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The Joe Rogan thread - VNvet - 05-03-2019

Quote: (05-03-2019 02:50 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Joe Rogan is just a sellout with some more alternative or edgy content. When you listen to him closely then you realize that:

1) He is smarter than he makes out to be - his persona being part of the show

2) He clearly tows the globalist party line on most essential subjects that they care about - he knows how far he can go

His main value comes from some of his wild guests out there - some crazy and some true or entertaining. Good for him - he carved out a good niche as part of the mainstream media empire - all while appearing independent. But that is nothing new - the CIA is known to have co-sponsored many of the so-called patriot radio conspiracy stations in the 1980s to 1990s.

One look at his sponsors and you can tell where Joe's allegiance lies.

He also works for the UFC, which is owned by WME-IMG (co-CEO Ari Emanuel and co-CEO Patrick Whitesell...).

I view Joe, and pretty much every mainstream "alternative" source, as a trap for angry Gen X'ers and Millennials fed up with the system. People fed up with the TV/radio propaganda will find JRE. He gets you woke on all the non-problematic topics, without ever naming the culprit. Weed, DMT, and psychedelics are then offered as the solution.

He's like the Rush Limbaugh of millennials and Gen X. Some of his guests are interesting, but it's all mainstream and safe stuff. He would never have a guy like E Michael Jones, Roosh, Owen Benjamin (new Owen), Andrew Anglin, etc. on the show.

The Joe Rogan thread - realologist - 05-03-2019

Oh no Joe Rogan is so bad!!!!

He tells you to eat (((quality meats and foods))), have a wide (((variety of interests))), learn (((martial arts))), be (((open minded)), (((not complain))) like a little bitch, (((work hard))) for what you want. What a terrible terrible (((man!!!!)))

The Joe Rogan thread - heavy - 05-03-2019

Gavin McInnes
Owen Benjamin (less than 1 year ago)
Alex Jones
Tim Pool, to debate Twatter lawyer, in which Joe was mostly on Tim's side
Michael Malice
Adam Carolla
Ted Nugent

And you guys aren't happy with him. You guys aren't happy that he's one of the most influential interviewers out there, a guy who let's people talk for 3 hours, is having these guys on...

And Joe Rogan is what? Bad for society.

Although it is funny, you compare him to Rush Limbaugh...I remember when I was in elementary school watching his TV show with my dad, watching Rush trying on OJ's leather glove yelling "you must acquit".

When people say the media is all liars, Rush is the reason I can tell them, the media has been lying to you my entire least since the late 90s. It's always been with a Leftist slant. I remember Matthew Shepard. I remember the media suckin off Clinton's dick, just in love with him.

I guess I'm just a brainwashed Rush-baby.

The Joe Rogan thread - rishboy77 - 05-03-2019

Listen the interview with Dan Bilzerian from 3 years ago....when Danny boy only had like 19M followers

The Joe Rogan thread - 911 - 05-03-2019

Quote: (05-03-2019 07:38 AM)heavy Wrote:  

Gavin McInnes
Owen Benjamin (less than 1 year ago)
Alex Jones
Tim Pool, to debate Twatter lawyer, in which Joe was mostly on Tim's side
Michael Malice
Adam Carolla
Ted Nugent

And you guys aren't happy with him. You guys aren't happy that he's one of the most influential interviewers out there, a guy who let's people talk for 3 hours, is having these guys on...

And Joe Rogan is what? Bad for society.

Although it is funny, you compare him to Rush Limbaugh...I remember when I was in elementary school watching his TV show with my dad, watching Rush trying on OJ's leather glove yelling "you must acquit".

When people say the media is all liars, Rush is the reason I can tell them, the media has been lying to you my entire least since the late 90s. It's always been with a Leftist slant. I remember Matthew Shepard. I remember the media suckin off Clinton's dick, just in love with him.

I guess I'm just a brainwashed Rush-baby.

