 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Cheers Prosal.

Yeah it probably could have had its own thread however I felt that since I never got anywhere with the women in the Caucasus that the post wouldn't interest too many people.

Glad you liked it anyway.

Vorkuta, the Caucasus post should have had its own thread. Just because you didn't get anywhere with the locals doesn't mean it does not deserve to be a feature article. Your writing about the people of this forsaken region and descriptions of the places you visit are some of the best of any writers on this forum. Many times I prefer reading these adventure stories to some wannabe PUA's exploits in a city that almost everyone has visited and that holds little value added information.

Now, did you have a backup plan in case you had been hassled by the guards or worse yet kidnapped? Obviously you did not have a satellite phone and from your posts it seems you were carrying a lot of rubble's, how did you manage to hide them and stay low key?

Finally, would you say that Vladikavkaz can be okay for travel to and gaming opportunities? To me it seems like that city has a sizeable Russian/Slav population but with a bit of Ossetian/Chechen mix of women which would make their looks unique in a good way. Did you feel that the "foreign God factor" was possible there (I'm using Mark Ames famous line) as I'm sure the local women have had very little exposure to foreigners?

When The Search Is Finally Over - The Fantasist - 05-06-2013

Quote: (05-05-2013 06:22 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

Vorkuta, the Caucasus post should have had its own thread. Just because you didn't get anywhere with the locals doesn't mean it does not deserve to be a feature article. Your writing about the people of this forsaken region and descriptions of the places you visit are some of the best of any writers on this forum. Many times I prefer reading these adventure stories to some wannabe PUA's exploits in a city that almost everyone has visited and that holds little value added information.

Now, did you have a backup plan in case you had been hassled by the guards or worse yet kidnapped? Obviously you did not have a satellite phone and from your posts it seems you were carrying a lot of rubble's, how did you manage to hide them and stay low key?

Finally, would you say that Vladikavkaz can be okay for travel to and gaming opportunities? To me it seems like that city has a sizeable Russian/Slav population but with a bit of Ossetian/Chechen mix of women which would make their looks unique in a good way. Did you feel that the "foreign God factor" was possible there (I'm using Mark Ames famous line) as I'm sure the local women have had very little exposure to foreigners?

Cheers BCZ.

No back up but I trusted that with intermediate Russian skills I could blag myself out of any low level threat as in police shake downs etc. If Kadyrov's men had taken me however then I'd have been buggered as my mobile had no coverage even. It was a risk going but a calculated one. My money I just had in my wallet in my pocket like always. No problems with that but there are a lot of Gopniki in Vladikavkaz so probably not a wise move.

Vladikavkaz is fine for travelling to, I felt no danger at all there. It is however more conservative than the north so bare that it mind. I would say only go if you could dedicate a month to game there. You'd get yourself a hot local but you would not get quantity. People worry about their reputation. I got in with a circle but had to leave before I could make headway romantically. The women are incredibly good looking in Vladikavkaz, some are mind blowing if you like tall leggy brunettes with a tinge of the Middle East to their looks ( think a taller and slimmer Kardashian ). It is the only place I have been where I thought immediately not about game but about a wife. They had all the attributes: not riding the cock carousel, family orientated, feminine, highly attractive, cultured and from speaking to male friends there, incredibly loyal. I never plan to marry but if I did...

When The Search Is Finally Over - Prosal - 05-06-2013

Talking about South Russia.

Interesting article about Krasnodar. In russian, but worth a google translation. It seems to be a happening place. Furthermore, IMO, every dump from Makhatshkala to Pyatigorsk sends it's hottest and finest to Krasnodar (or maybe to Rostov for that matter) for a chance at regional Bright Lights Big City.

When The Search Is Finally Over - Arado - 05-07-2013


Inspiring post and best of luck in your adventure in Russia.

I think this should be a lesson to all of us that we are all different and different places will appeal to different people.

While Vorkuta loved Moscow, as a brown person, I can't wait to get the hell out of here after almost 2 years of living in Moscow. I'm tired of the hostile looks from the people on the metro, locals mistaking me for Turkish/Arab and not believing that I'm American, the constant denial of entry into bars/clubs despite dressing up, Russian guys trying to start shit with me, ice queens who don't even give me a chance to open them because they don't want to be seen talking to a brown person, mean people with no sense of humor, shitty weather, crappy and expensive food, the list goes on...

this is all despite having a respectable job, salary, and large apartment, and fluent Russian, and a decent social circle (threw a few successful house parties in my time here). The racial issue is a killer in Russia, and yes, while the women are more attractive and the money is better, there are plenty of other places in the world that don't cause this level of heartache and frustration. Russians don't even pay lip service to tolerance and treating minorities equally.

