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Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - MrXY - 11-03-2012

I think Roosh nailed it. The issue wasn't about the OPs manners at all. Engaging in as the OP says he did "explicit sex talk" before you have banged a girl is a mistake. The error was compounded when the OP got the girl to agree to a sexual act-the lap dance- in advance.

Girls hate it when they feel that there is an expectation or pressure for them to have first time sex. They want to feel that "it just happened"

The girl realized that she had gone too far and the door issue was her out. She wasn't going to bang you at that point anyway so not opening the door didn't lose you the bang, the bang was already lost. Which is too bad because it seems like she did really like you.

On the manners issue, I am in the South which has more traditional manners and male female relationships but even here it is rare for a girl to expect you to open a car door for her. I don't do it and I think once in the last two years did a girl say anything about it. I do always open building doors, sometimes help her with her chair, etc. I think a guy can open a car door as long as he otherwise maintains the alpha frame. In fact, I've noticed that many women are very attracted to the "bad boy who is superficially a gentleman" type characters

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Sleek - 11-03-2012

I think Roissy's Fourth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Commandment's accurately show that the OP did the correct thing in this situation:


IV. Don’t play by her rules

If you allow a woman to make the rules she will resent you with a seething contempt even a rapist cannot inspire. The strongest woman and the most strident feminist wants to be led by, and to submit to, a more powerful man. Polarity is the core of a healthy loving relationship. She does not want the prerogative to walk all over you with her capricious demands and mercurial moods. Her emotions are a hurricane, her soul a saboteur. Think of yourself as a bulwark against her tempest. When she grasps for a pillar to steady herself against the whipping winds or yearns for an authority figure to foil her worst instincts, it is you who has to be there… strong, solid, unshakeable and immovable.

XV. Maintain your state control

You are an oak tree. You will not be manipulated by crying, yelling, lying, head games, sexual withdrawal, jealousy ploys, pity plays, shit tests, hot/cold/hot/cold, disappearing acts, or guilt trips. She will rain and thunder all around you and you will shelter her until her storm passes. She will not drag you into her chaos or uproot you. When you have mastery over yourself, you will have mastery over her.

XVI. Never be afraid to lose her

You must not fear. Fear is the love-killer. Fear is the ego-triumph that brings abject loneliness. You will face your fear. You will permit it to pass over and through you. And when your ego-fear is gone you will turn and face your lover, and only your heart will remain. You will walk away from her when she has violated your integrity, and you will let her walk when her heart is closed to you. She who can destroy you, controls you. Don’t give her that power over yourself. Love yourself before you love her.

All of his brilliant Sixteen Commandments can be found here.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Anon-A-Moose - 11-17-2012

Quote: (11-01-2012 09:38 PM)houston Wrote:  

I would of been laughing like this if a girl demanded I open her door.
[Image: funny-celebrity-pictures-al-bundy.gif]

[Image: tumblr_m59rioDMhp1rxot56o1_500.gif]
"Sure, while I'm at it should I get you your tiara?"

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Samseau - 11-17-2012

I'm so late to this thread but here's what I would have done.

If I forgot to open the car door for a woman, and she demands that I open the door for her, then there's no way in hell I'd open it for her.

Her: "Open the door."

Me: "Excuse me?" (this is a warning for her)

Her: "Open my door."

Me: "Are you my boss?"

Her: "You're the man. Open the door."

Me: "If you want to be treated like a lady, try acting like one. How about showing some charm and coquetry, and ASKING 'Could you please open my door for me?'"

(She's fucked after I say this, there's absolutely no comeback other than an apology)

Either she says, "You're right. I'm sorry. Would you please open my door for me?" and then you slowly walk around to her side and open the door, or she continues to be a bitch and you dump her ass.

NEVER let a woman order you around, that's crossing the line.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - GoodTimer - 02-05-2013

UPDATE: About a week later, on a monday night, I invited myself over to her place and got a very good blow job. She said she was surprised to hear from me. Within a few more days, I took her out for sushi and got the bang.
The next time we were out, we met up with another couple. Since I drove my car, I left the bar to get it from a parking garage to pick them all up, drop off other couple, etc. As I was getting in my car, my friend texted me: "She just left the bar". It was true, she left the bar. She sent me a text saying that I could come over, but she had to leave to feed her dog. WTF? The following few days she wrote texts and sexts; that she's sorry, wants to hook up again. She did want to hook up again, but by this time I was onto other girls. The girl is just odd.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - MikeinMKE - 02-05-2013

I open the doors - it's not that big of a deal. Y'all are as bad as the feminists with this refusal of common courtesy.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Grit - 02-05-2013

She seems incredibly flaky. So now that we acknowledge that, theres no reason to be shocked at her behavior.

Flake? On to the next one.