Yes, pretty much, Joe Rogan is Rush Limbaugh for the 20-45 yo with slightly larger Overton windows than the average. He's there to keep them in that nice spot.

That guest list above actually proves my point, he won't touch red-pilled Owen Benjamin with a 10' pole, but he will have the new improved "the Chinese own Hollywood" Alex Jones on, and they will both talk for hours on end about ghosts and drugs and "elevated consciousness". He will have other new age fiends who will talk about bogus or nefarious esoteric crap, like that Hancock dude. It's basically the same playbook that's been used on Boomers in the 1960s, dumbing down a whole generation.

Rogan is a hollow, materialistic bisexual drug fiend who is a bit more edgy than the average host, he's really perfect for that gatekeeper role. Like Peterson, he will mix in enough self-improvement OK quality better than the usual fare content, along with light anti-SJW tap-ins, to build some loyalty from his core audience, and from this base of trust he will push a diversionary narrative and a destructive lifestyle (toxic drugs, esoteric escapism, basic hollow materialism passing as enlightenment).

The Joe Rogan thread - PantyPeeler - 05-03-2019

Rogan lost me with his anti mens rights bs rant. He does have some great guests on, so I will still listen from time to time.

He's always been in love with his own voice. It seems to me he interrupts guests to add his monotone rehearsed drivel much more often lately.

He used to talk how great having FU money was and how he didn't need to answer to anyone. Now he gets all dreamy eyed talking about estates on Hawaii. Clearly, he has folded to PC push back.

His advise on discipline, eating clean foods, exercise is all good but nonstop advocating for weed gets old. Everyone knows about weed. He is pushing for legalization and thats fine. I've never heard him talk about how a failed drug test can ruin a career before it even starts. For that reason alone, it is reckless to constantly "push" weed on all the young men who watch his show religiously.

The Joe Rogan thread - quaker13 - 05-03-2019

Quote: (05-03-2019 07:10 AM)realologist Wrote:  

Oh no Joe Rogan is so bad!!!!

He tells you to eat (((quality meats and foods))), have a wide (((variety of interests))), learn (((martial arts))), be (((open minded)), (((not complain))) like a little bitch, (((work hard))) for what you want. What a terrible terrible (((man!!!!)))

You only have a surface level understanding of shit little bro. Sit back and learn.

The Joe Rogan thread - AOC's Missing Boyfriend - 05-03-2019



Face it - Joe Rogan is part of the mainstream.

Tim Pool on the other hand - he opposes sometimes the mainstream even while being a leftie. His channel is partly de-monetized or by now completely demonetized.

Joe Rogan is just a sellout with some more alternative or edgy content. When you listen to him closely then you realize that:

1) He is smarter than he makes out to be - his persona being part of the show

2) He clearly tows the globalist party line on most essential subjects that they care about - he knows how far he can go

His main value comes from some of his wild guests out there - some crazy and some true or entertaining. Good for him - he carved out a good niche as part of the mainstream media empire - all while appearing independent. But that is nothing new - the CIA is known to have co-sponsored many of the so-called patriot radio conspiracy stations in the 1980s to 1990s.

This is a gross oversimplification. I think any notion of mainstream is quickly dissipating. Is mainstream TV? No, none of the new generation is watching TV. Is CNN mainstream? Not really, most younger people are getting their news from social media. The internet has fragmented the mainstream and any notion of mainstream shifts quickly depending on where you are physically, or what subculture(s), interest groups you follow. There is no shared reality now, everyone has their own unique reality. Newspapers, basically dead at this point. Youtube is like I believe the second most visited site on the web. And yes, recently they’ve been pushing more mainstream friendly for TV and advertiser friendly content. I think any idea of mainstream is dying pretty damn quickly.

If you want to go down a black hole, youtube has been censoring since 2007, so we could call youtube cucked.


