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Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Printable Version

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Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 01-26-2013

Took a girl out last night. Met at a premium restaurant. My initial plan was to escalate hard for the bang, but another girl at the last minute wanted to meet, so I planned out to meet her later in the night. The date went well, but I pulled punches to avoid a venue change. The restaurant was so full of hot pussy, it was hard to maintain eye contact and pay attention to her constant chatter.

She went to the bathroom, and I stepped out the patio to smoke. Three fine ass white girls opened me to take a pic. I obliged, but couldn't follow through due to my date being able to see me though the glass door. The chicks didn't ask for the photo and bounce, but stood there waiting for me to talk. I would have busted out my phone and took a pic of them in paper camera, and text to them right away. That app is cool, and it would've given me their digits. Next time. They were surprised and disappointed when I bid them a good night and walked back in.

Ended the date and waited for the second girl to text. Figuring a flake, I started heading north. Didn't know of any other venues to hit and planned on calling it a night. Several exits up, she hit me up. I pulled off and grabbed a bottle of vodka and mixers to round off my slut kit. She lived way the hell off, so I started driving in the general direction. Shortly after, I got the bars address, and headed that way.

The place was good for a first date, but she had her cousin and friend with her. They didn't cockblock, and gave her and I time alone. Escalation was easy, but last call came quick. I suggested we move to her pad for another drink and talk some more.

She agreed, and things got better. It turned into a makeout session, but for some reason she wouldn't go all the way due to her cousin being there. I pushed but it was a no go. No worries. I bounced back to the house, which was a convenient 1.5 hour ride, and could barely stay awake at the wheel. I lost count of all the cops with people pulled over. I was sober, but still nervous. It doesn't pay to drink and drive in the ATL. You guys should be proud that the ALI-B actually was responsible. [Image: angel.gif]

The second chick text me this morning to make sure I'd made it home safe. She couldn't sleep last night due to being so worked up, and wants to meet up today to seal the deal. I got two more girls asking me take them out, so it's time to juggle. Damn, I burned 3/4 tank of fuel yesterday.

For the record, all the girls have been black. Sistas love me up in here. Brothers be hatin'. All I can say is charge it to the game.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - MrXY - 01-26-2013

Atl is full of hot black women and plenty of them like some cream in their coffee.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - raliv - 01-26-2013

oh lawdy. Ali is back in Atl. Dis gon be good.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 01-27-2013

I'm holed up with a solid 8 in hotel in the N. Side. She's 21. Mixed race. Fisto and emech saw the ass pic. Third black girl so far and more lining up. Booyah!

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - patron - 01-27-2013

Send me the ass pic too.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 01-27-2013

Quote: (01-27-2013 07:43 PM)patron Wrote:  

Send me the ass pic too.

Sent. Hey whats just below her left arm on the table?

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - patron - 01-27-2013

Thanks, looks like you are going to have a fun night.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 01-27-2013

Went emech style on this run. Literally don't have the money to get home tomorrow. The hustle is on. Get laid or die.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 03-04-2013

Well fuck. My siege has come to a grinding halt. My war chest is empty, and I'm borrowing like Uncle Sam. This, of course, has kept me in poor logistics. I spent two full weeks at the house looking for local work. Which I might add is out there. One company called this morning with a position as a Field Service Engineer. $50K base salary, 80% regional travel, and based from home. Shit like this may keep me stateside for a bit. Now on to happier reports.

Saturday night I went south to see my g/f, which I consider lucky to have given my financial hardships. I was able to scratch up enough cash for a room and bottle of vodka. Right after linking up, her friend called for us to go to a birthday party. FUCK! I was worrying about cash, but threw caution to the wind.

I ended up the DD, as somehow all these chicks magically appeared at the bar with no cars. Amazing. Not bad though, as I had 5 21 y.o. hot girls packed in the truck. Great feeling to roll into another bar with a gaggle. One of the girls is a cute ginger, and was complaining about being in a slump. Not once during the night did any guys approach any of the girls. Wow. Lack of game recognized.

When the bar closed, I was tasked with winging the birthday girl, as she was down for the "D", but her brother was cockblocking. Mission accomplished. However, I was about to pass out from fatigue, and laid down in her bed. My girl came up and we had epic nasty sex all over it, then tried to cover up all the wet spots. Birthday didn't seem to mind carrying the torch with her man.

At some point later we crashed downstairs on a pullout bed, and fucked some more. Birthday girl came down freaking out cause her mom was coming home and everyone had to leave. Fuck. This is like 6 a.m. I was in a state of shock and staggered out the door. I felt like a fucking vampire. Made it back to the hotel and passed out again.

I see a 3some in the works with this group, as my g/f has a smoking hot Mexican friend. Logistics were bad Sat. night, but coming up it will improve. Stay tuned.

On the upswing, my financial woes will be resolved next week, and it will be full on after that. I will relocate closer to the beltline.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 03-12-2013

I'm back bitches! Holy fuck last night was a tear. Took another group of girls out, and the hate I got was off the charts. Haters gonna hate, and 4 guys were determined to kick my ass. They didn't, cause they were scared little bitches.