You might have tried double down on the douchebaggery. Pop the trunk and go pick her up like you are going to throw her in the back.

Or roll the window down and say " i want a number 69 combo biggie size with a coke"

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - germanico - 02-05-2013

Opening car doors because we are gentlemen and its a gentlemanly thing to do? Sure.

Opening car doors because Miss Bitchy Little Princess thinks she is entitled to a well trained lackey? Fuck no.

From your update: keep her around, she sounds like a fun fuck. But invest nothing in her, and do as little effort as you can to get the lay.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Divorco - 02-06-2013

Quote: (02-05-2013 04:58 PM)GoodTimer Wrote:  

I left the bar to get [my car] from a parking garage to pick them all up, drop off other couple, etc. ... She just left the bar [and] sent me a text saying that I could come over, but she had to leave to feed her dog.

Maybe she feared another door-opening confrontation in front of the other couple. She invited you over to her place, so she obviously wanted you.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - augen sehen - 02-07-2013

Quote: (02-05-2013 06:01 PM)MikeinMKE Wrote:  

I open the doors - it's not that big of a deal. Y'all are as bad as the feminists with this refusal of common courtesy.

Maybe its because of this:

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Teedub - 02-07-2013

If I, and the crucial word being "I", want to open the door then I will. I like chivalry, its just a shame it isn't rewarded by the feminist society we live in.

On the other hand, if I was being told to open the door, because I chose not to or I forgot, then I wouldn't. Thinking about it though, I've never been told to. Either I've done it or they have without complaining.

Perhaps it's a generational thing, girls 25 and below don't seem to expect it.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Broadband - 02-07-2013

If they make a big deal of it I'll comply while secretly turning on the child lock. Their reaction when they try to get out is priceless. I usually end up saying, "You already used your white knight car door request earlier" and then walk to my house door. Hilarious and always a good reaction.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - cafedelmar - 05-01-2013

If she's a bitch about it, you are right. But please enlighten me how opening a door for a woman is Beta? Maybe it's my eastern European upbringing, or maybe you'd have to define whether it's a classy woman or some dumb bimbo that you pump and dump. What gets to me in North America (Toronto, to be specific), is when I held a door open for a woman I had nothing to do with, she got all pissed off and yelled off that she can hold the door herself. And this f*cking attitude is everywhere, like a plague!

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Jaylow - 05-01-2013

I never have opened a car door for anyone in my life. When I pick up a girl in my car I always am waiting on the outside of it so I can let her walk to me so I can give her a hug / double kiss / spin combo then I walk to my side and let her open her own damn door.

On the other hand, when I am leading her into a bar I will open and hold the doors for her every time.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - augen sehen - 05-02-2013

Its a special occasion when I do open a door for a woman, and its usually when she is dressed up, looking extra good, or has done something special for me recently. Then I go the whole hog of opening the door, waiting until she's sat, kissing her (with tongue, aggressively) and then shutting the door.

The combination of gentleman and animal gets them every time.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Monte Cassino - 05-02-2013

Interesting. I'm older. In high school back in the 70's, Women's Lib was coming into fashion. I hated it and in many ways still do. Before that gentlemen always opened doors for women.

I invited this chick out to dinner in high school. She squawked when I opened the door for her when I picked her up. After dinner she did the same thing. So when I got in on the driver side I didn't reach over and unlock the door for her so that she could open it herself and get in. Instead I drove off. She actually chased the car for a while out of the parking lot. I circled around the block, came back and got her. She was crying. I got out of the car and told her if she wanted the ride she would have to let me open the door for her. She just nodded her head while sniffling. I took her back to her home. We rode back in silence. She never mouthed her Women's Lib crap at school again, and she never told anyone about the date, and never spoke to me at school again either. When we graduated she just nodded to me.


Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Jaylow - 05-02-2013

Quote: (05-02-2013 08:39 PM)Monte Cassino Wrote:  

Interesting. I'm older. In high school back in the 70's, Women's Lib was coming into fashion. I hated it and in many ways still do. Before that gentlemen always opened doors for women.

I invited this chick out to dinner in high school. She squawked when I opened the door for her when I picked her up. After dinner she did the same thing. So when I got in on the driver side I didn't reach over and unlock the door for her so that she could open it herself and get in. Instead I drove off. She actually chased the car for a while out of the parking lot. I circled around the block, came back and got her. She was crying. I got out of the car and told her if she wanted the ride she would have to let me open the door for her. She just nodded her head while sniffling. I took her back to her home. We rode back in silence. She never mouthed her Women's Lib crap at school again, and she never told anyone about the date, and never spoke to me at school again either. When we graduated she just nodded to me.


Wow. El Mech had high hopes for you. This is a good start.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Travelsick - 05-03-2013

I open doors when I remember or if it's convenient for me, I don't think I'd run around the car to open, if they stand there, I'd get in and lean over and open from inside.