Given that I just got a SNL with virtually no effort in a recent trip to Poland as well as makeouts galore in my last night in NYC before leaving to Russia (while this remains a rare occurence in Russia) I know it's not me - it's the place. Even in central asia, despite hostility from the guys, I was getting a much more receptive response from the women. Scandinavia was even better.

So, you have to seek your own pussy paradise - it may not be obvious, and while the forum helps, you have to do some searching yourself.

As for Russia, good luck! It's not the 90's anymore so business opportunities will take more networking and you will have to offer something unique - local companies are also trying to hire more Russians instead of paying fat expat salaries. Also, the economy is starting to stagnate, so be wary of hitching your wagon to something that doesn't have a optimistic future. For all the talk of the decline of the West, Russia faces an even worse future when their demographics collapses and oil prices fall as the shale gas boom goes online. On the other hand, the consumer market is still growing, oil prices are high and people have money to spend, so if you find something that works, you can do very well for yourself, as long as you have trustworthy partners and friends in the right places for protection.

Either way, best of luck and I look forward to reading about your Russia adventures from the USA, or China (if things line up). Perhaps I'll feel a sense of regret about what could have been, but life is too short to battle with a place just because someone else likes it.

As the Russians say, "разные люди" (different people)

When The Search Is Finally Over - Barron - 08-09-2013

Quote: (03-20-2013 05:36 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2013 12:46 PM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

There is also a specific type of eastern Euro facial complexion that just melts my heart whenever I encounter it (i think its Slovak). Can any of you guys weigh in on similarities of these girls faces and where more of them are located?
Slovak (one on the right):

Nice chicks, I don't know if their complexion is due to being genetically Slavic, they just look they are pure Northern-- no Arab or Mediterranean blood. This, combined with getting much less sun than American girls with similar genetics means they have the smoothest, lightest skin.

Pure Northern girls can have lovely, translucent rosy skin, but it inherently doesn't tolerate sun as well as Southerners, so the beauty can be fragile.

Thanks for the info,

To me these girls all have faces that are 10s. Assuming they're not overweight I couldn't care less about the body type, as long as the face is staring back at me.
I only say Slovakian because I know the first two, but the Russian girls face I recognized immediately while browsing vk for someone else. It threw me for a loop because I was planning to visit Bratislava to meet girls with these faces [Image: banana.gif]
Apparently they are in Russia as well? Maybe from a certain part of Siberia?
What if there was a haven of them all from a small tier 3/4 town..? This would be my poosy paradise.

When The Search Is Finally Over - Kristian - 08-09-2013

I can't wait for visiting russia!

When The Search Is Finally Over - fernandes - 08-10-2013

Ao85 where is your origin?

When The Search Is Finally Over - samsamsam - 04-10-2016

I was searching around and came across one of my very first posts. Ahhhh, I was so much more naive back then about certain things.

I do miss Vorkuta, wish he would come back and let us know how he is doing. When I read his initial post on this thread, I was inspired. You could tell he had that certainty and he was honest about it. Hope he is well.

Edit: In his post, he mentioned numerous names who no longer frequent this forum. I hope they are well also. They really formed a solid knowledge base when I first joined.

When The Search Is Finally Over - Lateapex - 04-10-2016

I'm going to keep saving my money and just quit my job in either 3 months or year so I can travel for 3-6 months and see if I can do what this guy did. I thought about traveling across Russia via the railway, taking the ferry down to South Korea from eastern Russia, and then flying to Thailand or somewhere else. After traveling internationally for the first time as an adult earlier this year I just feel like there's so much out there and I just want to see the world.

When The Search Is Finally Over - samsamsam - 04-10-2016

Quote: (04-10-2016 10:56 PM)Lateapex Wrote:  

I'm going to keep saving my money and just quit my job in either 3 months or year so I can travel for 3-6 months and see if I can do what this guy did. I thought about traveling across Russia via the railway, taking the ferry down to South Korea from eastern Russia, and then flying to Thailand or somewhere else. After traveling internationally for the first time as an adult earlier this year I just feel like there's so much out there and I just want to see the world.

If you can do what he did, you will be a legend and a shrine will be built for you. I wish you luck and many fun adventures during your journey.

I sound like a bit of a fan boy, I know. But when I first joined there were so many good posts from him.

Too bad I will never be able to meet him. He stopped posting [Image: sad.gif]

When The Search Is Finally Over - PeruLover12 - 04-11-2016


When The Search Is Finally Over - The Fantasist - 04-11-2016

I never expected to write here again or share my story but your heartfelt post Samsamsam gave me the courage to write what happened these last few years. It's long but will explain everything and why I never posted again. This will be my last post here so please no follow up questions. All will become clear...