As the company’s struggle with copyright holders grew, activists in a number of countries were sharing videos on the platform to draw attention to local issues. In Morocco, for example, the now-famous “Targuist sniper” posted videos of police demanding bribes from passing motorists that he had filmed from a nearby hill, sparking a national conversation about corruption. Tunisian activists used the platform to share video testimonies of former political prisoners. In response, the governments of both countries blocked YouTube. By 2008, more than half a dozen countries, including Brazil, China, Syria, Thailand, Pakistan, and Turkey had blocked the platform—temporarily or otherwise.

It wasn’t long before YouTube, faced with the possibility of being blocked in even more locales, was forced to take a stronger stance on certain types of content. Among the company’s first controversial decisions came in 2007 when it suspended Egyptian user Wael Abbas. Abbas, an award-winning blogger and anti-torture activist, had used the platform to draw attention to police brutality in Egypt, uploading more than a hundred such clips. Although there were rumors that YouTube’s decision had come at the behest of the Egyptian government, the company later told Abbas that it had removed the videos after receiving numerous complaints from other users.
The decision to suspend Abbas was widely (and rightly) criticized as censorship—and yet, later that same year, after being accused of profiting from footage of children being beaten, a spokesperson for the company claimed that censorship wasn’t its role.
In 2008, YouTube also made a significant policy change, instituting a clear three-strikes rule for (non-copyright) community guidelines violations. The platform gave users a clean slate after six months without a second violation, and in 2010, added the ability for users to appeal strikes that they believed had been wrongfully applied. In doing so, YouTube formalized its role as an arbiter of appropriateness.
To add, he’s entertainment, as is a good portion of content on the web. I use his show as a starting point, and then if anything is of interest (dissident thought) I do my own research. To think any pod-cast constitutes hard news would be a bit ridiculous anyway.
Everyone plays a persona in media, so I find it a non-issue that he plays up his bro-ness or “alpha-ness”
Is he a globalist? Not especially relevant to me. Youtube is a globalist platform and it’s censored. So is virtually all mainstream media, TV, Radio, social media, as well as others. To preach the message of self-reliance, personal responsibility, and being a man is sufficiently “dissident” at this point for me to give his thoughts, however bro-ish they may be, at least a little thought.
What constitutes independent anyway for you? Shortwave radio? Numbers stations? Most of the internet is heavily censored via ICANN and web hosts…

One look at his sponsors and you can tell where Joe's allegiance lies.

He also works for the UFC, which is owned by WME-IMG (co-CEO Ari Emanuel and co-CEO Patrick Whitesell...).

I view Joe, and pretty much every mainstream "alternative" source, as a trap for angry Gen X'ers and Millennials fed up with the system. People fed up with the TV/radio propaganda will find JRE. He gets you woke on all the non-problematic topics, without ever naming the culprit. Weed, DMT, and psychedelics are then offered as the solution.

He's like the Rush Limbaugh of millennials and Gen X. Some of his guests are interesting, but it's all mainstream and safe stuff. He would never have a guy like E Michael Jones, Roosh, Owen Benjamin (new Owen), Andrew Anglin, etc. on the show.

Everyone is loyal to their sponsors unless they’re self-funded. If anything that sounds like an indictment of corporate media.

I repeat, you should not go to youtube expecting to here uncensored people. They censor anyone remotely dangerous. Recently, it’s been alt-right types, and now, infowars. Who I don’t consider dangerous in any narrow sense.

You should not expect shows for mass audiences, much less podcasts, mind you, to regal you with high level discourse or dense information. I agree it is a problem to push drugs, and I think actually that’s my least favorite part of his shtick.

Roosh I would love to see on his show, but if enough people asked, maybe it would happen. As far as Anglin he doesn’t do media anymore, and I suspect he’s more of a shadowy figure than most could imagine. To be honest, I don’t even think Anglin has much of a following. I find it highly suspicious when of all people Chuck palahniuk is publicly praising him:


“I read the Daily Stormer because Andrew Anglin cracks me up.” -Chuck Palahniuk

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

The Joe Rogan thread - debeguiled - 05-04-2019

This is a pretty dumb video, and it has that snide, blood sports, tone, which can make anything sound stupid and bad. Still, it was interesting to watch. It made me think: This guy could make Jesus seem like a real retard.