As if me opening doors or not has any bearing on what sort of person I am.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - InternationPlayboy - 05-03-2013

Quote: (11-02-2012 05:08 PM)snoop Wrote:  

Second you get a chance to see what kind of person she is. If you don't have a keyless remote then you see if she unlocks your door once she is inside the car as you walk around to the drivers side (think that tip came from A Bronx Tale).

Classic. That most definitely was Bronx Tale. I was just thinking about that for some reason the other night.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - renotime - 05-03-2013

Sometimes I get the door, sometimes I don't.

But I do it because I want to, not because I think it's gonna get me laid.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - AneroidOcean - 05-03-2013

Quote: (05-03-2013 10:22 AM)renotime Wrote:  

Sometimes I get the door, sometimes I don't.

But I do it because I want to, not because I think it's gonna get me laid.

I pretty much subscribe to this too. Occasionally I'll get the door for people, such as when I'm getting my whole group past a line or if I'm out with a bunch of female friends. I also order for everyone, though, as that's just natural as I'm the leader of the group. This works to my benefit because I get my own drink in with the order and oftentimes the rest of the group gets hooked up pricing-wise. Oftentimes the rest of the group wants to pay and I end up with free drinks and massive value in their eyes from the stiff drinks and smaller bill at the end of the night.

If I'm dating a girl and she expects me to do anything just because she's a woman or because she thinks I should, I'm walking. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Those people that appreciate when I do things for them, especially girls I'm dating who go out of their way to do things for me in return will always get the most generosity and help from me. I learned the hard way that if you give, give, give without considering yourself, most people will take take take and also not consider you as well.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Power_Ranger - 05-04-2013

Quote: (02-05-2013 06:01 PM)MikeinMKE Wrote:  

I open the doors - it's not that big of a deal. Y'all are as bad as the feminists with this refusal of common courtesy.


Try and demand a woman opens the door for you whilst out shopping or at work and she will give you the look only reserved for creepers in a bar.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Prosal - 05-04-2013

Quote: (05-03-2013 10:22 AM)renotime Wrote:  

But I do it because I want to, not because I think it's gonna get me laid.

+1. It is an elementary courtesy. I also help women to remove and put on their coats at the restaurant. Russian women would consider that you have a VERY boorish behavior if you don't do those kind of things. No matter if two hours before you were facefucking, strangling or spanking her, you HAVE to be courteous with a woman. Women are not your friends. They are creatures to be seduced and charmed again, again and again. Once a woman becomes your friend, she is not your lover any more.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - Fujiwara - 05-04-2013

This thread is pretty funny to me. As I'm reading it, I realise that while I may have 'guidelines' that I try to maintain in regard to little nuances of personal interaction... I will open car doors, and I won't open car doors.

What came to mind to me, is the 'Fast & Furious' game I figured out driving JDM cars with right-hand steering years ago.

If we're approaching the car from the right, I will go straight to the 'driver' door on the right. She'll think I'm going to open the door for her, at which point I'll just say something like, "So... are you driving?" as I open the car door and let her lay eyes on the wood grain wheel in the wrong place. Mind blower. Laugh at her, tell her, "other side," and she'll run around the car and jump in the passenger seat.

If we're approaching the car from the LEFT, I will go straight to the left side of the car and she'll run around the car, to the JDM driver side. This is where I open the passenger door on the left, give the "so... are you driving line?". This one usually takes a second longer for her to notice the details, but same thing - blow her mind, laugh and tell her other side, then jump in the car.

Then ride... to her place, your place, or your nice view, and do your thing.

Open car door for woman? No. + funny text - eradicator - 05-04-2013

Quote: (05-02-2013 08:39 PM)Monte Cassino Wrote:  

Interesting. I'm older. In high school back in the 70's, Women's Lib was coming into fashion. I hated it and in many ways still do. Before that gentlemen always opened doors for women.

I invited this chick out to dinner in high school. She squawked when I opened the door for her when I picked her up. After dinner she did the same thing. So when I got in on the driver side I didn't reach over and unlock the door for her so that she could open it herself and get in. Instead I drove off. She actually chased the car for a while out of the parking lot. I circled around the block, came back and got her. She was crying. I got out of the car and told her if she wanted the ride she would have to let me open the door for her. She just nodded her head while sniffling. I took her back to her home. We rode back in silence. She never mouthed her Women's Lib crap at school again, and she never told anyone about the date, and never spoke to me at school again either. When we graduated she just nodded to me.


This is how feminists deserve to be treated. Well done, you totally did the right thing there. She got angry at you for being polite to her so you drove off without her [Image: tdcs.gif]. In all fairness, she was still young and learning how to live, and seemed to actually learn not to be such a bitter bitch. [Image: whip.gif]