I returned home after my trip to Moscow and began applying for jobs in Russia. I have a background in electro engineering ( Phd ) and applied for jobs at institutes, research institutes and factories in Moscow. Alas none were forthcoming. I had pretty much given up hope on my dream to be honest until one dark October evening when I received a phone call from a Mr. Pantsoff. In excellent English he informed me that he was head of a small factory facility located deep in the region of Mordovia about 10 hours east of Moscow. He explained that they were busy designing parts for washing machines and were developing a new type of spinning system that used electro magnetic fields to spin the drum. It was going to revolutionize the way we washed our clothes. The new washing machine would be called the Vzriv 210. I'll be honest it wasn't what I had dreamed of, another boring job on a project I would have little interest in but Mr. Pantsoff explained that the remuneration package would be a most generous one. Tax free wages + I'd have an apartment on the work site and 8 weeks paid leave a year at a sanitarium on the Caspian Sea. Just two conditions: I was to sign a non-disclosure contract and I had to give him an answer within one hour.

I hung up and began weighing up the situation. It was not what I dreamed of but it was a foot on the ladder. A way into Russia. There was one question on my mind however; how did this factory get my number? I'd never applied for a job in Mordovia or in fact even heard of it.

Exactly 1 hour after the first call Mr. Pantsoff called back. After some more persuasion I agreed to the job offer.
- Excellent old chap. Take your passport to the Russian embassy in London tomorrow and your visa will be waiting for you. My secretary will email you your flight details this afternoon. I'll expect you at work on Monday morning.
- Just one thing I said. How did you get my number?
The line went dead.

Three days later after a transit stop in Moscow I touched down on an old Tupolev at Saransk airport, the capitol of Moldavia. After clearing customs I was met by a large man in a small car. He drove me out of the city past a Soviet war memorial and deep into the forest past concrete towns and wooden villages until after 2 hours of silence we arrived at the factory I was to call home. The factory itself was nondescript except it was surrounded by razor wire and guard posts. An ID was flashed, the barrier was raised and in we drove.

As we parked up in front of the entrance steps a beautiful young woman with long brunette hair in a lab coat and high heels came out to greet me.

-I'm Katya Princip, I shall be your assistant here at the Saransk 23 facility. Let me show you around she said in heavily accented English.
We toured the factory which had labs and facilities as good as those I had known at Oxford. There was obviously money in washing machines. After a meal in the canteen Katya Princip took me to my apartment to settle in.
-If there is anything you need day or night do not hesitate to call. Now get some sleep for tomorrow you shall begin work Mr. V.

The next day I was shown to my office and introduced to my staff. I was then led into Mr. Pantsoff's office. I was greeted by an elderly gentleman with swept back silver hair.
-Dear boy, it's wonderful that you've made it here. Let me explain the project to you...

And so began my life at Saransk 23. For six months I worked there on washing machine mechanics, whilst never seeing an actual washing machine. The work was demanding, it was hard, but surprisingly interesting. I can't say I did not enjoy it. My relationship was developing well with Katya Princip too. Of course not sexually, we were professionals but we had a connection built on a mutual interest of washing machine spinning mechanics.

Then one day after six months the world I thought I knew changed...

It was whilst working late one night I went to Mr. Pantsoff's office to ask him a question about the effects of detergent on ball bearings. His door was open but he wasn't there. I went in and noticed on his desk a file marked 'Vzriv 210 - Top Secret'. Strange I thought since I had access to all the files and non were marked top secret. I opened it and to my horror learned that Vzriv 210 was in fact a code name for a top secret KGB funded project to develop a Polonium bomb capable of wiping out half of humanity. Suddenly it came to me, Vzriv was the Russian word for explosion! How had I been so stupid!?

With that Pantsoff walked in and saw me holding the folder.
-So you know our secret it seems. That was an unwise decision by you he said, his accent no longer polished Oxford and more St. Petersburg mafia. Now you will have to pay....With your life.

With that a henchman walked in and grabbed me by the throat. I reached out for a bust of Marx sitting on Pantsoff's desk and struck the thug on the head. He dropped quicker than Mercury in a Siberian thermometer. Pantsoff reached for the phone but I ripped the cord out before running with the file down the corridor. I ran out the building and bumped into Katya Princip.
-Katya meet me by the war memorial at midnight in Saransk. There is something you need to know. Just trust me!
A car was pulling up to a parking spot driven by a young woman in a lab coat. I pulled the her out and jumped in and sped off smashing through the wooden barrier, shots from the guards shattering my rear windscreen. I drove on and on into the forest. Eventually a black Lada Niva sped up behind me. A bullet took out my wing mirror. I was in an old Volga and was being outpaced. The Niva drew up alongside but just as a goon pointed his gun at me I turned my wheel sharply crashing into the side of the Neva and sending it careering into a tree sending the two goons to a fiery grave.