The Joe Rogan thread - partyfowl - 05-05-2019

Joe Rogan is Oprah for men which is why I don't really take him seriously. That and the fact he will happily throw people he used to support under the bus. Look at his talks with Jack Dorsey and Alex Jones.

The Joe Rogan thread - AneroidOcean - 05-06-2019

Quote: (05-05-2019 12:54 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

Joe Rogan is Oprah for men which is why I don't really take him seriously. That and the fact he will happily throw people he used to support under the bus. Look at his talks with Jack Dorsey and Alex Jones.

Oprah for men

[Image: bsflag.gif]

The Joe Rogan thread - AOC's Missing Boyfriend - 05-06-2019

Quote: (05-06-2019 06:43 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 12:54 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

Joe Rogan is Oprah for men which is why I don't really take him seriously. That and the fact he will happily throw people he used to support under the bus. Look at his talks with Jack Dorsey and Alex Jones.

Oprah for men

[Image: bsflag.gif]

I think in some sense he's right.

Oprah for men is an apt description.

But Oprah for men, vs. Oprah for women are two different things...

I don't know many men that are "open" about their viewing habits, so to speak on the internet.

So I have no idea how widespread the Rogan Phenomenon is. But Rogan in some sense is Oprah for men.

Unlike Oprah for women, though, he encourages men to make changes in their lives for the better.

Apart from the idiocy about doing psychedelic drugs he stands to contribute a lot...

The Joe Rogan thread - partyfowl - 05-07-2019

Quote: (05-06-2019 09:33 PM)AOCs Missing Boyfriend Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2019 06:43 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 12:54 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

Joe Rogan is Oprah for men which is why I don't really take him seriously. That and the fact he will happily throw people he used to support under the bus. Look at his talks with Jack Dorsey and Alex Jones.

Oprah for men

[Image: bsflag.gif]

I think in some sense he's right.

Oprah for men is an apt description.

But Oprah for men, vs. Oprah for women are two different things...

I don't know many men that are "open" about their viewing habits, so to speak on the internet.

So I have no idea how widespread the Rogan Phenomenon is. But Rogan in some sense is Oprah for men.

Unlike Oprah for women, though, he encourages men to make changes in their lives for the better.

Apart from the idiocy about doing psychedelic drugs he stands to contribute a lot...

That statement was somewhat tongue and cheek but you're right the fact Joe's a guy means he has a male mindset so he's more for "doing" than "whining"

The Joe Rogan thread - Malone - 05-08-2019

Joe interviewed Lex Fridman, an AI scientist. Lots of interesting stuff discussed. But every clip so far I've had to stop after Chimp Rogan starts hooting in long form, loving the sound of his own grunts.

The Joe Rogan thread - loremipsum - 05-09-2019

Just watched the Graham interview

Turns out Graham just confirmed yet another theory of the raging fat man.
Graham goes to talk about there being projects in Uni where they take DMT, and have techniques where they stay in the hyperspace for hours and are actively mapping it out.
Exactly what Jones said in his latest JRE.

The Joe Rogan thread - ThriceLazarus - 05-09-2019


The true travesty is that this had been done millenia ago by our Shamans and Priests and Lamas. Spiritual realms, the starry Hekelot, the Between. Delving into these worlds requires a certain sort of clout that is missing in this Age. Through years of mortification and flagellation, the soul is sturdy enough to suffer dissolution, the diamond body gleams forth, the merkabah manifests the turning wheels within wheels within wheels. They rose above their ‘stuff’ to see what was behind the veil.

These people, we modern apes, have lost this hardness. As such we succumb to our own seductive formulations, projecting the queer light within (refracted in strange ways) into that sacred space - creating emanations that seem so real yet they are the same shadow that we be.