I saw some of the worst game of my life last night. One dude put a chick in a headlock. Real fucking smooth. Guys wanted to kick my ass, which was their way of opening the set. I also watched two cats crash and burn trying to open lesbians. They were completely oblivious to the fact the girls weren't down for the "D".

If you don't get laid in the ATL, then you have some serious game issues. Any guy that reads any of Roosh's book, and applies even 10%, will put himself in the .00000001 player bracket around here. Amazing.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - renotime - 03-12-2013

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 03-17-2013

House party last night. Too many people for a threesome. My g/f's Mexican chica came over with mad attitude. She was pushing 9, so it wasn't totally unwarranted. She was with her two male cousins and they started talking smack in "that"other language. The epic moment was when, mid sentence, I dropped the bomb. Don't understand the power of a smart whiteboy. Elabayarde knows how my Spanish works when drunk.

Then there was the setup. They wanted me to roll to a Mexican bar. Really? Ohhhh what I learned in the DR. But tonight will be a different story. I'll be more sober, and the time reframe. Pay attention Gio.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 03-24-2013

I met a true player tonight. Refreshing. I gave him the forum. He don't need it. Naturals EXISTS. Im onna a tear.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - el mechanico - 03-24-2013

Quote: (03-24-2013 08:00 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I met a true player tonight. Refreshing. I gave him the forum. He don't need it. Naturals EXISTS. Im onna a tear.
Pics or it didn't happen!

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 04-24-2013

Hey check it out! I'm running two trip reports at once. [Image: banana.gif] Just got back last night from the terrible North:

Banged my g/f, and got some sleep. A 9 hour drive sucks the energy out of a man. Getting my logistics straight, and repacking the M3 slut kit:

I have a lot of shit to order online, which won't be here this weekend, but will be for the next Philly tear next week. My summer wardrobe is light, and the temps are rising. Need to get up to speed ASAP.

Heading into the dreaded beltline later this evening to swoop a sexy little Mexicana. Going in for the kill, as I have to leave this weekend for the Midwest:

My homeslice up North pulled the plug on the internet 3 days early, so I wasn't able to pipeline down here. Not that it matters, as my time seems to be too short everywhere I go. It's like playing a game of chess, where I'm moving my online profiles around like rooks. The next move is back to Philly. I'll consider one new notch here in the ATL as a win due to time constraints.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 04-25-2013

Fuck, next time I mention going to ATL to swoop a Latina, someone remind me to pack a gun. I rolled out last night not giving a fuck, and had nothing but a tank of gas and a pack of smokes. Didn't even pack the slut kit.

Ended up in a sketch neighborhood, and was probably the whitest dude in 5 blocks. I pick her up and we shoot down the street to a Mexican eatery. Latina's come in two varieties; sweet and traditional or wide the fuck open. She was the latter.

The weather turned to shit and the bottom fell out of the sky. I thought this was going to cockblock, but used it to my advantage. After dinner and drinks, where I DHV'd by conversing with the staff in Espanol, I ran out to the vehicle to grab a coat. Returned and put it over her shoulders, used it as an excuse to physically escalate when escorting her to the truck. This made a difference. I still had to neg and be a dick. This is what she is used to.

We get back to her apartment, and I'm thinking it's over, so I ask to stay for awhile until the rain lets up. She agrees and we chill in the living room drinking beer. I step it up and go fisto on her. The sex was great. She isn't the type of girl I'd ltr, from fear of waking up one morning with my cock super glued to my forehead. But it would be fun to party it up a couple weekends with her.

Now I'm miserable tired, and have to shower up and head back down into the beltline to finish up logistics. Probably not gonna get everything done before flying out tomorrow, but it was worth it.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 04-29-2013

Pulled 3 new notches this weekend. Got into a fight in the bar last night and got the cops called. I bounced before they arrived. Can't remember the girls name from last night, but she left her lights on, and I had to jump her off. Way too hungover for this shit. Was supposed to meet up with another girl later but I'm cooked, and my pecker hurts.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - el mechanico - 04-29-2013

Break it down.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 04-29-2013

2 girls were from online, the other was the insta date the other day. 2 sisters and one Asian. Got two more black chicks lined up when I can get to them, and a couple Latin bishes. Still going though my phone to figure this shit. Emech, that app is amazing. Poosy paradise.

Oh yeah, ended up in hotel this weekend with a swingers party. Interesting to say the least. Almost had a 3some, but botched it up. Fucking weirdo's.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Aliblahba - 05-20-2013

Crashed a fashion show after party last night. Didn't even have a key card for the elevator. Used emech body language and style to get two of the models to use theirs to get me to the top. Never had to ask. Security just assumed I was part of the crowd. So much talent and not an ounce of testosterone in sight.

Stewardess flag captured.

Ali-B’s Siege of Atlanta (Sherman Style) - Kickb - 06-08-2013