I drove on until I reached the outskirts of Saransk and parked up behind the lonely war memorial hidden from view. Occasionally black Lada Neva's would speed past in the direction of Saransk driven by men with short hair and thick necks. Pantsoff was determined to find me...and kill me. My only hope lay with the one person I could trust in this place. Katya Princip. I waited...

At 1am when I had given up hope an old bus pulled up at the bus stop and off stepped the slender legs of the girl I had put my trust in. We stood by the eternal flame and I told her everything that I knew, handing her the document. She was in shock and probably terrified.
-I need your help Katya to expose this secret. I must escape Russia with this document.
-I cannot do it. I am afraid. My life is here.
Katya turned to the list of names on the memorial. Men who died fighting Fascism. She lightly touched a name carved into the concrete.
-My grandfather she said as tears began rolling down her cheek.
-Don't you see Katya, your grandfather died defending freedom from a world of evil and darkness and now is your chance to continue his fight. If not for me do it for him!
She looked at me and I her. We embraced and then kissed, releasing months of passion we had this far kept in check. I pushed her into her knees and she unzipped my jeans before taking my dick in her mouth.
-For world peace she said before sucking me off, her eyes on mine.
Eventually I came and sprayed a load into the eternal flame. The cold cum sizzling with the flame's heat.

Well after that we drove west taking back roads and trails avoiding police checkpoints until eventually after 2 weeks of exhaustive travel and sleeping in abandoned farmsteads we reached the Norwegian frontier high in the arctic. We dumped the car and blended in with the hundreds of Syrian refugees waiting to cross into the EU. Eventually we made it. We were safe and more importantly so was humanity.

To cut a long story short Katya and I passed on the documents to MI5 and received new identities. The Vzriv 210 project was closed down after the leak. Of course Russia denied any such project existed.

Katya died last year of Plutonium 210 poisoning. I think about her every day. To escape her memory I moved to the only place the KGB could not get me; Ukraine. I now reside there with my new identity living on my MI5 pension. Maybe one day I will be able to return to Moscow and the search will really be over.

Thank you.

When The Search Is Finally Over - Going strong - 04-11-2016

Quote: (04-11-2016 10:29 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

To escape her memory I moved to the only place the KGB could not get me; Ukraine.

Great story! Even though it sorely misses a picture of two of miss Katia Princip [Image: tard.gif]
Post her pics, we won't tell the KGB!!

When The Search Is Finally Over - Barron - 04-11-2016

Fuck your Cold War conspiracies bro..
Nothing makes a man feel more alive than cold approaching a 6ft tall beautywhore in Kiev

See you on Khreschatyk.

When The Search Is Finally Over - GlobalMan - 04-11-2016

Wow, Samsamsam brought Vorkuta back, albeit for one final post unfortunately.

When The Search Is Finally Over - Going strong - 04-11-2016

Quote: (04-11-2016 04:58 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Wow, Samsamsam brought Vorkuta back, albeit for one final post unfortunately.

I'll try to bring Vorkuta back:

Quote: (04-11-2016 10:29 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Katya died last year of Plutonium 210 poisoning. I think about her every day.

Katya is not dead, Vorkuta. She fled from the hospital under cover of dark, recovered, and now lives in Miami. But she still thinks about you, hoping to meet again:

[Image: 181a1b52df04e21e68bca6de92935fab.jpg]

When The Search Is Finally Over - Rocha - 04-11-2016

Sam, I owe you a beer. His reappearance is an all time high moment in this forum.


Ваше наследие удивительно, бриллианты навсегда. удачи!

When The Search Is Finally Over - samsamsam - 04-11-2016

Quote: (04-11-2016 04:58 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Wow, Samsamsam brought Vorkuta back, albeit for one final post unfortunately.

I have a lot of magical powers.

When The Search Is Finally Over - Disco_Volante - 04-11-2016

I'm slightly drunk, is Vortuka's last post genuine or is he joking? I can't tell.

Edit: alright, I'm suspecting joke. but what context? I don't get the point.

When The Search Is Finally Over - buja - 04-11-2016

Every time I see this thread, this damn song gets stuck in my head...

When The Search Is Finally Over - PeruLover12 - 04-11-2016

Quote: (04-11-2016 07:22 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 04:58 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Wow, Samsamsam brought Vorkuta back, albeit for one final post unfortunately.

I have a lot of magical powers.

I always wondered who that young Morrocan boy was you hang around with all the time. Must be your assistant for your magic shows.

Makes sense now.