You can see this in both Rogan and Hancock. These men have practiced Death. Yet it’s the glimmering of a mirage. Where as a holy man would delve deep into the darkness of himself, sequestered from the World until nothing yet remains aside from WHAT IS, characters like these hippy-dippy buttheads (a defamation I use lovingly) metaphorically dip their toes, decimating the Ego here and there, trimming and manaquering. Forgive me Ego, yet you are as a weed! If any shred of you remains, you come roaring back like wildfire! Then the Rogan’s and the Marcus’s and the Hancock’s come down from the mountain shouting “Eureka!” They return right to the World, and whatever space inside them that was clear cut collapses, the vacuum of it crystallizing bias and flaw. The first thing they do, having stepped from the summit, is update their instagrams.

“Just took ayahuasca - now I know the truth! #woke”

The Joe Rogan thread - Teedub - 05-11-2019

I clicked on the Eddie Izzard one thinking I'd turn it off in 10 minutes. Disagree with him massively on his politics (and not a fan of his dress 'sense') but he's definitely someone I'd go for a beer with. I've no doubt he'd think I was a monster if we got on to political topics.

In these divided times, created by the media for profit-boosting outrage cycles, it's easy to stick people into political tribes and ignore every other facet of them. Very fascinating how he wanted to be a special forces soldier and has lots of fairly masculine hobbies. His appearances on Question Time were very unflattering for him. Anyway, pretty cool 'bloke' and a good chat.

The Joe Rogan thread - 911 - 05-12-2019

Quote: (05-11-2019 05:44 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

I clicked on the Eddie Izzard one thinking I'd turn it off in 10 minutes. Disagree with him massively on his politics (and not a fan of his dress 'sense') but he's definitely someone I'd go for a beer with. I've no doubt he'd think I was a monster if we got on to political topics.

In these divided times, created by the media for profit-boosting outrage cycles, it's easy to stick people into political tribes and ignore every other facet of them. Very fascinating how he wanted to be a special forces soldier and has lots of fairly masculine hobbies. His appearances on Question Time were very unflattering for him. Anyway, pretty cool 'bloke' and a good chat.

WTF is that, uh, thing?!?

The Joe Rogan thread - Laner - 05-12-2019

Quote: (05-11-2019 05:44 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

I clicked on the Eddie Izzard one thinking I'd turn it off in 10 minutes. Disagree with him massively on his politics (and not a fan of his dress 'sense') but he's definitely someone I'd go for a beer with. I've no doubt he'd think I was a monster if we got on to political topics.

In these divided times, created by the media for profit-boosting outrage cycles, it's easy to stick people into political tribes and ignore every other facet of them. Very fascinating how he wanted to be a special forces soldier and has lots of fairly masculine hobbies. His appearances on Question Time were very unflattering for him. Anyway, pretty cool 'bloke' and a good chat.

I was of the same mindset as you, but I ended up enjoying the interview. His love of the military actually makes a lot of sense. I never paid any attention to him and like most people, thought he was a queen and a weirdo. He is certainly those things, but at the same time he is a hard working man. He's lived an interesting life and I would not be too surprised to hear that he has a lot of conservative leaning ideas.

The Joe Rogan thread - Teedub - 05-13-2019

I don't think he really comes across as a queen in the 'Milo' way. He just comes across as a normal bloke who happens to like wearing women's clothes and a bit of makeup — as weird as that sounds ha. I don't know why he refers to himself as transgender these days either, he never used to. He's just a part-time transvestite, a cross dresser. Maybe jumping on the bandwagon, but nevertheless yeah I enjoyed the interview and certainly thought he came across as an interesting man.

The Joe Rogan thread - TigerMandingo - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-13-2019 05:05 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

He just comes across as a normal bloke


who happens to like wearing women's clothes and a bit of makeup

Pick one.

The Joe Rogan thread - Teedub - 05-13-2019

Well obviously I'd rather he didn't do the latter, but if you read my full post you'll see my points. You're free to disagree, that's fine.